Position Paper: Foster Academic Integration for Improved Pass Rates in
First-Year Units
Charanya Ramakrishnan
School of Computing, Macquarie University, Australia
Retention, Attrition, Higher Education, Academic Integration.
High attrition rates in higher education are a significant concern for universities. To address this issue, univer-
sities implement retention programs that promote social and academic integration to mitigate dropout rates,
primarily focusing on first-year students. This position paper advocates for a unit-level approach to enhance
the effectiveness of academic integration and foster positive student experiences. The proposed retention
plan outlines key initiatives such as assessment restructuring, improving student-staff relations, introducing
a “HELP” lifeline, supporting at-risk students, and offering consultation hours for repeating students. These
strategies are a work in progress intended for a trial in a first-year programming unit, considering potential
counter-arguments and their impact on students’ academic journeys. The purpose of this study is to analyse the
effectiveness of the proposed retention plan on pass rates and academic integration. The expected outcomes
of this study are to improve pass rates and to measure the degree of academic integration through student
feedback surveys.
Transitioning to higher education poses an array of
challenges for many students. Shifting from a struc-
tured high school environment to a self-managed one
can be overwhelming. Navigating university pro-
cesses and systems, integrating into social circles, and
forming connections presents an immense undertak-
ing. Understanding multiple unit timetables, manag-
ing assessment deadlines, and comprehending course
content complicate an already demanding academic
journey. The Universities Australia report “Higher
Education Facts and Figures” shows that only about
seventy-five per cent of students who start their higher
education complete it (Universities Australia, 2022).
Retention initiatives are created with an aim to tackle
high dropout rates and are directed primarily towards
first-year students who contribute to the highest at-
trition rates (Chrysikos et al., 2017; Williford and
Schaller, 2005). The initiatives focus on improving
social and academic integration, identified as the two
significant factors contributing to students’ academic
performance (Liu and Liu, 2000; Tinto, 1975).
This position paper proposes a new retention plan
to improve academic integration for first-year stu-
dents. The proposed retention plan will be tested in
a large programming unit offered by Our University’s
School of Computing to increase pass rates and evalu-
ate the level of academic integration. The trial will use
quantitative and qualitative methods to assess the ef-
fectiveness of the proposed retention plan. The study
aims to document the results and determine whether
the proposed retention plan effectively achieves its in-
tended outcomes.
The paper covers four main aspects: firstly, it ex-
amines the context of retention in higher education
and the literature emphasising the significance of so-
cial and academic integration; secondly, it highlights
the challenges within the first-year programming unit
and provides a comprehensive understanding of the
issues at hand; thirdly, it presents the proposed re-
tention plan; Lastly, the paper explores the counter-
arguments and limitations associated with the pro-
posed plan. The paper outlines a position on the reten-
tion plan and explains the rationale behind supporting
its implementation. Currently, the work is in the early
stages of trial and development. It is important to note
that the scope of this paper is limited to students who
learn in a face-to-face environment.
Ramakrishnan, C.
Position Paper: Foster Academic Integration for Improved Pass Rates in First-Year Units.
DOI: 10.5220/0012688000003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 565-572
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The meaning of retention may vary depending on the
context in which it is used. Retaining students in a
particular School or Faculty is the primary focus of
retention in the context of a School or Faculty. For a
university, retention means keeping the students en-
rolled within the institution. For a government, it
means a student completing their education. For the
scope of this paper, retention refers to students contin-
uing their education every year until the completion
of their degree (Adusei-Asante and Doh, 2016). The
reason for emphasising graduation is because gradu-
ating with a degree directly correlates with being em-
ployable (Hershbein and Kearney, 2014). Despite re-
search and empirical data pointing to that, we have
students dropping out of universities. Universities
have a social responsibility to help students gradu-
ate and a financial motive to address the attrition rates
(Lawrence, 2017).
Research on retention is a widely researched topic
in higher education (Tinto and Pusser, 2006). Stu-
dents face various challenges that include but are not
limited to social, emotional, economic, and health
(McInnis, 2001). Studies have shown that the primary
reason students drop out is a lack of sense of belong-
ing, and integration is the key to connecting students
(Bean and Eaton, 2001; Tight, 2020; Tinto, 1975;
Tinto, 2004). Research has identified two types of in-
tegration that help decrease university attrition rates:
social integration and academic integration(Braxton
et al., 2000; Liu and Liu, 2000; Tight, 2020; Wolf-
Wendel et al., 2009; Zepke and Leach, 2005). This
section provides insights into social and academic in-
tegration, including the factors that impact integra-
tion. It also discusses the proposed retention plan,
which aims to improve academic integration.
2.1 Social Integration
Social integration is the extent of how connected a
student feels to the university environment they are
in (Gail Thomas and Hanson, 2014; Leese, 2010).
If the students feel connected to their peers and the
academic community and empowered by their social
connections, they are more likely to persist and avoid
dropping out of their degree. On the other hand, if
students feel disconnected and isolated in their univer-
sity, it tends to increase the attrition rates (Bean and
Eaton, 2001; Pedler et al., 2022). Positive experiences
play a pivotal role in fostering student persistence,
while negative experiences often lead to students dis-
continuing their degree programs. Many universi-
ties adopt high-impact practices for student success,
such as orientation week seminars, student groups and
learning communities to foster robust social connec-
tions (Kuh et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2008).
2.2 Academic Integration
Academic integration is the extent of how empowered
a student feels in their academic journey. The fac-
tors affecting academic integration include students’
academic performances, growing confidence in their
subject area, engagement with the units and the fac-
ulty, and an overall positive experience in their learn-
ing journey (Astin, 2014; Scott et al., 2008; Zepke
and Leach, 2010). Creating a positive academic en-
vironment conducive to student success relies signif-
icantly on the pivotal role played by academic staff,
and this involves their decisions in designing curricu-
lum and assessments, creating engaging, supportive
and inclusive learning spaces, and offering support
beyond the classroom (Chrysikos et al., 2017; Lakhal
et al., 2020). It is also worth noting that studies have
found that academic integration programs by them-
selves have been unsuccessful, and the initiatives or
programs that work must also collaborate with the so-
cial integration initiatives (Pan et al., 2008).
2.3 Factors that Impact Integration
There are a multitude of metrics that could impact
their degree of social and academic integration, such
as their socioeconomic status, age, ethnicity, and gen-
der (Samoila and Vrabie, 2023). Research also indi-
cates several decision-making factors contributing to
students’ decision to complete their degree. These in-
clude students’ background before entry into higher
education, their initial goals and career aspirations,
their experience with the university, integration into
the university community and the collective impact
on their altered objectives and career goals (Liu and
Liu, 2000).
2.4 Unit-Level Retention Plan
This paper proposes a new retention plan as an aca-
demic integration initiative at the unit level. Although
universities usually create and manage social and aca-
demic integration programs in partnership with facul-
ties and schools, no research currently exists on an
individual unit-level retention plan. Developing aca-
demic integration initiatives at the unit level can en-
hance students’ learning experience, foster a sense of
empowerment, and facilitate better integration with
peers. The creation of academic integration initiatives
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
at the unit level enables us to address the issue of aca-
demic integration at its foundation by focusing on the
classroom environment where learning begins.
The proposed retention plan includes the fol-
lowing: redesigning the assessment structure, cre-
ating engaging and inclusive learning and consulta-
tion spaces, increasing the student-staff contact hours,
providing extra support for students repeating the
unit, and providing students with opportunities to
learn and attempt assessments with extended dead-
lines. This plan will complement the existing stu-
dent support systems of the university, such as the
PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions), which have
been shown to have a positive result in retention out-
comes (Dawson et al., 2014; Van der Meer et al.,
The selected unit is an Introductory Programming unit
with nearly two thousand students yearly across two
semesters. Universally, the failure rate in an intro-
ductory programming unit is at 28% (Bennedsen and
Caspersen, 2019). Historically, this specific unit has
also experienced similar high fail rates and was iden-
tified for process improvement. Students who fail a
first-year unit are at a higher risk of dropping out of
university, thus leading to a low retention rate (Aj-
jawi et al., 2020; Chrysikos et al., 2017). This makes
the selected unit a prime candidate for implementing
the proposed retention plan. It is also essential to
understand the challenges present within this unit to
understand the implementation of academic integra-
tion. This section outlines the unit’s challenges which
include assessment structure, low student-staff con-
tact hours, and low attendance in the SGTAs. SG-
TAs (Small Group Teaching Activities) are practical
lessons commonly known as tutorials or workshops
with less than ideally thirty students in a classroom in
this particular unit.
3.1 Structure of Assessments
The unit had one major programming assessment due
at the end of the semester, with a checkpoint as-
sessment at the halfway mark and fortnightly mod-
ule exams, each assessing students on a separate topic
area: the module exams served as hurdle assessments,
requiring students to pass them collectively to pass
the unit. The number of module exams could be
deemed overwhelming, and there existed a misalign-
ment in the difficulty levels between the checkpoint
assessment and the major work. Overall, the assess-
ment workload was identified as substantial for a first-
year introductory unit. A heavy assessment workload
could overwhelm students and contribute to adverse
retention outcomes (Smith, 2019).
3.2 Student-Staff Contact Hours
The learning activities for this unit consisted of two
hours of lectures and two hours of SGTAs. Besides
the four contact hours with the staff, there were only
a few scheduled contact hours between students and
staff unless students initiated appointments to seek
clarification for their doubts. Increased contact hours
with staff help with academic integration (Scott et al.,
2008). Providing more staff contact hours with stu-
dents was identified as an area for improvement.
3.3 SGTA Format
During the SGTAs, students worked on a worksheet
with questions to work on at their own pace and clar-
ify any doubts with the teaching staff. Although a
structured approach was provided to students to ad-
dress the tasks, attendance rates were notably low
in the SGTAs. Research shows that student atten-
dance and participation in learning activities result in
better student performance (Cabo and Satyanarayana,
2018). Students exhibited a lack of self-motivation
to engage with the tasks, presenting challenges for
teaching staff to effectively interact with all the stu-
dents, given the individualised pace at which each stu-
dent worked. In the SGTAs designed for self-study
with a guide on the side, the teaching staff encoun-
tered difficulties in handling repetitive questions, al-
locating time efficiently, and instilling motivation for
successful task completion. Restructuring the format
of the SGTA was also identified as an area of improve-
Research indicates that academic failure in one or
more units increases the chance of dropping out of
the degree fourfold (Ajjawi et al., 2020). Implement-
ing a retention plan in every unit can facilitate bet-
ter academic integration. This plan involves applying
learning design principles, such as integration, bal-
ance, gradual, and engaging content, to promote stu-
dent retention (Weller et al., 2018). It also recognises
that creating supportive learning environments, ac-
tive learning spaces, and facilitating student-staff in-
teractions are essential to enhance student experience
Position Paper: Foster Academic Integration for Improved Pass Rates in First-Year Units
(Coates, 2006).
This section outlines five areas of student support
initiatives within the proposed retention plan, as illus-
trated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Proposed Retention Plan.
4.1 Restructuring Assessments
The major work assessment has been divided into two
programming assessments, encouraging students to
attempt an assessment earlier in the semester for early
feedback. It also aims to help students understand the
fundamental concepts to motivate early progress.
The module exams are restructured into three in-
stead of six, with the first exam earlier in the semester,
which also serves as an early intervention assessment
and provides feedback before the census date, which
is a date that the students can drop out of a unit before
to avoid any academic penalties.
A weekly submission assessment has been intro-
duced to encourage students’ attendance in the SG-
TAs and active participation in the unit. Students
submit their responses to a worksheet during SGTAs
each week, each worth one per cent of the unit total.
The worksheet has approximately eight questions the
teaching staff would collaboratively explore with the
class, fostering an interactive and engaging learning
space. In the last 15 minutes of the SGTA, teaching
staff would randomly select two questions from the
worksheet for the assessment submission.
4.2 Improving Student-Staff Relations
Establishing positive student-staff relations is crucial
in ensuring a positive academic experience for the
student (Thomas, 2002; Weller et al., 2018). Reg-
ular announcements will be posted weekly to main-
tain student engagement with the unit. To further en-
hance student-staff interaction, ongoing consultation
hours will be allocated in the budget, providing stu-
dents with additional contact hours with the teaching
staff. Midway through the semester, catch-up sessions
will be offered to assist students in understanding any
missed or unclear unit content, all contributing to cul-
tivating positive student-staff relations.
A highly motivated teaching team has been cre-
ated, and the expectations have been clearly defined.
Regular weekly review meetings are planned to set the
SGTA expectations for the teaching staff for the up-
coming week. They are also aimed at collecting feed-
back based on the previous week’s experiences and
addressing any challenges encountered by the staff,
thereby fostering a sense of community among the
team members. The weekly meetings can be very
insightful for the retention staff to obtain insights on
issues related to low attendance or engagement, stu-
dents’ expectations, and performance in the SGTAs
and the unit overall.
4.3 Introducing the HELP Lifeline
The HELP lifeline is a unique initiative that sets this
retention plan apart. Students experiencing anxiety
or feeling overwhelmed can use the “HELP” lifeline,
which is an acronym for “Helping Every Learner Per-
sist”. This lifeline allows them to defer the submis-
sion of assessments, including exams worth 10% or
more, to a later date. The unit convenor and the reten-
tion staff set the delayed deadlines at the beginning
of the semester so that students can plan their studies
accordingly. This flexibility enables them to prepare
better, attempt assessments by the delayed deadlines,
and study the unit at a slower pace with low penal-
ties. However, choosing to use HELP lifeline for any
assessment imposes a maximum attainable score of
60% of the assessment score, and no extensions or
special considerations (requests to extend the dead-
line) apply to the delayed deadlines. For example,
if a student scores 15 out of 15 in an assessment by
choosing the HELP lifeline, the maximum score the
student can receive is 60% of 15, which is 9 out of
15. The university’s assessment policy allows a late
submission for up to 7 days and a 5% late submis-
sion penalty per day. The delayed deadline provides
the students the option to make a decent attempt at
the assessment with a maximum of 40% penalty. The
reasoning behind choosing the capped score of 60%
of the assessment score is to provide a consistently
high penalty if students score high while still giving
them a chance to pass the assessment if they scored
just 50% of the assessment mark.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.4 Supporting At-Risk Students
For the trial run of this retention plan, at-risk stu-
dents are identified as those who have missed an as-
sessment and have not applied for special considera-
tion within seven days of an assessment that is worth
10% or more by the due date. At the mid-semester
break, students who have failed one or more assess-
ments worth 10% or more will also be classified as
at-risk students. The retention staff will contact these
students and remind them about the HELP lifeline,
the mid-semester catch-up sessions, and the ongoing
consultation hours. The contact will be through text
messages and personalised emails instead of a group
email for a more personalised approach.
4.5 Offering REBOUND Consultation
When students repeat the unit a second time, the pass
rates are significantly lower than those who take the
unit for the first time. (Snead et al., 2022). The
proposed retention plan includes special consultation
hours known as “REBOUND” are exclusively for
students repeating the unit to help them understand
the course content better, have a more tailored ap-
proach to the group’s queries and guide them through
the practice questions for mastering the content.
Research on student retention has been ongoing since
the late 1960s. However, given the dynamic nature
of the educational landscape, understanding retention
is a complex and relatively narrow construct, primar-
ily focused on the university context and less so on
broader perspectives such as the students’ lives be-
fore and after the degree (Tight, 2020). Numerous
factors influence students’ decisions to persist, many
of which are beyond the control of universities and
their retention programs (Sternberg, 2013). Having
a retention plan in place may entail significant ad-
ministrative overheads. Furthermore, considerations
include the fairness of the capped assessment score
of 60%, students’ capacities to achieve learning out-
comes satisfactorily, the sustainability of these initia-
tives, and, crucially, whether students will cultivate a
sense of responsibility. This section outlines my ob-
servations, experiences, and doubts in implementing
retention initiatives in first-year units.
5.1 Administrative Overheads
Developing effective retention initiatives is a time-
intensive process that involves several key stages.
Firstly, a substantial amount of time is required to es-
tablish a well-structured plan. After formulating this
plan, a significant amount of time and effort is essen-
tial to the setup and management of two teams: the
teaching team, all dedicated to creating engaging and
welcoming learning spaces, and the retention team,
responsible for overseeing retention activities, includ-
ing the unit lecturer and staff involved in implement-
ing retention strategies. Secondly, the initiative de-
mands dedicated time for the identification of at-risk
students and efforts to engage with them. Personalis-
ing the retention approach involves the additional ef-
fort of sending out emails and text messages. Finally,
towards the end of the semester, considerable time is
required to manage any extra or additional attempts
effectively, including grading the attempts and final-
ising overall marks.
In first-year units, the challenges amplify where
the units are large, and the logistical complexities
of organising the resources may be exerting. Given
changes in lecturers, management, and university
policies, sustaining this retention initiative will be
challenging. Mentoring new teaching and retention
teams every semester will impact how this process is
5.2 Fairness
Utilising the HELP lifeline caps the assessment score
at 60% of the maximum attainable value. The goal
is to encourage students to meet the established dead-
lines and to discourage complacency with the reten-
tion process. However, if a student utilises the HELP
lifeline and achieves a perfect score of 100%, their
marks will be reduced to 60%. This capped score
raises questions about fairness between two students
who have both met the learning outcomes, but one
has chosen to study at a slower pace. While this pol-
icy may provide a chance for delayed assessments for
some students, it can also create a false expectation of
the same pattern throughout their degree. Not opting
to take the HELP lifeline in time might disadvantage
students. For instance, if a student submits their as-
sessment five days after the deadline and scores 12
out of 15, they will receive a penalty of 3.75 marks,
with a 5% penalty per day. This would result in a final
score of 8.25. However, if the same student uses the
HELP lifeline, they will receive a score of 9 out of 12.
Making these options clear to the students is critical
for this proposed retention plan to work.
Position Paper: Foster Academic Integration for Improved Pass Rates in First-Year Units
5.3 Responsibility
While the university can provide pathways for social
and academic integration, students may become com-
placent about these processes. Post-pandemic, there
has been a 38% (Gao et al., 2023) increase in the num-
ber of special considerations, and the introduction of
extended deadlines may lead to a surge in special con-
siderations. However, it is not feasible to provide spe-
cial considerations for these extended deadlines due
to the complexity of the process, which may not be
fair to students who cannot meet the deadline due to
situations like last-minute illnesses. The university
serves as an environment where students transition
from high school to becoming workforce-ready. Es-
sential life skills such as time management, financial
management, building social circles, and understand-
ing responsibilities through making mistakes, failing,
and learning from them are integral aspects of their
journey into adulthood during their years at univer-
sity. Introducing the HELP helpline raises questions
about whether we might be depriving students of the
valuable experience of failure and whether the focus
is shifting towards ensuring students pass units rather
than emphasising the learning journey.
Upon reviewing the literature on retention, several
key insights have become evident. Student outcomes
are notably enhanced through social and academic
integration, creating an environment where students
feel at ease with the university’s procedures and the
academic setting. Student outcomes are also associ-
ated with receiving extra academic support, specifi-
cally in the context of staff-student solid relations and
a deep commitment from staff towards improving stu-
dents’ academic outcomes (Zepke and Leach, 2005).
Prioritising student engagement, ensuring easy access
to staff, personalised consultations, and fostering aca-
demic integration are crucial elements to see tangible
improvements in student successes, ultimately con-
tributing to better retention rates (Maher and Macal-
lister, 2013). This section provides an overview of
the justification for the retention plan and the future
direction of this research.
6.1 Justification for the Retention Plan
The Australian government is currently exploring
ways to ensure that all its citizens can fully bene-
fit from educational opportunities (Council, 2019).
In 2023, in Australia, among individuals aged 15-
74 years, only 32% had a bachelor’s qualification
(Norton, 2023). Another report from the same year
showed that having a parent with a bachelor’s de-
gree or higher doubles a young person’s chances of
attaining a bachelor’s degree compared to those with
parents who have less than a high school education
(Coelli, 2023).
Students are more likely to persist when motivated
by self-efficacy, a sense of belonging, and an engag-
ing curriculum, which universities and educators can
foster (Tinto, 2017). As a provider of education, uni-
versities have a moral obligation to create an environ-
ment that encourages student success, a societal obli-
gation to produce more graduates, and a financial in-
centive to aid students in achieving their goals (Scott
et al., 2008). Studies indicate three primary moti-
vations for individuals who choose teaching as their
career: intrinsic motivation of personal satisfaction,
altruistic motivation to serve the community and the
country, and extrinsic motivation for fame and money
(Alexander et al., 2020). Implementing a retention
plan can increase altruistic motivation for educators
as it could create inter-generational benefits, espe-
cially for first-generation prospective graduates and
students from diverse equity backgrounds.
6.2 Implementation of the Retention
As mentioned earlier, a trial of this plan is planned
to be implemented in the upcoming semester for a
cohort of over 1200 first-year students in the intro-
ductory programming unit. The trial will involve col-
lecting qualitative and quantitative data through stu-
dent surveys at the beginning and end of the semester
and student grade results for analysis. The main fo-
cus of the trial is to gain insight into the viewpoints of
students interested in utilizing the HELP Lifeline and
the REBOUND consultation hours. The data points
for analysis will include the type of study (domes-
tic/international), the week of enrolment, gender, the
attempt number (first-timers/repeating), and whether
they are first-generation students.
If this trial run proves successful, the plan may be
extended to other first-year units next year. Currently,
the assessments for the programming unit have been
restructured, and a team has been created to focus on
building the retention plan. In future research, the aim
is also to investigate the progress of the students in
subsequent units to evaluate the efficacy of this reten-
tion plan.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Addressing high attrition rates in higher education is
crucial to ensuring that students receive the best pos-
sible education experience. By focusing on social and
academic integration efforts, universities can create a
more inclusive and supportive social and academic
community to better cater to the needs of different
students. The proposed unit-level retention plan that
concentrates solely on advancing academic integra-
tion efforts presents an excellent opportunity for stu-
dents to enhance student engagement, improve cur-
riculum design, and foster stronger student-staff rela-
tionships. With access to necessary support services
such as HELP Lifeline and REBOUND consultation
hours for repeating students, students can choose to
study at a slower pace. The plan has the potential
to mitigate dropout rates and improve retention rates
for universities, thereby contributing to the social re-
sponsibility of helping students graduate. Further re-
search to record the trial outcomes of implementing
this proposed plan is essential to obtain insights into
students’ expectations regarding academic integration
at the unit level. The research outcomes will help
adapt integration strategies to cater to present-day stu-
dents’ needs.
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