HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains
Exploiting Large Language Models
Luca Strano
, Claudia Bonanno
, Francesco Ragusa
, Giovanni M. Farinella
and Antonino Furnari
FPV@IPLAB, DMI - University of Catania, Italy
Next Vision s.r.l. - Spinoff of the University of Catania, Italy
Cognitive Robotics and Social Sensing Laboratory, ICAR-CNR, Palermo, Italy
{francesco.ragusa, giovanni.farinella, antonino.furnari}@unict.it
Virtual Assistants, Visual Question Answering, Large Language Models.
We introduce HERO-GPT, a Multi-Modal Virtual Assistant built on a Multi-Agent System designed to swiftly
adapt to any procedural context minimizing the need for training on context-specific data. In contrast to
traditional approaches to conversational agents, HERO-GPT utilizes a series of dynamically interchangeable
documents instead of datasets, hand-written rules, or conversational examples, to provide information on the
given scenario. This paper presents the system’s capability to adapt to an industrial domain scenario through
the integration of a GPT-based Large Language Model and an object detector to support Visual Question An-
swering. HERO-GPT is capable of offering conversational guidance on various aspects of industrial contexts,
including information on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), machinery, procedures, and best practices.
Experiments performed in an industrial laboratory with real users demonstrate HERO-GPT’s effectiveness.
Results indicate that users clearly prefer the proposed virtual assistant over traditional supporting materials
such as paper-based manuals in the considered scenario. Moreover, the performance of the proposed system
are shown to be comparable or superior to those of traditional approaches, while requiring little domain-
specific data for the setup of the system.
AI assistants capable of communicating with humans
through the use of Natural Language experienced a
surge in popularity during the last decade, revolution-
izing the way we engage with technology. Promi-
nent examples include ChatGPT
, developed by Ope-
nAI, which excels in generating human-like responses
across a wide range of topics, Amazon’s Alexa
, a
household name virtual assistant embedded in smart
devices, as well as Google’s Assistant
and Apple’s
, both employed in smartphones and other smart
devices to provide information, manage schedules
and execute tasks, bringing voice-activated assistance
to millions of users globally. A virtual assistant able
to give assistance to users which have to accomplish
specific tasks becomes particularly beneficial in in-
dustrial contexts, especially when the users are unfa-
miliar or only partly familiar with their surroundings
(e.g., novel workers). If a worker seeks information
about a particular piece of equipment or a specific step
of a procedure to be performed, the intelligent assis-
tant should provide a relevant response, allowing the
user to seamlessly proceed with their work.
The current approach to the development of a con-
versational assistant in a given domain involves defin-
ing a comprehensive list of potential intents (user’s
goals), entities (mentioned objects), responses, and
conversational paths tailored to a specific context to
effectively assist the user with their queries (Bonanno
et al., 2023). The majority of well-established frame-
works employed in the development of virtual as-
sistants operate based on a similar principle, includ-
ing notable examples such as the open-source frame-
Strano, L., Bonanno, C., Ragusa, F., Farinella, G. and Furnari, A.
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0012688900003720
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2024), pages 74-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-693-4; ISSN: 2795-4943
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
What are the next two steps of the
4. Turn on the soldering iron;
5. Set the soldering iron to 430 degrees;
How do I change the temperature
of the soldering iron?
To change the temperature of the soldering
iron, you have to click the yellow button with
"UP" written on it.
What about the tenth step?
10. Turn on the power supply by using the
ON/OFF switch on the front;
Can you send me a photo of the
Here's an image that could help you:
What's the weight of this object?
The weight of the power supply is 2,65 kg.Thank you!
Figure 1: Examples of interactions between users and HERO-GPT. Left: users can ask information on procedures and objects
through textual interactions. Right: the system also allows for multi-modal interactions, giving information about objects
recognized from visual observations and providing images as responses.
work RASA
and Amazon’s Lex
. Following this
paradigm, to train a conversational assistant, it is nec-
essary to acquire a domain-specific dataset encom-
passing examples of intents (for example, to obtain
the next step in a procedure, the user may use differ-
ent expressions such as “go on”, “what I should do
next?”, etc.), entities (the objects relevant in a given
industrial context may not be relevant in a different
one), domain-specific information (e.g., best practices
or instructions on the use of equipment), as well as
conversation examples. The collection of such kind of
datasets requires domain-specific expert knowledge
and is increasingly demanding as the number of pos-
sible intents, entities, and responses grows. Further-
more, current approaches prove nearly impossible to
generalize to different contexts, as the required data
given to the system is intricately linked to the envi-
ronment considered during the design of the conver-
sational agent, hence requiring a full re-design of the
system when a new context is considered.
To tackle the problems tied with current ap-
proaches, we present HERO-GPT, a Multi-Modal Vir-
tual Assistant based on a Multi-Agent System
able of
swiftly adapting to any given context without the need
of specific training or a dataset of context-specific in-
tents, entities, responses or conversation examples.
Rather than relying on such datasets, HERO-GPT is
fed with a series of documents providing the neces-
sary information on the scenario at hand (e.g., a series
By “Multi-Agent System” we intend a system com-
posed of a multitude of autonomous Language Models ca-
pable of interacting with each other, as described here:
of digital documents pertaining to the maintenance
process of a specific machine). Through the analysis
of such documents and the integration of a GPT-based
Large Language Model, our system is able to offer
conversational guidance to users across several as-
pects of the considered context. Also, our system ex-
ploits an object detector to provide Multi-Modal con-
versational abilities and give information on objects
of interest from visual observations (e.g., “Which
PPE should I use with this object?”) avoiding lan-
guage ambiguity, a useful feature in hands-free agents
embedded in wearable systems. Figure 1 illustrates
the functionalities and interaction flow of HERO-
GPT. The performance of the proposed system is eval-
uated through a user study in an example industrial
laboratory where users are tasked to complete given
procedures through the help of the conversational
agent. Comparisons with traditional approaches (i.e.,
paper-based manuals) and a conventional implemen-
tation of a conversational agent through the manual
definition of entities, intents and responses show the
potential of the proposed approach, with HERO-GPT
being preferred over traditional approaches and per-
forming on-par with conventional implementations
requiring a fraction of domain-specific data.
In sum, the contributions of this work are as fol-
lows: 1) we propose HERO-GPT, a generic conver-
sational agent able to easily adapt to new contexts
through the integration of digital documents describ-
ing best practices and technical information on the
scenario at hand; 2) we compare the proposed system
with traditional supporting materials (paper manuals)
and conventional conversational agent implementa-
tions in an industrial scenario, highlighting the poten-
tial of HERO-GPT.
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models
Intent Recognition and Conversational Assistants.
Intent Recognition refers to the ability of a conver-
sational assistant or an AI system to comprehend the
purpose or objective underlying a user’s request. Ap-
proaches for intent classification include the deploy-
ment of a simple CNN on top of a pre-trained word
embedding model (Kim, 2014), a joint CNN-RNN
framework to facilitate long-term dependency cap-
turing (Hassan and Mahmood, 2018) and a BERT-
based model for both intent classification and slot fill-
ing (Chen et al., 2019). Intent recognition serves as
the foundational building block for every conversa-
tional assistant. Indeed, the accurate prediction of the
user’s underlying intent behind their queries is nec-
essary for guiding every subsequent action the sys-
tem might undertake. The authors of (Huang et al.,
2018) built a crowd-sourced system with automation
capabilities such as automated voting for optimal re-
sponses, whereas (Cui et al., 2019) proposed a multi-
modal dialogue system that leverages visual features
and the user’s preferences expressed during dialogue
to assists them in the fashion domain. The authors of
(Sreeharsha et al., 2022) built a voice-enabled chatbot
on top of the Amazon’s Lex service for hotel reser-
vation purposes. The conventional development of
conversational assistance typically demands training
data tailored to a specific context, which is demand-
ing to acquire and label. Adapting an existing sys-
tem to a new context generally requires the collec-
tion and labeling of new data, an exhaustive training
session or a complete re-design of the systems. In
contrast, the HERO-GPT framework proposed in this
paper does not require training or fine-tuning on utter-
ances gathered specifically for context-specific intents
(except for general-purpose intents such as greeting
the assistant), which allows for a seamless adaptation
to varying contexts by dynamically updating the sys-
tem’s Knowledge Base.
Language Models. Language Models are proba-
bilistic systems capable of predicting the next most
suitable token in a sequence, based on the contex-
tual information present within a given text. The
latest significant innovations in language models re-
volve around the concept of attention and exploit
the Transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017).
BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), LLaMA-2 (Touvron
et al., 2023) open foundation models and Google’s
T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) are examples of such mod-
els. Recently, the GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) archi-
tecture underwent a fine-tuning phase to enhance its
alignment with user intent, resulting in improved per-
formances. Notably, this fine-tuning process also led
to a significant reduction in the number of model pa-
rameters, leading to the InstructGPT model (Ouyang
et al., 2022). Our HERO-GPT framework leverages
the advanced general purpose language understand-
ing capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in-
tegrating them into a Multi-Agent environment.
Visual Question Answering. Visual Question An-
swering (VQA) involves the integration of Machine
Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language
Processing to comprehend and respond to questions
related to visual queries. VQA bridges the gap
between visual content and human-like interaction,
making it an essential component for modern AI As-
sistants. Previous approaches include the use of rein-
forcement learning in a cooperative environment (Das
et al., 2017b) and the selection of specific image re-
gions containing answers to the text-based queries
(Shih et al., 2016). Research pertaining VQA moved
to consider the conversational history other than the
user query, leading to the Visual Dialog task (Das
et al., 2017a). Recently, VQA and Visual Dialog have
been addressed by using novel concepts such as re-
cursive attention for pronoun resolution (Niu et al.,
2019) and the deployment of a large-scale variant of a
Transformer model (Tan and Bansal, 2019). HERO-
GPT offers similar functionalities to VQA, relying on
an object detector to extract visual cues from an image
provided by the user.
This section discusses the details of the proposed sys-
tem. Figure 2 illustrates a detailed working scheme of
the HERO-GPT’s Multi-Agent framework, which is
comprised of ve main modules: 1) Router module,
2) GPTManager module, 3) ObjectDetector Module,
4) ImageManager Module and 5) ProcedureManager
Module. Some of these main modules are supported
by multiple LLM-based entities to accomplish differ-
ent Natural Language Understanding sub-tasks.
main modules also rely on secondary components,
highlighted with dashed boxes in Figure 2. The sys-
tem also relies on a Knowledge Base containing doc-
uments (e.g., pdf documents of equipment manuals,
procedure explanations, or best practices) and images
related to the target environments. These documents
Please see the supplementary material
available at https://iplab.dmi.unict.it/download/
hero gpt supplementary.pdf for examples of the prompts
used by the different modules.
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
user message
procedure steps
category: images
category: visual questions
category: questions
(handled by RASA rules)
category: procedures
yes no
modules powered
by LLMs
main modules
Figure 2: High level overview of HERO-GPT’s Multi-Agent system. Red boxes represent LLM-powered modules, whereas
blue boxes delineate LLM-independent modules. Solid contour represents main modules, while dashed lines depict comple-
mentary modules. The diagram illustrates the five principal modules within the system: 1) The Router Module has the role
of choosing the appropriate path to fulfill the request; 2) The GPTManager Module is responsible for managing relation-
ships between complementary modules tasked with Natural Language output generation (bottom right modules on the figure);
3) The ObjectDetector Module is designed to identify entities within images submitted by users; 4) The ImageManager Mod-
ule retrieves images from the Knowledge Base depending on user input; 5) The ProcedureManager Module has the role of
retrieving the desired steps of the initiated procedure. See text for additional details.
undergo a pre-processing stage in which they are bro-
ken into smaller units and indexed with vector-based
representations obtained through the use of an em-
bedding model. HERO-GPT is built on top of the
RASA framework in a way that allows context in-
dependence by leveraging the built-in fallback intent.
The LangChain framework
is employed for every
LLM related operation. HERO-GPT is deployed as
a Telegram Bot using RASAs channel connector fea-
ture. Every module and secondary component is de-
scribed in greater detail in the next sections.
3.1 Router Module
A set of courtesy intents is defined to familiarize users
with the functionalities of the assistant. Courtesy in-
tents, namely “user greet”, “user start”, “user deny”,
“user bot challenge” and “user send image”, are
standard and remain consistent across different con-
texts. To recognize these intents, a brief training
phase with the standard RASA Natural Language Pro-
cessing pipeline is required. User utterances cate-
gorized with such intents are handled with RASAs
rule-based system (e.g., the assistant will greet the
user when the “user greet” intent is recognized). Any
other inquiry that doesn’t align with these predefined
intents is sent to the Router Module. The Router Mod-
ule leverages the general-purpose language under-
standing ability of Large Language Models to avoid
the need of context-specific intent classification, accu-
rately forwarding the user’s query to the appropriate
module based on the identified intent category. Intent
categories encompass: 1) Procedures (e.g., “What’s
the next step?”); 2) Images (e.g., “Can you send me an
image of the oscilloscope?”); 3) Questions (e.g, “How
do I turn on the soldering iron?”); 4) Visual Ques-
tions (e.g., “What’s this object needed for?). Associ-
ated queries are appropriately forwarded to the Proce-
dureManager, ImageManager, GPTManager and Dis-
patcher modules respectively.
3.2 ProcedureManager Module
HERO-GPT is capable of outputting specific steps
of a selected procedure, contained in the Knowledge
Base. A procedure is defined as a sequence of steps
required to achieve a particular objective. This con-
cept is expandable across various contexts. For in-
stance, in a culinary setting, a procedure might refer
to a cooking recipe; in an industrial setting, a pro-
cedure might refer to the repair procedure of a high
voltage board. Once the user initiates a procedure in
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models
formatted prompt
Figure 3: Architecture of the Image-to-Prompt system. The Dispatcher Module divides user input into question and image.
The former is forwarded through the Formatter Module, which is part of the GPTManager Module, into the Retrieval Aug-
mented Generation (R.A.G.) Module to retrieve context, while the latter is forwarded to the Object Detector Module, which
outputs the class of the closest object to the center as an entity. Finally, context and formatted prompt (e.g. “question about
(entity): (question)”) get integrated and transmitted to a Language Model, which generates the response.
Natural Language, they have the option to request the
previous or next steps, as well as specify a particular
step (refer to Figure 1-left). Procedures are sourced
from documents inside the Knowledge Base that are
marked with the “procedure” keyword. To address the
user query, the LLM instance is tasked with generat-
ing a JSON object containing command (next, previ-
ous or specific) and steps number. For instance, if the
user asks “What are the next four steps?”, the Lan-
guage Model should return a JSON object containing
the “next” command and the integer 4. This JSON
object is subsequently processed by the Procedure-
Manager complementary module (named P.M. Out-
put Processor in Figure 2), which reads the desired
steps from the procedure loaded in memory and out-
puts them to the user.
3.3 ImageManager Module
HERO-GPT possesses the capability of forwarding
images sourced from the Knowledge Base upon user
request. This functionality proves to be especially
useful when users are unfamiliar with their environ-
ment; indeed, visual information often grants better
assistance compared to Natural Language responses.
When a user requests a visual output, the LLM in-
stance is prompted to select the most relevant image
based on the user’s query. Image search relies on file-
names for retrieval. Lastly, the ImageRetriever Mod-
ule retrieves the selected image from the Knowledge
Base and forwards it to the user.
3.4 GPTManager Module
The GPTManager Module coordinates the genera-
tion of Natural Language responses to user’s queries.
HERO-GPT’s responses are generated through the
use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
(Lewis et al., 2020), which retrieves the essential con-
text required to correctly answer the user’s query from
the Knowledge Base. To reduce the number of calls
to the LLM instance, the GPTManager Module for-
wards the received question to the HistoryManager,
which caches questions and related previously gener-
ated responses. If the question is sufficiently similar
to an already cached question, the related answer is
directly returned to the user. If the question is not
cached, it is forwarded to the EntityExtractor, Re-
trieval Augmented Generation and Language Model
Modules. The EntityExtractor Module uses an ap-
propriate prompt to extract key entities from the user
input. The RAG Module computes a similarity mea-
sure to retrieve the k most similar documents chunks
to the query. Subsequently, a prompt is dynamically
constructed by incorporating the retrieved document
chunks along with the user’s query. Lastly, the for-
matted prompt is forwarded to the LLM instance to
generate contextually relevant responses. The user in-
put, along with the extracted entities, associated re-
sponse and other relevant information is forwarded
to the HistoryManager Module, which caches the re-
sponse and outputs it to the user.
3.5 ObjectDetector Module
When the Router Module detects a visual question
(i.e., a question complemented with an image), the
whole bundle is sent to the Dispatcher Module, which
forwards the textual part to the GPTManager and
makes use of the ObjectDetector Module to extract
the appropriate entity (i.e., the object’s identity) from
the image. The Object Detector deployed for this
Module consists of a two-stage Object Detector Faster
R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015). The ObjectDetector Mod-
ule extracts the class of the closest object to the center
of the input image (the one the user is likely look-
ing at) as an entity and forwards it to the GPTMan-
ager Module. Subsequently, the GPTManager Mod-
ule constructs a prompt that incorporates the received
entity along with every other necessary contextual in-
formation (see Figure 3). It is noteworthy that, while
the object detector may need to be trained on domain-
specific images and object classes, given the modular
nature of the system, the described module could be
implemented with an Open Vocabulary Object Detec-
tor or a vision-capable LLM, such as GPT-4V
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
To evaluate the performances of our system, we con-
ducted a user study with a group of 12 volunteers who
were asked to carry out two procedures consisting of
about 10 steps each in a mock-up industrial labora-
tory. The two procedures are randomly assigned to
volunteers from a set of four procedures involving ac-
tivities such as repairing a low voltage board and test-
ing the high voltage one. We performed two sets of
tests. The first one aims to assess the usefulness of
HERO-GPT when compared to traditional supporting
materials, such as paper-based manuals. For these
tests, one of the two assigned procedures was per-
formed with the support of HERO-GPT, whereas the
other one was performed with the support of a clas-
sic paper instruction manual. After testing the sys-
tem, the participants were asked to fill two question-
naires: the first report to be filled was focused on
assessing user’s satisfaction degree of the assistant
itself, whereas the second one sought feedback on
whether the assistant was deemed superior and more
user-friendly compared to the classic paper instruc-
tion manual. The second set of tests aimed to assess
the degree of satisfaction of the user with respect to
a Baseline Model implemented following the tradi-
tional protocol based on manual definition of intents,
entities, and standard answers (see section 4.2). We
adopt the same protocol for this tests, asking subjects
to perform one of the two activities supported by pa-
per manuals and the other one supported by the Base-
line Model.
4.1 Mock-Up Industrial Laboratory
During the testing phase, the context provided to both
systems revolves around a mock-up laboratory sce-
nario. The considered laboratory is inspired by a real
industrial laboratory (Ragusa et al., 2023), housing
various instruments essential for executing a set of
The laboratory is comprised of the fol-
lowing components: 1) three pieces of equipment,
namely the oscilloscope, soldering iron, and pro-
grammable power supply; 2) two Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) items, gloves and a helmet; 3) two
boards, one operating at low voltage and the other at
high voltage; 4) a set of tools required to carry out
the procedures (e.g., a screwdriver, pliers, electrical
screwdriver) and 5) a total of four procedures focusing
on the repair and testing process of the laboratory’s
boards, two for each kind of board. The Knowledge
For more information on the laboratory, please re-
fer to the supplementary material: https://iplab.dmi.unict.
it/download/hero gpt supplementary.pdf
Base of the assistant comprised the following mate-
rial: 1) a document enumerating and describing the
objects within the laboratory; 2) instruction manuals
of the oscilloscope, soldering iron and power supply;
3) four procedures encompassing the repair process
of low and high voltage boards, as well as the testing
procedures for both boards; 4) images for each object
present in the laboratory. All of the tests were con-
ducted inside the laboratory.
4.2 Baseline Model
The Baseline Model (Bonanno et al., 2023) consid-
ered for the testing phase does not employ Language
Models in any of its modules. It was developed
through the use of conventional methodologies, defin-
ing a dataset of utterances labelled with intent and en-
tities. The Baseline system has equivalent capabilities
to the proposed system and is entirely built on top of
the RASA framework. The HERO-GPT framework
and the Baseline Model share the same object detec-
tion model based on the two-stage Object Detector
Faster R-CNN.
4.3 Questionnaires
Participants were presented with a total of 21 ques-
tions distributed across two questionnaires. Some of
these questions were assigned a “satisfaction score”
on a scale from 1 to 5, while others had multiple-
choice responses. Table 1 and Table 2 present the
list of questions included in the two questionnaires,
focused on user satisfaction and system-manual com-
parison respectively. Question 1.13 and 1.14 were
not administered during the testing of the Baseline
Model, which was tested in a preliminary stage of
this research. Note that Question 1.13 regards the
Object Detection Module, which was shared for both
systems, so we expected the same distribution on par-
ticipants’ satisfaction on both of the proposed assis-
tants, whereas Question 1.14 reflected the preference
of the participants between HERO-GPT and the Base-
line Model.
4.4 Implementation Details
During the testing phase, GPT-4
served as the LLM
for the GPTManager Module, while gpt-3.5-turbo-
was used for all other modules. Documents
were stored in chunks of 400 tokens with an over-
lap of 40 tokens. The FAISS library (Johnson et al.,
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models
Table 1: Questionnaire 1.
ID Question
1.1 How satisfied are you overall with the experience in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not satisfied, 5-definitely
1.2 How natural did you find the interaction with the app in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not natural, 5-definitely
1.3 How often did you use the photo sending feature to communicate with the bot? a-never, b-once, c-more than once
1.4 How natural did you find this feature (if you didn’t use this feature, you can skip this question) in a range from 1
to 5? 1-definitely not natural, 5-definitely natural
1.5 How helpful do you think the technology demonstrated in this application prototype can be in a range from 1 to
5? 1-definitely not helpful, 5-definitely helpful
1.6 Do you think the technology demonstrated in this prototype can be used in other contexts besides the industrial
context? a-yes, b-no
1.7 How often did the system correctly recognize the intent of your questions in a range from 1 to 5? 1-never, 5-each
1.8 How useful do you think the information received from the application is in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not
useful, 5-definitely useful
1.9 How clear do you think the information received from the application is in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not
clear, 5-definitely clear
1.10 How satisfied are you with the system response time in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not satisfied, 5-definitely
1.11 How useful do you think it is for the application to be available on the phone rather than another device (wearable
devices, tablets, fixed screens) in a range from 1 to 5? 1-I’d prefer a different device, 5-I prefer a mobile device
1.12 Would you prefer a version with voice dictation? a-yes, b-no
1.13 How often did the system correctly recognize the object in a photo you submitted in a range from 1 to 5? 1-never,
5-every time
1.14 Which version did you prefer the most? a-the previous version, b-today’s version, c-no preference.
Table 2: Questionnaire 2.
ID Question
2.1 Which experience satisfied you the most in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely the paper-based manual, 5-definitely
the application
2.2 How convenient did you find the use of the paper-based manual in a range from 1 to 5? 1-definitely not convenient,
5-definitely convenient
2.3 How much do you think the technology demonstrated in this application prototype could support you, compared
to the use of the paper-based manual in a range from 1 to 5? 1-I found the manual more supportive, 5-I found the
application more supportive
2.4 Which tool allowed you to complete the instructions more quickly in a range from 1 to 5? 1-I found the manual
as the quickest tool, 5-I found the application as the quickest tool
2.5 How useful do you think the information received from the application is compared to the information obtained
through the paper-based manual in a range from 1 to 5? 1-I found the manual instructions more useful, 5-I found
the application instructions more useful
2.6 Which tool provided clearer instructions in a range from 1 to 5? 1-I found the manual instructions clearer, 5-I
found the application instructions clearer
2.7 Which experience did you prefer overall? a-the use of the application, b-the use of the paper-based manual
2019) was employed as an efficient similarity search
approach. Context was provided to the LLM by for-
warding a maximum of 3 chunks with an L2 Score
lower than 0.42 which resulted most similar to the
user’s query. For each embedding, the OpenAI text-
model was applied. To com-
pare the user’s query with interactions within the con-
versation history, cosine similarity was used. The
minimum similarity threshold was set at 0.94 (L1
score). The Object Detector Module implemented
in HERO-GPT consists of the same one used by the
Baseline Model, fine-tuned on 1367 images depicting
the laboratory objects.
4.5 Results
Figure 4 illustrates the distribution of answers to ques-
tions requiring to express a satisfaction score. As
shown in the boxplots, overall satisfaction is higher
with our proposed system (Question 1.1 - compare top
- baseline - to bottom - HERO-GPT). The naturalness
of the system is also superior to the Baseline Model
(Question 1.2), but participants expressed a prefer-
IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Figure 4: Distribution of satisfaction scores. Plots positioned on the left represent responses from the first questionnaire,
whereas plots on the right illustrate responses from the second questionnaire. The upper boxplots correspond to the Baseline
Model, while the lower boxplots pertain to HERO-GPT. Please refer to the supplementary material for additional discussion
and visualizations.
ence for the answers and the intent recognition mech-
anism to visual questions implemented in the Baseline
Model (Question 1.4). Similarly, HERO-GPT’s in-
tent recognition achieved a slightly lower score com-
pared to the Baseline Model (Question 1.7). This re-
sult is expected, given that the Baseline Model’s in-
tent recognition component is tailored for the con-
sidered context. Usefulness and Clarity of answers
both obtained higher scores with our proposed sys-
tem (Questions 1.8 and 1.9). This outcome is at-
tributed to the Language Model’s capability to en-
hance responses by providing additional details on
some of the questions proposed by our users. Base-
line Model achieved a faster response time compared
to HERO-GPT (Question 1.10) due to real-time re-
sponse generation in the latter. During the testing
phase of HERO-GPT, 83.3% of participants repeat-
edly used the photo-sending feature to communicate
with the assistant (Question 1.3) with an accuracy of
about 88% (Question 1.13), demonstrating the essen-
tial role of multi-modality in modern AI assistants.
The entirety of participants believed that our assistant
can be used in other contexts (Question 1.6), while
only 30% favored the Baseline Model over our pro-
posed system (Question 1.14, with 50% preferring our
assistant, and the remaining 20% expressing no pref-
erence). Lastly, participants exhibited a preference
for the proposed assistants over the provided paper in-
struction manuals (Questions 2.1 through 2.6) in both
tests, with 100% of participants demonstrating a pref-
erence for one of the assistants.
This study addressed critical challenges associated
with the implementation of virtual assistants, such as
the difficulty of expansion and the inability to gener-
alize across different contexts. To mitigate these chal-
lenges, we introduced HERO-GPT, a Multi-Modal
system based on Large Language Models. To eval-
uate the system’s performance, we performed a se-
ries of user tests in an industrial context with 12 vol-
unteers. We compared the system to a classic paper
instruction manual support and a Baseline Model de-
veloped through the use of conventional methodolo-
gies. Experimental results indicate that our partici-
pants expressed a clear preference towards our system
compared to the other proposed methods. Future de-
velopment could involve integrating our system with
wearable devices and incorporating a speech-to-text
model to allow a hands-free experience. Additionally,
a comprehensive testing phase could be undertaken to
evaluate HERO-GPT’s ability of adapting to diverse
This research has been supported by Next Vision
s.r.l., by Research Program PIAno di inCEntivi per
la Ricerca di Ateneo 2020/2022 Linea di Inter-
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models
vento 3 “Starting Grant” - University of Catania, and
by the project Future Artificial Intelligence Research
(FAIR) PNRR MUR Cod. PE0000013 - CUP:
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IMPROVE 2024 - 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering