Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service:
Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education
Robert Häusler
, Daniel Staegemann
and Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster Very Large Business Applications,
Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Business Simulation Games, Education as a Service, Adaptive IS Education, Teaching and Learning
Environment, Modularization, Recombination.
Abstract: Education Service Providers (ESP) are facing several challenges nowadays. They are under pressure on cost,
to perform, and to innovate while meeting the different demands and requirements of their community. In
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) education, Business Simulation Games (BSG) are a promising approach,
but they are not used extensively yet for various reasons. With the development of a BSG as a Service concept,
in which mass-customized games can be created according to the individual educators’ needs, the attempt is
to address the tension field of different demands. This provides opportunities for low-threshold, user-friendly,
and tailored use. The paper at hand describes a generalizable concept idea by using an exemplary SAP-based
use case. Modularization and recombination are probably the most important aspects of sustainable and
adaptive ERP education for both meeting the different requirements of educators and making the challenges
for ESPs manageable.
“Worldwide IT spending is projected to total $5.1
trillion in 2024” (Gartner, Inc., 2023b). According to
the authors, an increase of 8% from 2023 is expected
despite the global economic slowdown. Especially
the software and IT services segments are estimated
to grow double-digit (13.8% and 10.4%) in 2024.
One possible reason is ubiquitous digitization in
industry and society which often leads to
organizational change processes known as digital
transformation (Lang, 2022; Mertens et al., 2017).
Therefore, companies have to use or adopt digital
technologies and build software-centric operating
models to take advantage of digitization and to make
that challenging transformation process a success.
An example of intelligent software that digitizes
companies’ processes is an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system (Sarferaz, 2023). In many
fields and sectors, people with IT systems and process
knowledge are obviously important, especially when
using ERP systems. However, the number of job
vacancies increases in many countries and at the same
time, the shortage of skilled workers limits the growth
of companies (Gartner, Inc., 2023a).
Consequently, there is a need for well-skilled
graduates, lateral entrants, and in-house employees.
Therefore, appropriate methods for knowledge
transfer are required but there seem to be gaps in
nowadays study course curricula (Kaiser et al., 2018).
Besides, challenges in ERP education or training
occure as well, e.g., finding suitable teaching
methods, as well as maintaining ERP systems, and
building practical exercises (Leyh, 2017).
Concluding, there exists no gold standard but various
requirements and didactic demands.
In ERP teaching, Education Service Providers
(ESP) support lecturers and trainers (Prifti et al.,
2017) by offering standardized teaching and learning
environments (TLEs) consisting of a system, a model
company, and teaching materials (Häusler and Bosse,
2018). Many educational institutions use those
offerings to teach ERP concepts and demonstrate
business processes (Leyh, 2017). TLEs are one of the
key deliverables of the so-called Education as a
Service (EaaS) model which is depicted in Figure 1.
Häusler, R., Staegemann, D. and Turowski, K.
Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service: Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012692300003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 494-501
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
As the name already indicates, it is a service offering
that is needed to transfer the technology, the
knowledge, and the tools included in TLEs to
educational institutions. In addition to the technical
aspects, ESPs provide support and give instructions
or insights how to use the TLE in teaching.
Figure 1: Key components of EaaS (Prifti et al., 2017).
As visualized, EaaS consists of three elements:
Besides the essential access to software, platforms, or
infrastructures (as a cloud service), curricula with
theoretical and practical materials as well as
supporting tools and services are provided. TLEs are
not directly depicted in the figure but they would be
in the pillars “Curriculum” and “Cloud Service”.
In general, IT-related ESPs are facing several
challenges nowadays. (I) The field in which they
operate is subject to a naturally high level of
dynamism since technologies are being further or
even newly developed. (II) However, the process of
creating teaching and learning environments is
relatively complex and therefore costly. (III) ESPs
are under pressure on cost, to perform, and to
innovate. Looking at the needs and demands of the
community, there are different requirements
depending on the type of use, teaching objective, and
user groups. (IV) Thus, there is a tension between
standardization and flexibilization. (V) ESPs have to
deal with didactic concepts in addition to technical
knowledge, in which they are usually experts. For
instance, in the field of ERP education, the case study
method is prevailing until now (Leyh, 2017), but
there are several problems in generating motivation
and providing incentives (Häusler et al., 2021).
Addressing these issues and finding solutions is
essential to enable learning success and produce well-
equipped graduates. To do so, the use of learning
environments in teaching can be crucial because they
can have a positive impact on the quality of teaching
and also lead to more efficient learning (Chang and
Wills, 2015). Concluding, the use of TLEs is a
prerequisite for learning success, but not necessarily
leading to it. Furthermore, the construction of those
environments according to the modular principle
attempts to resolve the tension between
standardization and flexibilization. This is done by
splitting the TLE objects into small, standardized
parts and combining them. The recombination of
these parts provides for flexibilization, variability,
and sustainability. The more segments there are, the
greater the possibilities for combination and use.
Regarding the motivational aspects (Weppel et al.,
2012; Fischer et al., 2017) and interactivity (Lukita et
al., 2017), the choice of an appropriate teaching
method has obviously an impact on learning success
as well and should therefore also be focused on.
A long-time underestimated approach in teaching
and learning is the use of games (Wilkinson, 2016)
which can stimulate intrinsic motivation and also
generate a high level of engagement with the
background information and knowledge (McGonigal,
2011). For instance, business simulation games
(BSG) provide an excellent way to impart knowledge
(Abt, 1987; Greco et al., 2013; Lainema, 2003). Not
only processes and concepts can be taught, but also
business backgrounds (Leyh, 2017). As a well-known
and established BSG in the field of ERP systems,
ERPsim proves this (Leyh, 2017; ERPsim Lab,
2024a; Hwang, 2018; Léger et al., 2010; Léger, 2006;
Utesch et al., 2016). It consists of games for
manufacturing, logistics, retail, and distribution with
defined processes and determined products.
According to their website, the use of ERPsim varies
around the world. There are regions where the
application is more concentrated than in others
(ERPsim Lab, 2024b). Possible reasons are the
licensing costs incurred (which are rather unusual for
some countries) in addition to the system hosting fees,
the limited number of scenarios, or the relatively high
complexity of the single games.
In sum, this leads to the following thesis: BSGs
are a promising tool or method for future teaching and
learning. Moreover, especially a flexible BSG as a
Service (BSGaaS) approach, in which mass-
customized games are individualized according to
educators’ requirements, could address the described
challenges. Modularization and recombination play
an important role for the individuality and flexibility
of teaching and learning. So, BSGaaS can be a crucial
key part in this field to provide a sustainable success
for both teachers and learners. Envisioning, if there is
a large building block with different but freely
selectable components, teachers would be enabled to
compose games on their own (via self-service). In this
Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service: Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education
way, an individually customized learning setup can
be created. Considering this concept as a part of EaaS,
a flexible, cost-effective, scalable, and easily
accessible usage of BSGs would be possible by
providing cloud services. This results in the
assumption that BSGs can be designed variably
through an EaaS approach, offering the learners
applications that can be used flexibly and
personalized to meet the individual needs of the
educational institution. The paper at hand describes
the generalizable concept idea for adaptive ERP
education using an SAP-based TLE and outlines one
feasible solution approach. The gained flexibility
including recombination and modularization support
several stakeholders and helps meeting their demands
and challenges in the process of transfering and
dealing with knowledge.
To make this conceptual idea more tangible, an
example shall serve this. The SAP University
Competence Center (SAP UCC) Magdeburg operates
as an ESP and is thus involved in various educational
processes. Its main business is the development and
operation of TLEs which includes hosting SAP
solutions, making them worldwide available for
academic purposes (Software as a Service), and
creating a wide range of teaching materials (EaaS)
with practical relevance in the field of enterprise
software. The associated model company of many of
their TLEs is Global Bike, a fictitious company that
produces and sells bicycles.
As part of the related academic community, the
SAP UCC works to improve existing services and
offerings and tries to integrate alternative or
innovative teaching and learning concepts. In
particular, the SAP UCC decided to enhance the
“Introduction to SAP S/4HANA” TLE by BSGs in
order to address additional learning objectives
(Anderson and Krathwohl, 2021) and increase
motivation. Within two pilot development projects, a
team of four persons already developed “Global Bike
Go”, a three-part series of turn-based, modular BSGs
in a beta version so far (Häusler, 2019). They are
designed as mini-games lasting between 45 and 90
minutes while each pursues small and simple learning
objectives (understanding simple market
mechanisms) in the corresponding module context,
described as follows.
Explore Procurement:
Purchasing optimization (supplier selection)
based on offered product combinations, price,
and delivery reliability.
Explore Production:
Cost-efficient fulfilment of a given production
target under certain conditions (number of
working days, number of employees, product
Explore Sales:
Maximizing profit through bicycle sales by
setting the selling price, considering the
market, and seasonal influences.
In these games, the players act as part of a
department but due to the simple scenarios and the
limited number of decisions (1 or 2 per round), role-
based gameplay was not intended so far. Figure 2
illustrates the general game structure and a
fundamental principle for the concept idea.
Figure 2: Separation of game core, data scenario, and
decision data (Kern, 2003).
As can be seen in the figure, the game core
calculates the results from the participants’ decisions,
considering the data scenario (including time-effect
curves, influencing factors, data). Although these
individual components are related to each other, they
are implemented and stored separately. This is in
accordance with Kern (2003) who postulates exactly
this separation of core and data scenario as a
prerequisite for making simulation games more
The main idea of BSGaaS will be illustrated by
the Global Bike Go example. The hitherto developed
games are modular and do not yet have any
dependencies on each other but have been designed
in such a way that they can be prospectively
combined in a building block approach
(modularization and recombination). Figure 3
illustrates the concept idea. Due to this flexible
Game Core
(Calculation Algorithm)
Data Scenario
Time-effect Curves
Influencing Factors
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Schematic representation of possible future combinability and extendability.
design, the TLE is highly adaptable and supports the
individual demands.
As depicted in the upper area (A), the games can
be combined with each other and thus the single
“departments” are brought together. The results of one
game serve as input factors for the respective following
game, e.g., the output of procurement is the input of
production, or the output of production is the input of
sales. In this way, further modules can be integrated as
shown in the bottom area of the figure (B).
For example, a warehouse management (WM)
component could be placed between production and
sales, or a human resources component could
influence the whole order-to-cash process. However,
not all departments would necessarily have to be
managed by players, since some module decisions
could be simulated by the system (depending on the
lecturers’ choice).
If the market or simulation model is integrated
separately from the organizational and process data
(as Figure 2 indicates), it could be relatively easily
changed, e.g., sustainability could serve as goal
instead of profit maximization in the Explore Sales
game. The input parameter (e.g., participants set
selling prices) remains the same. As needed, time-
effect curves, underlying data, the general calculation
logic, or other factors can also be changed to vary the
output (the number of bikes sold) depending on the
desired learning objective. By the separation of core
and data scenario as depicted, organizational units,
processes, or master data (other products e.g., cars
instead of bicycles, other customers, etc.) can be
exchanged or extended which is advantageous for the
individual BSGaaS approach.
In general, the variable combination of BSGs
(permutations) enables the individualized and
flexible design of teaching and learning content.
Individually, the games focus on their origin
scenarios’ objectives, whereas the combination
enables new and integrated learning objectives. The
Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service: Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education
integrative character could also bring role-play into
Thus, teachers and learners can create or enrich
their own TLEs according to their needs. In the future,
further processes can be configured in the system, or
processes already preconfigured for the model
company can be developed as game parts. Each
individual process within a functional business
module or the integration of additional modules not
only creates a potentially further business game but
also expands the possible combinations. The result is
a mesh of BSGs in relation to the existing model
With each change and extension, the pool of
possibilities becomes larger. With the help of the
building block principle, the small, standardized parts
can be (re-)combined relatively flexibly which
provides variabilization. Thus, despite the
standardization (a large, general, non-specific pool),
there is the possibility of customization to fulfil
different demands exactly. With this approach, small
new modules can be created faster and easier. The
smaller units also allow for faster error correction and
incorporation from reflection and feedback processes.
These aspects keep costs lower while enabling
dynamism. In this way, both standardization and
flexibility find their way into the process. Another
possible advantage is that the development of
individual components can also be outsourced to
experts in the user community, e.g., special market or
simulation models, aligned with their personal
learning objectives. An open-source approach for
further dynamics is also conceivable and
implementable in this way.
However, the specific game realization depends
on the concrete use cases and the particular functional
requirements (Häusler et al., 2021). As already
explained, different stakeholders have different
needs. The two main stakeholders ESP and users
(teachers and learners) of the games have the greatest
influence on the design and requirements that need to
be considered. Their influence results from economic
aspects (time and cost efficiency in the creation of
teaching materials, sales coverage, selling price) and
from the inherence approach (create and use best
possible products). Generic requirements for games
from the users’ perspective have already been started
to be investigated (Häusler et al., 2021). But what
does it look like from the perspective of ESPs?
Considering the challenges for ESPs (cf. Section 1),
the following aspects are identified:
Diverse offering to reach many teachers and
learners (as they are their customers)
An effective and efficient approach for
Time-saving development and adaption
Easy maintenance, hosting, and operation
Looking at the demands of both ESPs and users,
a field of tension emerges. The following (future)
research questions stake this out and enable an
approach and solution-oriented treatment of the field
in the following steps:
How can BSGs be efficiently created, deployed,
and operated? How can BSGs be designed
configurable or created flexibly? Which components
are required for BSGs and which of them play a
decisive role in the BSGaaS approach? Finally, which
components can be variabilized?
To address the aforementioned questions with regard
to modularization and recombination, components
are a central, promising and therefore unavoidable
aspect of a solution approach. Models like the so-
called shell model by Kern (2003) serve as a basis and
provide important findings.
Using the term Net-based Business Game
Learning Arrangements (German: “Netzbasierte
Planspiel-Lernarrangements”, short: NPL), Kern
proposes the shell model to structure different
components and to derive requirements as well as
design recommendations for learning environments
and user groups. Various technical possibilities for an
NPL architecture are also discussed. However, the
technical aspects will not be part of this work so far.
Figure 4 below shows the components of the NPL
shell model.
As depicted, the game core and the data, which
are in the center, are essential for web-based business
games. The core includes the calculation algorithm or
simulation model as already presented in Section 2.
Representing the second shell, the graphical user
interface (GUI) enables the users to access the core’s
functionalities. Depending on the needs and tasks,
different and individualized GUIs can be provided per
user group. Logically, the GUIs of game masters and
participants differ in design and functionality.
The outer shell contains components that belong
to the overall learning arrangement but not directly to
the game itself. These include:
The communication and cooperation
components for the interaction between the
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Decision support tools for participants (e.g., for
planning or for analysis),
Support components for the game master (e.g.,
additional information, opportunities for
(de-)briefing, assistance in running the
simulation), and
Teaching as well as practice modules (e.g.,
facts to be taught in advance or methodological
Figure 4: Components of the NPL shell model according to
Kern (2003), translated.
While the outer shell components do not
necessarily need to be provided for playing the game
itself, they are nevertheless essential in an EaaS and
also in a BSGaaS (cf. Figure 1) approach to create the
prerequisite for a good game experience for game
masters and participants. They serve as supporting
tools and accompany the entire game sequence.
Especially in online courses (such as during the peak
phases of the COVID-19 pandemic), communication
and cooperation components are indispensable to
enable players’ collaboration. Additionally, since the
games are not designed by the lecturers, it is the
ESPs’ responsibility to instruct them appropriately.
This applies to all game phases (preparation,
execution, and evaluation).
As can be derived, Kern’s model provides a solid
and expandable basis but comprises only general
components on the meta-level. Therefore, further
investigations as well as a scientific deepening are
necessary. First, it is important to identify all the
required components. In the context of the BSGaaS
concept, it is a fundamental question of how the
components can be variabilized (in the sense of
modifying parameters and variables). Especially
regarding the (re-)combination of components, this is
a crucial aspect. A subsequent question is how
variable the components of a BSG can be without
changing the core concept of the game.
Concerning this variabilization, attributes or
classification characteristics such as those of Kern
(2003) and taxonomies such as those of Greco et al.
(2013) could serve this purpose. They provide,
besides a classification, also implicit but logical
variabilization possibilities for components in the
BSGaaS approach. Some examples from Greco’s
taxonomy are:
Characteristics of users’ decisions (qualitative,
Transparency of the simulation model (black
box, grey box, transparent box),
Model behavior (deterministic, stochastic),
Influence of external data (with influences,
without influences),
GUI type (browser-based, mobile-based,
software-based, not digital),
Player Composition (single player, single team,
multi players, multi team, massive),
Role playing (yes, no), and
Debriefing options (collective, individual,
Those attributes or characteristics need to be
assigned to the single components. When the
characteristics are determined, they shape the
different game instances. This could implicitly enable
a cost estimate for the ESPs. It is presumable that
additional characteristics or whole components will
initially be more expensive to develop but – if the
BSGaaS is reasonable realized – the larger the
component base becomes the more cost-effective it
will be in the future.
Overall, the following first findings can be derived.
Modularization and (re-)combination are probably
the most important aspects of sustainable and
adaptive ERP education for both meeting the different
requirements of educators and making the challenges
for ESPs manageable. A separation of game logic and
data concept ensures “scalable complexity” (Kern,
2003) and thus guarantees flexibility as well as user-
friendliness. Innovative concepts and general
scalability are essential for an ESP to be able to offer
Game Core
and Data
for Game Master,
Administrator, and
for Game Master
Decision Support Tools
for Participants
Communication and
Cooperation Components
Teaching and
Practice Modules
Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service: Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education
products on a large scale and thus to be broadly
positioned and stay competitive.
The primary goal of the overall research is to
develop a rough design for BSGaaS in the ERP
environment, in which it is necessary to vary the
components of the business game. For this purpose,
the BSG components, which can be optimized or even
flexibly designed according to the teaching and
learning requirements, have to be identified.
As already motivated, the current limitations have
to be overcome by creating variable use cases, and
versatile learning settings. The differentiation of
stakeholders such as developers and users is
important, while the inclusion of all requirements
within the BSGaaS approach is essential. The
teaching requirements for business games are
therefore a primary part of the analysis and must be
identified in the course of further work. Business
games that can be configured and personalized
according to the users’ needs without much effort
enable a free and focused engagement with the
learning content. The users are dependent on ESP
Supporting Tools and Services when using the games
in teaching since they do not develop the games
themselves. In this context, a decisive question will
be how materials for teachers, e.g., with ideas and
approaches for (de-)briefings or instructions (EaaS),
can be flexibly created, easy to use, and made
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