An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training
of Online Counselors
Eric Rudolph
, Natalie Engert
and Jens Albrecht
Technische Hochschule N
urnberg Georg Simon Ohm, N
urnberg, Germany
Counseling, Chatbot, Large Language Model, Persona, Role-Play.
The paper presents the Virtual Client for Online Counseling (VirCo), a novel system for training online coun-
selors through simulated client interactions. Addressing the rising need for digital communication skills in
counseling, VirCo leverages large language models (LLMs) to create a chatbot that generates realistic re-
sponses from different client personas. The approach complements traditional role-playing methods in aca-
demic training, offering independent practice opportunities without direct supervision. To ensure privacy
VirCo’s chatbot interface uses an open-source LLM for response generation. The system’s dataset comprises
detailed persona descriptions and transcripts from role-play sessions, contributing to the authenticity of the
training experience. The evaluation of the quality of the conversations utilized both human evaluators and
LLMs. Results show a high degree of coherence and persona alignment in responses, highlighting VirCo’s
effectiveness as a training tool. The paper concludes by showcasing the features of the VirCo learning platform
like compulsory assignments and multiple feedback mechanisms.
Many people seek professional help in personal cri-
sis situations. In this context, online counseling ser-
vices play a vital role. At best, well-trained coun-
selors can clarify the causes of problems in a dialogue
and provide individual assistance. The American 988
crisis hotline, for example, is contacted over 400.000
times per month (Center for Behavioral Health Statis-
tics and Quality, 2023). While telephone counseling
is still dominating, many organizations also support
the growing demand for text-based online counseling
via email or chat.
The use of digital communication through online
platforms presents unique challenges that require on-
line counselors to receive specialized training before
providing counseling to individuals seeking help in
a digital environment. To ensure sufficient hands-
on experience alongside theoretical learning, trainees
should interact with clients in virtual environments
as part of their education (DeMasi et al., 2020).
Nonetheless, in academic settings, managing actual
clients is uncommon. Thus, role-playing is frequently
employed, because it offers several advantages over
traditional case studies. In addition to immediate
and immersive experiences that allow participants to
embody and understand perspectives other than their
own it also improves communication skills and empa-
thy (Mianehsaz et al., 2023; Bharti, 2023; Sai Sailesh
Kumar Goothy et al., 2019). Role-playing is also no-
tably effective due to its ability to immerse individ-
uals in another’s perspective and it also provides the
learner with a safe environment without harming po-
tential clients in the real world (Kerr et al., 2021). De-
spite the several advantages role-playing can be diffi-
cult to implement due to the extensive supervision by
trainers and the need to rely on role-play partners. As
a result, course participants are restricted in their abil-
ity to practise independently and gain practical expe-
In this paper, we introduce VirCo, the Virtual
Client for Online Counseling, a system to simulate
clients for the training of online counselors (see fig-
ure 1 for a sample dialog). With VirCo, learners are
able to engage autonomously with different clients
and gain initial counseling experiences that are free
from direct trainer involvement. Some effects, such
as the emotional impact of recommended actions on
the client, can only be observed in dialog with a real
person. Thus, VirCo is not intended to replace role-
Rudolph, E., Engert, N. and Albrecht, J.
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors.
DOI: 10.5220/0012690700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 108-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
playing but to complement it.
The idea of creating a chatbot for counselor
training was explored before as discussed in sec-
tion 2. Our solution is based on ideas from previous
work, but makes use of the recent advances in natu-
ral language processing with large language models
(LLMs). Thus, the core of the system is a chatbot
which uses an LLM to generate answers. The chatbot
is part of a comprehensive learning platform which
includes functionality to practice with different per-
sonas (problem cases) and to provide automated and
manual feedback to students. To represent the per-
sonas, we created transcripts of role-plays based on
different problem scenarios like drug abuse of a child
or quarrels between parents. The persona descriptions
and the transcripts are used to shape the answers of the
LLM. This paper gives an overview about the archi-
tecture of the whole learning platform and first evalu-
ation results for the virtual client chatbot. Our contri-
bution is as follows:
We demonstrate, how large language models can
be utilized for educational role-play.
We present a methodology to simulate different
personas with large language models.
We introduce an architecture for a chatbot-based
learning platform for educational role-play.
We evaluate the course of conversation coherence
and persona consistency of a persona-based client
Figure 1: Excerpt of an example conversation with the vir-
tual client (VirCo). VirCo simulates a concerned mother
who assumes that her son smokes marijuana.
The famous ELIZA, developed in 1966, is a pioneer-
ing chatbot that served as the model for many others.
It simulates a therapist by posing and responding to
particular queries from the individual interacting with
it (Weizenbaum, 1966). Since then, many publica-
tions have been published in the area of chatbot for
counseling, especially in the area of psychotherapy
and mental health. See (Boucher et al., 2021) and (Xu
and Zhuang, 2022) for an overview. These counseling
chatbots are mainly intended to support diagnostics
and behavior change, or simply to deliver support-
ive content. However, there are ongoing discussions
about the feasibility of using AI-powered chatbots as
a substitute for counselors or therapists.
Thus, several studies have sought to simulate the
character of the client rather than the therapist. These
chatbots are intended to be used for training aspir-
ing professionals. (Tanana et al., 2019) introduced
ClientBot, a patient-like chatbot imitating a visitor
in a psychotherapy session. DeMasi et al. made a
significant contribution to the research on chatbots in
counseling contexts through the creation of the Crisis-
bot (DeMasi et al., 2019; DeMasi et al., 2020). Cri-
sisbot simulates a caller to a suicide prevention hot-
line. In order to provide different problem scenar-
ios of clients (personas), Crisisbot also introduced a
multi-task training framework to construct persona-
specific responses (DeMasi et al., 2020). An overview
of persona-based conversational AI was given in (Liu
et al., 2022).
One approach to provide consistent answers is to
retrieve candidate responses from a corpus of proto-
type conversations as input for the generation of the
actual response (Tanana et al., 2019; DeMasi et al.,
2019; Liu et al., 2022). To further improve the re-
trieval, several works used an utterance classifier to
predict the type of the next response (Cao et al., 2019;
Park et al., 2019; DeMasi et al., 2020). Genera-
tive models like Seq2Seq were then used to generate
responses based on the selected candidates (Tanana
et al., 2019; DeMasi et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2022).
Generating responses which are both, consistent
to a given persona and coherent to the course of con-
versation, is a crucial prerequisite for a realistic learn-
ing experience in such a setting. But this is a chal-
lenging requirement, because the conversations are
basically open-domain and don’t follow a clear struc-
ture. The state-of-the art in 2019/20 did not produce
satisfying results in this regard, because the models
generated sometimes unrealistic, distracting or irrele-
vant responses (Tanana et al., 2019) or were not reli-
ably consistent (DeMasi et al., 2020). In Crisisbot, the
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors
generated responses were also generally shorter than
the real responses extracted from the corpus (DeMasi
et al., 2020). This had a negative impact on the learn-
ing experience of aspiring counselors.
The situation changed with the rapid development
of Large Language Models since the launch of Chat-
GPT. LLMs are very good at generating coherent di-
alogues. A typical drawback, hallucination, might
even be beneficial in our setting. Lee et al. intro-
duced a methodology to prompt LLMs for long open-
domain conversations utilizing few-shot in-context
learning and chain-of-thought (Lee et al., 2023) .
Chen et al. showed that LLMs can effectively be
used for counselor and client simulation without fine-
tuning (Chen et al., 2023). Our approach combines
the power of LLMs with ideas from the discussed pre-
vious work on client-simulating counseling chatbots.
The basis for the Virtual Client evaluation is a dataset
consisting of two parts: the persona descriptions and
for each persona a set of simulated conversations. The
persona descriptions were created by domain experts
based on documented email counseling sessions and
public forum posts
. To simulate a variety of counsel-
ing settings, we created so far seven persona descrip-
tions. A key aspect of these personas is the defini-
tion of a main concern, which represents the client’s
motivation for using chat counseling. In particular,
problems in the area of addiction counseling or ed-
ucational counseling, such as the following problem
description, were defined:
“Elke is worried about her 16-year-old son
Lukas, who is in the 10th grade. She sus-
pects that he is using drugs or smoking mar-
iuhana because of his circle of friends. He
was generally not a bad student, but unfortu-
nately his grades have deteriorated recently.
She has already tried to talk to Lukas about
it, both about his school performance and his
drug use, but he keeps blocking it and doesn’t
want to talk about it. Elke suspects that his
son’s changed behavior is due to his circle of
friends, as they have a bad influence on him.
Additionally, the linguistic characteristics of the
personas are carefully considered to capture the com-
munication preferences and styles of the clients.
All persona descriptions, conversations and prompts
have actually been created in German, as the Virtual Client
is intended for German-speaking students. We translated
the examples to English for this publication.
Online counselor trainees were then asked to use
these persona descriptions to role-play chat coun-
seling conversations. The role-plays lasted approxi-
mately one hour, based on the typical length of chat
counseling training sessions. Further dataset statistics
can be found in Table 1.
Table 1: Dataset statistics.
Dataset component Count
Number of conversations 56
Average messages per conversation 40.39
Counselor messages 1125
Client messages 1137
The data was collected in four phases, with the
participation of different trainees. Although all con-
versations relate to the defined persona descriptions,
the actual conversations include some variations. For
instance, simulated clients contacted the wrong coun-
seling centre and had to be referred to the correct cen-
tre by the counselor. The writing style also varies sig-
nificantly. During counseling sessions, clients may
exhibit varying levels of cooperation. Some may pro-
vide detailed answers to the counselor’s questions,
while others may be uncooperative, providing brief
responses or struggling to articulate their problems
The Virtual Client can be accessed by online coun-
selor trainees through a software portal which in-
cludes a learning management system and an inter-
face for answer generation (Figure 2).
VirCo Learning Platform. The VirCo Learning
Platform presents itself to trainees as a professional
chat interface for online counseling, similar to what a
trained counselor might use for counseling via a com-
puter or mobile phone. The unique aspect of this plat-
form is that trainees interact with a simulated client,
programmed to respond to their statements using a
large language model. The learning platform incor-
porates gamification elements to improve the learning
experience for users. The platform itself is further de-
scribed in section 6.
VirCo Bot. After a learner sends a message to the
client on the learning platform, it is forwarded to
the response generation interface. Due to privacy
concerns, we prefer not to use cloud-based LLMs
like ChatGPT. Instead, the open-source LLM Vicuna-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Overview of the VirCo architecture, which com-
prises two independent components: the learning platform
and the chatbot interface. These components can function
separately and communicate with each other via REST.
13B-1.5 (Chiang et al., 2023) is used to generate re-
sponses based on the previously described personas
and dataset. The model is hosted on a private High
Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. However,
switching to OpenAI models for evaluation purposes
is also possible.
The Vicuna 13B model was selected because a
preliminary test showed that it fulfills the following
It is able to carry out role-plays and respond to
previous conversations.
It is open source and can therefore be hosted on a
private environment.
With 13 billion parameters, it has a comparatively
small size for the described capabilities.
It has an understanding of the German language
and is able to respond in German.
For prompting the model, a role-play prompt was
created, which contains a role assignment, a place-
holder for the description of the persona and a place-
holder for a conversation history. Role-play prompts
with an LLM often enhance its capabilities (Shana-
han et al., 2023; Kong et al., 2023). The structure
of such prompts often follows a pattern in which the
persona of the character is described, followed by the
inclusion of the conversation history, as shown in the
following example in the context of online counsel-
“Pretend you are {name}. {name} is cur-
rently in counseling and is writing with
her/his social counselor. Give statements that
{name} would give. {problem description}
Chat history: {chat history} {name} answers
briefly and concisely”
The placeholders in the prompt are then replaced by
the persona (e.g. Elke from above) and conversation-
specific data. The name and problem description are
derived from the persona description (see section 3),
while the conversation history is retrieved from the
database. An example of a conversation history was
already shown in Figure 1. For this purpose, the max-
imum token length was set to 256, as a message in the
chat should not be too long, and a stop sequence was
added, which interrupts the generation at the phrase
“Counselor:”, as the language model would otherwise
often unintentionally generate the next reply from the
counselor. An example replacement for the place-
holder chat history from our data set looks like this:
Client: Hello, I’m Elke and my child Lukas is
taking drugs ... Can you help me here? Coun-
selor: Hello Elke. Great that you got in touch.
I’m Marie and I’m a counselor. I’d be happy
to try and help you, but first I’d like to clarify
the technical and organizational framework
with you. Is that okay? Client:
Once the response has been generated by the LLM, it
is sent back to the learning platform and displayed to
the user. All conversations are logged to the database
as input for the feedback module.
For the purpose of evaluation, we segmented each
of the 56 conversations into individual conversational
turns. Initially, we analyzed the first two messages
if initiated by the client, as illustrated in the con-
cluding remarks of section 4, or the opening mes-
sage if initiated by the counselor. Subsequently, we
incrementally included additional turns of conversa-
tion. To illustrate, the initial sequence comprises al-
ternating turns between the client and counselor, pro-
gressively building up to sequences involving mul-
tiple exchanges (e.g., Client - Counselor - Client -
Counselor). This process resulted in a dataset com-
prising 1,125 entries for thorough evaluation. This
means we generated an answer for each counselors
message. The data was then rated by human evalu-
ators as well as automatically by GPT-3.5 and GPT-
4 on two tasks, dialogue coherence (task 1) and per-
sona consistency (task 2). We used GPT-3.5 and GPT-
4 because they often achieve competitive correlation
with human judgment for natural language generation
tasks (Wang et al., 2023). The task for dialogue co-
herence was to evaluate whether the generated answer
fits to the conversation history. The task for consis-
tency was to evaluate whether the generated answer
fits to the persona. The integration of human and
LLM evaluations serves distinct purposes:
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors
LLM Empowered Evaluation: enables the analy-
sis of large datasets with consistency and efficiency.
LLMs can process extensive conversations, identi-
fying patterns and metrics at scale. Since conven-
tional metrics such as ROGUE or BLEU score do not
provide reliable results for generated language tasks
LLMs have become the standard for the automatic
evaluation of dialogues (Chang et al., 2023)[p. 26]
i. e. in (Lin and Chen, 2023; Liu et al., 2023).
Human Evaluation: provides often a more robust
result with nuanced understanding of conversational
context and emotional undertones. Reliable human
evaluators are essential for identifying complex con-
versational dynamics in the context of counseling ses-
sions that AI might overlook.
Conducting both evaluation approaches enables a
more comprehensive insight. In addition, both ap-
proaches are compared to assess their degree of over-
lap and to analyze the differences. We start by ex-
plaining the automatic evaluation procedure, as hu-
man evaluators basically got the same instructions as
the LLM.
5.1 Automatic Evaluation by LLMs
The automatic evaluation was carried out with the
OpenAI models ”GPT-3.5 1106 Turbo” (hereafter ab-
breviated as GPT-3.5) and ”GPT-4 1106 Preview”
(hereafter abbreviated as GPT-4). The evaluation
prompts are inspired by G-Eval, a framework for the
evaluation of Natural Language Generation tasks (Liu
et al., 2023). Both prompts begin with a task de-
scription of the evaluation. Afterwards there are task
specific evaluation criteria and a scoring description.
This is followed by conversation-specific information.
5.1.1 Task 1: Conversation History Rating
The following prompt is used for the automated gen-
eration of ratings and evaluations with GPT. The first
section is about familiarizing the model with the in-
struction. Since GPT tends to evaluate the course of
the conversation as a whole instead of just the gener-
ated response based on the course of the conversation,
this is explicitly described here:
“The following conversation shows a chat
counseling session between a client and a
counselor. The context of the chat between
these two people is online social counseling.
Your task is to evaluate to what extent the gen-
erated message matches the previous conver-
sation. Please evaluate only whether the gen-
erated message matches the previous conver-
The next part outlines the criteria for evaluation. The
main focus of the evaluation criteria lies on the co-
herence to the conversation history, ensuring the chat
maintains logical consistency; Content Accuracy, re-
quiring that the answers are correct and relevant to the
advisor’s message; and the Flow of the Conversation,
emphasizing the need for a natural and uninterrupted
progression of the chat without sudden topic shifts or
confusing elements.
“Evaluation criteria:
Coherence: The chat should be coherent.
Content accuracy: The content of the answers
must be correct and appropriate to the coun-
selors message.
Flow of the conversation: The continuation
of the chat should have a natural and smooth
flow, without abrupt changes of topic or con-
fusing contexts. Please keep in mind that this
is a chat. Short, precise and direct answers
can occur here.
The third section provides a scoring system for
the evaluation. A score of 0 signals a fully coher-
ent response that is contextually accurate and flows
well with the previous conversation. A score of 1 in-
dicates basic coherence and content alignment with
minor grammatical or spelling errors. A score of
2 denotes a lack of coherence, confusion, or repeti-
tive words or sentences, indicating a mismatch with
the ongoing conversation. The human evaluators rate
those scores on a website with a green (0: fits good),
yellow (1: fits mediocre) and red (2: doesn’t fit) radio
“Score rating:
0: The generated answer is coherent with the
previous conversation. The content of the gen-
erated answer is correct and the flow of the
conversation is appropriate to the previous
1: The generated answer is basically coher-
ent with the course of the conversation so far
and the content matches the course of the con-
versation, but the generated answer contains
grammatical errors or spelling mistakes
2: The generated answer does not match the
course of the conversation so far. It is con-
fused or there are many repetitions of words
or sentences”
The following section outlines the structure for con-
ducting the evaluation. It highlights that the evalua-
tion will be based on the previously mentioned crite-
ria. The format includes placeholders for the course
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
of the conversation (history) and the generated re-
sponse (answer) from the LLM. Note that the text in
curly brackets is also a placeholder for the conversa-
tion history, the generated response.
“The evaluation is based on the evaluation
Course of the conversation:
Generated response:
The last block specifies the format in which the eval-
uation results are to be displayed. This is added for
post-processing purposes.
“Please structure your answer as JSON with
the attributes rating and reason. Output only
the JSON format:
5.1.2 Task 2: Persona Consistency Rating
The second task is centered on evaluating the consis-
tency of a generated answer with a predefined charac-
ter persona. The prompt, akin to the first one, shifts
focus towards assessing persona consistency. The dif-
ferences between this prompt and the prompt before
were marked in bold.
“The following conversation shows a chat
counseling session between a client and a
counselor. The context of the chat between
these two people is online social counseling.
Your task is to evaluate whether the charac-
ter described would write the generated re-
The persona consistency is a direct evaluation crite-
rion. An indirect way to evaluate this is to assess the
flow of conversation, which may extend the persona
description but still should follow a consistent prob-
lem case:
“Evaluation criteria:
Character consistency: The content of the
answers must be consistent with the charac-
ter description or expand on it in a meaning-
ful and realistic way.
Flow of conversation: The continuation of
the chat should be natural and appropriate to
the character described. Please keep in mind
that this is a chat. Short, precise and direct
answers can occur here.
The score descriptions were also adjusted to task two:
0: The generated answer is very realistic and
is consistent with the character’s description
or expands on it in a meaningful way
1: The generated answer fits the character,
but the person would probably express them-
selves differently based on the character
description and previous history
2: The generated answer does not match the
character. The person would definitely not
express themselves in this way
After the description of the scores a character descrip-
tion is added. In order to prevent the model from rat-
ing the generated answer only on the course of the
conversation, a sentence was added with a request to
rate only the relation to the character description. The
rest remains the same:
The evaluation is based on the evaluation cri-
Character description:
{personality condition}
Course of the conversation:
Generated answer:
Please structure your answer as JSON with
the attributes Rating and Reason. Please only
evaluate the generated answer in relation to
the character description and the course of
the conversation. Only output the JSON for-
5.2 Manual Evaluation by Humans
The manual evaluation process was carried out with
five raters with an academic background in social sci-
ences (hereinafter referred to as raters). It relies on
the two tasks outlined in the previous section. A spe-
cialized web application was created for the rating
which enabled evaluators to rate dialogues based on
the specific criteria outlined in section 5.1. Evalu-
ators can view dialogue histories, read task descrip-
tions and generated answers, and score each task us-
ing a set of radio buttons. Additionally, for the second
task, a persona description was provided on the right
side for reference. To ensure comparability, all raters
were provided with the same conversations.
5.3 Results
5.3.1 Results of Task 1
Table 2 provides a comparison of evaluation scores
assigned by GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, alongside five indi-
vidual raters. These scores are presented as percent-
ages, reflecting the frequency with which each rater
deemed the generated responses as coherent with the
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors
Figure 3: Pairwise percentage of agreement between all raters for each label on task 1 (conversation coherence).
Figure 4: Pairwise percentage of agreement between all raters for each label on task 2 (persona consistency).
preceding discourse. Additionally, the table encapsu-
lates the consensus assessment derived through a ma-
jority vote among the raters (1 through 5). The data
vividly illustrates a general agreement among all par-
ties — both human raters and AI — that at least 89%
of the generated answers maintained coherence (La-
bel 0) with the interview’s prior context.
Table 2: Comparative Rating Percentages by GPT Versions
and Raters for task 1.
Rater Label 0 Label 1 Label 2
GPT-3.5 91.91 2.22 5.86
GPT-4 89.59 0.81 9.61
Rater 1 89.26 5.8 4.94
Rater 2 89.51 5.57 4.93
Rater 3 89.81 5.81 4.39
Rater 4 95.92 4.08 0
Rater 5 92.38 3.52 4.11
Majority (1-5) 92.01 3.54 4.45
Figure 3 shows the pairwise percentage agreement
between all raters including the GPT models for each
label on task 1 in form of a heatmap. Each cell in the
heatmap represents the pairwise agreement between
two raters (e.g., User 1 and User 2, or User 1 and
GPT-3.5) for the respective label. We used a Jaccard-
like metric to evaluate the agreement: Let Resp
set of responses that rater r has rated with label l. The
agreement A
, r
) between two raters r
and r
regard to label l is then calculated by:
, r
) =
) Resp
) Resp
The diagonal cells, which are all 100%, repre-
sent the agreement of each rating entity with itself.
It shows that when it comes to label 0 (”coherent”)
there are high levels of agreement among all entities,
mostly above 87%. It indicates that the users and AI
models tend to agree on the classification of label 0
on this task. The second heatmap for label 1 (”moder-
ately coherent”) shows very low agreement levels, in-
dicated by cooler colors like blue and light red. Most
values are below 20%, suggesting a high level of dis-
agreement or variability in how label 1 is being classi-
fied. The agreement level on label 2 (”not coherent”)
ranges from 14.3 % to 55.3 %.
All in all, it can be said that there is little differ-
ence between the human raters and the GPT models.
While raters often agree when a generated answer is
coherent with the respective course of the conversa-
tion, they disagree about which course of the con-
versation is only moderately coherent and occasion-
ally agree when the generated answer does not fit the
course of the conversation at all.
5.3.2 Results of Task 2
Table 3 summarizes the percentage of each label as-
signed by GPT-3.5, GPT-4, the five human raters, and
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the majority decision among human raters. Similar
to task 1, raters 1 to 5 and GPT-4 predominantly as-
signed label 0 (”consistent with the persona”). The
exception here is GPT-3.5. This is because GPT-3.5
often takes the persona description very literally and
argues that an upset persona responds directly with
an emotional answer about the problem, which is not
necessarily the case in a chat counseling session. For
example the generated answer “yes that’s okey” on
the conversation depicted at the end of section 4 was
rated by GPT-3.5 with label 2 with the following rea-
“The generated answer does not match the
character. Elke is very worried about her
son and suspects that he is taking drugs. She
would therefore probably not simply answer
’Yes, that’s okay’, but would rather talk about
her worries or ask for specific help.
All other raters, including GPT-4, considered the gen-
erated answer to be consistent with the persona. GPT-
4’s reasoning was as follows:
“The generated answer is coherent with the
previous course of the conversation. The
client agrees with the technical and organiza-
tional framework, which is a logical and ap-
propriate next step in the conversation. There
are no grammatical or content errors, and the
flow of the conversation remains natural and
Table 3: Comparative Rating Percentages by GPT Versions
and Raters for task 2.
Rater Label 0 Label 1 Label 2
GPT-3.5 38.27 13.4 48.32
GPT-4 89.59 0.81 9.61
Rater 1 92.22 3.58 4.2
Rater 2 93.15 5.78 1.07
Rater 3 96.39 0.52 3.1
Rater 4 95.92 3.86 0.21
Rater 5 93.99 2.35 3.67
Majority (1-5) 94.34 2.53 3.13
Figure 4 shows the heat maps for task 2. The
map on the left-side shows again a high percentage
of agreement (mostly in the red shades indicating per-
centages from the high 80s to 100%) among raters 1
to 5 and GPT-4 for label 0, which means there is a
general consensus that the answer fits the persona de-
scription well. The agreement with GPT-3.5 is signif-
icantly lower with percentages ranging from around
31.8% to 42.5%. This is in line with table 3.
In summary, it can be stated that the responses of
the Vicuna model in the virtual client were assessed
as both coherent and consistent in approx. 90% of
cases. In the cases where this was not the case, the
raters often disagreed.
Figure 5: Userflow diagram of the learning platform.
The evaluated virtual client chatbot is the core of a
comprehensive learning platform. In section 4 we al-
ready introduced the overall architecture and the in-
teraction between the various components. This sec-
tion focuses on the learning platform in the upper part
of the figure 2. To get an overview of its function-
ality, figure 5 shows a userflow diagram. After lo-
gin, course enrollment and course selection, which is
common practice in a learning platform, an overview
of the compulsory tasks and voluntary exercises com-
pleted so far with the virtual clients is displayed.
While a compulsory task involves a chat with a
persona selected by the trainer and serves as an exam-
ination, the exercise serves as a voluntary opportunity
to improve one’s chat counseling skills and as prepa-
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors
ration for the compulsory task. In the latter case, the
student can choose the persona from a number of per-
sonas pre-selected by the trainer. Optionally, a techni-
cal difficulty can also be configured, for example that
the persona has internet problems.
During the chat session, a note field offers the op-
portunity to make notes for each message. This is
intended to improve the student’s ability to reflect.
On the left-hand side, users have to possibility to re-
flect on the chat and rate the AI-generated messages
(thumbs up/down). This helps to further improve the
VirCo architecture in the future. Various options for
requesting/generating feedback are displayed on the
right-hand side:
Request Trainer Feedback. To receive feedback
from the trainer, a student can actively request
feedback by clicking on a button. The trainer
can configure for the course how much feedback
he/she would like to give per student.
Request Peer Feedback. To encourage student
participation in providing feedback, our approach
employs a coin-based incentive system. Initially,
students are allocated a specific number of coins.
Submitting feedback requires the expenditure of
one coin, which is replenished upon providing
feedback. This cycle aims to foster continuous en-
gagement and contribution.
AI-Generated Feedback. AI-generated feedback
is another promising attempt to improve counsel-
ing skills. The advantage here is that the feedback
is provided directly after the counseling session.
In this study, we explore the application of large
language models (LLMs) in the realm of education,
specifically focusing on their potential for facilitat-
ing educational role-play to improve the training of
online counselors. We introduce a comprehensive
methodology designed to enable LLMs to simulate
diverse personas. Our work includes the development
of a novel architecture for a chatbot-based platform
specifically tailored for educational role-play. This
platform leverages the capabilities of LLMs to de-
liver interactive learning experiences and personal-
ized feedback opportunities.
We also evaluated the persona consistency and the
course of conversation coherence of the client chat-
bot. The input data for the natural language gener-
ation task was created by chat counseling role-plays
where one person played the client and one person
played the counselor. The evaluation showed that the
answers generated by the model are realistic, gener-
ally correspond to the course of the interview and are
consistent with the persona. However, it also shows
that the human raters disagree about when a gener-
ated answer does not match the course of the conver-
sation. It is therefore also not surprising that GPT-4
and GPT-3.5 do not agree with the human raters here
either. Similar results were obtained when measuring
persona consistency, with the difference that GPT-3.5
shows strong deviations from other raters and GPT-4.
Future improvements could concentrate on ex-
panding the diversity and complexity of the per-
sonas and scenarios included in the dataset to cover
a broader range of counseling situations. This expan-
sion would demonstrate the system’s adaptability and
improve its utility as a practical training tool. Addi-
tionally, exploring how the virtual client responds to
non-serious counselor messages could unveil limita-
tions and inform necessary adjustments to its archi-
tecture, ensuring effective responses across a wider
range of interaction types.
Another way to improve the virtual client is to
compare different LLM models in this scenario. For
this, a ranking task could be used instead of a rating
task, as comparing different answers is often easier
for both humans and language models than evaluat-
ing a single answer. The ranking can then be used
as a preference dataset to further improve the virtual
client through Direct Preference Optimization or Re-
inforcement Learning from Human Feedback.
We also described the feedback functionality of
the learning platform, but this has not yet been evalu-
ated. In addition, we want to delve deeper into the
automatic generation of feedback and compare dif-
ferent feedback methods like the “Situation, Behav-
ior, Impact”- or the “sandwich”-method with differ-
ent LLM architectures. It is currently not possible
to add further personas in the learning platform front
end. We plan to add such functionality, whereby the
course trainer is asked specific questions and a per-
sona is then created on this basis. This will make it
very easy to use the learning platform in areas other
than online counseling.
In-depth research on the long-term impact of
training with the platform will provide valuable in-
sights into its efficacy, benefits, and limitations. An
additional area of interest is the exploration of user
interaction with the system, with a particular focus
on user experience and interface design. Optimizing
these aspects could significantly enhance engagement
and the overall effectiveness of training sessions. Fi-
nally, given the rapid development of LLMs, ongoing
updates and comparisons with new models will en-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
sure that the platform remains at the forefront of tech-
nology, continuously improving its realism and effec-
tiveness as a training tool.
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An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors