Towards Enhancing Mobile App Reviews: A Structured Approach to
User Review Entry, Analysis and Verification
Omar Haggag, John Grundy
and Rashina Hoda
HumaniSE Lab, Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity, Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia
Mobile Apps, User Reviews, Categorisation, ChatGPT, GPT-4, STGT, Tagging, Analysis, App Stores,
We propose an approach to address the shortcomings of current mobile app review systems on platforms
such as the Apple App Store and Google Play. Currently, these platforms lack review categorisation and au-
thentication of genuine user feedback, posing significant barriers for app developers and users. We propose
an approach combining socio-technical grounded theory (STGT) and advanced natural language processing
(NLP) tools such as GPT-4 to analyse user reviews, providing deeper insights into app functionalities, prob-
lems, and ultimately, user satisfaction. An interactive UI prototype is presented to demonstrate the use of
structured, verified feedback. This includes a novel review submission process with categorisation/tagging
and a ”verified download” tag to ensure review authenticity. The goal of our approach is to enhance the app
ecosystem by assisting developers in prioritising improvements and enabling users to make informed choices,
encouraging a more robust and user-centric digital marketplace.
In the dynamic and ever-expanding world of mobile
applications, user reviews stand as an essential com-
ponent in the digital ecosystem, linking app develop-
ers and users by providing transparent feedback on an
app’s performance, usability, and overall value (Vasa
et al., 2012; Haggag et al., 2021). These insights are
useful for developers, highlighting both strengths and
areas needing improvement, thereby assisting their
development strategies. For users, these reviews act
as a guide through millions of available mobile apps,
helping them in making informed decisions based
on the shared experiences of others (Palomba et al.,
2018). Not only do these reviews influence personal
download, purchase and usage choices, but they also
shape the evolution of apps to continually meet user
expectations through their updates (Genc-Nayebi and
Abran, 2017).
For app developers, user reviews are a significant
feedback mechanism, revealing how their app per-
forms in real-world scenarios, which might not be de-
tected in testing environments (Li et al., 2018; Hag-
gag, 2022). These reviews can reveal issues, from
bugs to user experience problems. They also play a
significant role in analysing the success of updates
and new features, influencing the app’s developmental
direction. On the user side, reviews are a significant
resource for potential users, offering a more authen-
tic look than promotional materials. Current users,
through reviews, can share insights, contributing to
the app’s ongoing development and building commu-
nity (Palomba et al., 2017).
However, a major challenge with the current re-
view systems on platforms such as the Apple App
Store and Google Play is the absence of review cat-
egorisation (Li et al., 2018). This complicates de-
velopers’ ability to accurately and effectively analyse
and respond to feedback, especially with reviews of-
ten covering multiple issues, spelling and grammar
mistakes, and are sometimes submitted in different
languages. Another significant concern is distinguish-
ing genuine user reviews from fake ones submitted by
people or generated by bots. Currently, there is no
definitive way to indicate or verify if a review is gen-
uine, which can skew the perception and reliability
of the feedback (Martens and Maalej, 2019; Haggag
et al., 2022a; Haggag et al., 2022b). Furthermore,
for paid or subscription-based mobile apps without a
system in place to confirm if a user has made a pur-
chase or subscribed to services within the app, there’s
no guarantee that reviews reflect real customer expe-
Haggag, O., Grundy, J. and Hoda, R.
Towards Enhancing Mobile App Reviews: A Structured Approach to User Review Entry, Analysis and Verification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012701000003687
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2024), pages 598-604
ISBN: 978-989-758-696-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
riences. This gap presents a high risk of fake reviews,
where individuals who have not actually bought or
engaged with the app can leave misleading feedback,
potentially affecting the app’s reputation and user de-
We propose the use of socio-technical grounded
theory (STGT) to provide a structured and more com-
prehensive approach to analysing app reviews, offer-
ing insights into both the technological aspects of the
app and the social context of user interactions (Hoda,
2021). By applying STGT, researchers and app de-
velopers can better understand patterns and themes
in user reviews that go beyond simple functional-
ity issues, understanding how user sentiments evolve
with app updates or how social influences shape app
perception (Hoda, 2021; Hoda, 2023; Fazzini et al.,
2022). This analysis, empowered by text analysis
tools using natural language processing such as GPT-
4 combined with manual coding, can lead to a bet-
ter understanding of the user-app relationship. Also,
it enables developers to make user-centric enhance-
ments and align the app more closely with user needs
and preferences in this digitally interconnected world
(Sanderson, 2023).
We conducted a study to better understand (i) the
limitations of current reviewing mechanisms in app
stores; (ii) the challenges faced by app developers,
current and potential app users dealing with user re-
views in the current structure; and (iii) key areas for
improvement. The key contributions of this work in-
analysis of how a structured, authentic review sys-
tem can assist potential users in making more in-
formed decisions, enriching their app selection and
usage experience;
designing an interactive UI prototype as a proof of
concept highlighting the impact of organised, reli-
able user feedback on the app development cycle,
particularly in terms of addressing user-specific is-
sues and feature enhancement;
creating a structured review submission method-
ology using categorisation/tagging, grounded in
STGT principles, to streamline and optimise the ex-
traction of useful feedback;
introduction of ”Verified Download” and ”Verified
Purchase” tags to enhance the credibility and au-
thenticity of user reviews, ensuring that feedback is
sourced from real users; and
developing a tool prototype to illustrate how novel
NLP tools such as GPT-4 combined with STGT
can greatly improve the user review submission and
analysis process.
Unstructured and Uncategorised Reviews: Fig-
ure 1 shows an example of the style of the current
user interface of app reviews in the App Store and
Google Play. The current mechanism for submit-
ting user reviews on major platforms like the Apple
App Store and Google Play has significant limitations
for app developers, current users, and potential users
alike (Iacob and Harrison, 2013; Martens and Maalej,
2019). The absence of categorisation in the review
feedback system leads to a large, unstructured text of
user opinions and experiences. For app developers,
going through this large amount of data to extract ac-
tionable insights is a challenging task. Key issues and
popular feature requests can be hidden among less rel-
evant content, slowing down the response and resolu-
tion time and potentially leading to misguided prior-
ities(Ciurumelea et al., 2017). Moreover, the lack of
review structure often results in valuable feedback be-
ing overlooked or lost.
Figure 1: Current App Review UIs Lacking Categorisation.
App users looking to understand specific aspects
of an app, such as its performance, usability, or partic-
ular features, must navigate through a large amount of
general and irrelevant reviews (Vu et al., 2015). This
process is time-consuming and can be overwhelming,
worsening the overall experience and possibly lead-
ing to misinformed decision-making by the app de-
signers and developers. The credibility of these re-
views is another concern. With the prevalence of bot-
generated reviews and the difficulty in knowing au-
thentic user experiences from fake ones, users often
struggle to know the true quality and reliability of an
app (Caldeira et al., 2017; Martens and Maalej, 2019).
By categorising user review data into multiple
Towards Enhancing Mobile App Reviews: A Structured Approach to User Review Entry, Analysis and Verification
different themes or aspects, such as usability, fea-
tures, bugs, and user interface (UI), a more struc-
tured framework for both submitting, identifying, and
analysing user feedback can be achieved. This would
enable developers to quickly identify and prioritise
areas that require attention, enhancing the efficiency
and effectiveness of the development process. Po-
tential app users could easily find the information
most relevant to their interests or concerns, leading
to a more satisfying and informed app selection pro-
cess. Leveraging the latest NLP tools can also support
more accurately capturing, categorizing and interpret-
ing the various nature of user reviews.
Verifying Quality of Reviews: Existing app review
systems lack mechanisms to verify whether user re-
views originate from actual app downloads or con-
firmed purchases (Martens and Maalej, 2019). This
raises concerns about the authenticity of the feedback,
potentially enabling an increase in fake reviews or
bot-generated content. Introducing a ”Verified Down-
load” status and possibly a ”Verified Purchase” tag
alongside user reviews could significantly mitigate
these issues. Such verification processes would en-
sure that the feedback comes from users who have
genuinely downloaded and interacted with the app,
enhancing the credibility and value of the reviews for
both developers and other users.
Review Submission Process: Existing research on
user reviews in app stores predominantly focuses on
qualitative and quantitative analyses of the content of
the reviews, with minimal emphasis on enhancing the
review submission process itself (Ciurumelea et al.,
2017; Huebner et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017; Fu et al.,
2013; Alqahtani and Orji, 2020). This misses the cru-
cial aspect of how user reviews are collected and or-
ganised to ensure quality and timeliness. We want to
provide a structured and systematic approach to the
review capture and analysis process.
We propose to leverage socio-technical grounded
theory (STGT) and the natural language processing
(NLP) capabilities of GPT-4 to aid in better categori-
sation of app reviews, and advocate for the use of
Verified Download and Purchase tags. We aim for
this method not just to enhance the clarity and rele-
vance of user reviews, but also to increase the overall
trustworthiness and usefulness of app reviews for all
3.1 User Reviews Classification Process
Using STGT and NLP
Our proposed user review categorisation methodol-
ogy for app stores is a two-phase system designed
to enhance the utility and relevance of user feedback.
The categorisation process outlined in Figure 2 rep-
resents a structured approach to managing user re-
views on an app store. In the initial submission phase
- step 1, users write and submit their reviews, which
are then preprocessed using NLP techniques to extract
key terms and sentiments in steps 1.1 and 1.2. Users
can further tag their reviews with hashtags to high-
light specific elements in step 1.3, after which the sys-
tem, informed by STGT-based analysis, suggests rel-
evant aspects for categorisation as in step 1.4. Users
then have the opportunity to verify or adjust these sug-
gestions before the review is added to the database, as
in step 1.5
Post-submission, reviews are tagged with ”Veri-
fied Download” or ”Verified Purchase” to indicate au-
thenticity as in Step 2.1, and developers are notified
of the new classified feedback in step 2.2. The pub-
lished reviews in step 2.3 then become part of a con-
tinuous learning cycle, where the combined NLP sys-
tem and STGT framework evolve based on emerging
trends from new user feedback, ultimately allowing
both users and developers to filter and leverage re-
views more effectively in steps 2.4 and 2.5.
User Review Submission
NLP system performs
review text preprocessing
Feature Extraction using
NLP techniques
Initial Tagging
(Optional User-Driven Step)
A user starts writing a new user
reviewon the App Store
User can verify or adjust the suggested
aspects to ensure they accurately
represent their review & submit
Suggest related aspects by STGT to users
based on extracted features and sentiment
Users and Developers can filter
reviews with Aspects and Features
Reviews Extraction and Translation
Extract a Single User Review
Detect the Language of the
Extracted User Review using
Google API
Translate any language to
Add the Review to
the Database
Fetch the App by ID
Set a New IP Address after
extracting 100 reviews
5.1 million reviews for 278
mHealth are extracted and
translated to English
Review can be Marked with
"Verified Download" or
"Verified Purchase" Tags
Developer Notification
of the new review with
its classification
Review is published
on the App Store
NLP system uses new reviews
to fine-tune its models
STGT framework is updated to reflect
emerging features and aspects in user
Phase I: Submission process
Phase II: Post Review
Stage 1: Review Publishing
Stage 2: Continuous Learning
Review Added to
the Database
Step 1.1
Step 1
Step 1.2 Step 1.3
Step 1.5 Step 1.4
Step 2
Step 2.2Step 2.1 Step 2.3
Step 2.5Step 2.4
Figure 2: Proposed user reviews submission process.
The proposed classification process is initiated the
moment a user starts writing a review. As they type,
our NLP algorithm using GPT-4 will analyse the con-
tent in real-time, suggesting relevant themes and cate-
gories based on STGT-informed underlying models.
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
These suggestions are derived from a set of com-
mon seed’ themes added into the model and previ-
ously identified themes within the user feedback pool,
such as usability, functionality, performance, and cus-
tomer service. This predictive categorisation will help
users classify their reviews with the most relevant as-
pects, improving the structure and searchability of
their feedback. However, our proposed system is
designed to empower users with the freedom to se-
lect their own tags or create new ones, ensuring that
the categorisation remains flexible and user-driven.
When new user-defined aspects are introduced, they
are fed back into the STGT framework, which is sig-
nificant for capturing the evolving landscape of user
experiences and expectations.
The STGT approach guides this adaptive process
by providing a socio-technical lens, ensuring that both
social aspects (like UX and satisfaction) and technical
aspects (such as app functionality and bug reports) are
captured and reflected in the evolving classification
model. The theoretical framework acts as a backbone
for understanding the complex interplay between the
app’s technical features and the social context of its
use. Specifics of its application will inevitably require
experimentation and revisions in practice.
Simultaneously, NLP algorithms work in the
background to refine and expand the existing clas-
sification model. They process the natural language
of the reviews, adapting to new slang, terminologies,
and emerging issues. This dynamic approach guar-
antees that the classification system remains up-to-
date with the latest trends and user concerns. Once
a review is submitted, it undergoes further analysis
to confirm the initial categorisation. The NLP sys-
tem revisits the content, applying more rigorous text
analysis techniques to ensure that the final categori-
sation aligns with the inductive analysis approach of
the STGT framework applied to this context. This in-
cludes correlating the user-selected aspects with the
model’s suggestions and adjusting the categorisation
model accordingly if needed.
Figure 3 illustrates the proposed interface in use,
designed using Figma. Visual Cues and an accessible
tagging system make it easy for users to contribute
to the classification while expressing their feedback
in a structured manner that directly informs app de-
velopment and improves the UX for future app it-
erations. This will facilitate a clear, precise review
classification process that is not only automated and
efficient but also deeply rooted in the genuine needs
and contributions of the app’s user base. This dual
approach ensures that the review system evolves in
conjunction with user expectations and the app’s de-
velopment, leading to a robust mechanism for quality
feedback and continuous improvement.
Figure 3: Proposed User Interface of Review Submission –
see prototype here.
3.2 Implementation of ”Verified
Download” and ”Verified Purchase”
”Verified Download” and ”Verified Purchase” tags
alongside user reviews can improve the integrity and
relevance of feedback on app stores. For ”Verified
Download” , each time an app is downloaded, the app
store’s system records this event tied to the user’s ac-
count ID. When the user decides to leave a review for
the app, the system checks this record to confirm if
a legitimate download has occurred. Upon successful
verification, the user’s review is automatically marked
with a ”Verified Download” tag, as shown in Figure
4. This badge of authenticity is then displayed next
to the review on the app’s storefront to inform poten-
tial users that the feedback comes from an actual user
For ”Verified Purchase” , the system logs any in-
app purchases or subscriptions linked to the user’s ac-
count. When a review is posted, it cross-references
this data to verify whether the reviewer has made a
financial commitment to the app. If a purchase or
subscription is verified, the review is marked with a
”Verified Purchase” tag as shown in Figure 4. This
process ensures that reviews reflecting the paid fea-
tures of the app are easily distinguishable, providing
prospective users with insights from those who have
fully engaged with the app’s offerings.
Technical implementation of these features will
need to prioritise data privacy, ensuring that only es-
sential data is used for verification purposes and pro-
tecting against the falsification of verification tags.
The system should be capable of real-time updates,
reflecting the verified status immediately after a
Towards Enhancing Mobile App Reviews: A Structured Approach to User Review Entry, Analysis and Verification
Figure 4: Reviews with verified download/purchase tags.
download or purchase occurs, regardless of the user’s
device or firmware version. Moreover, the design of
the ”Verified” tags within the user interface will be
clear to users but not disruptive to the overall UI of
the app store’s review section. By adopting these en-
hancements, app stores will offer a review system that
not only helps developers in obtaining genuine feed-
back but also enables users to recognise and trust the
authenticity of reviews, facilitating more informed de-
cisions regarding their app downloads and purchases.
3.3 Tool Prototype
We have developed a prototype tool to classify user
reviews and suggest relevant aspects in real-time as
the user types their feedback, as shown in Figure 5.
At the core of this system is a suite of NLP tech-
niques, primarily using a combination of Named En-
tity Recognition (NER) for extracting specific entities
and aspects from the text and Sentiment Analysis to
capture the emotional tone of the review. Leverag-
ing the power of Transformer-based models, partic-
ularly GPT-4, the tool dynamically processes the in-
put text to identify key themes and user sentiments.
Unlike Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT), which analyses text input bidi-
rectionally but independently of the context for each
word, GPT-4’s transformer architecture facilitates an
understanding of each word in relation to the en-
tire sentence structure, which significantly enhances
the contextual relevance of aspect identification and
sentiment interpretation. Concurrently, STGT analy-
sis framework is employed to interlink the extracted
entities and sentiments with broader socio-technical
pre-defined aspects, providing users with intuitive as-
pect suggestions that reflect the context and content
of their reviews. This feature not only enhances the
review’s richness in detail but also aids in categoris-
ing the feedback for more actionable insights. The al-
gorithmic workflow is fine-tuned through continuous
learning, using up-to-date user review data to refine its
predictive capabilities and ensure high accuracy and
relevance in its suggestions.
Figure 5: A screenshot of our prototype tool for user review
classification using GPT-4 and STGT.
Enhanced Feedback Relevance and Prioritisation:
Developers benefit from receiving feedback that is
both categorised and sentiment-analysed, which im-
proves the focus on user concerns that are most criti-
cal. This enables developers to prioritise updates and
features that will have the most significant impact on
user satisfaction and app performance.
Quality Assurance and User Engagement Insights:
The incorporation of ”Verified Purchase” and ”Down-
load” tags assures developers that the feedback is
sourced from users who have genuinely interacted
with the app, providing a solid foundation for quality
assurance. Additionally, understanding user engage-
ment through the analysis of verified reviews informs
developers about which features or updates resonate
best with the users.
Resource Optimisation and Market Insight: The
clear categorisation of feedback streamlines the re-
view analysis process, allowing developers to allo-
cate their resources more effectively to address bugs
and develop new features. Furthermore, insights
from sentiment analysis and STGT offer a deeper un-
derstanding of market reception, which can inform
strategic business decisions.
Empowered User Feedback and Community
Building: For current app users, the visibility of cat-
egorised and valued feedback empowers them to pro-
vide more detailed input, knowing that their concerns
are recognised and acted upon. This not only en-
courages a richer dialogue but also fosters community
spirit as users witness their collective voice influenc-
ing app evolution.
Informed Decisions and Time Savings for Potential
Users: Potential app users gain the ability to make
more informed decisions based on the categorised and
verified reviews, which reflect real user experiences.
The categorisation of reviews by key aspects like us-
ability and performance means that potential users
can quickly find the most significant information, sav-
ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ing time and aiding in a more efficient app selection
Trust in App Quality and Risk Reduction: The
”Verified Purchase” tags signal a level of investment
and satisfaction from existing users, enhancing trust
in the app’s quality for potential users. This, coupled
with the insights from reviews of verified users, al-
lows potential users to assess the risks associated with
downloading or purchasing the app, ensuring they are
more comfortable and confident in their choices.
In our future work, we aim to implement the integra-
tion of STGT with NLP techniques of our review clas-
sification system, particularly focusing on optimising
the precision of GPT-4 in sentiment and entity recog-
nition to better capture and analyse user feedback. A
significant expansion would be the adaptation of the
system for direct integration of the classification tool
with app development and feedback platforms, allow-
ing for a smooth feedback loop that could directly in-
fluence app updates and feature enhancements. Ad-
ditionally, we plan to explore the application of pre-
dictive analytics to preemptively identify user trends
and enable proactive improvements to the app expe-
rience. This future work, prioritising algorithmic so-
phistication, cross-platform and multilingual support,
and predictive capabilities, is expected to significantly
advance the responsiveness and user-centeredness of
app development practices.
Haggag and Grundy are supported by ARC Laureate
Fellowship FL190100035.
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