within the SCRUM process. The automated MPED-
SCRUM framework includes three modules based on
the in-depth change evaluation process that support
the requirement change evaluation at functional and
structural levels. The change evaluation process is
based on measuring the size of requirements changes
requests that are expressed in the form of user stories
at both functional and structural levels. The
knowledge of the change size helps in prioritizing and
evaluating changes, and finally making the right
decision about accept, deny or delete such changes. It
can be used by Scrum master, development teams to
meet clients’ changes requests at different levels of
details. For further works, we deploy this framework
particularly the second module as an API to be
integrated into the most famous automated
Framework like JIRA or any other developed
solutions for software organizations. Futures works
will be focused in using the artificial intelligence as
the Smartest automated tool for Decision Makers.
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