of regional and national importance. The tasks of the
project include both the intensification of the
relationship between science and education and
society as a whole and the enhancement of the
quantity and quality of the internationally visible
scientific output.
The public challenges to which the project is
focused are minimizing the damages from natural
disasters and accidents and for protecting the
environment. The project also responds to them by
studying geodynamic processes in the Earth's crust
and providing up-to-date information about them.
This study was supported by the Contract № KP-06-
N74/2 from 14.12.2023, (project “Study of co-
seismic deformations of the earth's crust for the
territory of the Balkan Peninsula based on satellite
data” financed by Competition for financial support
of basic research projects – 2023.
The authors would like to express their gratitude
to European Space Agency for providing Sentinel-1
SAR data and processing software SNAP at no cost.
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