Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning
Linda Fernsel
, Yannick Kalff
and Katharina Simbeck
Computer Science and Society, HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Treskowallee 8, 10318 Berlin, Germany
Auditability, Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, Moodle, Plugin Development.
The paper presents the work-in-progress development of a Moodle plugin to improve the auditability of
Moodle’s Learning Analytics component. Future legislation, such as the EU AI Act, will require audits and
“conformity assessments” of “high-risk” AI systems. Educational applications can be considered high-risk
systems due to their important role in individual life and career paths. Therefore, their correctness, fairness,
and efficiency must be assessed. However, auditing of the Learning Analytics functions in Moodle is limited.
No suitable test-data is available, models and configurations are not persistent and only aggregated quality
metrics are returned that are insufficient to assess fairness. The plugin addresses these issues and provides a
data interface to extract data for audits. The plugin allows to a) upload and select data for the audit, b) clearly
differentiate between model configuration and trained models, c) keep trained models, their configuration and
underlying data for future inspections and comparisons, and finally, d) the plugin saves raw predictions for
further analysis. The plugin enables the audit of Moodle’s Learning Analytics and its underlying AI models
and contributes to increased fairness and trustworthiness of Learning Analytics as well as its legally compliant
Learning Analytics play an increasingly crucial role
in shaping the learning experience in today’s educa-
tional landscape (Ouhaichi et al., 2023; Kaddoura
et al., 2022). AI-based Learning Analytics compo-
nents utilize methods of machine learning to process
learning data for analysis and predictions in educa-
tional contexts (Alam, 2023, 572). However, these
AI-based systems can suffer from bias in models and
datasets, reproduce inequalities and discrimination and
thus, risk their trustworthiness (Rzepka et al., 2022).
Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the correctness,
fairness, and efficiency of the underlying AI models
(Simbeck, 2023). More so, ongoing legislative efforts
will make audits mandatory for high-risk AI systems to
ensure their quality and legality, which will potentially
affect educational AI-based systems (European Com-
mission, 2021, no. 35). Audits verify that Learning
Analytics components perform as intended and align
with ethical values (Springer and Whittaker, 2019).
Auditing is not just a safeguard, it’s also a pathway to
improve Learning Analytics components, to enhance
their quality, and to foster trust and acceptance (Bose
et al., 2019). To ensure that audits are applicable to
AI-based Learning Analytics, the systems need to be
auditable and accessible to third parties.
The open-source application Moodle is a widely
used tool in teaching and learning environments. In
addition to its learning management functions, Moo-
dle integrates a Learning Analytics component imple-
mented in
o Oliv
e et al., 2020). This AI-
based Learning Analytics component utilizes historical
and current behavior data to train Logistic Regression
models, predict students’ performance factors, and
identify students at risk of failing or dropping out of
courses (Monlla
o Oliv
e et al., 2020). It aims to assist
educators in making informed decisions and identi-
fying students who may require additional support.
However, similar algorithms have been found to be
biased in the past (Rzepka et al., 2022; Hu and Rang-
wala, 2020). Thus, Moodle’s Learning Analytics must
undergo “conformity assessments” (European Com-
mission, 2021, 13) to evaluate statements about its
functionality and fairness. In the case of Moodle, how-
ever, such audits are limited, because the auditability
Fernsel, L., Kalff, Y. and Simbeck, K.
Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012689800003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 262-269
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of Moodle’s Learning Analytics component is unsatis-
factory (Fernsel et al., tbd).
Here, our paper ties in: we extend the auditability
of Moodle’s Learning Analytics component by de-
veloping a plugin to facilitate evidence-based audits.
The plugin solves various bottlenecks for Moodle’s
assessment of fairness and thus increases the overall
auditability of Moodle’s Learning Analytics compo-
nent. Our research questions are as follows:
RQ1. What challenges do audits of Moodle’s
Learning Analytics face?
RQ2. How can plugins extend Moodle’s auditabil-
The position paper is structured as follows: sec-
tion 2 outlines requirements for audits in general and
particularly for Moodle’s Learning Analytics function.
Section 3 evaluates the auditability of Moodle as a
challenge to generate suitable evidence for audits
especially regarding data availability, model testing,
model comparisons, and metrics to assess fairness or
biases. Section 4 outlines the function of the plugin
“LALA” (abbr. for Let’s audit Learning Analytics) to
counteract said shortcomings, while section 5 outlines
an audit of Moodle’s Learning Analytics using the
plugin. Section 6 discusses the potential of interfaces
and plugins for auditability, especially for open-source
According to the AI-Act (European Commission,
2021, no. 35), AI systems in education or vocational
training are potentially high-risk applications that im-
pact individual learning and educational trajectories.
Thus, audits to assess correctness, fairness, efficiency,
and adherence to ethical standards control and support
the functioning of such systems as well as promote
acceptance and trust in their correctness (M
and Floridi, 2021; Simbeck, 2023). Periodical audit-
ing, therefore, is necessary and Moodle’s Learning
Analytics provides no exception.
We call any system auditable when external audi-
tors can review and verify it independently (Williams
et al., 2022; Wolnizer, 2006). For this, external re-
views need information on claims how relevant values
should be used or produced. Further, an audit requires
the system to provide evidence on how relevant values
actually are used or produced. Audits then, validate
claims on grounds of the provided evidence (Weigand
et al., 2013; M
okander and Floridi, 2021; Fernsel et al.,
Claims are normative statements about the func-
tioning of a system. They usually are defined by
the system provider (Stoel et al., 2012), can be de-
rived from laws, regulations, or standards. Evidence
are records of relevant information to back respective
normative claims about the functioning of an AI sys-
tem (Alhajaili and Jhumka, 2019). Means of validation
enable auditors to access and validate the provided ev-
idence. Therefore, “designing for auditability” (Zook
et al., 2017, 7) implies that any AI system should re-
flect and accentuate its inherent claims and enable the
collection of suitable evidence to facilitate validations
by first or third-party assessments (Hutchinson et al.,
2021; Awwad et al., 2020; Stoel et al., 2012).
A wide variety of challenges and limitations to
audits exist and affect the auditability of Learning An-
alytics in general and Moodle’s AI-integrating Learn-
ing Analytics in particular (Toreini et al., 2022; Raji
et al., 2020). A challenge lies in defining verifiable
claims. The absence of binding guidelines forces au-
ditors in practice to decide consciously on ethical val-
ues, which therefore are highly subjective and situ-
ational (Rzepka et al., 2022; Landers and Behrend,
2022). A second challenge is access to suitable evi-
dence to validate these claims. Typically, neither a sys-
tem nor its raw sources (program code, model weights,
data used for training and testing) are accessible to
auditors. This holds especially true for proprietary or
security-sensitive software systems (Raghavan et al.,
2020; Alikhademi et al., 2022). Under these circum-
stances, auditors can only conduct data-based audits
and imitate models, which makes an audit less conclu-
sive (Alikhademi et al., 2022).
Any audit to ascertain the proposed claims based on
evidence from Moodle’s Learning Analytics compo-
nent and the algorithms themselves relies on the sys-
tem’s onboard tools, as well as on available documen-
tation, source code, logs and data (Fernsel et al., tbd).
When evaluating Moodle concerning correctness, fair-
ness, and efficiency of Learning Analytics components,
three major obstacles emerge. The assessment relies
on realistic test-data that includes both majority and
minority groups. Further, the audit requires possibil-
ities to evaluate the underlying models. Finally, fair-
ness assessments need appropriate metrics to allow
informed statements about their reliability. However,
the lack of realistic test-data, insufficient possibilities
for model evaluation and limited metrics inhibit Moo-
dle’s auditability (Fernsel et al., tbd). More precisely,
the problem is that Moodle does not provide sufficient
Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics
evidence to validate respective claims (Raghavan et al.,
3.1 Lack of Test-Data
The primary issue is concerned with the type of evi-
dence required to substantiate the claims about the sys-
tem. A simple examination of documentation, source
code, or logs proved to be insufficient. Therefore, a
more in-depth approach was necessary that consisted
of evaluative tests of the applied models with coherent
test-data. The audit process requires diverse and real-
istic data, representative of both majority and minority
groups to make clear statements on potential biases.
Predictions generated by the production model have to
be scrutinized for biases and compared to a model that
is trained with representative data. Statements about
underrepresentation in an AI model’s decisions require
insights in the statistical population. Only then, one
can comprehensively validate the underlying claims of
Moodle’s fairness.
However, executing a model test is challenged by
the lack of suitable, openly accessible test-data for con-
ducting model tests. Test-data was limited to data of
production systems that requires permissions to be uti-
lized for privacy reasons. Above that, such data usually
is pre-biased: the data is not representative on a soci-
etal level because of, for example, unevenly distributed
access chances to higher education (Suresh and Guttag,
2021; Mihaljevi
c et al., 2023). Additionally, the intri-
cacies of Learning Analytics models demand complex,
logically structured sequential behavioral data, mak-
ing it nearly impossible to mock test-data on scales
necessary for model testing. Further, on a technical
level, Moodle does not offer an interface to directly im-
port external test-data into the system. Data-wise, any
audit is restricted to the available data from running
instances, which usually is imbalanced, has opaque
statistical populations or biased distributions. Above
that the data must be anonymized beforehand.
Limits of Moodle’s Evaluation Mode
Moodle features an “evaluation mode” that trains mod-
els on part of the available data and tests them on the
remaining data. However, this feature comes with lim-
itations that further hindered the validation process.
This mode exclusively evaluates model configurations
rather than existing trained models. The standard pro-
cedure allows auditors to inspect the models’ underly-
ing configurations including indicators (features) and
used predictions processors (e.g. the
learning backend). However, even if balanced test-
data could be imported into the Moodle instance, the
audit could not assess the trained models for fairness
or biases. This renders any audit more of an approxi-
mation rather than a direct assessment of the models
in production use.
Another limitation of Moodle’s evaluation mode is
its lacking ability to keep data in between evaluations.
Models generated during the evaluation mode are not
persisted beyond that evaluation phase, which impedes
a more detailed analysis of concrete models employed
on the platform. Especially the comparison of different
models with test-datasets proved to be impossible, hin-
dering any effort to audit Moodle’s Learning Analytics
3.3 Metrics for Fairness Assessment
The third challenge pertained to the insufficient eval-
uation mode as well. It particularly concerns fairness
assessments. Moodle’s evaluation mode provides lim-
ited information, primarily in the form of aggregated
metrics, which are unsatisfactory to validate claims
related to fairness (Castelnovo et al., 2022). The mode
does not provide raw predictions but only two simple
metrics: an F1 score and its standard deviation in ten
rounds of training and testing a model. However, Moo-
dle refers to this metric as accuracy, which it is not: the
F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall
(Jeni et al., 2013, 248). These metrics lack the granu-
larity required for robust validation, especially in cases
that involve group-based comparisons, which are es-
sential for fairness-based claims. To assess the fairness
of Moodle’s AI-based Learning Analytics, additional
metrics besides accuracy are necessary: precision, re-
call, specificity, false negative rates or false positive
rates (Verma and Rubin, 2018). These metrics are
fundamental for detailed assessments of the model per-
formance and group-based comparative statistics for
fairness audits.
3.4 Evaluation Results and Solutions
The three challenges, lacking and unmockable test-
data, a restricted evaluation mode that cannot assess
trained models from production usage or maintain data
in-between evaluations, as well as insufficient fairness
metrics restrict Moodle’s auditability. Due to Moo-
dle’s open-source nature, these problems can be coun-
tered by software engineering. A plugin can provide a
suitable extension of Moodle’s onboard auditing capa-
bilities and offer a more convenient approach to assess
Learning Analytics models or datasets.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A software engineering approach responded to the lim-
itations to the auditability of Moodle’s Learning An-
alytics components. LALA” is a plugin for Moodle
to retrofit essential functionalities to audit and assess
Moodle’s Learning Analytics component and, thus,
enhance its auditability. The following subsections
delineate the strategies to develop the LALA plug-in
and to mitigate the identified challenges. The plugin
seeks to present a more robust auditing experience
that adheres to a general audit framework of claims,
evidence and validation (Fernsel et al., tbd).
4.1 Technical Details of the Plugin
LALA is a Moodle “admin tool” plugin written in
(Fernsel, 2024). Figure 1 displays the most impor-
tant implemented
classes. The diagram omits the
various helper classes implemented for data process-
ing tasks as well as classes that implement Moodle
functionalities such as an event definition, a privacy
provider and output renderers.
The plugin clearly differentiates between the con-
figurations, which are generated from the available
logistic regression models’ configurations in the Learn-
ing Analytics components, and model versions which
are created from the model configuration. Database
tables are created for both, the model configurations
and the model versions (Figure 2). During creation,
the model version collects and stores evidence step by
step, including the trained logistic regression model
itself and different types of datasets produced in the
creation process. Meta data of each piece of evidence
is stored in a third database table. A dataset object
contains all features calculated from the gathered data.
The training and test datasets contain each a split of
these features. The predictions dataset contains the re-
sults from using the trained logistic regression model
on the test dataset. Related data is recursively gathered
from data tables referenced by the subjects of the pre-
diction. E.g. when predictions are created per student
enrolment, relevant rows and columns of Moodle’s
user enrolments
table are returned. Because that
table references the
tables, the rele-
vant contents of those are returned as well. Because
, those also count
as related data. Due to the dependence on production
data, related data is not available when using test-data
imported via LALA. The plugin uses the anonymized
versions of the evidence classes, except when upload-
ing own test-data.
4.2 Data Persistence
Moodle’s Learning Analytics evaluation mode does
not save models. LALA stores and retrieves these mod-
els to preserve evidence. This makes different trained
models and their configurations comparable. Further,
in its original state, updates to a model configuration
did not persist former versions. LALA adapts version-
ing of newly created model configurations, keeping old
configurations, even if they are deleted in the Moodle
Learning Analytics component. Persisting evidence
for future audits with available comparisons of models
greatly improves the auditability of Moodle’s Learning
Analytics. Persisting evidence allows to reproduce and
compare results and to validate the system’s claims.
To achieve data persistence, the plugin serializes
each dataset collected during the model version cre-
ation process and stores it as a
file on the Moodle
server. The location of the file is saved in the evi-
dence database table and enables the download of the
file for auditors. In the dashboard, new options to
download datasets, models, training data, and so on,
appear (Figure 3). The downloadable data includes
the used test-data as well. This way, it can be im-
ported into a different instance of Moodle for an audit
or re-uploaded for future assessments as described in
subsection 4.4.
4.3 Model Configuration vs. Trained
Moodle in its original state allows auditors to assess
only model configurations. Those are not the actual
trained models used for making predictions. There-
fore, they are not suitable for in-depth audits of biases
or fairness that might arise from the training data and
model training. Model configurations allow, however,
a first impression about the included indicators (i.e.
features of the model) and if they are sensible. The
evaluation mode, when used in a production system,
can help estimate for which courses which model con-
figurations lead to meaningful predictions.
LALA clearly distinguishes between model con-
figurations and trained models. While sane configura-
tions are important to create functioning models, the
overall performance and fairness of a model cannot be
derived by the included indicators alone. For any audit
it is critical to have access to the final trained models,
because any biases or misrepresentations in training
data will lead to misaligned models that reproduce dis-
criminatory decisions, categorizations or predictions
and that are error prone to misrepresented groups.
Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics
Figure 1: Important LALA classes and their hierarchy, exported from PHPStorm and edited.
4.4 Data Selection
The plugin adds an interface to import datasets into
Moodle. Auditors can then, for example, upload
and select balanced datasets to audit trained models.
This gives substantially more control over the process
and the targets of an audit, especially for assessing a
model’s fairness. The persisted trained models can be,
for example, audited with different data-sets or differ-
ent trained models can be benchmarked with the same
LALA solves one part of the test-data problem:
Moodle’s shortcoming in its original state is that only
datasets from past courses are available as test-data.
Now, for example, external standardized test-datasets
extend the capabilities to audit Moodle’s Learning An-
alytics. However, the other part of the problem – that
is generating standardized and balanced test-datasets –
lies outside of Moodle and the plugin’s scope. We will
come back to this issue in the discussion for further
4.5 Raw Predictions
LALA makes the raw predictions of the models avail-
able and generates outputs in the CSV format. The
raw data allows more in-depth information than single
metrics like an F1 score and its standard deviations.
Auditors can then run suitable individual statistical
transformations, analysis and tests on the raw data.
The audit gains more detailed knowledge of the mod-
els. Additionally, fairness assessments and the detec-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: LALA data tables diagram, exported from PHP-
Storm and edited.
Figure 3: Evidence provided by LALA for download.
tion of discriminatory biases require more nuanced
metrics alongside metrics for accuracy. The plugin
contributes to an easy availability of raw predictions
to derive additional suitable metrics that allow more
substantial statements on Moodle’s Learning Analytics
fairness and ethical value adherence.
The plugin facilitates a straightforward auditing pro-
cess. After installing the plugin in a running Moo-
dle instance, new options become available. Auditors
assume a dedicated role in the Moodle environment
and see a page of all current and older versions of the
model configurations in the Learning Analytics compo-
nent. They can then automatically or manually create
a new model from a configuration. The manual mode
allows to define which data should be gathered for
the model or alternatively to upload own data. Once
created, the model version information is displayed
along with the evidence produced during model train-
ing and testing. Once the plugin has completed the
data collection, auditors can download the evidence.
This includes predictions and related raw data, which
allow extended statistical testing for model fairness
and biases. This evidence can then be used to validate
or refute claims about fairness and trustworthiness.
Especially privacy and security concerns were con-
sidered during the plugin development. Security-wise,
necessary features are bound to the dedicated auditor-
role and do not intervene with permissions guidelines
and rule-sets for existing user roles. This separates
sensitive tasks from daily use. The role of auditor is
assigned by the instance’s administrator group. The
auditor role is permitted to display specific pages, to
download evidence, and to create new model versions.
To achieve anonymization, datasets and related data
are pseudonymized and only used if user-related data
contains at least three distinct
(e.g. there need to
be three distinct course enrolments) and concerns at
least three different users. Otherwise, the evidence col-
lection is aborted and the collected and pseudonymized
data is deleted to comply with GDPR (European Par-
liament, 2016).
Although LALA offers a significant step forward,
some challenges remain. Audits need more openly
available test-data. The import feature allows audi-
tors to use designated test-data, yet, specific datasets
with sufficient anonymity and respectable group sizes
to test potential discriminatory effects are not readily
available. The problem is aggravated because test-data
is quite complex and not mockable. Currently, Moo-
dle only provides complete non-anonymized course
backups. Privacy-compliant data-sets require to omit
specific information that is crucial for model train-
ing when exporting. Therefore, the ability to export
pseudonymized databases and automatically remove
only privacy-relevant data fields would benefit audits,
simplify the use of the plugin, and minimize privacy
risks. The ongoing development process is concerned
with reducing storage and processing requirements of
the plugin. Further, multiple machine learning imple-
mentations and direct predictions with trained models
need to be implemented to add to the feasibility and
usability for audits to validate Moodle’s Learning An-
alytics claims even further.
Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics
Machine learning models have often been found to be
unfair, for example, when they discriminate against
certain groups or are error-prone in their predictions
or classifications (Rzepka et al., 2022). To mitigate
unfairness and biases in Moodle’s Learning Analytics
and to guarantee the trustworthiness and acceptance
of Learning Analytics models, it is crucial to audit
them before deployment and continuously during their
utilization. However, an audit of Moodle’s Learning
Analytics currently faces challenges stemming from a
lack of auditability (Fernsel et al., tbd), which means,
Moodle is not sufficiently accessible for audits that
test claims by collecting and assessing evidence to
validate its propagated features (Williams et al., 2022;
Wolnizer, 2006). Specifically, Moodle does not store
and make available evidence that is necessary to prove
or refute fairness claims, Moodle only allows to in-
spect model configurations instead of trained models,
and Moodle only outputs insufficient metrics to assess
fairness (RQ1).
To address this lack of evidence, the developed
plugin enables auditors to train and test Learning An-
alytics model configurations while also storing the
intermediate results and providing these datasets as
downloads. The stored raw predictions can be used for
more in-depth inferential statistics to assess the over-
all fairness of the underlying models. Therefore, the
plugin LALA extends Moodle’s auditability (RQ2).
By enabling fairer Learning Analytics models and
increasing trust in their predictions, we hope to reach
more learners and to maximize the potential benefits
of these models. The Moodle case study shows that
auditability is not a given for open-source applications.
Open source applications must also be designed with
auditability in mind (Zook et al., 2017). Nevertheless,
the Moodle example in particular shows that possible
solutions can be retrofitted for open-source software
to meet the requirements of scientifically sound audits
that validate the claims made by the system through
We would like to thank the constructive remarks of
several reviewer that helped to refine and improve our
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Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics