for sustainable future and how the BIRD Wallet can
be integrated within federated learning environments.
Thereafter, a possible estimation of the current re-
search’s impact is provided in Section 4 along with
a discussion and outlook on possible application sce-
narios for future research. Finally, the paper is sum-
marized in the Conclusion as well as implications
on the operating federated learning environments are
This section provides current state-of-the-art in the re-
search related to the usage of mobile wallets in the
federated learning environments such as universities
as well as on whether and how it affects the sustain-
ability aspect.
The federated learning environment can also be
viewed as a federation in which all educational actors
come together to form a group (Guo and Zeng, 2020)
and provide seamless accessibility to a group of edu-
cational services for educational users. For example
Project BIRD (DAAD, 2024).
As stated in the Brundtland’s World Commission
on Environment and Development book by (Brundt-
land, 1987) social, economic, and environmental di-
mensions of sustainability are interdependent. It im-
plies that if one strives to improve sustainability by
affecting the environmental dimension, the other two
dimensions would be affected as well. Substan-
tial research has been done for examining this inter-
An empirical study by (Katini et al., 2023) has
examined the factors influencing the relationship be-
tween the mobile wallet use and the environmental
sustainability. The outcome of the study identified
that such factors as perceived security, performance
expectancy and several others positively impact mo-
bile wallet usage and, thus, contribute towards envi-
ronmental sustainability. The authors also state that
mobile wallet usage would reduce all forms of pollu-
tion. However, this paper focuses solely on the mobile
wallets used for payments. There have been several
attempts towards applying SSI technology in educa-
tional domain such as (Kortemeyer, 2022), (Kavas-
salis, 2020) and (Strack et al., 2022). Addition-
ally, a technical exploration provided by Samenwerk-
ende Universitaire Rekenfaciliteiten (eng.: Collabo-
rating University Computing Facilities) (van Dijk and
Rikken, 2023) states that SSI wallet usage offers vari-
ous advantages for education and research, providing
a proof of concept.
2.1 Sustainable University
Sustainable universities play a pivotal role in advanc-
ing Sustainable Development, with HEI assuming a
distinct social responsibility for shaping future lead-
ers’ education and fostering widespread public aware-
ness of sustainability (Amaral et al., 2015). Serv-
ing as catalysts for collaboration between government
and industry (SDSN, 2020), sustainable universities
are characterized by four dimensions: Education, Re-
search, Community Outreach, and Campus Opera-
tions (Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008).
The evolution from Information and Communica-
tion Technologies to Clean Technologies, which em-
phasize environmentally friendly practices, is notable.
HEI are increasingly embracing digital services, elim-
inating the necessity for physical presence and align-
ing with the principles of clean technologies to pro-
mote sustainability . (Abad-Segura et al., 2020)
In the realm of education, the integration of Digi-
tal Transformation represents a dynamic process that
necessitates an evolution in teaching methodologies.
This transformation aims to enhance the overall edu-
cational experience, fostering efficiency and facilitat-
ing collaboration (Verhoef and Du Toit, 2018). HEI
are adopting hybrid approaches, blending traditional
and virtual spaces, thereby bridging online and of-
fline learning modalities. This shift is indicative of
a broader trend, including contemporary educational
methods such as Do It Yourself education (Abad-
Segura et al., 2020).
Beyond the considerations of physical sustainabil-
ity, another facet of Sustainable Education can be de-
lineated with respect to enduring equitable education
and the promotion of Lifelong Learning.
This second aspect is also included within SDG
Number 4, as the Key elements of the SDG Number 4
are Lifelong Learning Journey and ”by 2030 Ensure
equal access for all men and women to quality techni-
cal, professional and superior training, including uni-
versity education” (United Nations, 2015). Integrat-
ing Digital learning within the institute facilitates the
above goals as well as it also contributes to improved
student academic performance and disabling the need
of the physical classes (Benta et al., 2015).
2.2 Self-Sovereign Identity
SSI epitomizes a paradigm shift in digital identity
management, endowing individuals with the auton-
omy to selectively share information. This not only
imparts a heightened level of security but also stands
in stark contrast to traditional, centralized identity
providers. The decentralized nature of SSI ensures
Unveiling the Potential: Assessing the Role of SSI Wallets in Promoting Sustainability in Federated Learning Environments