from given lecture slides.
Value of Manual Discovery of Relations.
The manual discovery of relations within and be-
tween graphs, promoted by students and teachers, of-
fers valuable insights. This process enables a multi-
faceted exploration, providing diverse views on po-
tential core elements of modules. Such insights, cur-
rently beyond the reach of LLMs, contribute to a more
nuanced understanding.
In this position paper, we propose and discuss the con-
cept of the Related Work Connectome Project, an ap-
proach that is aimed to provide students and lectur-
ers alike the discovery of structures within a mod-
ule and between different modules. While on a first
glance this concept seems like ”yet another platform”
it is founded on various well-researched aspects like
concept maps, collaborative design of concept maps,
and learning pathways. As the idea behind the RWCP
can be quickly sketched, the emerging challenges as
provided in Section 4 go far deeper and reveal inter-
esting challenges and opportunities to be discussed.
We hope that this idea paves the path for enhanc-
ing research of intra- and inter-module relations, but
first and foremost fosters an active discussion and ex-
change on the challenges and opportunities of such an
The project was supported by the Fund for teaching
innovation of Kiel University. The responsibility for
the content of this publication lies with the authors.
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