Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act
and Resulting Actions for Product Development
Peter Schoo
Independent Researcher, 82194 Gr
obenzell, Germany
Cyber Resilience Act, CRA, Product Security, Security Engineering, Harmonised European Standards,
Product Certification.
This short-paper analyses the forthcoming European Cybersecurity Legislation, focusing on the Cyber Re-
silience Act (CRA), with an examination of the challenges in defining the CRA addressing product security
requirements, life-cycle and supply chain protection, and product criticality classification, that points to certi-
fication of product security. Stakeholders, including EU institutions, industry players and Open Source Soft-
ware (OSS) community, play pivotal roles. The discussion provides a concise but complete overview of the
regulatory content and context, the obligations and recommendations for action for companies and practical
recommendations for courses at universities, as they arise from the CRA.
Enabling technologies are technically harmonised by
standards, mostly for ensuring product qualities or to
allow for interworking. Regulation determines the le-
gal constrains how products using such technologies
are placed on markets according to given standards.
Recently the European Union has focused on regulat-
ing IT security and data protection for product, plat-
forms and services, which is result of advances in
digitisation. For a subset, namely (industrial) cyber-
physical products that are placed on European mar-
kets the coming CRA will regulate expected and min-
imum IT security properties. When CRA enters into
force and after a transition period, all these products
that in the widest sense have digital communication
capabilities, will have to come with IT security pro-
tection, that will correspond to expected risks, and
the maintenance for this protection during the prod-
ucts life time.
The analysis carried out here focuses on the CRA
and its profound implications for product develop-
ment and the realm of IT security. The motivation
behind this discussion is to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the new legislation, particularly its
nuanced consequences for product development and
maintenance efforts. As the CRA was recently com-
pleted and will now become legally binding, this dis-
cussion portrays work in progress and discusses the
consequences for vendors that are accessing the Euro-
pean market. While larger enterprises may find these
ramifications less pressing and have experiences what
is means to follow the security by design paradigm,
this discussion may have more significance for Small
and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Addition-
ally, an educational lens will be applied, indicating
a thematic direction for security engineering in edu-
cational institutions.
The special topic of assessing the implementa-
tions of IT security security in a standardised for-
mat and from independent 3rd bodies is only touched
upon here and not comprehensively discussed. Be-
hind this lies a comprehensive ecosystem, additional
procedures, often specific government requirements
and further norms and standards that would go be-
yond the scope of this discussion.
The structure of the discussion is as follows. Com-
mencing with an overview of the legislative landscape
and key players involved, the essential ideas encapsu-
lated in the CRA, and subsequently the consequences
for the security controls of products are presented.
The consideration then extends to scrutinising the im-
pact on the development processes, mandated require-
ments throughout the product life cycle, and poten-
tial product-conformance assessment. The conclusion
finally consider indicated actions resulting from the
impending CRA, paving the way for a comprehen-
sive understanding of this pivotal cybersecurity legis-
Schoo, P.
Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act and Resulting Actions for Product Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0012690500003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 245-251
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In anticipation of secure products for the digital mar-
ket, the European Commission (EC) has taken deci-
sive steps to bolster cybersecurity, culminating in the
EU legislation framework (Figure 1). This legislation
encompasses a broad set of regulations, addressing
the European market’s digital landscape with a fo-
cus on products and operational infrastructures. Of
this legislation only a subset is discussed here, namely
that subset needed here in the discussion for the un-
derstanding of the CRA. Initially, the legislation cen-
tres with the CSA (European Union, 2019) on a non-
sector-specific certification framework for a diverse
range of Information and Communications Technol-
ogy (ICT) devices, processes, and services, exclud-
ing regulations on Social Networks platforms. It then
extends to cover the protection of Critical Infrastruc-
tures (CIs) in European operational sectors and the
security of products equipped with networking capa-
bilities, acknowledging with the CRA the increasing
relevance of connected industrial IoT devices.
Initially in this legislative initiative, EC published
its CRA proposal in 2022 (European Commission,
2022). As result of the consultation process and of the
legislative handling in the trilog with the EU institu-
tions , in December 2023 a compromise text (Gen-
eral Secretariat of the Council, 2023) was agreed.
The legal text has its entry into force 20 days after
i.e. national
Product Security
Protection of CIs
security assurance,
criticality classes
essential security req.,
development process,
certification when needed,
security support
during life cycle
some of these products
will be used in CIs
Figure 1: Simplified EU legislation overview. Acts are di-
rectly applicable, Regulations are to be transferred into na-
tional legal framework. Cybersecurity Act (CSA) defined
in 2019 certification regulation. NIS2 defined in 2022 ad-
dresses operation of CI, and draft of December 2023 CRA
focuses on security for products that shall be placed in EU
being published in the Official Journal of the Euro-
pean Union (OJEU), i.e. the transition period of 36
months and 21 months resp. starts counting. There
are two applicability dates the CRA defines. The ear-
lier date is when vendors have to follow security re-
porting obligation (cmf. Section 3.2). Only after three
years the CRA the full applicability will begin for all
products placed on the European market by manufac-
turers, distributors or importers, for selling products
to customers or to businesses. For consumers this will
be indicated by the CE mark on products to then also
including cybersecurity as immanent product proper-
This regulation applies to products with
digital elements whose intended or reasonably
foreseeable use includes a direct or indirect
logical or physical data connection to a device
or network (European Commission, 2022, Ar-
ticle 2).
Such products can also be colloquially referred to
as cyber-physical products, which is used in he fol-
lowing as synonym.
The CRA relates also to other regulations the EC
is committed to and that also address security and data
protection. In the three-part criticality grading of AI
systems set out in the AI Act
, the legislature re-
quires that high-risk systems receive IT security pro-
tection and resilience as specified by the CRA. This
includes AI-specific threats such as data poisoning
or adversarial attacks and also risks of fundamental
rights. Similar with the Machinery Directive
originally harmonised primarily health and safety re-
quirements for machines, and products that use net-
working capabilities to support creating data for the
European Health Data Space. These machines or de-
vices are considered products with digital elements so
that the CRA with its essential requirements to IT se-
curity protection is to be applied. Not so Software-
as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) or
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) that do not have
a cyber-physical counterpart. For product develop-
ments it then also includes the General Data Protec-
tion Regulation (GDPR), to extend the paradigm Se-
curity by Design to also Privacy by Design.
Including in this regulatory trajectory is Network
and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) (European
Union, 2022), concentrating on the safeguarding se-
lected critical infrastructures, which are societal cru-
cial for operational continuity. Member states play
a pivotal role in defining national implementation
=CELEX:52021PC0206 (in progress)
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
plans, tailoring them to the significance and scale of
operators within their jurisdictions.
This above arrangement of regulations presents a
coherent and streamlined overview of the evolving
European cybersecurity landscape over legal frame-
The CRA represents a new era in European cyberse-
curity legislation, ending the current practice of sim-
ply ignoring the IT security of products. Rather the
CRA addresses both technical product properties to
build according to Security by Design principles and
enforce vendors’ business processes to maintain secu-
rity during the life time of products. This is ambitious
for a legal framework and builds on scientific grounds
and proven security engineering principles and will
impact a broad spectrum of products with networking
capabilities, including OSS, necessitating a compre-
hensive set of security disciplines to strengthen the
EU market digital landscape. These measures to im-
prove product security are complemented by market
monitoring carried out by EC to see how the regula-
tion created by the CRA will work and what accep-
tance and changes will result.
3.1 Risk-Based Product Cybersecurity
The cornerstone of the CRA lies in the definition of
product security requirements depending on the risks
a product will be exposed to, e.g. underpinned by a a
thorough threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA)
that identifies potential threats and results in under-
standing the products’ risks. Dependent on the ven-
dor’s risk appetite or the environment the product
shall be used in and shall be fit for, the IT security
concept for the protection of the product is to be de-
signed and developed.
This can involve documenting crucial security-
related decisions, such as the documentation of the
TARA and the followed security concept, utilisation
of standards, internal security validation, or testing
efforts. By requesting such design (intermediate) re-
sults, the legislation seeks to establish a robust foun-
dation for the security posture of networked cyber-
physical products.
3.2 Maintaining Product Cybersecurity
Security support for products brought to market is
a complementing security management aspect in the
context of products life-cycle, encompassing the def-
inition of a security support period of five years for
vulnerability handling, a well-defined vulnerability
disclosure process, and reporting obligations to rele-
vant authorities. Product owners are mandated to ad-
here to vulnerability handling obligations
providing products to the market that do not have
known actively exploited vulnerabilities, and
ensuring a swift and effective response to identi-
fied vulnerabilities
that is expected to release secure products and to
help maintaining their protection.
Recognising the interconnected nature of the dig-
ital supply chain, the legislation extends its reach
to safeguard third-party components, including OSS,
against threats such as e.g. potential back-doors, as
an responsibility of the product owner. This involves
implementing security management practices and in-
troducing a formalised Software Bill of Materials
(SBOM). This documentation concept formalises the
product construction from components and can also
be a chance for the development processes and tools,
supporting processing of information about compo-
nents and enhances transparency within the supply
3.3 Product Cybersecurity
A significant measure introduced by the CRA is the
classification of products based on their criticality
(cmf. Figure 2). This nuanced approach acknowl-
edges that certain components, like a firewall, carry
a higher level of criticality than others, such as e.g.
user desktop settings. Compliance with standards
and the presentation of fulfilled security requirements,
whether claimed or independently assessed by third
parties, become paramount in this context. The CRA
introduces three classes of products depending on
their criticality and an extra class for which EU certi-
fication is made mandatory.
It is expected by EC that the majority of prod-
ucts will fall into the class that can self-declare se-
curity properties and use of standards. These stan-
dards can be de jure standards or, a subset of it, spe-
cific European standards. However, the identification
of such European standards required by the CRA is
Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act and Resulting Actions for Product Development
Figure 2: Conformity Assessment Classes. Source: Euro-
pean Commission.
in progress to date and their identification is not yet
completed by the European Standards Organisations
(ESOs). CEN, CENELEC were asked by the EC to
identify and name harmonised standard.
With the coming CRA the ESOs will be ask to
take into account existing international
and European standards for cybersecurity
that are in place or under development in or-
der to simplify the development of harmonised
standards (General Secretariat of the Council,
2023, Article 18)
This means that it can be assumed that existing or up-
coming standards that can technically meet the essen-
tial safety requirements of the CRA will become Eu-
ropean standards on which products should then be
based accordingly. Advantageously, such harmonised
standards then allow the presumption of conformity
for products in the Class “Default Category”, i.e. con-
formity with the essential requirements of CRA can
be reasonably assumed. However, it cannot be ruled
out that further harmonisation will be necessary in ex-
ceptional cases. A risk comparable to the chance that
an existing standard will be revised and thereby es-
tablish new requirements. In summary, unless a prod-
uct falls into other classes than “Default Category”,
the CE mark requires a self-declaration only
, which
is named to be “internal product control”. Rationals
must be part of the vendor’s product documentation
that can be presented in case of dispute.
3.4 Critical Product Classes
A self-declaration will not be suitable, however, for
critical products, e.g. a firewall. In Annex III the
CRA defines the three classes of product types that
are critical products with digital elements (Critical
Class I), critical products with digital elements (Crit-
ical Class II) and highly critical products with dig-
ital elements. The (Critical Class II) includes e.g.
Micro-controller and -processors, Industrial Automa-
tion and Control Systems according to the norm IEC-
according to EU Decision 768/2008/EC, “Module A
62443, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), robots
and smart meter. To assure that such critical prod-
ucts come with claimed security controls that they are
suitable according to a given criticality, elements of
these classes are more thoroughly assessed. Critical
Class I products will require a EC type examination
according to the “Module B” and performed by an
independent party concerning the conformity to Eu-
ropean standards. Critical Class II of critical products
will be validated by independent parties according to
given security protection profiles that define security
requirements and objectives, which are defined inde-
pendent of the product owner. The highest criticality
class is foreseen to assess those products being used
in CIs.
To prevent over-regulation and ensure coherence
within the legal landscape, the CRA aligns also with
other relevant legal acts or directives. Notable con-
nections include the NIS2 for critical infrastructures,
the AI Act, and machinery/product safety regulations
as mentioned in Section 2.
All of these classifications are based on the as-
sumption that not only the classification is mean-
ingful, but also that (i) compliance with the specific
safety requirements is checked uniformly and corre-
sponding to existing certification schemes, and (ii)
that there are sufficient capacities to carry out the con-
formance assessments. For industry both points are
most critical in the phase until the CRA enter the full
3.5 Observe CRA Effect on Market
To monitor and assess the effectiveness of cyberse-
curity regulations, the CRA introduces a market ob-
servation mechanism. With this initiative EC aims
to scrutinise the application and impact of the leg-
islation, deciphering its relevance and adaptability
of the ever-evolving vulnerabilities of product and
ow vendors accordingly act in the European digital
landscape. It is a political decision which European
agency will receives the responsibility to carry out
this market observation.
With completion of the CRA legislation, attention
turns to the missing standardisation and opportunities
it presents for market stakeholders and the necessary
complementary implementation measures.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
4.1 Procedure Defining the CRA
Defining the CRA within the European legislative
framework presents a multifaceted set of challenges.
As this legal initiative took shape, the European insti-
tutions, comprising the EC, the member states Coun-
cil of the European Union, and the European Parlia-
ment, engage as usual in a collaborative process. The
EC proposes the legislation, and subsequent discus-
sions involve the Council and Parliament, culminating
in a co-decision that shall ensure consensus across all
member states and European institutions. Unlike di-
rectives, the CRA is a regulation, instantly applicable
across member states without the need for national
transposition. One of the ambitious task was to com-
plete this initiative in a short period of time and within
current parliamentary term of EP and EC, which is,
however, not achieved to date as publication in the
OJEU has not been done and is only planned.
The distinctive focus on cyber-physical prod-
ucts heightens the complexity of formulating a le-
gal framework, adhering to principles of proportion-
ality and necessity, that addresses essential cyberse-
curity maintained throughout the life-cycle of prod-
ucts capable of networking, encompassing both hard-
ware and software. On the technical side, the de-
sired essential safety properties for the affected prod-
ucts are already sufficiently covered by R&D, which
of course should not exclude any research for further
progress. However, the formulation of legal require-
ments proved to be difficult due to the diverse areas of
application of existing products in the consumer sec-
tor and for industrial use and due to the different exist-
ing business models. A challenge emerged in crafting
a framework that genuinely enhances the IT security
of diverse products with varying applications and use
Compounding this difficulty was the limited tech-
nical security expertise of those formulating and dis-
cussing the legal text, overseeing the consequences
in applying IT security and for security engineering,
and product development to a limited extend only. To
bridge this gap, reliance was placed on external se-
curity expertise provided by governmental agencies
like e.g. ANSSI or German BSI, standardisation bod-
ies, product manufacturing companies, operators of
technical systems including the affected OSS commu-
nity that contributed. For example, The Apache Soft-
ware Foundation participated in the legislative pro-
cess as a representative of the OSS community and
expresses no fundamental dissatisfaction with the out-
come of how future IT security requirements for OSS
were legally designed (Milinkovich, 2023; van Gu-
lik, 2024). NGOs and civil society were involved to a
very limited extent only.
4.2 Standards and Certification
The effectiveness of the CRA legal framework hinges
on its alignment with the original goals set by the EC
to enhance product security without hindering the Eu-
ropean market. Market development will be closely
monitored, and the reporting obligations embedded in
the CRA and also the NIS2 are expected to signifi-
cantly improve over the next years observations and
statistics of security incidents in both products and
deployments. ESO and certification authorities play a
pivotal role in the CRA’s effectiveness, as the speed of
uptake and the establishment of European norms and
standards by ESO will be vital. While the set of har-
monised European standards is open to date (Har, ) re-
garding the norms the CRA wants to see applied, how
shall vendors cope this product development risks in
the next years? This will cause enormous uncertain-
ties for industry.
Similar the question for validating and assessing
conformity of critical product classes: the develop-
ment of capabilities and capacities for formal assess-
ments or potential certifications is imperative, as Eu-
rope has only very limited organisation (so-called ac-
credited Notified Bodies) that are legitimate to assess
the defined conformity. The market at the time be-
ing does not have a suitable capacity for assessing
the conformity. There are too few companies having
been designated to carry out conformity assessment
according to a EU directives and it is today question-
able if their capacity will be good enough for the mas-
sively increasing demand of industry and SMEs. Cer-
tification schemes are under way in Europe and it be-
comes clear that the interest of EC and the affected
industries go in different directions. For example, the
derived experiences made in applying Common Cri-
teria certification is that this scheme does not fit well
to neither evolving ICT systems nor the industrial IoT
technology. Evolving ICT systems receive also in fu-
ture updates that may affect certified security prop-
erties. What does this mean for the conformity as-
sessment? Further, IoT systems are build today from
many components, from lowest layer processors to
eventually user-oriented control components, which
establishes a demand for conformity assessments that
can follow in a way such component based composi-
tions, avoiding duplication of efforts for security as-
Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act and Resulting Actions for Product Development
4.3 Security Engineering
In order for future products to meet the requirements
of CRA, manufacturers and organisations involved in
the development of ICT products are obliged to in-
clude IT security as early as possible (security by de-
sign) and to maintain this protection over the entire
product lifespan (security life cycle). It is necessary
to define, establish and assess processes of product
development, including the supply chains, such that
they are compliant to the upcoming regulation. This
means first becoming aware of the risks a product
must be able to deal with and how the necessary se-
curity mechanisms should be designed. Formally, a
TARA is required that serves as the basis for the de-
velopment of a risk-based security concept, which, at
the same time, helps avoiding to over-engineer pro-
tection efforts.
There are numerous approaches to carry out re-
quired threat analysis and risk assessment, e.g. in-
cluded in EN ISO/IEC 62443, (Common Criteria Or-
ganisation, 2017), etc.). There is no agreed method
exists for industry or in science, only good practice.
Anyhow, it is agreed that the basic scheme follows
the scheme:
Risk T hreats × Probability × Impact
The assessment of risks is based on the quality of
the threats for (mostly technology induced) attacks,
the probability that such threats are expected to come
and the expected impact of the attack. To date, such
TARA are carried out by experts, however, over time
and for given technologies catalogues of threat my be
agreed in industry sectors and maintained to follow
latest vulnerabilities and identified security flaws, as
proposed (Sommer et al., 2019) for the automotive
domain to support ISO/SAE 21434.
In order for the security concept to be maintained,
it is necessary to be able to update the product or to be
able to carry out future updates of used components.
This will not necessarily be always successful, espe-
cially for legacy products, as examples for an early
product end of life indicate. If security support can no
longer be provided and updates cannot be made avail-
able, then decision may be required for such products
to exit the market
The product classes discussed in Section 3.4 help
to guide the design of the security concept. Priori-
tising proven norms and standards not only enhances
In another industry, an automaker production of a vehi-
cle type is discontinued because cybersecurity requirements
can no longer be fulfilled:
rsche Macan or
sche-continuing-gas-macan-sales/ accessed 2024-03-10
product security but also simplifies self-declarations,
especially for critical product classes, helping to keep
certification costs low. This illustrates how important
it is harmonised European standards exists and that
they are used in products. On the other hand, Class I
and below do not require harmonised European stan-
dards and can build on standards that are state of the
art. This is very important for legacy products that
were built but the standards used never fall into the
group of harmonised European standards.
All such design and standards application deci-
sions have to be documented well, as it will be needed
in case of dispute with market survey agencies. The
use of tools for managing product artefacts will help
to meet documentation requirements and presents an
opportunity to streamline processes for automation,
as seen in parts with the SBOM. Specifically when
components in the supply chain of a product will be
compromised, the product owner is expected to react
swiftly and mitigate or eliminate security flaws.
The reporting obligations encompassed in the
CRA and that will become early on affecting as
mentioned above, will certainly require organisations,
vendors and importers adopt their business processes.
Practising reporting processes and vulnerability han-
dling within given timelines, aligning such reporting
decision processes with also the GDPR obligations in-
dicates some preparation demand and efforts.
4.4 Education and Training
The coming application of the CRA creates demand
and impetus for education and training of future
IT specialists, specifically in IT security and data
protection. The wide-ranging application influences
within companies product development, processes,
and methods. This includes methods for conduct-
ing TARA and using these as basis for defining secu-
rity concepts that achieve a specified protection level
with well-defined remaining risks. Structuring secu-
rity engineering as part of the development process to
encompass predefined security requirements will be
crucial, also to adopt to new technologies in the Post
Quantum era. It is not the new technology that defines
the challenge, but its application and the migration to
new technologies.
Being cognisant of duties and obligations arising
from vulnerability handling, and understanding liabil-
ities and legal regulations, will play a essential role
in shaping the future of digitisation. In essence, the
CRA not only mandates compliance but also cataly-
ses a holistic transformation in the approach to cy-
bersecurity, promoting innovation, efficiency, and re-
silience for products that shall go to European mar-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
ket, and, also this will show effect for all countries
the supply chains reaches.
To conclude, the description compiled here provides a
concise but complete overview of the regulatory con-
tent and context, the obligations and recommenda-
tions for action for companies and practical recom-
mendations for courses at universities, as they arise
from the CRA.
In summary, the anticipation remains that this
comprehensive legal regulation will not merely touch
but fundamentally transform every facet of the IT in-
dustry, setting forth a trajectory where security, adapt-
ability, and regulatory adherence converge for a hope-
fully more resilient digital future. Skills for risk-
based Security by Design product development will
be key and a major challenge for SMEs. Further, and
to date still open, is to quickly define the needed har-
monised European standards and certification direc-
tives. From the operative perspective vulnerability
handling requires to establish an European wide ap-
plicable reporting infrastructure that participants can
use without too much extra efforts.
When Ursula von der Leyen as president of the EC
announced the CRA in September 2021, the draft of
which was delivered one year later, she specifically
pointed out the need to fight against ransomware.
While this threat is not truly addressed by the new
legislation, the resistance of connected cyber-physical
products against IT security threats will certainly im-
prove for the European market and beyond.
My thanks go to the patient, anonymous reviewer for
the detailed comments that helped making the presen-
tation clearer and easier to understand.
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Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act and Resulting Actions for Product Development