Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University
Guy Melançon
1 a
, Nathalie Pinède
2,3 b
and Ugo Verdi
1,3 c
Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, LaBRI, UMR 5800, F-33400 Talence, France
Univ. Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, IMS, UMR 5218, F-33400 Talence, France
MICA - Médiation, Information, Communication, Art, MSHA – 10 Esplanade des Antilles, 33607 Pessac, France
Data Governance, French Universities, Collegiality, Subsidiarity Principle, Inter-Organizational
Collaboration, Multi-Tiered Governance.
This position paper highlights the distinctive features of French universities that render data governance within
these institutions a particularly challenging endeavor. These universities inherently operate in an exception-
ally open milieu, necessitating the conceptualization of governance as a dynamic and adaptable framework
that converges seamlessly with the governance structures of other institutions. The principle of collegiality
further mandates a distributed approach to data governance, encompassing responsibilities, rules, and proce-
dures across various levels of management. Moreover, it is essential to reevaluate the conventional viewpoint
that segregates administrative tasks from research and teaching functions. Our findings underscore the ne-
cessity for developing and executing a dynamic, multi-tiered data governance model that integrates the three
fundamental missions of universities. Given the intrinsic nature of French universities, it is imperative to
envisage governance as an evolving ecosystem of agents who assume complementary responsibilities in a har-
monized manner.
In the current era, characterized by a data-intensive
landscape (Bouchez, 2014) and an innovation-driven
knowledge economy (Wessels et al., 2017), universi-
ties emerge as pivotal contributors to research. Their
role is further accentuated by the imperative of sus-
tainability (Musselin, 2006). Like all organizations,
they must anchor their strategic and managerial de-
cisions in the analysis of data that encapsulates their
operations. This goal, propelled by the generation and
utilization of data, necessitates the development of ro-
bust data governance within these institutions.
While some Anglo-Saxon universities have al-
ready established data governance frameworks
, their
French counterparts appear to be in a state of catch-
up, often contingent upon centralized regulatory di-
Examples include University of Wisconsin-Madison,
University of Michigan, New York University, Oxford Uni-
versity, University of San Francisco, University of Toronto
and University of Washington.
rectives. The adoption of “corporate” models of data
governance, frequently based on DMBOK guidelines
(DAMA International, 2017), might not be entirely
suitable for French universities. This mismatch un-
derscores the ongoing efforts to revamp their manage-
rial structures (Mignot-Gérard et al., 2023) and high-
lights the need for a tailored approach to data gover-
nance in this specific milieu.
A deeper understanding of the context and oper-
ations within academic settings will lay the ground-
work for developing a dual-purposed methodology:
firstly, to establish data governance, detailing its ar-
chitecture and operations, and secondly, to assess it by
evaluating the maturity level of the institution’s data
governance practices.
This position paper delves into the unique charac-
teristics of French universities, positioning data gov-
ernance as a significant and distinct case study. Our
analysis is grounded in the experience of the Uni-
versity of Bordeaux, which is currently implement-
ing data governance strategies. We pay particular at-
tention to the ANR ACT initiative (ACT stands for
Augmented university for Campus and world Tran-
sition”, the project being funded by the French Na-
Melançon, G., Pinède, N. and Verdi, U.
Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System.
DOI: 10.5220/0012699300003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 733-738
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tional Research Agency), a pioneering project that en-
compasses a suite of strategic institutional projects,
all dedicated to the principles and practices of data
In our examination, we critically analyze French uni-
versities as distinct entities, underscoring traits that
not only set them apart from the corporate sector but
also render the French university system unique in
its essence. Despite recent significant transformations
within these institutions, French universities continue
to navigate the delicate balance between striving for
autonomy and adhering to the mandates of a central-
ized state (Vinokur, 2008; Musselin, 2017). This in-
tricate dynamic results in specific demands for data
governance that are unique to the French context
(Pierronnet and Blanchard, 2021). This duality of in-
dependence and state directives shapes the framework
within which these universities must operate, influ-
encing their approach to managing and utilizing data.
2.1 Interconnected Governance: The
Open and Collaborative Structure
of French Universities
The organizational complexity of French universities
often astonishes those unfamiliar with the system. A
hallmark of these institutions is their collaboration
with a variety of supervisory bodies, both local (such
as Institut Polytechnique) and national (like CNRS
, or INRAE
). While research laboratories are
physically situated within university campuses, a sub-
stantial portion of the staff utilizing these facilities,
operating local infrastructures, or managing adminis-
trative processes are not university employees. This
openness fosters a deep entanglement of personnel
and daily operational protocols from various institu-
tions, a complexity that transcends simple contractual
arrangements and is ingrained in the very fabric of the
university system.
French universities, as state entities, must harmo-
nize their strategies not only with the state’s objec-
tives but also operate within a strict regulatory frame-
work. A significant number of the degrees they confer
CNRS is the Centre National de la Recherche Scien-
Inserm is the Institut national de la santé et de la
recherche médicale
INRAE is the Institut national de recherche pour
l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement
are national diplomas. The Ministry of Higher Edu-
cation exercises oversight and approval of university
curricula to maintain nationwide uniformity. This en-
sures that the value of a diploma is consistent, irre-
spective of the issuing university.
However, France’s state-led research policy is del-
egated to specific research organizations (state oper-
ators) like the CNRS, with other bodies overseeing
research in particular domains (Inserm for health, IN-
RAE for environmental sciences, etc.). These opera-
tors’ policies significantly influence the universities’
research strategies, necessitating alignment with na-
tional priorities. Furthermore, the state’s data policy
shapes the policies of these organizations and univer-
sities (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la
Recherche et de l’Innovation, 2021).
This open and interwoven organizational structure
profoundly affects the intellectual property rights of
research outcomes and the generated (research) data.
Many projects produce their data while also utilizing
external data from national databases or from institu-
tional and industrial partners. Given the diverse in-
stitutional affiliations of team members, data must be
regarded as a shared asset. This complexity extends
to administrative data related to project management,
hiring processes, and more.
Consequently, this mode of operation necessitates
a conceptualization of university data governance that
is intricately connected with that of organizations like
CNRS, Inserm, and partner entities. Thus, when es-
tablishing governance structures, it is crucial to con-
sider not only university stakeholders but also broader
ecosystem actors at both decision-making and orga-
nizational levels. Governance rules and procedures
must be harmonized with those of ecosystem partici-
pants, mirroring challenges akin to those posed by the
European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While
harmonization might sometimes be project-specific,
involving ad hoc partners, achieving consistency at an
institutional level with organizations such as CNRS or
Inserm, for instance, can be essential.
This scenario stands in stark contrast to gover-
nance models prevalent in Anglo-Saxon universities
(Jim and Chang, 2018) or those proposed in aca-
demic literature (Abraham et al., 2019), highlight-
ing the unique challenges and considerations in the
French context.
2.2 Balancing Governance: Collegiality
and Subsidiarity in University
Universities are deeply rooted in a tradition of col-
legiality, which inherently precludes a top-down,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: A look at the French academic ecosystem. Multiple supervisory entities shape data governance through their
scientific policies and operational connections with research endeavors. This influence extends to collaborations with local
authorities or industrial partners, driven by institutional mandates or specific projects. The interconnectedness of university
projects, units, and components necessitates a nuanced, multi-tiered approach to governance, necessitating a tailored applica-
tion of the subsidiarity principle to accommodate this complex structure effectively.
strictly hierarchical governance model (Musselin,
2006). A notable challenge arising from this tradi-
tion is that, despite the coherence and intelligence
demonstrated by top-level management teams in col-
laboration with central services, directors of lower-
level units (such as teaching departments and research
units) often play a lesser role in decision-making or in
endorsing the institution’s policies (Chatelain-Ponroy
et al., 2012).
The appointment of a data steward for specific
domains or research areas is complicated by re-
searchers’ tendency to act independently, and for in-
stance freely select data storage infrastructures (for
example, at a national level, or
Zenodo at European level). This independence ex-
tends to course materials, which may be hosted either
on local platforms or national portals like France Uni-
versités Numériques (FUN).
Project leaders generally establish their data poli-
cies within their own areas, regardless of the project’s
strategic significance to the university. Incidentally,
these projects often include staff from various orga-
nizations and might even receive joint funding from
these entities. This scenario directly affects how
upper-tier data governance bodies should tackle gov-
ernance issues to ensure alignment between overarch-
ing institutional rules and specific project-level best
In this light, the principle of subsidiarity is indis-
pensable, providing a framework for allocating com-
petences between these two governance tiers. The
challenge lies in devising a harmonious integration
that is applicable across the university while still be-
ing pertinent to individual projects.
Moreover, the principle of subsidiarity might be
the optimal strategy for incorporating the multi-site
aspect of university campuses. Local administrators
and elected officials may resist policies that man-
date the centralization of data, favoring instead a dis-
tributed model that grants them some measure of con-
trol and influence over the data they generate or uti-
2.3 The University, The Three-Headed
Cerberus of Education
From a business standpoint, data governance is typi-
cally geared towards enhancing efficiency and prof-
itability. However, in the context of universities,
while efficiency and sustainability remain important,
there is also a strong emphasis on social goals such
as democratizing access to science and ensuring its
affordability for the public. Additionally, universities
are bound by the requirements of transparency in pub-
lic administration.
Universities’ objectives span three primary mis-
Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System
sions: research, teaching, and administration (with
universities acting as implementers of state education
policy). At first glance, this tripartite mission might
suggest a need for a three-pronged approach to data
Research data is notably diverse, varying in ori-
gin, use, and particularly in terms of its produc-
ers and users, who are often affiliated with dif-
ferent supervisory bodies and come from vari-
ous disciplinary backgrounds. This data also re-
flects the practices of different research commu-
nities. Moreover, national and European open sci-
ence initiatives play a significant role in shaping
the governance of research data at the institutional
While universities might leverage insights from
the Research Data Alliance (RDA) which primar-
ily aligns with open science (Madison, 2020), the
approach here diverges, focusing on integrating
data governance within the strategic framework of
universities as socio-economic entities. Our ap-
proach critically examines the segmentation of re-
search data management as an isolated university
Teaching-related data, in contrast, is more local-
ized, originating from educational activities in-
volving university students. This data type is sub-
ject to multiple regulatory frameworks: the Eu-
ropean GDPR, due to its inclusion of personal
data (like student profiles and academic records),
and national regulations regarding the preserva-
tion and archiving of educational data, among oth-
Institutional data, usually sourced from the uni-
versity’s information system, most closely resem-
bles corporate data. However, this comparison is
somewhat superficial, as we will explore further
in the subsequent sections.
In conclusion, while the framework of data gover-
nance in universities may draw some parallels with
corporate models, it is distinct in its complexity
and scope. Universities must navigate a unique
landscape where data governance intersects with di-
verse academic disciplines, regulatory environments,
and social responsibilities. This intricate matrix de-
mands a bespoke approach to data governance, one
that harmoniously integrates the nuances of research,
teaching, and administrative data while aligning with
broader societal and educational objectives.
The insights gathered from our observations under-
score the necessity for data governance in French uni-
versities to be conceptualized as a multi-tiered frame-
work. Notably, existing literature on data governance
in primarily corporate contexts, such as the work of
(Alhassan et al., 2018) and (Abraham et al., 2019), or
in the realm of higher education as examined by (Jim
and Chang, 2018), does not adequately address the
requirement for a distributed governance model that
can effectively accommodate collegiality. The princi-
ple of subsidiarity is critical here, as it must empower
the university to manage its collegial structure, while
simultaneously ensuring that individual projects are
consistent with the university’s overarching data strat-
3.1 Strategic Project Identification and
Advancing Data Literacy
In a governance structure envisioned as multi-tiered,
it is essential for projects to extend beyond sim-
ple data management plans to include comprehensive
managerial activities. These activities should be in
harmony with and contribute to the broader strategies
of the affiliated institutions. The role of data liter-
acy, as a spectrum of digital competencies, is increas-
ingly recognized in universities (Verdi and Le Deuff,
2020). This literacy should be leveraged to integrate
data competencies with strategic data governance, en-
abling project leaders to understand and align with
the university’s strategic data objectives. Governance
structures, thus, need to be adept at identifying and
focusing on projects with strategic significance.
3.2 Dynamic Governance and
Inter-Organizational Collaboration
The convergence between a university’s data gover-
nance and that of its ecosystem partners is an integral
aspect of the inter-organizational governance dimen-
sion. Universities often excel in crafting multiparty
agreements involving diverse partners. This expertise,
encompassing strategic, legal or functional domains,
should be extended to the realm of data governance.
Data considerations should become a staple in long-
term collaborative programs, ensuring continuous di-
alogue with both institutional and industrial partners.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.3 Unifying Missions Through Data
Data governance in universities should act as a unifier
of the institution’s primary missions: administration,
research, and teaching. Current trends show univer-
sities harnessing their research capabilities to address
critical issues like energy transition, sustainable de-
velopment, and social responsibility.
The ANR ACT SmartMob/Datacampus project
exemplifies this trend. This project, focused on map-
ping campus mobility to improve transport services.
Three organizations fund this initiative: Université de
Bordeaux, Bordeaux INP and Fondation Université
de Bordeaux. Obviously, Bordeaux Metropole shows
interest in the initiative and could possibly wish to
reuse part of the research including data, and even
share data produced by IoT devices installed on their
facilities surrounding the campuses.
It demonstrates how administrative data can be
transformed into research data and educational re-
sources. Within the scope of this project, administra-
tive data detailing user mobility on campuses is used
for research, complementing scientific publications.
This data is also customized for educational purposes,
utilized in classroom settings, term projects or student
internships. Furthermore, additional administrative
data from Université de Bordeaux and Bordeaux INP,
like course schedules is integrated into the project to
aid in developing predictive models, such as those
forecasting peak campus hours.
This multifaceted use of data underlines the need
for a unified governance approach that accommo-
dates administrative, research, and teaching objec-
tives seamlessly.
In summary, this practical example vividly illus-
trates the convergence of administration, research,
and teaching around a shared data-centric project. It
also highlights the necessity for different organiza-
tions’ governance models to synergize, facilitating the
acquisition and utilization of data for comprehensive
research programs. This approach marks a significant
departure from traditional data governance models,
advocating for a more integrated, collaborative, and
flexible framework in French universities.
The transformative shifts that have swept through the
French university system over the past decade neces-
sitate a more structured and managerial approach to
data governance. However, these changes have not di-
minished the deeply-rooted collegial ethos of French
universities (Mignot-Gérard et al., 2023). Conse-
quently, the implementation of data governance must
be conceptualized as a dynamic and responsive pro-
cess, one that adapts to the evolving characteristics of
universities amidst ongoing transformations.
Dynamicity should be pursued as a fundamental
objective, endowing data governance with the versa-
tility to navigate diverse contexts economic, politi-
cal, regulatory, or systemic. This adaptability is cru-
cial for realizing the full potential of a data-driven
strategy and management approach.
Dynamicity in data governance resonates with the
concepts of data lineage and the varying needs of
different data audiences. It is often necessary to
tailor data access based on the intended data usage
and user profiles. While data typically originates as
a singular, well-defined set representing a specific
phenomenon, it often evolves into multiple datasets
through processes such as simplification, aggregation,
or anonymization. These derived datasets are crafted
for distinct audiences, which may not be fully iden-
tified at the data’s inception. This evolving nature of
data underscores the need for flexible governance that
accommodates rules and procedures to varying data
transformations and user requirements, possibly un-
known at the origin of the data lineage.
Upon reviewing existing frameworks for data gov-
ernance (e.g., (Alhassan et al., 2018); (Abraham
et al., 2019); (Gagnon-Turcotte et al., 2021); (Seiner,
2014)), it becomes apparent that none sufficiently en-
capsulate the nuanced characteristics imperative for a
dynamic, multi-level governance model. The intrin-
sic complexity of French universities necessitates en-
visioning governance as a fluid system, where agents
assume complementary responsibilities in a harmo-
nized fashion. Yet, within this distributed system, a
regulatory framework dictates oversight by a higher
authority, ensuring coherence and alignment, while
still allowing for innovation and adaptation from var-
ious levels and peripheral players.
We are currently conducting interviews with var-
ious stakeholders, including project leaders and data-
related service managers (like those in IT and Legal
Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System
Departments). These interviews serve a dual purpose.
Firstly, they contribute to the development of a gov-
ernance maturity model specifically tailored for the
French academic context. This model is partly based
on insights gained from these interviews. Secondly,
the interviews are instrumental in identifying effective
mechanisms for establishing a dynamic, multi-level
governance architecture, a crucial aspect for evolving
academic environments.
In the realm of governance, a pivotal focus should
be placed on data literacy. This concept extends be-
yond mere skill acquisition. It encompasses a broader
understanding and contextual application of data. It
involves cultivating a mindset that recognizes the
strategic value of data, encouraging individuals to
think critically about how data can be utilized effec-
tively within their specific roles and projects. This
aspect of data literacy is about developing a deeper,
more nuanced appreciation of data’s role in decision-
making, problem-solving, and innovation. It’s about
empowering individuals to not just use data tools and
techniques, but to understand the implications of data
in the broader context of their work, the organiza-
tion’s goals, and even societal impacts. This holistic
approach to data literacy facilitates a culture where
data is not just a tool, but a fundamental component
of strategic thinking and planning.
This work was supported by a French govern-
ment grant managed by the Agence Nationale de
la Recherche (ANR) under the “Investissements
d’avenir program”, reference ANR-20-IDES-0001.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems