Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web
Juliana Orro Marquez
1 a
, Paulo Meirelles
2 b
and Tiago Silva da Silva
1 c
Institute of Technology, Federal University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Jos
e dos Campos, Brazil
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Usability Heuristic, Interactive Map, Information Visualization.
The usability of interactive web mapping systems is crucial for a wide range of applications, extending from
urban planning to personal navigation. This study, grounded in the context of Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI), specifically aims to enhance the usability of interactive web maps. The goal is to provide designers and
developers with improved guidelines that not only elevate the user experience but also effectively address the
unique challenges of these interfaces, promoting more efficient navigation. Our methodology is distinguished
by the development of new usability heuristics, derived from a detailed analysis of the specificities of interac-
tive web mapping systems. The study proposes the introduction of a set of 12 usability heuristics, carefully
adapted for these systems. The preliminary results are promising, outlining a set of heuristics that have the
potential to be significant in the design and implementation of interactive web maps. The contribution of this
study is substantial, offering new perspectives for the continuous improvement of usability heuristics and em-
phasizing the need for specific approaches for different digital interaction contexts. Thus, this work not only
advances the theoretical field of HCI but also provides crucial practical guidelines for the future development
of interactive web mapping systems, meeting the current demands and expectations of users.
The User Interface (UI) serves as the gateway through
which the user interacts with the system. This inter-
action underpins the overall user experience, which
may determine the effectiveness, efficiency, and sat-
isfaction during product use. A well-designed user
interface allows users to navigate and operate the sys-
tem in a planned manner, significantly contributing to
a positive experience. Therefore, UI design is not just
about aesthetics; it is an essential component that con-
nects the user to the system, facilitating a harmonious
and efficient interaction.
To ensure the efficiency of an interface design in
the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field, qual-
ity of use criteria such as usability, communicability,
user experience, and accessibility are essential (Bar-
bosa et al., 2021). Among these, usability emerges
as a fundamental criterion for evaluating the effec-
tiveness of this interaction. According to Nielsen, us-
ability is defined by the ease with which the interface
can be learned and used, as well as the satisfaction
provided by the system’s efficient operation (Nielsen,
1994). To achieve this objective, principles known
as usability heuristics are employed, which guide de-
signers and developers in creating and evaluating in-
terface designs.
Since their formulation in the 1990s, Nielsen’s
heuristics have been a milestone in the field of us-
ability (Nielsen, 1994). Composed of 10 widely rec-
ognized principles, these heuristics are used to com-
prehensively identify usability problems in interfaces.
However, despite providing a solid foundation, these
heuristics do not fully cover the nuances and specific
requirements associated with new devices and emerg-
ing systems, such as web-based interactive map vi-
sualization systems (Griffin et al., 2017)(Roth et al.,
2017). This scenario highlights the need to adapt
or develop new heuristics that consider the unique
characteristics of these modern technologies (Jim
et al., 2012).
The development of specialized usability heuris-
tics is vital for significantly improving the user experi-
ence, particularly in areas where interactions are intri-
Marquez, J., Meirelles, P. and Silva da Silva, T.
Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps.
DOI: 10.5220/0012691300003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 402-409
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cately complex, and demands are extremely specific.
In this context, this research proposes a new set of us-
ability heuristics meticulously adapted for interactive
maps on the web. Our goal is to provide designers and
developers with an enhanced set of guidelines that can
be applied to enrich the user experience in interact-
ing with these maps. This new list of heuristics aims
to address interactive maps’ peculiarities and unique
challenges, ensuring more efficient and effective nav-
In the field of HCI, usability heuristics play a crucial
role in the system evaluation process. They are used
as guidelines to identify potential usability problems.
Among the evaluation methods used in HCI, which
Barbosa et al. (2021) categorizes into three groups:
investigation, inspection, and observation, usability
heuristics are specifically employed during the in-
spection method, particularly in heuristic evaluation.
This approach involves a detailed analysis of inter-
faces to detect and resolve issues, thereby optimizing
the user experience. This technique involves a thor-
ough analysis of interfaces to identify and solve prob-
lems, significantly contributing to the enhancement of
the user experience. Heuristic evaluation, a method-
ology introduced by Nielsen and Molich (1990), is
recognized as a highly effective inspection method,
characterized by its detailed analysis of products or
interfaces in search of usability issues. This approach
is valued for its agility, cost-effectiveness, and effi-
ciency. During heuristic evaluation, specialized eval-
uators inspect a system’s interface, using a set of us-
ability heuristics as a reference for identifying prob-
lems, thereby ensuring a rigorous and comprehensive
Nielsen’s heuristics, widely recognized in the field
of usability, consist of ten fundamental principles,
each accompanied by a name and a detailed descrip-
tion (Nielsen, 1994):
Visibility of System Status (1). The design should
always keep users informed about what is happen-
ing within a reasonable timeframe.
Match Between the System and the Real World
(2). The design should speak the users’ language.
Use words, phrases, and concepts familiar to the
user, rather than internal jargon. Follow real-
world conventions, making information appear in
a natural and logical order.
User Control and Freedom. Users Often Perform
Actions by Mistake (3). They need a clearly
marked “emergency exit” to leave an unwanted
action without having to go through a lengthy pro-
Consistency and Standards (4). Users should not
have to wonder if words, situations, or actions
mean the same thing. Follow platform and indus-
try conventions.
Error Prevention (5). Eliminate operation errors
through confirmation conditions and presentation
before proposing a confirmation action.
Recognition Rather than Recall (6). Minimize the
user’s memory load by making elements, actions,
and options visible. The user should not have to
remember information from one part of the inter-
face to another. Information needed to use the de-
sign should be visible or easily retrievable when
Flexibility and Efficiency (7). Shortcuts, hidden
from novice users, can speed up interaction for
the experienced user, so that the design can cater
to both inexperienced and experienced users. Al-
low users to customize frequent actions.
Aesthetic and Minimalist Design (8). Interfaces
should not contain irrelevant or rarely needed in-
formation. Each extra unit of information in an
interface competes with relevant information units
and diminishes their relative visibility.
Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover
From Errors (9). Error messages should be ex-
pressed in plain language (no error codes), pre-
cisely indicate the problem, and constructively
suggest a solution.
Help and Documentation (10). It’s best if the
system does not need any additional explanation.
However, it may be necessary to provide docu-
mentation to help users understand how to com-
plete their tasks.
However, despite the proven effectiveness of these
general heuristics, they may not be fully suitable to
address the specific challenges found in new applica-
tions and devices. This gap has motivated the devel-
opment of new sets of heuristics tailored to specific
domains to meet the unique demands of these mod-
ern applications, as mobile maps (Kuparinen et al.,
2013), virtual worlds (Rusu et al., 2011), interactive
digital television (Solano et al., 2011), visualization
systems (Victorelli and Reis, 2020), and extended re-
ality applications (Vi et al., 2019),
With the aim of identifying new sets of usability
heuristics, Jimenez et al. (2016) conducted a litera-
ture review and identified nine articles proposing new
sets. However, it is important to note that despite the
Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps
introduction of these new sets, they were not created
using a specific methodology designed for this pur-
pose. Instead, the majority adopted an approach that
combined Nielsen’s heuristics with domain-specific
characteristics, while others were developed based on
expert opinions. This varied approach to creating
heuristic sets highlights the lack of a standard in this
research area and the importance of adapting heuris-
tics to meet the specific needs of different application
To fill these gaps, Qui
nones and Rusu (2019) pro-
posed a new methodology for the development of
domain-specific usability heuristics. This methodol-
ogy consists of eight stages, whose data inputs are:
Exploration: collection of information about the
application, gathering usability attributes, and sur-
vey of a set of heuristics and/or other relevant el-
Descriptive: Analyze data that are obtained in dif-
ferent experiments to collect additional informa-
tion that has not been identified in the previous
Description: classification of selected information
and resources about the application, selection of
usability attributes, selection of a set of heuristics
and/or other relevant elements.
Correlation: correlation of corresponding charac-
teristics, attributes, and existing heuristics, defini-
tion of categories.
Selection: process of adjusting and refining infor-
mation for the creation of each heuristic.
Specification: description of the heuristics of the
new set.
Validation: verification of the performance of the
new set.
Refinement: descriptive document of the pro-
posed new set.
It provides a structured protocol to guide the pro-
cess of creating usability heuristics, ensuring their rel-
evance and effectiveness in specific domain contexts.
This approach has proven versatile in developing sets
of heuristics for various applications, such as Progres-
sive Web Applications (PWA) (Anuar and Othman,
2022) and Mobile Health Applications (UGmHA)
(Nasr et al., 2023).
In the context of interactive web maps, Marquez
et al. (2021b) identified the need to develop a specific
set of heuristics aimed at enhancing usability in this
area. To this end, they adopted the methodology pro-
posed by Qui
nones and Rusu (2019) to formulate a
new set of domain-specific usability heuristics. After
completing the stages of exploration (1), description
(3), correlation (4), selection (5), and specification
(6), the authors introduced a set consisting of 10 spe-
cific heuristics for Interactive Web Mapping (IWM)
To validate this new set, Marquez et al. (2021a)
carried out the validation stage (7) of the methodol-
ogy by Qui
nones and Rusu (2019), which involves
three types of evaluation: expert analysis, heuristic
evaluation, and user testing. Initially, an expert analy-
sis was conducted, including a detailed evaluation of
each heuristic, focusing on clarity, ease of use, and the
need for additional checklists, to ensure that they ef-
fectively addressed the key usability aspects relevant
to IWM. The completeness of the heuristic set was
also assessed to ensure that it covered all critical ele-
ments affecting the user experience in interactive web
map applications. As a result of this process, Mar-
quez et al. (2021a) presented version 2 of the heuristic
set, incorporating refinements based on expert feed-
back, aiming to further enhance its applicability and
effectiveness in the context of IWM. Subsequently,
a heuristic evaluation was conducted, the outcomes
of which led to the development of version 3 of the
heuristic set, detailed in this article.
Continuing the quest for improvements, a new vali-
dation phase was conducted, heuristic evaluation, re-
sulting in the third version of the set of 12 usability
heuristics designed for IWM Applications. This itera-
tion represents an ongoing effort to refine and expand
usability heuristics, ensuring that they more precisely
meet the demands of users in this specific context.
3.1 Data Collection
The heuristic evaluation was conducted with the pur-
pose of assessing the effectiveness of the proposed
heuristics in identifying usability issues. For this pur-
pose, both the specific set for IWM applications (Mar-
quez et al., 2021a) and Nielsen’s set (Nielsen, 1994)
were employed. The evaluation took place on the
platform, an innovative platform de-
veloped by Instituto Lidas in collaboration with the
Special Secretariat of Culture (SECULT/Brazil). This
platform provides a specialized tool for visualizing
geographic data and integrating essential information
in the fields of education and culture.
The evaluation involved the participation of eight
volunteers, comprising six males and two females.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The volunteers included graduate students and pro-
fessionals in the field of Computer Science, all of
whom had no prior experience using the platform.
This study received approval from the Ethics and Re-
search Committee of the Federal University of S
Paulo (CAAE: 52578921.4.0000.5505), and all par-
ticipants agreed to the Informed Consent Form (ICF)
presented at the beginning of the heuristic evaluation
The evaluation procedure was divided into three
distinct stages:
In the first stage, we introduced the study and pre-
sented an explanatory video lasting twelve min-
utes detailing the theme and the nature of the eval-
In the second stage, participants filled out a form
providing information about their previous experi-
ences in usability and geographic information vi-
sualization, characterizing the profile of the vol-
Finally, in the third stage, participants con-
ducted the heuristic evaluation, identifying usabil-
ity problems on the platform during a 40-minute
period. We established this duration to balance
the depth and breadth of the evaluation with the
well-being and attention of the participants, based
on previous experience. In this period, 10 min-
utes are dedicated to familiarizing with the inter-
face, and another 10 minutes are allocated for spe-
cific tasks to obtain targeted insights on usability
aspects. The remaining 20 minutes are reserved
for free exploration, allowing for a more natural
and spontaneous interaction with the system. The
heuristic evaluation involved performing three ex-
ploration activities:
Initially, participants conducted a search for
Next, they performed a search for filters.
Lastly, they had the remaining time to conduct
free exploration and collect usability problems.
The participants were randomly divided into two
groups: Group A was responsible for conducting the
evaluation using the proposed set of usability heuris-
tics for IWM (Marquez et al., 2021a), and Group B
used Nielsen’s usability heuristics (Nielsen, 1994).
3.2 Analysis
In total, 56 usability problems were identified, 32
identified by Group A and 24 by Group B. To assess
the performance of each set of heuristics, the five cri-
teria described in the methodology by Qui
nones and
Rusu (2019) were applied:
Criteria 1 - Numbers of Correct and Incorrect As-
sociations of Usability Problems in Relation to
The identified usability problems are analyzed
and classified as correct or incorrect in relation
to the heuristics they were associated with. The
effectiveness of Correct Associations (CA) and
Incorrect Associations (IA) was evaluated using
equations 1 and 2.
CA =
× 100 (1)
IA =
× 100 (2)
In this equation:
CA: Correct associations;
IA: Incorrect associations;
T: Total number of heuristics in the set;
CAHn: Number of correct associations of prob-
lems in ”n” heuristics;
IAHn: Number of incorrect associations of
problems in ”n” heuristics;
TP: Total usability problems identified.
To be considered as having good performance, the
experimental set should have CA(A) > CA(B) and
IA(A) < IA(B).
Criteria 2 - Number of usability problems identi-
Usability problems were divided into three
P1 - Problems identified by both sets.
P2 - Problems identified only by the experimen-
tal set (A).
P3 - Problems identified only by the control
group (B).
The experimental set is considered to have good
performance if P1 and/or P2 are greater than P3.
Criteria 3 - Number of usability problems identi-
fied as specific:
To assess the Effectiveness of Usability problems
considered Specific (ESS), the selection criterion
adopted was problems directly related to the visu-
alization of geographic data. The efficacy of the
number of specific problems was calculated using
the equation 3:
× 100 (3)
In this equation:
Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps
ESS: Effectiveness;
NSP: Number of usability problems identified
as specific;
TP: Total usability problems identified.
To be considered as having good performance in
this criterion, it is necessary for ESS(A) to be
greater than ESS(B).
Criteria 4 - Number of usability problems identi-
fied that qualify as most severe:
Usability issues were assessed and categorized ac-
cording to their severity using Nielsen’s severity
scale (Nielsen, 1993) (Table 1). The Effectiveness
(ESV) of the set was determined by dividing the
number of usability problems with a severity rat-
ing greater than 2 by the total number of usability
problems (Equation 4).
× 100 (4)
In this equation:
ESV: Effectiveness;
NPV: Number of specific usability problems
identified that qualify as severity greater than
TP: Total usability problems identified.
Similarly to the previously mentioned criteria, the
performance of the experimental set (A) is consid-
ered good when ESV(A) is greater than ESV(B).
Table 1: Severity of usability problems.
Value Severity Description
0 No problem
Not considered a
usability problem.
No immediate need
for a solution, only if
there is extra time
Fixing this problem
is desirable, but it
receives low priority
Fixing this problem
is desirable, but it
receives low priority
Important to fix,
receives high priority
Criteria 5 - Number of usability problems identi-
fied that qualify as most critical:
Based on the number of usability problems ob-
tained in the severity analysis, we were able to
calculate the frequency (Equation 5) of the iden-
tified problems. Subsequently, we identified the
corresponding frequency value in Table 2 and cal-
culated the criticality by adding this value to the
severity of the problems:
Frequency =
× 100 (5)
In this equation:
Frequency: Frequency of incidence;
Severity:Number of usability problems found
in the severity analysis;
TP: Identified usability problems.
Table 2: Value associated with the frequency of usability
problems for determining criticality.
Frequency Gravity
<1 0
1 - 10 1
11-50 2
51 - 90 3
>90 4
3.3 Results
The Table 3 presents the results of experimental group
A and control group B for each of the criteria men-
tioned earlier.
Table 3: Values achieved for the five performance criteria.
Criteria Group A Group B
Percentage of correct
associations (CA)
84,4 % 83,3%
Percentage of incorrect
associations (IA)
15,6% 16,7%
Number of usability
problems identified
P1 = 16
P2 = 22
P3 = 18
Efficacy in terms of the
number of specific
usability problems
identified (ESS)
59,4% 62,5%
Efficacy in terms of the
number of usability
problems that qualify as
more severe (ESV)
84,4% 54,2%
Efficacy in terms of the
number of usability
problems that qualify as
most critical (ESC)
84,4% 54,2%
Based on the results, it becomes evident that the
differences in performance between Group A and
Group B raise interesting questions about the effec-
tiveness and specificity of usability heuristics in the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
context of interactive web maps. The ability of Group
A to identify a greater number of usability problems
suggests that the new heuristics created may have
value in addressing a wider range of issues. This
highlights the potential of these new heuristics to pos-
itively contribute to usability assessments in this do-
On the other hand, Group B’s superior perfor-
mance in criterion 3, related to specific usability prob-
lems, indicates that there may be room for improve-
ments in the heuristics associated with this criterion.
This finding emphasizes the importance of refining
and adapting heuristics to effectively address domain-
specific challenges.
To provide a qualitative overview, we delved into
the nature of the usability issues identified by each
group. For instance, the findings from Group A may
encompass a diverse range of issues spanning naviga-
tion, information layout, and user interaction, reflect-
ing the comprehensive applicability of the new heuris-
tics. In contrast, the problems identified by Group B,
are more specialized, indicating the need for further
refinement of the heuristics that focus on specific us-
ability challenges.
While the differences are statistically detectable,
their magnitude is small and should be considered
in the appropriate context. Moreover, we acknowl-
edge that these subtle variations might not be robust
enough to directly influence design decisions or rec-
ommended practices without a deeper analysis of the
specific contextual nuances of use. This understand-
ing is crucial to ensure that our conclusions are both
accurate and relevant. Based on the findings, we were
able to make significant adjustments to the proposed
heuristics to address the identified issues, refining our
contribution to the usability field.
After refining the heuristics, we identified common-
alities and patterns that emerged in their application.
These insights have allowed for an organized group-
ing of the heuristics based on their shared attributes.
By categorizing them into cohesive groups, we en-
hance the clarity and ease of application, thereby in-
creasing their efficacy in assessing the usability of in-
teractive web map systems. In this evolved frame-
work, the usability heuristics are strategically divided
into three targeted groups: map verification heuristics,
information verification heuristics, and system verifi-
cation heuristics (Figure 1). Each group is meticu-
lously tailored to address the distinctive elements of
interactive web map systems. Every heuristic within
these groups is defined with precision, assigned a
unique identifier, and described with a lucid defini-
tion, serving as an extensive toolkit for the evaluation
and improvement of interactive web map usability.
Figure 1: Representation of the three usability heuristics
groups for interactive web maps. Image created by the au-
4.1 Map Verification Heuristics
In the Map Verification Heuristics group, the heuris-
tics are specifically focused on the map area, meaning
they should be applied to assess the regions where one
or more maps are represented. The Figure 2 presents
examples of two usability problems identified by the
usability heuristics for interactive web maps.
Figure 2: Examples of usability problems identified by the
map verification heuristic group. Image created by the au-
Representation of Geographic Data (M1). The in-
formation displayed on the map, such as symbols,
labels, or toponyms, should be visible regardless
of the scale adopted.
Map Manipulation Tools (M2). The map manipu-
lation tools should be functional, understandable,
and easily accessible.
Visualization of Geographic Information (M3).
The map layout should remain visible throughout
its use.
Scale of Representation (M4). The user should be
Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps
informed about the scale at which the map is being
Cartographic Conventions (M5). The adopted
symbols should comply with cartographic stan-
dards and be presented in a visible and well-
defined manner.
4.2 Information Verification Heuristics
Concentrated on the presentation and organization of
information within the system, this set of heuristics
aims to ensure that data, both geographic and non-
geographic, is displayed in a logical, understandable,
and accessible manner. The Figure 4 presents an ex-
ample of a usability problem found with a heuristic
from the information verification group.
Figure 3: Examples of usability problems identified by the
information verification heuristic group. Image created by
the author.
Presentation of Geographic Information (M6).
The search results related to a position in geo-
graphical space should be organized and standard-
ized in their descriptions.
Presentation of Non-Geographic Information
(M7). The presentation of non-geographic infor-
mation should not overlap the entire map area.
Search Mechanisms (M8). The search mechanisms
should be prominently featured in the interface.
Export of Geographic Information (M9). Provide
a function that allows for the export of the map
and the researched geographic data.
4.3 System Verification Heuristics
This focuses on the overall usability of the system and
the user’s interaction experience with the interface.
This group of heuristics addresses cross-device com-
patibility and the overall ease of use of the platform.
The Figure 4 presents an examples of usability flaws
identified by the system verification heuristic group.
Ease of Learning (M10). The interface should fa-
cilitate understanding of the control devices and
how to use them.
Figure 4: Examples of usability problems identified by the
system verification heuristic group. Image created by the
Interactivity (M11). The level of interactivity al-
lowed with the map should be clear to the user.
Compatibility with Different Devices and
Browsers (M12). The interface should adapt
to different screen sizes and offer the same
effectiveness regardless of the device or browser
This study originated from the need to develop spe-
cific usability heuristics to meet the unique demands
of interactive web maps, recognizing the gap in gen-
eral usability heuristics. We focused our efforts on
creating a set of heuristics specially tailored for this
domain. The development of this set followed an
established protocol, based on a robust and proven
methodology. This systematic process not only en-
sured the comprehensiveness and relevance of the
heuristics but also ensured that they were meticu-
lously adapted to address the complexities and spe-
cific challenges found in interactive web map sys-
The development and refinement of version 3 of
usability heuristics for interactive web maps represent
a significant milestone in the refinement process. The
first version underwent a rigorous validation phase in-
volving experts in usability and cartography, which
was essential to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness
of the heuristics in the practical context of IWM sys-
tems. The adoption of an interdisciplinary approach
involving experts in both Computer Science and Car-
tography has proven to be extremely valuable, sig-
nificantly expanding the scope and relevance of the
heuristics. This collaborative effort has the potential
to further advance the field of usability evaluation in
the context of interactive web maps.
As presented in this article, the second version of
the heuristics was subsequently applied in the heuris-
tic evaluation of a geographic information visualiza-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tion system, providing valuable insights for the de-
velopment of version 3. The results demonstrated su-
perior performance of the proposed set of heuristics
compared to the already established set. However,
the difference in the values found was not significant,
highlighting the importance of heuristics adaptation.
This ongoing cycle of development, testing, and re-
finement underscores the evolving nature of heuris-
tics and their ability to adapt to changes and advance-
ments in the field of interactive web maps.
This is an ongoing research, and our plans for fu-
ture work include several important steps. Firstly,
we plan to conduct a new expert analysis, followed
by another heuristic evaluation. Both analyses aim
to ensure the validity and comprehensiveness of the
developed usability heuristics. Additionally, we in-
tend to perform usability tests with real users, ensur-
ing that all tests receive equal attention and empha-
sis. To achieve this, we will form an interdisciplinary
team of participants, involving professionals from the
fields of Computer Science and Cartography, to en-
sure a comprehensive and representative evaluation.
These tests will allow for the practical validation of
the heuristics and the identification of potential im-
provements. Based on the results of these tests, we
plan to iterate on the heuristics, refining and adapt-
ing them as needed. Furthermore, we will continue
to collaborate with experts from different disciplines
to further enrich our approach and promote advance-
ments in usability evaluation in the context of interac-
tive web maps.
The authors would like to thank the participants for
their expertise and assistance throughout all aspects
of our study and the S
ao Paulo Research Foundation.
Grant 2021/06984-9, S
ao Paulo Research Foundation
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Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps