Embedding a Data-Driven Decision-Making Work Culture in a Social
Housing Environment
Srinidhi Karthikeyan
, Takao Maruyama
and Sankar Sivarajah
Faculty of Management, Law & Social Sciences, University of Bradford, Richmond Rd, Bradford BD7 1DP, U.K.
Social Housing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Rent Arrears, Explainable AI.
This paper explores the issue of delayed rent payments in social housing in the United Kingdom and its impact
on tenants and housing providers. Our approach is to use machine learning algorithms to analyse payment
patterns and identify tenants who may be at risk of falling behind on rent payments. By doing this, we aim to
equip housing providers with the necessary tools to intervene early and maintain consistent tenancies. We have
conducted research using machine learning models such as decision trees and random forests to address this
issue. The paper emphasises the potential benefits of Explainable AI, which can help build trust in data-driven
decision-making and AI among employees unfamiliar with AI and machine learning.
Social housing is vital in the UK, providing accom-
modation to over 5 million households (Stone, 2003).
Timely rent payments are crucial for the sustainabil-
ity of social housing, as tenants’ early exits can hinder
social providers’ objectives. The transition to Uni-
versal Credit (UC) has shifted the responsibility of
rent payments to tenants, and only 8% of those in
Direct Payment Demonstration Projects consistently
paid their rent on time and in full (Hickman et al.,
2017). By 2023, over 7 million households will re-
ceive Universal Credit (Hickman, 2021). Addressing
this issue is essential to alleviate the financial pres-
sure on social housing providers, who face an average
cost of £10,000 per eviction (The Guinness Partner-
ship and Tickell, 2015). Evictions can be traumatic
for tenants and jeopardise their well-being (Bond
et al., 2018). Effective rent collection strategies en-
able providers to function efficiently, increase hous-
ing supply, and fulfil their responsibilities to tenants.
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and
machine learning (ML) has brought significant ad-
vancements in various fields, allowing for data anal-
ysis, pattern recognition, and autonomous decision-
making. This has made AI and ML increasingly valu-
able in the current digital age. These complex algo-
rithms enable machines to learn from data, recognise
patterns, and make decisions without human interven-
tion (Holzinger et al., 2017). Due to their immense
potential, people from various application domains,
including healthcare (Shaheen, 2021), finance (Cao,
2020), and marketing (Mariani et al., 2022), are in-
creasingly interested in utilising these algorithms.
As a result, AI and ML are now employed in dif-
ferent application domains, such as speech recogni-
tion systems (Amberkar et al., 2018) and self-driving
cars (Rao and Frtunikj, 2018), to provide new solu-
tions to previously unsolvable problems. However, AI
in social housing is an area that needs more research.
The paper proposes using machine learning algo-
rithms to predict rent arrears before they occur by
analysing tenants’ payment history. By identifying
patterns, social housing landlords can take timely ac-
tion to prevent the situation from escalating. The pa-
per explains how a machine learning model was de-
veloped to accurately predict tenants’ payment be-
haviour to alert Income officers of potential issues.
Our team aims to prevent the situation from worsen-
ing, leading to further arrears or court cases and will
offer ample support to help tenants manage their fi-
Karthikeyan, S., Maruyama, T. and Sivarajah, S.
Embedding a Data-Driven Decision-Making Work Culture in a Social Housing Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0012700700003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 807-811
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Despite its widespread adoption in various indus-
tries, the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
social housing still needs to be explored. This re-
view delves into the applications of AI in other do-
mains, the causes of rent arrears in social housing,
and potential areas for future AI research. Several
successful applications of AI can be seen in fields
such as loan default prediction (Lagasio et al., 2022;
Neisen and Geraskin, 2022; Shaheen and Elfakha-
rany, 2018; Turiel and Aste, 2019) and healthcare risk
prediction (Ehlers et al., 2017; Shinde and Rajeswari,
2018; Ferdousi et al., 2021; Karthick et al., 2022; Wu
et al., 2021; SK and P, 2017; Sawhney et al., 2023;
Dutta et al., 2022). These examples illustrate the
capability of AI to analyse data, recognise patterns,
and make informed decisions. Explainable AI (XAI)
has been used to minimise loan default risk (Egan,
2021) and interpret default forecasting models (Cas-
carino et al., 2022). By explaining AI’s decisions,
XAI can enhance user confidence and trust in the AI
systems (Weitz et al., 2019; Druce et al., 2021).
Rent underpayment is a significant problem. A
study by (Irvine et al., 2007) found a strong con-
nection between ’capability’ and rent arrears accrual
and identified three types of money managers: ’or-
dered, ’flexible, and ’chaotic. The study indicated
that ’flexible’ and ’chaotic’ money managers were
more likely to experience challenges than their ’or-
dered’ counterparts.
Rent underpayments are affected by opportu-
nity (Johnson and O’Halloran, 2017) and mental
health (Bond et al., 2018). Claimants’ arrears are
caused by their financial situation, including irregu-
lar or insufficient income, the five-week wait for their
initial UC payment, and administrative delays in re-
ceiving the benefit (Johnson and O’Halloran, 2017).
It is essential to acknowledge that many reasons ten-
ants fall into arrears are beyond their control. If land-
lords allow tenants to continue accruing arrears, it can
lead to a loss of profit and additional expenses such
as legal processes. Despite an extensive review of the
literature, the authors have not been able to find any
previous research studies that focus on the application
of AI in social housing, particularly in assisting social
landlords in reducing their tenants’ rent arrears. This
indicates a significant gap in the current research.
3.1 Dataset
The original dataset contained around 15 million
records, which consisted of tenants’ everyday pay-
ment records. It included transaction details such as
the transaction date, year, amount, account type, and
other relevant parameters for 20,867 out of 23,033 ac-
tive tenants in the weekly payment group. The dataset
was then transformed into a more usable format to
provide insights into tenant behaviour. As a result of
the transformation, the new dataset now includes:
Transaction sum of WK1-WK4 (weeks 1-4),
WK5-WK8 (weeks 5-8), WK9-WK12 (weeks 9-
12), WK13-WK16 (weeks 13-16), WK17-WK20
(weeks 17-20), WK21-WK24 (weeks 21-24), and
WK25-WK28 (weeks 25-28).
Yearly balance of 2021-2022,2022-2023 and
Arrear score of 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-
Transaction score of 2021-2022,2022-2023 and
Transaction score of all three years.
Arrear score of all three years.
With the weekly transaction sums, tracking ten-
ants’ payment patterns and identifying inconsisten-
cies is easy. The past three years’ yearly balance
helps us paint a clearer financial picture of the ten-
ant and their payment history. The transaction and
arrear scores provide valuable insights into tenant be-
haviour, allowing us to identify potential risks and
take necessary actions to mitigate them. Overall,
this transformed dataset provides a more detailed and
comprehensive understanding of tenant behaviour,
which can help us make informed decisions and im-
prove our services.
During the exploratory data analysis, some interest-
ing findings were discovered. Figure 1 shows a graph
illustrating the average number of days tenants take to
fall into their first arrears since the beginning of their
tenancy. It appears that the period has decreased and
is now the lowest in 2022 compared to 2019. One
possible reason for this is inflation in the UK.
Figure 2 displays the average number of days tenants
receive their first Notice of Seeking Possession (NSP)
notice since the beginning of their tenancy. As with
The financial year is defined from April of one year to
March of the next, so years are mentioned as ranges. For
the future, this will include the current financial year and
the past two financial years.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the previous graph, this figure has decreased, indicat-
ing that tenants are falling behind on their rent pay-
ments more quickly than in last years. As a result,
Income officers are responding more promptly by is-
suing NSP notices earlier to prevent the accumulation
of more significant debts.
Figure 1: The Average number of days tenants take to get
into their first arrears since the start of the tenancy.
Rent is collected on a weekly basis, and a cycle
lasts for a maximum of 52 weeks. Each cycle has 13
periods, with each period consisting of four weeks.
The payment patterns of tenants are represented
using two critical features. The first feature is the
transaction pattern score (ranges from 0 to 1), which
indicates changes in the payment pattern of tenants
over 13 periods. A higher score for the transaction
pattern indicates frequent changes in payment pat-
terns, which may be caused by financial instability
or other factors. In contrast, a lower score suggests
a consistent payment pattern, indicating that the
tenant is financially stable and can meet payment
Figure 2: The Average number of days taken for tenants to
get their first NSP notice since the start of tenancy.
The second feature used to represent payment pat-
terns is the 13-period arrear scores (ranges from -
to + ). The arrear score is calculated by summing
the balances or arrears at the end of each 13-period
period. A positive score indicates the tenant is in ar-
rears, meaning they have failed to pay rent on time. In
contrast, a negative score implies that the tenant has
credit and is not in arrears, indicating that they have
paid their rent on time or in advance. This information
is crucial in determining the risk of tenants defaulting
on rent payments. The target variable is whether the
person will be in arrears for the next four weeks (25
to 28).
The problem at hand is a binary classification task,
and two well-known machine learning algorithms,
Decision Tree (Wu et al., 2008) and Random For-
est (Breiman, 2001), were used to construct models.
Our evaluation criteria included accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 scores. As shown in Table 1, the Ran-
dom Forest model had greater accuracy than the De-
cision Tree model, making it the baseline model for
the task.
Table 1: Evaluation results of the two models.
Metrics DecisionTree RandomForest
Accuracy 0.807646 0.856696
Precision 0.755488 0.839635
Recall 0.756410 0.786325
F1-Score 0.755949 0.812106
Upon further analysis of the Random Forest
model’s feature importance (as shown in Table 2), the
top five features significantly impacting the classifi-
cation were analysed. These features were Yearly
balance of 2023-2024, Arrear score of 2023-2024,
Transaction sum of WK17-WK20, Transaction sum
of WK21-WK24, and Transaction sum of WK25-
WK28. Among these five features, the Yearly balance
of 2023-2024, the Arrear score of 2023-2024, and the
Transaction sum of WK25-WK28 supported the find-
ings provided by our domain experts.
However, we noticed that the Transaction sum of
WK17-WK20, which corresponds to April, was a
non-debit raise week due to UK holidays.
Throughout the course of our project, we encoun-
tered a significant issue with data quality. We dis-
covered that some of the data we were working with
was less accurate, incomplete, and inconsistent, mak-
Embedding a Data-Driven Decision-Making Work Culture in a Social Housing Environment
Table 2: The importance of features according to Random
Forest model.
Features Importance
Transaction sum of WK1-WK4 0.0668
Transaction sum of WK5-WK8 0.0556
Transaction sum of WK9-WK12 0.0721
Transaction sum of WK13-WK16 0.0734
Transaction sum of WK17-WK20 0.0904
Transaction sum of WK21-WK24 0.079
Transaction sum of WK25-WK28 0.0763
Yearly balance of 2021-2022 0.03
Yearly balance of 2022-2023 0.0416
Yearly balance of 2023-2024 0.1229
Arrear score of 2021-2022 0.0291
Arrear score of 2022-2023 0.0376
Arrear score of 2023-2024 0.1181
Transaction score of 2021-2022 0.0162
Transaction score of 2022-2023 0.0177
Transaction score of 2023-2024 0.0176
Transaction score of all three years 0.0242
Arrear score of all three years 0.0313
ing it challenging to consider other important factors,
such as tenant arrangements and the number of house-
hold members. High-quality data is essential for any
business to thrive, while low-quality data can lead to
missed opportunities and financial losses. A study by
Duvier et al. (Duvier et al., 2018) revealed that data
quality issues can arise due to various organisational,
cultural, or computational challenges. Therefore, we
understood the importance of addressing these chal-
lenges to establish an effective data quality program.
We also faced another challenge of building trust
among employees new to working with AI. We un-
derstood that trust is crucial when working with AI,
and we wanted our employees to feel confident about
AI’s decision-making process. Therefore, we decided
to use explainable AI to help employees understand
and trust AI’s decisions.
Based on the preliminary findings, the authors aim
to broaden the dataset by adding more transaction
data from the past three years. Additionally, the plan
is to incorporate data from previous tenancy transac-
tions, as the current study only utilises current ten-
ancy data. Furthermore, the authors intend to intro-
duce more relevant features, such as tenancy duration,
property demographics, and payment methods, as rec-
ommended by domain experts, to ensure a compre-
hensive and robust dataset. We are preparing a follow-
up paper that will present a comprehensive analysis
of our findings, detailing strategies employed to over-
come the identified challenges and the impact of our
work on the business.
Late rent payments in social housing in the UK have
been a persistent problem for many years. This pa-
per delves into the issue and explores potential solu-
tions and challenges when implementing them. One
possible solution that the paper proposes is using Ex-
plainable AI to build trust in data-driven decision-
making processes, which can improve the accuracy
of rent payment predictions and reduce the number
of late payments. However, more research is needed
to understand the full potential of AI in addressing
the problem of late payments in social housing effec-
tively. Despite the challenges of implementing AI in
social housing, there is a growing belief that it could
help tackle the issue more efficiently and fairly. It is
crucial to fix the issue of late payments in social hous-
ing because it affects not only the housing providers
but also the tenants, who may face eviction and fi-
nancial difficulties. By addressing the problem, we
can ensure that tenants can maintain stable and secure
housing while also achieving positive outcomes for
housing providers.
The authors thank Innovate UK and Incommunities
for part funding this research.
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Embedding a Data-Driven Decision-Making Work Culture in a Social Housing Environment