Green Computing Adoption: Understanding the Role of Individual,
Social, and Organizational Factors
Fahima Akter Anni
1 a
, Muhammad Rezaul Islam
2 b
, Farzana Sadia
1 c
, Mahady Hasan
1 d
and M. Rokonuzzaman
Department of Software Engineering, Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Independent University Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department Electrical and Computer Engineering, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Green Purchase Intention, Environmental, Conscious Issues, Environmentally Friendly Product, Conventional
Products, Production Process, Green IT.
This study investigates the factors influencing the attitudes of software developers and IT professionals towards
Green Information Technology (GIT) in Bangladeshi IT/software firms and examines their impact on engage-
ment in green computing practices. Data was collected from 130 participants. A thorough literature review
was conducted. The findings highlight key individual factors that influence employees’ attitudes, including
awareness, knowledge, and perception of environmental issues. The study demonstrates the connection with
GIT attitudes and behavior modification, especially through stated usage of green computing methods. Data
analysis confirms 5 out of 8 hypotheses and reveals the complexity of the relationships between the constructs.
The report promotes the adoption of Green IT technology by software companies in Bangladesh and highlights
the significance of an organized office system integrating Green IT. Limitations include a relatively small sam-
ple size and the multidimensional nature of the relationships between the constructs. The findings can assist
software companies in addressing customer concerns about the performance and functionality of green com-
puting practices, ultimately promoting sustainable computing practices in the IT sector of Bangladesh.
Green growth strategy that seeks to increase perfor-
mance and productivity by fostering resource con-
sumption and output that is sustainable within compa-
nies and society is known as green information tech-
nology (GIT) (Gazzola et al., 2019), (Przychodzen
et al., 2018). Green IT provides more effective re-
source management by maximizing resource use, de-
creasing waste and emissions, and improving recy-
cling rates. However, because of the low sturdi-
ness of IT devices and specific production and dis-
posal processes, worries about negative effects have
emerged, such as increased electricity usage by com-
panies (Asadi et al., 2019). Additionally, the carbon
footprint of IT hardware and software is greater than
even the waste produced by the aviation sector (Asadi
et al., 2019), (Mishra et al., 2014). The growing need
for sustainable practices in the production and use of
IT has prompted the development of the field of Green
IT within the fields of computer science and informa-
tion systems (Jenkin et al., 2011), (Melville, 2010).
Given the prevalent trend of industrial processes
over-shadowing their environmental impact, green
purchase intention” refers to the tendency and readi-
ness of consumers who prioritize environmental and
ethical issues to choose environmentally friendly
items instead of conventional ones. Green IT aims
to reduce the indirect ecological effects of IT oper-
ations through environmentally responsible PC de-
sign, manufacturing, use, and disposal. Govern-
ments and the public are putting increasing pres-
sure on businesses to reduce their ecological footprint
e et al., 2014), (Zibarras and Coan, 2015). From
the perspective of Bangladesh, Lack of awareness or
knowledge about green computing among potential
customers can make it challenging for software com-
panies to market their products or services. If poten-
tial customers do not understand the benefits of green
Anni, F., Rezaul Islam, M., Sadia, F., Hasan, M. and Rokonuzzaman, M.
Green Computing Adoption: Understanding the Role of Individual, Social, and Organizational Factors.
DOI: 10.5220/0012689400003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 529-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
computing, they may be less likely to invest in soft-
ware that supports sustainable computing practices
(Ojo et al., 2019). Many software companies may
not have the expertise or resources necessary to de-
velop and market green computing practices. This can
limit their ability to compete with other companies
that have more experience in this area. Companies
may use claims of environmentally friendly software
development practices as a marketing tactic, without
making substantial changes to their processes. This
could lead to a loss of trust and credibility among
consumers who are becoming increasingly aware of
green washing tactics (Ojo et al., 2019).
Finally, some companies may be resistant to
change and may be hesitant to adopt new technologies
and practices. This can make it difficult for software
companies to promote green computing practices and
gain traction in the market. In some cases, there may
be a perception among customers that green comput-
ing practices come at the expense of performance or
functionality. Software companies may need to ad-
dress these concerns through effective marketing and
communication to ensure that potential customers un-
derstand the benefits of green computing initiatives.
Based on the current situation of Bangladesh, three
research questions were presented:
1. What factors influence employees attitudes to-
wards GIT, and how do these attitudes impact
their engagement in green computing?
2. How does the organizational culture of green
management influence employees attitudes to-
wards GIT and their engagement in green
3. To what extent does social influence play a role
in shaping employees attitudes towards GIT,
and how does this affect their engagement in
green computing?
To better understand how software developers
and IT professionals views about Green Informa-
tion Technology in Bangladeshi IT/software organi-
zations, this study will look at the influence of peo-
ple, community, and organizational variables. Ad-
ditionally, it investigates how their views about GIT
play a moderating function in this relationship. The
study looks specifically at stated participation in en-
vironmentally friendly computing practices to exam-
ine the relationship between GIT attitudes and alter-
ations in behavior. 130 participants completed a sur-
vey that was used to collect the data, and a thorough
evaluation of the literature was done with an emphasis
on pertinent studies carried out by well-known writ-
ers in other nations. The main goal is to Investigate
the key individual factors that influence employees at-
Figure 1: Research Model that shows the relation between
the variables and how they shape Green Computing Prac-
titudes towards GIT, such as awareness, knowledge,
and perception of environmental issues, and examine
how these attitudes impact their engagement in green
computing practices.
This paper will contribute to the country’s adop-
tion of Green IT technology in software companies
and IT companies in the long run by helping them to
adopt a structured office system involving Green IT.
This research builds upon the study conducted by Ojo,
A. O., and colleagues. In their paper, they presented
a comprehensive data model, depicted in Figure 1
(Ojo et al., 2019). The model is rooted in the Belief-
Action- Outcome (BAO) framework, originally pro-
posed by Melville in 2010 (Melville, 2010). The BAO
framework suggests that GIT knowledge, Green Man-
agement Culture, and social influence have an im-
pact on Git belief, which in turn influences GIT At-
titude. Ultimately, all these factors collectively shape
the Green Computing Practices of IT companies.
2.1 Effect of GIT Knowledge on GIT
Belief and Attitude
Understanding how things work in both general and
specific contexts begins with knowledge. Individuals’
acceptance of a specific phenomenon in their minds is
included in belief. When a belief is accepted person-
ally, it takes on permanent worth and inspires peo-
ple to behave in line with it (Koo and Chung, 2014),
(Xenitidou and Edmonds, 2014). Individuals can ob-
tain the necessary knowledge to embrace and em-
brace environmentally friendly beliefs and attitudes
by participating in training, education, or gaining
experience in environmental matters (Chou, 2014).
As a result, accessing information that supports pro-
environmental principles allows individuals to culti-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
vate environmentally conscious thoughts and actions.
H1a. The level of employees GIT knowledge
is positively associated with their attitude to-
wards GIT.
H1b. The influence of employees GIT knowl-
edge on their attitude towards GIT is mediated
by their GIT belief.
2.2 Effect of Green Management
Culture on GIT Belief and Attitude
Having an understanding of the organizational culture
enables employees to identify the appropriate norms
and working practices that are endorsed by the com-
pany (Quan and Cha, 2010). By establishing clear
expectations regarding what is valued and how tasks
should be accomplished, the culture sets guidelines
for acceptable behavior and influences the choices
made by employees. It is crucial for the organization
to align its values and expectation with environmental
sustainability and grant employees the freedom to en-
gage in ecofriendly activities, fostering a supportive
environment. The organizational culture can either
facilitate or hinder employee commitment to green
initiatives (Govindarajulu and Daily, 2004), (Rothen-
berg, 2003).
H2a. There is a positive correlation between
Green Management culture and employees at-
titude towards GIT.
H2b. The impact of Green Management cul-
ture on employees attitude towards GIT is me-
diated by GIT belief.
2.3 Social Effect on GIT Belief and
Research findings indicate that social factors play a
role in shaping users attitudes, intentions, and per-
ceptions regarding the utility of technology. The in-
fluence of social elements has predominantly been
linked to users attitudes and intentions (Lewis et al.,
2003), (Venkatesh et al., 2003).
H3a. There is a positive correlation between
social influence and employees attitude to-
wards GIT.
H3b. The impact of social influence on employ-
ees attitude towards GIT is mediated by GIT
2.3.1 GIT Belief and Attitude
Employees perceptions of green information technol-
ogy (GIT) mirror their cognitive understanding of
GIT’s capabilities and their recognition of the impor-
tance of adhering to environmentally friendly work-
place IT practices (Molla et al., 2011).
H4. There is a positive correlation between em-
ployees GIT belief and their attitude towards
2.4 GIT Attitude and Green Computing
By implementing their own environmentally con-
scious computing practices, such as turning off com-
puters when idle, IT staff members can support the
company’s waste reduction and sustainability pro-
grams. Employees’ attitudes towards green comput-
ing demonstrate their dedication to assuming respon-
sibility for environmentally conscious IT equipment
usage in the workplace (Ojo et al., 2019).
H5. There is a positive association between em-
ployees’ attitude towards GIT and their active
participation in green computing practices.
The data was collected from software developers and
IT officials from the software development and IT
companies of Bangladesh. The samples were cho-
sen randomly and a list of 12 companies was created.
Using the G-Power tool, the test group size was de-
termined. To calculate test family F testes and linear
multiple regression was chosen and number of pre-
dictors 4 was input. G-power returned a total sample
size of 129. The google survey questionnaire links
were sent through emails to the companies seeking
participation. Respondent identity was not collected
to ensure anonymity. The questionnaires were taken
from the works of Ojo, A. O., et al (Ojo et al., 2019).
Each issue was assessed using a Likert scale. Af-
ter collecting the data, responses with incomplete or
missing data were excluded. The rest of the data was
converted to ordinal value and analysed In SmartPLS-
4 shown in Figure 2. For algorithm PLS-SEM algo-
rithm and Bootstrapping was applied.
Along with the survey this research also con-
ducted extensive literature review on pre-existing
work of other renowned author’s publications in other
countries and the review is added to this paper.
Green Computing Adoption: Understanding the Role of Individual, Social, and Organizational Factors
Figure 2: SmartPLS design created based on the research
model in Figure 1, showing the loading values and relations.
The literature review examines several empirical stud-
ies focused on investigating various aspects of green
computing practices among IT professionals in dif-
ferent countries, including Malaysia, Bangladesh,
and India. The studies explore the factors influenc-
ing green computing behaviours and practices, such
as green beliefs, attitudes, environmental awareness,
green IT consciousness, and perceived organizational
The study by Ojo, Raman, and Downe (Ojo et al.,
2019) in Malaysia reveals a direct correlation between
higher levels of green beliefs and direct attitudes to-
wards green computing practices between IT officials.
Similarly, Molla, Abareshi, and Cooper (Molla et al.,
2014) find that stronger green IT beliefs are positively
correlated with higher levels of pro-environmental IT
practices among IT professionals. The role of green
IT/IS innovation in promoting sustainability practices
and environmental conservation is highlighted in the
study by Jnr (Jnr, 2020) in an emerging economy.
Hossain, San, Ling, and Said (Hossain et al., 2020) in
Bangladesh reveal that higher levels of environmen-
tal awareness and green technological usage are as-
sociated with increased adoption of sustainable green
practices among manufacturing SMEs.
Ojo et al. (2018) investigate the cognitive influ-
ences on perceptions and attitudes about environmen-
tally friendly information technology and organiza-
tional factors and barriers affecting green computing
practices (Ojo et al., 2018). Tan et al. (Tan et al.,
2019) examine the determinants of green computing
adoption, while Ong, Lim, and Lim (2019) and Chew,
Yong, and Ng (Ng and Ng, 2019)) analyze the in-
fluence of organizational culture and environmental
concern on green computing practices, respectively.
Zhou, Liang, and Huang (Zhou et al., 2020) study the
mediating role of environmental awareness in the re-
lationship between perceived organizational support
and green computing practices.
Bhatti analyze the influence of integrate organi-
zational and innovative environmental behavior on
green computing practices, respectively (Bhatti et al.,
2021). Ramli’s study investigates the factors influ-
encing Green IT adoption in Malaysia through qual-
itative methods, identifying environmental, cost, or-
ganizational, technological, and business opportunity
factors, aiming to support Malaysia’s goal of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions (Ramli et al., 2021).
Furthermore, Kaur, Yadav, and Singh (Kour et al.,
2020) focus on the role of green IT consciousness
in influencing green computing practices among IT
professionals in India. Syzdykbayeva highlights the
growing importance of green computing in response
to energy costs, global warming concerns, and reg-
ulatory pressures, particularly in Malaysian compa-
nies (Syzdykbayeva, 2009), while Buisson discusses
a study investigating the low awareness and practice
of green computing among IT workers, emphasizing
the need for environmental awareness initiatives to
promote green computing behaviors (du Buisson and
Naidoo, 2014). Paille et al. conducted an investi-
gation on the effects of HRM (human resource man-
agement) on the environment at the workforce sector
e et al., 2014). Zibarras and Coan (Zibarras and
Coan, 2015) surveyed UK organizations to identify
HRM procedures are utilized to encourage environ-
mentally friendly behavior.
Gazzola discussed the trade-offs between going
green and going smart for sustainable development
(Gazzola et al., 2019), while Przychodzen et al. in-
vestigated the relationship between green information
technology (IT) practices and financial performance
(Przychodzen et al., 2018). Perkins et al. highlighted
the global hazard of e-waste (Perkins et al., 2014),
and Asadi and Dahlan conducted a systematic litera-
ture review to identify research on Green IT in orga-
nizational contexts from 2007 to 2016 (Asadi et al.,
2017). Mishra et al. (Mishra et al., 2014) applied
the Theory of Reasoned Action to investigate the fac-
tors that influence the acceptance of Green IT among
employees, and Jenkin et al. proposed an agenda for
Green IT and systems research (Jenkin et al., 2011).
Melville explored how technological development
could contribute to ecological preservation. and
identified several areas where information systems
can contribute to environmental sustainability, such
as energy management, supply chain management,
and sustainable product design (Melville, 2010).
Asadi et al. analyzed the impacts of green man-
ufacturing and technology innovations on sustain-
able development (Asadi et al., 2021), and Sharma
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Demographic of the Respondent.
Measure Items Responses Responses (%)
Education CSE, EEE, Self-taught 113, 15, 2 87%, 12%, 2%
Project IT Support, Mobile App, Database Management, 4, 8, 11, 90, 17 3%, 6%, 8%, 69%, 13%
Web Development, Software Development
Experience 0-2, 2-5, 5-10, 10+ Years 71, 50, 6, 3 55%, 38%, 5%, 2%
Company Size Midsize, Startup, Large Corporation 61, 60, 9 47%, 46%, 7%
Table 2: AVE and CR.
Measure Composite Reliability Average Variance Extracted(AVE)
GIT Belief 0.89 0.619
GIT Knowledge 0.868 0.523
Green IT Attitude 0.893 0.736
Green Management Culture 0.889 0.618
Social Influence 0.913 0.839
et al. provided a strategy for the implementation
of environmentally friendly information technology
in manufacturing enterprises (Sharma et al., 2022).
Meidute-Kavaliauskiene et al. researched the im-
plications of open innovation for green invention in
complicated environmental environments (Meidute-
Kavaliauskiene et al., 2021), and Kour et al. inves-
tigated the effect of green practices on the financial
performance of Indian automobile businesses (Kour
et al., 2020). The limiting influence of IT capability
in the connection between green innovation and busi-
ness sustainable development was also investigated
by Li et al. (Li et al., 2022). Therefore, the literature
review on green computing practices among IT pro-
fessionals identifies gaps in research, including lim-
ited studies in developing countries, a lack of focus on
specific IT professional roles, and the need for com-
parative and longitudinal studies. Additionally, there
is a limited exploration of technological solutions and
a lack of emphasis on the outcomes and impacts of
green computing practices.
Overall, the literature review highlights the impor-
tance of various factors, including green beliefs, atti-
tudes, environmental awareness, green IT conscious-
ness, and perceived organizational support, in shap-
ing green computing behaviours and practices among
IT professionals in different countries. The findings
from these empirical studies provide valuable insights
for understanding the complex dynamics and chal-
lenges associated with green computing practices in
the field of Information Technology.
5.1 Validation of Measurement Model
130 individuals in total took part in the research, and
table 1 shows some demographic information about
them. The majority of the respondents (approxi-
mately 86%) have a background in Computer Science
Education, while 12% come from an Electrical Engi-
neering background, and 2% are self taught. In terms
of employment, the respondents are mainly engaged
in various IT related roles, including IT support, Mo-
bile app development, Database management, Web
Development, and Software Engineering. Regarding
their professional experience, according to the find-
ings, 38% of those surveyed have 2–5 years of exper-
tise, compared to 0–2 years for 55% of respondents. 5
percent of respondents said they had five to ten years
of expertise, and 2 percent said they had more than
ten years.
Overall, the findings indicate that the sample con-
sists predominantly of individuals with a background
in Computer Science Education, working in diverse
IT roles, and varying levels of professional experi-
ence. When analyzing the study’s findings, these as-
pects must be kept in mind.
In order to evaluate the convergent and discrim-
inant validity of the reflective variables, several as-
sessments were conducted. Convergent validity was
evaluated based on factor loadings shown in Table 3,
and CR and AVE shown in Table 2.
To evaluate discriminant validity, the correlations
between variables were compared with the square
root of the average variance extracted (AVE) for the
respective variables. The results, as presented in Ta-
ble 2, indicate that all constructs met the cut-off cri-
teria. This means that the AVE values were greater
than 0.5, and the CR values exceeded 0.7, indicating
good internal consistency. Additionally, the CR val-
ues were greater than the AVE values, further support-
ing the discriminant validity of the constructs.
5.2 Hypotheses Testing
The proposed relationships between variables were
investigated by analyzing the structural model (Fig.
1). Beta (β) coefficients were computed based on
Green Computing Adoption: Understanding the Role of Individual, Social, and Organizational Factors
Table 3: Measurement Scales (Factor Loading).
Construct Measurement Items Loadings
I know about Green IT (e.g., energy efficient device, thin client, cloud computing) 0.801
I concur that opting for Green IT represents an individual choice or option 0.781
I agree that green energy has the potential to serve as a replacement for fossil fuel energy sources
(such as oil and gas) as well as nuclear power
I agree that using Green IT device can affect my company’s electricity bill 0.682
I agree about that Green IT is reliable and secure 0.697
I get enough information about programs to promote Green IT 0.663
Green IT
I feel that green computing is a convenient thing for me to practice in the workplace 0.893
I feel that green computing is a good thing for me to practice in the workplace 0.873
I feel that green computing is a pleasant thing for me to practice in the workplace 0.857
GIT Belief
I believe that IT equipment and systems contribute to greenhouse gas emissions 0.815
I believe that IT personnel should be responsible for reducing IT’s greenhouse gas emissions 0.771
I believe IT can be used to reduce a business’s total carbon footprint (i.e., emission of carbon dioxide) 0.767
I believe that IT professionals have the ability to make substantial contributions towards assisting
businesses in addressing their carbon footprint, which refers to the emission of carbon dioxide
I believe that tackling the carbon footprint of IT systems should be a core part of the green business 0.806
Green Man-
Our top management actively advocates for and supports the implementation of environmentally
conscious practices
Environmental considerations are integral to our organization’s vision and mission statements 0.811
Our top management effectively disseminates information and promotes the importance of environ-
mental management across the organization
Our top management establishes a system of punishments and penalties to enforce compliance with
environmental management policies
Our team/department budgets are allocated to address and mitigate our environmental impact 0.848
Pro Green
IT Practices
I make use of the power-saving features available on the IT devices I regularly use 0.818
I ensure to turn off my computer when it is not being used 0.717
I choose to purchase IT equipment that has been recycled for my personal use 0.682
I actively practice double-sided printing to minimize paper waste 0.86
People who exert influence over my behavior strongly advocate for the adoption of Green IT practices 0.933
Individuals who hold significant importance in my life emphasize the importance of practicing Green
Table 4: Mean, STDEV, T Values, P Values.
Measurement Items GIT Belief GIT Knowledge Green IT Attitude Green Management Culture Social Influence
GIT Belief 0.787
GIT Knowledge 0.865 0.723
Green IT Attitude 0.757 0.72 0.858
Green Management Culture 0.781 0.716 0.834 0.786
Social Influence 0.637 0.575 0.702 0.679 0.916
the path analysis, and the significance of these coeffi-
cients was determined using T Statistics.
Table 2 provides the Composite Reliability (CR)
and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) values for
each construct in the study. The CR values range from
0.868 to 0.913, indicating good internal consistency
reliability, while the AVE values range from 0.523
to 0.839, suggesting satisfactory convergent validity.
These values demonstrate the reliability and validity
of the measurement scales used in the study.
Table 3 displays the factor loadings for measure-
ment items under each construct. The factor loadings
range from 0.663 to 0.933, indicating strong associ-
ations between the measurement items and their re-
spective constructs. For example, in the GIT Knowl-
edge construct, the measurement item ”I know about
Green IT” has a factor loading of 0.801, suggesting a
strong relationship between participants’ knowledge
of Green IT and this construct. Similarly, in the So-
cial Influence construct, the measurement item ”Peo-
ple who exert influence over my behavior strongly ad-
vocate for the adoption of Green IT practices” has a
high factor loading of 0.933, indicating a strong asso-
ciation between social influence and participants’ at-
titudes towards Green IT adoption. Overall, these fac-
tor loadings provide evidence of the constructs’ valid-
ity and reliability in measuring participants’ percep-
tions and behaviors related to Green IT adoption.
Table 4 provides key statistical values for mea-
surement items related to different constructs in the
study. The mean scores for GIT Belief, GIT Knowl-
edge, Green IT Attitude, Green Management Cul-
ture, and Social Influence are 0.787, 0.865, 0.757,
0.781, and 0.637, respectively. Standard deviations
(STDEV) range from 0.575 to 0.723, indicating vari-
ability in responses. T values and P values demon-
strate the significance of relationships between con-
structs, with lower P values suggesting stronger evi-
dence for hypotheses. Notably, the P value for Social
Influence is 0.91, indicating a higher level of signifi-
cance compared to other constructs.
Table 5 provides insight into the discriminant va-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 5: Discriminant Validity.
Hypothesis Description Original
T statistics P values Comments
H1a GIT knowledge has a direct impact on Green IT attitude 0.156 1.625 0.104 Not Supported
H1b The progression from GIT knowledge to GIT belief and its
subsequent impact on GIT attitude
0.61 8.513 0 Supported
H2a Green Management Culture has a direct impact on GIT Atti-
0.51 5.543 0 Supported
H2b The connection between the culture of Green Management, the
belief in GIT, and the subsequent attitude towards GIT
0.278 4.091 0 Supported
H3a Social Influence has a direct impact on GIT Attitude 0.207 3.275 0.001 Supported
H3b The influence of social factors on GIT belief and its impact on
GIT attitude
0.098 1.867 0.062 Not Supported
H4 GIT Belief has a direct impact on Green IT Attitude 0.092 0.862 0.389 Not Supported
H5 GIT Attitude has a direct impact on Green Computing Prac-
0.739 11.114 0 Supported
lidity of the constructs, with diagonal values being
higher than the corresponding inner values. However,
it is worth noting that two of the inner values were
lower than the diagonal values, suggesting some po-
tential overlap between those constructs. It presents
the results regarding the support for the hypotheses
based on the data. Hypotheses with p-values below
0.05 are considered supported by the data, while hy-
potheses with p-values above 0.05 are deemed unsup-
ported. Upon analysis, it was found that Hypothe-
ses H1a (0.104), H3b (0.062), and H4 (0.389) had
p-values higher than 0.05, indicating that they were
not supported by the data. Conversely, Hypotheses
H1b, H2a, H2b, H3a, and H5 exhibited p-values be-
low 0.05, meeting the expected criteria and therefore
being supported by the data. In conclusion, out of the
total of eight hypotheses tested, five were supported
by the data, while three were not. These findings pro-
vide insights into the relationships between the vari-
ables under investigation and offer important implica-
tions for the study’s overall results.
This paper tries to highlight the relationship be-
tween individual, social, and organizational factors
on software developers’ and IT professionals’ atti-
tudes toward Green Information Technology (GIT) in
Bangladeshi IT/software firms. The analysis proved 5
out of the hypotheses were correct. Some of the limi-
tations of this paper are lack of participants. At most
only 12 companies were found willing to provide
data. Data from more companies could help reach
a better representation of the population. The rela-
tionship between the constructs are multidimensional
and complex. But this paper hopes to help achieve
better green adoption policies for Bangladesh. Some-
times customers may have concerns about the perfor-
mance or functionality of green computing practices
(Venkatesh et al., 2003). By investigating the relation-
ship between GIT attitudes and behavioural change,
it can provide evidence to alleviate these concerns.
Software companies can use these findings in their
marketing efforts to assure potential customers that
adopting green computing practices does not compro-
mise software performance or functionality.
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