hospOS: A Platform for Service Robot Orchestration in Hospitals
Sebastian Schmidt
, Domenic Sommer
, Tobias Greiler
and Florian Wahl
Technology Campus Grafenau, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Dieter-G
orlitz-Platz 1, 94469 Deggendorf, Germany
{sebastian.schmidt, domenic.sommer, tobias.greiler, florian.wahl}@dit.edu
System Integration, HCI, Human-Centered Computing, Human-Robot Interaction, HRI, Robot Orchestration,
Robotic Mission Planning, Healthcare, Interoperability, Ambient Technology.
In a time where an ageing population, nurses shortage and manual labor routines are limiting rural healthcare,
Service Robots (SR) are emerging. While SR could increase hospital staff efficiency, their healthcare use re-
mains limited. Barriers are the robot’s task-specific inflexibility and a lack of interoperability. Existing SR are
usually closed systems and focus on a single robot designed to fulfill all functional requirements, which results
in complex and expensive solutions. In contrast, we propose to utilize and combine existing SR for various
tasks. We argue that with the growing integration of SR in healthcare, a SR management system has become
a necessity. We propose hospOS, a centralised system for SR orchestration in healthcare facilities. hospOS
addresses this gap by providing a modular, flexible, user-friendly platform that seamlessly integrates SR into
hospital IT infrastructures, alleviating the shortage of care workers and thus improving patient care. The plat-
form is built with a focus on interoperability, modularity, and compliance with regulations. We evaluated
hospOS in two rural hospitals by realising three example use cases: Telemedicine, transport, and orientation
services. This paper offers an architecture blueprint and discusses the functionalities, and potential benefits
of hospOS, along with its implementation in healthcare scenarios. The results from deployments indicate im-
provements in service delivery and operational management.
As demonstrated during the recent COVID pandemic,
most western countries are on the verge of a health-
care crisis caused by a demographic shift. The aging
society increases the number of those in need of care,
and at the same time the number of caregivers is stag-
nant. Like most of its European neighbor countries,
Germany faces rising healthcare demands, intensified
by multi-morbidity, chronic diseases, and COVID-
19’s impacts on Healthcare Workers (HCWs) and sys-
tem limitations (Parliament, 2022; L
utzerath et al.,
2022; Kramer et al., 2021; Kroczek and Sp
ath, 2022;
Scharf et al., 2019). A predicted shortage of 500,000
nurses by 2023 and rising care costs are prompting
political actions to cut services due to economic con-
straints (OECD, 2023). Moreover, nurses report in-
sufficient time for direct patient care, urging support-
ive solutions (Sommer et al., 2024b).
At the same time, robots are gaining importance
in addressing the healthcare shortages (K
oppen and
Busse, 2023). Although in the last decade, surgi-
cal robots became popular, Service Robots (SRs) are
now following due to affordability, advancements in
compute power, autonomous navigation, and human
interaction (Shen et al., 2020; Holland et al., 2021;
Maalouf et al., 2018). Germany’s initiative lags be-
hind Japan’s adoption of robotics for healthcare in
”smart hospitals”, necessitating a catch-up in areas
like Telemedicine applications (TMeds) (Kwon et al.,
2022; Vogt and K
onig, 2021; OECD, 2023). Robots,
collaborating with human HCWs, could alleviate the
staff shortage (Gimpel et al., 2021). Capable of per-
forming repetitive tasks, interacting with infectious
patients, and operating tirelessly, robots offer patient
guidance, entertainment, transportation, and TMeds
without the need for rest or maintenance (Holland
et al., 2021; Asgharian et al., 2022; Kwon et al.,
2022). Shifting such non-empathic tasks to robots got
positive responses from HCWs (Sierra Mar
ın et al.,
2021; Radic et al., 2019). Still, their integration
in healthcare faces challenges: A fragmented tech-
nology landscape and manufacturer-specific ecosys-
tems limit interoperability (Huang et al., 2023; Garc
Schmidt, S., Sommer, D., Greiler, T. and Wahl, F.
hospOS: A Platform for Service Robot Orchestration in Hospitals.
DOI: 10.5220/0012692200003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 221-228
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
et al., 2023; Radic et al., 2019). In addition, the use
of closed source software and the absence of univer-
sal interfaces prevent operation across different SRs,
leading to limited collaboration (Garc
ıa et al., 2023;
Gordon et al., 2023; Maalouf et al., 2018).
The complexity of hospital environments, neces-
sitating integration with existing systems and ensur-
ing safe operation around vulnerable individuals, de-
mands reliable technologies e.g., collision avoidance.
However, hospitals lack the technical expertise and
HCWs for seamless robot integration, limiting their
ability to use SRs capabilities (Schnack et al., 2022).
A close exchange and testing among developers, re-
searchers, and HCWs are recommended for imple-
mentation (Holland et al., 2021).
To solve these challenges, we propose hospOS, a
system which facilitates the interaction between SRs,
building infrastructure, and stakeholders, while ensur-
ing compliance in hospitals. hospOS begun within
the research project ”SMART FOREST 5G Clinics”
and is currently under development in a prototype
state. Currently, we are evaluating the system in a
real-world setting in two clinics in Lower Bavaria and
extending it as the project progresses. As hospOS is
currently a work in progress, we did not cover secu-
rity, version control, diagnostics, remote monitoring,
cyber security, stability, and persistence in detail in
this paper. Code from the research project is contin-
uously updated and available as open source
. Our
paper argues for and contributes a blueprint of a cen-
tralized robot orchestration platform to connect to ex-
isting hospital infrastructure and ease the administra-
tion of SRs.
Healthcare SRs cover a variety of tasks, from pro-
viding assistance in carrying goods to offering assis-
tance to hospital staff, patients, and visitors. In the
healthcare sector, SRs primarily focus on cleaning,
hospital logistics, remote monitoring, and TMeds,
a trend accelerated by COVID-19 (Holland et al.,
2021). Robots reduce the physical strain on HCWs,
for example, by transporting heavy loads, thereby eas-
ing their workload (Radic et al., 2019).
2.1 Challenges in SR Orchestration
Existing SRs focus on solving one specific task, e.g.
cleaning, the requirement for a technical solution is
The code is available at https://mygit.th-deg.de/
to cover many functionalities from teleconsultation to
transport (Maalouf et al., 2018; Holland et al., 2021).
Therefore, it seems beneficial to use one system able
to manage different SRs.
Integrating SRs into the large area of hospitals,
with elevators, old infrastructure, non-electrical fire
doors, movable obstacles and vulnerable people poses
plenty of challenges for SR integration. As SRs
lack interoperability, all these challenges have to be
solved per robot base or via a robot management sys-
tem (Garc
ıa et al., 2023; Gordon et al., 2023).
Many SRs do neither align with national data pro-
tection regulations, nor are they customizable to meet
the hospital needs. The varied software frameworks
(ROS, OpenRTM, OPROS) and the proprietary nature
of these systems lead to high costs and complexities in
customization, making them less feasible for budget-
constrained healthcare (Min Ho Lee et al., 2015).
Healthcare providers have a knowledge gap in SRs
management (Shen et al., 2020). This leads to the
need for accessible tools that do not require extensive
programming knowledge. The absence of technicians
in hospitals further amplifies this challenge, calling
for user friendly solutions (Shen et al., 2020).
2.2 Existing Solutions
Software exist to organize and support healthcare,
such as managing patients’ food orders through
tablets in patient rooms. These systems streamline
the process, directing requests efficiently to nurses.
TMeds SRs primarily focus on video broadcast-
ing, providing additional information, and offering
limited hardware support. Some SRs also function
as platforms, organizing networks of specialized doc-
tors, thereby facilitating remote consultations and
treatments (Vogt and K
onig, 2021).
Robot manufacturers offer control solutions for
their SRs, including smartphone apps that can man-
age multiple SRs from their product range. However,
these systems are limited to the manufacturer’s own
products and their built-in functions, lacking cross-
compatibility with other systems. Most commercially
available robots are built using the open source robot
operating system (ROS) making their internal soft-
ware architecture similar. Their internal software is
often closed and application programming interfaces
(APIs) are limited in order to vendor lock users into
a walled garden. Thus, an app must be built and
run on each robot to make robots hospOS compat-
ible. In Section 4 we detail the requirements for
a robot manufacturer-provided API to be integrated
with hospOS.
Specialized healthcare SRs, mostly developed in
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
research, are becoming more prevalent. Companies
are beginning to adopt SRs from the hospitality sec-
tor for healthcare use. In Germany, notable exam-
ples include Fraunhofer’s Care-o-bot and Charite’s
ERIC. However, these non-commercial prototypes of-
ten don’t meet hospital regulations, are expensive, re-
quire high maintenance, have limited availability, and
are complex technical systems (Holland et al., 2021;
Kwon et al., 2022; Shen et al., 2020).
Robot management systems, capable to orches-
trate single SRs exist in the industry (Holland et al.,
2021). However, the requirements are different: In
industrial context has a stronger focus on process op-
timization with more freedome according to sensors
e.g. radar on the hall ceiling. As this is not possible
in hospitals, hospOS relies on different robot’s inter-
nal mapping data and building plans, from which a
shared common map is calculated. To make this even
harder, while industrial SRs are open systems that are
designed for external control, SRs are closed systems
with far fewer interfaces. HospOS includes functions
such as TMeds and must meet regulations.
A more holistic, multi-robot system can address the
range of healthcare tasks and therefore support the
adoption of SRs in hospitals (Holland et al., 2021;
Morgan et al., 2022; da Veiga et al., 2020). hospOS
serves as a centralized system to orchestrate SRs, aim-
ing to enhance SRs efficiency. It aims to address the
staff shortage by automation, improve service deliv-
ery, and the functionality of SRs.
hospOS is built as an independent modular sys-
tem, and thus harnesses the strengths of different SRs
while reducing their complexity and offering interop-
erability with existing hospital IT systems. hospOS
is designed to facilitate the widespread adoption of
SRs in healthcare by supporting a range of use cases
and allowing hospitals to customize the system to
their specific needs. Its focus on user-friendliness and
seamless integration with existing systems shall re-
duce the IT burden on hospitals.
hospOS features an interface developed with
the input of HCWs, prioritizing user-centeredness
for wider acceptance (Ozturkcan and Merdin-Uygur,
2022). hospOS improves patient safety and compli-
ance by automating routine tasks, allowing clinicians
to focus on direct patient care. hospOS’s consis-
tent operation and real-time surveillance possibilities
adhere to hygiene standards, certification guidelines,
and local rules and regulations in Germany.
Figure 1 shows the hospOS architecture which is
comprised of the core and three key components. The
core component encapsulates smart logistic planning,
a shared common map derived from the building plan,
and individual maps of SRs, the task to robot match-
ing logic, and the communication system. In addition,
the connector component contains connectors to dif-
ferent SR models, SR peripheral hardware, e.g., an
additional camera for TMeds, and building technol-
ogy, e.g., elevators and doors. hospOS provides ser-
vices for each use case, e.g., TMeds, transportation,
and orientation. Individual touchpoints per stake-
holder and service are also served by hospOS in order
to adapt the user experience to the user group.
common map
Smart logistic
Building tech
Telemed i c ine
Transpor tati on
Tas k to robot
Figure 1: hospOS architecture and its components: (i) Con-
nectors to SRs, peripherals, and building technology, (ii)
Services bundling all use cases, and (iii) Touchpoints to
adapt the user experience to the specific stakeholders.
Application Interface Requirements. Due to the
varying technical specifications (sensors, operating
systems, APIs) of different SRs, hospOS provides
a generalized interface for robot-system interaction.
This interface requires SRs to supply information of
the following four types:
1. Heartbeats incl. the robot’s current status (charg-
ing, ready, doing, error), battery level, and IP.
2. Map data comprising a point cloud or image and
the robot’s position on the map.
3. Task types which are implemented and can be
processed by the robot.
4. Robot functionalities e.g., navigation or UI.
On each SR type, a dedicated application needs
to be implemented with the interface functions of
hospOS: A Platform for Service Robot Orchestration in Hospitals
hospOS, tailored to the SRs technical characteristics.
System Integration. Integrating SRs into hospOS
involves setting them up in the orchestration system,
accessible via a web-based interface designed for hos-
pital staff and IT administrators. SRs are registered in
the system using their IP address. Once registered,
SRs are managed through hospOS by different roles,
like IT administrators assigning updates. hospOS can
trigger maintenance, like charging.
hospOS ensures that each SR is effectively uti-
lized within its capabilities, enhancing the efficiency
of hospitals. Instead of engineering a complicated
robot which can offer all services, we aim to combine
SRs with few skills.
User Interface Requirements: Due to the vari-
ety of users interacting with hospOS, the interfaces
should be adapted to meet their specific needs and
requirements and thus enhance acceptance (Ammen-
werth, 2019).
HCW can utilize the system to request services
provided by hospOS e.g., TMeds, transport of ma-
terials, and patient orientation services.
Patients can utilize the system to order goods to
their room and take part in TMeds consultations.
Visitors can utilize the system for guidance, ori-
entation and information, e.g. opening hours.
The user interaction can occur via SRs and their
tablets or via local web apps, accessed by computers
or smart phones.
4.1 Communication Flow
A streamlined communication flow between users and
SRs has been developed in hospOS, offering a ab-
straction for SRs type and system integration indepen-
dence. The process involves the system flow, ensuring
a seamless interaction between HCWs and SRs, opti-
mizing task allocation and operational efficiency. Af-
ter web interface registration, the robot communicates
its available tasks i.e., its skill set, to hospOS. This in-
formation is stored as a task set in hospOS, facilitating
later identification of SRs for functions. hospOS re-
trieves and forwards key robot information, including
its status (heartbeat), battery level, IP address, stored
map, and current location, to the relevant subsystem.
Hospital staff can request services in various ways,
including through the web interface or IoT hardware,
such as a button in the ward. Requests are abstract and
contain only essential information, such as the struc-
ture of a transport request. An example transport re-
quest is shown in Listing 1.
"fromLocationTitle":"Station 1",
Listing 1: Transport Request in JSON Format (Excerpt).
Incoming requests are translated into routines
comprising specific tasks, as depicted in Figure 2. A
routine acts as a carrier class, managing a tree struc-
ture of various tasks. These tasks can range from
robot functions like MovementTask or ShowViewTask
to TimerTasks, which simply block time. After cre-
ating such a routine, the task is compared with each
robot’s capabilities to assign a suitable robot: One
that is able to handle all specific task types in the rou-
tine and is not currently engaged in another job or in
an error state. A simple example is the transport of
blood samples: The robots must to be able to drive
autonomously and to store small capacities. Addi-
tionally, the samples can not be transported openly,
so there is the need for a lockable tray as well as for
The final step involves sending the created routine
to the chosen SRs. Converted into JSON format, the
routine is processed by the robot, which executes only
the specified tasks, ensuring robot independence. The
SRs status is set to doing until completion. Mean-
while, new requests can be received and processed as
per the earlier step, creating an operational cycle.
4.2 Common Challenges
Infrastructure Adoption. Integrating various SRs
types involves significant challenges, particularly in
navigation. A key task is merging different robot
maps into one common map and to convert locations
between SRs. Using the floor plan as a base, three cal-
ibration points on both the robot’s map and the floor
plan enable scaling and rotation alignment. This al-
lows accurate SRs positioning and Point of Interests
(POIs) on the unified map. Another major challenge
is adapting existing building doors for SRs access.
The approach depends on the door’s existing capa-
bilities: (i) For doors that open electrical (common
for accessibility), a standard Shelly module conver-
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
transforms request to routine
matching requirements and
selects robot
Figure 2: Workflow of hospOS handling a request for transportation of blood samples created by staff working at Station 1.
First, a staff member uses the web application to create a transport request, which is matched to a robot available and capable
of performing the task by hospOS. Second, hospOS delegates the task using a TransportRoutine to the robot. Subsequently,
the robot executes the tasks inside the TransportRoutine to fullfil the task.
sion suffices. (ii) Non-electrified doors require fitting
with an electric motor. This cost-effective solution
also integrates a Shelly, ensuring uniform implemen-
tation across different door types.
Compliance with Regulations. To meet data pro-
tection standards, the system operates on a locally
hosted solution. All systems function without internet
access, requiring only a local network for SRs com-
munication. Furthermore, CE certification, compati-
bility, freedom from interference, and ethical consid-
erations should be taken into account.
Accessibility. Eventhough patient data needs to be
stored and proceeded very secure, the user interfaces
like web apps needs to be accessible with low techni-
cal hurdles. This implies the need for a sophisticated
data security policy, including a controlled data flow
between different data endpoints.
We collected input from doctors, HCWs, and hospital
managers. From the input, we derived the system re-
quirements for use cases in hospitals. The following
three use cases were implemented in two hospitals in
Bavaria, Germany between 2021 and 2024.
5.1 Use Case 1: Telemedicine
We aim to assess a TMed robot, building on previ-
ous findings (Sommer et al., 2023b). Our hospOS
approach extends beyond conventional TMed by in-
tegrating a mobile TMed robot. This innovation aims
to provide economic savings and staff relief by reduc-
ing the need for physician travel. A future study will
quantify these savings for on-call doctors and evalu-
ate the TMed robot’s effectiveness in healthcare.
We will conduct a quantitative secondary data
analysis of hospital billing data to determine the cost
savings from using a TMed robot for physician on-
call services. Specifically, we are planning to anal-
yse the usage of TMed robots in neurology and esti-
mate their potential to relieve staff and reduce ward
expenses, with projections for the entire hospital.
The study anticipates economic benefits includ-
ing reduced travel time and associated costs, lower
material expenditures (especially for TMed in isola-
tion rooms), and decreased personnel expenses. We
will also explore intangible benefits, such as improved
workplace attractiveness for medical professionals.
Feedback emphasized the robot’s autonomous
mobility as crucial, improving flexibility and reduc-
ing nursing workload. Doctors noted the robot’s supe-
rior audiovisual quality, enhancing patient communi-
cation and diagnostics. hospOS ability to control pe-
ripherals (external cameras, robotic arms, door open-
hospOS: A Platform for Service Robot Orchestration in Hospitals
ers, monitors) is beneficial, allowing customization
for specialities like neurology and surgery. Modular
camera equipment and an adaptable interface support
additional functionalities, such as visual animations
or wound size measurements.
5.2 Use Case 2: Transport
A previous study in two hospitals identified frequent,
short-duration transportation tasks in clinical nursing,
particularly meal transportation, which incurred sig-
nificant expenses (Sommer et al., 2024a). Particu-
larly, the findings indicate substantial needs in the
areas of non-medical and medical supplies, pharma-
cotherapy, and other categories such as meals and
drinks. Most transports had a factual transport time
of under a minute, with patient transport and lab sam-
ples displaying more variability. In total, 77.15% of
all observed transports (N=1629) were made by hand.
Especially in transporting meal and drinks, the ap-
plication of SRs seems beneficial, as the economic
perspective shows an annual cost-saving potential of
approximately 10,000 Euro per hospital. Neverthe-
less, for the implementation of SRs that facilitate ef-
ficiency, a user friendly and synergy oriented, cost ef-
fective robot orchestration tool like hospOS is needed.
Drawing from the study, stakeholder feedback,
and discussions with robot manufacturers, we derived
system requirements for transport SRs in hospitals,
including the following requirements:
SRs need to be capable of navigating au-
tonomously in hospital environments, coping with
dynamic settings.
Handling of clinical goods should be efficient,
with a balance between capacity and agility.
Hospitals have high hygiene standards to which
SRs must adhere, e.g., SRs must withstand clean-
ing alcohol and be easy to clean.
Transport needs are diverse, resulting in various
requirements, such as temperature and access con-
trolled compartments.
hospOS serves different stakeholder groups which
require individual and easy to user interfaces,
e.g., for managing transport requests and moni-
toring delivery status.
5.3 Use Case 3: Orientation
In December 2022, we executed a seven-day obser-
vational study at a Hospital Reception (HR). Among
all recorded requests (N=1,499), most were from vis-
itors (51.3%) and patients (38.5%). Common in-
quiries included COVID-19-related questions and pa-
tient room numbers (Sommer et al., 2023a). Patients
also frequently asked about appointment registrations,
emergency procedures, and directions (Sommer et al.,
2023a). These findings indicate that SRs could effi-
ciently handle many requests, reducing the burden on
staff. To reassess the information needs post-COVID,
we conducted another evaluation in November 2023,
including a SR in the HR to answer FAQs. The results
are anticipated in 2024.
Based on our research, we identified key require-
ments for a robot-assisted orientation and wayfinding:
Humanoid Robot Usage: Employ humanoid SRs
like Pepper for higher interaction rates.
Current Information Access: SRs should access
an up-to-date hospital information repository.
Navigation Support: Support Pepper with other
SRs to coordinate for extended guidance tasks.
User-Friendly Interface: Integrate an intuitive in-
terface, such as a touchscreen, for wayfinding.
Staff Control Functionality: Enable hospital staff
to control the robot easily, e.g. via a web app.
hospOS addresses the impending nurses shortage
projected for 2030 by digitizing hospital processes.
hospOS offers cost savings and improved care quality,
aligning with market trends driven by an aging popu-
lation and increasing healthcare demands. hospOS’s
manufacturer-independent, versatile system reduces
IT efforts for hospitals and caters to specific clinical
needs, with scalability potential due to its software.
Integrated robot orchestration systems are essen-
tial in complex healthcare environments for monitor-
ing robot activities (Holland et al., 2021; Ragno et al.,
2023; Huang et al., 2023). The need for smart hos-
pitals highlights the lack of interfaces in SRs, com-
pounded by economic constraints and staff shortages.
The lack of interoperability in robotic solutions lim-
its potential (da Veiga et al., 2020). Research gaps
exist in robot-robot interaction and human-robot col-
laboration (Gordon et al., 2023). Compliance with
regulations, such as CE Certification are crucial.
The use of SRs in healthcare is expected to in-
crease over the next decade, emphasizing the impor-
tance of hospOS (Asgharian et al., 2022). Investments
in user-friendly SR management solutions are cru-
cial (Maalouf et al., 2018). German hospital reform
currently underestimates the potential of SRs in ad-
dressing staffing issues. Financial support for SRs and
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
standardized frameworks, like the HL7 standard for
device interfaces, are necessary for integration into
cross-device platforms (da Veiga et al., 2020).
We presented hospOS, a platform for service robot
orchestration in healthcare facilities. Our approach
addresses key challenges in healthcare robotics, in-
cluding integration complexity, interoperability, and
stakeholder specific user interfaces.
By offering a centralized, modular, and adapt-
able orchestration system, hospOS bridges the gap be-
tween diverse robotic functions and the existing hos-
pital IT infrastructure. The platform’s focus on user-
centredness and compliance with local regulations,
e.g. GDPR, makes it a viable solution for integrating
SRs in healthcare facilities.
Our ongoing evaluation of hospOS for the three
use cases TMeds, transport, and orientation has
demonstrated its potential in improving operational
efficiency, patient safety, and staff workload.
Future work will focus on improving the functional
and non-functional aspects of the three introduced
use cases. Regarding TMeds, functionalities for spe-
cial requirements in medical fields e.g. geriatrics and
surgery will be extended. Thus, e.g. wound measure-
ment or vital data from the processed video stream
can be made available to the doctor. In case of trans-
port, the focus will be to integrate more and different
robot models. Therefore, the system will be able to
choose from a broader range of available SRs accord-
ing to the requirements of the request, e.g. transport
with cooling, locking or the need for a larger stor-
age. Orientation SRs as well as the web app inter-
faces will benefit from further iterations of usability
tests and engineering, adapting the user interfaces as
good as possible to the needs of the defined stake-
holder groups.
In terms of non-functional aspects, improving reg-
ulatory compliance is the main focus. As analogue
processes are replaced by hospOS, it is built as a
redundant service layer without integrating critical
paths (e.g. implementations of emergency alarms).
There are no plans to use hospOS to replace certi-
fied security systems or add security-critical depen-
dencies to hospOS. However, in a hospital environ-
ment hospOS and its connected robots must follow
predictable behaviour patters, even in case of a full
or partial system failure, e.g. robots may not block
hallways in case of a system failure. Thus, we imple-
ment hierarchical error handling strategies to achieve
this. On a technical protocol level, we will use the
MQTT last will feature to ensure a predictable be-
haviour even in case of a lost connection. For exam-
ple, a robot should drive to an area, where it does not
disturb other processes in the hospital – e.g. its home
base or the side of the hallway in case of a system
We thank our hospital partners, the Kliniken am Gold-
enen Steig gGmbH, Freyung and Arberlandklinik
Viechtach for their cooperation. The German Federal
Ministry for Digital and Transport supported this re-
search under grant No. 45FGU120.
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ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health