Sound Woods: An Interactive Game-Based Learning Design for Inclusive
Play Between Sighted and Visually Impaired Users
Chenyi Dai
, Kojiro Hirose
, Makoto Kobayashi
, Shigenori Inagaki
and Fusako Kusunoki
Information Design Department, Tama Art University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan
National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan
Tsukuba University of Technology, Ibaraki, Japan
Department of Education, Rikkyo University, Toyoshima, Tokyo, Japan
Visual Impairment, Game-Based Learning, Orientation & Mobility Training, Virtual Learning Environment,
Auditory Feedback, Tangible User Interface, Game Design, Location-Based Game.
In traditional spatial learning for the visually impaired, preliminary understanding of spatial concepts is typically
formed through oral descriptions by instructors prior to actual environmental engagement. However, this method
is restrictive. This study encourages users to recreate and experience environmental spatial sounds within a
realm by ”Sound woods” using Orientation & Mobility Training. This enables users to engage in auditory
training, focusing on ”listening and positioning” to enhance environmental spatial cognition. For the visually
impaired, who often have limited opportunities to interact with sighted individuals in their daily lives, video
games offer potential avenue for social engagement. Traditional video games primarily rely on visual interaction
through screens, posing challenges to visually impaired individuals owing to their limited eyesight. We designed
a tangible video game that provides game-based learning, fostering communication between visually impaired
and sighted individuals. Additionally, it provides sighted individuals the opportunity to experience space
without sight, increasing empathy for the visually impaired, likely alleviating discrimination to some extent.
This study underwent three rounds of testing, involving visually impaired individuals, individuals related to
the visually impaired, and approximately 20 sighted participants in the workshop tests, incorporating their
experiences and insights through interviews.
The population of visually impaired individuals across
countries and regions is significant. In Japan, approxi-
mately 1.64 million visually impaired people reported
in 2007, a number expected to reach 2 million by 2030
(Yamada et al., 2010).Unfortunately, for these individ-
uals, access to everyday life and leisure activities is
often limited. For instance, children with visual im-
pairments may interact with their environment less,
which limits the educational benefits school activities
accords to them (Freeman et al., 2017). Navigating the
surroundings is a significant challenge for the visually
impaired (Regal et al., 2018), necessitating consistent
participation in spatial training and learning. Tradi-
tional methods of spatial training and learning often
rely on oral descriptions provided by an instructor prior
to actual engagement with the environment, but this
approach has certain limitations.Therefore, this study
proposes a shift toward entertainment-based and ubiq-
uitous learning. It aims to engage users through the
exploration of sound locations in a customized virtual
world, utilizing gamified learning for Orientation &
Mobility Training (O&M).
Studies exhibit that video games are an integral
part of children and youth culture. Furthermore, these
games are increasingly utilized by a growing segment
of the population, particularly young adults (average
age 25, with women accounting for 40%), and the pro-
portion of players in other age groups is also rising
(Archambault et al., 2007). However, current video
games generally lack standardized methods for convey-
ing on-screen information through non-visual means.
Consequently, individuals who cannot utilize normal
graphical interfaces, particularly those who are com-
pletely blind or have severe visual impairments (visual
acuity less than 0.05), are restricted or entirely un-
able to access this significant aspect of youth culture
(Buaud et al., 2002).
Game-based learning is defined as the use of games
as learning environments where educational content
is integrated into games, facilitating the learning pro-
cess through engagement and interaction (Plass et al.,
2015).In this study, combined with O&M Training,
Dai, C., Hirose, K., Kobayashi, M., Inagaki, S. and Kusunoki, F.
Sound Woods: An Interactive Game-Based Learning Design for Inclusive Play Between Sighted and Visually Impaired Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0012695700003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 2, pages 693-700
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Sound Woods.
we developed a tangible video game ”Sound Woods.
The field of game design for the visually impaired has
seen significant advancements in recent research. An
exemplary design is the Binaural Navigation Game,
a 3D audio game designed to enhance the abilities
of both visually impaired and sighted players, focus-
ing on training the visually impaired (Balan et al.,
2015).Another example is ”Em Busca do Santo Grau
Accessible Version, a 2D adventure game that is
designed to be multidisciplinary and customizable for
various educational levels (Neto et al., 2020). These
instances demonstrate the potential of game-base learn-
ing design for the visually impaired.
Focusing on the design problems exhibited in Table
1 and considering the solutions provided, I concentrate
on designing a game that is inherently enjoyable with-
out the need for vision. Such games exist in many
different forms, utilizing unique methods to engage
players by incorporating other senses. For example,
conversational games, tactile board games, and audio
games, among others. This project ultimately adopts
a tactile tabletop electronic game format, combined
with audio feedback for design.
Before visually impaired individuals undergo real-
world training for environmental spatial cognition,
they often form preliminary impressions based on ver-
bal descriptions from instructors. This traditional ap-
proach is somewhat limited. One of the major chal-
lenges faced by individuals with visual disabilities is
being aware of what their current position is in differ-
ent surroundings (Fa
anha et al., 2020). This game
will recreate environmental spatial sounds in a virtual
world, enabling players to train their auditory skills,
particularly ”sound localization, to learn about en-
vironmental spatial cognition. Humans can identify
the direction and location of sounds utilizing differ-
ences in the timing and amplitude of sounds reaching
their ears. By specifically, by discerning which ear the
sound reaches first and the difference in sound intensity
between the ears, the source can be perceived. This
study utilizes stereophonic technology to implement
Table 1: Design problems and solutions.
Problem Solution
For sighted individuals,
playing games designed
for the visually impaired
may seem unnecessary
in daily life, making it
challenging to engage in
these games intentionally.
Additionally, there are
concerns about fairness
in these games, as dif-
fering visual abilities can
make playing together
potentially unfair for vi-
sually impaired partici-
It would be beneficial
to reference games
that can be enjoyed
without visual ele-
ments. The design
philosophy should
shift, not forcing
sighted individuals to
experience an unseen
environment, but
rather transforming
the absence of vision
into an engaging
challenge and point
of interest in the
For visually impaired
individuals, recognizing
the position of characters
or obstacles and deter-
mining if inputs are cor-
rect can be difficult.
Use various feedback
that incorporates
sound. Aim to
provide a more
accurate sense of
distance and direction
through headphones
by stereophonizing
the sounds within the
relevant scene of the
3D spatial environment sounds, as it can clearly convey
the location of sounds. Incorporating this technology
into the game is expected to support the training and
improvement of players’ sound localization abilities.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Game play.
2.1 Game Description
In this study, the developed “Sound Woods”(Figure 1)
introduces an innovative interactive spacial learning
experience, where both visually impaired and sighted
individuals can participate together. The concept of the
game revolves around “planting” sounds in a virtual
space as seeds, where players are tasked with locating
these “seeds of sound” through active listening.
In detail, at the beginning of the game, a player
plants specific sounds into the virtual space. The op-
posing player, wearing headphones, distinguishes and
searches for these sounds’ positions within the space
utilizing stereo audio. Players then switch roles for the
next round, and the player who identifies the sounds
quicker wins.
By eliminating visual elements and focusing solely
on auditory ones, the game’s design offers a fair and
stimulating experience to both the visually impaired
and sighted players. It aims to deepen the understand-
ing and empathy for the world of those with visual
2.2 Game Play
The gameplay is divided into two main parts (Figure 2).
The first part termed ”planting sounds, involves Player
1 planting sound seeds in a physical box, aligning with
specific locations in the virtual world. The second
part, ”searching for sounds, has Player 2, wearing
headphones and utilizing the game’s 3D audio tech-
nology to perceive the distance and direction of the
sound.The objective is for Player 2 to locate the sound
seeds planted by Player 1 solely through auditory cues,
eliminating the reliance on sight.
2.3 Game System
The ”Sound Woods” game system (Figure 3) utilizes
the ESP32 to enable connection between interactive
physical elements and the computer. The system em-
ploys magnetic sensors to receive information about
where the sound seeds, crafted from clay and magnets,
are placed. This enables players to participate directly
in the game by physically planting seeds, with these
actions reflected in the virtual world of the game.
Structure of the Game System. The game system
comprises two main components; the hardware
interface and the software platform. The hard-
ware interface utilizes the ESP32 and magnetic
sensors to collect data on the placement of sound
seeds and sends this information to the software
platform. The software platform, powered by the
Unity engine, reflects this data in the virtual world,
arranging and playing back the relevant sounds
About ESP32. The ESP32 is a low-cost, low-power
microcontroller chipset which is widely utilized
in Internet of Things (IoT) projects and embedded
system applications.
Communication Principle between ESP32 or Ar-
duino and Unity: The communication between
ESP32 or Arduino and Unity utilizes serial commu-
nication protocols. This reliable method enables
efficient data transmission between the hardware
devices and computers.
Data Transmission. When a player physically
plants a sound seed, the magnetic sensor detects
this action and sends the related data to the ESP32
or Arduino. Subsequently, the ESP32 or Arduino
transmits this data to the computer through serial
Data Reception and Processing. The computer
receives data through serial communication, and
the Unity engine analyzes this data to perform the
Sound Woods: An Interactive Game-Based Learning Design for Inclusive Play Between Sighted and Visually Impaired Users
Figure 3: Game system.
Figure 4: Communication process.
placement and playback of relevant sound seeds in
the virtual world.
Feedback Provision. The Unity engine provides
visual and auditory feedback based on the place-
ment and playback of sounds, assisting players to
understand how their actions are reflected within
the game.
2.4 Communication Process
The communication process (Figure 4) occurs in real-
time, offering immediate feedback to the player, ul-
timately enhancing the gameplay experience. Addi-
tionally, this process improves the ability of visually
impaired players to participate in the game through
physical actions and interact with the virtual world
through sound.
This study collected a rich array of opinions through
three rounds of testing, involving meetings with visu-
ally impaired related researchers and a workshop that
involved 18 participants.
Figure 5: User test with Professor Hirose.
3.1 User Test with Professor Hirose
3.1.1 Method
Professor Hirose is a visually impaired cultural anthro-
pologist who is a professor at the National Museum of
Ethnology in Japan. He contributes to foundational re-
search in anthropology. His research spans the history
of religion in Japan, folklore, cultural theory of disabil-
ity, and tactile culture. The user test for this study was
conducted with Professor Hirose after an oral explana-
tion of how the game is played, followed by capturing
and analyzing his experience and opinions (Figure 5).
3.1.2 Result
With regards to the result and feedback, regarding
the gameplay, Professor Hirose understood the rules
clearly and completed a sequence of the game within
one minute. He suggested that a clear indication is
needed when a sound is found. Additionally, regarding
the significance and application scenarios of the game,
he reflected on his first experience at Hachioji Station,
noting that starting from the exit and ascending the
stairs, various sounds could be heard, and it was a
good choice to calculate distances and scenarios by
listening to these sounds. He pointed out that prior
to actual activities, the game could provide training
opportunities for visually impaired individuals.
3.2 Workshop at the National Museum
of Ethnology
3.2.1 Method
In the workshop conducted at the National Museum
of Ethnology in Osaka (Figure 6), approximately 20
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Overview of participants.
Number Sex Average Age
18 F(10) M(8) 39.5
Figure 6: Workshop at the National Museum of Ethnology.
sighted individuals participated, and 18 valid question-
naires were collected (Table 2). During the workshop,
researchers explained the game’s rules verbally with a
demonstration that was carried out. participants were
then paired up to take turns simulating visual impair-
ment during the test.
3.2.2 Result
As for the results, the survey data (Tables 3, 4) indi-
cates that the satisfaction with the game’s feedback
method was moderate, and the participants’ under-
standing of the game rules was good. The evaluation
of the sound design was also moderate, with sugges-
tions made for the addition of everyday sounds like
the crunch of potato chips, sneezing, animal calls, and
musical instruments.
3.3 Meeting with Professor Kobayashi
from Tsukuba University of
3.3.1 Method
During the meeting with Professor Kobayashi from
Tsukuba University of Technology, which caters to stu-
dents with visual and hearing impairments, he shared
numerous suggestions and related research insights.
These contributions stemmed from his experience with
”Sound Woods,” involving the participation of a visu-
ally impaired student.
3.3.2 Result
Professor Kobayashi’s feedback and advice included
the following proposals:
When utilizing only a keyboard, it’s not possible
to know the absolute position (which row and col-
umn). Utilzing a slider or other tangible objects
could be a better solution. Alternatively, inform
the player of their position during the response.
Additionally, each cell could be changed into a
physical button, with the player identifying the
sound by pressing the button.
Considering the integration the game with exist-
ing ones, Professor Kobayashi demonstrated a Go
game designed specifically for the visually im-
paired. This demonstration exhibits a clever design
for board games tailored for individuals with visual
This study describes the development of a tangible
video game called the ”Sound Woods, designed to
bridge the experiential gap between visually impaired
and sighted players. For visually impaired individuals,
we developed a game that employs auditory learning
through sound localization, which is crucial for envi-
ronmental spatial cognition.
The effectiveness of the system was evaluated uti-
lizing a questionnaire consisting of detailed queries
on usability, learning outcomes, and social interaction.
Positive responses indicated that the game succeeded
in its educational intent, as participants demonstrated
improved skills in auditory localization and enhanced
environmental awareness.
The results of user tests revealed that the game has
the potential to offer social, educational, and technical
benefits. While still in its early prototype phase, the
game aims to create an inclusive gaming environment
for both visually impaired and sighted individuals, pro-
moting equality and accessibility. It seeks to reduce
discrimination and support auditory training. Addi-
tionally, it broadens the scope of game interactions
and incorporates innovative gaming interfaces, thereby
enriching the gaming experience.
Participants reported that the game was engaging
and showed potential as a learning tool, highlighting its
role in promoting unique social interactions. The game
was effective in providing an inclusive experience, as
sighted players also reported a deeper understanding
and empathy for the visually impaired. The results
of the questionnaire also suggest that there are many
areas for improvement in the game, such as the need
for better differentiation in game difficulty levels, and
the introduction of a wider variety of sounds from
Sound Woods: An Interactive Game-Based Learning Design for Inclusive Play Between Sighted and Visually Impaired Users
Table 3: Results of Questionnaire Part 1.
Question 1 2 3 4 5 Num AVR.
Q1: Are you satisfied with the feedback and hints provided regarding sounds
within the game?
0 6 5 3 4 18 3.28
Q2: Was the mechanism of planting sounds and using them for navigation within
the game easy to understand?
0 1 5 6 6 18 3.94
Q3: After closing your eyes, did you feel the sound effects in the game suffi-
ciently conveyed the environment and scenes?
0 3 10 2 3 18 3.28
Q4: Do you think the difficulty level in the game is appropriate? 0 5 3 6 4 18 3.50
Q5: Are you satisfied with the variety and timbre of sounds in the game? 0 0 4 8 6 18 4.11
Q6:Did you think ”Sound Woods” would help to discover new methods of
communication with visually impaired individuals?
0 3 8 5 2 18 3.33
Q7: This game is designed to be played without relying on sight, are you satisfied
with your experience so far?
0 1 3 7 4 15 3.93
1-5: score. 1: Not at all, 2: Not much, 3: Neutral, 4: Somewhat, 5: Very
Table 4: Results of Questionnaire Part 2.
Q10:Do you see potential for this game in the fields of education, entertainment, or social interaction? Please share
any other comments, ideas, or suggestions you might have.
User Answer
USER1 I like the idea of planting sounds. Looking forward to improvements on explaining the rules better.
The idea of planting sounds was innovative, like sounds of eating chips or musical instruments.
Making magnets in the shape of sprouts seems fun.
It was challenging to differentiate among the three types of sounds. Completely different sounds
would be easier to distinguish.
USER4 There is potential for application.
Moving randomly seemed to end the game; more digital movement could make the game more
USER6 The search for sound sources reminded me of TREASURE IN DARK at Teikyo University.
USER8 Enjoying the game together was fun, and the controls were user-friendly.
USER9 High difficulty for sighted people was interesting; adding animal sounds might be good.
USER10 -
USER11 -
Adjusting the game level by choosing the sound volume with more or fewer seeds could be interesting.
Other sounds, like those in a station, could be engaging.
USER13 The game was enjoyable once the rules were clear.
USER14 -
USER15 -
USER16 -
USER17 Increasing the variety of sounds would be better.
USER18 -
-: no answer.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
everyday life in the virtual game world to enhance
Professor Hirose, participating as a visually im-
paired individual, affirmed the game’s extensive appli-
cability, particularly its utility in spatial training for
the visually impaired. Prior to navigating unfamiliar
environments, such as new train stations, users could
leverage the game’s simulation of spatial audio cues in
a virtual setting for preparatory learning. This feature
underscores the game’s potential as a practical tool for
real-world orientation and mobility training for visu-
ally impaired users, demonstrating the game’s capacity
to extend beyond entertainment and into practical ap-
The results of this study also suggest that integrat-
ing the learning component into gaming can enhance
the accessibility and educational value of games for
the visually impaired. These findings establish the po-
tential of tactile video games as a medium for inclusive
education and entertainment.
The aim of this study is to develop accessible game-
based learning experiences that serve as effective plat-
forms while promoting social inclusion. By imple-
menting such a system, we aspire to enhance the eq-
uity of the gaming landscape, providing opportunities
for entertainment, education, and meaningful social
interaction to both visually impaired and sighted indi-
In future work, ”Sound Woods” will focus on fur-
ther expanding its capabilities as a game-based learn-
ing tool for spatial orientation and mobility training.
Key developments will include:
Enhanced Sound Design. To better replicate real
environments and therefore improve spatial cogni-
tion learning, the game will offer a more extensive
selection of sounds for players to place in the vir-
tual space. This could involve providing a broader
range of environmental sounds or increasing the
size of the playable area by adding more sensors.
Such enhancements will allow for a more realistic
and immersive auditory experience, aiding in the
development of spatial awareness and navigation
Advanced Tactile Interfaces. The integration of
advanced tactile interfaces will aim to provide a
more engaging and interactive experience. By im-
plementing haptic feedback systems, players will
be able to experience different textures and vibra-
tions, which will enhance their understanding of
the virtual environment and add a new dimension
to the learning experience.
Customizable Difficulty Levels. Recognizing the
varied abilities and experiences of its players,
”Sound Woods” will include customizable diffi-
culty settings. This feature will ensure that the
game remains appropriately challenging and edu-
cational for all players, adapting to their specific
needs and skill levels.
Educational Content Integration. The game will
integrate real-world spatial environments that re-
quire navigational learning, or combine story-
telling, such as recreating the space inside a castle
from a movie. This approach will not only make
the learning experience more engaging but also
provide cultural and interesting context, making
”Sound Woods” an innovative tool for spacial learn-
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 22H00078, 22H01068. The evaluation work-
shop was supported by the National Museum of Eth-
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CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education