In this paper, we present a case study exploring the
integration of MMLA into the GC. Guided by the
MAMDA model, our study unfolds six phases:
Preparation and Needs Analysis, Data Collection,
Privacy and Ethics, Interpretation and Feedback,
Development, and Refinement and Validation. The
main contribution lies in demonstrating the practical
application of MAMDA in the GC, offering insights
into the integration of MMLA to enhance
collaborative learning experiences and inform
educational practices. Through this study, we tested
the application of MAMDA within the dynamic
educational ecosystem of the GC. We also critically
examined and refined the model to better align with
the dependencies of educational technology
integration. The strategic repositioning of key
considerations, such as Data Management, Sensors
and Modalities, and Interpretation and Feedback,
attests to the adaptability and responsiveness of the
model in real-world scenarios. As a result of this
systematic approach, we have demonstrated how
MMLA can be embedded into the GC context,
leveraging various data sources. The incorporation of
MMLA aligns with the CoP principles within the GC,
fostering a collaborative and community-driven
educational environment. To illustrate the resulting
conceptual integration, we present a three-layered
architecture that facilitates the capture, processing,
and analysis of multimodal data.
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