In Senegal, particularly in his peanut basin, agricul-
ture is subsistence, low-input, and significantly less
mechanized than many other parts of the country, and
is also highly dependent on soil, climate, soil salin-
ity and water. In addition, due to the lack of the use
of new field in agriculture like data-sciences, artificial
intelligence, etc. the distribution of crop types grown
correlates with the timing of seasonal rainfall. In this
work, we provide a set of mechanisms that uses a set
of trust database of agro-climatic parameters and a set
of artificial intelligence algorithm in order to assess
agricultural calendar for a good distribution of agri-
culture activities over time and find the relationship
between crops. Our results show the effectiveness
of our solution. That means, taking these data into
account makes possible to understand crops depen-
dencies and anticipate the agroecological phenomena,
the crop diseases and pests that impact the planning
of production facilities and variations in agricultural
In the future we aim to disseminate this technique
in the other agroecological area of the Senegal. In-
corporate an analysis of the socio-economic impact
of our agricultural calendar on local communities by
selecting performances metrics and comparison with
traditional methods. As we have already done the
tests on the peanut basin of Senegal, it would be valu-
able to discuss the scalability of the approach to other
regions and crops. And, the work will be expanded
to potential collaborations to further develop and im-
plement. In addition, to refine our predictions we aim
to compare our methods with the tools provided by
FAO (CROPWAT and CLIMWAT) (Food and of the
United Nations, 2023) to measure positive or negative
deviations from the predictions.
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