Six Board Roles for Information Security Governance
Sara Nodehi
, Tim Huygh
and Laury Bollen
Information Science, Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Information Security (InfoSec), Board of Directors, Governance, Accountability.
Abstract: As cyber threats evolve, board engagement is becoming increasingly essential to ensure Information Security
(InfoSec) is integrated into an organization's strategic fabric, ensuring the protection of business value. Only
through board-level active participation can the organization develop a security-conscious culture. Ultimately,
board commitment to InfoSec helps reduce risks, maintain stakeholder trust, and ensure long-term success.
However, little is yet known about the board's exact role in Infosec. Leveraging a framework from corporate
governance literature identifying board roles, and drawing parallels with extant InfoSec literature, this paper
explores board-level involvement in InfoSec in greater depth, leading to the identification and description of
the board of directors' roles in this context. Moreover, the paper identifies a future research agenda to be
pursued in an empirical setting to contribute to the growth of knowledge regarding board-level InfoSec
In this era of increasingly complex and
interconnected technologies, addressing InfoSec
issues requires more senior management and board
involvement (Girn, 2022). The ability of senior
managers and boards to assess a company holistically
and implement new processes in a timely manner has
led academics to advocate that effective security
policies should be developed at the top rather than by
the InfoSec department, typically spearheaded by a
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
(McFadzean et al., 2007). While several papers such
as Bobbert and Mulder (2015); Larcker et al. (2017);
McFadzean et al. (2007); Williams (2007) suggest
that the involvement of the board of directors is
necessary for adequate InfoSec governance, the
literature regarding the role of the board of directors
in InfoSec is limited and no literature to date
explicitly discusses how the board of directors should
act and what their exact roles are. While InfoSec
literature does discuss board-level aspects, it is often
passingly mentioned, leading to fragmented insights
on board-level Infosec governance throughout the
InfoSec literature. To understand the board's potential
role in InfoSec theoretical pluralism is necessary, as
this role may span technology, human behavior, legal
and regulatory aspects, risk management, and more
(Bolourian et al., 2021; Попов & Макеева, 2022). In
other words, multiple theories may be relevant as a
lens to develop a good and complete understanding of
the multi-faceted concept of board-level InfoSec
As opposed to InfoSec literature, corporate
governance literature has put a significant emphasis
on the role of the board of directors. According to
Nicholson and Newton (2010), there is a wide range
of ways in which researchers such as Mintzberg
(1983), Hillman and Dalziel (2003), Zahra and Pearce
(1989), and Hung (1998) conceptualize the board's
role set in governance. Hence, in the first stage of this
research, we explored existing models on the role of
the board of directors that have been discussed in
corporate governance literature and analyzed their
suitability for defining and describing board roles in
the context of InfoSec.
While discussing these competing models is out
of scope for this short paper, we settled to draw on
Hung (1998)'s model for two major reasons. First, it
considers both an institutional and contingency
Nodehi, S., Huygh, T. and Bollen, L.
Six Board Roles for Information Security Governance.
DOI: 10.5220/0012695900003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 713-720
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
perspective, which both are relevant in an InfoSec
context, and second, the model satisfies the
abovementioned need for theoretical pluralism by
discussing the board roles using six well-known
(managerial) theories (i.e., Resource Dependency
Theory (RDT), Stakeholder Theory, Agency Theory,
Stewardship Theory, Institutional Theory, and
Managerial Hegemony). As such, this model creates
a solid foundation for identifying six potential roles
of the board of directors in the field of InfoSec,
rigorously grounded in theory.
Drawing upon the seminal corporate governance
model advanced by Hung (1998), our current
scholarly inquiry undertakes a comprehensive
exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of board
involvement in InfoSec initiatives. Rooted in
established managerial paradigms, the study
delineates six distinct roles assumed by boards in the
realm of InfoSec, leveraging insights gleaned from
extant InfoSec literature. As a result of a systematic
analysis based on theoretical foundations, each role is
meticulously analyzed, revealing nuanced insights
into the mechanisms boards can use to mitigate cyber
threats and strengthen organizational resilience.
Thus, this investigation endeavors to enrich our
understanding of the intricate interplay between
board dynamics and InfoSec governance, thereby
furnishing a conceptual framework that elucidates the
imperative of board engagement in safeguarding the
digital infrastructure of modern enterprises.
The remainder of the paper successively discusses
each of these roles as identified by Hung (1998)., This
way, the paper explores board-level involvement in
InfoSec in depth, leading to the identification and
description of the board of directors' roles in this
The first board role is the linking role, which is
underpinned by the RDT (Hung, 1998). RDT has
primarily focused on how directors attract resources
for their firms and how they interact with key
stakeholders like policymakers and suppliers to create
competitive advantages. In other words, RDT focuses
on the relationship the company has with external
resources, the board's contributions to the process,
and the control and management of resources
(Oliveira et al., 2022). According to Sánchez et al.
(2017), a board's ability to understand and govern
complex businesses is required to implement the
linking role. This role requires a variety of
backgrounds, either derived from board members’
education and experience or from their analysis of the
relationship between directors and external agents. In
the context of InfoSec, the linking role of the board
revolves around three issues: resource acquisition,
Inter-Organizational Relationships (IOR), and
regulatory compliance.
First, organizations may not always have the
tools, resources, and capabilities to deal with complex
security incidents or attacks. So, large corporations
increasingly outsource core and non-core activities.
Outsourcing can be challenging due to foreign
employees' limited control and knowledge (Hamlen
& Thuraisingham, 2013). According to Abawajy et
al. (2008), global outsourcing (offshore) and using a
third-party in-house organization to deliver InfoSec
(onshore) has been cited as one of the main InfoSec
challenges. As organizations rush to take advantage
of outsourcing, they often underestimate the security
challenges posed by a global sourcing environment.
There will be laws, regulations, compliance issues,
cultural differences, and perceptions about security,
privacy, and network protection when outsourcing
around the world. According to RDT, boards should
maintain strong and consistent security programs
regardless of ethos, legislation, or compliance
requirements (Abawajy et al., 2008).
Second, the complexity of the IOR process makes
it difficult to allocate accountability, responsibility,
and decision rights across multiple owners of
resources, systems, and processes as the organization
engages in IOR. This also pertains to enhancing and
safeguarding the quality and value of the services
delivered (Grant & Tan, 2013). According to
Carminati et al. (2018), although IOR collaboration
can be beneficial, it can also pose serious privacy and
security risks, primarily due to weak trust
relationships among the collaborating parties, which
could lead to a lack of trust in how data/operations are
handled. InfoSec is often a collaborative process
involving vendors, service providers, and
government entities, not just internal operations.
Taking into consideration RDT, it is imperative that
boards identify their external dependencies to
enhance cybersecurity by establishing, maintaining,
and enhancing the IOR.
Third, compliance with regulatory requirements is
often cited as an indicator of improved performance
and accountability (Tashi, 2009). According to Haber
et al. (2022), regulatory compliance measures enforce
good cybersecurity hygiene, but without good
processes, personnel, training, automation, and
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
diligence, an organization is vulnerable. External
auditors provide assistance beyond certification to
evaluate accounting procedures and assess internal
controls (Chorafas, 2001). In corporate governance,
Rubaya-Tolibas (2017) emphasizes the role of
external auditors in verifying the fairness and
reliability of financial statements and increasing
transparency. This is why external auditors,
consultants, and regulatory bodies may be needed by
organizations. Following RDT, organizations should
identify their dependencies in terms of InfoSec
compliance, and should limit external dependency
where critical resources are involved and manage
external dependency when required (Straub et al.,
The second board role is the coordinating role, which
is underpinned by Stakeholder Theory (Hung, 1998).
According to Stakeholder Theory, considering
stakeholder relations at board level can better address
the need to balance the demands and expectations of
various stakeholders (Parmar et al., 2010). To create
and distribute stakeholder value, executives must
manage and shape these relationships. Executives are
responsible for addressing stakeholder interests while
creating more value for them. Managers must find
ways to make trade-offs and then improve those
trade-offs for all stakeholders. Even though
stakeholder relationships are crucial to businesses'
survival and growth in capitalist societies, they are
also moral endeavours involving issues of choice,
value, and harm. By emphasizing stakeholder
relationships and the coordinating role, boards can
better create value and avoid moral failures (Freeman
et al., 2010). As Pavlović and Tot (2020) emphasize,
among the stakeholders with the greatest influence
over Infosec are shareholders, managers, employees,
unions, and other internal stakeholders. There is
growing conflict and increasing complexity in the
current security environment, which implies that as
there are more stakeholders, security concerns may
emerge and grow (ŞENGÖZ, 2022). According to
Seltsikas and Soyref (2013), engaging key
stakeholders and understanding the organizational
context are critical to effective InfoSec. Drawing on
Stakeholder Theory, the board is responsible for
ensuring transparency and accountability in InfoSec,
including rigorous reporting of security-related
matters and communicating the actions taken.
The third board role is the control role, which is
underpinned by Agency Theory (Hung, 1998).
Agency Theory can be applied to understanding
corporate governance phenomena and conflicts of
interest between agents and principals, emphasizing
monitoring and incentive alignment systems to curb
opportunistic behavior costs (Payne & Petrenko,
2019). Musaali (2010) stresses the importance of
addressing conflicts of interests among directors and
managers, as well as clearly distinguishing chairman
and chief executive duties. In InfoSec, a board's
control role revolves around accountability and
monitoring, contractual relationships, and designing
effective governance mechanisms.
First, as cyberattacks become more sophisticated,
boards need to oversee cyber risk management so that
companies are protected (Al Balushi, 2017). By
monitoring continuously, organizations can ensure
continuity, prevent threats, respond to risks, and
recover without disrupting their business operations
(AlGhamdi et al., 2020). This involves tracking
security incidents, audits, and determining security
effectiveness through key performance indicators
(KPIs). For instance, using a systematic mapping
study, Cadena et al. (2020) identifies metrics and
indicators related to security incident management
costs, quality, and service. To enhance asset
protection strategies, Tyson (2011) discusses process-
oriented and outcome-oriented metrics that measure
security performance and incident rates. An InfoSec
measurement infrastructure for KPI visualization is
proposed by Hajdarevic et al. (2012) for continuous
improvement of an organization's InfoSec
Management System.
Second, organizations increasingly hire outside
firms to maintain their IT. It's often difficult for these
organizations to monitor contracted services and
software. Information systems and data of
organizations are often at risk due to contractors'
uncontrolled and insecure access. Thus, organizations
must manage contractor access and secure it (Allen et
al., 1988). To identify and manage third-party risks,
Andress and Leary (2015) advocate integrating
InfoSec into contract management processes. In
particular, Franqueira et al. (2013) suggest that
organizations must establish proper oversight,
integrate InfoSec into contract management, evaluate
and negotiate security agreements, and specify
responsibilities and compliance measures when
creating contracts. By defining the responsibilities
Six Board Roles for Information Security Governance
and expectations of third parties in an agency theory-
based contract, boards can be more effective.
Third, in Corriss (2010)' view, InfoSec
governance needs to be incorporated into the culture
of the organization from top to bottom, resulting in
overall alignment. A misalignment of top-level
management's governance approach and lower-level
employment relationships can lead to adverse
consequences for employees (Franqueira et al., 2013).
In board-level governance, Posthumus and von Solms
(2008) proposes using Agency Theory as a theoretical
framework to improve alignment between InfoSec
and business users. To protect data and systems,
executives and boards often need to take a top-down
approach to InfoSec. Using Agency Theory and board
control, security managers and employees can be
guided by an effective governance mechanism to act
in the organization's best interests.
The fourth board role is the strategic role, which is
underpinned by Stewardship Theory (Hung, 1998).
While Agency Theory assumes agents and principals
act in their own self-interests, Stewardship Theory
assumes managers are committed to the
organization's success (Antón, 2010). It believes that
executives and managers share a common interest as
stewards of a company's resources. According to
Gelfond et al. (2017), companies, whether public or
private, are stewarded by their boards of directors
who are responsible for selecting and supervising
management, setting company strategy, and
identifying and monitoring risks. As per Stewardship
Theory, boards must safeguard organization interests
and information assets, and govern InfoSec
effectively, transparently, ethically, and over the long
term. The board's strategic role revolves around four
issues in InfoSec: setting the tone for InfoSec,
organizational culture, employee behaviour and
motivation, and ethical considerations.
First, top executives should develop security
policies since they can evaluate organizations
holistically and ensure new systems and procedures
are implemented on time (McFadzean et al., 2007). It
is the board's responsibility to create an organization's
security culture, to educate employees via e.g. SETA
programs on InfoSec, and to empower them to protect
assets. Kárász and Kollár (2020) emphasize the
importance of leadership in developing InfoSec
awareness, which includes commitment, example-
setting, and responsible decision-making. Integrating
security into the organization's culture starts with
everyday security concerns, and gradually introduces
more policies over time (Corriss, 2010). Creating a
culture of data security and asset protection requires
the board's strategic role.
Second, an organization's culture is also crucial to
InfoSec's success, in addition to security awareness
and controls (Koskosas et al., 2011). In order to
ensure the correct attitude towards security
responsibilities, Van Niekerk (2005) recommends
educating employees and establishing a corporate
subculture of InfoSec. A culture that fosters
compliance with information policies leads to better
InfoSec (Tang et al., 2016). Mahfuth et al. (2017) also
believes that having a strong InfoSec culture can
enable employees to act as "human firewalls"
protecting the organization's information assets.
Psychological ownership leads to more secure
behaviour. Stewardship cultures promote employee
ownership of assets and data, resulting in improved
security compliance (Ogbanufe et al., 2021).
Third, people's behavior has been repeatedly
identified as one of the primary causes of policy
failure (Kappelman et al., 2021). In other words, end
users are InfoSec's weakest link. Using Stewardship
Theory, Ogbanufe (2018) explored empirically and
theoretically how psychological ownership affects
InfoSec Stewardship behavior. According to Son
(2011), researchers have relied on extrinsic
motivation to explain employee rule-following
behavior related to security in the past, whereas
intrinsic motivation is capable of explaining
employee rule-following behavior related to security
in their organizations. Organizations can motivate its
employees by creating a supportive culture, providing
training, and designing motivating jobs (Sikolia &
Biros, 2016).
Fourth, the biggest challenge in Infosec is not
making ethical decisions, but recognizing them
(Fleischmann, 2010). Kaur et al. (2017) emphasizes
the responsibility of company boards in
implementing ethical behavior across policies and
procedures. According to Kjaer (2021), to ensure a
sound and healthy culture within the organization, the
board is responsible for setting organizational values
and ethical standards. Schwartz et al. (2005) also
emphasizes that directors are responsible for
oversight of an organization's ethics and compliance
programs, and that their ethical role sets a high
standard at the top.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The fifth board role is the maintenance role, which is
underpinned by Institutional Theory (Hung, 1998).
The Institutional Theory assumes that human
behavior shapes institutions (behavior, perceptions,
power, policy preferences, decision-making
processes), as well as influencing them.
Organizations must adapt to their institutional
environment, which consists of norms, rules, and
understandings about acceptable or normal behavior
(Diogo et al., 2015). The rules and structures within
an institutional environment influence organizational
practices. Organizations, in Institutional Theory, are
seen as embedded within broader societal and
industry contexts rather than being isolated (Najeeb,
2014). The board must protect the organization from
external influences while keeping it legitimate and
relevant. How formal organizational structures spread
can be explained by Institutional Theory (David et al.,
2019). In InfoSec, the board's maintenance role
revolves around three issues: compliance and
regulations, norms and standards, and legitimacy and
First, consumers, patients, and the general public
are protected by InfoSec laws. Different laws and
standards apply to organizations depending on their
country and/or industry sector (Lincke, 2015). Baran
(2021) discusses the principles of legal regulation
concerning InfoSec, such as the presumption of
security for critical infrastructures. Intellectual
property, privacy, and investigations are included
among the legal concepts discussed by Conrad et al.
(2014). Thus, board members should follow security
regulations, understand legal principles, and manage
privacy concerns as part of their maintenance role.
Second, for guiding security strategies and
ensuring compliance with regulations, Trinca (2015)
emphasizes the importance of industry standards and
guidelines. According to Solms (1999), InfoSec
management standards play an important role in
ensuring appropriate levels of InfoSec among
business partners. Tofan (2011) points out that
standards allow security systems to be compared
internationally on the basis of a common reference. In
Caldwell (2013)'s view, organizations often need to
meet security standards, either to ensure compliance
or to reassure partners and clients. The board
determines and implements industry standards and
best practices to guide security strategies and enforces
them to maintain legitimacy. Drawing on Institutional
Theory, organizations and their boards can
understand why ISO 27001 and NIST guidelines
shape their security policies.
Third, Infosec is often needed not just for
protection but also to preserve an organization's
legitimacy and reputation. InfoSec affects IT
usability, and the experience users have with their
systems. Having a non-functional InfoSec service can
irreparably harm an organization's reputation
(Naicker & Mafaiti, 2019). According to Syed and
Dhillon (2015), the impact of data breaches is felt on
multiple dimensions of organization's reputation
related to InfoSec, varying attributions, and
sentiments on social media. The consequences of data
breaches can be severe, including reputational
damage and financial losses (Ray, 2022; Sinanaj &
Muntermann, 2013). Taking responsibility for
reputation risk is a formal function of boards. For
corporate boards to oversee reputation risk
management, Tonello (2007) recommends having a
program to address stakeholder relations issues. For
the organization's reputation to be protected, the
board must ensure the security practices are
The sixth and final board role is the support role,
which is underpinned by Managerial Hegemony
(Hung, 1998). The board needs substantial security
expertise to fulfil its various roles in InfoSec.
Hartmann and Carmenate (2021), however, highlight
a serious lack of IT expertise on boards that may
result in inadequate InfoSec governance. In most of
today's organizations, cyber security is recognized,
and specialist skills are in demand (Furnell & Bishop,
2020). Thus, companies have appointed technology
experts, created technology committees, and assigned
audit responsibilities to deal with InfoSec issues
(Hartmann & Carmenate, 2021). This creates a
complex relationship between the board and the
InfoSec specialists, particularly the CISO. In this
context, Hooper and McKissack (2016) discuss the
evolving role of the CISO and the necessity for
effective communication between the CISO and the
board of directors. In addition, Short and Carandang
(2022) outline how CISOs have evolved into business
leaders that are able to influence board members
through marketing and communication skills.
Cybersecurity guidance is often provided by CISOs
since most board members lack cybersecurity
expertise. In these cases, Sharpe (2012) argues,
Six Board Roles for Information Security Governance
governance issues may not be controlled by boards
effectively, and management decisions will
determine the outcomes of decisions at the corporate
level. In other words, managerial hegemony exists, a
situation in which board members are leaving
decisions that should be made at the board level to
specialists at the management level. Following the
discussion as outlined in previous sections of this
paper, boards, particularly in a highly complex and
volatile environment like InfoSec, should be vigilant
against managerial hegemony and take appropriate
responsibility for InfoSec issues. As such, InfoSec
board roles need to be better understood in the first
place and even though this short paper provides an
initial overview, more research is needed.
The use of Hung (1998)'s model in InfoSec literature
to outline the six board roles provides a valuable
framework for understanding and improving InfoSec
governance. Boards can use this approach to create a
structured mental model that helps them navigate the
complexities of InfoSec and take up accountability
and responsibility in an environment characterized by
evolving cybersecurity threats and regulations. The
explicit definition of roles leads to a shared
understanding among organizational leaders,
fostering a collaborative culture around InfoSec.
Furthermore, it allows for comparison and
identification of best practices among organizations,
which helps establish industry standards. In the end,
these insights enhance both theoretical and practical
knowledge, helping to strengthen InfoSec in a rapidly
evolving digital landscape.
In future empirical work, we will validate and
assess the accuracy of board members' roles through
discussions with board members and (security)
executives, including CISOs. By analyzing case
studies from high-reliability organizations and
critical infrastructure providers, we will gain insight
into the practices of effective InfoSec governance and
management in high-risk environments. Their
importance for the national critical infrastructure is
expected to provide valuable insights into how boards
address security challenges in such a context. The
reliability of these organizations will improve the
credibility and applicability of findings, enhancing
the overall validity and practical relevance of our
research. As a continuation of the case studies, this
study will use a contingency perspective to assess the
importance of the board’s role in InfoSec. Therefore,
we will organize focus groups to explore
organizational characteristics such as leadership style
style (Turel et al., 2017) and IT's strategic role (Turel
& Bart, 2014) to understand their influence on board
roles. The synthesis of findings derived from both
case studies and focus groups is envisaged to
culminate in a comprehensive understanding of the
dynamic interplay and inherent significance
associated with board-level involvement in InfoSec.
With the integration of these diverse research
streams, this work attempts to provide a nuanced
perspective that enhances theoretical discourse and
also provides practical insights that can help
organizations improve strategic decision-making
regarding InfoSec.
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