Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic
Literature Review
Ana-Gabriela N
, Maria Fernanda Granda
, Victor Saquicela
and Otto Parra
Department of Computer Science, Universidad de Cuenca, Cuenca, Ecuador
Requirements Engineering, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing.
In the software lifecycle, requirements are often subjective and ambiguous, challenging developers to com-
prehend and implement them accurately and thoroughly. Nevertheless, using techniques and knowledge can
help analysts simplify and improve requirements comprehensibility, ensuring that the final product meets
the client’s expectations and needs. The Requirements Engineering domain and its relationship to Machine
Learning have gained momentum recently. Machine Learning algorithms have shown significant progress and
superior performance when dealing with functional and non-functional requirements, natural language pro-
cessing, text-mining, data-mining, and requirements extraction, validation, prioritisation, and classification.
This paper presents a Systematic Literature Review identifying novel contributions and advancements from
January 2012 to June 2023 related to strategies, technology and tools that use Machine Learning techniques in
Requirements Engineering. This process included selecting studies from ve databases (Scopus, WoS, IEEE,
ACM, and Proquest), from which 74 out of 1219 were selected. Although some successful applications were
found, there are still topics to explore, such as analysing requirements using different techniques, combining
algorithms to improve strategies, considering other requirements specification formats, extending techniques
to larger datasets and other application domains and paying attention to the efficiency of the approaches.
Given the subjective and ambiguous nature of require-
ments, developers encounter difficulties in compre-
hending and executing them with accuracy and thor-
oughness. As such, Requirements Engineering (RE)
is deemed as the most pivotal phase in the Software
Development Life Cycle (SDLC), given that impre-
cise and incomplete requirements pose challenges for
developers to interpret and implement effectively. RE
encompasses some tasks associated with extracting,
analysing, specifying, validating, and managing re-
quirements, including needs, goals, functionalities,
constraints, qualities, behaviours, conditions, capabil-
ities, and more. Two types of requirements are tradi-
tionally considered when producing the Software Re-
quirement Specification (SRS) document: functional
requirements (FR) and non-functional requirements
(NFR). FRs describe how the software interacts with
specific inputs and the functionalities provided by
such software. NFR represents any requirement for
the software product, including how it will be devel-
oped, maintained and put under operation (Alashqar,
2022). Machine Learning (ML) is used to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness of tasks such as identify-
ing, extracting, and classifying requirements, which
are often written in natural language. Integrating RE
with ML has the potential to enhance the efficacy of
the requirements elicitation process, thereby improv-
ing software development quality.
This paper presents a systematic literature review
(SLR) that assesses and synthesizes the state-of-the-
art concerning ML techniques within the RE domain.
The focus is on existing literature showcasing suc-
cessful ML applications, the characteristic features
within RE that utilize ML, and the prevalent tools
in RE that incorporate ML techniques. The review
also examines quality criteria, including a minimum
number of pages, knowledge area or study domain,
scope, methods of extraction and classification, and
text processing. Key findings of each paper, including
datasets, tools, and technology currently being used,
are presented.
Núñez, A., Granda, M., Saquicela, V. and Parra, O.
Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012688100003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 521-528
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
To understand the current state of ML and RE do-
mains, we applied a search in the SCOPUS Digital
Library using the keyword “machine learning” in “re-
quirements engineering”. This search returned 4868
papers out of a total of 54231. The integration of ML
in RE can enhance process efficiency, reduce errors,
improve data quality, and increase stakeholder satis-
faction and collaboration among different roles (Pei
et al., 2022).
We conducted a systematic literature review in ac-
cordance with the guidelines proposed by Kitchen-
ham and Charters (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007)
to address the following research questions (RQs):
RQ1. What existing works demonstrate the suc-
cessful application of ML techniques in Require-
ments Engineering?
RQ2. What are the characteristic features em-
ployed in Requirements Engineering that leverage
Machine Learning?
RQ3. What are the tools used in the field of
Requirements Engineering that apply Machine
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows:
Section II with related work; Section III on method-
ology; Section IV presenting SLR results; Section V
discussing validity threats; and Section VI concluding
and outlining future work.
RE’s study domain, especially its evolving relation-
ship with ML, has been widely covered. Significant
works include Iqbal et al. (Iqbal et al., 2018), who
provided comprehensive insights on ML in RE, cov-
ering themes like FR, NFR, prioritisation, and more.
They detailed ML model types and datasets used,
highlighting MLs emerging role in RE.
Sonbol et al. (Sonbol et al., 2022) conducted an
in-depth study on NLP in RE, distinguishing between
ML and rule-based methods, covering techniques like
tokenisation and POS tagging. Similarly, Zamani et
al. (Zamani et al., 2021) focused on challenges in
applying ML to RE, discussing datasets, document
types, and evaluation metrics for ML approaches in
RE, such as recall and precision. Jindal et al. (Jindal
et al., 2021) explored NFR classification, including
types of NFRs, ML and NLP techniques, and datasets.
Their research adds to understanding MLs role in pre-
dicting FR and NFR.
While some studies have explored specific ML
techniques for predicting FR and NFR, there is a
shortage of research that systematically reviews em-
pirical studies on this topic. More work is needed
to identify the most effective ML practices and chal-
lenges in RE.
The utilized approach follows the model outlined in
the literature review by Kitchenham (2007) (Kitchen-
ham and Charters, 2007) and has been customized
to outline a search protocol consisting of three key
phases: planning, execution, and results.
3.1 Planning Stage
This stage is essential to defining the basic review pro-
cedures and producing a search protocol to support
our vertebrate research method. The activities iden-
tified in this stage include establishing the research
questions, creating the search string, and selecting the
information sources.
3.1.1 Establishment of the Research Questions
We have started from these contributions as the pri-
mary consultation elements to comprehend the on-
going studies related to empirical studies and formu-
lated our research questions. For this, we consider
first-hand that when implementing Machine Learn-
ing techniques, it’s essential to conduct an analysis
of user requirements. This preliminary assessment
provides a foundation for clearly defining the scope
of ML within the target domain. In light of this,
it’s crucial to determine the specific Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI) strategies and algorithms that are most
aligned with the given context. Once these founda-
tional aspects are solidified, the emphasis should shift
to understanding the nuanced elements of Require-
ments Engineering ML, which might enhance that.
This involves identifying pertinent data sources, de-
tailing data pre-processing methods, and selecting the
most appropriate evaluation metrics. As our explo-
ration draws to a close, we aim to highlight the tools
that have proven most effective in bridging ML in RE.
3.1.2 Creation of the Research String
For this study, the research string has been composed
of the following terms (”requirement* engineering”
OR ”non-functional requirement*” OR nfr OR ”func-
tional requirement*” ) AND ( ”Machine Learning”
OR ml OR ”artificial Intelligence” OR ai OR ”data
mining” OR ”text mining” OR NLP OR ”Natural lan-
guage processing”) AND Year > 2011. This study
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
aims to analyze different contributions during the past
ten years in the domains of RE and ML. Our search
primarily relies on information from five pertinent
databases: Scopus, WoS, IEEE, ACM, and ProQuest.
Until June 2023, 1194 papers were retrieved using the
research string.
3.2 Execution Stage
In this stage, we have continued with the review pro-
tocol and specified some steps necessary in the SLR,
such as the primary studies selection process and the
study quality assessment process. For this, we first
considered the automatic search and, secondly, the
manual search.
3.2.1 Selection of Primary Studies
First, a review was conducted to delete duplicate pa-
pers with the support of a script in R Studio
, obtain-
ing 1049 papers for the next analysis. Then, we hand-
picked and examined by reviewing the title and the
abstract to preserve only those results relevant to our
study goal that correspond to the research questions,
getting 198 papers. Then, the papers were selected
according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
3.2.2 Inclusion Criteria
These criteria comprised studies that presented ex-
amples or any empirical studies (e.g., study cases,
experiments, and developed tools, among oth-
ers), which included terms such as: ”Requirement
Engineering”, ”Functional Requirement*”, ”Non-
functional Requirements”, ”Requirement* Elicita-
tion”, ”Requirement* Validation”, ”Data-driven Re-
quirement*”, ”Extraction”, Classification”, ”Pri-
oritisation”, ”ML”, ”NLP”, ”AI”, ”text-mining”,
3.2.3 Exclusion Criteria
We eliminated papers that were not written in English,
were not published in journals or conferences, and
had a page count of fewer than six pages (for example,
workshop papers and posters).
3.2.4 Quality Assessment
Besides inclusion or exclusion criteria, we considered
certain aspects to evaluate the quality of our selected
studies. These aspects include the number of pages in
the paper (more than five pages), all RQs have been
R Studio:
answered, other authors have cited the study, and the
study has been published in relevant journals or con-
In our work, we have included studies manually.
Then, we used the snowballing technique to observe if
relevant papers existed that we needed to include. For
this, criteria and quality assessment (QA) have been
considered, as well as some papers from notifications
we received in emails (new articles published in re-
lation to the study domain) and others from Google
Scholar. Initially, we did not select this database be-
cause we considered twofold issues. On one side, the
limited precision of search results, and on the other
side, the outcomes of many irrelevant results.
Therefore, first, we collected information for each
study, such as year of publication, publication type
(journal or conference), publication source (journal
or conference name), publication title and abstract,
number of citations and authors’ names. Second, we
compiled the necessary study data to address our re-
search questions by defining a data extraction form.
This strategy aimed to ensure a consistent classifica-
tion of all the primary studies and understand the cur-
rent state-of-the-art. Finally, we did not consider pa-
pers that did not report works on the RE domain and
its relationship with ML or provide examples of em-
pirical studies.
3.3 Reporting Stage
This section presents the preliminary results obtained
from the SLR process, such as the data extraction and
data synthesis processes.
3.3.1 Data Extraction Strategy
Our analysis has identified a crucial set of topics (T)
for each pre-defined research question (RQs). These
sixteen topics, derived from a comprehensive review
of prior works, hold significant implications for RE
and ML.
Concerning RQ1, the results are classified by top-
ics that include strategies, learning algorithms, study
domain, and scope. For this review, we analyzed three
strategies to support RE: (1) classification, (2) clus-
tering, (3) association.
We found supervised learning algorithms, unsu-
pervised learning algorithms, requirements obtained
from some methods, type of requirement, preprocess-
ing and metrics. We have seen the need to know the
works currently exist in which ML is helping in au-
tomating different tasks related to requirements, the
study domain and their scope.
For RQ2, we are interested in knowing the types of
dataset repositories used (e.g. open-source), types of
Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
dataset documents with requirements to be processed
with ML (e.g. SRS, textual, review data, book),
the dataset gathered from (Alashqar, 2022), variables
treated in the datasets (e.g., continuous and categori-
cal) and the dataset size. Regarding RQ3, we recog-
nised topics regarding tools and technology and de-
veloped them.
3.3.2 Syntesis Method
We utilized a quantitative analysis that categorised the
primary studies according to the research questions.
In this regard, we considered the number of studies
and the percentages by different categories identified
for each topic.
3.3.3 Conducting Stage
The application of the review protocol yielded the fol-
lowing preliminary findings, as outlined in Table 1.
Throughout this process, four participants, who are
the article’s authors, contributed extensively to the en-
tire review. After that, we complemented papers by
manually searching 25 papers not considered in the
automatic search. The methodology was employed
to apply the same criteria as established before, and
17 papers were obtained. Then, 74 selected studies
were obtained for analysis. These studies are shown
in Appendix A, and the selected studies detailed by
inclusion criteria are displayed in Appendix B.
Table 1: Results of conducting stage.
Source Potential
title and
Scopus 1036 969 160 46
WoS 48 17 9 2
IEEE 57 35 21 8
ACM 38 21 3 1
ProQuest 15 7 7 0
25 25 25 17
Total 1219 1074 223 74
This section presents the results and the findings ob-
tained through the SLR process regarding the three re-
search questions. The results were classified by year
to determine the frequency of selected studies and
showed that 2018 and 2021 were the years of great-
est scientific production regarding empirical studies
regarding works about ML techniques in RE (see Fig-
ure 1). Figure 2 summarise the extracted information
quantitatively (for a detailed synthesis of the selected
studies, please refer to Appendix C).
Figure 1: Selected studies per year.
4.1 RQ1. What Existing Works
Demonstrate the Successful
Application of ML Techniques in
4.1.1 RQ1 Results
This review analyzed three strategies (classification,
clustering and association) to support RE. These
strategies were found in 66 of the reviewed papers
as follows. Most papers (53 of the 74 papers, that
is, 71.6%) report using classification strategy to cate-
gorize requirements using different ML classification
Mostly, the works focused on the supervised clas-
sification strategy, indicating an interest in analysing
and classifying requirements according to defined cri-
teria (with the existence of a class). Eight relevant
works corresponding to 11% were found regarding
the application of clustering strategies, which seek to
find similar requirements through similarity metrics,
as for association rules, which aim to find rules of the
”if ... then” type regarding requirements, four relevant
works were found. Finally, eight works were classi-
fied as “other” because they did not meet the classi-
fication defined in RQ1. In this group some works
proposing an ontology (S37, S56, S63), and oth-
ers are based on a graph theory (S71) and question-
answering (chatbot) (S03).
Then, this review examined different ML tech-
niques and considered how these contribute to RE.
Regarding the supervised learning we have obtained
49 papers, where one was identified as Linear Regres-
sion, and seven as logistic Regression. 27% of the
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: RQs, Topics, and Summary of the Result corresponding (N=74).
papers were reported using decision trees (DT) as a
method, of which four papers related to the J48 deci-
sion tree method (S24, S30, S39, S58), two to C4.5
(S64, S68), and ten to Random Forest (RF). In most
of the studies related to SLR, 31% corresponding to
the SVM method and 31% to Naive Bayes (NB).
We also found that several works have used K-
means (K-NN) method (15%), LSTM (6.8%), CNN
(5%), Bagging (4%), Deep Learning (7%), and Re-
current Neural Network (RNN) (4%), and Support
Vector Classification (SVC) (1%). Several works
have combined different techniques in their work. For
instance, Jindal et al. (S30) used 8 ML techniques
developed for the classification of NFR descriptions,
Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
including Logitboost (LB), Adaboost (AB), Multi-
Layer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function net-
work (RBF), and four more that are classified pre-
vious such as Bagging, NB, DT and RF. Yaseen et
al. (S71) present the Analytical Hierarchical Pro-
cess (AHP) and spanning tree combination to priori-
tise and implement FRs. In addition, Younas et al.
(S73) mention employing supervised learning but do
not specify which algorithm was used in their work.
In connection with unsupervised learning algo-
rithms, we identified nineteen studies where four
works corresponding to K-NN, four works Hierar-
chical agglomerative clustering (HAC), three works
LDA, one work to DL, four works to Word2vec,
one work to cluster-boosted regression (CBR) (S59).
Muhairat et al. (S45) presented in their work Apriori
and FP-Growth algorithms based on association rule
analysis to perform experiments to improve the ac-
curacy and the completeness of the gathered require-
ments. Elhassan et al. (S18) described the require-
ments conflict detection automation model based on
the unsupervised ML model.
Different study domains were presented, with
health (11%), industry (16%), education (1%) and
among other areas (26%)
Regarding the scope of the study, most of the pa-
pers reported that its research assumes requirements
classification, (S06, S10, S11, S18, S20, S25, S30,
S31, S33, S35, S36, S40, S46, S50, S53, S54, S55,
S56, S70, S73) (28%), requirements identification
(S12, S50, S52, S58, S70, S72) (9%), requirements
extraction (S02, S03, S12, S26, S55, S59) (8%), re-
quirements clustering, (S19, S50, S59) (4%), require-
ments flaws (S34, S49) (3%), ontology (S34, S37,
S56, S61, S63) (7%), and among others.
4.1.2 RQ1 Findings
These results suggest that identifying and classifying
requirements is an important step towards automating
the analysis of requirements written in natural lan-
guage. However, applying ML techniques to classify
requirements revealed that a supervised classification
strategy is mostly used.
Additionally, these studies show the tendency to
use ML mainly to classify NFR. This trend suggests
that this activity is critical and necessary since inap-
propriate NFR management could increase software
development and maintenance costs and impact its
The studies highlight the potential of ML tech-
niques to improve RE activities, including user vali-
dation, elicitation and prioritization of requirements.
Results suggest that no works related to regression
techniques were found since we focused explicitly on
papers that analyze requirements expressed in nat-
ural language. Therefore, it is necessary to per-
form preprocessing in the requirements using natu-
ral language processing or text mining techniques be-
fore applying ML techniques. Also, classification and
extraction algorithms can be improved or combined
with other state-of-the-art algorithms to improve the
strategies (i.e. classification, clustering and associa-
tion rules). The analysis of the papers revealed that
they apply their approaches to different domains, such
as industry, health, education, and others. These do-
mains generate sets of free and private requirements
data, which are used to apply ML algorithms.
4.2 RQ2. What Are the Characteristic
Features Employed in RE that
Leverage ML?
4.2.1 RQ2 Results
In this SLR, 54 papers covered ML techniques for
extracting or classifying requirements, as defined in
RQ1. These techniques were applied to both FR and
NFR. Additionally, it was identified that requirements
were obtained through different methods, such as in-
terviews, experimentation, and experts. It is impor-
tant to note that some works do not explicitly specify
the type of requirement analyzed or its source. Con-
versely, the application of ML techniques in RE is di-
vided into two main groups: supervised learning and
unsupervised learning.
Concerning requirements obtained from different
ways, we recognized some got the interview (4%), an-
other through experts (7%), and the experiment (3%).
The rest of the papers regard other specifications from
where was obtained the requirements (22%), and in
some papers, the information was not available (S03,
S05, S32, S37, S38, S43, S45, S47) (11%).
Many works focused on NFR (41%), and others in
FR (31%), where features or capabilities are the input
to applied ML techniques. Most of the studies indi-
cated that applied preprocessing such as NLP (54%),
text-ming (16%), and one paper in which the authors
did not provide this information (S42). We recognised
some metrics among which we have most papers ap-
plied recall (54%), followed by precision (47%), F-
measure (36%), and accuracy (32%). Also, we iden-
tified k-fold cross (S21), validity degree (S15), sil-
houette score (S53), the curve of Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) (S26), Area Under ROC Curve
(AUC) (S30), Flesch Kincaid Reading Ease (fkre),
Flesch Kincaid Grade Level (fkgl), Coleman Liau In-
dex (cli) (S24), and others (S09, S18, S60, S61).
The dataset is relevant to train and evaluate ML
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
techniques. We identified fourteen studies that used
datasets based on open-source repositories (S03, S07,
S24, S32, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S61, S62, S68,
S70). EzzatiKarami and Madhavji (S20) use a pub-
lic requirements document (PURE dataset). Reahimi
et al. (S54) specify that the dataset was obtained in
a previous real-world project. Gu et al. (S22) se-
lected a dataset of an experiment concerning 91 ef-
fective cases of KLK2 elevator, among others.
Considering the type of document of the dataset
applied for research purposes, we found some pa-
pers based on SRS (S09, S10, S20, S31) (5%), tex-
tual (S44, S61, S62) (4%), mobile apps (S04, S12,
S46) (4%), review data (S25, S70) (3%), and book
(S60) (1%). Once the dataset is gathered, it has to
be processed to prepare data and use ML algorithms.
Most studies use the PROMISE dataset (26%), among
others include iTrust (S24, S65), PURE (S02, S20),
SQuAD (S03), Aurora 2 (S47).
Regarding the dataset size, several works to group
sizes between 14 to 10.000 (S04, S06, S07, S11, S12,
S18, S19, S20, S21, S22, S24, S25, S28, S30, S31,
S34, S35, S36, S43, S44, S50, S52, S53, S54, S55,
S61, S62, S63, S64, S66, S68, S70, S73) (45%), and
other works varied between 10.000 to 7 million and
more (S02, S03, S11, S39, S45, S57) (8%). Some
methods consider continuous and categorical vari-
ables, five papers corresponding to categorical (S22,
S24, S36, S44, S45), and one to continuous (S22).
4.2.2 RQ2 Findings
In research on the classification of requirements using
ML techniques, evaluating the results is an essential
part of the process. In this regard, various metrics
widely used in the analyzed works have been iden-
tified: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F-measure.
This confirms that these four metrics are the most
commonly used as they are considered the most rep-
resentative for evaluating an ML model.
According to the results table, most papers use re-
quirement repositories that are freely accessible. Re-
garding the size of the datasets, most papers com-
prise less than 10.000 requirements. Although, some
papers with a minimal amount of requirements are
mainly used to perform a proof of concept of the pro-
posed approach. Only a small number of papers have
datasets with more than 10.000 requirements, which
is why deep learning algorithms are used to a lesser
extent. This situation may be due to the lack of free
access datasets with large amounts of requirements.
These results suggest that the investigation of the
application of ML techniques to automate the activi-
ties of RE has several open avenues, such as (1) con-
sidering other types of requirements specification for-
mats, (2) replicating these works to confirm their re-
sults and provide benchmarks of different approaches,
(3) extend the existing techniques through the use of
large data sets and other application domains; and
(4) pay attention to the efficiency of the approaches.
4.3 RQ3. What Are the Tools Used in
the Field of RE that Apply ML?
4.3.1 RQ3 Results
Some important topics in using ML algorithms ap-
plied to software requirements are related to the tech-
nology and tools used. Several tools and technology
have been applied in different studies involving ML
and RE, being that 20% of the works have used open-
source (S12, S13, S24, S43, S44, S45, S46, S47, S61,
S62, S64, S68), whereas 5% indicated visualization
tools for presenting the results of ML analyses in a
user-friendly (e.g., dashboards) (S13, S12, S61, S62),
and 3% specified chatbot (S03, S12). Dabrowski
et al. (S12) do not mention using visualization or
chatbot technologies; rather, they focus on evaluat-
ing techniques for opinion mining and searching for
feature-related reviews in app reviews. Some au-
thors indicated that they gave a name to their propos-
als, for example, Review with Categorized Require-
ments (ReCaRe) (S49), Heuristic Requirements Assis-
tant (HeRA) (S62), retraining Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers (REBERT4RE)
(S02), ReqVec (S66), NOMEN (S26), among others.
Concerning how the proposals were developed,
the results indicate that ten works use Python (S04,
S08, S18, S20, S28, S46, S54, S72), four use Java
(S22, S24, S34, S63) two use Weka (S04, S56). The
rest of the papers, corresponding to MySql (S22),
R (S52), Google Colab (S06), wiki (S61), Semi-
supervised approach for Feature Extraction (SAFE),
Group MAsking (GuMa), Relation-based Unsuper-
vised Summarization (ReUS) and Mining App Review
using Association Rule Mining (MARAM) (S12), and
APIs of Apple App Store (S70).
4.3.2 RQ3 Findings
After the analysis, it was identified that most ap-
proaches use open-source technology. Several of them
assign names to the generated tools, varying from vi-
sual tools to chatbots. Regarding programming lan-
guages, the ones used in data science in general, such
as Python, R, and Java, among others, are mostly
used. Visual frameworks, such as Weka, are also used.
It is important to note that several papers use cloud
software for experimentation execution.
Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
These findings indicate that there is still the oppor-
tunity to develop tools that help automate ML algo-
rithms and that can integrate other AI solutions with
this purpose (e.g. ChatGPT).
The completeness of the primary studies enlisted
in this SLR hinges heavily on the choice of key-
words and the limitations of the digital libraries and
search engines employed. Objective search terms
were utilised to mitigate risks associated with subjec-
tive search terms. However, the syntax and standards
across different engines and libraries may have inad-
vertently excluded relevant studies. A broad search
string encompassing various synonyms for each term
was crafted to address this concern. Five databases
(Scopus, WoS, IEEE, ACM, and ProQuest) were se-
lected to maximize the potential pool of papers. In-
clusion and exclusion criteria assessed the relevance
and quality of titles and abstracts. The researcher also
checked the references of selected papers to identify
any additional pertinent works. However, the deci-
sion to exclude papers in languages other than English
might have overlooked relevant contributions.
Furthermore, the data selection process was rigor-
ously aligned with the research questions to prevent
biases or inaccuracies in data extraction based on the
researcher’s interests. Instances of uncertainty or con-
flicts regarding the inclusion of a paper were resolved
through discussions among the authors.
The SLR, spanning from January 2012 to June 2023,
evaluates the application of ML techniques in soft-
ware requirements engineering, identifying 74 signif-
icant studies. This review highlights MLs potential in
automating software RE processes, though complete
automation remains a future goal. Key improvements
through ML include user validation, requirement elic-
itation, and prioritization. Emerging technologies
like ChatGPT and Google Bard show promise in re-
quirement analysis and representation. Preprocess-
ing in ML for natural language requirements is essen-
tial, and enhancing classification and extraction meth-
ods by integrating advanced techniques like clustering
and association rules is suggested.
MLs application extends across diverse domains,
including industry, health, and education, emphasiz-
ing the need for accurate requirement classification
metrics. Most studies use open-source tools, pro-
gramming languages like Python, R, and Java, and
visual frameworks like Weka. Future research op-
portunities include varying requirement specification
formats, applying ML to larger datasets and new do-
mains, and enhancing efficiency.
This work was supported by ”Vicerrectorado de In-
on e Innovaci
on (VIUC)” at the University
of Cuenca.
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Appendices A and B list selected papers and inclusion
criteria for the SLR, while Appendix C offers a de-
tailed summary. The link to access these appendices
is available: SLR-Appendices-Resource.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering