Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the
Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA
Hamza Ouhaichi
, Daniel Spikol
and Bahtijar Vogel
Departement of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden
Department of Science Education, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Keywords: Glocal Classroom, Multimodal Learning Analytics, Smart Learning Environment.
Abstract: This study explores the integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) within the dynamic learning
ecosystem of the Glocal Classroom (GC). By employing the MMLA Model for Design and Analysis
(MAMDA), our research proposes a conceptual model leveraging the GC's existing infrastructure into an
MMLA system to enrich learning experiences and inform course design. Our methodology involves a case
study approach guided by the six phases of MAMDA. Building on previous studies, including a systematic
mapping of MMLA research and an investigation into MMLA system design. We seek to employ MMLA
insights to comprehensively understand the learning experience, identify issues, and guide improvement
strategies. Furthermore, we discuss potential challenges, mainly focusing on privacy and ethical
considerations. The result of this work aims to facilitate a responsible and effective implementation of MMLA
systems in educational settings.
Recently, several innovative learning environments
have emerged at the intersection of technology and
education, such as the Glocal Classroom (GC). The
GC is a dynamic learning space that transcends
geographical boundaries, fostering collaboration
among students from diverse cultural backgrounds
(Messina et al., 2014). In line with the development
of educational technology, there is a growing
recognition of the potential benefits that Multimodal
Learning Analytics (MMLA) systems can bring to the
design of next-generation teaching and learning
environments. MMLA leverages diverse data
modalities, including text, audio, and visual inputs, to
gain deeper insights into the learning process
(Blikstein et al., 2013).
This study presents a conceptual integration of
MMLA in the learning environment GC. The
motivation behind implementing MMLA in the GC is
to enhance the educational experience and optimize
course design. By leveraging the multimodal data
generated within the GC, MMLA promises to provide
a holistic understanding of student engagement,
learning patterns, and the effectiveness of
pedagogical approaches (Cukurova et al., 2020). This
integration aligns with the broader goal of learning
analytics for advancing educational practices in line
with technological advancements (Ahad et al., 2018).
Applying a case study approach, we could examine
the GC in depth and develop a conceptual integration
of MMLA. This methodology enables a better
understanding of the interactions between technology
and Glocality principles in education (Patel & Lynch,
2013). We employ the MMLA Model for Design and
Analysis (MAMDA) to guide the study and
integration of MMLA in the GC. We aim to test and
reflect upon this newly developed model in a real-life
scenario. MAMDA serves as a framework,
addressing the key considerations for responsible data
handling, and the overall development of MMLA
systems. It offers a structured approach to ensure that
MMLA integration aligns with ethical standards and
educational objectives .
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 sets the context and introduces the
Ouhaichi, H., Spikol, D. and Vogel, B.
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA.
DOI: 10.5220/0012690900003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 478-485
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
GC and MMLA. Section 3 describes the chosen
methodology. In section 4, the MAMDA is explained
in detail. Following that, Section 5 provides an
illustration of the integration of MMLA within the
GC setting. Section 6 engages in a discussion, delving
into the implications and insights derived from the
study. Section 7 reflects on the lessons learned,
followed by Section 8 outlines the identified
limitations. The paper concludes in Section 9,
summarizing key findings and proposing directions
for future research.
Glocal Classroom and MMLA
The GC is an innovative and dynamic educational
environment designed to bridge geographical gaps
and foster collaboration among students from diverse
cultural backgrounds. Equipped with communication
technology, the GC serves as a hybrid learning space
(Patel & Lynch, 2013). It features microphones,
cameras, projectors, and screens that facilitate
participation and interaction both on campus and
remotely. In our study, the GC is adopted by multiple
universities across four countries, exemplifying its
global reach and impact (Christensen et al., 2022).
The hybrid learning approach of the GC allows
students to engage in courses conducted at partner
universities, providing an educational experience that
combines the benefits of in-person and remote
learning. Our study explores the intersection of
MMLA technology and education to enhance the
learning experience within the GC. MMLA
represents an analytical data-driven approach that
harnesses diverse data modalities, including text,
audio, and visual inputs, to gain insights into the
learning process (Worsley, 2018). As a concept,
MMLA has gained prominence for its potential to
understand, monitor, and improve educational
practices. MMLA provides a holistic understanding
of student engagement, learning patterns, and the
effectiveness of pedagogical approaches (Blikstein et
al., 2013). The integration of MMLA into educational
settings has gained traction, driven by its potential to
understand, monitor, and improve educational
practices. As educational institutions seek to harness
the benefits of MMLA, there is a growing recognition
of the need for structured frameworks to guide its
effective implementation. In terms of understanding,
modeling, and supporting learning, MMLA has
shown promising results. Multiple research works
envision MMLA as a tool for supporting the
educational experience and refining learning designs
(Cukurova et al., 2020), which motivates us to
incorporate MMLA into the GC. With this
integration, comprehensive analytics become
possible, allowing a variety of perspectives on
educational experiences across various scales of time
and space. Considering the GC's existing
communication technology infrastructure, the
foundations are already in place for integrating an
MMLA system seamlessly.
2.2 MMLA Model for Design and
The MAMDA model provides a framework and set
of key considerations to guide the development of
MMLA systems. Our primary objective is to assess
and reflect upon the viability and efficacy of the
newly developed model in a real-world case scenario.
The provided set of considerations for MMLA design
are derived from a previous study (Ouhaichi et al.,
2023). As a practical tool, the model will facilitate the
incorporation of MMLA into the learning
environment at GC. The primary goal of this study is
to test and reflect upon the MAMDA model within
the dynamic and innovative learning ecosystem of the
GC. Understanding how MMLA can be effectively
implemented in diverse settings becomes paramount
as educational landscapes evolve. With its global
reach and collaborative learning model, the GC
serves as an ideal case for this exploration. By
adopting a case study approach, we aim to assess the
applicability of the MAMDA model in guiding the
integration of MMLA within the GC. This study
seeks to contribute valuable insights into the potential
enhancements that MMLA can bring to collaborative
learning scenarios and the MAMDA model's
adaptability in shaping educational technology's
The methodology employed in this research adopts a
case study approach to explore the GC and investigate
the integration of MMLA. This section justifies using
a case study approach, outlines its characteristics, and
highlights its suitability for investigating the
relationship between analytics technology and
Glocality principles in education. We chose the case
study approach for its ability to provide an in-depth
exploration of the GC, offering a better understanding
of its dynamics and functionalities. Following
established guidelines for conducting and reporting
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA
case study research in software engineering, proposed
by (Runeson et al., 2012) and in alignment with
practical recommendations from (Hancock et al.,
2021) in "Doing case study research: A practical
guide for beginning researchers" the case study
design is considered appropriate for our research
objectives. This approach enables a flexible
examination of the GC, considering various
dimensions such as its technological infrastructure,
user interactions, and the overarching Glocality
principles that shape its educational goals.
The data collection methods employed in this
study encompass a mixed approach to gain insights
into the GC. Observations constitute an initial
element involving a first-hand examination of the
learning scenarios facilitated within the GC. This
includes attending lectures held in the GC, providing
an immersive experience to understand the dynamics
of student engagement, interaction, and the overall
educational environment. In addition, a
documentation review is conducted, focusing on
digital platforms showcasing the usage of the GC.
This digital platform also functions as a booking
system, offering insights into the scheduling and
utilization patterns of the GC. We used the MAMDA
model to guide the case study and inform the data
collection process. The motivation behind employing
the model is to examine and reflect upon the practical
applicability and effectiveness of the newly
developed model in an authentic educational context.
This approach serves as a valuable means to refine the
proposed model, particularly within the complex and
dynamic setting of the GC. MAMDA, designed
through a qualitative study involving interviews with
researchers and experts in the field of MMLA, is
applied as a structured framework. The model
addresses key considerations across various phases,
providing an initial approach to MMLA system
design. Each phase of MAMDA corresponds to
specific considerations, including learning scenarios,
human factors, research orientation, data collection,
data management, privacy, and ethics. The
application of MAMDA serves as a guidepost,
aligning the data collection efforts with the
overarching objectives of designing an MMLA
system tailored to the context of the GC.
While the GC is present in four different countries
across four continents (Sweden, Canada, South
Africa, and Australia), the observations and data
collection activities are specifically centered on the
Swedish instance of the GC. This focused
examination allows for a specific exploration of the
GC's characteristics, technological capabilities, and
the embodiment of Glocality principles in education.
Figure 1: MMLA Model for Design and Analysis.
Aligned with the foundational principles of the
Community of Practice (CoP), derived from John
Dewey's notions and defined by Lave and Wenger, it
is applied to the GC setting (Christensen et al., 2020).
the framework leverages CoP's emphasis on shared
interests, open dialogue, and collaborative learning
within a common domain. In the GC setting, the CoP
perspective becomes a catalyst for transformative
educational experiences, evolving the GC into a
community where global interactions, shared
learning, and collaboration form the essence of the
learning process. These elements gain heightened
significance in an era where interconnectedness and
cross-cultural understanding are imperative for
education. The synergy between MMLA and the GC's
goals is a cornerstone of our framework. MMLA's
focus on leveraging multimodal data aligns
seamlessly with the GC's objectives, showcasing its
adaptability of MMLA and potential to enhance or
assess education practices in the GC. This alignment
underscores the reciprocal relationship between
MMLA and the GC's educational philosophy.
MMLA benefits from the GC's infrastructure, while
the GC gains from enhanced analytical capabilities
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
offered by MMLA. This reciprocal enrichment forms
the envisioned glocal learning environment, where
global insights contribute to local educational
excellence and vice versa.
4.1 Preparations and Needs Analysis
We addressed the first three considerations in the
initial phase: Learning Scenarios, Human Factors,
and Research Orientation. Our aim involved the
identification of educational objectives aligned with
curriculum requirements and the technical
infrastructure. CoP emerged as a fundamental
educational framework within the GC. Consisting of
students and educators, the CoP shaped the
collaborative and community-driven educational
practices observed in the GC. The examination also
revealed the elements of the basic technological
infrastructure essential for communication and
collaboration. This included audio and video
components and digital platforms that facilitate
interactions. The main actors in the GC, namely
students and lecturers, are identified as collectively
forming the CoP. The implementation details, such as
the placement and distribution of communication
tools (data streams), become critical considerations.
Designing the classroom layout, determining optimal
tool placement, and understanding what aspects of
interactions to capture are essential for effective
MMLA integration. While not delving into an
exhaustive technical inventory, the emphasis remains
on the minimal yet pivotal technology necessary for
CoP and MMLA, ensuring a focused and purposeful
approach to the integration framework.
4.2 Data Collection
In the second phase, we address two considerations:
Data Collection and Sensors and modalities leading
to selecting sensors capable of capturing multimodal
data and identifying the appropriate modalities,
closely aligning outcomes from the preceding phase.
By leveraging the capabilities of the GC's
communication and collaboration technology,
encompassing microphones, cameras, and digital
platforms, we can establish the foundational
groundwork for data collection. Importantly, we
provide in Table 1 an explicit mapping of CoP
learning indicators with digital modalities. This
deliberate alignment emphasized modalities
associated with communication and collaboration
patterns, echoing the collaborative nature inherent in
the CoP framework. MMLA leverages the data
streams generated by the GC’s technological
infrastructure. Interaction patterns, both verbal and
non-verbal, are captured by cameras, providing
insights into the dynamics of collaboration and
engagement. Audio data offers a qualitative
understanding of the tone, intensity, and frequency of
interactions, enriching the contextual characteristics
of communication. Screens contribute valuable
information on collaborative efforts, displaying
shared content and illustrating the evolution of ideas.
The data collection types encompass a spectrum of
modalities, including visual, auditory, and textual
elements. Interaction patterns unveil the social
dynamics within the Community of Practice, while
engagement levels provide a quantitative measure of
participation and involvement. These modalities
collectively offer an overview of the collaborative
learning process, enabling the analysis of the
multifaceted interactions within the Global
4.3 Privacy and Ethics
In the Privacy and Ethics phase, our primary objective
was to ensure that the selected modalities, aligned
with the CoP learning indicators, complied with
established privacy and ethical standards. Building
upon the pre-established requirements from the
previous phases, we validated the alignment of
selected data streams concerning GDPR regulations,
data anonymization, and transparent data processing
policies. Furthermore, we developed a policy
outlining the transparent data processing practices
adopted in our MMLA system. This policy provided
a clear explanation of how data collection and
processing contribute to educational objectives. By
emphasizing transparency, we aimed to build trust
among users, fostering an environment where
individuals are aware of and understand the purpose
of data processing in the context of enhancing
educational experiences.
4.4 Interpretation and Feedback
Based on the outcomes of preceding phases, namely
the established CoP, the identified technological
infrastructure, the selected modalities for data
collection, and the robust privacy and ethics
considerations. Building upon these foundations, we
determined the nature of feedback and interpretations
that the MMLA system should provide in the context
of the GC. We envisioned a simple visualization
framework to capture individual and classroom
performance modalities. These modalities included
indicators such as attendance patterns, levels of
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA
activity, and the frequency and quantity of speech
within the learning environment. To refine our
approach further, we aim to conduct surveys among
both students and lecturers, seeking their insights on
the initial modes of feedback that the MMLA system
should offer. This iterative process allows us to
identify and prioritize feedback elements that can be
subsequently evaluated and tested for their
effectiveness, ensuring that the MMLA system's
interpretations align closely with the needs of the
4.5 Development
In the Development phase, we address three
considerations namely, Design and Development,
Data Management and Technology integration. All
activities in this phase culminate in insights and
considerations from the preceding phases,
encompassing the established CoP learning
indicators, the identified technological infrastructure,
the modalities chosen for data collection, the privacy
and ethics framework, and the envisioned feedback
mechanisms. Based on the understanding of these
elements, the design and development process,
consist often incorporation of data interpretation
techniques, including algorithms and machine
learning, to provide insights. A key focus is
establishing real-time feedback loops, enabling
continuous responses to learners and educators based
on collected data. This integration not only capitalizes
on the available technological infrastructure but also
ensured a cohesive learning experience for the diverse
CoP. Data analytics is the key understanding
collected data about collaborative learning dynamics
within the CoP. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques decode textual interactions, uncovering
themes, sentiments, and emerging patterns in the
discourse. Computer vision algorithms analyze visual
data, identifying non-verbal cues, group dynamics,
and engagement levels. Quantitative analytics,
complemented by qualitative assessments, provide a
comprehensive understanding of the collaborative
learning experience.
Practically implementing the MMLA integration
involves a phased approach. Initially, educators and
students undergo training to familiarize themselves
with the technological tools and the MMLA system.
Throughout the course, data collection occurs
seamlessly in the background, preserving the natural
flow of the learning process. Periodic reviews and
reflections on the analytics generated by the system
inform iterative adjustments, ensuring continuous
improvement and optimization of the learning
4.6 Refinement and Validation
The final phase, Refinement and Validation,
represents a continuous improvement cycle,
acknowledging the dynamic nature of educational
environments. As future work, this phase involves a
reflective process that considers the challenges
encountered throughout the previous phases. A
critical aspect is the evaluation and testing of the
MMLA system, which serves as a feedback loop to
inform further refinements. The outcomes of this
phase are twofold. First, it entails an iterative return
to the initial phase, Preparation and Needs Analysis,
to address any identified issues, adapt to emerging
Table 1: Mapping of CoP learning indicators and digital modalities.
Learning Indicator Modality Data Format Sensor/Data
Learning Interactions Speech patterns, collaborative
activities, frequency of
Audio, Video,
Interaction logs
Cameras, Digital
Real-time feedback on
group communication
Knowledge Sharing and
Shared documents, contributions to
discussions, collaborative problem-
solving sessions
Text, Interaction
logs, Screen sharing
Documents, Digital
Visualizations of
collaborative activities
Social Presence and
Community Engagement
Attendance patterns, frequency of
interactions, participation in
collaborative activities
Interaction logs,
Digital Platforms,
Notifications in case
of lack of presence
Interaction patterns during
discussions, key contributors,
effectiveness of solutions propose
Interaction logs,
Screen sharing
Digital Platforms,
Individual profile
Role Identification and
Contributions, expertise-based
interactions, distribution of
Interaction logs,
Screen sharing
Visualization of roles
Reflection and Feedback Individual contributions, responses
to feedback, evolution of ideas
Interaction logs,
Video, Text
Mapping reflections
and feedback with
earlier activities.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
constraints, and ensure ongoing flexibility in the
MMLA system. Second, the validation of the
conceptual model is achieved through continuous
refinement, incorporating expert input and addressing
potential limitations. This process ensures the
alignment of the MMLA system with real-world
applications and scholarly discourse, contributing to
the effectiveness of analytical systems in diverse
educational settings such as the GC.
Building upon the foundational principles of MBOX
(Ouhaichi et al., 2021), an IoT-based system allowing
the collection and processing of multimodal data from
collaborative learning tasks. We present a tailored
MMLA model specifically designed for the GC. This
model envisions a dynamic and adaptive system that
integrates seamlessly with the unique characteristics
of the GC environment. Drawing inspiration from the
three-layered architecture of MBOX, our model
revolves around the Users Layer, Communication
Interface Layer, and Processing Layer.
5.1 Model Components
The model is made up of three layers. The users layer
constitutes the first tier engaging students, teachers,
and various stakeholders such as researchers and
education managers. In the GC, this layer represents
participants interacting within the collaborative
learning space across multiple remote classrooms.
The users layer serves as the focal point for
capturing diverse perspectives and interactions within
the GC. Second, comes the sensing interface layer,
which represents communication technology
embedded in the GC, functioning both as a facilitator
of interactions and a data capture mechanism.
Communication tools, including microphones,
cameras, and projectors, form the technological
infrastructure of this layer. This interface serves a
dual purpose, enabling seamless communication
among participants while also capturing multimodal
data generated during the collaborative learning
process. The arrow connecting the users’ layer to the
sensing interface symbolizes capturing interactions
and communication within the GC, creating a bridge
between human engagement and data collection. At
the top of our model lies the processing layer, where
data storage, management, and MMLA activities
unfold. This layer is the hub for processing
multimodal data collected from the sensing interface.
Leveraging the insights gained from MBOX, this tier
could adopt a multi-level architecture, comprising
edge, fog, and cloud layers. The edge layer handles
real-time data processing at the group level,
facilitating immediate feedback through local
mechanisms. The fog layer extends the perspective to
the classroom or school level, offering additional
insights and feedback mechanisms. Finally, the cloud
layer processes data at a global level, contributing to
a comprehensive understanding of collaborative
learning experiences within the broader educational
Figure 2: MMLA model for Glocal education spaces.
The arrows in our model illustrate the cyclical
nature of MMLA within the GC. Data flows from the
users’ layer to the sensing interface, where
interactions are captured. This data is then directed to
the processing layer, where MMLA activities,
including analytics and interpretation, take place.
Feedback and outputs generated are then looped back
to the users, completing the cycle.
5.2 Usage of Integrated MMLA
The integration of MMLA into the Glocal Classroom
transforms the user experience for students,
educators, and researchers. For students, the MMLA
integration introduces a personalized learning
journey. Real-time feedback mechanisms from the
edge layer provide instant insights into collaborative
efforts, allowing students to adapt and optimize their
learning strategies. The Sensing Interface Layer
captures nuanced interactions, providing a detailed
view of their participation and engagement.
Educators benefit by gaining a more holistic
perspective on collaborative learning dynamics. By
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA
capturing both verbal and non-verbal cues, educators
can better understand group dynamics and tailor their
teaching strategies. This enhanced view facilitates
informed decision-making, allowing educators to
refine their pedagogical approaches. Researchers now
have access to a wealth of multimodal data, fostering
in-depth analyses and scholarly contributions. The
multi-level architecture of the Processing Layer
provides a scalable and adaptable framework for
researchers to explore human learning across various
scales. The cyclical flow of data enables continuous
refinement, aligning the MMLA system with real-
world applications and scholarly discourse. The
integrated MMLA model serves as a valuable tool for
advancing research in the field of educational
In this study, MAMDA serves as a foundational guide
for integrating MMLA into the GC. The adaptation of
the MAMDA model reveals crucial insights into the
dynamics of the learning environment, prompting
necessary adjustments for a more effective
integration. Notably, the repositioning of Data
Management considerations to the Development
phase and the relocation of Sensors and Modalities to
the second phase of Data Collection exemplify a more
coherent workflow that aligns with the dependencies
of educational technology integration (Ouhaichi et
al., 2019). The phased consideration of Interpretation
and Feedback acknowledges the distinct production
workflow of educational systems, enhancing the
responsiveness of the learning environment (Messina
Dahlberg & Bagga-Gupta, 2014). These modifica-
tions not only refine the MAMDA model but also
address challenges associated with privacy and ethics,
providing a more robust framework for responsible
MMLA integration. The study's insights contribute to
the ongoing evolution of MMLA systems, opening
avenues for future research and advancements in
smart learning environments.
Researchers can leverage our model as a
comprehensive guide and template for integrating
MMLA into diverse learning environments,
especially those characterized by global
communication and collaborative learning. The
structured six-phase approach outlined in our model,
derived from MAMDA, serves as a roadmap for
researchers seeking to understand, implement, and
refine MMLA systems. By employing our model,
researchers and other practitioners can navigate the
complexities of data collection, ethical considerations
(Alwahaby et al., 2021), and technological integration
within learning environments. The adaptable nature
of our framework allows researchers to tailor it to
different educational settings, ensuring relevance
across various cultural and geographical contexts.
Ultimately, our model provides a methodological
foundation for advancing the exploration and
implementation of MMLA, fostering a deeper
understanding of collaborative learning experiences
and paving the way for further innovations in
educational research and technology.
While integrating MMLA into the Glocal Classroom
presents a promising avenue for enhancing
collaborative learning, certain limitations inherent in
this study must be acknowledged.
The success of the MMLA model relies heavily
on the existing technological infrastructure within the
GC. Limitations in the hardware, network
capabilities, or compatibility issues may impact the
integration and functioning of the MMLA system
(Blined). Variability in technology across different
instances of the GC may introduce challenges in
achieving uniform MMLA implementation. The case
study approach employed in this research focuses
specifically on the GC setting, representing a unique
implementation of Glocality in education. While the
findings contribute valuable insights within this
context, the generalizability of the MMLA model to
diverse educational environments remains a
consideration. Variations in classroom structures,
cultural nuances, and technological setups may affect
the applicability of the model in other settings. The
mapping of CoP learning indicators with MMLA
modalities is a complex task. The accuracy and
relevance of this mapping may be subject to
interpretation and could impact the fidelity of
learning insights derived from the MMLA system.
Further refinement and validation of this mapping
process are essential for ensuring the robustness of
the model. Acknowledging these limitations is crucial
for a comprehensive understanding of the study's
scope and implications. Future iterations of MMLA
integration in diverse educational contexts can build
upon these insights to address and overcome these
limitations, contributing to the continued evolution of
collaborative learning analytics.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this paper, we present a case study exploring the
integration of MMLA into the GC. Guided by the
MAMDA model, our study unfolds six phases:
Preparation and Needs Analysis, Data Collection,
Privacy and Ethics, Interpretation and Feedback,
Development, and Refinement and Validation. The
main contribution lies in demonstrating the practical
application of MAMDA in the GC, offering insights
into the integration of MMLA to enhance
collaborative learning experiences and inform
educational practices. Through this study, we tested
the application of MAMDA within the dynamic
educational ecosystem of the GC. We also critically
examined and refined the model to better align with
the dependencies of educational technology
integration. The strategic repositioning of key
considerations, such as Data Management, Sensors
and Modalities, and Interpretation and Feedback,
attests to the adaptability and responsiveness of the
model in real-world scenarios. As a result of this
systematic approach, we have demonstrated how
MMLA can be embedded into the GC context,
leveraging various data sources. The incorporation of
MMLA aligns with the CoP principles within the GC,
fostering a collaborative and community-driven
educational environment. To illustrate the resulting
conceptual integration, we present a three-layered
architecture that facilitates the capture, processing,
and analysis of multimodal data.
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Worsley, M. (2018). Multimodal learning analytics’ past,
present, and, potential futures. CEUR Workshop
Proceedings, 2163.
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA