Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
Victor Benoiston Jales de Oliveira
1 a
, Patr
ıcio de Alencar Silva
1 b
and Jo
ao Luiz Rabelo Moreira
2 c
Federal Rural University of the Semiarid, Av. Francisco Mota, 572, Costa e Silva, Mossor
o, 59625-900,
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
University of Twente, Enschede 7522, Netherlands
Legal Interoperability, International Data Spaces, Ontology, Design Science Research.
The value of data exchange is indubitably a thriving approach, however, it must be conducted in a safe and
sovereign space, avoiding the loss of control, and data misusage. The International Data Spaces (IDS) is sup-
posed to be a trusted environment, in which companies could share sensitive data upholding data sovereignty.
Thus, mitigating the risk of losing industrial secrets and further threats to competition. Along with the men-
tioned two foundations of IDS, its architecture allows a free contract endorsement, on which, companies may
negotiate their policies and governing laws. A service contract should be able to unambiguously represent
all involved policies, leaving no breach for subjectivity. Another important aspect of IDS is to follow the
Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) principles. In particular, we focus on the Legal
Interoperability. As one of the proposed interoperability layers (intended by the European Interoperability
Framework), Legal Interoperability is proposed as the capability of companies from different countries (un-
der different governing laws) to cooperate. This paper provides a research agenda and presents prior results
of the proposed methodologies, addressing how to resolve legal interoperability issues before establishing
IDS legal agreements. It takes a Design Science perspective for problem decomposition into specific issues,
triangulation of research methods, and projection of a solution space.
Companies nowadays try to keep the balance between
sharing data among business partners to optimize op-
erations and controlling it for competitiveness and in-
tegrity. This reality leads to a discussion about data
sovereignty - individuals’ and companies’ ability or
power to control who and how one could use their pri-
vate data (Otto, 2019). There have been initiatives to
enforce data sovereignty in the corporate domain. For
instance, an Industrial Data Space has been proposed
as an environment where companies could share sen-
sitive data based on mutual trust assumptions (Otto
et al., 2019). As business ecosystems evolve, shar-
ing corporate data may cross international boundaries,
which motivated the proposition of International Data
Spaces (IDS) an environment where companies
could share data based on competence legitimized
by certifications and explicit data usage policies
as defined by the International Data Spaces Associa-
tion (IDSA)
. The IDS Reference Architecture Model
(RAM) and implementation guidelines proposed by
IDSA are aligned with the European Interoperability
Framework (EIF)
. The EIF proposes the division of
interoperability into six operational layers, the foun-
dational ones (GANCK, 2017), i.e., Legal, Organiza-
tional, Semantical, and Technical interoperability, and
the recently added, i.e., Interoperability Governance
and Integrated public service governance.
As for the scope of our research, we are com-
plying with the foundational layers, responsible for
grounding the IDS RAM
. For instance, in an IDS-
based business ecosystem, a data usage policy formal-
izes technical aspects of data exchange (e.g., data for-
mats, standards, and transformations) (Ganzha et al.,
2017); data brokers may rely on ontologies to de-
scribe, discover, and select data connectors suitable
to the needs of data owners or data users (Firdausy
et al., 2022a), or enterprise architectures may guide
2 en/
Jales de Oliveira, V., Silva, P. and Moreira, J.
Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces.
DOI: 10.5220/0012699600003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 232-239
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the development of processes and services to leverage
Enterprise Interoperability (Firdausy et al., 2022b).
However, little attention has been paid to enforcing or
promoting legal interoperability in IDS. For instance,
the IDSA Dataspace Protocol
specifies schemas and
protocols required from entities to publish data and
negotiate data usage policy agreements. However, it
lacks explicit guidance on enforcing legal restrictions
and compliance in an IDS-based business ecosystem.
Moreover, in a multi-organizational scenario different
legal norms may impact how actors exchange data in
the IDS-based business ecosystem, and data may face
interoperability barriers, such as different schemas,
different protocols, different descriptions, and subjec-
tive representations (Chituc et al., 2009).
This paper provides a research agenda to address
how to promote the legal interoperability necessary
to unambiguously represent contract policies in a
machine-readable way, fostering its automatization.
We adopt Design Science (Wieringa, 2009) as a guid-
ing research methodology to decompose this problem
into minor ones, identify research methods (Sandberg
and Alvesson, 2010) necessary to treat it, and project
a solution space of design artifacts. To accomplish the
Design Science problem investigation phase, we pro-
pose the General Research Question ‘How to achieve
legal interoperability in IDS?’, which is further de-
composed into conceptual, technical, and practical is-
sues. The treatment design phase of the methodol-
ogy shall comprehend the development of a System-
atic Literature Review (SLR), focusing on knowledge
questions, and the development of software artifacts,
among which, is an ontology for legal interoperability
in IDS, and further machine learning model develop-
ment for automatic instantiation and classification of
proposed legal aspects. The validation phase of the
design cycle will demand a combination of methods,
including, a case study evaluation, and a focus discus-
sion group.
The rest of the paper is organized according to the
following: Section 2 presents a set of supporting ar-
guments, leading to the motivation of this research.
Section 3 applies the first step of Design Science Re-
search, defining the problem, with further decomposi-
tion into minor issues. Furthermore, Section 4 defines
the study goals and summarizes the chosen method-
ologies to tackle the problems. Section 5 presents
the prior results of the presented methodologies, with
an explanatory approach for each technique, finally,
a discussion is presented. Lastly, Section 6 encom-
passes the conclusion, analyzing the mentioned re-
sults, and expressing the current status of develop-
ment and integration, with a final disclosure point-
ing towards future works and the next steps of the
research agenda.
Not only responsible for managing, maintaining,
and certifying the IDS initiative, IDSA is also in-
volved in several types of research, as seen in (Otto
et al., 2019)(Otto et al., 2022), and the main ar-
chitecture such as the Reference Architecture Model
(RAM), and Information Model (IM). International
Data Spaces are designed to facilitate data exchange
and data linkage in a trusted, protected, reliable, and
standardized business ecosystem. The two main as-
pects of an IDS are data sovereignty and trust. The
IDS initiative proposes a reference architecture model
for data sovereignty and related aspects, including se-
cure and trusted data exchange in business ecosys-
tems. With numerous data spaces in Europe as well
as in China, the Americas, and beyond, an authentic
international phenomenon, and these spaces must be
trusted to create value from data. Hence, there is a re-
current urge to develop a protocol with international
Although Catena-X
and European Health Data
Space (Stellmach et al., 2022) are good examples of
large data spaces, there are smaller data spaces that
only exist for fewer days, and with a smaller number
of actors. Similarly, data spaces may be centralized,
based on an organization or government body, or de-
centralized, adhering to a common rulebook but not
bound by a central association. The proposed proto-
col should encompass a minimal viable interoperabil-
ity approach for all the different frameworks, prod-
ucts, or services. Even though IDSA is currently de-
veloping the Dataspace Protocol, the legal aspects is-
sues are addressed by a so-called Task Force Legal
(Gras, 2023). Despite the legal approach being devel-
oped, there is still a lack of protocols and frameworks
to work as a foundation, leading to repetitive and
resource-intensive processes for each data exchange
Projects such as the Eclipse Dataspace Compo-
aim at providing frameworks that could act
as a valid reference for third parties, enabling prod-
ucts and services built on top of the framework auto-
matically to implement the Dataspace correctly, thus,
being compatible with others using the same proto-
col. The IDS itself holds two contract samples, which
Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
represent (based on German law), a data purchase
contract, and a data rent contract. Those contracts
work as an example for companies to provide their
own contracts, referred to as ‘contract freedom’, by
(Duisberg, 2022). However, this lack of standards
leads to time and resource-intensive negotiations, due
to contract subjectiveness and ambiguous interpreta-
tions. Further, (Duisberg, 2022) also states the devel-
opment of the so-called legal test bed
, which would
be able to perform contract negotiation automation.
However, it is still a future work. Finally, (Munoz-
Arcentales et al., 2019) and (Weichhart et al., 2016)
propose as future work the specification of a pol-
icy specification language, which is theoretically ad-
dressed by IDSA in the Usage Policy Specification
but not implemented in the Information Model.
Still, there is no current real application and
validation regarding the legal interoperability layer.
Through this work, we start a road map towards the
development of semi-automated strategies to enhance
the data exchange negotiation among countries.
Design Science is a methodology to treat problems
of practical relevance, which are normally com-
plex (Wieringa, 2014), (vom Brocke et al., 2020).
(Wieringa, 2009) proposes decomposing a main re-
search question into conceptual, technical, and practi-
cal questions for traceability and assessment. Con-
ceptual questions seek knowledge about real-world
phenomena without interfering with or changing their
internal state, whereas technical questions concern
state-of-the-art technology to solve a problem. Fi-
nally, practical questions relate to how a software ar-
tifact could impact stakeholders’ needs. This research
agenda aims to treat the following general question:
General Research Question (GRQ): How to
Achieve Legal Interoperability in IDS?
Assumptions: We follow the guidelines of the
European Interoperability Framework, which sets le-
gal interoperability as a top-level layer of Enterprise
Interoperability, i.e., above the organizational, seman-
tical, and technical layers. Treating Enterprise Inter-
operability issues with a bottom-up approach is possi-
ble in this context (and mostly preferred by current re-
search). Still, we plan to follow a top-down approach,
starting with the legal interoperability layer. Further,
for the scope of this paper, we are addressing the four
fundamental legal layers, once the recently added two
address public integration, which is not supported by
the Reference Architecture Model for now.
Problem Decomposition: The main research
question is divided into three other major questions,
which are explained as follows.
General Conceptual Question (GCQ): What is
legal interoperability in Dataspaces?
Assumptions: Data owners and users in an IDS-
based ecosystem may operate under distinct govern-
ing laws for data sharing in different countries. Al-
though the main goal of the proposed research regards
Legal Interoperability specifically for IDS, we might
as well examine the current literature in related datas-
paces (once IDS technology is the foundation for dif-
ferent types of dataspaces).
Problem Decomposition: (1) What is the current
representation of service contracts in IDS? (2) How
do legal aspects interfere with Data Sovereignty? (3)
How are the legal norms and usage policies cur-
rently represented in IDS? (4) What are the legal mo-
ments/positions of IDS participants? Is personal-data
management approached in IDS architecture?
General Technical Question(GTQ): How to ef-
fectively enforce Legal Interoperability in IDS?
Assumptions: Resolving legal interoperability is-
sues in an environment such as an IDS-based business
ecosystem will ultimately involve human negotiation,
especially with legal aspects, due to its subjectivity.
By semi-automatic enforcement, we mean to promote
legal interoperability in design time (interoperable by
Problem Decomposition: (1) Which machine-
readable specification language could address policy
representation? (2) How to enforce a common under-
standing of contractual bindings (policies)? (3) What
constitutes the workflow of data exchange within IDS?
(4) What is the current state-of-the-art regarding con-
tract automation? (5) how could an application help
resolve legal interoperability issues as a prelude to a
contractual agreement?
General Practical Question(GPQ): How does
Proper Legal Interoperability affect IDS-based
Assumptions: Achieving a contractual agreement
in IDS is a time-consuming and onerous process.
Companies should be able to fulfill a proper negotia-
tion and agreement, with a common understanding of
the parties while endorsing data sovereignty and trust.
The IDS architecture provides the possibility of dy-
namization in contract creation, the proposed datas-
pace may foster a mean understanding of the govern-
ing laws, or the instauration of a new one.
Problem Decomposition: (1) How could a semi-
automated approach facilitate the contract/policies
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
negotiation? (2) What is the common understanding
potential of an ontology? (3) What implementations
could reduce costs and time towards contract nego-
tiation? (4) What is the impact of establishing the
legal availability of participants, to foster the choice
or creation of governing law?
In Design Science Research (DSR) methodology,
(Wieringa, 2009) defines the possible goals of re-
search as social context goals (External stakeholders’
goals and Context improvement goals) and the design
science research goals, divided into Artifact Design
Goal: to design or redesign an artifact, Instrument
Design Goal: to design or redesign a research instru-
ment, Knowledge Goal: to answer knowledge ques-
tions, and Prediction Goals: to predict future events.
The present paper encloses the following goals:
Prediction Goal: The prediction goal is not di-
rectly applicable to this research, however, the future
implementation of proposed machine learning models
may reach, at some level, the capability of inferring
Knowledge Goal: Identify the ongoing gaps,
challenges, and opportunities in the literature regard-
ing the legal interoperability layer when applied to
IDS. The knowledge goal is directly aligned with the
SLR, answering knowledge (and conceptual) ques-
Artifact Design Goal: Develop an expandable
and acceptable legal interoperability protocol for data
exchange negotiation among countries grounded by
different data exchange policies, allowing the unam-
biguous representation of policies that compose a ser-
vice contract. As a work in progress, we might move
toward the implementation of the proposed ontology,
in a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) model,
that encompasses the legal interoperability nuances
of IDS and leverages the automation of processes re-
garding contract automation.
Instrument Design Goal: Develop an ontology
following the FAIR data principles (Guizzardi, 2020),
which works as a legal base for further applica-
tion development (ontology-driven development (Pan
et al., 2012)). The ontology should leverage legal
interoperability, therefore unambiguously represent-
ing the legal aspects domain regarding contract for-
mulation, negotiation, and agreement. To do so, we
are grounded by the Systematic Approach to Build
Ontologies (SABiO) methodology, which defines a
five-step (i.e., purpose identification and requirements
elicitation, ontology capture and formalization, de-
sign, implementation, and testing) iterative guide for
developing ontologies. The first and second steps are
responsible for creating a so-called reference ontol-
ogy, which graphically represents the ontology, and
may be designed with languages such as OntoUML
. The design and implementation steps foster the
development of the operational ontology, which is
the most common approach in ontology engineering
(Keet, 2018), ending up with an OWL/RDF opera-
tional ontology. The last phase is summarized as test-
ing, but it also comprises its verification, complete-
ness, and validation with stakeholders. Another Im-
portant approach of DSR is the clear eliciting of re-
quirements. Requirements may be addressed as func-
tional requirements and non-functional requirements.
arez-Figueroa et al., 2009) defines the Ontology
Requirements Specification Document (ORSD), as a
clear statement of why the ontology is being built, for
whom, what the intended uses are, and especially, list-
ing the requirements. As an ongoing work, the latest
version of the proposed ORSD is available on an open
GitHub Repository
, along with the latest version of
the reference ontology. Furthermore, we propose as
future works the development of a machine learning
model that enables the automatic and continuous in-
stantiation of the ontology, and a Natural Language
Processing (NLP) engine able to classify text snippets
into the correct class, based on the ontology.
To answer the proposed RQs and foster the next
step of DSR, i.e., treatment design, which comprises
the specification of requirements, possible contribu-
tions to goals, available treatments, and design of
new treatments, we focused on the following re-
search methodologies: Review of literature, which,
according to (Snyder, 2019), is the ability to rely
on existing valid work, being the foundation of all
academic research activity. For this particular re-
search methodology, we proposed a Systematic Lit-
erature Review, which is fairly described in Section
5; Ontology Engineering, in Agreement with (Keet,
2018), plays a critical role regarding the machine-
understandable web, and domain representation. Sev-
eral other methodologies are encompassed, such as
Formal Conceptual Analysis (Stumme, 2002), Pro-
totyping (Luqi and Steigerwald, 1992), Complete-
ness Test (Tambassi, 2021), and others. As for the
last step of DSR (i.e., treatment validation), we pro-
pose the following methodologies: Case Study, de-
fined by (Feagin et al., 2016) as an in-depth, mul-
tifaceted investigation. It allows the resemblance of
interoperability IDS ontology
Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
Figure 1: Problem-Solution set of the proposed work (Roadmap).
the theoretical models applied to real-world scenar-
ios; Finally, the Focus Discussion Group method, de-
scribed by (Sutton and Arnold, 2013), is a possible so-
lution for the limited theoretical understanding of pro-
posed technology-driven research. Addressing those
methodologies in the present work, it is possible to
summarize the following methodologies:
Literature Review: A systematic literature re-
view for comprehending the legal aspects, gaps, chal-
lenges, opportunities, and future works encompassed
in Legal Interoperability regarding IDS. The proposed
SLR is based on the (Kitchenham, 2004) guidelines
Furthermore, the retrieved aspects and papers may
be used as a database for future implementation of
machine learning models, and RAGs.
Ontology Engineering: As proposed by
(de Almeida Falbo, 2014), formulate a reference on-
tology, encompassing the domain of the legal aspects
regarding legal interoperability, relying on founda-
tional ontologies such as Unified Foundational On-
tology (UFO)(Guizzardi et al., 2022), Information
Model (IM) (Bader et al., 2020), and Service Con-
tract Ontology (SCO) (Griffo et al., 2021). The ontol-
ogy should answer open questions spotted on the SLR,
and fulfill the requirements established by the stake-
holders, and literature as well. Furthermore, the on-
tology should be enhanced to an operational version
in OWL/RDF, in order to allow further implementa-
tion in applications, and machine learning models.
Case Study: In-depth understanding of the re-
sults, challenges elicitation, and validation in a real-
life application scenario.
Focus Discussion Group: Validate the research
with specialists, point out strengths and weaknesses,
and present future works.
Therefore, we may encapsulate our research
goals, questions, and solutions road map as follows
in Figure 1. Please note that, although we establish
a possible prediction goal, it should be further ad-
dressed as the work proceeds, and it is not addressed
in our proposed road map.
To better understand the current challenges, opportu-
nities, gaps, and proposed future work toward legal
interoperability within IDS, and grounded by the first
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
proposed methodology, we have performed a Sys-
tematic Literature Review, which is available in an
open-access GitHub Repository
. 40 papers have
been reviewed, from ACM Digital Library, EI Com-
pendex, IEEE, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Springer-
Link databases. Figure 2. showcases the lifecycle
of the proposed SLR. Along with an in-depth dis-
cussion of the legal aspects of IDS, the SLR pre-
sented 10 retrieved legal aspects that foster legal in-
teroperability, i.e., domains of business, personal /
non-personal data, usage and data policies, interoper-
ability constraints, smart contracts/contract automa-
tion, semantic appeal, AI usage in IDS, cloud, IDS
usage in open spaces, and future works addressing
legal aspects. Along with the retrieved legal as-
pects, the literature reviewed acknowledges 12 dis-
tinct kinds of future works, i.e., cloud, governance,
AI, semantics implementation, technology integra-
tion, practical implementation, common understand-
ing, privacy/personal data, modular templates, policy
specification language, and automated negotiation.
Figure 2: SLR Lifecycle.
Furthermore, to ground the development of the
proposed ontology, entitled Legal Interoperability
Ontology for International Data Spaces (LegIOn-
IDS), we employed the previously mentioned SABiO
methodology (de Almeida Falbo, 2014). Moreover,
part of the data retrieved by the SLR acted as a foun-
dation for ontology development, especially foster-
ing the first and second steps of the SABiO guide-
11 legal
interoperability IDS archive
line (purpose identification and requirements elicita-
tion and ontology capture and formalization). The
SLR was able to ground the requirements for devel-
oping the reference ontology. The operational on-
tology was manually instantiated for testing, verifica-
tion, and partial validation, also based on the retrieved
data from the SLR. The complete ontology engineer-
ing encompassing the reference ontology, operational
ontology, and SPARQL queries is available in the pre-
viously mentioned open-access GitHub repository.
For the operational ontology, we employed
the Design and Implementation steps, providing a
machine-readable ontology through the Web Ontol-
ogy Language (OWL). The operational ontology im-
plements concepts such as disjointness, and closing
axioms, and allows the inclusion of instances, foster-
ing the division of the Tbox, and Abox. The former,
provides the taxonomical box, providing the class hi-
erarchy structure, and the latter, provides the assertion
box, delivering the use of instances to provide reason-
ing. The complete documentation of LegIOn-IDS is
available on an open-access website
, with a unique
URL, following the FAIR principles (Wilkinson et al.,
2016), and enforcing the Reuse, we also provide a vo-
cabulary of terms reusing the ISO standards.
Thus far, based on the outcome of the proposed
SLR, we might connect the intended future works
with our road map of development. A few insights
and metrics about the SLR were condensed in this
GitHub Repository
, along with its data. The latest
version of the operational ontology is also available in
the GitHub repository, as mentioned above.
For this paper, we propose a DSR project, relate on-
going work, and state the roadmap toward its con-
clusion. Table 1 summarizes the proposed treatments
(outcomes) of this DSR project, based on referring to
proposed work highlighted by the SLR, and points out
the current level of implementation, i.e., low means a
draft or a first version, medium refers to an ongoing
work based either on stakeholders’ requirements or
open issues retrieved from SLR, and high, alludes the
final version of the outcome.
Furthermore, as an ongoing work, we are cur-
rently implementing a machine-learning model ca-
pable of classifying text snippets retrieved from ser-
vice contracts. In order to train our model, we de-
veloped a database providing 505 comma-separated
13 legal
interoperability SLR
Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
Table 1: Alignment with Recovered Future Works and Current Level of Implementation.
Outcome Proposed Future Works
Level of Im-
Semantics Implementation (Reference and Operational),
Common Understanding
Reference Ontology
Semantics Implementation (Reference), Common Under-
standing, Modular templates, Policy Specification Lan-
Operational Ontol-
Semantics Implementation (Operational), Technology
Integration, Common Understanding, Privacy/Personal
Data, Modular Templates, Policy Specification Lan-
guage, Automated negotiation
ML Classification
AI, Technology Integration, Modular Templates, Auto-
mated Negotiation
values, collected from the SLR, which implies some
examples of service contracts, and generic contrac-
tual clauses. As the first step for providing the com-
plete lifecycle of our proposal to provide a legal in-
teroperability framework for IDS, we employed Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP), and Object Charac-
ter Recognition (OCR), among other techniques. The
complete lifecycle may be presented twofold, such as
in a bottom-up approach, analyzing existent service
contracts, extracting the text snippets, and employing
the IDS architecture through the LegIOn-IDS taxon-
omy, or top-bottom, on which lawyers or companies’
representatives may manually provide the contractual
clauses, and through the NLP processing, we employ
the IDS architecture through LegIOn-IDS, terminat-
ing the process with a sample contract in natural lan-
guage, which already complies with the IDS archi-
tecture. Moreover, it is possible to predict challenges
and limitations such as using sensitive data to train our
models, along with the recurrent need to collaborate
with real case applications, conditionalizing the out-
come to the proper instantiation of the ontology and
Finally, we establish as future steps, the complete
validation and evaluation of the proposed ontology,
along with the API. To properly address such steps,
we must employ use cases that rely on negotiating ser-
vice contracts between companies under different le-
gal frameworks (legislation). Furthermore, the usage
of AI technologies, such as training machine learn-
ing models to classify text snippets to automatically
instantiate the ontology, integrating with its API us-
ing the Python library OWLReady2
is currently un-
der development. Lastly, we are currently investigat-
ing the usage of the proposed ontology as the foun-
dation for a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
which is a model capable of generating knowledge
based on a retrieve-generate architecture, based on a
knowledge source (Huang et al., 2023). In conclu-
sion, we are actively looking for additional applica-
tions of the proposed ontology, better addressing the
recovered gaps in the literature, and fostering the au-
tomation of processes regarding contractual issues in
In conclusion, we are actively looking for addi-
tional applications of the proposed ontology, better
addressing the recovered gaps in the literature, and
fostering the automation of processes regarding con-
tractual issues in IDS.
The present work was endorsed by CNPq - National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment - Brazil.
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