Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in
Saudi Arabia
Bashayer A. Alotaibi
, Zahyah H. Alharbi
and Tahani Alqurashi
Management Information Systems Department, King Saud University, Riyadh 12372, Saudi Arabia
Data Science Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah 21421, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Data Governance, Data Governance Framework, Data Quality, Data Management, Decision Making,
Complexity Management.
Abstract: There is currently a huge amount of data stored by Saudi Arabian organizations that requires work to make it
useful. This has led to the concept of ‘data governance’ as a means of organizing data and managing its use
in organizations. This research evaluates how decision making has been influenced by data governance in
Saudi Arabia. Twelve interviews were conducted on two aspects of data management, data governance and
data analytics, to explore how each approach affects decision making. Both interviewee groups indicated that
these approaches had multiple direct and indirect effects on decision making. The interviewees mostly agreed
that data governance increased confidence and trust in data and improved its quality. They viewed data
governance as being likely to develop a more consistent business terminology and a set of rules and
responsibilities for managing data, and that decision making would be made timelier. Despite the potential
benefits of data governance for decision making, the lack of awareness about its potential makes it difficult
for many Saudi Arabian organizations to benefit from its use. This study provides valuable insights for
businesses considering the implementation of data governance practices to optimize their decision-making
Data has become a key resource for organizations, but
technological progress has created a huge variety of
data types. Analysis of this data is necessary to help
organizations remain competitive, but this analysis
requires sophisticated techniques (Bento, Neto, &
Côrte-Real, 2022; Alsaad, 2023). Data governance
(DG) is crucial for organizations’ strategic and
operational decision making (Master & Management,
2007). It is needed to facilitate data flow, store and
utilize information, enhance accountability, and
develop strategies, all of which are dependent on, and
improve, effective decision making (Bento, Neto, &
Côrte-Real, 2022). Organizations are becoming
increasingly aware of the need for the sound DG of
customer information to maintain data’s
confidentiality, coherence, overall quality, and
accessibility. DG is considered by many analysts as a
means of improving data quality and increasing its
value to organizations (Otto, 2011; Wende, 2007).
DG is also likely to lead to more reliable and effective
decision making (Janssen et al., 2020). The Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is at the forefront of a new
information age, captured in its National Vision 2030.
The wealth of data that the Kingdom creates and
gathers can be used to foster economic growth and
improve the living standards of its citizens (SDAIA,
The KSA has recently begun to standardize DG
by implementing a set of protocols for data handling
to enable a central body to make systematic use of the
large volume of data across government departments
(, n.d.). DG is important for
organizations and countries but the academic research
highlights that it is still a newly emerging concept and
needs more development for the advantages it offers
Alotaibi, B., Alharbi, Z. and Alqurashi, T.
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia.
DOI: 10.5220/0012700600003708
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th Inter national Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2024), pages 114-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-698-9; ISSN: 2184-5034
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to be available to decision makers in the KSA (Begg
& Caira, 2012; Wende, 2007).
This paper addresses the need for more research
by providing a systematic assessment of DG and how
it affects decision making in the KSA. It examines
how decision making is influenced by DG according
to those directly involved in DG, as well as those
affected by DG, such as analysts, artificial
intelligence researchers, and other actors who use
data to create products and new ideas. Section 2
discusses the background to DG and the gaps in
research that this paper addresses. Section 3 describes
the methodology, section 4 presents the analysis
results, and section 5 draws conclusions.
2.1 Data Governance Overview
Currently there is no universally accepted definition
of DG (Benfeldt Nielsen, 2017), and most are simply
based on a particular person’s or organization’s
interests. The Data Governance Institute (n.d.)
defines DG as a set of regulatory principles about the
correct handling and use of data based on established
models. DAMA International (2017) offers a
definition more explicitly about who has authority to
use and manipulate data, and how such usage is
monitored and regulations enforced. DG is concerned
with bringing data use into a formal organizational
structure where policies and other regulatory
standards (privacy protection, collection and storage,
terminology etc.) are followed (Informatica, 2019). It
thereby hopes to make the handling of data principled
and properly managed. DG is frequently used to refer
incorrectly to data management (Otto, 2011).
According to the Data Management Association
(DAMA) (International, 2017), data management “is
the development, execution and supervision of plans,
policies, programs and practices that control, protect,
deliver and enhance the value of data and information
assets.” Data management is primarily concerned
with how data elements are defined, manipulated,
stored, moved about, accessed, and structured. This
positions DG at a higher level than data management,
as it refers to how the latter is regulated and controlled
and its use planned (Al-Ruithe & Benkhelifa, 2017).
DG is closely related to the quality of data and
most organizations give one individual responsibility
for both (Otto, 2011; Pierce, Dismute, & Yonke,
2008). DG and data quality are often discussed
together (Otto, 2011; Weber, Otto, & Österle, 2009;
Wende & Otto, 2007). One of the main goals of DG
is often emphasized as being the improvement of the
quality of data (Otto, 2011; Soares, 2010). In order to
achieve trustworthy decision making, many
organizations employ DG to enable them to control
their data and ensure that its use meets ethical and
legal standards (Janssen et al., 2020). DG is still a new
field and requires more research to develop its
potential in Saudi Arabia – a framework for DG was
put forward in 2007 (Poor, 2011; Wende, 2007)
2.2 The Impact of Data Governance on
Decision Making
DG is increasingly important to organizations
because of its influence on both strategic and
operational decision making (Master & Management,
2007). Despite its potential, organizations have yet to
fully utilize data and harness its potential for business
growth and profit (Ransbotham, Kiron, & Prentice,
2016). Similarly, its value to government decision
making on important public issues has not been
maximized (Ransbotham, Kiron, & Prentice, 2016).
The value of data to organizations is impeded by
problems with quality, accuracy, and accessibility,
and these problems can translate into business
problems. In the public sector, despite the volume of
data about citizens and its potential to improve
decision making, it is not used effectively to address
citizens’ needs because of a lack of DG (Benfeldt
Nielsen, 2017). Furthermore, solutions to data
problems are often short term and tackled in isolation,
which further impedes effective data use (Brous,
Janssen, & Vilminko-Heikkinen, 2016). To address
such issues organizational involvement is required,
not solely a dedicated team of IT specialists (Lee et
al., 2014).
Data science is becoming ever more important to
organizations and many are initiating programs to
develop its use. Two case studies on asset
management (Brous and Janssen, 2020) were
examined to explore how DG can help make decision
making trustworthy and to produce acceptable
proposals. Both case studies revealed that decisions
made by organizations with a DG scheme were more
likely to be accepted. While it is well known that data
science is a useful decision-making tool, it is
dependent on the quality of the data it manipulates,
and the theoretical model used to guide its methods
(Brous and Janssen, 2020). Quality issues with data
frequently prevent organizations from making full
use of data science for decision-making purposes
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia
(Lin, Gao, & Koronios, 2006), and they have led
many organizations involved with asset management
to adopt DG to control how it is used (Brous and
Janssen, 2020).
The poor understanding of DG has meant that its
ability to improve data science is underdeveloped and
needs more research (Brous and Janssen, 2020). The
emergence of ‘big data’ has brought with it a rise in
the use of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to
processing this rich and inter-linked source of
information (Janssen et al., 2020). These neural
networks employ various machine learning
algorithms to manipulate and process large data sets.
Where such systems are used to inform decisions that
affect individual citizens and the communities they
belong to, any errors can result in harm and must be
eliminated. This has led to the adoption of strict
ethical standards and regulations. The size of current
databases makes their management extremely
difficult, increasing the importance of DG. In this
way the quality of data can be maintained, ethical
guidelines, as well as legislation, can be adhered to,
and trustworthy decision making ensured (Janssen et
al., 2020).
Technological advances have led to the concept of
a smart city, and DG is playing an increasingly
important role in such cities’ management and
decision making, as huge quantities of data need to be
utilized to run the applications required to serve city
functions (Choenni et al., 2022). The data comes from
many sources, including mobiles, drones, IoT
products, and robots. It also includes public sector
and organizational databases and registries, and is not
of uniform quality. To operate a smart city, the vast
quantity of data needs to be efficiently processed and
analyzed. As an example, the recording of entry and
exit times on public transport was originally intended
to be used to calculate the cost of travel based on the
distance, but the data also contains information of
great value for creating efficient public transport
services. The type and quantity of vehicles can be
adjusted to meet the different demands at specific
times, and high citizen movement areas can be
highlighted as potential crime spots for the police to
monitor. The data is also highly valuable to
businesses and can be used to develop applications
and public services, such as sophisticated route
planners that take account of safety as well as journey
duration (Choenni et al., 2022).
Other applications of such data could be more
environmental, and they can enable greener
development policies, including tree planting to
mitigate air pollution (Choenni et al., 2022). Eke and
Ebohon (2020) conceive DG as the use of all
available data in a way that takes account of
stakeholder interests and concerns, particularly the
overall wishes of the residents for their city. This
perspective emphasizes how data-driven decision
making affects the lives of ordinary citizens. Such a
view moves DG from a means of extracting value
from data legally and responsibly, to one that also
includes stakeholders in the evaluation of decisions
(Eke & Ebohon, 2020). For data to be used to manage
smart cities in order to properly further residents’
needs, DG needs to be in place to ensure that the data
used is objective, unbiased, and accurate. The
algorithms used to analyze the data and inform
decisions need to fairly weight the importance of
equality and a fair distribution of goods and services,
and the people operating the governance systems
should be suitably qualified. Policy should thus be
informed by accurate data, use transparent methods,
be accountable, and adhere to acceptable ethical and
legal standards (Eke & Ebohon, 2020).
The trustworthiness of decisions, and their impact
on both operational and strategic plans, depends on
good DG. There is, however, very little research on
how DG affects decision making in the KSA, a
shortfall that the current research aims to address.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted to
understand how DG affects decision making in the
KSA. The study comprised two groups of six experts
working for organizations in either data analytics or
DG roles. The DG interviewees were responsible for
the implementation of DG in their organization as part
of their professional roles, while the data analysts were
involved in analysis and related data processing work.
Individual semi-structured interviews and focus groups
were conducted to discover how each of the two expert
groups viewed the impact of DG on organizational
decision making. Both groups had experience of
decision making within their organizations.
Qualitative research using semi-structured
interviews and content analysis typically continues
with interviews until data saturation has been attained
(Francis et al., 2010). In this present study, saturation
occurred after twelve interviews had been conducted.
Most of the interviewees were IT graduates and the
details of the group members and their organizations
are displayed in Table 1. This research focuses on
governmental/semi-governmental and private sectors.
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Table 1: This table includes the demographic information of the interviewees.
Interviewees Information
Organization Type Interviewee Group Name Interviewee Position
#1 Private consultanc
Data Governance Lea
overnance consultant
#2 Semi-Government Data Governance Hea
of data an
ital solutions
#3 Semi-Government Data Governance Data
ect mana
#4 Private
consultancy compan
Data Governance Data strategy manage
#5 Government Data Governance Data management & governance
section hea
#6 Government Data Governance Data governance department
#7 Private
Data Anal
tics Di
ital anal
tics mana
#8 Government Data Analytics Data scientist
#9 Government Data Analytics AI advisor
#10 Private – consultancy company Data Analytics Data & business intelligence senior
#11 Private
consultancy compan
Data Analytics Senio
#12 Private
Data Anal
tics Business intelli
ence anal
Standard ethical procedures were followed, and
none of the data collected could be used to identify
individuals, thereby fulfilling the anonymity
requirements. Participation was voluntary, and all
participants gave their informed consent before the
start of the interviews or focus groups. The interviews
comprised a series of pre-written questions, but both
the interviewer and interviewee(s) had the
opportunity to ask questions and respond during the
interview, allowing topics to be explored in greater
depth. The pre-written questions were carefully
constructed to be objective and unbiased. Before
beginning interviews with the full participant group,
we carried out an initial pilot interview to ensure that
the questions we planned to use were clear,
comprehensive, and capable of eliciting in-depth
information. The results from this pilot interview
were encouraging, indicating that our questions
adequately covered the areas we aimed to explore
(Ritchie, Spencer, & O’Connor, 2003). Furthermore,
the structure of our main questions proved effective
in guiding more detailed discussions about topics
raised by participants. It is worth noting that the
individual interviewed during this pilot phase was
chosen from the same pool of participants as those in
our main study. Interviews are an appropriate
qualitative research method when the aim is to obtain
detailed information about people’s views and
attitudes related to a field of enquiry (Gaillet & Eble,
After the interviews were conducted, they were
transcribed and subjected to thematic analysis. This
approach was considered suitable as it allows themes
and sub-themes to be extracted from the
interview/focus group transcriptions (Gaillet & Eble,
2021). The thematic analysis began with the
researcher examining the data and identifying codes,
which were then grouped into separate categories
based on similarity. Themes and sub-themes were
then extracted from the data. Interview transcription
and data analysis were carried out using MS-Word
and Sonix software. As the interviews were
conducted in Arabic, native Arabic speakers
translated the transcription data into English. The data
thus obtained enabled a comprehensive evaluation of
organizational decision making in the KSA and how
this has been influenced by DG.
To ensure the reliability and validity of our
research methods, we implemented two key
strategies: triangulation and member checking. These
techniques are crucial for reinforcing the
trustworthiness of the findings in qualitative research
(Varpio et al., 42).
Triangulation in our study meant comparing
various data points to identify consistencies,
differences, and complementary elements. This
approach is based on the idea of using diverse sources
or methods to evaluate research findings, which
increases confidence in these results. As outlined by
Varpio et al. (42), triangulation can include different
dimensions like data, investigator, theory, and
methodology. Our focus was primarily on data
triangulation, involving a thorough comparison of
responses from different participants to discover
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia
common threads, discrepancies, or supplementary
Member checking, also known as informant
feedback, respondent validation, or dependability
checking (Varpio et al., 42), was another vital
technique we used. This method entails sharing the
data transcripts or interpretations with participants for
their feedback. The aim is to validate the data analysis
and increase participant involvement in the research.
Typically, this process happens at two stages. First,
participants review their transcripts to verify that their
words accurately convey their intended meanings.
Later, they assess the initial or final data analyses to
confirm or critique the researchers’ interpretations.
This phase often involves asking participants for their
insights on identified patterns or contextual factors,
which enhances the interpretive process and enriches
the study’s findings.Top of Form
DG was found to have had a significant effect on
decision making in the KSA. Both the data analytics
and DG groups were of this opinion. Two example
quotes from the interviewees were:
Data governance has a high impact on decision
making (interviewee #3)
And: The impact on decision making should be
high” (interviewee #11).
The following sections present the results organized
by the themes that emerged.
4.1 Trusted Data
Interviewees from the DG and data analytics groups
mostly agreed that the adoption of DG would improve
both confidence and trust in data, thereby also
improving decision making. Example quotes from the
interviewees on this matter were:
Data governance will increase confidence to make
decisions as the data will be trustworthy”
(interviewee #9).
“….we tell our employee that this data represents
reality and is actually true. They must have effective
governance that creates security and confidence for
the bank’s employees” (interviewee #4).
As DAMA International (2017) observes,
organizations are keen to make full and effective use
of the huge volume of data available to them. To
ensure that this data is reliable and of high quality,
and that deep insights can be drawn from it, DG has
now become a priority (International, 2017).
Organizations are also beginning to establish ‘data
warehouses’ to manage the data so that their decision
making and business analysis are well informed, and
the insights gleaned from the data can be used in
innovation (International, 2017). Certain
interviewees described how the use of a centralized,
secure, and trusted database functioned as a trusted
source of information for their organization. This
centralized data source integrated the data from
multiple external sources (including other
intraorganizational sources) and it was then used to
provide reliable data for business reports and data
analytics. Interviewee #4, for example, stated:
We had a data warehouse project that took all the
existing data from all data sources in the bank and
integrated them into one reliable source (single
source of facts). This place actually produces reliable
data that can be used to build reports and gain
In the data analytics group two interviewees
reported that one of the advantages of a single,
centralized data source was that more consistent data
was used to inform all the departments – there was a
single and trusted source of factual information. This
avoided having different departments within the
organization making decisions based on different data
that could sometimes be conflicting:
Why data governance is important .., you’ll have a
standard, so you won’t have conflicting figures
coming out of your different units or departments. So
you'll have a single source of facts for everything”
(interviewee #11).
In the data governance group three interviewees
reported similar views and explained how the lack of
a single source of accurate facts had resulted in a
decision maker receiving different data for the same
business report:
One of the most important principles implemented
by data governance team is having one single source
of facts. Imagine if I had more than one source! One
of the problems faced by the decision maker is when
he says: “I got the same report from two different
departments ... and later, the same report produces
different output! This happens in most entities
(interviewee #1).
These comments illustrate why organizations
need DG. It ensures that the data used to inform
decisions is accurate, clear, and trusted, and this leads
to greater confidence in the organizational data (Begg
& Caira, 2012). DG also increases the trust and
confidence in information products as a result of it
directly improving the reliability of the data used to
make them and indirectly as a result of the wider trust
levels across the organization (Otto,2011; Wende &
Otto, 2007).
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
4.2 Data Quality
Most interviewees considered DG to be associated
with greater data quality: The impact of data
governance on decision making is very high as it
produces better, higher quality data, which will be
reflected in improvements in the quality of
recommendations we provide as analysts. It means
that the decisions made based on these
recommendations will be more accurate
(interviewee #7).
As a data governance team, we aim to raise the
quality of data …. I work with the business team to
identify the key data elements that they rely on to
make decisions. I then set rules based on business
inputs which are implemented by the information
technology team to help me establish the dimensions
of data quality (interviewee #1). These views are
consistent with the literature, where data quality is
also considered to have a strong correlation with DG
(Otto, 2011; Pierce, Dismute, and Yonke, 2008.).
This has led to data quality being used as a
measure for evaluating the performance of DG
(Khatri & Brown, 2010; Otto, 2011; Wende and Otto,
2007). In the data analytic group, nearly all of the
interviewees considered data quality to be crucial and
problematic when not attained. Rather than analyzing
data, many analysts found themselves addressing data
quality issues:
Most of the challenges that I face relate to data
quality and processing ... we work more on the steps
to improve data quality” (interviewee #8).
Sometimes, or actually almost all of the time, the
data that comes in is of very poor quality. So we have
to do quality checks” (interviewee #10).
Decision making throughout an organization is
seriously affected by poor data quality:
If you have data that’s ambiguous or inaccurate or
duplicated, it can be misleading … these things affect
many of the tasks that someone who analyzes data
performs. It's what affects the decision making
indirectly” (interviewee #10).
The efficient use of data is hindered by poor-
quality data and can even result in erroneous decision
making that has serious consequences. High-quality
data is required to obtain the benefits of big data
through analysis, and to extract value from the
information contained in the data (Cai & Zhu, 2015).
DG needs to ensure that the quality of data is of a
suitably high standard for the areas of business in
which it is used (Brous, Janssen and Vilminko-
Heikkinen, 2016). The data used by an organization
needs to be ‘fit for purpose’, and DG needs to ensure
that it is maintained to sufficiently high standards;
this requires that binding policies and usage
guidelines are in place for data management (Otto,
In the DG group, two interviewees described how
it was necessary for the quality of data to be improved
in conjunction with other business departments, as the
DG team played a part in forming the business rules
for their organization:
Actually, yes we were involved, I speak their
business language … we convert our understanding
of data to business rules so we can check data later
on” (interviewee #4).
4.3 Roles and Responsibilities
The DG team were all of the opinion that the proper
management of data required having clearly defined
roles and responsibilities: “When you’re governing
data, you must define roles and responsibilities…how
do we define roles and responsibilities? … by
policies” (interviewee #3).
The interviewees were also in broad agreement
with the fact that DG should involve a dedicated data
steward and that owners should be properly assigned
to specific data. Data stewards have comprehensive
knowledge of the data and the business requirements
for that data (Cheong & Chang, 2007). They also need
excellent IT skills with which to produce data in a
form that meets specific business requirements. Data
stewards understand the terminology and definitions
used by a business, and how the data will be used by
the business. They can form part of the team
responsible for producing business rules, definitions
and terms, and quality standards (Wende, 2007).
In contrast, data owners are responsible and
accountable for the data they own, and they have the
authority to approve decisions about data within their
field (International, 2017). One interviewee in the
data analytics groups reported that the absence of
clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and proper
assigned authority can be detrimental to data quality.
There is a real problem happening today in our bank
… we told branch managers that when a client comes
to you, try to let him\her use a digital channel – and
this is what they do. The problem is that after the
client uses bank services through a digital channel,
the branch manager calls the IT team to change the
channel from digital to branch. They are doing this to
meet branch KPIs (key performance indicators)
they have no idea of the damage to data quality that
they caused!!! I lost my customer because of what
they did” (interviewee #7).
They added: We raised this with the data
governance team and they made the excellent
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia
decisions to assert that not everyone has the authority
to change data. The role of the data governance team
in this case was a savior” (interviewee #7).
As noted by International (2017), decision making is
affected by data quality. Therefore, the role of data
owners and data stewards is essential for maintaining
this quality and addressing any shortcomings
(International, 2017).
4.4 Common Understanding
For data to be governed properly the DG team need
to understand the value and meaning of the data to the
organization (Smith, 2007). When managing big data,
reliable metadata must be formed to enable
organizations to realize what data exists in the
databases, where it came from, what it represents,
who can access it, what quality standards must be
maintained, as well as how the data moves through,
and is integrated into, the organization’s systems
(International, 2017). The DG team must be
accountable for the metadata (Al-Badi, Tarhini, &
Khan, 2018).
4.4.1 Business Glossary
The different uses of terminology can be confusing
and lead to errors. A business glossary addresses this
need for clear and well-defined terminology
(International, 2017). By ensuring that consistent and
accurate data description terms are used and
incorporated into the business glossary,
communication is improved throughout the
organization and ambiguities resolved (International,
2017). This view of the importance of a data glossary
was confirmed by most interviewees:
As an organization, how do I benefit from the data
that I have? … I must classify data … I should have
metadata and a business glossary to define data
attributes” (interviewee #5).
Data governance helps decision makers in certain
things such as standardization. For example, when
we say the word ‘employee’ what is its definition? Is
it a part-time or full-time employee?” (interviewee
If data is not referred to and manipulated
consistently, and with accurate terminology, errors
can filter through into the reports used by decision
makers. One of the data analytics interviewees stated:
I once saw a scenario where a leader requested their
teams to calculate the numbers, for example, for a
sale. And two different teams provided different
numbers … and it was a huge embarrassment to the
organization. And when they investigated, it turned
out both of the numbers were right. They were just
using different measures (interviewee #10).
Furthermore, the DG group shared this view:
“…when the finance department shares a report, it is
not reflecting the same information as the other
sectors. The reason is that the finance department
looks at it from a different viewpoint, and the method
of calculating data was also different …, so there was
a conflict. This misleads the decision makers, how did
he make the appropriate decision?” (interviewee #6).
These remarks highlight the importance of a business
glossary to good DG (International, 2017).
4.5 Decision Time
Most interviewees considered that poor DG results in
organizations not realizing the full value and potential
of the data they have, which can impact decision
making: The impact of data governance on the
decisions, is cost, it’s as simple as that, it would be
costly. When a decision maker makes a particular
decision, usually the reason behind it is investment –
it is either profit or loss” (interviewee #5).
DG that is effective and well structured also
enables decision makers to acquire information of
high quality within their time constraints: “Today we
are living in a very fast-paced world. In the private
sector, I would not even wait for a day or two to make
a decision. It is possible for the competitor to get the
opportunity and be ahead of us. In the government
sector, certain decisions are supposed to be taken
very quickly based on specific data, so that the
country develops. So the question is how will the
decisions be affected if there is no data governance?
This decision is supposed to be instant – within hours,
for example. If there was no data governance, time
would be wasted in figuring out how to solve data
quality problems, or where to get data from, or how
to make sure data is reliable? And missed
opportunities are costs” (interviewee #4).
Most interviewees did not refer to DG increasing
the decision time, with only two remarking on it. One
of the data analytics interviewees commented:
Data governance ensures the quality of the data, but
slows down the decision-making process”
(interviewee #8). However, organizations are aware
that high-quality data is more valuable than low-
quality data (International, 2017). Reliable data is an
advantage to employees as they can answer questions
faster and with greater consistency. Employees can
also use their time more effectively for the
organization, by addressing customer needs, making
decisions, and finding insights from the data, rather
COMPLEXIS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
than expending valuable time on data issues
(International, 2017).
4.6 Change Management
Data in the KSA is regulated by the National Data
Management Office (NDMO). This office is
responsible for setting standards in national DG, data
management, and personal data protection, and it set
up a regulatory framework three years ago to apply
these standards (, n.d.). All government
departments, entities, and any assigned business
partners who use government data must comply with
the standards set by the NDMO (SDAIA, 2021). DG
remains a recent development in KSA, particularly in
the government domain, and this was reflected in the
interviews with the DG group.
All of these interviewees raised concerns about
the lack of awareness about DG and the challenges
that remain, posing barriers to its effective
implementation: “In general, the challenges that face
data management offices in the government sector
are always culture and change in management
(interviewee #5).
The regulator has to play a bigger role, and
understand that there are challenges, and try to apply
changes in management because this is a change
happening at the level of their entity or at the level of
Saudi Arabia. And this change will affect many things
and everyone should be aware of it(interviewee #4).
Two of the DG interviewees commented on the
way it was being implemented. The employees
responsible for implementing DG were inadequately
informed about their roles, and some also considered
it to be nothing more than an added workload:
Business people do not know what roles and tasks
they’re supposed to do. For example, when a data
governance officer tells them: ‘According to the
policy, you must classify your data before you share
it’, or ‘You must define data fields’, they reply: ‘You
are asking me for something that is not one of my
duties and responsibilities’. So they consider it extra
work. How do we overcome this issue? The leader of
the entity should believe in data governance
practices, he can help the data management office by
assigning a data steward to ensure that data
governance is implemented and that it is a part of
their tasks” (interviewee #5).
The interviewees made certain suggestions to
tackle these barriers to the effective implementation
of DG. These included raising awareness of its
function and importance through workshops and
other focus-group-style meetings. Good DG practices
should be filtered down from top level management,
and good leadership is required for these practices to
be established successfully. Their implementation
should also be done in stages, as gradual changes in
data handling practices meet less resistance to
Finally, once established, good DG needs to be
maintained through periodic checks of adherence to
standards. Examples of the interviewees’ views on
this matter are as follows:
Raising awareness about data governance should be
through interactions, sending emails is not enough
and we should leverage the data steward to transfer
knowledge. Therefore, selecting a data steward is
important” (interviewee #1).
Data governance should be flexible, especially in the
early stages. The entire framework should not be
applied at once, but rather in stages for easier
implementation, also to measure its progress”
(interviewee #2).
I recommend that before establishing a data
governance office, the regulator should conduct
sessions and workshops from the top down, starting
with ministries and deputies, to explain the main
objectives of data governance that they want the
office to achieve, and then the office will apply it
gradually, then meet with the regulator next year –
not to check compliance, but rather to share any
lessons learned and to come up with
recommendations. Then in the second or third year
after going through this process with the various
departments, the regulator can conduct compliance
checks” (interviewee #4).
In summary, this study presented a thorough and in-
depth evaluation of DG in KSA and its impact on
decision making. Qualitative data was obtained from
interviews with six experts working in DG and six in
data analytics. The former group were responsible for
implementing DG in their organizations, while the
latter were involved with analysis and data modelling.
Both groups of interviewees considered effective
DG to improve the decision making of an
organization, as it increases trust and confidence in
organizational data and improves the clarity of
useable information. Decision making is further
improved by the increases in data quality brought
about by good DG. Having clearly defined roles and
responsibilities, particularly data stewardship and
ownership, is essential for good DG. These roles
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia
assign accountability for data quality and authority
over data usage, which are both crucial components
of good DG. They also help to ensure its positive
impact on organizational decision making. DG also
includes standardizing data and data metrics, as well
as the terminology used in data analysis and
reporting. The improvements in the
intraorganizational consistency and clarity in
reporting that come from this standardization are
essential for effective decision making. A properly
implemented DG framework speeds up data
processing, enabling high-quality data to be produced
or accessed when most needed for important
The interviewees make it clear that there are many
direct and indirect benefits of good DG. However, a
lack of awareness and experience has meant that KSA
institutions and governmental actors face barriers
when attempting to instill good DG practices. To
mitigate these problems, organizations should
introduce workshops to increase awareness, ensure
excellent leadership provides top-down support, and
implement DG gradually. This will enable
organizations to obtain the considerable value that
good DG can offer.
Lastly, this study's findings present several
limitations that warrant further research. First, there
have been limited studies on the impact of data
governance in KSA, given that data governance is a
relatively new field both globally (Benmoussa,
Khoulji, Laaziri, and Larbi, 2018), and particularly in
KSA. As a result, further research on data governance
in KSA is recommended.
this study's conclusions are not supported
by quantitative data. Although valuable insights were
gained from qualitative analysis, the inclusion of
quantitative measures would significantly enhance
the empirical foundation. Future studies, therefore,
will seek to incorporate quantitative data for a more
comprehensive and balanced analysis.
Third, the sample was drawn from a variety of
sectors, including government, semi-government,
and private sectors, spanning diverse business
domains such as health, energy, and banking.
According to interview results, the energy sector in
KSA is seen as mature in terms of data governance
and quality, potentially facing fewer challenges
compared to other sectors. Therefore, future research
should focus on specific sectors (e.g., government or
private) or domains (such as health, energy,
education, etc.) to gain deeper insights and more
comprehensive results. To enhance the findings'
generalizability, subsequent studies should aim to
increase the participant pool and extend the scope
across different geographical areas.
The authors extend their thanks to the interviewees
who participated in this study.
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