Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services
Elias Seid, Mosammath Nazifa, Sneha Gupta, Oliver Popov and Fredrik Blix
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
Cloud Database Services, Cybersecurity, IT-Incidents, Availability, Monitoring, SLAs.
The present demand for cloud computing is driven by its scalability and adaptability, making it widely em-
ployed in enterprises. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contractual arrangement between cloud providers
and clients that ensures the stated level of services will be available. In order to evaluate the compliance of
the services to the SLA, it is critical to monitor the availability of the cloud services. Cloud service companies
offer several monitoring tools. However, such assessments are often influenced by bias, which prompts de-
mands for impartial assessment of service level agreements (SLAs). The objective of this study is to address
the issue of monitoring service availability characteristics, specifically uptime and downtime, in relation to
SLA. To achieve this, a monitoring tool called SLA Analyser is proposed. The solution comprises a cen-
tralised application that generates and collects data in the primary registry database, along with a compliance
report generator that computes cloud service availability using previously gathered data and compares it to the
SLA availability parameter. An illustrative report is generated based on the gathered and processed data. This
study specifically addresses the reliable assessment of SLA for both clients and service providers. Moreover,
this study analyses the challenges associated with SLA monitoring and the repercussions of neglecting its
assessment. This approach is particularly essential to organisations that use many cloud services from various
vendors. The SLA Analyser was employed to monitor the availability of the cloud database services. In order
to mitigate financial losses and uphold a positive reputation for consumer confidence, it is essential to validate
the SLA.
In recent years, Cloud Service has become a popu-
lar topic in the Information and communication tech-
nologies (ICT) domain. The term ”cloud services”
refers to a wide range of services delivered on de-
mand basis over the internet by the vendors to compa-
nies and customers. Many companies and institutions
are moving in various ways to leverage these services.
These cloud services are designed to provide its cus-
tomers, an easy, scalable, cost effective access to re-
sources, without being involved in the maintenance of
internal infrastructure or hardware.
Cloud computing vendors and service providers
manage cloud services. They are accessible to cus-
tomers through provider servers. Service owners and
operators must monitor cloud infrastructure compo-
nents for faults, usage, and uninterrupted business
operations. Data analysis in cloud-based service in-
frastructure relies on logs from system components.
Logs can be used to assess the availability of cloud-
hosted service infrastructures. Information on com-
ponent availability aids organisations in making risk-
based decisions about cloud vendors and components.
A cloud service level agreement (SLA) guarantees
cloud providers meet enterprise-level requirements
and deliver defined deliverables to customers. Quality
of Service (QoS) may be measured in SLAs between
vendors and organisations (customers). The SLA cov-
ers cloud infrastructure availability, defining the ex-
pected uptime and accessibility at the service provider
and end-user level. The vendor must specify penal-
ties, typically financial, for non-compliance with
agreed-upon service levels (Hubballi et al., 2019).
The present state of affairs is characterised by
SLA documents that are complex and open to mul-
tiple interpretations. It may provide specific and lim-
ited definitions for terms such as availability and secu-
rity. Furthermore, service agreements often place dis-
tinct obligations on consumers to monitor modifica-
tions in service. The purpose of the study conducted
by Badger et al. (2012) was to establish criteria for
assessing agreements and deciding when to reassess
service agreements. According to (Barros et al.,2015)
when there is increased involvement of external ser-
vice vendors, the customer’s control over the quality
Seid, E., Nazifa, M., Gupta, S., Popov, O. and Blix, F.
Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0012690800003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 537-546
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of service delivery decreases. Consequently, the cus-
tomer must depend on the quality assurances estab-
lished in accordance with the Service Level Agree-
ments (SLAs).
Cloud computing providers delegate service vio-
lation provision to consumers, which is a major draw-
back (Barros et al.,2015). Cloud consumers strug-
gle to identify SLA breaches due to their subjective
and complex nature. Customers often learn about
cloud application downtime through user complaints
about accessibility. User complaints about service
unavailability negatively impact the customer’s busi-
ness. Many cloud providers offer monitoring tools
that allow clients to evaluate the availability of their
services. However, these solutions are customised
to specific providers and cannot be modified to ac-
commodate customer requirements. Furthermore, the
monitoring tools are customised to each provider,
which means that the same platform cannot be used
for numerous cloud providers.
There is a wide range of cloud monitoring tools
accessible on the market. Cloud monitoring solutions
facilitate the management and surveillance of cloud
infrastructure, services, and applications.A plethora
of cloud monitoring technologies are readily avail-
able in the market. Cloud monitoring solutions en-
able the oversight and control of cloud infrastructure,
services, and applications. Several cloud monitoring
systems are accessible, such Monitis, RevealCloud,
and LogicMonitor (Al-hamazani et al., 2014; Ku c,
2023). However, (Dana et al. (2014) state that there
is presently a deficiency in SLA-based cloud security
monitoring services and solutions.
Service providers often utilise monitoring tech-
nologies to assess service characteristics and SLAs,
although this can potentially induce bias. An im-
partial review is essential to guarantee compliance.
Currently, consumers depend on suppliers’ statistical
statistics to authenticate SLA compliance. Therefore,
it is crucial for SLA monitoring to be both depend-
able and impartial. This study presents a solution
to the problem by presenting the SLA Analyser tool,
which is designed to monitor the availability of cloud
database services. Furthermore, users of cloud ser-
vices use the cloud to host their applications, services,
and other resources. Customers rely on the prompt
availability of cloud services. Failure to do so could
result in damage to their market reputation and busi-
ness. It is crucial to monitor the availability of cloud
services for both customers and suppliers and validate
To verify service parameters against SLAs, SLAs
must be simple, quantified, and easily understood
(Frey et al., 2013). Studying SLA tracking is chal-
lenging due to its time-consuming nature and the need
to validate quality metrics against agreed cloud ser-
vice SLAs. This is especially challenging for organ-
isations using multiple cloud services from various
vendors. Thus, the research problem is broad, im-
portant, and difficult. Monitoring cloud service avail-
ability is essential in the ITC domain, despite its com-
monality. SLA Analyser enables cloud providers and
customers to independently monitor service availabil-
ity against SLA documents.
This research aims to monitor the availability of
public cloud infrastructure components’ SLA using
a proposed tool. The proposed tool, SLA Analyzer,
monitors cloud service availability. The tool consists
of a core application that generates and collects data
in the main registry database, and a compliance re-
port generator that calculates cloud service availabil-
ity based on previously collected data and compares it
to the SLA availability parameter. A graphical report
is created from collected and analysed data.
A service’s downtime is when it’s unavailable,
while its uptime is when it’s available for use. The
SLA Analyzer provides cloud service downtime and
uptime data. The data will be used for statistical anal-
ysis to determine the net availability of the cloud ser-
vice. Downtime or uptime ratio determines avail-
ability (Oliveto et al., 1999). Calculated availabil-
ity is compared to agreed-upon parameters in SLA
documents between cloud service providers and cus-
tomers. The study will present a tool known as SLA
Analyzer that will autonomously analyse the param-
eters of cloud service availability. The objective of
this study is to quantify the availability of SLA for
cloud services specifically related to databases. The
SLA Analyser tool uses data to assess and compute
the availability of database services. The study aims
to address the following research question (RQ)
RQ1:How can SLA Analyzer be used to inde-
pendently monitor the availability of cloud-based
database-as-a-service (DBaaS) deployments?
The remaining parts of this paper are structured
as follows. Section 2 provides the theoretical basis
for our research, whereas Section 3 describes the ap-
proach and methods used in our study. Section 4 of
the paper presents the SLA Analyser Architecture,
while the fifth section focuses on the Experiment and
result. Section 6 has discussions. Section 7 provides a
conclusion, and also discusses potential areas for fu-
ture research.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
As managed services and cloud computing become
more common, SLAs adapt to accommodate new
methodologies. SLAs are used to negotiate com-
putation and performance requirements between ser-
vice providers and users. A service-level agree-
ment should include an overview, service descrip-
tion, exclusions, performance, compensation, stake-
holders, security, risk management, disaster recov-
ery, tracking, reporting, review and change processes,
termination, and signatures. In order to enforce a
service-level agreement, it is crucial to comprehend
the provider’s delivery criteria. If the SLA is not satis-
fied, the client may be entitled to the contract compen-
sation. SLAs monitor service provider performance
using specific metrics and parameters. Parameters in-
clude availability, uptime, performance, data, secu-
rity, privacy, hardware, and software requirements.
2.1 Cloud Service Availability
The availability and uptime characteristics measure
the duration of services available to customers. In
cloud services, uptime and availability are crucial
characteristics. The availability of an application de-
pends on the functionality of the underlying infras-
tructure. If there is a problem with the infrastructure,
the application may cease to be available. Lack of ac-
cessibility and availability prevents the usage of digi-
tal applications. Key factors depend on the cloud ser-
vice type: SaaS (Software as a service), IaaS (Infras-
tructure as a Service), or PaaS (Platform as a Service).
The study ’Cloud security service level agreement:
Representation and Measurement’ conducted in 2019
found that there is a lack of standardised systems for
defining and enforcing security SLAs in cloud com-
puting (Hubballi et al., 2019).
Cloud service providers (CSPs) are required to of-
fer assurances regarding the security and computa-
tional processes employed for essential applications.
Customers usually engage in negotiations to estab-
lish SLA in order to enforce these responsibilities.
Cloud computing platforms currently employ vari-
ous tools or procedures provided by service providers
to measure and enforce performance-related SLAs.
Nevertheless, these SLAs generally fail to encompass
security-related concerns and obstacles (Hubballi et
al., 2019).
CSPs use security and openness standards such
as the Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) developed by
the Cloud Security Alliance and the NIST’s SP 800-
53. Security problems in cloud computing encompass
the availability of the service, privacy of data, trans-
parency, billing, and prevention of cyberattacks. Se-
curing cloud services to encompass all areas of secu-
rity is tough due to the heterogeneous composition of
the cloud, consisting of many types of computer sys-
tems (Hubballi et al., 2019).
SLAs are commonly used to form and man-
age QoS agreements between clients and service
providers. Kaaniche et al. (2017) found few SLA
management systems that consider cloud security
contexts. Kaaniche et al. (2017) found that opera-
tional performance management is often more sophis-
ticated than security management in many systems.
SLAs should clearly outline security duties such as
confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA). Ad-
ditionally, the study suggests considering the dynamic
nature of cloud systems when creating security SLAs
for monitoring. The study showed providers’ difficul-
ties providing reliable services. Current SLAs lack
security management and tools for unbiased service
comparisons. According to the article, there are no
real-time tools to adequately characterise and manage
security SLAs.(Kaaniche et al., 2017)
2.2 Cloud Security
A study on cloud security SLA adoption(Casola et
al., 2015) found that cloud service providers (CSPs)
typically provide opaque security. This implies that
security methods are weak and inflexible to negoti-
ation. This implies limited security feature options
for clients. However, security should be considered
with other crucial criteria when selecting a cloud ser-
vice. The European Community has initiated work to
standardise SLAs for cloud computing (Casola et al.,
2015), and subgroups are addressing security chal-
lenges, however security is currently outdated.
(Toeroe and Tam et al., 2012) define availability as
the percentage of time an application and its services
are available within a certain timeframe. High avail-
ability (HA) is achieved when the service is unavail-
able for less than 5.25 minutes per year, guarantee-
ing at least 99.999 % availability. Achieving higher
availability is a major challenge for cloud providers.
A cloud provider should continuously monitor re-
sources and deployed services to achieve high avail-
ability (Endo et al., 2016).
Availability is a key security component of CIA
(Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability), ensuring sys-
tem availability at agreed-upon times for designated
individuals (Januzaj et al., 2015). We aim to monitor
DBaaS availability in this study. Our unbiased tool
verifies if agreed-upon Database cloud service avail-
ability is satisfied by several providers and alerts of
SLA violations throughout the service lifecycle.
Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services
The Service Level Agreement Analyser, often known
as the SLA Analyser, is a tool used for monitoring
the availability of a service. This tool consists of two
components: the Core Application and the Compli-
ance Report Generator. The Core application peri-
odically checks for the presence of a target database
service and records the outcome in the main registry
database. The primary registry database is located on
the Core Aapplication. The Core Application estab-
lishes a connection with a specified database cloud
provider and periodically verifies its availability. The
Core application records the availability status of the
target database service in its main registry database.
The Compliance Report Generator serves as the
second module of the SLA Analyser tool. The Com-
pliance Report Generator(CRG) assesses the accessi-
bility of the target database cloud service by examin-
ing the data gathered in the primary registry database
of the Core Application. CRG calculates the avail-
ability of the target database cloud service by using
the uptime and downtime formula(as it can be seen
sub section 5.1) within a defined time period. CRG
afterwards compares the calculated availability with
the availability parameter stated in the agreed Ser-
vice Level Agreement (SLA) of the target database
cloud service. An analytical assessment is presented
in the form of a visual report. The compliance report
features a graph where the x-axis denotes time and
the y-axis represents availability. The SLA Analyser
tool can check the accessibility of different database
services, irrespective of the cloud service provider.
This study seeks to employ the SLA Analyzer to
autonomously monitor the availability parameter of
the SLA for cloud-based database-as-a-service. The
research aim is accomplished by employing the use
of an experiment-based research strategy. The SLA
Analyser tool is used to monitor two target database
cloud services during the experiment. Upon comple-
tion of the experiment, a report on SLA compliance is
generated. This report can be used to identify any in-
stances where the availability requirements outlined
in the SLA documents for the target database cloud
services have been violated.
3.1 Experimental Architecture
The experimental setup of the study is illustrated in
Figure 1 (SLA Analyser Architecture). The archi-
tecture of the SLA analyser is described as follows.
The core application comprises a C# application pro-
gram and main registry database. The study uses a
C# application program to develop an application that
Figure 1: Architecture of SLA Analyser.
establishes a connection to a certain database cloud
service by employing a database connection string.
The connection string comprises essential parameters
for establishing a connection between the applications
and a database server. The configuration encompasses
the server instance, database name, authentication de-
tails, and additional parameters required for commu-
nication with the database server.
After establishing the connection, the C# Applica-
tion Programme verifies the availability of the target
database cloud service. This check is conducted peri-
odically at a predetermined frequency. The frequency
at which the availability of the cloud service is mon-
itored can be adjusted based on the specific monitor-
ing needs. The C# Application Programme records
the availability status of the target database service
and writes it into the Main Registry Database. The
Main Registry Database contains tables that store in-
formation pertaining to the cloud service entities that
are being monitored. The database table’s column
names consist of the availability status (Status), times-
tamp (Timestamp), and specifics of the assessed cloud
database (Slave identity country zone).
The Compliance Report Generator uses the data
from the main registration database of the Core Ap-
plication to determine the availability of the target
database cloud service. The accessibility of the target
database cloud service can be determined by calculat-
ing its uptime and downtime using a certain formula
during a given time period. The computed availabil-
ity is afterwards compared to the availability parame-
ter specified in the agreed SLA of the target database
cloud service. An analysis is conducted and a graphi-
cal report is produced as a result.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The target database service refers to the cloud
database that is being monitored by the SLA Anal-
yser tool. Two target Database Services were hosted
on Azure for this experiment, each located in sepa-
rate availability zones. Availability zones (AZs) are
segregated data centres situated in distinct geograph-
ical regions where servers for public cloud services
are established and managed. The knowledge of the
availability zone of a cloud service is crucial, as SLA
for cloud services differs depending on the availabil-
ity zones in which the cloud services are hosted by
the providers. The target Database services were sup-
plied with a predetermined test data-load. The fixed
data-load is read during the read operation performed
by the C# Application Programme. Ensuring consis-
tency throughout the read process is achieved by read-
ing the same data load.
3.2 Experimental Scenarios
The SLA Analyser tool was specifically created to
undergo testing with predetermined scenarios. These
scenarios guarantee that the SLA Analyser fulfils its
objective in accordance with the scope of this study.
Below are four vital scenarios for SLA Analyser:
Scenario 1: SLA Analyser tool shall monitor the
available database cloud service: Database cloud ser-
vices will be monitored using SLA Analyser. To meet
SLA requirements, the analyzer must connect to the
database cloud services and successfully read fixed
data stored there. For each successful read operation,
the target database service stores a ‘available’ item in
the main registry database as shown in Figure 1.
Scenario 2: SLA Analyser tool shall monitor the un-
available database cloud service: Requires SLA Anal-
yser to detect unavailable database cloud services.
SLA Analyser should track difficulty to connect or
read fixed data stored on cloud services. To test the
unavailable database scenario, we had to disable the
database server, resulting in a loss of connectivity.
Every failed connection to the target database service
results in a ‘unavailable’ entry in the main registry
Scenario 3: SLA Analyser tool shall monitor more
than one database cloud services: The SLA Anal-
yser tool should connect to many cloud database ser-
vices. Database cloud services can be hosted by many
providers or in different availability zones.
Scenario 4: SLA Analyser tool shall generate
SLA compliance reports for database cloud services:
The Compliance Report Generator of SLA Analyser
should use the dataset from the Core Application’s
main registration database to build availability plots.
This figure demonstrates SLA compliance for cloud
database services. In addition to functional criteria,
the following availability analysis rules were used to
determine the database cloud service availability sta-
Rule 1: If the Core Application properly connects
to and reads from the database service, the service can
be marked accessible (Rule1). Rule 2: If the Core
Application can successfully connect to the database
service but fails to conduct a successful read opera-
tion, the database service can be deemed unavailable.
Rule 3: In the event that the Core Application fails to
establish a successful connection to the database ser-
vice, the database service may be designated as un-
available. These rules were generated from standards
for assessing cloud service availability. According to
FISMA (Barker et al.,2003), ’availability’ in cyber se-
curity refers to timely and dependable access and use
of information or services by users. Accessing ser-
vices does not guarantee availability. Rule 2 and Rule
3 were deemed inaccessible based on this understand-
ing. A successful connection and read operation of
the database cloud service by the tool resulted in the
status available state in Rule 1.
The SLA Analyser tool is used to monitor the avail-
ability parameter of SLA for cloud-based database-
as-a-service during the study project. The SLA Anal-
yser tool assesses the availability of cloud services
by performing periodic read operations. The evalu-
ation of database cloud services involves conducting
a read operation. The evaluated database cloud ser-
vices were furnished with a test data-load, which was
read during the read operation performed by the SLA
Analyser tool. The main registry database of the SLA
Analyser tool was updated based on the findings of
the read operation. The primary registry database is
populated with entries in its table that store informa-
tion pertaining to the monitored cloud service entity.
The measured parameters consist of the availability
status (Status), timestamp (Timestamp), and specifics
of the assessed cloud database (Slave identity country
zone), as depicted in Figure 2 of the Main Registry
database table.
The Slave identity country zone records the name
and availability zone of the cloud services that are
currently underutilised. The availability status values
obtained were categorised as either ’available’ or ’un-
available’. The time at which this data was recorded
was kept as a timestamp in the format of YYYY-MM-
DD hh:mm:ss[.fractional seconds]. The availability
was evaluated every ve minutes for this study. The
Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services
frequency was fixed throughout the experiment but
adjustable. Users can vary cloud service availability
monitoring frequency based on their needs and busi-
ness justification. Mission-critical cloud customers
can monitor service availability per second or minute,
depending on their needs.
The availability score measures the proportion of
24-hour service availability. Each daily cycle adds
several rows to the main register database based on
monitoring frequency. If the frequency is 5 minutes,
288 rows will be generated. Daily availability was
calculated using uptime and downtime. Uptime is
when a service is available, while downtime is when it
is not. The database cloud service’s SLA availability
metrics were then compared to each day’s availabil-
ity. Table 1 shows Azure DB Az1 data: The proposed
tool collected data. The first column shows moni-
toring dates, while the second shows database cloud
service availability requirements, which were 96.5%.
The third column shows SLA Analyser-determined
daily availability. Figure 5 shows a graph of the SLA
compliance report based on the data table.
Table 1: Collected data through proposed tool.
Azure DB
Resources SLA Compliance
May 10th 96.5000 97.14286
May 11th 96.5000 97.14286
May 12th 96.5000 94.89051
May 13th 96.5000 97.14286
May 14th 96.5000 97.14286
May 15th 96.5000 95.65217
May 16th 96.5000 97.11191
May 17th 96.5000 96.89922
May 18th 96.5000 94.89051
May 19th 96.5000 97.87234
May 20th 96.5000 97.14286
4.1 Data Analysis
Following the 11-day data collection period, which
had a time difference of 5 minutes, the collected data
was analysed using a one-sample proportion statisti-
cal test (z-test) in comparison to the SLA. The eval-
uation determines whether the uptime of the cloud
database (DB) services in the sample meets or ex-
ceeds the agreed-upon availability percentage of the
SLA. The test yields valuable information indicat-
ing that the tool’s output is statistically significant
within the given dataset. Through statistical analysis,
the comparison between the uptime-downtime and
agreed-upon availability percentages from the tool is
reevaluated and confirmed.
Initially, data was imported into R-studio from a
CSV file. Afterwards, the availability status has been
transformed from ”available” to ”unavailable” using a
binary conversion of 1 and 0 on the dataset. The steps
for conducting a one-sample proportion test are as fol-
lows: Firstly, compute the sample percentage
(p) by
counting the number of successes in the availability
column and dividing it by the total number of observa-
tions. In step ii, the null hypothesis (H0) and alterna-
tive hypothesis (H1) are defined. The null hypothesis
states that the availability percentage from the SLA is
less than the agreed upon value, while the alternative
hypothesis states that it is equal to or greater than the
agreed upon value. In step iii, the standard error (SE)
is computed for the sample proportion using the given
SE = sqrt(
(p) (1
Here, n represents the sample size and
(p) rep-
resents the sample proportion. The test statistics (z
score) value is obtained using the following equation:
Z = (
(p) p
Out of a span of 11 days, 2 days were chosen at
random for the analysis. The data from May 10th
has been selected and employed in the test. The re-
sult indicates that the null hypothesis cannot be ac-
cepted and the sample proportion is much higher than
the agreed-upon availability percentage of 0.965. The
current service availability exceeds 96.5% as of May
10th, and the SLA has not been violated. The statisti-
cal test conducted on May 10th, as depicted in Figure
3, presents the outcomes of a one-sample proportion
test. The one-sample proportion statistical test was
also conducted using the data from May 12, 2023.
The outcome indicates that the null hypothesis has not
been rejected and the sample proportion is not higher
than 0.965 (the agreed-upon percentage of availabil-
ity). The service was unavailable for 96.5% of the
day on May 12th. The availability has not met the
promised level and the SLA has been violated. The
use of a one-sample proportion statistical test con-
firms the statistical significance of the data gathered
by the SLA Analyser tool.
4.2 Findings: Addressing Our Research
This study monitored database cloud service SLA
availability using SLA Analyser. The SLA Anal-
yser connected to the target database cloud services.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Figure 2: Workflow of SLA analyser.
Figure 3: SLA Compliance Report.
After connecting, the SLA Analyser read the target
database cloud services. SLA Analyser’s primary reg-
istry database was updated with the target database
cloud services’ availability status after the read oper-
ation. SLA compliance reports use primary registra-
tion database data. The compliance report can detect
occasions where target database cloud service SLA
agreements have not satisfied availability standards.
The SLA Analyser tool’s operation is explained in
Figure 4
As indicated, the tool was designed using avail-
ability analysis techniques. Database service avail-
ability was set to ”available. if the database connec-
tion and read operation were successful. The database
service was unavailable if the read operation failed af-
ter connecting to the database. The database service
was unavailable if the database connection was not
made. These criteria assessed target database cloud
service availability. Based on 11-day availability cal-
culations, a SLA compliance report graph was cre-
ated. Monitoring dates are on the x-axis, and avail-
ability scores are on the y-axis. Customers and sell-
ers’ Service Level Agreement (SLA) was used to ver-
ify SLA compliance. The SLA Compliance Report
for Azure DB Az1, the target database service, is
shown in Figure 5.
The experiment had four main scenarios. The
tool met and exceeded all test scenarios and quanti-
fied cloud-based database-as-a-service platform SLA
availability parameters. Scenario 1 assessed the target
database cloud services’ availability by assessing the
tool’s ability to connect to and read from them. Sce-
nario 2 assessed the target database cloud services’
inaccessibility. Database services seldom become un-
available without external involvement. Perhaps they
would descend once or twice a month. We purposely
disabled the database server to test unavailability, cre-
ating a ”unavailable” record. The inability to connect
to the database service caused the tool to throw an ex-
ception, reporting the service as down.
The SLA Analyser was tested by connecting to
two Azure database services in different availabil-
ity zones. Each database service monitored indepen-
dently of experimental results. SLA Analyser moni-
tors many cloud services. Scenario 4 was completed
using the SLA Analyser primary registration database
dataset. The data set was extracted using Excel to de-
termine monitoring day availability using uptime and
downtime. A plan was made based on daily availabil-
ity. The plot used availability metrics from the ap-
proved (SLA) to analyse the database service’s SLA
compliance. Figure 5 shows the SLA Compliance Re-
The experiment and analysis provide the necessary
data to solve this research challenge. The suggested
SLA monitoring tool improves cloud service avail-
ability and SLA compliance. Companies that want
to stay competitive and provide great customer ser-
vice must prioritise service dependability and SLAs.
This is critical given the shifting Cloud computing
landscape and its impact on corporate processes. Re-
cent research on SLA monitoring and cloud evalua-
tion have stressed the importance of automated meth-
ods and real-time monitoring in this ever-changing
The suggested tool monitors cloud-based database
services using uptime and downtime. A tool was used
to compare the 11-day service availability and un-
availability record to the SLA availability percentage.
The SLA Compliance Report shows that Azure DB
failed to reach the guaranteed SLA % on May 12th,
15th, and 18th, 2023. Cloud service availability has
dropped to 96.5% in recent days, which is below ex-
pectations. For the remaining days, the tool shows
that services met the Service Level Agreement. The
suggested tool monitored service availability against
SLA. In table 2 and Figure 5, a one-sample % statis-
tical test was used to reevaluate the indicated tool’s
data. Test results show statistical significance. By au-
tomatically assessing SLA, the SLA monitoring tool
reduces human monitoring time and effort.
Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services
5.1 Novelty of the Proposed Tool
The results are thoroughly compared to existing re-
search on the issue in this section. Undheim et al.
(2011) did a key study on ”Differentiated Availabil-
ity in Cloud Computing SLAs. The study analysed
cloud SLA availability and sought to simulate cloud
data centres. Their analysis showed that SLAs should
explicitly include key performance indicators (KPIs),
but ours actively monitors those KPIs. This provides
us track how well cloud service providers meet their
availability promises. This helps us understand their
performance and improve their SLA compliance.
In ”Cloud Security Service Level Agreements:
Representation and Measurement, Hubballi et al.
(2019) defined SLAs and proposed a real-time audit
method employing a trusted third-party auditor. We
focus on monitoring the accessibility of standard ser-
vice level agreements used by cloud providers and
their clients, despite their success in generating and
quantifying them. Our proposed tool ensures SLA
compliance and uses an impartial and autonomous
monitoring mechanism to avoid conflicts of interest.
Independent service level agreement evaluations help
build trust and transparency between cloud operators
and clients. This provides constant and precise SLA
The 2013 Manuel et al. research, ”Availabil-
ity Management in Cloud Computing Based on the
ISO/IEC 20000 Standard, addresses cloud comput-
ing availability management. They presented an ISO
20000-based framework for cloud service monitor-
ing and management. The study advances availability
management. Our system monitors cloud database-
as-a-service availability. The proposed approach im-
proves customer satisfaction by easily achieving in-
dustry standards and service level agreements to pro-
mote cloud service reliability.
Furthermore, Ameller et al. (2008) present ”Ser-
vice Level Agreement Monitoring Tool based on mea-
sures derived from ISO/IEC 9126-1-based service ori-
ented quality model. Their research focuses on ISO
9126-1-compliant monitoring tools. Its main goal
is to evaluate quality metrics. Only cloud-based
database service accessibility and security protocols
are monitored in the course of our study. This aids
them by analysing quality measures. Our programme
provides an all-encompassing approach for database
performance evaluation and improvement. It empha-
sises availability, a key component of cloud architec-
5.2 Related Work
Existing Tools. Regarding the available tools,
cloud providers frequently provide monitoring tools
like CloudMonitor, ServiceWatch, and SLA Tracker,
which are proven to be useful in monitoring services
within their particular ecosystems. These tools, pro-
vided by certain cloud providers, play a crucial role
in guaranteeing service responsiveness and compli-
ance with Service Level Agreements. Nevertheless,
the proposed tool offers a chance for impartial and au-
tonomous surveillance by guaranteeing the absence of
any potential conflicts of interest or undue influence
in the monitoring procedure. It is especially suitable
for organisations with adaptable cloud environments
due to its inherent flexibility and customisation ca-
pabilities. This solution provides flexibility, enabling
businesses who utilise services from numerous cloud
providers to monitor the availability of their entire
cloud environment using a single integrated platform.
Conversely, the solutions offered by cloud sup-
pliers are designed to be used only with a particu-
lar cloud provider. This thorough monitoring strategy
improves a company’s capacity to effectively manage
its cloud infrastructure. To conclude, the suggested
monitoring solution emphasises real-time monitor-
ing of important performance indicators connected
to cloud providers and clients’ conventional service
level agreements. This detailed monitoring approach
provides businesses with valuable insights by actively
monitoring SLAs and database-as-a-service availabil-
ity. Our experiment helps companies understand how
to deliver reliable cloud services that meet customer
expectations. This technology can help cloud-using
firms gain deeper insights into their cloud databases.
Availability insights and SLA compliance data can
help people choose the best cloud provider. Real-time
monitoring helps organisations develop service level
agreements faster.
Firms with sensitive data or regulatory compliance
requirements benefit from the proposed tool’s impar-
tial and autonomous monitoring mechanism. Organ-
isations can improve their competitiveness and meet
legal and regulatory requirements by demonstrating
SLA compliance through unbiased monitoring. In
conclusion, the suggested SLA monitoring solution
greatly improves cloud service availability monitor-
ing. By monitoring availability and ensuring ser-
vice level agreements, the app helps cloud service
providers and organisations deliver high-quality cloud
services. This research could improve cloud service
reliability, customer satisfaction, and company suc-
cess in a time when cloud computing is still changing
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
5.3 Threats to Validity
To confirm and ensure research accuracy and efficacy,
multiple actions are taken. First, experiment-based
testing was done to evaluate the SLA analyzer’s cor-
rectness in gathering and creating database cloud ser-
vice uptime and downtime statistics. The experiment
tests whether the system can calculate and compare
actual and SLA availability percentages. Determine if
SLA was violated. Results were validated using sta-
tistical analysis. One-sample proportion test reevalu-
ates data and verifies tool results are statistically rel-
evant. The research also compares the suggested tool
to market-available monitoring methods to evaluate
its impact. This study offers impartial and objective
monitoring, a versatile tool that can be adapted to
the customer’s business requirements, and the abil-
ity to monitor many cloud platforms with a single
tool. Finally, a comprehensive literature review com-
pared the new tool to past SLA monitoring research
on cloud service accessibility. The review insight-
fully assesses the research’s value. The proposed in-
strument’s uniqueness is also emphasised. Validity
(internal and external): The study has limitations.
Student accounts initially purchased cloud services
from cloud providers due to resource constraints. Pur-
chase limits for student accounts vary by database
size and choice. An interactive data visualisation tool
like Power BI would have been best for SLA compli-
ance reporting. It was not added into SLA Analyser
because of the cost. Instead, Excel was used. Due
to purchasing constraints, we chose Azure cloud ser-
vices, which were free for students. All research was
done on Azure. Execution is neutral and compatible
with any cloud service. The suggested tool’s proof-
of-concept was conducted in a synthetic experimental
environment. This was the best option for the task
due to time restrictions. The ability to implement and
repeat results may be limited in these scenarios.
This study evaluated using the SLA Analyzer tool
to automatically monitor cloud-based database-as-a-
service SLA availability. The research goal was at-
tained by experimenting with scenarios. To ensure
SLA compliance, the report emphasised autonomous
cloud service monitoring. The results supported this
study’s goal and provided reliable SLA monitoring re-
sults. The SLA percentage did not always match ser-
vice availability on some days, according to experi-
ments. SLA breach was clear since promised services
were not delivered.
Numerous enterprises and organisations are em-
bracing client interest in cloud services, which the
paper addresses. These entities are having trouble
monitoring service availability. This effort was small-
scale, hence its scientific impact was limited to moni-
toring cloud service availability. A tool that compares
real service to stated SLA performed it. This study
paved the way for further research on cloud com-
puting SLA management that benefits customers and
Future Work. A study on ”the Adoption of Secu-
rity Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in the Cloud”
found certain problems. Expressing security require-
ments accurately, measuring security, and monitor-
ing and ensuring security are the primary challenges.
These three reasons hinder cloud and security service
level agreement adoption. The study focuses on mon-
itoring and comparing security availability with the
SLA availability %.
This study lays the framework for future research
to improve the tool by adding parameters beyond
availability to give a more comprehensive cloud ser-
vice monitoring system. Consider studying secrecy
and integrity to improve the research. Future re-
search can also develop a precise way to determine the
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that precisely re-
flects Service Level Agreement confidentiality and in-
tegrity. Key Performance Indicators help measure and
manage confidentiality and integrity. Furthermore,
this study explored the database-as-a-service concept.
Service level agreement monitoring might be studied
in different cloud service models like infrastructure-
as-a-service and platform-as-a-service. Future re-
search could leverage this study’s findings to address
limits, improve the tool, and explore containers, IoT
devices, servers, and other cloud service monitoring
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