EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution
for the Assessment of Learning Resources
Manel BenSassi
and Henda Ben Ghezala
Univ. Manouba, ENSI, RIADI LR99ES26, Campus Universitaire Manouba, 2010, Tunisia
Collaboration Design, Conflict Resolution, Learning Materials Assessment.
To meet expectation for education in the 21st century established by OECD, educational system are grappling
with many challenges at different levels. As accrediting bodies consistently ask for evidence of the quality of
educational programs, the alignment of learning materials with specific course or program curricula, as well
as broader educational standards and guidelines, becomes imperative. This requirement places an overwhelm-
ing burden on educational systems, necessitating iterative evaluations from diverse perspectives. Given the
involvement of several multidisciplinary stakeholders, conflicts may naturally arise in this intricate evaluation
process. To address this complexity, we propose, in this paper, a collaborative design of criteria-based frame-
work approach to evaluate learning materials. The approach allows for a flexible selection process of criteria
without predefined order, and it incorporates an automatic conflict resolution mechanism based on user pref-
erences. Our objective is to streamline the evaluation process, enhance collaboration among stakeholders, and
contribute to the overall improvement of educational materials in alignment with contemporary educational
Building strong education systems is fundamental to
development and growth. Providing access to qual-
ity education not only fulfills a basic human right, but
also serves as a strategic development investment. At
the individual level, while a diploma may open doors
to employment, it is her or his skills that determine
his or her productivity and ability to adapt to new
technologies and opportunities (Rogers and Demas,
At the strategic level, for education systems to
deliver quality education, they need to be able to
promote both schooling and learning by designing
and adapting learning materials to anticipate learn-
ers’ needs and contexts (Gottipati and Shankarara-
man, 2018).
Textbooks, learning materials and activities play a
significant role in shaping the learning experience of
students, and their quality can have a direct impact on
the effectiveness of instruction(Morgan et al., 2013).
The ongoing evaluation of them contributes to
the continuous improvement of educational prac-
tices and ensures that educational institutions and
programs maintain high standards (Gottipati and
Shankararaman, 2018). It fosters a culture of reflec-
tion and adaptability in response to evolving educa-
tional needs, contexts and high standards.
For reasons cited above, as the evaluation of learn-
ing activities is a multifaceted process, great effort has
been devoted to propose criteria and frameworks that
ensure a systematic, fair and comprehensive assess-
ment of learning activities, ultimately contributing to
the improvement of educational quality and effective-
ness (McDonald and McDonald, 1999).
Several meetings and exchanges among multi-
disciplinary practitioners are organized to collabo-
ratively design, redesign, and adapt such a multi-
faceted framework (Grover et al., 2014) (Dewan,
2022). This undertaking may become challenging and
seems overwhelming given the existence of different
perspectives and conflicting situations may emerge.
Thus, educational systems, although their interest in
improving programs and their willing to embrace the
evaluation process, are sometimes discouraged in the
perception that any meaningful assessment will likely
require unreasonable amounts of time and effort (De-
wan, 2022).
To address this complexity, we propose in this pa-
per a collaborative design of a criteria-based frame-
work to evaluate learning materials, called ”EduColl”,
that relies on free-order criteria selection process,
where stakeholders freely select their analysis criteria
BenSassi, M. and Ben Ghezala, H.
EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources.
DOI: 10.5220/0012690600003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 470-477
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
or metrics toward competencies and learning activi-
ties without being constrained by the selected metrics
made by the other ones.
Our main objective is to offer an approach with
supporting tools that enhance the collaborative design
for a consensus framework of learning materials as-
sessment. This consensus framework, which is elabo-
rated on the basis of the existing grid and the opinions
of experts, will likely take into account the specificity
of the educational system.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
gives an overview of learning materials assessment
related work and discuss challenges of collaborative
design. Section 3 presents the knowledge about con-
flict within collaborative configuration, feature mod-
els, and minimal correction subsets (MCSs). The pro-
posed approach is explained in section 4. We present
an illustrative example and the supporting tool in sec-
tion 5 before concluding in section 6 .
A number of studies and frameworks focus on an
analysis strategy of learning materials. For exam-
ple, Baker (Baker, 2003) has developed a framework
for the design and evaluation of Internet-based dis-
tance learning courses. Morgan (Morgan et al., 2013),
also, proposed a systematic tool for assessing learning
materials in various dimensions. Bundsgaard et al.
(Bundsgaard and Hansen, 2011) introduced a holistic
framework to evaluate learning materials and learn-
ing design. Leacook and Nesbit (Leacock and Nesbit,
2007) have contributed to this domain with the devel-
opment of the LORI (Learning Object Review Instru-
ment) framework. LORI allows educators to create
reviews that include ratings and comments on nine
dimensions: content quality, alignment of learning
goals, feedback and adaptation, motivation, presenta-
tion design, usability of the interaction, accessibility,
reusability, and compliance with standards. Other re-
search focuses on curriculum assessment such as (Vi-
vian and Falkner, 2018) and (Grover et al., 2014).
However, the main focus of the studied research
and others is to advance criteria, dimensions, and
framework for assessing learning materials. They do
not provide any information about how these frame-
works are designed.
On the other hand, Kalle et al. (Piirainen et al.,
2009) assert that collaborative design not only forms
the foundation for developing guidelines to achieve
better design outcomes, but is also an efficient ap-
proach for managing the complexity in multi-actor
systems. However, it has been recognized that there
is a need to identify models of design processes that
facilitate rather than prescribe, given the challeng-
ing nature of collaborative design (Maher, 1990). By
bringing together diverse expertise, we may certainly
contribute to the development of a consensus frame-
work. However, the collaborative process is not with-
out its challenges, as conflicts may emerge due to di-
vergent opinions.
In light of these considerations, this paper pro-
poses an approach that offer a flexible and collab-
orative design process, empowering stakeholders to
freely express their preferences and points of view de-
scribed in the following subsection.
To understand our approach, knowledge about con-
flict within collaborative configuration, feature mod-
els, and minimal correction subsets (MCSs) is impor-
tant. They are briefly discussed in the following sec-
3.1 Research Hypothesis and Conflict
Research Hypothesis. Let us consider a scenario
where practitioners are tasked to evaluate various
learning materials (units, activities in textbook) ac-
cording to learning objectives and given competen-
cies outlined in curriculum. To facilitate this pro-
cess, practitioners have at their disposal a cartogra-
phy of criteria, referred to as a configuration, that en-
compasses a variety of criteria for different scenar-
ios. Practitioners select the configuration of criteria
for each unit, ensuring a cohesive alignment with the
intended educational outcomes.
So, in this context of collaborative learning mate-
rials assessment where multidisciplinary stockholder
are involved, conflicting situation may emerge and
will likely require unreasonable amounts of time and
effort to resolve it. Managing such situation becomes
important to optimize human times and efforts.
Basically, according to (Mendonca et al., 2007),
a conflict situation occurs when two or more charac-
teristics (in our case, the evaluation of criteria) con-
tain explicit or implicit dependencies rely on the de-
cision state of the other. Likewise, Elfaki et al. (Elfaki
et al., 2009) outlined that a conflict occurs when two
or more configuration decisions assigned to different
stakeholders cannot be true at the same time. For-
mally, a conflict can be defined as follows:
Definition. For a given configuration of criteria Cc
that comprise a set of configuration decisions {Cdi},
EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources
a subset Cs Cc is a conflict, if Cc is unsatisfiable
and Cdi Cs, Cc \ {Cdi} is satisfiable. A conflict
situation can be categorized in different ways. We
outline, in the following section, a a classification of
different types of conflict.
3.2 Conflict Types
With regard to the classification proposed by (Edded
et al., 2020), conflict may be (see Fig.1):
Explicit: that represents the case where the deci-
sions about the same criteria made by two or more
stakeholders are contradictory (criteria value se-
lected as Extremely High Importance selected
by a stakeholder and undesired by another se-
lected as ”Extremely Low Importance” ).
Implicit: represents the case where the decisions
of different experts do not respect the pedagogi-
cal constraints. Here, three situations are distin-
Situation 1: conflict occurs when a criteria A
selected by a expert 1 imply an other criteria B
which undesirable by expert 2
Situation 2: conflict occurs when a criteria A
excludes criteria B and both are selected as
very high important” by two experts.
Situation 3: conflict occurs when two or more
criteria cannot coexist and all are selected as
very high important” by different experts.
Figure 1: Conflicts types inspired from (Edded et al., 2020).
The organization of criteria cartography follows
a hierarchical structure, visually presented using the
notation of feature models theory explained in in the
following section.
3.3 Feature Models in Software
Feature models, in software engineering (Apel et al.,
2016), serve as specialized information models that
comprehensively depict all possible scenarios in
terms of features and their relationships. Specifically,
a basic feature model organizes features hierarchi-
cally, incorporating parent-child relationships catego-
rized as OR, Alternative (XOR), and AND which in-
cludes the Mandatory or Optional options. Fig.2 il-
lustrates the graphical notation corresponding to these
relationship types (Arcaini et al., 2015).
In addition to these parent-child relations, extra-
constraints, such as cross-tree relations, can be in-
troduced to specify feature incompatibilities, notably
through expressions like ”A requires B” and ”A ex-
cludes B” (Arcaini et al., 2015). Feature models have
become a de facto standard for representing the com-
monalities and variability of configurable software
systems (Feichtinger et al., 2021).
Figure 2: Conventional translation in propositional formu-
lae (Apel et al., 2016).
In our context, we have chosen to embrace feature
models, visually represented by feature diagrams, as a
concise representation of these intricate scenarios due
to their simplicity.
3.4 Minimal Correction Subsets
A Minimal Correction Subset (MCS) refers to a sub-
set of constraints within an infeasible constraint sys-
tem. Correcting the infeasibility by removing this
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
subset transforms the system into a set of satisfiable
constraints. The term ’minimal is used to denote that
no proper subset possesses this corrective property. It
is important to note that an infeasible constraint sys-
tem may have several Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets
of Constraints (MUSes) and MCSes. Formally, given
an unsatisfiable constraint system C, its MUSes and
MCSes are defined as follows according to (Liffiton
and Sakallah, 2008).
Definition 2. A subset N C is an MUS if N is
unsatisfiable and Ci N, N \ {Ci} is satisfiable. We
will refer to individual clauses as Ci, where i refers
to the position of the clause in the formula and where
each literal a
i j
is either a positive or negative instance
of some Boolean variable: Ci
i j
Definition 3. A subset F C is an MCS if C \ F is
satisfiable and Ci F,C \(F \{Ci}) is unsatisfiable.
Much research and proposals on computing MCSs
have been done in the fields of Boolean satisfiability
and constraint satisfaction problems. Their objective
is to identify minimal sets of clauses whose elimina-
tion transforms a given unsatisfiable Conjunctive Nor-
mal Formula (CNF) into a satisfiable one. The idea
behind this is to make iterative calls to a Standard
Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) solver to check the sat-
isfiability of different sub-formulas. Generally, these
algorithms handle a triplet {S,U,C}o f F, where S is a
satisfiable subformula, C contains clauses which are
inconsistent with S, and U contains the remaining
clauses of F.
MaxSAT as represented in (Liffiton and Sakallah,
2008), stands as the most widely adopted approach for
computing MCSs that consists of finding an assign-
ment that satisfies the maximum number of clauses of
an unsatisfiable formula (Marques-Silva et al., 2013).
Consequently, finding MCSs is closely tied to the
MaxSAT (or MaxCSP) problem, wherein the goal is
to determine a minimal subset of assignments that
satisfy the various clauses of an CNF, providing an
optimal solution to MaxSAT. This represents an opti-
mal solution to MaxSAT. In this paper, we adopt the
approach outlined by (Liffiton and Sakallah, 2008)
to calculate MCS in the conflict resolution process
within the collaborative design framework.
To deal with the issues of the collaborative design
framework, we propose a new approach where stake-
holders freely express their conception decisions and
conflicts are resolved based on their preferences and
opinions. A summary of the proposed approach is
depicted in Fig.3 . The approach encompasses four
main steps: (1) the preference expression, (2) collab-
orative design, (3) design verification, and (4) conflict
resolution based on MUC and utility function.
4.1 Preference Expressing
Preferences of experts, in our case, represent a recov-
ery plan that permit to collaborators to express their
preference if one or more of their configuration deci-
sions could not be retained in case of conflict.
Each preference refers to the removal of a specific
MCS as illustrated in the example (see figure 1).
In the context of the proposed approach, an MCS
represents the set of selected criteria for the assess-
ment framework of the quality of learning materials
whose removal makes the current framework satisfi-
The proposed list, which could be later enriched,
is composed of two preferences described as follows:
Pref1. The most selected clause by collaborators
Pref2. Decision made by the referent
The referent is a collaborator chosen during the
first step of the proposed approach. For each expert
E p (where E p in E = {E1, .., Ez}), a reference in-
dex is computed based on N features specified by the
moderator. For each of these features, a scoring scale
has been established to quantify their individual con-
tributions to the overall index.
The alternative selected by the referent (with the
higher reference index value) is considered.
In case of conflict, the selected preferences are
applied on the list of computed MCS to identify the
resolution MCS which is the one common among all
these preferences.
This approach helps in systematically resolving
conflicts by providing a structured and quantitative
basis for decision-making. This can contribute to con-
sensus building and a better understanding of the col-
lective decision.
4.2 Collaborative Design
During the collaborative design step, different stock-
holders freely express their preference and select a set
of criteria composing an assessment scenario towards
a given learning materials without being constrained
to others scenarios made by the pother collaborators.
In the context of the proposed approach, experts
express their opinions about each criteria using the
flowing scale:
1. Extremely Low importance (EL)
2. Very Low importance (VL)
EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources
Figure 3: Overview of the proposed approach.
3. Low importance (L)
4. Medium importance (M)
5. High importance (H)
6. Very High importance (VH)
7. Extremely High importance (EH)
A conflict situation may occurs when a given cri-
teria is labeled with (EL or VL or L ) and (H or VH or
EH) as we illustrate in Fig.1. To streamline the iden-
tification of these conflicts, we formally classify ex-
perts’ opinions into two distinct sets:F = {EL,V L, L}
and ¬F = {H,V H, EH}.
4.3 Design Verification
During the verification step, all the proposals are
merged: The number of occurrences of each opinion
is computed as we illustrate in Fig.4. A binary vec-
tor is constructed to check against the list of conflict
types described in section 3.2.
The proposal is formulated as CNF where each de-
cision is reprised as a single clause. In case of conflict
Figure 4: Computing and conversion process of experts’
opinions to a CNF problem.
detection, the MAXSAT algorithm of (Liffiton and
Sakallah, 2008) is used to compute the list of all the
possible MCS for a given unsatisfiable configuration.
Taking into account the set preference selected by
the collaborators, the MCS that better meets these
preferences is chosen to resolve the detected con-
4.4 Conflict Resolution
The inputs of the proposed algorithm 1 are the
list of preferences selected by the stakeholders
(S preferences), and the list of computed MCSs
(List MCS). As output, the algorithm delivers the
MCS of conflict resolution (R MCS) according to the
preference selected by collaborators.
The algorithm selects, at the first step, the list of
MCS that eliminates the minimum of metrics to re-
turn MCS that encompasses the maximum of met-
rics (MaxFeatures). This first step may return none
or many MCSs.
Therefore, (Result list) contains the different
lists of MCSs returned by the first step. If
(Size(Result list)=1), then this one is returned as a so-
lution (Result MCS). If (Size(Result list)> 1), then
the function (GetPreference(S preferences)) returns
the most preference (MPref) selected by collabora-
tors. Thus, this preference is applied by Apply(Pref,
Result list) to select an MCS (Resul MCS) that better
respects the preferences of different collaborators.
We provide an illustrative example in the follow-
ing section.
In the previous section, we introduced our collabora-
tive design framework for evaluating learning materi-
als. In this section, we describe a simple example that
illustrates the proposed approach, namely how con-
flicts can be resolved during the design process using
our algorithm. Firstly, we introduce the adopted car-
tography of criteria. Secondly, we showcase an illus-
trative example using the developed supporting tool.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Data: S Preferences: list of Preference
selected by stakeholders. ;
List MCS: list of computed MCSs.
Result: Result MCS: conflict resolution’s
Result list MaxFeatures(List MCS);
read current;
if (Size(Result
list)=1) then
Result MCS Result list ;
MPref (GetPreference(S preferences));
Result MCS Apply(Pref, Result list);
Return(Result MCS);
Algorithm 1: Algorithm of Conflict Resolution based
on Experts’ preferences.
5.1 Learning Design Materials:
Direction and Constraint of
Pedagogy and Competence
The adopted framework is inspired by (Ferrell, 1992)
to evaluate the quality of the designed learning mate-
rials. Here, there are some common criteria:
Instructions of the Given Learning Material.
Clarity of Instruction. Learning materials
should be written in a clear and accessible lan-
guage, facilitating student comprehension.
Diversity of Instruction. Learning materials
should include effective pedagogical features,
such as exercises, examples, and activities, to
reinforce learning.
Responsiveness of Learning Needs. The lean-
ing materials should align closely with the learn-
ing needs curriculum and learning objectives of a
course or programming particular and with edu-
cational standards and guidelines in general .
Flexibility. Learning materials should cater to
the needs of diverse learners, including those with
different learning styles and abilities. Evaluation
helps ensure that the textbook is inclusive and can
be effectively used by a broad range of students.
The assessment of a learning activity typically is cen-
tred around a specific competence in competency-
based learning. In this paper, we take scientific
reasoning competencies as an illustrative example.
Scientific reasoning, considered an advanced skill,
can be composed of complex combinations of prac-
tices, rudimentary skills, and intermediate competen-
cies. It encompasses various types of thinking such
as computational, mathematical, engineering, design
and system thinking, needed to enhance citizen real
life experience. These experiences may involve activ-
ities such as critiquing a situation, solving problems,
or proposing feasible solutions.
Problem-solving, a key facet of scientific reason-
ing, can manifest in both individual and collabora-
tive settings. Drawing upon this overarching frame-
work and leverage an existing criteria framework, we
extrapolate a non-exhaustive configuration model for
evaluating the quality of a learning activity.
Fig.5 offers a snapshot of this cartography, offer-
ing a visual insight into the derived model as repre-
sented by feature diagrams.
5.2 Collaborative Design Using the
Supporting Tool ”EduColl”
Considering that three collaborators are sharing this
cartography of the assessment framework model, a
popularity order is computed and assigned to the dif-
ferent stakeholders. Afterwards, each collaborator
tags the framework criteria switch to the learning ac-
tivity to be assessed. The table 1 resumes the prefer-
ence of each collaborator and their reference index.
Table 1: Preferences of each collaborator.
Expert Reference index Preference
E1 2 Pref.1
E2 3 Pref.2
E3 4.5 Pref.1
The total design encompasses all the labels of
different criteria made by the different stakeholders.
Subsequently, the total consistency of the conception
is checked against the dependencies of the feature
model depicted in the third column of the table 2.
After the verification of the obtained configura-
tion, three conflicting situations are detected. The
initial conflict arises due to the labeling of the
Discussion with teams criteria as VHI in the
problem resolution category. This designation
conflicts with the exclusionary label of individual
work, which is marked as EH. The second con-
flict emerges when both the individual work is la-
beled as VH and the collaborative work is also
marked as VH. A third conflict materializes when
both Divergent creativity’ and analogical reason-
ing are concurrently selected with the VH designa-
To address these conflicts, Minimal Correction
Subsets (MCSs) are calculated. The initial phase of
our algorithm involves the elimination of C1, which
excludes C2 and C4. Subsequently, the algorithm
faces the decision between C5 and C6, opting for the
switch that aligns with the most frequently chosen
EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources
Figure 5: Criteria framework modelled according to feature models.
Table 2: Preferences of each collaborator.
Ref. Clauses Constraints Violated Constraints
C1 Individual is VH C1 C4 ϕ = C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
C2 Discussion with them is VH C1 C2
C3 Critical thinking is EH C2 C3
C4 Collaborative is VH C4 C1
C5 Divergent creativity is VH C5 C6
C6 Analogical reasoning is VH
Figure 6: The expert Interface.
Figure 7: The administrator interface.
preference. In this particular scenario, stakeholders
have expressed a greater preference for Pref.1. Ex-
amining the vectors for C5 = (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) and
C6 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0), it becomes evident that the im-
portance is assigned to C5.
To assess the viability of the proposed approach,
we implemented a tool named EduColl, utilizing
a microservice-based web application architecture.
EduColl provides various user interfaces to cater to
different needs. The first interface is tailored for col-
laborators, allowing them to select preferences and
express opinions regarding various criteria, as illus-
trated in Fig. 7. The second interface is designed for
administrator, who manages participating stakehold-
ers (refer to Fig. 6) by assigning reference indices
and verifying the overall configuration’s consistency,
as depicted in Fig. 6. The administrator is entrusted
with overseeing conflict resolution and ensuring that
the final validated configuration is delivered to stake-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The evaluation of learning materials used in learn-
ing situation provides valuable feedback to different
stockholders practitioner, publishers, and educators.
This feedback loop supports their iterative improve-
ment, allowing for updates and revisions based on the
evolving needs of learners and changes in the educa-
tional landscape.
We consider that in the future several controlled
experiments must be conducted to assert the useful-
ness of this work.
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EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources