products on a large scale and thus to be broadly
positioned and stay competitive.
The primary goal of the overall research is to
develop a rough design for BSGaaS in the ERP
environment, in which it is necessary to vary the
components of the business game. For this purpose,
the BSG components, which can be optimized or even
flexibly designed according to the teaching and
learning requirements, have to be identified.
As already motivated, the current limitations have
to be overcome by creating variable use cases, and
versatile learning settings. The differentiation of
stakeholders such as developers and users is
important, while the inclusion of all requirements
within the BSGaaS approach is essential. The
teaching requirements for business games are
therefore a primary part of the analysis and must be
identified in the course of further work. Business
games that can be configured and personalized
according to the users’ needs without much effort
enable a free and focused engagement with the
learning content. The users are dependent on ESP
Supporting Tools and Services when using the games
in teaching since they do not develop the games
themselves. In this context, a decisive question will
be how materials for teachers, e.g., with ideas and
approaches for (de-)briefings or instructions (EaaS),
can be flexibly created, easy to use, and made
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