Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail
Christian Daase
, Christian Haertel
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Video Analytics, Society 5.0, Data Science.
Abstract: This paper explores research questions and perspectives for the next stage of societal development, often
referred to as Society 5.0, and the field of modern retail. Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as a key component
that provides retailers with the means to optimize their store layouts, advertising campaigns, and overall
business strategy. The need to make AI-based decisions comprehensible and tangible to ensure acceptance by
the respective target groups has been emphasized with the concept of explainable AI in various research
works. Based on observations from the AI domain and the business world, the need to integrate explainability
into commercial AI-driven operations is addressed and the concept of explainable business intelligence (XBI)
is proposed. A set of potential research questions for video analytics in retail in the age of Society 5.0, as one
of the most promising use cases in this regard, is derived from the literature and the proposal of XBI in terms
of the outlined opportunities and challenges is explained, critically discussed, and visualized.
Currently, the larger scheme of artificial intelligence
(AI) is permeating society at large as it is increasing
its influence on fundamental areas of science,
economics, governments, and social life. While it is
not uncommon for technological developments to be
accompanied by shifts in social structures and norms,
morality, or laws (Jiang et al. 2022), AI is expected to
have an impact that goes beyond minor adjustments
of communities to the shaping of a new social
revolution referred to as Society 5.0 (Carayannis and
Morawska-Jancelewicz 2022; Muslikhin et al. 2021;
Nair et al. 2021). The idea, also often mentioned as
smart society, leads back to a publication from the
Japanese government and describes a futuristic
human-centered society in which the virtual and
physical spaces are converging by means of AI, big
data analytics, robotics, virtual and augmented
reality, the internet of things (IoT), and other
technologies that are connected to them (Carayannis
and Morawska-Jancelewicz 2022; Muslikhin et al.
2021). However, although technological advances of
this magnitude are generally considered positive,
communities tend to express concerns, including
fears of potential job losses, social isolation, criminal
acts by entities unaware of moral and ethical
principles, and seamless surveillance (Elliott et al.
In recent years, studies provided indicators that
AI will most likely have the largest value impact
across the technological landscape on the retailing
sector (Guha et al. 2021). In turn, the retailing
industry is expected to benefit the most from
advancements in the field of AI (Bellis and Johar
2020). Since demographics change due to a new
generation of digitally educated humans, thus
facilitating the evolution towards new societal
concepts, retailers need to adapt their business
practices (Kahn et al. 2018). One especially
promising subfield of AI with manifold use cases in
retailing is video analytics, which can take place
either in-store (Kahn et al. 2018; Kaur et al. 2020;
Liciotti et al. 2017) or detached from physical
locations, for example by analyzing prerecorded
video content (Agrawal and Mittal 2022; Zhang et al.
2020). The analysis of critical business data in
conjunction with the required technological systems
and practices with the goal of understanding the
business and ultimately making beneficial and timely
decisions is also referred to as business intelligence
Daase, C., Haertel, C. and Turowski, K.
Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail.
DOI: 10.5220/0012694600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 784-791
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(BI) (Chen et al. 2012). As a connector between data
and its targeted use, the term data science has
emerged as an umbrella term for quantitative and
qualitative methods developed to make predictions
and solve data-related problems (Waller and Fawcett
2013). To draw a clear line in the context of this
paper, AI is considered the overarching term for
technologies that artificially replicate human
intelligence. Thus, it is the umbrella scheme behind
video analytics, which in turn is expected to be an
integral part of the next evolutionary stage of business
intelligence when applied in a commercial context
such as retail. With the projected convergence of AI-
related technologies and humans in Society 5.0, video
analytics systems could become more widespread,
while acceptance by stakeholders must be ensured.
When it comes to utilizing data from private
persons, even if recorded in public areas, privacy
concerns are a closely connected issue. In order to
mitigate reluctance in the adoption of AI-driven
technologies, the concept of explainable AI has
emerged to make artificially determined decisions
comprehensible for the average user (Bailao
Goncalves et al. 2022; Jiang et al. 2022). In this paper,
the definitions and characteristics of explainable AI
as necessary part of Society 5.0 and the grander
scheme of business intelligence are attempted to be
merged under the term explainable business
intelligence (XBI). By carefully approaching the
future of business data analysis, reluctance is
intended to be avoided from the outset. The focus of
this preliminary investigation of XBI is to position
video analytics in retail as a potential use case and to
describe critical questions for future studies. In
summary, this research aims to provide an answer for
the following research question (RQ):
RQ: What are potential RQs that can be derived
from the AI-based use case of video analytics
in retail under consideration of societal shifts
towards Society 5.0?
To create a knowledge base for the establishment of
the potential RQs in Section 4 and the concept of XBI
in Section 5, the conduction of a systematic literature
review (SLR) is described in this section. The SLR
was conducted using four peer-reviewed journals
from the database ScienceDirect of the publisher
Elsevier that focus on retail, commerce, marketing,
and generally technological solutions for the business
sector. The selected journals are Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications, International
Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of
Retailing, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services. As a secondary source of literature, the
abstract and citation database Scopus was consulted,
which claims to be the largest database of its kind
(Kitchenham and Charters 2007). This addition is
intended to ensure that potentially relevant literature
from other reliable scientific sources is not omitted if
it is not covered in any of the primary journals
reviewed. Additionally, SpringerLink with its own
selection of high-quality research articles (that might
not be indexed in Scopus) is considered as another
literature source.
To limit the number of articles, certain inclusion
and exclusion criteria were defined. First, the time
frame to be considered was set to the publication
period between January 2017 and October 2023 to
ensure actuality. Test searches led to the conclusion
that a combination of terms related to retail and video
yield the most appropriate results for the individual
databases. The exact queries are stated in Table 1.
Table 1: Literature sources and specifications.
Source Restrictions
All - Period: Jan 2017 - Oct 2023
ScienceDirect - marke
as research article
Electronic Commerce
Research and
International Journal
of Research in
- Abstract contains retail*
ournal o
Journal of Retailing
and Consume
- Title contains retail or
SpringerLink - Title contains retail,
retailing, or retailer
- Text contains video
rticle o
Scopus - Title contains retail*
- Abstract contains video
rticle o
conference pape
Further selection criteria were set for the two review
phases of reading the abstracts and reading the full
texts in detail. In the first phase, duplicates were
removed, including semantic duplicates from the
same authors within a short period of time, as well as
articles consisting only of an introduction or missing
the abstract. Moreover, articles limited to a too
specific geographical region were rejected as it was
assumed that they potentially lack generalizability.
Finally, articles without an application area that is
related to video analytics were removed.
Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail
In the second phase, articles whose full texts were
unavailable were removed from the list along with
publications that did not provide an outlook on future
data-related technology impacts or that did not
provide a suitable research justification in general.
Articles lacking a technical business perspective were
rejected as well. Lastly, from the remaining articles,
a dedicated selection of the most relevant material
was used in terms of this present paper. Figure 1
shows the review process, including criteria and
numbers of remaining articles after each stage.
Figure 1: Literature review workflow visualization.
The societal shifts through the ongoing digitalization
have increased the generated amount of data
significantly (Yin and Kaynak 2015). As this trend is
expected to continue in the future, enterprises with
access to a high volume of data seek ways to make
use of the data to achieve performance improvements
(Chen et al. 2012; Wamba et al. 2017). Accordingly,
it can be stated that data is becoming the most
valuable asset for any organization(Nielsen 2017).
In turn, the discipline data science (DS) has gained
additional attention over the last years. DS is defined
as „methodology for the synthesis of useful
knowledge directly from data through a process of
discovery or of hypothesis formulation and
hypothesis testing(Chang and Grady 2019). Since
DS is mainly applied in the context of datasets that
correspond to the big data paradigm, the term big data
science emerged. Generally speaking, DS can be
interpreted as all activities in an analytics pipeline to
derive insights from data (Chang and Grady 2019)
and it is regarded as a super-set of other related
disciplines such as (big) data analytics, data mining,
and statistics. Additionally, in the enterprise context,
DS is referred to as data science for business or
business intelligence, as stated in the introduction
(Medeiros et al. 2020; Newman et al. 2016).
However, there are other interpretations that view DS
as a subset of BI (Larson and Chang 2016). Foley and
Guillemette (2010) define BI as “a combination of
processes, policies, culture, and technologies for
gathering, manipulating, storing, and analyzing data
collected from internal and external sources, in order
to communicate information, create knowledge, and
inform decision making”, which contradicts the
observation of Larson and Chang (2016), as clear
conceptual differences become visible.
The benefits of DS for businesses can be
manifold. For example, Medeiros et al. (2020)
mention increased efficiency and effectiveness in
decision-making through better quality of data and
information (data quality), actionable insights by
analysis of resources and data visualization
(analytical intelligence), improved organizational
knowledge and detection of business opportunities
(dynamic capabilities), as well as enhanced
productivity, performance, and profitability
(competitive advantages). In order to realize these
advantages and provide managers with the relevant
recommendation and insights (Chen et al. 2012;
Waller and Fawcett 2013), the respective BI/DS
projects require successful completion. However,
these types of undertakings are prone to failure
(VentureBeat 2019) due to multi-faceted challenges
related to project management and technical aspects
(Martinez et al. 2021; Saltz and Krasteva 2022). As
DS contains big data and big data analytics (Newman
et al. 2016), using the appropriate technology for the
different activities such as data storage and
processing as well as building analytical models
(Haertel et al. 2023) and deploying the results is
required (Saltz and Shamshurin 2016).
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Based on observations from the literature analysis,
RQs arising in the sector of video analytics in retail
can be divided into three categories: purpose-focused,
technical, and juridical. The reason for dividing the
research into these three dimensions is that by finding
appropriate answers to the overarching questions of
What should be achieved?”, How can it be
achieved?” and What is allowed to be done without
potential harm?”, businesses can implement
successful DS-driven solutions. The following
explanations serve to answer the RQ posed at the
beginning and form the first contribution of this work,
before the subsequent XBI concept.
4.1 Purpose-Focused Questions
Video analytics in retail has already been
implemented in various areas, for example for
understanding customer behavior in-store (Kaur et al.
2020; Liciotti et al. 2017), marketing reasons (Xiao et
al. 2023; Zhang et al. 2020), or extracting sentiments
from review videos (Agrawal and Mittal 2022). To
enable a comprehensive view on the topic, the areas
that it can affect need to be placed in context. In
addition, suitable metrics need to be developed to
measure the influence of analytical approaches. Since
user acceptance is a fundamental prerequisite for the
adoption of AI technologies (Jiang et al. 2022),
another question that arises is which influence the
awareness of being analyzed has on the customers, as
it is conceivable that humans adjust their behavior in
that case. Summarizing the purpose-focused
questions, the interdisciplinarity of the transformation
of retail business models through AI, big data, and
associated technologies (Alexandrova and Kochieva
2021) can serve as a foundation for the question
which research disciplines apart from economic
research might benefit from advances in video
analytics in retail as well, such as social science.
4.2 Technical Questions
The technical perspective on this topic covers how to
store and process data independent of the specific
purpose or applicable law. However, legal regulations
and deployed technology can sometimes not clearly
be separated. Especially privacy issues and the
necessity to anonymize people and data force AI
developers to consider layers of data abstraction,
specifically for video material (Jabłonowska et al.
2018; Kopalle et al. 2022). Thus, one technical
question is how to encode data for anonymized
processing. Another challenge occurs specifically for
in-store analysis, strongly connected to the intended
purpose, in terms of camera positioning. For example,
approaches to track the general movements of
customers or shopping carts in a store (Ferracuti et al.
2019) require a different positioning than cameras for
eye tracking to assess which item the customer is
looking at and how long the visual inspection lasts
(Huddleston et al. 2018). Also, the circumstances and
timing of video analytics offer important RQs to be
answered. Difficulties from analyzing in-store video
data immediately (Kahn et al. 2018; Liciotti et al.
2017) or during live streaming e-commerce sessions
(Chen et al. 2023) differ from analyzing material
asynchronously, for example from customer review
videos (Agrawal and Mittal 2022). Before being able
to analyze video content, another question is related
to ways to efficiently gather and store such data.
Nowadays, developers are turning towards cloud
computing as a possible centralized solution to
storage issues (Liciotti et al. 2017) while sensors,
mobile devices and the IoT in general are utilized for
data collection, also to complement data captured
with cameras (Kahn et al. 2018; Muslikhin et al.
2021). Due to its range of cost-effective, flexible and
easily usable applications, cloud computing is
considered a key component of future retail in general
(Daase et al. 2023). Lastly on the list of hereby
identified potential RQs, the user acceptance needs to
be ensured. Hence, in special consideration of neural
networks in AI, another question for future research
is if and how optimization techniques for such
networks can be adapted to make neural networks
comprehensible throughout every iteration of
optimization for the developer and the targeted user
4.3 Juridical Questions
The last category on the list for future RQs, juridical,
covers laws and regulations for video analytics in
general. The first part of the questions is two-fold,
depending on the mode in which videos are analyzed.
If data is gathered in an in-store scenario, one of the
most important aspects is ensuring the anonymity of
customers (Jabłonowska et al. 2018; Kopalle et al.
2022). If prerecorded video content is analyzed
(Agrawal and Mittal 2022), another question is which
regulations in terms of copyright are applicable. In
addition to the technical question how and where to
store data efficiently, the physical location of stored
data must be assessed regarding local laws for the
juridical perspective. Table 2 summarizes these
potential RQs for video analytics in retail scenarios,
Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail
especially focusing on AI with neural networks, thus
proposing a preliminary answer to the initially posed
RQ of this research-in-progress paper.
Table 2: Potential RQs for video analytics in retail.
Category Potential research questions
Which areas in retailing can be affected
by video analytics?
Which metrics could be used to measure
benefits in specific retailing areas?
How do customers adapt their behavior in
case of in-store video analytics if they are
aware of being analyzed?
How can other research disciplines apart
from economic research benefit from
video anal
tics in retail?
How should video data be encoded for
efficient anonymized processing?
How should cameras be places for
specific purposes for in-store analytics?
What technical difficulties arise for in-
store video analytics in contrast to
asynchronous analysis and vice versa?
Which technologies can be used for
gathering and storing video datasets?
How can optimization techniques for
neural networks be adapted to ensure user
tance in im
rovement iterations?
Which regulations have to be considered
for in-store video analytics (privacy)?
Which regulations apply when analyzing
publicly available content (copyright)?
Where can data and analytics results be
to compl
with local laws?
The stated questions are focused on one potential
research field of retail in the era of Society 5.0. The
accumulated definition, opportunities, and challenges
of the interconnection between AI, BI, and the
necessity to underpin both with explainability in the
near future support to the proposal of the concept of
explainable business intelligence (XBI). On the one
hand, BI encompasses techniques and processes to
gather and analyze business data from internal and
external sources to make beneficial and informed
decisions in a business context (Chen et al. 2012;
Foley and Guillemette 2010). On the other hand,
explainable AI is the aspiration to construct AI
applications that allow to understand how the
underlying AI works, which factors it takes into
account, and how decisions are derived, with the
ultimate goal of increasing user acceptance (Bailao
Goncalves et al. 2022; Jiang et al. 2022). However, it
is important to emphasize that technical
understanding is not the only way to realize XAI, as
AI solutions and developments may exceed the
average human knowledge in this field. Instead, the
solutions and decisions made by AI could be
validated for correctness and suitability. In this way,
the need to understand the functioning of components
of AI such as neural networks could be alleviated.
The definition of XBI developed here is that XBI
represents the philosophy that all business data
retrieved during the production, delivery and retail
process must either be analyzed by means that can be
understood by human intelligence, or at least the
results must be verifiable using tools by humans with
limited technical knowledge. Furthermore, the
analysis results must be presented in such a way that
the average target group and beneficiaries can make
informed decisions about whether to trust the results.
As stated, an essential component of the proposed
concept of XBI is the possibility of checking the
results for their trustworthiness.
Developers of business applications in Society
5.0 can adapt their techniques to comply with the
argued concept of XBI. For example, AI-based
software could be developed with greater
involvement of humans whose expertise is to be
emulated, as they can be seen as design templates for
these systems (Daase and Turowski 2023). A second
approach might be to test AI applications more
intensively and to make the test procedures public,
including inputs and (expected) outputs. Thus, for the
more technically experienced audience, the
development process and focused intentions of the
organization providing the system can become clearer.
A third constituent of XBI can be to involve the target
audience in the result evaluation. The AI system can
be tested with artificial data that is based on
suggestions by the user group, making sure that the
system’s capabilities match the expectations. Finally,
as a fourth component, results and AI-driven
decisions can be verified by simulations and
mathematical analyses, as a supplement or even as a
substitute if the technical traceability of the inner
workings of AI solutions cannot be realized.
Figure 2 illustrates an abstracted data flow
towards XBI. First, data is collected as usual, for
example from various sources in different formats,
with varying velocities, and in varying volumes, thus
complying with the concept of big data. In connection
with the analysis of this data in a business context by
any means yields business intelligence. If the data is
analyzed by an explainable artificial intelligence
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
system, incorporating the aforementioned
components, the concept of explainable business
intelligence can be realized.
Figure 2: Abstracted data flow towards XBI.
The evolution from traditional BI to XBI can be
considered a natural process as well as a necessity in
the modern digitalized business world. While in the
past, mathematical models, manual data collection,
dedicated analytics units and extensive discussions
with decision makers were common for gaining
business knowledge, AI solutions are increasingly
taking over (parts of) the mentioned tasks (Jiang et al.
2022). Thus, more and more vital actions for
organizations are influenced by systems to which
humans have limited access to and which, in
comparison to human intelligence and decision
making, can partly not be explained.
The contribution of this paper is discussed on the
basis of a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats). First, the outcome of this
study, meaning the concept of XBI and the questions
that necessarily need to be answered when applying
the concept to retail video analytics, is considered
from the perspective of its potential positive impact
when deployed and considered internally (strengths).
It can be argued that using the XBI concept to analyze
business data with AI technologies in a way that
enables human decision makers to understand either
the entire analysis process or at least the verification
of the results could more easily convince stakeholders
to invest in and trust AI to a greater extent. This in
turn would lead to more effective and widespread
adoption and thus an increase in retail revenue, as
retail is the industry that is expected to offer some of
the greatest potential for AI and is one of the biggest
beneficiaries of AI, as mentioned in the introduction
(Bellis and Johar 2020; Guha et al. 2021). However,
as the concept is generic, this strength can also apply
to various other business areas. As for the potential
RQs for video analytics listed in Table 2, most of the
questions on evaluation metrics, behavioral science,
configuration, and legally compliant implementation
could be answered much more easily when posed in
a setting suitable for XBI.
Weaknesses of the XBI concept become
conceivable when considering the current state of AI
and the enthusiasm for it. With a wealth of data now
readily available as a basis for machine learning
models and computing power reaching extraordinary
levels (Eling et al. 2022; Jiang et al. 2022), many
companies are trying to quickly exploit the potential
in this highly dynamic field. If they now switch from
mature AI systems to a different approach with a far
more human-centric focus, companies could be
forced to rethink key parts of their digitalization
strategy. In doing so, they risk increased costs and
falling behind competitors if the applied XBI concept
does not lead to increased business effectiveness,
customer loyalty, or other monetarily rewarding
The opportunities of the XBI concept depend on
the occurrence of external events and unpredictable
factors such as human behavior. Regarding the
specific use case of video analytics in retail, some
believe that people are becoming unaware of the
constant surveillance by cameras and therefore
implicitly accept it (Elliott et al. 2021), which would
prevent unusual customer behavior due to perceived
surveillance. However, it is assumed that trust in AI
itself is still insufficient (Jiang et al. 2022). This
would mean that the problem is not distrust in the
acquisition of video material, as it could just be a store
detective reviewing the footage, but the exploitation
of inherent knowledge by systems that cannot be
looked into. XBI has the potential to bridge this gap
by convincing customers to engage in AI-driven
business by making them understand how the system
Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail
works, how the results are verified, and what
consequences they lead to.
Finally, threats are also caused by external factors
that impose undesirable circumstances on an
organization. As indicated, such a threat could be a
reaction from the target group (i.e., stakeholders or
customers) that has a negative impact on the potential
benefits of XBI. One fear of unexplained AI and one
fear of XAI can be considered as examples
respectively. On the one hand, the fear that an AI
system can make decisions that are in some way
harmful without adequate monitoring is frequently
expressed. On the other hand, individuals from the
human target group (e.g., customers recorded on
video) may fear that the involvement of humans in the
AI system will compromise their privacy more than if
a mindless machine analyzes the recorded data in a
black box. If the second fear outweighs the first,
people may become more reluctant towards XAI
approaches, not because they do not trust the human-
centered development process, but because they do
not trust the humans themselves who are involved in
it. As a result, the implementation of XBI could be
This SWOT analysis underlines that the concept
of XBI still offers plenty of room for discussion.
Particularly with regard to video analytics in retail,
XBI could be a sensible approach, even if it is still at
a preliminary conceptual stage.
In this research-in-progress article, a first literature
analysis was conducted to position the topic of video
analytics in retail as one expectable key component
of AI utilization in commercial business. A selection
of some of the most pressing issues for
implementation was elaborated from the literature to
identify potentials and challenges in this regard. With
the conceptualization of explainable business
intelligence as a link between explainable artificial
intelligence and traditional business intelligence, an
outlook on a promising new business digitalization
strategy with a human-centric focus was given and by
means of a SWOT analysis critically discussed.
In further research, the topics of Society 5.0 and
its connection to AI technologies are to be explored
in greater depth to find answers to the questions
developed in Table 2 in the retail sector. In addition,
the concept of XBI is to be shaped more precisely, as
reducing the reluctance in the adoption of AI
technologies is expected to be vital for future
businesses. The overall goal in finalizing this research
endeavor is to position XBI as a key component of the
future economy.
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