chitecture. Efficiently refactoring the data clumps
model smell is crucial for improving code maintain-
ability and readability. This practice helps eliminate
redundancy, enhances code structure, and promotes a
more modular and scalable design, leading to a more
maintainable and adaptable software system. How-
ever, not all instances of these data clumps model
smell are created equal, necessitating a systematic ap-
proach to prioritize and address the most critical is-
sues first, for instance by refactoring. Thus, efficiently
refactoring the data clumps model smell (e.g. by pri-
oritizing) is crucial for enhancing code quality, sim-
plifying maintenance, and promoting scalability.
In the aforesaid context, this paper explores the
considerations in prioritizing for efficiently refactor-
ing the data clumps model smell and provides the fol-
lowing novel contributions.
• The importance and benefits of addressing the
data clumps model smell is outlined. The need for
prioritizing data clumps refactoring is discussed.
• Qualitative and quantitative criteria for identify-
ing data clumps are elaborated. The metrics
to measure the quantitative criteria are described
with examples.
• A systematic, customizable, simple but effec-
tive method of a weighted attribute system with
threshold-based priority assignment for systemat-
ically prioritizing data clumps model smells is dis-
• An experimental evaluation of the proposed
method for the quantitative criteria is presented.
In summary, the approach presented in this pa-
per offers a systematic and customizable method for
prioritizing data clumps model smell, providing de-
velopers with valuable insights into critical areas that
require attention. By combining attribute weighting,
threshold-based priority assignment and sorting, our
approach contributes to improved code maintenance
practices and overall code quality. The flexibility of
the system allows for seamless integration into di-
verse software development environments. Further,
the proposed considerations aim to provide a practical
guide for software practitioners seeking to enhance
the overall quality and sustainability of their software
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Next to this introduction section, related work
is presented in section 2 and explaining the need for
prioritizing data clumps refactoring. The qualitative
and quantitative factors for identifying data clumps
are outlined in section 3. Experimental results are
discussed in section 4. Conclusion and insights for
future work are presented in section 5.
In this section, related work on model smells in gen-
eral, data clumps model smells in model represen-
tations (e.g. UML diagrams) and prioritization ap-
proaches for code/model smells are discussed. Based
on a survey of the related work in the literature, some
key insights on benefits of addressing data clumps
model smell and the need for prioritizing data clumps
refactoring are also outlined briefly.
2.1 Model Smell
The idea of model smell was elaborately discussed in
(Eessaar and K
aosaar, 2019). In this paper, a model
smell is defined as an indication of potential technical
debt in system development, hindering understanding
and maintenance; this paper presents a catalogue of
46 model smells, highlighting their general applica-
bility beyond code smells, with examples grounded
in system analysis models.
Model smells appear in various model represen-
tations, such as UML
, Simulink
, and LabVIEW
highlighting their prevalence across popular mod-
elling platforms. In the literature, several approaches
are proposed for model smell detection, underlin-
ing the ongoing efforts to address these issues in di-
verse modelling contexts. For instance, in (Doan and
Gogolla, 2019) an enhanced version of a custom-
defined tool incorporating reflective queries, metric
measurement, smell detection and quality assessment
features for UML representations is presented. In this
work, design smells are stored as XML files, each en-
try containing elements like name, description, type,
severity, definition, and context. However, an ex-
perimental evaluation is not provided in this paper.
In (Popoola and Gray, 2021), an analysis of smell
evolution and maintenance tasks in Simulink mod-
els reveals that larger models show more smell types,
increased smell instances correlate with model size,
and bad smells are primarily introduced during ini-
tial construction. It was inferred that adaptive mainte-
nance tasks tend to increase smells, while corrective
maintenance tasks often reduce smells in Simulink
models. Similarly, in (Zhao et al., 2021), a survey-
based empirical evaluation of bad model smells in
LabVIEW system models is presented. The study
explores model smells specific to LabVIEW systems
models, revealing diverse perceptions influenced by
Considerations in Prioritizing for Efficiently Refactoring the Data Clumps Model Smell: A Preliminary Study