ditionally, a higher number of hypotheses influences
the estimation quality, adding complexity that the al-
gorithm must manage. Although the algorithm suc-
cessfully tracks objects and infers intentions, it does
not directly consider changes in those intentions.
Despite the promising results, the prediction ca-
pability falls short of meeting the timing and accu-
racy requirements for autonomous vehicles operating
in urban environments. There is a need for further
development to enhance the model with faster inten-
tion detection techniques. Such improvements could
involve using gestures or other indicators, extending
beyond reliance solely on trajectory data.
This paper introduces an approach that combines
physical-based and planning-based modeling for
tracking and predicting the positions and intentions
of multiple pedestrians around an autonomous vehi-
cle. Utilizing a Probability Hypothesis Density Filter
(PHD) integrated with a Generalized Potential Field
Approach (GPFA), the proposed algorithm generates
multiple hypotheses and continuously tracks them,
effectively identifying pedestrians’ actual intentions.
This enables autonomous vehicles to accurately fore-
cast pedestrian movements and re-planing maneuvers
accordingly. However, accelerating the detection of
intentions remains a challenge that requires further
development. The study also highlights the criti-
cal role of incorporating map information in defin-
ing tracking hypotheses, significantly enhancing the
model’s precision and reliability.
The SMO project is supported by the Federal Ministry
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure of Germany.
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Multi-Pedestrian Tracking and Map-Based Intention Estimation for Autonomous Driving Scenario