CWM Extensions for Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Complex
Data Warehouse and Big Data
Ralaivao Jean Christian, Razafindraibe Fabrice, Raherinirina Angelo and Rakotonirainy Hasina
University of Fianarantsoa, Madagascar
Data Warehouse, Description Logics, Integration, Knowledge, Mapping, Metadata, ODM, Ontology,
OWL DL, Transformation, UOP.
This document constitutes a continuation of the work carried out in the field of complex data warehouses
(DW) relating to the management and formalization of knowledge and metadata. It proposes a methodolog-
ical approach to integrate two concepts, knowledge and metadata, within the framework of a complex DW
architecture. The objective of the work considers the use of the knowledge representation technique by de-
scription logic and the extension of the Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM) specifications. Several es-
sential aspects of this work are expected, including the representation of knowledge in description logics and
the declination of this knowledge into coherent UML diagrams while respecting or extending CWM specifi-
cations and using XML as a pivot, in particular OWL DL. Furthermore, the coupling between UML Ontology
Profile (UOP) and the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM), for semantic modeling, integration of ontolo-
gies or enrichment of metadata, will be operationalized by transformation of models or by mapping or both
simultaneously. As a result, a new extension of CWM metamodel will be developed. This will have perfor-
mance consequences for a complex DW. The field of application is vast but will be adapted to systems with
heterogeneous, complex and unstructured content and requiring a large (re)use of knowledge such as medical
data warehouses.
We have proposed an architectural framework for
a complex data warehouse (Darmont et al., 2005).
As Figure 1 illustrates, an important element of this
framework is the implementation of domain knowl-
edge and metadata in the three phases of warehous-
ing: ETL (Extract - Transform - Load)/Integration,
Administration/Monitoring and Analysis/Usage.
Note that the proposed architecture conforms to
the CWM (Common Warehouse Metamodel) recom-
mended by the Object Management Group (OMG).
Based on this architecture, we conducted another
work on the integration of knowledge and metadata
for complex data warehouses. Thus, in (Ralaivao and
Darmont, 2007), we discussed the different possibili-
ties of integration and explored the integration of do-
main knowledge in the form of metadata.
The two other possibilities mentioned in (Ralaivao
and Darmont, 2007) remain to be explored, namely:
integration of metadata in the form of knowledge,
in this case, our approach will take us to the field
of knowledge-based warehouses ;
separate knowledge and metadata management.
The architecture we have proposed is the basis of
X-WaCoDa, an XML-based approach for online stor-
age and analysis of complex data (Mahboubi et al.,
2009). Three trends in XML-based DW (XML Web
Warehouses (Vrdoljak et al., 2003; L., 2001; Gol-
farelli et al., 2003), XML Document Warehouses
(Nassis et al., 2005; Rajugan et al., 2005; Baril and
ene, 2003; Zhang et al., 2005), XML Data
Warehouses (Pokorny, 2006; Hummer et al., 2003;
Rusu et al., 2005; Park et al., 2005; Boussa
ıd et al.,
2006)) were united to acquire a reference model that
synthesizes all the work related to this field.
And on the other hand, the community work-
ing in the field of data and knowledge manage-
ment is faced with new approaches such as Big
Data and Data Lake (Sawadogo and Darmont, 2020;
Sawadogo et al., 2019) whose content is hetero-
geneous, complex, weakly structured or even un-
structured, non-standardized and inconsistent (Sakr
and GaberSakr, 2014), adding to these problems
the inexistence of methods and/or tools for integrat-
ing knowledge and metadata . This will necessar-
ily lead to a review of the architecture and tech-
niques around warehousing (ETL/Integration, Ad-
ministration/Monitoring, Usage/Reporting) and infer-
Christian, R., Fabrice, R., Angelo, R. and Hasina, R.
CWM Extensions for Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Complex Data Warehouse and Big Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012689300003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 329-336
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Architecture framework for a complex data warehouse.
ence (Wender, 2017) and especially for the discovery
and management of knowledge (Bornschlegl et al.,
We therefore propose to consider and deepen the
two axes mentioned above while considering these
new approaches.
A high-performance complex data warehouse (DW)
will integrate metadata of different forms, from its
conception to its exploitation through its implemen-
tation and its administration. But knowledge of the
field is also very important for more performance and
flexibility in the various phases of storage. For exam-
ple, in a complex DW for personalized anticipation
medicine (MAP) (Darmont, 2008) the data can come
from different operational data sources (ODS) (Bio-
logical, cardiovascular, biometric and psychological
stores) and can be varied and heterogeneous. There-
fore, data exchanges must be standardized by the use
of concepts (metadata) and innovative XML technolo-
gies as a pivot language.
Would it be interesting to manage metadata and
knowledge jointly vs separately? Would the inte-
gration of knowledge and metadata have an impact
on traditional data warehouse architectures and what
about the standard that prevails like the CWM of
OMG? How to consider the main knowledge mainly
formalized by ontology? How CWM will be adapted
with the ODM standard?
(Inmon, 2005) in its definition of the data warehouse
uses the terms: (1) Subject orientation: constituting
an organization of data according to the domain (pro-
duction, sale, transaction or activity, . . . ), (2) Integra-
tion: structuring phase (Kimball and Ross, 2013), (3)
Historization: time axis, (4) Non volatility: conserva-
tion principle, (5) Aggregation : availability and ac-
cessibility by queries, OLAP, data mining, . . . These
terms constitute the main function of a data ware-
The DW border breaks free of conventional frame-
works by expanding and integrating with the exploita-
tion of Big Data. (Ngo et al., 2019) proposed an agri-
cultural DW architecture for a business intelligence
operation. The use of common solutions such as
MongoDB, Cassandra or CONSUS DW demonstrates
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the usefulness of DW in the context of Big Data.
However, there are more dissimilarities than sim-
ilarities between Big Data and complex DW. The ex-
ploitation of Big Data in a DW requires the use of
pivot language of which the most answered is XML.
XML documents allow not only to facilitate the
standardization of complex data (Darmont et al.,
2005) before the loading phase in the DW, but also
to constitute the storage core (XML-Based). In this
context, research on XML-based storage has been
steadily growing.
These different approaches respect the standard
imposed by the CWM (Poole et al., 2003) meta-
model of the OMG. Most DWs are based on meta-
data. The complexity of the data, however, dictated
by the heterogeneity of the sources and the absence
of data structures often makes it difficult to integrate
them into a DW. The question of performance (Baril
and Bellahs
ene, 2003) takes on a primordial mean-
ing in all phases of storage. In addition, one of the
purposes of storage is the extraction of knowledge to
facilitate interpretation and decision-making. One of
the main questions is: ”Will integrating knowledge in
addition to metadata improve performance?”. It is in
this context and following our latest work (Darmont
et al., 2005; Ralaivao and Darmont, 2007; Mahboubi
et al., 2009) that (Liao et al., 2010) integrates meta-
data and/or ontologies in the field of semantic Web
and (Wu and Hakansson, 2010) uses the Knowledge-
based system for integrating metadata into warehous-
The work of (Srinivasan, 2016) presents an archi-
tecture for a business intelligence (BI) which takes
into account at the same time the concepts and tech-
niques stemming from artificial intelligence, machine
and deep learning and excavations in the advent of
Big Data.
The proposed methods take into account three as-
pects (solutions) of this integration of knowledge and
metadata in a complex DW.
In (Ralaivao and Darmont, 2007), we were able to in-
ventory and classify the metadata as well as to con-
sider the types of knowledge in order to commonly in-
tegrate them in complex ED. At the end of these first
works, the transformation of knowledge in the form
of metadata (K MD) is convincing for the domain
(Liao et al., 2010; Wu and Hakansson, 2010).
The consideration of ontologies in a DW is essen-
tial for the revision of knowledge (interpretation, in-
tegration, formulation, . . . ). A second method there-
fore proposes the transformation of metadata in the
form of knowledge MD K. Thus, we will obtain
a Knowledge-based Warehouse DW (Nemati et al.,
The two methods will lead us to another perspec-
tive which is the hybridization of metadata and knowl-
edge (MD K) to manage DW. It is based on the
theoretical fact that one can transform metadata into
knowledge and vice versa. The iterative and/or re-
cursive execution of this transformation constitutes
learning at the level of a complex DW.
In addition to the results obtained in the work carried
out so far, this work will reinforce the achievements
in terms of complex DW architecture and will provide
more details on the possibilities of integrating knowl-
edge and metadata. Adding to this we are working on
the following integration aspects:
1. the representation of knowledge (Pan, 2020) in
description logics (DLs) for a semantic and ax-
iomatic formalization of knowledge of the do-
2. the mapping of DLs in UML (Dutra, 2002) which
will allow use in model-driven engineering and an
implementation based on UML diagrams,
3. integration of the UML diagram corresponding
to the DLs (De Giacomo, 2010) according to the
CWM specifications in order to respect the stan-
dards imposed by the OMG in the implementation
of DW in general.
5.1 Knowledge Representation in DLs
DLs constitute a formalized set of knowledge repre-
sentation languages (De Giacomo, 2010; Pan, 2020).
Based on two fundamental formal frameworks: the
and the ABox
, where the DLs formalize a
knowledge base K as 1) description language and 2)
inference services.
uller et al., 2011) for example offers an exten-
sion of DLs for an integrated framework for repre-
senting knowledge in different aspects.
We advance the hypothesis that DLs can be man-
aged or formalized by metadata. So we will have the
transformation K DL MD and vice versa.
Set of terminological axioms
Set of assertive axioms
CWM Extensions for Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Complex Data Warehouse and Big Data
Figure 2: CWM extensions.
5.2 DLs Mapping/Tranformation in
UML Diagram and Vice Versa
This technique would consist of DLs translation in
UML diagram (De Giacomo, 2010; Dutra, 2002).
However it is essential to consider inference services
as for the UML diagrams semantics (Le Duc, 2008) in
order to 1) check the consistency of a class or a class
diagram, 2) check the subsumption and the equiva-
lence between classes and 3) explain the logical con-
sequences of the properties.
This would allow an opening or an application of
the different existing approaches of knowledge engi-
neering (De Giacomo, 2010).
DL offers the possibility of writing the ontology in
OWL or the knowledge base where a concept of DL is
a class and a role of DL is a property in OWL. Since
RDF/XML is the normative syntax for exchanging in-
formation between systems, the OWL DL solution
based on RDF(S) offers maximum expressiveness re-
garding the SH OI N description logic (Baader et al.,
2017; Lutz et al., 2019). The latter supports data val-
ues, data types and their properties.
5.3 UML Diagram Integration in CWM
From a standardization point of view, the CWM spec-
ifications and their adaptations are crucial in the field
of complex DW where the CWM is the champion of
standardization. This integration will take as a ref-
erence the CWM modeling and specification levels,
namely the model, meta-model, meta-meta-model
and the Meta Object Facility (MOF) (Poole et al.,
This integration will facilitate the supply of the
warehouse, contribute to its administration mainly on
the performance aspect, guide users in its operation
and finally it will offer the opportunity to re-inject
the knowledge extracted from the analysis and exca-
vations in the warehouse itself.
This work will also propose extensions and/or
possibly grafts to the specifications of CWM meta-
models, while ensuring bottom-up compatibility and
eventually propose specific adaptations to Big Data.
Above the five functional layers of CWM will be
added a layer for knowledge management.
The contributions of this paper are as follows :
1. The CWM extensions with a new layer and somes
packages ;
2. OWL DL transformation and/or mapping with
3. Plugins of package Core with a new ODM speci-
6.1 CWM Extensions
Many works to extend CWM (Soler et al., 2008b;
Demraoui et al., 2016) have been carried out but none
proposed to extend CWM to a new layer in order to
manage knowledge and metadata. This constitutes an
important advance in the field of complex data ware-
houses, knowledge integration and its reinjection.
The extension examples proposed by (Demraoui
et al., 2016) are available in the works of (Zhao and
Huang, ; Soler et al., 2008a; Gomes et al., 2007; Mi-
douni et al., 2009; da Silva et al., 2010; Tavac and
Tavac, 2013) and (Thavornun, 2015).
The work of (Thavornun, 2015) is closest to this
field of research and advances the following prob-
1. CWM mainly focuses on data warehouse meta-
data ;
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2. CWM does not cover automated knowledge dis-
covery and management system.
The addition of a new layer Knowledge, on the
shaded box with some integrated packages (MD
& KB mapping, Ontology, Acquired and explicite
Knowledge, DL) and used packages (XML, RDF(S),
OWL DL, Core v2), Figure 2, will solve these prob-
lems although it will increase the number of meta-
models to consider. It will integrate the simultaneous
management of metadata and knowledge. These will
arise from OWL DL ontologies, based on the ODM
metamodel, a formal and expressive representation of
description logic.
The knowledge layer, however, uses XML meta-
models from the Resource layer for the OWL DL for-
malization and Core from the Object layer for basic
knowledge operations. As a result, a new version of
the Core package named Core v2 in CWM extension,
including a plugin of it, will be offered subsequently.
The transformation and/or mapping of OWL DL
into UML, based on the UOP metamodel, and vice
versa makes it possible to understand the knowledge
in the CWM repository and is proposed in the subsec-
tion 6.2.
6.2 OWL DL Transformation and/or
Mapping with UML
Figure 3 shows two parallel conceptual Modeling
Spaces (MS)
at the Metamodel level of the OMG
MOF architecture, namely the UOP and the ODM, the
respective metamodels of the UML models and the
OWL DL ontologies. The latter, located at layer M1,
model, in parallel, the real world, using modeling lan-
guages, in this present research, UML, OWL or other
language, defined using different meta-metaconcepts.
RDF(S) as well as three different dialects of OWL,
namely OWL Full, OWL DL and OWL Lite, are ex-
amples of languages in the M2 layer. OWL DL is
most suitable in our complex data warehouse context
because it promotes maximum expressiveness while
maintaining the completeness and decidability of cal-
At the conceptual level, we establish a transforma-
tion from UML to ODM and vice versa at the meta-
modeling level. An example of a transformation mod-
eling language for such purposes in MOF is Query-
View-Transformation (QVT) (Gardner and Griffin,
2003; Kruse, 2015; OMG, 2016) or the Atlas Trans-
formation Language (ATL) (Kruse, 2015). And the
A modeling space (MS) is a modeling architecture
based on a particular (meta)metamodel
mapping proposed by (Brockmans et al., 2006) com-
plies with the transformation rules. Figure 4 repre-
sents a model for transforming UML into OWL DL
and vice versa. Two packages formalize the QVT
transformation” from UML to OWL and vice versa
and the ”OWL (de)serialization”.
Figure 3: Ontology transformation and/or mapping with
The metamodel proposed in Figure 6 constitutes
an isomorphic correspondence, for mapping, with
OWL DL using UML concepts.
We propose a QVT transformation model as pro-
posed by (Haasjes, ).
Figure 4: QVT transformation of UML and OWL and
(de)serialization of OWL.
6.3 Core Extension
The AnnotedElement class, from the Knowledge
layer, is extended to the ModelElement class of the
Core class (Figure 5). This extension will not only en-
sure ontology integration (plugin of the model in Fig-
ure 5), but also compatibility with CWM while leav-
ing all of CWM’s functionalities intact.
The extension in question concerns ODM and is
CWM Extensions for Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Complex Data Warehouse and Big Data
Figure 5: Extension of the ModelElement class of the Core metamodel by the AnnotedElement class.
Figure 6: Elements structuring the ODM metamodel.
represented by the Figure 6. It offers all the integra-
tions of the normative syntax between OWL DL and
DL (Obitko et al., 2004; Baader et al., 2017; Lutz
et al., 2019).
OWL DL axioms and facts (Obitko
et al., 2004; Baader et al., 2017; Lutz
et al., 2019) about classes such as
EnumerateClass(A o
. . . o
), SubClassOf(C
(Subsumption), EquivalentClasses(C
. . . C
(Equivalent Classes), DisjointClassses(C
. . . C
(Disjoint Classes) and DataType(D); on properties
DataTypeProperty(range, Symmetric, . . . , Transitive)
(Data type properties) SubPropertyOf(U 1U2)
(Subsumption on properties),
. . . U
) (Equivalent prop-
erties); on annotations, AnnotationProperty(S)
or on individuals, SameIndividual(o
. . . o
) and
. . . o
) ; are easily repre-
sented by the model in Figure 6.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We recall that the issues to which the work is based
were translated such as:
the difficulty of integrating metadata and even
more knowledge into a complex ED;
the increasing heterogeneity and management of
sources and content;
the performance of existing complex and hetero-
geneous data management solutions;
the lack of methods and/or tools for integrating
knowledge and metadata.
The integration approach by different representa-
tion approaches – DLs, Mapping, Transformation and
CWM specifications – should ensure the relevance of
the proposed architectural framework as well as its
The tools that will be developed for experimenta-
tion in this research work will be generalized and will
be made available to the scientific community work-
ing in the field of complex DW and Big Data. Such
tools should be used to verify the proposed ideas.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems