A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio,
and Sign Language from Images
Paula Escudeiro
, Márcia Campos Gouveia
and Nuno Escudeiro
Games, Interaction and Learning Technologies, ISEP, Polytechnic University of Porto,
Rua Dr. António Bernardino Almeida, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Communication Technology, Inclusive Technology, Real-Time Translation, Optical Text Recognition,
Accessibility, Sign Language, Figure out Application.
Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative approach to overcoming language barriers in effective communication.
Departing from conventional translation tools, the proposed solution presents a groundbreaking technology
facilitating real-time translation by capturing small text portions within images. The Figure Out application,
a transformative solution, stands out as a pioneer in its field, distinguishing itself by offering unmatched
features. Leveraging optical text recognition from captured images, it excels in translating content into text,
audio, or sign language. Notably, this technology goes beyond conventional translations, making information
visually accessible to deaf individuals.
Effectively communicating in a non-native language
can be a demanding and even impossible task. Even
with a basic understanding of a foreign language,
maintaining proficiency can be challenging without
regular use. Over time, vocabulary and grammar tend
to fade, making communication even more complex.
This challenge is particularly pronounced when
bridging the gap between different languages,
especially between deaf and non-deaf individuals
(Zheng, et al., 2020).
Translating between spoken and signed languages
is intricate due to differing grammar structures,
creating a demand for robust systems that facilitate
communication between hearing and Deaf
individuals (Stoll, Camgoz, Hadfield, & Bowden,
2019). As such, technology can play a vital role in
addressing these challenges, and one such solution is
the innovative Figure Out application.
Figure Out is a groundbreaking mobile app that
streamlines language translation, offering sign
language translation alongside spoken languages, a
feature not found in any other app. It achieves this by
using the phone's camera to automatically capture
text and provide translations into the desired
The focus is on ensuring inclusivity, accessibility,
and effective communication by providing informa-
tion in the preferred language of individuals.
The experience of being a foreigner can be
challenging. However, for individuals who are deaf,
the experience can be even more overwhelming due
to the lack of accessibility and inclusion in many
foreign environments. As Gillovic & McIntosh
(2020) point out, foreign environments are often
“barrier-laden and socially exclusive”, making it
difficult for individuals who are deaf to fully
participate and engage.
To address this issue, it is crucial for foreign
environments to be inclusive and welcoming to all
individuals, regardless of their abilities or language
preferences. As Santa (2020) notes, reducing
uncertainty and providing support to visitors who are
deaf is essential to creating an inclusive foreign
Escudeiro, P., Gouveia, M. and Escudeiro, N.
A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0012691400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 486-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
environment. This means ensuring that deaf
individuals can access education, services, cultural
sites, and information independently, without the
need for adaptation.
By promoting social inclusion and accessibility,
communication between the deaf community and
others can be greatly improved. As Oliveira et al.
(2019) argue, creating an environment that is
accessible to individuals who are deaf is not only
beneficial for them, but also for society as a whole. It
allows for greater understanding and appreciation of
diversity and promotes a more equitable and inclusive
One tool that can help to facilitate communication
and accessibility for individuals who are deaf is
Figure Out. This mobile application is designed to be
multilingual and allows for translation to Portuguese
Sign Language, making it a valuable resource for deaf
individuals who cannot easily access information. By
enabling translation to Portuguese Sign Language,
Figure Out helps to mediate communication and
create a relationship of equivalence between two
different languages, overcoming communication
barriers (House, 2016).
The deaf community in Portugal uses Portuguese
Sign Language (LGP), which is different from other
sign languages around the world. There is a
communication gap between the deaf and hearing
communities due to the lack of awareness about LGP.
Deaf individuals struggle to understand written text in
Portuguese. A translation model could help bridge
this gap and allow the deaf community to access
information on the internet and other resources.
Machine translation for sign languages has been
overlooked until recently, but it is crucial for
integrating the deaf community into society (Khan,
Abid, & Abid, 2020).
To do so, and by leveraging our expertise in sign
language translation, the Figure Out initiative
endeavours to create a groundbreaking tool that
enhances inclusivity in cultural settings. This tool
aims to cater to the needs of the deaf community
through the Inclusive Cultural Heritage Tourism
(ICHT) project (Escudeiro N. , Escudeiro, Cunha, &
Gouveia, 2022). The ICHT project aims to create an
environment that is welcoming and accommodating
to all visitors, including those with hearing
disabilities (Escudeiro, Gouveia, Cunha, &
Escudeiro, 2022). This will not only benefit the deaf
community but will also create a global strategy for
the cultural sector. As Biddulph & Scheyvens (2017,
2018) suggest, developing an inclusive cultural
environment will open doors to a significant share of
the global market, attracting more visitors and
promoting cultural exchange.
In conclusion, the ICHT project and the FigureOut
app are a step towards creating a more inclusive
society, where everyone can enjoy and appreciate
cultural heritage sites. They will not only benefit the
deaf community but will also create a global strategy
for the cultural sector. By utilizing sign language, we
can create an environment that is accessible to
everyone, regardless of their hearing ability.
Figure Out is dedicated to enhancing access to
cultural heritage by offering digital tools and content
in multiple languages, including sign language, to
ensure seamless online and mobile accessibility.
Moreover, at the heart of the Figure Out project
lies a mobile application meticulously crafted to
deliver instant translations of small text segments
captured as images. Functioning seamlessly within an
augmented reality context, users can effortlessly point
their mobile device's camera at the text they wish to
translate. The application rapidly processes visual
data and promptly delivers a translation in the user's
selected language.
The Figure Out app's usability transcends
conventional language translation tools due to the
integration of sign language translation, a pivotal
feature facilitating communication between deaf and
non-deaf individuals across various real-life
scenarios. For instance, envision a deaf individual
navigating a restaurant where the menu is exclusively
available in written form. With the Figure Out app,
they can effortlessly capture the menu items using
their smartphone camera, and the app instantly
translates them into sign language, empowering
informed food choices without reliance on written
Similarly, accessing public transportation
information poses challenges for deaf individuals
reliant on auditory announcements or written signs.
Through the Figure Out app, users can easily capture
bus schedules or train timetables using their
smartphone camera, with the app providing real-time
sign language translations. This capability enables
deaf individuals to navigate public transportation
networks independently, enhancing accessibility and
inclusivity in daily life.
Also, the Figure Out app holds significant
potential for enhancing language learning and
educational experiences, particularly in the realm of
sign language education. By leveraging its real-time
A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images
sign language translation feature, the app can be
instrumental in facilitating communication between
teachers and deaf students, thereby promoting
inclusivity in educational settings. Moreover, the app
can serve as a valuable tool for teaching sign language
to hearing students, fostering greater awareness and
appreciation of sign language as a language and mode
of communication.
For instance, in a classroom setting, teachers can
utilize the Figure Out app to translate spoken
instructions or lecture content into sign language in
real-time, ensuring that deaf students have equal
access to educational materials. Furthermore, the app
can be integrated into language learning curricula to
provide interactive sign language lessons, allowing
students to practice and improve their signing skills
in an engaging and immersive environment.
By incorporating educational applications into its
scope, Figure Out not only contributes to language
accessibility but also promotes inclusive education
and cultural diversity in schools and learning
In addition to translation capabilities, the Figure
Out project introduces a mobile diary tool,
empowering participants to quickly record their
thoughts, actions, and surroundings through their
mobile devices. This feature serves a dual purpose,
enabling users to maintain a personal diary while also
supporting context-based co-creation in various
developmental phases. Users can capture spoken
messages, pictures, videos, or text messages, each
entry accompanied by a wealth of associated data,
including transcriptions, audio files, timestamps, geo-
tags, participant IDs, and message durations. This
data is invaluable for research, fostering a rich source
of information and feedback.
The project's ultimate goal is to implement these
tools within a Living Lab, an open innovation
environment. In a Living Lab, users play an integral
role in the innovation process, ensuring that the tools
are tailored to their needs and experiences in a real-
world setting. This user-centric approach guarantees
that the technology is genuinely effective and user-
Figure Out's innovation lies in its capacity to
facilitate sign language translation in real time. This
is a critical feature that distinguishes it from other
translation tools available in the market, which
primarily focus on text or spoken language. The
application's real-time translation capability sets it
apart, making it an invaluable tool for those who rely
on sign language for communication. It addresses a
wide array of scenarios where translation needs arise,
such as reading public transportation signs,
timetables, tickets, receipts, and even restaurant
It's worth noting that Figure Out builds upon the
foundation of VirtualSign technology. This is a
groundbreaking technology developed to bridge
language gaps, specifically in sign language
communication. It allows written text and spoken
language to be converted into sign language, reducing
the barrier between spoken and sign language. The
technology supports various sign languages, making
it adaptable to users' preferences. One notable feature
is its real-time translation capability, enabling on-the-
fly communication. The user-friendly interface
ensures accessibility for individuals with varying
technical expertise. Virtual Sign has made a
significant impact in education, facilitating access to
educational materials for deaf students. It also
improves communication access in everyday life,
cultural venues, and promotes inclusivity and
accessibility. Figure Out, an extension of VirtualSign,
integrates real-time image-based translation and
mobile diary functionality, providing a
comprehensive solution for the deaf community
(Escudeiro et al., 2011; Escudeiro et al., 2013;
Oliveira et al., 2019).
3.1 Objectives
The Figure Out application's primary goal is to
streamline information access, thereby improving
accessibility, inclusivity, and communication,
particularly between the deaf and non-deaf
communities. With Figure Out, users can access
information in their preferred language, leading to
numerous effects across various societal aspects:
1. Cultural Inclusion: Navigating cultural venues
and accessing information in museums, art
galleries, and other cultural settings can be
challenging for deaf individuals. Figure Out
provides a bridge, enabling them to understand
the information displayed, thus ensuring that
cultural experiences are inclusive and enriching
for all.
2. International Mobility: Tourists and
international students frequently encounter
language barriers when traveling or studying
abroad. Figure Out acts as a language
companion, facilitating access to essential
information and improving the overall
experience of international mobility.
3. Reducing Communication Barriers: With
Figure Out, the divide between the deaf and
non-deaf communities narrows significantly.
Communication between these groups
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
becomes more accessible, fostering
understanding and social cohesion.
To enhance achievement, the Figure Out Project
involves planning, designing, constructing, and
implementing a comprehensive system that integrates
a mobile application and website. This system
facilitates the translation of written words into various
formats, including written, audio, and sign language.
The mobile app records translated words along with
GPS data for analysis. The website complements the
app by offering users access to usage statistics. Thus,
its primary objectives are as follows:
1. Website Development: The creation of a
website to promote the Figure Out tool and
enable users to analyse usage statistics. This
includes insights into translation frequency and
the geographical locations where the
application is most frequently used.
2. Mobile Diary Integration: The project aims to
allow participants to create diary entries,
termed the "Mobile Diary," at any time and
from any location using their mobile phones.
This can be achieved through various means,
such as spoken messages, pictures, videos, or
text messages. A wide range of associated data,
including voice message transcriptions, audio
files, timestamps, geo-tags, participant IDs,
and message durations, will be collected for
3. Real-time Data Collection: The Figure Out
system will facilitate real-time data collection,
enabling rapid iterations of the tool and
research methods. Automated messages and
push notifications will be sent to participants to
encourage timely entries and ongoing
4. Data Analysis and Reporting: The system will
offer capabilities for analysing and reporting
collected data, allowing for a deeper
understanding of user interactions and usage
5. User Support and Differentiated Interfaces:
The Figure Out system will cater to four
distinct user types, including administrators
(both technical and managerial roles), content
specialists, mobile diary users, and casual
unregistered browsers. Each user type will have
a tailored interface and language preferences,
with adaptable message strings for easy
6. User Registration and Content Submission:
User registration will be mandatory for leaving
comments and submitting additional
information. Content specialists will review
and approve or reject submissions. Detailed
guidance on tool usage and available
functionalities will be provided.
7. Data Storage and Retrieval: Submissions of
additional information, such as photos and
videos, will be stored in dedicated directories
on the server, with comprehensive
characteristics stored in the database. The
system will also feature an exploratory
interface for efficient information retrieval.
8. Data Size Management: Restrictions on data
size for videos and high-definition media will
be adjustable based on user profiles, ensuring a
seamless and personalized experience.
The Figure Out Project is poised to deliver a
robust and user-centric system that promotes
translation and interactive communication. With a
multifaceted approach, it addresses various user
needs and preferences, leveraging real-time data
collection and analytical capabilities. By providing
multilingual support and enabling easy data
translation, Figure Out aims to enhance accessibility,
user engagement, and the overall user experience in
both mobile and web environments.
Acknowledging the need for technical knowledge in
mobile development, a framework with substantial
code reusability for both platforms was selected.
After analysing available options, PhoneGap was
chosen as the preferred solution.
4.1 Frontend Technology
When it comes to fulfilling the front-end
requirements of a software development project, there
are typically two main aspects to consider: the
application and the website. These two components
may have different goals and requirements, but they
both play crucial roles in delivering a cohesive and
user-friendly experience to the end-users.
To begin the application development, we decided
to use Ionic. This open-source SDK is specifically
designed for hybrid mobile application development,
which means that it enables developers to create
mobile apps that can work seamlessly on both
Android and iOS platforms. This is a significant
advantage, as it allows us to reach a wider audience
with our application without having to invest in
separate development efforts for each platform.
A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images
One of the key benefits of using Ionic is that it
allows developers to create mobile applications with
minimal changes. This saves time and effort, as we
can reuse most of the codebase across different
platforms, while still maintaining a consistent user
interface and experience. Additionally, Ionic also
supports the creation of desktop websites, which
means that we can leverage the same technology and
skills for multiple purposes.
Moving on to the website development, we opted
for Angular as our framework of choice. This
decision was based on several factors, including the
fact that Angular is similar to Ionic in many ways,
which makes it easier and faster for our developers to
work with. Since most of our development team
already had experience with Angular, we could hit the
ground running with our website development efforts.
Angular is a popular open-source framework for
building dynamic web applications. It is based on
TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static
typing and other features to the language. This makes
it easier to write and maintain complex codebases, as
well as enabling better tooling and refactoring
capabilities. With Angular, we can create responsive
and interactive websites that can adapt to different
screen sizes and user inputs, while still being
performant and scalable.
4.2 Backend Server and Technology
For the project's backend requirements, the team
decided to implement a NodeJS server due to its
widespread use and comprehensive documentation.
This choice enables the establishment of a centralized
system, enhancing control and maintenance of REST
API routes. In terms of data storage, Firebase was
chosen for its reliability, security features, and the
existing expertise within the development team.
4.3 APIs, Libraries and Framework
In order to successfully complete this project, it is
essential to have access to a wide range of APIs,
frameworks, and libraries. These tools will enable us
to create a high-quality final product that meets the
needs and expectations of our clients.
One of the key components of this project is the
creation of a promotional video. To accomplish this,
we will be utilizing Adobe software, which has
proven to be a reliable and effective tool for creating
visually stunning videos that capture the attention of
Additionally, we will be leveraging Google's APIs
to capture text with a camera, convert text to audio,
and translate text into different languages. These
APIs are widely regarded as some of the best in the
industry, and we are confident that they will help us
to deliver a final product that is both accurate and
accessible to a diverse audience.
Finally, we will be utilizing the Virtual Sign
translator to translate text into sign language. This
innovative tool uses advanced algorithms and
machine learning techniques to accurately translate
text into sign language, making it accessible to
individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.
4.4 OCR Integration
The application needed to run on Android and iOS
and include an OCR tool for image to text
recognition. However, integrating an OCR tool with
the chosen framework proved to be difficult. Testing
with different OCR tools showed incompatibilities,
leading to exploring a new framework, Xamarin.
Unfortunately, the available OCR tools were not
compatible with Xamarin.
4.5 Native Development
The team created a Windows Phone application,
which allowed them to conduct a rapid test using
native development, despite it not being a
requirement. The results of this test confirmed that
integrating native capabilities and utilizing an OCR
tool is the most advisable approach. Furthermore, it
provided additional evidence to support the findings
obtained from the OCR search, which consistently
indicated the superiority of native OCR for both
Android and iOS platforms.
4.6 System Architecture
Originally conceived as a centralized web service,
Figure Out ensures continuous access to data and
resources across three logical layers: UI, Server, and
Data. The UI layer engages users through the mobile
app or website, with the web service layer managing
UI requests and translation. The data layer functions
as a persistence mechanism for statistical purposes.
Technology choices were made based on the
team's expertise, utilizing Ionic for the mobile app's
cross-platform support, Node.js and Express for the
backend server, and Firebase for the database,
facilitating push notifications and user management.
Additionally, the VirtualSign API is employed for
converting text to sign language (Figure 1).
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Logical Architecture.
4.7 The FigureOut App
The Figure Out mobile application is designed to be
user-friendly and intuitive. The prototype mock-ups
have been meticulously crafted to ensure a smooth
and seamless user experience.
The application workflow is straightforward and
easy to follow. Users simply need to capture a photo
using their mobile camera, configure the translation
process if necessary, and proceed to translation. The
app homepage provides direct access to the
translation feature, making it even more convenient
for users to get the translations they need.
In addition to translation, the app also provides
users with access to the About page, which offers
more information about the FigureOut webpage and
other features. This makes it easier for users to learn
more about the app and its capabilities.
When a user starts a translation procedure, the app
directs them to take a picture of the text they wish to
translate using their mobile camera. The application
then identifies and isolates the text area detected in
the photo and presents it together with the
configuration panel. Users can choose to use the
default configuration or reconfigure each translation
according to their specific needs. This involves
choosing the languages pair and the output format.
The app offers three output formats, giving users
plenty of flexibility and options.
For those who prefer typing over capturing images,
an input field is also available. Users can simply type
in the sentence they wish to translate, and the app will
take care of the rest.
Overall, the Figure Out mobile application is a tool
for anyone who needs quick and accurate translations
on the go. Its user-friendly design and intuitive
interface make it easy to use, while its advanced
features and options offer plenty of flexibility and
Figure 2: Mobile Application.
The project evaluation adhered to a methodology that
incorporates the assessment of functionality and user
experience to gauge the quality scenario. This
evaluation process was underpinned by a framework
known as QEF (Quantitative Evaluation Framework).
QEF is designed to quantitatively measure the quality
of the system under development (Escudeiro &
Bidarra, 2008; Escudeiro & Escudeiro, 2012; Heidari
& Loucopoulos, 2014).
The quality scenario, structured within the QEF
framework, consists of three key levels: dimensions,
factors, and requirements. Each dimension
encompasses a group of factors, and each factor
comprises a set of specific requirements (Escudeiro &
Bidarra, 2008; Escudeiro & Escudeiro, 2012; Heidari
& Loucopoulos, 2014).
5.1 QEF Dimensions, Factors and
The quality assessment of the Figure Out System,
based on the QEF framework and ISO 9126
standards, comprises three dimensions: Functionality
(F), Adaptability (A), and Efficiency (E).
Functionality dimension encompasses four key
factors, which are functional aspects, user interaction,
content quality, and connectivity. The Adaptability
dimension consists of two factors, namely versatility
and maintenance. Efficiency encompasses three
factors: strength, consistency, and integrity
(Escudeiro & Escudeiro, 2012).
The functional factor includes critical aspects
such as language selection, navigation, sign language
avatar reproduction, and translation capabilities.
User interaction focuses on intuitive design and
consistent experiences across Android and iOS
A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images
platforms, incorporating features like a scoreboard
and statistics view.
Content quality emphasizes organized
information presentation, adherence to grammar
principles, and relevance to the product's purpose.
Connectivity addresses the system's interaction
with external resources, while versatility ensures
compatibility with various platforms and devices.
Maintenance involves regular updates and
hardware upkeep, and strength, consistency, and
integrity contribute to the system's structural
integrity, reliability, and security.
Each requirement is evaluated using predefined
values, minimizing ambiguity in the assessment
process. Some are assessed with binary results (0% or
100%), while others use a Likert scale ranging from
1 to 5. To minimize ambiguity in the evaluation
process, each requirement is clearly defined with its
associated assessment levels.
5.2 Evaluation Methodology
The project team, committed to a comprehensive and
thorough product development process, conducted
multiple assessments at key points in the product
development lifecycle, including alpha testing, beta
testing, and a final evaluation (Escudeiro & Bidarra,
2008). To ensure the product met the highest quality
standards, they employed QEF, which provided a
systematic and objective evaluation based on
questionnaires. These questionnaires were
administered to students in a multimedia program,
ensuring diverse perspectives.
The testers, selected for their experience with
mobile applications, followed a standardized protocol
involving various tasks such as account registration,
viewing promotional content, executing translations,
and providing feedback on their experiences. A
significant majority (73%) of the testers used Android
devices, and the team was confident in their
representativeness for the target audience.
Overall, the project team was pleased with the
results and positive feedback from testers. The
product met predefined quality scenario
requirements, and the team was confident that it was
ready for release.
Testing a new application or software product is
crucial to thoroughly evaluating its features and
functionalities. In this context, actively engaging with
the application's features and functionalities,
including reviewing diary entries, is essential to
comprehensively answering assessment
questionnaires. This framework leverages the degree
of fulfilment of underlying requirements to calculate
a quality value, representing the percentage of
achievement by the current version compared to an
ideal solution.
This approach ensures a clear and quantifiable
assessment of the product's quality throughout its
development lifecycle. By measuring the degree of
fulfilment of underlying requirements, QEF identifies
areas that may need improvement, allowing the team
to address them before releasing the product to the
market. The commitment to delivering a high-quality
product is reinforced through a nuanced
understanding gained by exploring features
thoroughly and engaging with tools during the testing
5.3 Evaluation Results
Throughout the project duration, FigureOut has
demonstrated a significant improvement in overall
quality, aligning with anticipated milestones.
Progress was meticulously evaluated at key stages,
revealing substantial growth over time. A
comprehensive assessment of cumulative quality
across various dimensions yielded positive outcomes:
Alpha testing at 76%, Beta testing at 77%, and a final
assessment at 96%.
Recognizing the critical role of the software
testing process in delivering a high-quality product
that aligns with user requirements, a phased testing
approach was adopted. The marginal quality
improvement from Alpha to Beta testing (76% to
77%) indicated the potential for further refinement in
features and functionality. Encouragingly, significant
enhancements were observed from the Beta to the
final version, notably in the Functionality dimension
with a remarkable 67% improvement. Efficiency
improved by 31%, and Adaptability by 16%.
The positive trend reflects a concerted effort in
prioritizing non-functional requirements to create a
robust platform supporting essential functional
Ensuring product reliability and efficiency,
aligned with user needs, remains a paramount focus.
Acknowledging the continuous nature of evolution
from Alpha to Beta testing and the final version, pride
is taken in significant strides achieved. While
recognizing room for improvement, the commitment
is unwavering in addressing both functional and non-
functional requirements. This dedication ensures the
delivery of a product of the highest quality,
surpassing user expectations for a successful
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure Out stands as an assistive technology crafted
with the purpose of reduce communication barriers
commonly faced by everyday users. The technology
offers users access to information in their native
language, which is expected to revolutionize the way
people communicate and interact with each other.
The application has been specifically designed to
foster the inclusion of those for whom sign language
is their primary means of communication. By
integrating national sign languages and International
Sign, the technology ensures that all users can
communicate effectively, regardless of their language
or communication preferences.
As part of its ongoing development, Figure Out is
continually working to enhance the user experience.
This includes the creation of a more appealing visual
identity, which will make the technology more
appealing and user-friendly. Additionally, the
integration of additional sign languages will further
expand the reach of the technology, enabling more
people to benefit from its innovative features.
Overall, Figure Out is a game-changing
technology that has the potential to greatly improve
the daily lives of millions of people around the world,
by contributing to the creation of a more
interconnected and accessible society.
This work is being developed at the research group
GILT, with the support of FEDER, under the frame
of Portugal 2020, project number POCI-01-0247-
FEDER-069949 and the Erasmus+ Programme,
through project InSign, project number 2019-1-
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A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images