Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices
Paulo Henrique Mariano
, Charles Tim Batista Garrocho
, Carlos Frederico Cavalcanti
Ricardo Augusto Rabelo Oliveira
Computing Department (DECOM), Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto 35400-000, Brazil
Blockchain, Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Cybersecurity.
The combination of blockchain and the Industrial Internet of Things brings a set of possibilities in Industry
4.0, allowing the implementation of robust and intelligent cyber-physical systems. An important issue is
that the system must be secure, ensuring that data are transmitted reliably, at a time that meets temporal
requirements and is immune to cyberattacks. Despite the efficiency and innovation provided by Industrial
Internet of Things devices, they face significant cybersecurity challenges due to their limited capacity and
exposure to risks. This article addresses aspects of data security in industrial applications in the context of
Industry 4.0, understanding that the blockchain is a robust and affordable solution that offers immutability
and data decentralization. Through a literature review, we examine the benefits and challenges of blockchain
adoption, such as its scalability and integration with limited devices. The study points to the need for future
research into the practical application of blockchain in Industrial Internet of Things environments, evaluating
its effectiveness against complex cyberattacks.
Industry 4.0 has attracted the attention of companies
from various sectors. In this new era of the industrial
revolution, the integration between physical and digi-
tal systems is the central nerve that opens the doors to
gains and possibilities. Industrial Internet of Things
(IIoT) devices have been widely used for this integra-
tion. Through an IIoT device, we can collect real-
time data from machines, and this data can be used to
increase worker safety, optimize production, reduce
waste, etc.
Despite the various benefits of these devices, we
have challenges in adopting this technology, and
among them is cybersecurity (Fern
and Fraga-Lamas, 2019). Because they are generally
small and have limited processing power and mem-
ory, many do not have or allow the implementation
of advanced security features (M
arcio et al., 2021).
Another point of attention is that they can be exposed
to physical risks or unauthorized human interference.
Maintenance and firmware updates are another secu-
rity bottleneck, if placed in hard-to-reach or risky lo-
cations (heights, unhealthy environments, etc.), main-
tenance routines and firmware updates become com-
Figure 1: An industrial retrofit: machine with an adapted
IIoT device. A common case in the Industrial environment.
1.1 Contribution
In this work, we present an overview of the
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Inter-
net of Things Devices. Our contribution points to
the need for future research on the practical applica-
tion of blockchain in Industrial Internet of Things en-
vironments, evaluating its effectiveness against com-
plex cyberattacks.
Mariano, P., Garrocho, C., Cavalcanti, C. and Oliveira, R.
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0012692500003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 345-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
These vulnerabilities particularly compromise the
security of the data trafficked, attacks such as Man-
in-the-Middle (MITM), Denial of Service (DoS), and
credential theft, for example, can have a catastrophic
impact on the company. Such challenges have inhib-
ited the adoption of these devices, causing delays in
technological and productivity advancements relevant
to society. Companies that have adopted this technol-
ogy are exposed to the risks of cyber threats, so com-
mon in current times.
In this section, we have conducted a brief review of
the technologies involved in the study. Here, we also
present a literature review of works published in pres-
tigious journals, compiling these studies and high-
lighting the main aspects explored by the authors.
2.1 Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 is the term used to refer to the fourth in-
dustrial revolution. It began to spread in the 2000s and
involves the massive adoption of software applied to
industrial processes for automation and intelligence.
The union of software with machines produces what
we call cyber-physical systems. The real-time shar-
ing of data produced by machines and sensors with
systems opens the door to a series of other technolo-
gies such as artificial intelligence, big data, advanced
robotics, cloud computing, etc. The goal of integra-
tion and all the involved technologies is to improve
efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, and innova-
2.2 Industrial Internet of Things - IIoT
IIoT is an extended concept of IoT (Internet of
Things) applied in the industrial context. IoT is the
means of connecting physical devices and systems
through networked devices. It plays a central role
in the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) as
it enables the sharing of data between cyber-physical
systems, facilitating connections between various sys-
tems and machines.
2.3 Blockchain
Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology, which
functions like a ’ledger book’ that records transac-
tions on this network, with each node (participating
computer) validating the block of trafficked data and
storing it. To validate the data, consensus algorithms
Figure 2: IIoT device.
known as Proof of Work and Proof of Stake are used.
Another concept is “Smart Contracts”, which are al-
gorithms that execute an action on the blockchain
whenever a predefined action is performed, all the
’nodes’ of the network receive this algorithm and ex-
ecute it according to the defined logic.
2.4 Programmable Logic Controller
PLC is a type of digital computer that is used in
industrial automation to control manufacturing pro-
cesses. It is designed to operate in industrial envi-
ronments to enable the control of machinery and pro-
cesses. A PLC consists of a Central Processing Unit
(CPU), memory, input/output (I/O) ports, power sup-
ply, and communication interfaces. The CPU runs
a program stored in memory that instructs the PLC
to perform certain actions based on input signals and
then sends output signals to control equipment or pro-
cesses. PLCs are programmed using specific lan-
guages such as Ladder Diagrams, Instruction Lists
(IL), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Structured Text
(ST), and Sequential Function Charts (SFC). In our
architecture, it simulates data coming from an indus-
trial machine and acts as a data publisher.
2.5 Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport MQTT
MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe-based mes-
saging protocol built on the TCP/IP model, designed
for network connections with limited bandwidth or
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
unreliable connectivity. It is used in IoT applications
and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication be-
cause it is lightweight and requires minimal compu-
tational resources (Akshatha and Dilip Kumar, 2023).
MQTT uses a small header (2 bytes) and is efficient in
terms of both bandwidth usage and power consump-
tion. MQTT follows a publish-subscribe model.
Clients connect to a central server called a bro-
ker. Clients can be publishers, subscribers, or both.
Publishers send messages to the broker, associating
them with a ”topic. Subscribers subscribe to top-
ics of interest and receive messages from the bro-
ker when they are published on those topics. Topics
are strings that the broker uses to filter messages for
each subscribing client. For security, MQTT supports
SSL/TLS for encrypted communication. It can in-
clude username and password authentication and sup-
ports advanced security mechanisms like TLS for mu-
tual security authentication.
An important aspect of publishing a topic is defin-
ing the Quality of Service (QoS). It refers to the assur-
ance of a certain level of data transmission quality, es-
pecially in networks that may experience congestion
or poor connectivity. QoS is essential to ensure that
critical data is transmitted with the required reliabil-
ity and priority, but each QoS level impacts transmis-
sion speed and computational resource consumption.
These levels are:
QoS 0 (At most once): The message is sent at
most once, and no acknowledgment is expected or
sent. It is the fastest mode but does not provide a de-
livery guarantee.
QoS 1 (At least once): The message is delivered
at least once. The receiver sends an ACK (acknowl-
edgment), and the sender resends the message until it
receives the ACK.
QoS 2 (Exactly once): Ensures that the message
is received exactly once by the receiver. It is the most
secure level but also the slowest due to its four-step
handshake process.
In our architecture, we use the MQTT protocol to
create a data distribution and collection point, which
is used in all architecture components. Broker MQTT:
The MQTT broker serves as a hub for publishing
and distributing messages from the PLC and collected
by the nodes of the blockchain.
2.6 Literature Review
The Blockchain can enhance the automation and se-
curity of industrial processes and M2M communica-
tion. In this context, a study was conducted to iden-
tify blockchain-based research in Industry 4.0. Fol-
lowing the protocol of Kitchenham (2004) (Kitchen-
ham, 2004), searches were carried out from August
to December 2023 in the digital libraries: ACM,
Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, and ScienceDirect (El-
sevier). For the research, the following search string
was used: blockchain and Industry 4.0; Cybersecu-
rity IoT; Blockchain and IoT. Regarding the selection
criteria for the articles found, only those that provided
full text in English were selected.
The article (Angle et al., 2019) reports that with
increasing Internet connectivity and the use of re-
configurable devices, industrial control systems are
more vulnerable to cyberattacks. These attacks can
cause physical damage to equipment and infrastruc-
ture, and even threaten human lives. The paper ex-
plores real cyberattacks that caused physical damage,
such as the Aurora Vulnerability, attacks on Ukraine’s
electric power system, the explosion of a pipeline in
Turkey, and the Stuxnet attack on Iran’s uranium en-
richment program (Langner, 2011). It analyzes how
these attacks were carried out and their consequences,
highlighting the possibility of simultaneous attacks
on multiple devices, which can cause extensive and
difficult-to-recover damage. The study includes a
case study of a small-scale cyberattack on a Vari-
able Frequency Drive (VFD), demonstrating how ma-
licious software can cause real physical damage. The
document concludes that industrial control systems,
especially those with energy storage components or
physical system control, are susceptible to a variety
of physical damages if they are poorly configured or
maliciously attacked. It is crucial to investigate and
mitigate these threats to ensure the safety and integrity
of these systems.
In the article (Fern
es and Fraga-
Lamas, 2019), the authors discuss how blockchain
can be applied in Industry 4.0 smart factories to en-
hance cybersecurity, data immutability, decentraliza-
tion, and automation through smart contracts. The
benefits of blockchain, such as enhanced security,
trust, immutability, disintermediation, decentraliza-
tion, and a higher degree of automation, are high-
lighted. It also addresses significant challenges
that blockchain implementation faces in Industry
4.0, including issues of scalability, cryptographic
systems for resource-constrained devices, consen-
sus algorithm selection, privacy and security, en-
ergy efficiency, latency, and necessary infrastruc-
ture. It studies specific industrial applications where
the blockchain can be beneficial, including inventory
management, traceability, and monitoring systems.
The article concludes that Industry 4.0 is changing
the way factories operate and that blockchain can sig-
nificantly improve Industry 4.0 technologies, bringing
substantial benefits in terms of security and efficiency.
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices
In the article (Alajlan et al., 2023), the authors
review various articles on the topic, addressing vul-
nerabilities of IoT devices caused by firmware obso-
lescence, physical threats, user authentication, data
exposure, and low computational and energy capac-
ity. They then propose the implementation of a
blockchain network as a security layer for data shar-
ing through IoT. This layer could mitigate IoT secu-
rity issues with data encryption for transmitted data
protection, user authentication through the blockchain
network, and data decentralization. However, the
authors note that the implementation of blockchain
also brings challenges such as scalability, data trans-
parency, transaction and processing speed, and low
energy power of IoT equipment. The blockchain net-
work itself could be an attack vector if not well imple-
mented, such as 51 percent attacks (where the attacker
takes control of 51 percent of the network nodes and
can alter the validation of contracts) and violation
of smart contracts by exploiting programming flaws.
The challenges for implementation, as cited above,
pass, according to the author, through the develop-
ment and implementation of security factors in each
of the layers. He suggests the implementation of secu-
rity layers such as Explainable Artificial Intelligence
(XAI) along with the blockchain, which evaluates and
verifies data through the security standards that the
AI was trained on. Finally, he suggests that the fu-
ture should focus on the adaptability of the blockchain
network to different scenarios and the development of
blockchain systems explicitly adapted to IoT security.
The main areas of focus include scalability, interop-
erability, energy efficiency, privacy preservation, and
The article (Zhang et al., 2020) discusses the use
of Blockchain in the industry, particularly with IoT.
Data from IoT devices may not be reliable, as many
devices are not secure. It proposes the creation of
a network called the Internet Blockchain of Things
(IoT) to address the issue of trust in data from sensors.
It also highlights the implementation challenges, es-
pecially scalability, and to solve these challenges, the
multidisciplinary implementation of various concepts
is suggested.
The article (Choi et al., 2021) addresses security
issues in IoT devices for a specific case (Photovoltaic
Panels). The authors point out vulnerabilities that
can be exploited, such as lack of proper configura-
tion, physical insecurity of the equipment, and weak
user passwords. The article describes a type of at-
tack called MITM, where the attacker can take on a
role in the network, intercepting, capturing, or modi-
fying data. The article then proposes a proof of con-
cept where they set up a network with two edge de-
vices acting as a blockchain to validate logins and
data traffic between the photovoltaic panels and the
server. They use Kali Linux to simulate an attacker
and manage to validate the attack through the compar-
ison of hashes between the IoT device and the server.
Through blockchain, they can identify the attacking
device and validate their proof of concept as positive.
The article (M
arcio et al., 2021) discusses the con-
cept of smart cities with devices connected to a large
network and a significant number of IoT devices. It
proposes the use of Smart Contracts and Blockchain
as a security layer to validate the data produced by
these devices. The article highlights that the main is-
sues faced in an IoT network are: a lack of consensus
among suppliers (different types of materials and pro-
tocols), access to devices, and updates for energy and
firmware. The article suggests solving the security
issues of IoT devices by validating data and authen-
ticating their entry, creating a secure and decentral-
ized network. It proposes a framework based on a
blockchain network that integrates the physical layer
(IoT sensors), communication, and the application in-
terface. Using fog computing to validate the captured
data and perform pre-processing, validating the data
according to the smart contracts (reliable sources) be-
fore sending them to the higher cloud layer.
The article (Reilly et al., 2019) also addresses the
application of IoT in smart cities. The authors espe-
cially highlight the problem of data integrity in IoT
networks, and in the case of smart cities, this issue
is severe because it can compromise critical cyber-
physical systems. Among the problems mentioned
are the lack of standardization in communication pro-
tocols, limited hardware resources, and varying de-
vice models. Such problems can be exploited by ma-
licious actors and compromise the validity of the data
trafficked. They propose the adoption of a blockchain
as a layer to ensure data integrity. The authors ana-
lyze some existing IoT blockchains, highlighting the
benefits and problems of adopting them (issues with
scalability and vulnerability to 51 percent attacks are
mentioned). They then propose a solution for data
validation on a public network (to avoid the 51 per-
cent attack) using Ethereum (as it is lightweight and
can handle a significant volume of data). The created
solution is tested on over 100 devices with satisfac-
tory results, but with a transaction cost that could be-
come high over time, given the high number of trans-
The article (Cabrera-Guti
errez et al., 2022) dis-
cusses the integration of Hardware Security Modules
(HSM) and permissioned (private) blockchain in in-
dustrial IIoT networks. The article reports the grow-
ing adoption of IIoT devices for providing data for
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
industrial intelligence, explains the increasing cyber
threats, and proposes the adoption of a blockchain
network as an advanced security layer. The authors
then suggest the adoption of HSMs (for the protec-
tion of cryptographic access keys) integrated with a
decentralized blockchain-based network. It details
the integration of Hyperledger Fabric (blockchain)
with TPM (HSM), focusing on critical operations like
the enrollment of users and administrators, and the
signing of transactions. It explains how these oper-
ations, traditionally performed by software tools, are
executed internally in the TPM for greater security.
The feasibility of this integration is discussed with a
proof of concept implemented in an IoT node with
a TPM2.0 HSM that interacts with a simulated Hy-
perledger Fabric blockchain network through a Rasp-
berry Pi. Among the positive points, it highlights the
security and integrity of data, reduced vulnerability,
and decentralization. Among the negatives are the
complexity of implementation, increased latency with
the HSM, and scalability in a network with many de-
The article (Garrocho et al., 2022) addresses the
issue of communication failures in decentralized ap-
plications (DApps) that operate on IIoT devices,
which interact with blockchain networks. It then dis-
cusses the failures that occur in DApps that are not
addressed by consensus algorithms in message vali-
dation. The article identifies specific failures in com-
munication between IIoT DApps and blockchain net-
works, such as network failures, submission failures,
and response failures. It proposes methods to ”mask”
these failures, allowing the DApps to continue func-
tioning despite interruptions in communication with
the blockchain network. It suggests modifications
in smart contracts to avoid unnecessary processing
and storage of repeated transactions resulting from
the masking of failures. The evaluation of the fail-
ure model showed that it can increase the runtime
for the creation and submission of transactions in the
smart contract. The failure model provided greater re-
silience to the operations of DApps, which is essential
for critical systems such as industrial systems, where
failures can have serious consequences. However, it
can also compromise the efficiency of the system, es-
pecially with larger transaction loads. The article sug-
gests future improvements in the failure model, in-
cluding the incorporation of other blockchain entities
such as oracles, and plans to advance the evaluation
of the model using an exponential distribution of fail-
In the article (Garrocho et al., 2023) the discus-
sion revolves around the use of multi-robot systems
in mining exploration and the challenges of creat-
ing and orchestrating software for robotics. It high-
lights the potential of blockchain to automate the
sharing of maps through smart contracts in a trace-
able and auditable manner and proposes a Peer-to-
Peer (P2P) blockchain network architecture embed-
ded in robots. There is a section examining previ-
ous work related to mapping with robots and the se-
curity challenges in exchanging these maps, present-
ing blockchain as a crucial solution for making ad
hoc communication between robots secure and decen-
tralized. Another section focuses on edge comput-
ing and Edge Artificial Intelligence (Edge AI). The
article then proposes the implementation of a multi-
robot system with integrated blockchain. It details
the system components, such as Simultaneous Local-
ization and Mapping (SLAM), DApps for interaction
with the blockchain, and the design of the architec-
ture. The article then presents the implementation re-
sults, explains the component architecture, and dis-
cusses the evaluation results, highlighting poor per-
formance in transaction confirmation as the map size
increases and the challenges associated with imple-
menting blockchain on embedded devices with lim-
ited resources. The authors conclude that the com-
bination of blockchain and Edge AI in multi-robot
systems offers significant benefits, such as tolerance
to data loss, resistance to fraud, and reliable map ex-
change. However, they also acknowledge that there
are challenges to be overcome, especially with respect
to performance and energy consumption.
Through the literature study of the 10 selected arti-
cles, we identified that the main problems reported
with IIoT devices are: Data security and cyber vul-
nerabilities, data integrity and reliability, implementa-
tion and maintenance challenges, interoperability and
standardization issues, energy consumption and lim-
ited resources, physical risks and human interference.
Table 1 shows the number of citations to these prob-
Table 1: Challenges in IIoT.
Challenge in IIoT Citations
Data Security and Cyber Vulnerabilities 3
Scalability and Efficiency 3
Data Integrity and Reliability 3
Maintenance Challenges 3
Interoperability 2
Energy Consumption 2
Physical Risks 2
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices
Table 2 presents the main benefits of adopting
blockchain in IIoT systems, as highlighted in the an-
alyzed articles. The frequency of citations indicates
the emphasis placed on each benefit in the related lit-
Table 2: Benefits of Blockchain in Industry 4.0.
Benefits of Adopting Blockchain in IIoT Citations
Improvement in Data Security 4
Decentralization and Reliability 3
Data Immutability 2
Automation through Smart Contracts 2
The proposal to adopt blockchain in Industry 4.0 as
a protective layer for data from IIoT devices, while
promising, faces significant challenges. Table 3 ad-
dresses the main implementation challenges of this
solution according to the authors.
Table 3: Challenges in Implementing Blockchain with IIoT.
Challenges Citations
Scalability Challenges 3
Complexity of Implementation 3
Limited Resource 2
Risks Associated with Implementation 2
Interoperability Issues 1
Energy Efficiency 1
Maintenance Costs 1
After conducting a thorough analysis of related work,
we transitioned toward exploratory research through a
proof of concept. Our primary objective in this phase
was to investigate whether integrating a blockchain
network could improve the security of data transmit-
ted over an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) net-
work, which was one of the problems highlighted
in the related works. As shown in Figure 4, we
propose developing a solution that enhances the re-
liability of the emitter by augmenting the data in-
tegrity features. To achieve this, we have created an
architecture that verifies and validates data coming
from a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) using
a blockchain network. Additionally, we utilize the
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) pro-
tocol to transmit PLC data over the network since it
has been widely used in the industry for communica-
tion between IIoT devices.
The PLC publishes data to an MQTT broker, and
the blockchain network’s nodes also connect to this
broker. As a result, whenever the PLC sends (pub-
lishes) data to the broker, the blockchain nodes re-
ceive this data for validation. In the case of a legit-
imate device recognized by smart contracts, the data
is stored in the blockchain. However, in the event of
an unfavorable outcome, the system could generate a
source inconsistency alert.
Figure 3: Architecture Design.
5.1 Node
We have created a blockchain network that aims to
ensure that the data come from a legitimate source
before recording it on the blockchain. In our sce-
nario, the validation of the data-emitting device oc-
curs through a smart contract executed on each node
of the blockchain. This algorithm validates whether
the device publishing on the broker’s topic has a valid
record on the blockchain. If it is valid, the published
data is stored. In case of invalidity, we could generate
an alert for data inconsistency and security incidents.
5.2 Proof of Concept POC
In the initial phase, we subjected the data to a source
validation algorithm, a preliminary step before storing
it on the blockchain. This algorithm checks the au-
thenticity of the data source. If the data come from a
source validated by the blockchain, they are recorded.
Otherwise, they are discarded, and a notification of
inconsistency is issued.
For the tests, we used the PLC Nexto Xpress AL-
TUS 325, equipped with native support for the MQTT
protocol. We implemented this protocol to initiate
data transmission, acting as an MQTT publisher on
the ’altus’ topic. Along with the payload, we included
a source validation key. Furthermore, we use a virtual
machine configured with Raspberry Pi OS, serving as
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Logical sequence of the proof of concept.
an MQTT broker for message reception and distribu-
tion. This machine was configured with 2 1.8 GHz
cores, 8GB of RAM, and 32 GB of storage. A second
virtual machine, also with Raspberry Pi OS (2 cores
at 1.8 GHz and 4 GB of RAM), was used for the vali-
dation and registration of messages on the blockchain.
Additionally, we employed another device to simulate
sending data from an unreliable or unknown source.
The logical scheme with the data flow of the proof of
concept is represented in a figure 4.
We conducted a POC focused on two fundamental
functions: data validation and storage, aligned with
the architecture we proposed. This study demon-
strates how the integration of blockchain can add a
layer of security, enhancing the integrity of data origi-
nating from industrial machines. This process ensures
the reliable provenance of the data and the recording
of all operations performed by the machine on the
blockchain, thereby increasing the system’s reliabil-
We created an algorithm on the Altus PLC for data
transmission using the MQTT protocol. In this algo-
rithm, the publication topic, named ’altus’, is first de-
fined. The payload, which consists of the data to be
sent, is carefully prepared. These data may include
readings from analog and digital inputs. In this spe-
cific context, the data are appended with a hash value
to ensure integrity. In addition, the algorithm speci-
fies the size of the payload in bytes, a crucial piece of
information for proper message processing. Finally,
the algorithm determines whether the message should
be retained (’stored’) on the MQTT broker.
The MQTT broker was implemented using a
Mosquitto server (Eclipse Mosquitto, 2023). This
server is known for its lightweight and efficient han-
dling of MQTT messages, making it the ideal choice
for real-time data communication in industrial envi-
ronments. The Mosquitto server facilitates the recep-
tion, processing, and distribution of messages pub-
lished on the ’altus’ topic. It manages multiple
client connections, ensuring reliable message deliv-
ery and maintaining the integrity of the data flow.
This includes the configuration of appropriate secu-
rity measures, such as SSL/TLS encryption to protect
data transmission and authentication protocols to pre-
vent unauthorized access. This implementation was
carried out on a virtual machine running the Rasp-
berry Pi OS with network connectivity. The choice
of Mosquitto for our implementation is due to its
lightweight, open source, and extensive documenta-
tion and community support.
Figure 5: Data block stored.
In our architecture, the blockchain node was set
up on a virtual machine running Raspberry Pi OS, ac-
cording to the specifications mentioned above. This
machine serves as a blockchain node. During test-
ing, we developed a Python solution that establishes
a connection with the broker and receives data from
the MQTT topic ’altus’. This solution is responsible
for the validation of the data and its registration on
the blockchain. After deploying this application on
the virtual machine, we began the transmission and
publication of data from the PLC. The data were suc-
cessfully received by the node and stored in the corre-
sponding block of our device, as illustrated in figure
Figure 6: Valid Block with a hash valid.
To ensure data integrity, we compared the hashes
already stored on the blockchain with a new hash gen-
erated from the data received from the topic (shown
in Figure 6). If they match, the data is stored on the
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices
blockchain. Otherwise, it would indicate a potential
source inconsistency, representing a possible security
incident. In this scenario, the data is not stored and
an inconsistency message is issued. The hash is gen-
erated using the cryptographic SHA-256 hash algo-
rithm, an integral part of the Python Hashlib library.
The preference for SHA-256 stems from its strong re-
sistance to collision attacks, where two different data
sets produce the same hash value, and its irreversible
mapping feature, which makes it virtually impossible
to deduce the original data from the generated hash
To test the integrity of the source, we published
data from an unknown source (although MQTT pro-
vides security features in message publishing, such
as login validation, we created an additional layer of
security with blockchain) on the topic ”altus”. The
generated hash is different from those that already ex-
ist and have been stored; therefore, the block is dis-
carded, and a data inconsistency message is generated
(shown in Figure 7).
Figure 7: Invalid Block with an alert message.
Furthermore, we conducted a simulation to under-
stand the implications of potential unauthorized ac-
cess by malicious agents to the MQTT broker for pub-
lishing. We observed that, in the absence of a hash
validation algorithm on the blockchain, devices sub-
scribed to the ’altus’ topic could be vulnerable to un-
wanted exposures. To illustrate this risk, we inten-
tionally sent the message ’Hello, Malware’ through
the system (shown in Figure 8). This message was
effectively received by the subscriber(without the al-
gorithm) of the topic, demonstrating how potentially
malicious data could be consumed in a real-world sce-
nario. This experiment highlights the importance of
robust security mechanisms to prevent cybersecurity
incidents in systems that depend on the integrity and
reliability of data communication.
Figure 8: Exposure to a topic with data from a malicious
5.3 Study Limitations
In our implementation, we focus on the aspects of
data source validation for recording on the blockchain
through the MQTT protocol. In this study, we did
not delve into the security aspects of MQTT and the
Eclipse Mosquitto server, although they have robust
native security features. The implementation also
used virtualized resources for testing (MQTT broker
and blockchain node), while the ALTUS PLC is phys-
ical. The proposed solution was carried out in a con-
trolled environment, where it was successful, but re-
quires more robust security and performance tests to
validate the implementation and place it in a real en-
vironment, which will be carried out in future works.
Cyber-physical device attacks have intensified since
Stuxnet, and we propose the adoption of blockchain
as a protective layer for data integrity shared through
IIoT devices. This study, through a review of the lit-
erature, highlights the deficiencies of IIoT technolo-
gies, especially in terms of data integrity, and how
blockchain can serve as a mitigating factor for cyber
vulnerabilities in this scenario. The study also shows
that, although promising, adoption is not simple and
presents challenges, particularly in solution scalabil-
ity and integration with limited-resource equipment.
Our case study demonstrated the feasibility of
transmitting data from industrial machines to the
blockchain via MQTT, a lightweight and secure pro-
tocol. We observed positive results, indicating the po-
tential of blockchain for secure and integral commu-
nications in industrial environments. In future work,
we will deepen the investigation of this solution in
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
more complex scenarios.
6.1 Future Work
In future works, our aim is to expand the concepts
presented in this article into a real-world setting, im-
plementing an entire network with physical devices.
Our goal is to test the resilience of this architecture
against cyber threats such as MitM DoS attacks. In
addition, we will explore the scalability of the system
under different loads in specific industrial scenarios,
including a detailed analysis of network performance
and data integrity in real operational conditions. We
also plan to investigate the integration of advanced
techniques in blockchain usage to enhance the sys-
tem’s security and efficiency. This comprehensive ap-
proach will provide deeper insights into the practical
application and robustness of our proposed solution
in industrial IoT environments.
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Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices