Metaverse4Deaf proposes an integrative structure to
incorporate individuals with hearing impairment in
the context of distance education, using an envi-
ronment based on metaverse. The main objective is
to understand the behavior of deaf people through
exploratory study. This approach aims to identify
emerging behaviors in interaction, outlining elements
that can be integrated into the metaverse environment.
Implementing these behaviors in this environment
would result in an improved version whose require-
ments were extracted from an ethnographic study as a
requirements elicitation technique.
Future developments include implementing the
results into DALverse, derived from the continued
application of the developing framework. This im-
plementation process seeks to evaluate both Meta-
verse4Deaf and the interaction of deaf individuals in a
collaborative distance learning environment based on
the metaverse. It should be noted that this framework
is constantly being improved, characterizing itself as
a work in progress.
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Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based