Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace
Angelina Clara Schmidt
, Michael Fellmann
and Jakob Voigt
Institute of Business Informatics, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Keywords: Job Crafting, Job Crafting Information Systems, Work Design, Workplace Wellbeing.
Abstract: The changing world of work is leading more and more people to reflect on the meaning and organization of
their work. Increased flexibility allows individuals to define and shape their own jobs. However, adapting
one’s job, which is referred to as job crafting, is a challenging manual task since many variables can be
modified with unclear dependencies. Hence, to systematically promote job crafting behaviors, Job Crafting
Information Systems (JCIS) were proposed a decade ago. However, up to now, it is highly unclear which IT-
supported interventions could be implemented in such systems. Against this gap, we develop an integrated
model that matches the different job crafting behaviors discussed in the literature with supporting and
facilitating IT components. As a result of our literature review, we include the functional IT components
recommendation, coaching, time management, and complaint management and identify gamification,
simplification, prediction, and integration as important non-functional characteristics of JCIS.
In a changing society shaped by globalization and
digitalization, where individual and personal values
are becoming increasingly important, the world of
work is also changing. As a result, more and more
people are beginning to reflect on the meaning and
organization of their work. In recent years, the
number of self-employed and employees with
flexible, more individualized working conditions has
increased (Jent & Janneck, 2016).
With increasing flexibility, work boundaries,
meaning of work, and work identities no longer
entirely determined by formal work requirements,
employees have the freedom to define their jobs
themselves (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). People
with individualized working conditions often receive
less support from colleagues and supervisors. Thus,
the planning of work tasks, ergonomic workplace
design as well as structuring of working time, breaks,
and leisure time are shifting towards the individuals’
responsibility (Jent & Janneck, 2016). In this regard,
the work tasks and social interactions become the
‘raw material’ out of which employees construct their
jobs (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001).
This predominantly employee-driven way of
reconstructing job design, also known as job crafting,
offers a unique perspective on job redesign theory.
Traditionally, job design or redesign has been seen as
a top-down process where the organization creates
jobs and selects people with the appropriate
knowledge, skills, and abilities for those jobs. The
supervisors have been solely responsible for changing
tasks or roles. In contrast to this job crafting offers an
alternative bottom-up approach at the individual level
(Tims & Bakker, 2010). Without diminishing the
significance of the general organizational top-down
design (Peng, 2018), job crafting creates an
employee-centred, bottom-up concept with great
potential, e.g., to better accommodate an individual’s
preferences for working pace, place, and space for
strength-use and long-term stress reduction. It differs
from earlier concepts in that it focuses on proactive
changes in job design that do not have to be
negotiated as specific arrangements with the
organization (Tims & Bakker, 2010), and in this
sense, can be considered as an approach for the ex-
post adaptation of the job. Although it is discussed
that job crafting can be formally approved or
unapproved (Berg et al., 2008), the different typical
Schmidt, A., Fellmann, M. and Voigt, J.
Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace Adaption.
DOI: 10.5220/0012689200003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 703-712
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
forms of job crafting are usually not even noticed by
the supervisor (Tims & Bakker, 2010) (sometimes
also referred to as “bottom-up leadership”).
Based on the definition of a job as a collection of
tasks and interpersonal relationships assigned to a
person in an organization (Berg et al., 2008), there are
different dimensions that characterize job crafting.
Generally, the sum of all the resulting physical and
cognitive changes that individuals make to the task or
relationship boundaries of their work is referred to as
job crafting (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). Another
approach postulates that employees take individual
action to counteract the imbalance between stressful
work demands (their costs) and compensating work
resources (their benefits) by proactively shaping the
characteristics of their jobs and tasks (Tims &
Bakker, 2010). In this way, job crafting is an activity,
and those who execute it, also called job crafters,
read, interpret, and modify cues to the boundaries of
work (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). Though these
activities may be performed as a continuous process
(Peng, 2018), job crafting does not explicitly involve
only long-term solutions. It can also occur in a short-
term form (Tims & Bakker, 2010) and complements
the material rewards of work with intangible rewards
such as well-being or personal values (Peng, 2018).
However, executing job crafting is inherently
complex and challenging since many interdependent
variables may be modified, such as one’s pace of
work (e.g., rapid progress in a single project or multi-
tasking), place of work (e.g., remote or onsite) or
space of work (e.g., used files and folders, tools or
IT-supported interventions offer the opportunity
to improve the productivity and health of employees.
In the direction of job crafting, so-called Job Crafting
Information Systems (JCIS) were proposed a decade
ago (Kehr et al., 2014) as a way to promote job
crafting behaviors systematically. To do so, they
should be tailored to strengthen the individual’s
ability to shape their working environment, e.g., to
improve strength-use or alleviate causes of stress. By
applying high-scalable and cost-efficient solutions,
employees' individual health, productivity, and
overall organizational performance could be
improved (Kehr et al., 2014). These are usually based
on findings from the theoretical foundations of
psychology and the behavioral sciences (Xu et al.,
2018). However, concrete implementations of JCIS
are still rare, as the focus so far has been on clarifying
the requirements and overarching abstract principles
of such systems (Kehr et al., 2014). What is greatly
lacking is a set of concrete features for such systems
that could inform the creation of dedicated JCIS
systems or the extension of existing enterprise
systems with JCIS features. Against this research gap,
we analyze how research activities have developed
since the introduction of the job crafting concept,
which behaviors constitute job crafting, how job
crafting behaviors can be supported and promoted by
IT-supported interventions, and which perspectives
and limitations of IT support exist. Based on a
literature analysis, we present an integrated model
that correlates the different behaviors discussed in the
literature with the existing supporting and facilitating
IT components. We hope that our model will inform
and inspire the addition of JCIS features to existing
enterprise systems as well as the development of
future JCIS systems.
This paper examines the current state of research on
interventions and components for JCIS. Starting from
the general behaviors that constitute job crafting, the
aim is to find out how these are supported by IT or
how IT could support these behaviors. For this
reason, the fundamental theories of job crafting are
presented in this section, as they are essential for the
development of suitable IT systems. The different
theories are integrated into our model.
2.1 Original Job Crafting Theory
Wresniewski and Dutton define job crafting as the
physical and cognitive changes and actions that
individuals take at the task or relationship boundaries
of their work to shape, form, or redefine their jobs
(Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). Job crafting is
divided into task, cognition, and relationship
crafting. Task crafting describes changes in task
boundaries, for example, by adjusting the form or
number of tasks or activities. Cognition crafting, on
the other hand, focuses on shifts in cognitive work
boundaries, i.e., how work is viewed. Relationship
crafting refers to adjusting relationship boundaries
and interactions with others at work. These actions
influence work meaning, as the individual’s
understanding of the purpose of their work and work
identity, as well as the way individuals define
themselves at work (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001).
Figure 1 shows the methods that can be used to
perform the different subforms of crafting. These
methods are included as the core of our model.
Task crafting is characterized by changes in the
type of work tasks, the task domain, or the number of
work tasks (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). The way
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
work tasks are performed is also important (Berg et
al., 2008). Relationship crafting can be done by
changing the quality or quantity of relationship
interactions and adjusting the interaction partners and
one's own interaction being (Wrzesniewski & Dutton,
2001). In addition, the frequency of interaction can be
adjusted (Tims & Bakker, 2010). Cognition crafting
aims to create a changed view of work as individual
parts or as an integrated whole (Wrzesniewski &
Dutton, 2001). Reflection on the work situation (Kehr
et al., 2014) as well as the inner reorientation of the
social purpose of work to include personal passions
(Berg et al., 2008) can lead to changes in the personal
Figure 1: Core of the model.
2.2 Demand Resource Theory
A completely different approach than the original
theory is taken by the representatives of the demand-
resource (DR-)theory. First described by Tims and
Bakker in 2007, this theory assumes that job crafting
is a specific form of proactive behavior in which
employees initiate changes in work demands and
work resources (Tims & Bakker, 2010). The founders
of this theory also see the approach as a form of cost-
benefit analysis in which employees take individual
actions to strike a balance between more burdensome
demands resp. costs and more compensating
resources resp. benefits (Tims & Bakker, 2010).
Work demands are physical, social, or organizational
aspects of work that require constant effort (Lee et al.,
2018). The counterpart to this, work resources, are all
the means that help the individual achieve the desired
work goals (Lee et al., 2018). The goal is to minimize
stress-increasing work demands, increase stress-
reducing ones, and expand one’s own work resources.
According to Tims and Bakker, job crafting can
be divided into four categories based on work
demands and resources (Tims & Bakker, 2010).
These include (i) the increase of (challenging) work
demands, (ii) the reduction of hindering work
demands, (iii) the increase of social work resources,
and (iv) the increase of structural work resources
(Tims & Bakker, 2010). Challenging work demands
are those that challenge and fulfill the employee
positively. On the other hand, obstructive or
hindering work demands are often externally defined
demands that interfere with or disrupt the employee’s
work in an unpleasant way. Social work resources are
all of the employee's social skills and abilities that
they can use to achieve their work goals. Structural
work resources, on the other hand, are all the material
or technological aids that help to achieve goals.
2.3 Approach Avoidance Model
Due to the widespread acceptance of the theories
described so far, there have been few additional
attempts to categorize or describe job crafting
behavior. One approach that combines the two most
common theories is the approach-avoidance model
proposed by Zhang and Parker (Zhang & Parker,
2019). It derives from Andrew Elliot's theory of
approach-avoidance motivation, which is widely
accepted in the behavioral sciences and suggests that
people tend to move towards positive end points and
against negative end points (Elliot, 2006). Movement
against a positive end point represents approach
behavior and is approach-motivated. Movement
towards a negative end point, on the other hand,
represents avoidance behavior and is therefore
A first attempt to build on this theory was the so-
called role-resource-avoidance approach by Bruning
and Campion (2018), which is a combination of the
role-resource theory (or demand-resource theory) and
the approach-avoidance approach but does not
include the original theory by Wrzesniewski and
Dutton (Bruning & Campion, 2018). This theory
classifies job crafting behaviors along two
dimensions, each with distinct characteristics. The
first dimension ranges from role (or demand) to
resource crafting. The second dimension ranges from
approach to avoidance crafting. The different
manifestations of job crafting can now be classified
by allocating the different sectors between approach
and demand, avoidance and demand, approach and
resources or avoidance and resources. From their
Task Crafting
Relationship Crafting
Cognition Crafting
Changing the type of tasks
Changing the number of tasks
Changing the approach
Moving the task area
Expand the task role
Changing the quality of the working relationship
Changing the quantity of the working relationship
Changing the frequency of interaction
Changing the persona of interaction
Changing the art of interaction
Consideration of work as integrated single entity
Consideration of work as individual parts
Changing the personal perspective
Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace Adaption
position, it can be deduced whether each behavior is
more need- or resource-oriented and if it represents
an approach or avoidance behavior.
In contrast to Bruning and Campion, Zhang and
Parker’s model also incorporates the original theory,
thus providing a holistic approach. Approach and
avoidance crafting function as two distinct
overarching constructs, resulting in a model with
three hierarchical levels (Zhang & Parker, 2019). The
first level includes job crafting orientation and
distinguishes between approach and avoidance
(Zhang & Parker, 2019). The second level concerns
the form of job crafting and, according to the original
theory, distinguishes between task crafting,
relationship crafting, and cognition crafting (Zhang &
Parker, 2019). The third level describes the job
crafting content and distinguishes between demands
and resources (Zhang & Parker, 2019). The idea
behind this is that each job crafting behavior fulfills
exactly one characteristic at each level and can thus
be clearly categorized.
Research in the area of job crafting has so far mainly
focused on clarifying the theoretical foundations,
requirements, and abstract overarching design
principles, while concrete implementations are
lacking (Kehr et al., 2014) (cf. also Section 2).
Therefore, in the following we exemplary present few
existing JCIS and then analyze which components
already used in other systems can be additionally
adapted for enriching existing systems with JCIS-
features or to create dedicated JCIS.
3.1 Literature Analysis
The research team has analyzed the literature using
the databases Scopus and AIS eLibrary. As search
terms, we used “job crafting” and combined it with
“information system” or “IT system”, “software” and
other variants denoting IT. The search delivered 42
results in AISeL and 91 results in Scopus, whereby
nine results have occurred in both databases. The
result set of 124 sources was further sorted. Sources
written in English or German were included. Due to
the strong overlap with disciplines such as
psychology, sociology, and behavioral sciences,
articles that were more concerned with psychological
studies on the causes and consequences of job
crafting and focused on the connection with
behavioral or personality-related variables were
excluded. We included articles that specifically focus
on developing JCIS as well as articles that investigate
the influence of other IT tools on job crafting. As a
result, 15 articles were identified as relevant for our
context, which will be described in the following.
From 2014 onwards, job crafting research with a
growing relevance of IT and JCIS began. In their
research-in-progress works Kehr et al. identified the
need for validated design principles for JCIS (Kehr et
al., 2013) and started to develop an evaluation model
(Kehr et al., 2014). Continuous, repeated use of JCIS
seems to be fundamental for the effectiveness of the
app (Kehr et al., 2014).
One attempt to support job crafting through IT is
the Job Crafting Coach by Jent and Janneck: An
online coaching application with gamification
elements. The extent to which these elements
promote user motivation was investigated (Jent &
Janneck, 2016). Gamification is the use of game
design elements in non-game contexts to increase
user motivation and activity (Jent & Janneck, 2016).
The application aims to educate users about the
benefits of job crafting through various lessons, some
of which can be unlocked, and to support this with
gamification elements (Jent & Janneck, 2016).
However, the analysis of the system is reduced to the
influence of the gamification elements and less to the
overall technological design of the software.
Important findings of the study are that the elements
indeed had varying degrees of influence on learning
success and supported continuous use of the
application (Jent & Janneck, 2016). It can be deduced
from this that those elements successfully used on
educational platforms are also suitable for JCIS (Jent
& Janneck, 2016). While some gamification elements
proved to be beneficial and popular, others had a less
positive effect. For example, countdowns seem rather
unsuitable as they create time pressure and stress and
thus counteract the actual goals of the applications
(Jent & Janneck, 2016). The same applies to ranking
lists, which create social pressure (Jent & Janneck,
2016). On the other hand, elements such as progress
bars, badges, unlocking exercises, and a score
accumulation system were rated positively (Jent &
Janneck, 2016). In addition, study participants
indicated that they would also feel motivated by
quizzes or a star rating system, but not by a tip of the
day or a badge for using the app on consecutive days
(Jent & Janneck, 2016). It can be concluded that
gamification, as in other applications, can play an
important role in the design of JCIS.
The effectiveness of an electronic job crafting
intervention via an electronic learning environment,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
which aims to stimulate task, relationship, and
cognition crafting, was examined by (Verelst et al.,
2021). The design of an e-job crafting intervention is
supposed to be usable as well as persuasive to reach a
good adherence (Verelst et al., 2021).
Apart from the aforementioned approaches, the
remaining literature did not aim to develop a JCIS but
provides interesting insights regarding the interplay
between IT and job crafting. IT is a key factor in the
recent revival of job crafting (Lee et al., 2018).
Xu et al. integrate job crafting and proactive
behavior theories to conceptualize the antecedents of
collaborative job crafting (Xu et al., 2018). Therefore,
they highlighted technological characteristics (e.g.,
technological reconfigurability, system integration)
as important elements that impact employees’
motivational states, which subsequently affect
collaborative job crafting (Li et al., 2022). In another
study, Xu et al. show that IT can increase work
meaningfulness if the characteristics of the
technologies include reconfigurability and
customization to enable employees to redesign their
jobs (Xu et al., 2023). Technology reconfigurability
describes how a user perceives that IT is implemented
in a way that enables the adaption of IT features
during use (Xu et al., 2023), whereas customization is
the way that the system meets the users’ functional
needs of the user to perform tasks (Xu et al., 2023).
Research started to investigate “adoption job
crafting”, meaning “the active and goal-directed use
of technology and other sources of knowledge to alter
the job and enhance a work process” (Bruning &
Campion, 2018), e.g., automating tasks to reduce
potential errors (Mansour & Nogues, 2022). In doing
so, workload reduction could increase opportunities
for task-enhancing job crafting (Mansour & Nogues,
2022), e.g., alter the time or energy spent on tasks,
drop old or add new tasks, or change the nature of
tasks (Berg et al., 2013).
The findings of Mansour and Nouges suggest that
the adoption of new technology is highly dependent
on the level of supervision and technical maintenance
devoted to the new technology (Mansour & Nogues,
2022). To avoid creating additional problems and
workload, employees should not be too involved in
the maintenance of the software (Kehr et al., 2013).
Users adopt technology that helps them to do their job
(Lee et al., 2018), when it can improve work
performance without much effort (Kehr et al., 2013).
A qualitative pilot study by Gennaro et al.
examined the effect of work digitalization and
information and communication technology (ICT) on
job crafting by exploring public sector workers’
attitudes towards technology through semi-structured
interviews. This study provides indications that
individual attitudes are significant drivers of the job
crafting process. The workers who have a positive
attitude towards technology are the ones who modify
their jobs (Gennaro et al., 2022). Perceptions of utility
and ease of use influence attitudes (Gennaro et al.,
2022), further highlighting the importance of these
aspects for new systems.
Lee et al. examine, among other things,
compatibility and actual use as characteristics of
technology. Their field survey data indicates that
these characteristics appear to shape the individual
job crafting behavior. Compatibility means that
technology can only be used well if the features
support what the users need to execute their tasks
(Lee et al., 2018), which is in line with the definition
about technology customization mentioned before.
Furthermore, IT can only be influential if it is actually
used (Lee et al., 2018).
Apart from that, Blazejewski and Walker explore
a potentially critical aspect of digitalization: they seek
to understand job crafting practices when
digitalization processes might reduce perceived
autonomy through an empirical organizational case
study of the introduction of a new system in a retail
group. Their results show that employees try to
reduce their digital work stress by attributing a
function to the technological system in use that does
not conflict with their professional self-perception
(Blazejewski & Walker, 2018).
According to Batova’s research, the motivation to
use a component content management system also
increased when users were motivated to do job
crafting (Batova, 2018). Consequently, job crafting
and a potential JCIS can also positively impact user
activity in other systems. It is also known from the
use of customer relationship management systems
that job mechanisms can work in existing systems
(Xu et al., 2018). For example, employees can change
their schedule, focus on clients and tasks that yield
high returns or minimize stress, or rate tasks and
clients with different levels of importance and
urgency (Jent & Janneck, 2016). It can be deduced
from this that those components already integrated
into an existing corporate infrastructure system could
also be adapted for a potential JCIS.
ICT can be used to increase job resources and
tackle job demands, increasing overall occupational
well-being (Tarafdar & Saunders, 2022). Tarafdar
and Saunders conceptualize and define “ICT-enabled
job crafting as the use of ICT to shape the task,
relational, and cognitive aspects of work(Tarafdar
& Saunders, 2022). Peters et al. showed that low-code
development platforms enable job crafting forms for
Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace Adaption
business unit developers as an example of ICT-
enabled job crafting (Li et al., 2022). Moreover, being
able to “bring your own device” is expected to have
an influence on job crafting (Wang et al., 2018).
Electronic human resource management can also be a
stimulus for employee initiative (Zhou et al., 2021).
Summarizing the results so far, research on
dedicated JCIS is very scarce and JCIS are still an
(almost) non-existent category of enterprise systems.
Therefore, it seems to be more promising to analyze
the literature for relevant functional IT components
that could be used to extend existing enterprise
systems with JCIS-features or to build dedicated JCIS
and which non-functional characteristics should be
considered in system design (cf. Section 3.3).
3.2 Barriers and Influences
Nowadays, job crafting is known to be practiced in a
variety of organizations and professions (Berg et al.,
2008). However, whether an employee can engage in
job crafting depends on various influencing factors.
These are determined either by the structure of the
organization and the task design, by the technical
possibilities of the organization, or by the personality
of the employee.
Wrzesniewski and Dutton suggest that economic
constraints give or deny individuals with different
personal resources the opportunity to evaluate,
interpret, and act within job categories (Wrzesniewski
& Dutton, 2001). For example, differences in
professional status, standards and requirements, as
well as organizational values, beliefs and norms, may
influence the ability to engage in job crafting
(Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). Among the most
frequently mentioned job characteristics in the
literature that have a significant influence on job
crafting are the degree of task interdependence and
the degree of autonomy (Tims & Bakker, 2010;
Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001; Zhang & Parker,
The lower the interdependence of tasks and the
less complex the task profile of the organization, the
more likely it is that job crafting is possible. The same
applies to the degree of autonomy. The higher the
degree of autonomy granted to the employee, the
greater the possibilities for job crafting. Other
organizational aspects that can influence employees'
job crafting behavior are workload, work resources
and demands, and the manager’s leadership style
(Zhang & Parker, 2019).
In addition to these organizational aspects, the
personality of the employee plays a crucial role.
There are several personality traits that favor the
adoption of job crafting behaviors. In particular,
proactive personality is considered to be a good
predictor of job crafting (Parker et al., 2010; Peng,
2018; Tims & Bakker, 2010; Zhang & Parker, 2019).
Proactive behavior in this context means getting
things done, anticipating and avoiding problems or
seizing opportunities when they arise (Parker et al.,
Besides proactive behavior, there are other
personality-related predictors of job crafting. These
include, for example, self-efficacy and self-control
(Tims & Bakker, 2010). Demographic parameters
such as age can also influence behavior (Jent &
Janneck, 2016). In addition, the individual need for a
positive self-image, work experience and human
connection play a role (Niessen et al., 2016).
Extroversion, openness, psychological capital, work
engagement and organizational involvement are also
mentioned in the literature as positive influencing
factors (Zhang & Parker, 2019).
Besides these more facilitating personality traits,
however, there are also less facilitating traits. For
example, employees who already suffer from
burnout, depression or excessive demand on their
work role engage in significantly less job crafting
(Zhang & Parker, 2019). Furthermore, it is
conceivable that demographic parameters such as age
also have a negative influence here (Jent & Janneck,
2016). Neuroticism is also mentioned as a negative
factor (Zhang & Parker, 2019).
In addition to the organizational and personality-
related aspects, the technological environment is also
becoming increasingly relevant as digitalization
progresses. Through the literature review described in
section 3.1, the following factors could be identified.
The organization’s internal IT-infrastructure and
certain IT characteristics play a decisive role here.
Key IT characteristics include reconfigurability,
system integration (Xu et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2023),
compatibility (Lee et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2023) and
ease of use (Gennaro et al., 2022).
A more flexible, quickly reconfigurable, and
integrative IT system offers employees more
opportunities for job crafting, e.g. by adjusting
settings. The better an organization's various IT
systems are integrated, the smoother work processes
involving several people will run. An adaptable
design of the IT landscape is also of central
importance with regard to the integration of JCIS.
Which approaches for JCIS already exist and how a
JCIS should be designed is discussed in the following.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Integrative job crafting model.
3.3 Analysis of IT Components
Based on the identified literature (cf. Section 3.1),
several workshop meetings among the author team
were conducted to elicit relevant components based
on the findings in the literature. Based on the
discussions in the meetings, four possible functional
IT components of JCIS emerged, which we explain in
the following:
Time Management
Complaint Management
As a proactive component, the recommendation
system should make suggestions to the user based on
his or her usage activity. For example, appropriate
work items could be recommended that match the
users’ preferences or strengths. It could also
recommend a particular task or the appropriate
number of people to complete a task. This way,
appropriate recommendations may also nudge less
proactive users to engage in job crafting.
Furthermore, it should be possible to predict the
perceived stress of a task so that the application can
suggest a balanced repertoire of tasks to the user.
The coaching component helps to raise awareness
and provide training. The client should learn which
job crafting behaviors exist and how to use them to
gain an advantage. Furthermore, the client should
learn how to train their cognitive mindset and the
methods available to reduce stress at work. The
learning should take place in different lessons, similar
to the Job Crafting Coach developed by Jent and
The time management component, in line with the
insights gained in the context of customer relationship
management systems and similar systems (cf. Section
3.1), ensures that employees have a higher degree of
autonomy in managing their time. In this context,
time management means both free organization and
time tracking. The aim is therefore to be able to freely
allocate and document the time spent on different
projects, but also to use the recommendation system
to warn the user if they are working too much
Also derived from customer relationship
management is the complaint management
component. This is intended to let the user
communicate concerns and problems within the
organization, in order to proactively eliminate
obstructive demands.
The identified functional components should
operate as a combined unit rather than as independent
sub-systems, thus supporting each other. Ideally, the
user should not be able to distinguish which
component or sub-system is currently being used. In
addition, the JCIS as a whole should adhere to certain
non-functional characteristics that have been shown
to be beneficial. To this end, we identify four main
non-functional characteristics:
Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace Adaption
Jent and Janneck have already been able to
demonstrate the benefits of gamification (Jent &
Janneck, 2016). These seem essential for a system
that is supposed to improve the work design of
employees to ensure high user satisfaction, adequate
user activity and positive long-term effects.
Simplification should also be applied. A JCIS should
be as detailed as necessary, but as simple as possible
to avoid overwhelming users. Moreover, a JCIS
should also have a predictive character and identify
the needs of the customer as proactively as possible
(prediction). This is particularly necessary for the
recommendation components. Finally, a JCIS should
have a high degree of technical embeddability and
integrability. If possible, it should be able to be
integrated into the company’s existing IT
infrastructure, run on the most common operating
systems or even be executable as an add-on in other
Figure 2 summarizes the previous findings in an
integrative model. The organizational, personal and
technological influencing factors (cf. Section 3.2) are
shown on the left and the influencing IT components
on the right. Both sides act as drivers for the
implementation of job crafting. In the center is an
overview of all the possible job crafting methods that
could be adopted by the employee. Our approach is
that avoidance and approach are not superordinate
constructs, but that different job crafting methods are
complementary. At the core of the model are the
behaviors identified in the original theory. Starting
from this core, the work demands and resources are
adjusted using a wide variety of methods. These can
be changed through task crafting, relationship
crafting or cognition crafting. In addition, the
different methods of job crafting (including demand
crafting and resource crafting) may represent a
tendency towards avoidance or approach behavior,
which we will show in the following section.
3.4 Mapping
Figure 3 shows the influence of the IT components on
the different job crafting methods in the form of a
matrix. For this purpose, the IT components are
transferred to the matrix: Recommendation (R),
Coaching (C), Time Management (TM) and
Complaint Management (CM). Different symbols are
used to illustrate whether one of the IT components
has the potential to support the respective job crafting
method (symbol) or not (no symbol). In addition, a
traffic light rating system indicates whether the
respective support is more of an approach behavior
(green circle) or an avoidance behavior (red triangle)
or whether the method shows forms of both variants
(yellow square). All assignments have been made by
the authors individually and discussed later on in
workshops until a consensus was reached.
When looking at Figure 3, it is obvious that most
methods of job crafting can be considered both as an
approach and an avoidance behavior. Depending on
the direction in which one adjusts, for example, the
number of tasks or work relationships, the job crafter
can avoid tasks or work relationships or approach
new ones. On the other hand, viewing work as an
integrated whole or as individual components,
increasing challenging demands and any form of
resource crafting represent approach behavior in each
case. The only purely avoidance behavior identified
was the reduction of hindering work demands. This
means that for most behaviors, it is up to the job
crafters if they prefer more approach-orientation or
avoidance-orientation. This emphasizes the
importance of a recommendation approach sensitive
to the users’ preference for approach or avoidance
styles of job crafting behaviors.
Figure 3: Influence of IT components in matrix
Key: R=recommendation, C=coaching, TM=time mgmt.,
CM=complaint mgmt.
3.5 Perspectives and Limitations
Implementing job crafting programs requires highly
qualified workplace and health specialists (Kehr et
al., 2014), which is why JCIS are not widespread in
practice. For this reason, there are currently only a
small number of prototypes or systems, as
development requires highly qualified specialists
from several disciplines.
Job Crafting Method
Increase in challenging demands
Reduction of hindering demands
Changing the type of tasks
Changing the number of tasks
Changing the approach
Moving the task area
Expand the task role
Changing the quality of the working relationship
Changing the quantity of the working relationship
Changing the frequency of interaction
Changing the persona of interaction
Changing the art of interaction
Consideration of work as integrated single entity
Consideration of work as individual parts
Changing the personal perspective
Increase in social resources
Increase in structural resources
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The use of job crafting methods in general, and
thus also the use of supporting IT systems, is limited
by the organizational, personal, and technological
factors shown in Figure 2. In particular, relationship
crafting as a subcategory of job crafting could
become a challenge for IT systems, as it is mainly
supported by the complaint management system in
the method matrix (Figure 3) and less by several IT
components at the same time.
In general, besides the multitude of positive
consequences, it should be noted that job crafting can
also have negative consequences. These include, for
example, additional stress (Berg et al., 2008), which
can be triggered if the application of JCIS is perceived
as a constraint or even as overwhelming. The use of
such programs should therefore be voluntary.
Negative consequences may include intentions to
switch jobs due to dissatisfaction with the new system
and increased workload, even burnout (Zhang &
Parker, 2019).
On the other hand, job crafting can positively
influence work engagement, job satisfaction, and job
performance (Tims & Bakker, 2010). The
meaningfulness of work, identification with work,
and individual well-being can be strengthened (Peng,
2018; Tims & Bakker, 2010). Furthermore, there is
evidence that job crafting is positively related to
person-job fit (Niessen et al., 2016) and can impact
creativity, personal growth and the development of
personal competences. Therefore, the goal should be
to promote the many positive effects of job crafting
and avoid negative effects (Berg et al., 2008). This
should be taken into account when developing
suitable IT systems.
So far, only a few approaches offer IT support for job
crafting, despite the term of JCIS has been coined
almost a decade ago. The research field focuses
primarily on the description of job crafting behavior
and the underlying personality and environmental
factors that promote such behavior. In doing so, the
theory was further developed from the distinction
between task crafting, relationship crafting, and
cognition crafting (Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001)
and the demand resource approach (Tims & Bakker,
2010) into a synthetic model that also includes the
categories of avoidance and approach (Zhang &
Parker, 2019).
The focus of IT support is currently mainly on the
aspect of gamification. In addition, other supporting
IT components such as recommender systems, time
recording systems, or complaint management
systems can be implicitly derived. Still, concrete
implementations or prototypes are missing in the
Furthermore, it is conceivable that components
that cannot be derived from the literature, such as
knowledge management systems, are also suitable for
IT support of job crafting. Moreover, it seems
possible that there are implementations of job crafting
that are on the market but not discussed in the
scientific literature. Knowledge about such
components and systems could close knowledge gaps
about the value proposition of JCIS and provide
further approaches to how a JCIS should be designed.
Based on the findings, an integrative model was
developed, which follows the approach that the
different job crafting behaviors should not be
arranged in a hierarchical order but complement each
other. A job crafting behavior can belong to several
categories at the same time. The resulting model is an
initial proposal that may be expanded and discussed.
All in all, job crafting offers enormous potential
to make working life easier for employees and, by
extension, for employers and the entire organization.
The promotion of job crafting in the company, if
implemented correctly, offers a suitable approach to
reduce the stress of employees and, indirectly, to
increase the company's profit in the long run.
However, further research seems necessary to
identify the value contribution of such systems. This
also includes the development of prototypes and the
required tests. The main barriers to development
mentioned are the high development costs due to the
high demand for specialists. Furthermore, although
awareness of the social and economic benefits of
sound occupational health management seems to be
growing, it is still low at the societal and
organizational level.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems