tion system, providing valuable insights for the de-
velopment of version 3. The results demonstrated su-
perior performance of the proposed set of heuristics
compared to the already established set. However,
the difference in the values found was not significant,
highlighting the importance of heuristics adaptation.
This ongoing cycle of development, testing, and re-
finement underscores the evolving nature of heuris-
tics and their ability to adapt to changes and advance-
ments in the field of interactive web maps.
This is an ongoing research, and our plans for fu-
ture work include several important steps. Firstly,
we plan to conduct a new expert analysis, followed
by another heuristic evaluation. Both analyses aim
to ensure the validity and comprehensiveness of the
developed usability heuristics. Additionally, we in-
tend to perform usability tests with real users, ensur-
ing that all tests receive equal attention and empha-
sis. To achieve this, we will form an interdisciplinary
team of participants, involving professionals from the
fields of Computer Science and Cartography, to en-
sure a comprehensive and representative evaluation.
These tests will allow for the practical validation of
the heuristics and the identification of potential im-
provements. Based on the results of these tests, we
plan to iterate on the heuristics, refining and adapt-
ing them as needed. Furthermore, we will continue
to collaborate with experts from different disciplines
to further enrich our approach and promote advance-
ments in usability evaluation in the context of interac-
tive web maps.
The authors would like to thank the participants for
their expertise and assistance throughout all aspects
of our study and the S
ao Paulo Research Foundation.
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Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps