Departments). These interviews serve a dual purpose.
Firstly, they contribute to the development of a gov-
ernance maturity model specifically tailored for the
French academic context. This model is partly based
on insights gained from these interviews. Secondly,
the interviews are instrumental in identifying effective
mechanisms for establishing a dynamic, multi-level
governance architecture, a crucial aspect for evolving
academic environments.
In the realm of governance, a pivotal focus should
be placed on data literacy. This concept extends be-
yond mere skill acquisition. It encompasses a broader
understanding and contextual application of data. It
involves cultivating a mindset that recognizes the
strategic value of data, encouraging individuals to
think critically about how data can be utilized effec-
tively within their specific roles and projects. This
aspect of data literacy is about developing a deeper,
more nuanced appreciation of data’s role in decision-
making, problem-solving, and innovation. It’s about
empowering individuals to not just use data tools and
techniques, but to understand the implications of data
in the broader context of their work, the organiza-
tion’s goals, and even societal impacts. This holistic
approach to data literacy facilitates a culture where
data is not just a tool, but a fundamental component
of strategic thinking and planning.
This work was supported by a French govern-
ment grant managed by the Agence Nationale de
la Recherche (ANR) under the “Investissements
d’avenir program”, reference ANR-20-IDES-0001.
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