Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with
Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based
Adson Damasceno
1 a
, Lidiane Silva
, Eudenia Barros
and Francisco Oliveira
State University of Ceara (UECE), Mombac¸a Campus, Mombac¸a CE, Brazil
UECE, State University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil
Human-Computer Interaction, Assistive Technology, People with Disabilities, Distance Education, Metaverse.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of digital transformation in education,
this work in progress (Position Paper) addresses the imperative of inclusion and accessibility, particularly for
individuals with disabilities. While the Dell Accessible Learning (DAL) platform has benefited 60,000+ users
in remote learning, incorporating disruptive technologies like Metaverse could improve hands-on learning for
people with disabilities. Metaverse augmented and virtual reality offers unique opportunities, but challenges
remain in ensuring accessibility features. Focused on enhancing the DAL for deaf people, the research involves
prototyping Metaverse solutions, considering impacts on users with and without disabilities. Challenges in-
clude optimizing the user experience and representing behaviors such as gestures and facial expressions.As
an innovation proposal, this ongoing research involved collecting user data to elicit requirements, prototyp-
ing, and developing the minimum viable product of the metaverse environment, in addition to usability and
acceptance tests with groups of users with disabilities. Central to the Metaverse is the representation of hu-
man behaviors, necessitating the understanding and translation of gestures from individuals with disabilities.
The investigation culminates in a proposal validation experiment, a fundamental step towards achieving truly
inclusive and accessible education through the Metaverse.
Metaverse plays a vital role in education. As indi-
cated by scholars, there are several potential appli-
cations of the Metaverse in education, such as medi-
cal, nursing, and healthcare education, science educa-
tion, military training, and manufacturing training as
well as language learning (Jovanovi
c and Milosavl-
c, 2022). The concept of Metaverse first oc-
curred in 1992 and drew attention with its movie
Ready Player One (Cline, 2011). Metaverses are
immersive three-dimensional virtual worlds (VWs)
in which people interact as avatars with each other
and with software agents, using the metaphor of the
real world but without its physical limitations. This
broad concept of a metaverse builds on and general-
izes from existing definitions of VW metaverses, pro-
viding virtual team members with new ways of man-
aging and overcoming geographic and other barriers
to collaboration. These environments have the po-
tential for rich and engaging collaboration, but their
capabilities have yet to be examined in depth (Davis
et al., 2009). Metaverses offer immersive virtual re-
alities with potential applications in distance educa-
tion. Integrating Metaverse with assistive technology
enables educational advancements and inclusive par-
ticipation (Damasceno et al., 2023). The original goal
of using Metaverse in education is encouraging more
people to engage in them. As a result, it is necessary
to create an inclusive virtual environment that con-
siders as many different participant requirements as
possible. For example, affordability is inevitably an
issue for poor groups, but they urgently consider ed-
ucation a life-changing opportunity. Respecting the
needs of special learners, such as people with disabil-
ities or religious, is often more important than provid-
ing a high-quality education (Tlili et al., 2022).
There is a need to research the literature on the
state of the art of Assistive Technology (AT) for Dis-
tance Education (DE) Research in a Metaverse-Based
Environment to explore the interaction between the
Metaverse, AT, and DE. We searched previous liter-
Damasceno, A., Silva, L., Barros, E. and Oliveira, F.
Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012700200003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 510-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ature to gather, organize, and analyze evidence. Al-
though we found a limited number of studies explic-
itly addressing accessibility in the Metaverse, these
articles emphasized the need for solutions to ensure
that People with Disabilities (PwD) can fully access
and participate in these virtual environments. Chal-
lenges associated with implementing accessibility in
the Metaverse include adapting interfaces for differ-
ent disabilities, the availability of compatible AT, and
raising awareness among developers about the spe-
cific needs of PwD. These findings encouraged us to
research and develop inclusive and accessible educa-
tional solutions in the Metaverse, promoting equal op-
portunities and rights for all.
Our Problem Statement is that PwD students do
not feel comfortable in collaborative environments
because of their disability. So, a metaverse-based
platform where disability limitations are not revealed
can provide a more welcoming and inclusive envi-
ronment for PwD by facilitating collaboration, given
that collaboration is essential for learning to integrate
into communities. This position paper proposes an
integrative framework for including people with hear-
ing impairment in DE through a metaverse-based en-
vironment. The research findings from the present
study help develop a better understanding of how to
evolve in research and develop innovative solutions
through the Metaverse that enable grounding con-
straints for PwD, especially in this study, people who
are deaf or hard of hearing.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 gives an overview of the Education,
Metaverse, and Assistive Technologies. In Section 3,
we discuss our methodology. Section 4 describes the
proposed framework and discusses Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI) theories in our approach. Further-
more, it presents a real case in practice, and Section 5
mentions the conclusions we can draw from our work.
Metaverse in Education. Lin et al. (2022) ex-
plore integrating traditional education with Web 2.0
through MOOCs, highlighting certain limitations,
such as the lack of engaging content and low stu-
dent participation. Recognizing the imminent arrival
of Generation Z, who are familiar with online edu-
cation, preparing for a new revolution in educational
models becomes crucial. Leveraging the potential of
the Metaverse can be particularly beneficial since it
offers interaction, authenticity, and immersive expe-
riences. According to Fernandes and Werner (2022),
the Metaverse is a new paradigm under construction
where social, immersive virtual reality platforms will
be compatible with several kinds of applications.
In this context, applications of this metaverse must
serve as relevant tools for PwD. Ball (2022) empha-
sized the importance of ensuring the metaverse is ac-
cessible to individuals with disabilities, recognizing
them as valuable contributors. However, he did not
specify any particular disability or explain how acces-
sibility and inclusion should be effectively achieved.
In this direction, there is a conceptual highlight of AT
as an association between products and services, con-
sidering that these are associated with both the need
for information accessibility and physical accessibil-
ity (Vianna and Pinto, 2017).
Assistive Technology. Assistive technologies play a
vital role in the daily practice of Virtual Learning En-
vironments (VLE), triggering significant educational
transformations. The integration of information tech-
nology in education has been crucial to enhancing
students’ access and participation, regardless of their
abilities or limitations. AT is a term used to identify
the arsenal of resources and services that contribute
to providing or expanding the functional abilities of
PwD and, consequently, promoting their independent
life and inclusion (Bersch, 2008).
Literature Survey. We carried out a bibliographic
survey to gather, organize, and analyze the evidence
available in the literature and research trends on the
metaverse, AT, and DE (Damasceno et al., 2023). To
achieve the proposed objective, we carry out a Rapid
Review (RR) (Cartaxo et al., 2018), as it has essen-
tial characteristics that: 1) reduce the costs of com-
plicated methods, 2) provide specific evidence, 3) op-
erate in close collaboration with professionals and re-
late results by convincing means. The aspects consid-
ered are relevant to our context, as some authors are
professionals from a company that specializes in cre-
ating innovative and accessible solutions for different
groups, including DE and TA, seeking to obtain ini-
tial insights into integrating the metaverse alongside
these two concepts.
Answering the Following Questions. RQ1) How
has the publication of primary studies evolved over
the years? RQ2) What domains are being explored
in studies addressing accessibility in DE within the
metaverse context, and how are they approaching
it? RQ3) What challenges are associated with imple-
menting accessibility in educational metaverse plat-
forms? RQ4) What research and empirical strategies
and methodological approach are being used?
Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based
Our RR findings indicate that most proposals
were published in Journals (57%) between the years
2020 and 2023. The Chemistry Lab context was the
main focus of most studies, comprising three stud-
ies (42.5%). Most returned studies employed eval-
uation research (57.1%) as their strategy. Empirical
experiments were conducted in 42.8% of the stud-
ies, and the quality-quantitative method was applied
in 71.4%. Regarding the challenges of implementing
accessibility in the metaverse, we highlighted the in-
strumentation, technical problems, complex systems,
student performance, sense of presence, and accessi-
bility assessment. Finally, we generated an Evidence
based on our findings to make the RR more
appealing to practitioners.
Related Works. The studies explored metaverse and
education (Alfaisal et al., 2022) (Onggirawan et al.,
2023), and metaverse and accessibility (Fernandes
and Werner, 2022). Unlike these studies, our review
considered the three pillars together to understand
how accessibility is being considered in metaverse-
based distance learning environments. In addition,
we identify open challenges to meet practitioners’
perceptions in a real-world environment and sup-
port researchers by pointing out study possibilities to
assist PwD. This study proposes an innovative ap-
proach to promote inclusive and accessible educa-
tion through an integrative framework to include peo-
ple with hearing impairments in distance education
through a metaverse-based environment, Figure 1.
Figure 1: Infographic for framework vision with processes.
4.1 Metaverse and Grounding
According to Kendon (2004), willing or not, humans,
when in co-presence, continuously inform one an-
other about their intentions, interests, feelings, and
ideas using visible bodily action. For example, it
is through the orientation of the body and, mainly,
through the orientation of the eyes that information is
provided about the direction and nature of a person´s
attention. Considering the presence of avatars in the
metaverse, access to the avatar’s embodied behavior
will undoubtedly provide more opportunities for un-
derstanding for a deaf student, and this behavior is not
restricted to signing in sign language.
Considering grounding constraints, metaverse
technology can enable Clark’s common ground con-
straints. That is, it can provide a common basis of
understanding and reference among participants in an
interaction. The metaverse is a virtual representation
of the real world or a shared virtual space where peo-
ple can interact, collaborate, and participate in dif-
ferent activities. In the context of the metaverse,
“grounding constraints” can be the elements or char-
acteristics that ensure participants have a shared un-
derstanding of the virtual environment. This includes
representing objects, actions, and interactions in a
consistent and understandable way. Clark’s “common
ground” theory refers to the knowledge shared be-
tween interlocutors in a conversation. The baseline al-
lows for effective communication, as both sides have
a mutual understanding of what is being discussed. In
the context of the metaverse, “grounding constraints”
can be the design elements, conventions, and norms
that guarantee the creation of this ”common ground.
This may include the consistent representation of ob-
jects, gestures, facial expressions, and other forms of
nonverbal communication in the virtual environment.
Metaverse technology can enable common ground
constraints, as proposed by Herbert Clark. Such con-
straints can refer to the information, perspectives, and
understandings shared between people in a commu-
nicative interaction (Clark, 1992). Metaverse is an
enormous framework that owns many digital features
of the future. There are numerous benefits in the
Metaverse world, like interaction, authenticity, and
portability. As a result, the new educational system
has to be readdressed to retain its accessibility and
prolong its existence (Lin et al., 2022).
The metaverse enables grounding constraints. Ac-
cording to Lin et al. (2022), there are changes that
the metaverse can bring to education. Among these
changes, we highlight in this study the one related to
connection, that is, it could be the issue of connect-
ing remotely; it is a quick connection, and it will offer
you communication and interaction with other people
at any time and anywhere. So, one of the positive con-
sequences is to make it possible to “see what I see.
The avatar can see the other avatars cohabiting in
the same virtual world. “Grounding Constraints” re-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
fer to the synchronization of perceptions between par-
ticipants, such as what they see, hear, or feel. In the
context of the metaverse, this synchronization is en-
hanced as users simultaneously share the same virtual
space, which significantly improves communication
for people with hearing impairments. That is, it re-
lates to what, for example, “what I see, “what you
see, “if we are seeing the same thing, “if we are
hearing the same thing,” “if we are feeling feeling the
same temperature, are things that facilitate commu-
nication, so that is why the metaverse will be better
able to improve these “Grounding Constraints” be-
cause the subject will see things that other subjects
will see at the same time, in short, the sense of pres-
ence it must, be that thing that we call immediate
physical co-presence, that is when people are in the
same place, they see the same things, feel the same
things, see each other’s bodies, see each other’s be-
havior incorporated from the other and this greatly fa-
cilitates communications.
That said, imagine the scenario where the teacher
teaches a little class and divides the students into
groups to carry out an activity. Metaverse technol-
ogy can play a significant role in improving such con-
straints. Among the possibilities, we highlight a) Vir-
tual Presence. In the metaverse, participants can cre-
ate avatars representing their virtual presence. This
allows for a richer form of communication, as ges-
tures, facial expressions, and even movements can
be represented. This makes understanding colleagues’
intentions and emotions easier, reinforcing common
ground, b) Content Sharing. Metaverse platforms
often offer tools for real-time content sharing. Dur-
ing the discussion, students can share presentations,
documents, and other relevant information. This in-
stant and synchronized sharing helps keep everyone
in the same context of information, promoting com-
mon ground, c) Collaborative Environment. Meta-
verse environments can provide collaborative virtual
spaces where groups can discuss the designated activ-
ity. These environments can simulate classrooms or
meeting rooms, creating a sense of co-presence, sim-
ilar to being physically at a table. This helps in build-
ing a shared common ground, d) Multimodal Inter-
action. With metaverse technology, communication
is not limited to text alone. Audio, video, and other
multimodal interaction modes are available. This va-
riety of modes of communication allows for a richer
expression of ideas, facilitating mutual understanding
and thus contributing to the development of a robust
common ground, e) Immediate Feedback. Meta-
verse tools often allow for immediate feedback. Dur-
ing the group activity discussion, participants can pro-
vide instant feedback, clarify doubts, and correct mis-
understandings. This helps with continually adapting
the common ground as the conversation progresses,
f) Accessibility and Inclusion. The metaverse can be
a more inclusive solution, allowing the participation
of students who, due to geographic or physical limi-
tations, cannot be physically present. This contributes
to a more diverse common ground.
4.2 Strategies for Inclusion
In HCI, it is imperative to recognize that many of
the methods, models, and techniques used in this
field are based on different psychological theories,
mainly cognitive, ethnographic, and semiotic. Card et
al. (1983) proposed a psychology applied to informa-
tion processing among these theoretical approaches
in HCI. According to them, HCI involves the user
and the computer engaging in a communicative dia-
logue to perform tasks. This dialogue’s mechanisms
constitute the interface: the physical devices, such as
keyboards and screens, and the computer programs
that control the interaction. Its objective was to cre-
ate psychology based on task analysis, calculations,
and approximations so that the system designer could
achieve a balance between computational parameters
of human performance and engineering variables.
According to Card et al. (1983), task structure
analysis provides predictive content of psychology.
Once we know people’s goals and consider their per-
ception and information processing limitations, we
should be able to answer questions such as: How long
does it take a person to perform the predefined physi-
cal tasks that allow them to achieve their goals?
4.2.1 Human Information Processing: Human
Based on information processing psychology, Card
et al. (1983) proposed the Model Human Proces-
sor (MHP). According to them, using models that
see the human being as an information processor pro-
vides a common framework for integrating models of
memory, resolution problems, perception, and behav-
ior. Considering the human mind as an information
processing system, it is possible to make approximate
predictions of part of human behavior.
According to Barbosa et al. (2021), the MHP com-
prises three subsystems, each with its memories and
processors, along with some operating principles: the
perceptual, the motor, and the cognitive, Figure 2.
Figure 2 presents a generic representation of an
information processing system. At the center is a
processing executive that operates in a recognition-
action cycle. In each cycle, the information avail-
able by the receivers and coming from the internal
Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based
Figure 2: A generic human information processing sys-
tem (Carroll, 2003).
memory is compared with a set of patterns, gener-
ally expressed as a set of if-then rules called produc-
tions. This confrontation triggers actions (or opera-
tors) that can change the state of internal memory and
modify the external world through effectors. The cy-
cle then repeats itself. For ease of use, some infor-
mation processing models do not detail this complete
structure, but it is implicit in their assumptions.
Treating the human as an information processor,
albeit a simple stimulus-response controller, allowed
the application of information theory and manual con-
trol theory to problems of display design, visual scan-
ning, workload, aircraft instrument location, flight
controls, air-traffic control, and industrial inspection,
among others. Fitts’ Law, which predicts the time for
hand movements to a target, is an example of an infor-
mation processing theory of this era (Carroll, 2003).
According to Carroll (2003), the natural form of
information processing theories is a computer pro-
gram, where a set of mechanisms is described lo-
cally, and where larger scale behavior is emergent
from their interaction. The claim is not that all hu-
man behavior can be modeled in this manner, but
that, for tasks within their reach. Newell et al. (1972)
adds that, it becomes meaningful to try to represent in
some detail a particular man at work on a particular
task. Such a representation is no metaphor, but a pre-
cise symbolic model on the basis of which pertinent
specific aspects of a man’s problem solving behavior
can be calculated.
The perceptual system transmits sensations from
the physical world detected by the body’s sensory sys-
tems (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste) to internal
mental representations. Central vision, peripheral vi-
sion, eye movements, and head movements operate as
an integrated system, providing us with a continuous
representation of the visual scene of interest. These
sensations are temporarily stored in areas of sensory
memory (mainly visual and auditory memories), still
physically encoded and with a rapid forgetting time,
depending on the intensity of the stimulus. Then,
some of these sensations are symbolically encoded
and stored in working memory (Barbosa et al., 2021).
The metaverse, a three-dimensional virtual space,
offers revolutionary opportunities for inclusive educa-
tion, especially for people with hearing impairments.
The integration of HCI Theory, focusing on “embod-
ied behavior, becomes crucial to understanding how
avatar gestural interactions can enhance inclusion and
autonomy in this context. HCI theory highlights “em-
bodied behavior, which recognizes the importance of
interaction between the user and the interface, con-
sidering gestures, movements, and expressions. In the
educational metaverse, this translates into avatars ca-
pable of reproducing the user’s gestures naturally and
intuitively, enriching communication.
Given this scenario, it is viable to design strate-
gies aimed at inclusion, with particular emphasis
on expanding the autonomy of PwD, notably those
with hearing impairment. As an example, the fol-
lowing approaches stand out: Strategies to Expand
Inclusion. (I)Virtual Sign Language: Avatars can
be programmed to interpret sign language, allow-
ing users with hearing impairments to communicate
through virtual gestures and emulations of sign lan-
guage. (II)Accessible Virtual Spaces: Virtual environ-
ments can be adapted to accommodate different learn-
ing styles, incorporating visual and interactive re-
sources that facilitate understanding concepts. Strate-
gies to Increase Autonomy. (I)Exemption from Inter-
preters: The avatar’s ability to interpret and reproduce
gestures minimizes the dependence on interpreters
in educational contexts, granting greater autonomy
to students with hearing impairments. (II)Experience
Personalization: Avatars can be customized to fit in-
dividual preferences, providing a more personalized
and independent learning experience.
These strategies represent an innovative approach,
providing increased inclusion and autonomy through
gestural interactions of avatars. These technologies
hold the potential to substantially reconfigure the ed-
ucational experience, creating a more accessible, per-
sonalized, and independent environment for people
with hearing impairments.
This approach allows for a variety of interactions,
exemplified by: (I) Virtual Classes: Avatars can re-
produce the teacher’s gestures, making classes more
engaging and understandable for students with hear-
ing impairments; (II) Collaboration on Projects: Col-
laborative work environments enable avatars to com-
municate ideas through gestures, encouraging active
participation in educational projects e (III) Practical
Simulations: Virtual environments can simulate real-
world situations, where avatars interact through ges-
tures to solve problems, providing practical and au-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tonomous learning. This study focuses on the second
example mentioned, “project collaboration.
4.2.2 Discussion
Affordances, represented by drawings, play a cru-
cial role, conveying possibilities for interaction. Su-
perimposing real-world interaction history onto meta-
verse elements, such as tables and boards, enhances
user engagement. While these objects may possess
magical capabilities, preserving their inherent func-
tions ensures a seamless transition for users. This ap-
proach aligns with Embodied Interaction theory, aim-
ing to incorporate real-world behaviors into meta-
verse avatars, providing an expressive outlet, espe-
cially for users with disabilities like deafness.
The Figure 3 illustrates a tablet where the user’s
perspective shifts as they move, emphasizing the im-
portance of leveraging affordances for interaction.
For instance, the interaction control on the tablet dy-
namically responds to the user’s focused object, pre-
senting relevant commands. The proposed research
explores integrating such affordances into the meta-
verse, enhancing interaction for users with hearing
impairments. In this metaverse environment, objects
exhibit a history of real-world interactions, offering
users a familiar and intuitive experience.
Figure 3: Embodied Behavior.
The proposed solution involves collecting embod-
ied behaviors and embedding them into avatars, serv-
ing as alternative to sign language. This approach mit-
igates the limitations associated with sign language,
making interaction more inclusive and cost-effective.
The metaverse environment can be configured akin to
real-world scenarios, facilitating the transfer of expe-
riences and behaviors. By reducing gaps and align-
ing with HCI theories, this approach allows for a
smoother transition of natural behaviors to the virtual
realm. The study considers the challenge of mapping
natural gestures to a virtual environment, emphasiz-
ing the need to comprehend and adapt behaviors for
users, particularly those with hearing impairments.
The solution involves understanding and configuring
virtual environments, such as classrooms or collabo-
rative spaces, to accommodate these behaviors.
Communicational affordances govern how people
collaborate; that is, the medium in question deter-
mines how the person expresses themselves. Different
media enable different forms of manifestation. The
importance of obtaining grounding constraints stands
out here, where ”grounding” refers to the ground,
representing fundamental and immutable truths that
serve as the basis for behaviors and interactions. Sen-
sory aspects such as vision, hearing, and smell are
grounding constraints that provide a solid basis for
understanding the environment.This principle is in-
trinsic to human nature and is shared with animals, as
evidenced by the collaboration between humans and
dogs in joint activities. Collaboration between species
is considered more primitive, based on the essential
elements of life and survival.
The theory of grounding constraints highlights the
need for a solid and reliable basis for human interac-
tions, with the importance of understanding embodied
behaviors. When transferring these principles to the
metaverse, it is crucial to consider how the translation
of natural behaviors to virtual environments can im-
pact the strength of these grounding constraints. It is
worth highlighting the relevance of body language as
a primitive form of communication, closer to the truth
and less subject to linguistic manipulations. The tran-
sition to virtual environments introduces a layer of
cognitive processing, which can influence the strength
of natural grounding constraints. Furthermore, the pe-
culiarity of deaf communication must be considered,
as they use three-dimensional (3D) space during con-
versations. Spatiotemporal language plays a signifi-
cant role, where specific gestures and hand configu-
rations have distinct meanings depending on spatial
location and orientation, revealing the complexity of
gestural communication in virtual environments.
4.3 Case of Study (CSCL)
4.3.1 DALverse
DALverse is one of several products developed in
a development and innovation laboratory (Nasci-
mento et al., 2017), as well as several other prod-
ucts, for example, STUART (Damasceno et al., 2020)
and JLOAD (Silva et al., 2014). It integrates with
DAL, a distance learning platform with several pro-
fessional courses and tools that facilitate student
learning and make teaching accessible for people with
physical, hearing, and low vision disabilities, among
others (de MB Oliveira et al., 2016). Upon joining the
DAL, students enrolled in a course are granted access
to the “Metaverse” room. In this context, the user can
Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based
personalize their representation in the environment,
choosing between three types of pre-defined avatars:
male profile, female profile, or profile with no defined
gender, the latter represented by a robot avatar.
Within this environment, the user has the possibil-
ity of moving around. Locomotion is controlled using
the arrow keys on the keyboard and mouse, Figure 4.
Figure 4: DALs Metaverse Environment with Avatars.
Each avatar, except the robot, has five movements:
forward, backward, right, left, and resting. The robot
avatar, in turn, moves by floating in these exact direc-
tions. The system interprets and reproduces each of
these movements, providing the sensation of move-
ment within the virtual environment.
4.3.2 Promoting Inclusion in Education
Promoting inclusive education offers significant bene-
fits, such as developing social skills, encouraging em-
pathy, building more enriching educational environ-
ments, contributing to developing collaborative skills,
and promoting understanding. Quek and Oliveira
(2013) present the advantages of promoting inclusive
education. Simulating a classroom environment that
promotes collaboration, a blackboard was developed
with the resources of an eraser, pencil, and text in-
sertion with variations in color and size. One user at
a time can use the tool. Others can request to edit
the board using their virtual “tablet”. In this way, we
guarantee greater control of resources and security in
the learning environment, Figure 5.
Figure 5: Collaborative Activity on the Virtual Whiteboard.
Once the owner of the whiteboard, the user will be
able to transmit a browser guide, application window,
or an entire screen of the device, with or without in-
cluding audio on the digital whiteboard. This allows
tutors and students to present their work, questions,
and other external applications on their computers.
4.3.3 The Scenario
The scenario will be that of a university debate room,
with a table arranged in a circular format to promote
interaction between participants. There will be ob-
jects on the table, such as laptops, documents, pens,
and support materials, simulating a typical teamwork
environment. In addition, a multimedia presentation
that the working group developed will be held using
visual and auditory resources.
4.4 Exploratory Experiment
In this context, it is relevant to explore how communi-
cation can be facilitated in the Metaverse, especially
in educational scenarios, where collaboration is es-
sential. One question can be raised is how a deaf per-
son could interact naturally in the Metaverse, partic-
ipating in collaborative activities without depending
on an interpreter. Identifying and listing the main in-
corporated behaviors capable of supporting commu-
nication and collaboration are challenges to be faced.
In order to overcome this challenge, it is suggested
to carry out an observational experiment where deaf
and hearing people physically collaborate in an activ-
ity after attending a virtual class. After consuming the
virtual class, the proposed experiment would observe
how these groups interact in the same physical space.
The goal would be to gain insights into implementing
these dynamics in the Metaverse.
The exploratory experiment would include an in-
depth analysis of the observed behaviors, aiming to
identify those essential to establishing grounding con-
straints and facilitating collaboration in the Meta-
verse. Understanding these behaviors would be cru-
cial for effectively transitioning interactions from nat-
ural to virtual environments.
We intend to rely on linguistics experts, highlight-
ing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach
and recognizing the need to integrate specific knowl-
edge to effectively address the translation of behav-
iors and interactions into the Metaverse. Filming fun-
damental interactions between deaf and hearing peo-
ple aims to create a practical database to understand
the nature of behaviors and facilitate the transition of
these interactions to the virtual environment, empha-
sizing the relevance of grounding constraints for deaf
people in the context of the Metaverse.
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Metaverse4Deaf proposes an integrative structure to
incorporate individuals with hearing impairment in
the context of distance education, using an envi-
ronment based on metaverse. The main objective is
to understand the behavior of deaf people through
exploratory study. This approach aims to identify
emerging behaviors in interaction, outlining elements
that can be integrated into the metaverse environment.
Implementing these behaviors in this environment
would result in an improved version whose require-
ments were extracted from an ethnographic study as a
requirements elicitation technique.
Future developments include implementing the
results into DALverse, derived from the continued
application of the developing framework. This im-
plementation process seeks to evaluate both Meta-
verse4Deaf and the interaction of deaf individuals in a
collaborative distance learning environment based on
the metaverse. It should be noted that this framework
is constantly being improved, characterizing itself as
a work in progress.
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Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based