Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero
Knowledge Proof
Saksham Goel
, Sarvesh V. Sawant
and Bhawana Rudra
Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Decentralized Application, Security, Privacy, Blockchain, Zero-Knowledge Proof.
Blockchain extends its reach far beyond cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, encompassing a broader spectrum
of applications. It acts as a transparent, distributed, and unchangeable ledger where every participant in the
network possesses a copy of the blockchain. This decentralized system secures all data and transactions
through encryption, ensuring reliability. The key components of blockchain-based applications include Smart
Contracts, which house the application’s logic and operate on the blockchain. In traditional carpooling sys-
tems, centralized authorities like Uber or Ola control the entire process, collecting and managing data from
both drivers and riders. However, by leveraging blockchain and smart contracts, a more secure and private
carpooling system can be established, allowing riders and drivers to connect directly without intermediaries.
Blockchain applications encounter challenges, primarily related to scalability and privacy. Every node in the
system processing transactions limits scalability. Moreover, the practice of publishing all data at each node
for processing raises privacy concerns. To tackle these issues, an approach using non-interactive proofs for
off-chain computations can enhance efficiency. This approach verifies correctness without exposing private
data, thus improving privacy. ZoKrates, a toolbox, simplifies this process by providing a domain-specific lan-
guage (DSL), compiler, and generators for proofs and verification of Smart Contracts, streamlining complex
zero-knowledge proof tasks and promoting their adoption.
PeerPool is an innovative carpooling application in-
spired by companies like Uber and Lyft, but with
a significant difference (Schaller, 2021). It utilizes
blockchain technology to establish direct connections
between drivers and passengers, eliminating the need
for any third-party applications. Uber and Ola, along
with similar third-party agencies, possess compre-
hensive information about their drivers and riders,
which raises concerns about potential privacy viola-
tions (Kapassa et al., 2021). There is a possibility
that these companies could exploit the data to their
advantage or even trade it with other firms. Unlike
traditional ride-sharing platforms, PeerPool removes
the middleman, represented by Uber and Lyft, thereby
avoiding the 25% commission they charge (Ganapa-
thy and Easaw, 2017). By decentralizing the process
and employing trustless smart contracts, PeerPool en-
sures that user data is securely stored and accessible
only by the respective individuals. This decentral-
ized approach addresses the issues that large corpo-
rate ride-sharing services often overlook. PeerPool
operates as a decentralized application (DAPP) with
automated peer management, allowing for virtually
no middleman fees. Additionally, the system’s use
of trustless contracts helps resolve disputes and shifts
legal liability away from the gig workers (Prieto et al.,
P2P carpooling technology leverages blockchain
verification to establish trust among drivers and rid-
ers, guaranteeing the authenticity and authentication
of all users (Prieto et al., 2022), (Houerbi et al., 2023),
(Ben-Sasson et al., 2015). The concept of car-sharing
systems has garnered significant interest as a potential
solution to urban transportation challenges. However,
conventional car-sharing systems encounter security
issues due to their centralized structure and commu-
nication through public channels (Puthal et al., 2018).
To tackle these concerns, this research introduces a
secure and decentralized model for a car-sharing sys-
tem, combined with a robust authentication method,
providing a decentralized sharing service for genuine
Goel, S., Sawant, S. and Rudra, B.
Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof.
DOI: 10.5220/0012701400003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 260-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
users (Kapassa et al., 2021). The proposed approach
utilizes blockchain technology to ensure the accuracy
of service information and deliver a decentralized car-
sharing service. Furthermore, the system uses user
pseudonyms to safeguard user privacy, rendering it
challenging for potential adversaries to access actual
user identities even if the stored information is com-
promised (Tafreshian et al., 2020). Although P2P us-
ing blockchain is effective in car-sharing rides, some
private details must be shared leading to security
breaches between users and drivers. Thus, in order
to preserve the privacy of users consuming carpool
services, we propose to use a Zero Knowledge Proof
(ZKP) based Blockchain which will ensure that the
privacy of the users’ data is not compromised. Also,
there might be a case where a passenger might cancel
the ride when the driver arrives at the source. This will
cause loss to the driver. To compensate for this loss,
we propose a feature of security amount. This fea-
ture also covers the loss of the passenger if the driver
cancels the ride.
This paper provides an update on the ongoing de-
velopments within the realm of Decentralized Car-
pooling. Furthermore, it outlines the approach we uti-
lized, specifically the incorporation of Zero Knowl-
edge Proofs in this Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Application.
Following the presentation of our attained outcomes,
the paper discusses the conclusions drawn, and it
concludes with some recommendations for future re-
search endeavors.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) ridesharing is an economical op-
tion for transportation, particularly suitable for those
who prefer not to own a car or need to travel long
distances (Rathee et al., 2019). This trend not
only helps reduce traffic congestion and parking de-
mands but also provides a more cost-efficient and
eco-friendly alternative to traditional taxis or pri-
vate vehicles (Morris, 2016). Blockchain technology
brings about significant improvements in rideshar-
ing services through various means. These include
the creation of a decentralized ride-hailing platform,
secure identity verification, smart contract-powered
payments, transparent and traceable records, and the
introduction of token-based incentives (Gupta and
Shanbhag, 2021).
In a recent study, Uber revealed that in the com-
bined years of 2017 and 2018, there were over 5,900
incidences of non-consensual sexual assault-related
events on its ridesharing platform, including nine
assault-related fatalities (Uber, 2019). Therefore, pro-
tecting ridesharing consumers’ well-being is a crucial
concern in the on-demand transportation industry.
Blockchain is used differently based on the ap-
plication, leading to varying privacy-preserving tech-
niques (Tran et al., 2021). Blockchain technol-
ogy has the potential to revolutionize the rideshar-
ing sector by offering improved transparency, secu-
rity, and efficiency. By integrating blockchain into
ridesharing services, decentralized networks can be
created, connecting drivers and passengers directly
and eliminating intermediaries. Despite the advan-
tages, blockchain-based ridesharing platforms face
challenges in scalability, data privacy, security, and
interoperability with existing systems. Nevertheless,
introducing blockchain technology has the potential
to create a fair and efficient ridesharing system for the
future (Dorri et al., 2017).
Numerous Peer-to-Peer Ride-Sharing Architec-
tures based on Blockchain have been developed
throughout time (Gupta and Shanbhag, 2021). The
most well-liked Peer-to-Peer Ride Sharing Archi-
tecture concepts now in existence include Block-V,
Block-VN, B-Ride, Green Ride, PEBERS, O-Ride,
Ride Matcher, etc.
Smart contracts and digital currency offer a
promising solution to streamline payment processes,
reduce fraud risks, and eliminate the need for a
centralized authority to oversee transactions (Puthal
et al., 2018). Through self-executing agreements and
a decentralized arbitration process, disagreements can
be addressed efficiently and fairly. To ensure the se-
cure storage and execution of these smart contracts,
the Ethereum Ecosystem is employed. This ecosys-
tem provides a robust platform for safely recording
and managing the smart contracts designed to monitor
each user’s transactions and interactions(Jahan et al.,
It has been suggested that blockchain technol-
ogy might make decentralized, efficient two-sided
sharing economies, like ridesharing services, possible
(Chang and Chang, 2018). Originally used in Bitcoin:
Blockchain technology, an emerging network tech-
nology that allows consensus among networked peers
on a distributed, immutable digital record, is a Peer-
to-Peer Electronic Cash System (Nakamoto, 2008).
Future ridesharing systems might benefit greatly from
the implementation of a secure, decentralized iden-
tity verification protocol thanks to blockchain’s inher-
ent provenance and immutability capabilities. How-
ever, when sensitive user data is included, public
blockchain systems raise serious privacy issues. In
a permissionless blockchain system like Bitcoin, any
networked participant has access to the full ledger
due to its transparency-by-design features. Although
Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof
blockchain technology provides assured execution
and resistance to censorship, its scalability and pri-
vacy are limited. Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZK) tech-
nologies, however, can be used to overcome these re-
strictions (Vadhan, 1999).
For cryptographic attestations and in the context
of blockchain-based ridesharing platforms, the zero-
knowledge property of ZK proofs plays a crucial
role in preserving users’ privacy and personal data
where sensitive information such as users’ balances
and transactions can be fully hidden from external ob-
servers (Kanza and Safra, 2018), (Ruch et al., 2020).
For example, a technologically advanced government
issues digital passports containing a person’s name,
date of birth, and both private and public keys, cryp-
tographically signed. Now, consider a scenario where
an individual needs to demonstrate to a system that
they are a citizen of a specific nation and at least
18 years old. To achieve this, they can construct a
function that takes the digital passport and a signa-
ture, signed with the passport’s private key, as inputs
(Bozdog et al., 2018). To maintain privacy and avoid
revealing unnecessary personal information, the in-
dividual can create a zero-knowledge proof demon-
strating that they possess an input that, when pro-
vided through the function, produces the validation.
Importantly, they use a different private key for this
proof, which they intend to use for future interactions
with the algorithm. If the proof is accurate and valid,
the service can verify it, and subsequently, messages
signed with the individual’s private key will be ac-
cepted as legitimate. This process ensures that the
person’s identity and age are proven without disclos-
ing any other sensitive information, thereby preserv-
ing their privacy in the cryptographic attestation pro-
cess (Bozdog et al., 2018), (M
unzel et al., 2019).
Trusted setups play a crucial role in generating the
proving and verification keys for zk-SNARKs. In a
trusted setup, a group of individuals generates secret
information, uses it to create the necessary data, and
then publishes the data while discarding the secrets.
The ”trust” comes from the fact that once this data is
generated, no further involvement from the creators is
needed, ensuring the security of the system. Existing
blockchain-based ridesharing platforms like Arcade
City, DAV Network, Ridecoin and Jolocom exemplify
the potential of blockchain technology to transform
the ridesharing industry (Augot et al., 2022).
Currently, the Decentralized Carpool Applications
have some security concerns (Gudymenko et al.,
2020), (Li et al., 2019). For example, users have to
provide their private sensitive data like Aadhaar Card
Number (Aadhaar number is a 12-digit random num-
ber issued by the UIDAI (“Authority”) to the residents
of India after satisfying the verification process laid
down by the Authority. Any individual, irrespective
of age and gender, who is a resident of India, may vol-
untarily enroll to obtain an Aadhaar number), Driving
License Number, etc. which is publically available to
other users of the application. To deal with this, in this
work, we have used Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) to
hide these sensitive details from other users of the ap-
plication. Also, many cases are there in current P2P
carpool applications where after successful booking
of a ride, either the driver or the passenger cancels
the ride at the end moment. Due to this, either one
of them has to suffer a loss in terms of time, etc. To
compensate for this loss, we have proposed a way in
which both parties have to deposit a security amount
to the smart contract’s address. On successful com-
pletion of the ride, both parties will get their security
amount back but if one of them cancels the ride, then
their security amount will be given to the other party
involved as compensation. With these proposals, our
work provides a solution to the loopholes present in
the current implementations of the Decentralized Car-
pool Applications.
The combination of smart contracts, digital currency,
the Ethereum Ecosystem, and ZK Proofs has enabled
the successful implementation of a robust and user-
friendly application that revolutionizes payment pro-
cesses and dispute resolution in the transportation sec-
As shown in Figure 1, drivers will first enter their
details in the Driver Registration section of the ap-
plication. These details include their name, contact
number, car name, hash of DL number, and the fare
they want to charge. After registration, these details
will be stored via smart contract. Next, the drivers en-
ter the ride details, i.e., the car name and the fare that
the driver will charge to go from a particular source
to the destination. Now, there are cases where after
ride confirmation, either the driver or the passenger
cancels the ride at the end moment. To avoid this, we
introduced a security deposit concept where the pas-
senger will not get into trouble after the confirmation
of the ride. If the ride is confirmed and after that,
it is being cancelled by the driver then the amount
will be deducted from the security deposit and will
be paid to the passenger which is not available with
current riding apps. If the ride is a success, the secu-
rity amount associated with the smart contract address
will be returned as shown in Figure 1. We have con-
sidered not only the safety of the passenger but also
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: Decentralized Carpool Procedure (without ZKP).
Figure 2: Zero-Knowledge Proof Implementation in Decentralized Carpool.
the safety of the driver, i.e., the passenger should not
cancel the ride without any reason. For this, passen-
gers also need to deposit the security amount to the
smart contract at the time of booking the ride. If the
ride is called off without any reason, then the driver
will be compensated with the security amount. If the
ride is successfully completed then the payments (in-
cluding the security amounts that both parties have
deposited) get settled between the passenger and the
driver. The last step is to rate the driver based on the
experience of the passenger.
Figure 3: Only the Hash of Driving License Number will be
shown on UI.
Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof
The use of ZKProof is to avoid impersonation at-
tacks in the network as shown in Figure 2. In the pas-
senger’s UI, only the hash of the driver’s Driving Li-
cense number will be shown, i.e., the driver will hide
his sensitive information from the public as shown in
Figure 3. The hash of the Driving License will be cre-
ated by some trusted authority. Only the divers who
have hashes generated by trusted authorities can look
for the passengers in the find passengers section of
the application as shown in Figure 4. When the driver
arrives at the pick-up location of the passenger, then
the passenger would want to validate that the driver
who came to pick him/her is actually the one he/she
has booked rather than some anonymous vehicle, i.e.,
a vehicle that was not booked. For this, the passenger
will give the hash of the driving license number to the
driver and ask the driver for proof that the hash shown
in UI is actually associated with the Driving License
of the driver. For this, the driver will use their ZKP to
show that the hash is actually associated with their DL
number, i.e., the proof of possession of the Driving
License number he/she has. If the driver who comes
to pick up the passenger is actually the one who was
booked, then a valid proof will be given, otherwise,
an invalid proof will be given. Each time the driver
uses the proof, it will be recorded in the blockchain.
Now, if something goes wrong with the passenger and
if the use of proof is recorded in the blockchain, then
in this case, the registered driver is the culprit and the
investigation team can trace that driver with the help
of a trusted authority. If the use of proof is not there
in the blockchain, then in this case some anonymous
person is the culprit and appropriate actions will be
taken by the investigation team.
Figure 4: ZK Proof and DL Hash Input generation.
3.1 Passenger Safety Analysis
When a passenger books a ride then he/she will send
the security amount to the smart contract but not to
the selected driver. In this way, no one can predict (by
looking at the blockchain), which driver will come to
pick up the passenger. This avoids the case where
some anonymous driver (like a kidnapper) will take
over the vehicle along with the proof and kidnap the
passenger. For example in OLA, Uber, etc., the se-
lected driver may be guessed as they show in the map
the nearby drivers, so there is a probability of guess-
ing the correct driver. As the entire system works with
ZP Proof, it solves identity theft and makes the entire
system secure.
3.2 Driver Safety Analysis
A threat analysis is being performed towards the
driver’s end for the driver’s safety. When the attack-
ers know the whereabouts of the driver, then there is
a chance of harming that person. To avoid this, we
use random selection for example we have 50 avail-
able drivers, then only 20% of those, i.e., 10 random
drivers will be displayed to the passenger. So, the
probability of crime will be reduced. When the driver
verifies ZK proof of the Aadhaar card number of the
passenger. Passengers will provide the hash of the
Aadhaar card number while booking the driver. Aad-
haar Card proof and DL proof will be recorded in the
blockchain which will help to trace the passenger as
well driver for the real identity. Even the Blockchain
Timestamps along with Gas will also help to investi-
gate if any crime occurs.
If any or both the proofs are not used then the in-
vestigation team will look for blockchain timestamps
at which gas transactions took place, etc. to find the
criminal if some crime takes place.
As shown in Figure 4, using ZoKrates (a toolbox
for zkSNARKS on Ethereum), drivers and passen-
gers can get the Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) associ-
ated with their Driving License Number and Aadhaar
Card respectively, i.e., each Driving License Number
or Aadhaar Card Number has a unique proof mapped
with it. This input and proof will be generated by the
Driver/Passenger for verification using the Hash pro-
vided by the Trusted Centre. These proofs are used
by the drivers as their identification when they reach
out to the passengers and vice versa.
Decentralized Carpool, a ride-sharing platform lever-
aging public blockchain technology and Zero-
Knowledge Proofs, anticipated several key benefits
for its users. First and foremost, it upholds a strong
commitment to privacy and confidentiality. By utiliz-
ing the inherent security features of blockchain, this
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Carpooling application named Connexion, shielded
the user data and ride history from unauthorized ac-
cess and ensured that personal information remains
hidden from third parties. By employing blockchain
technology, the platform eliminated intermediaries
typically found in traditional ride-sharing setups such
as Uber, leading to reduced transaction fees. This re-
duction in overhead costs resulted not only in offer-
ing competitive prices for riders but also provided fair
compensation to drivers. Another crucial aspect of
Connexion’s vision is an improved user experience.
The platform has an intuitive and user-friendly inter-
face, making it easy for users to register themselves,
search, and book ride effortlessly. While delivering
a seamless experience, Connexion emphasized safe-
guarding user privacy and security. Through diligent
assessment and an unwavering focus on meeting user
needs, Connexion attempted to revolutionize the ride-
sharing industry while setting new standards for pri-
vacy, security, and affordability.
On successful completion of the ride, all payment
transactions get finalized. This includes the settle-
ment of the security amount. As shown in Figure
5, if the proof is associated with the driving license
then the verification is successful as shown in Figure
6. But as we can see in Figure 7, if the proof is tam-
pered with and used for identification purposes, then
the verification fails as we can see in Figure 8.
The extensive security analysis shows that the pro-
posed protocol is safeguarded against various threats,
including impersonation, stolen mobile devices, of-
fline password guessing, replay, and man-in-the-
middle attacks. Key features of the protocol include
anonymity, confidentiality, and mutual authentication,
as confirmed through informal security analysis. A
comparative analysis with related schemes demon-
strates the efficiency of the proposed protocol, mak-
ing it suitable for integration into blockchain-based
car-sharing systems.
The future potential of Blockchain technology holds
tremendous promise, particularly in revolutionizing
the ride-sharing system by addressing its current chal-
lenges. One of the key advantages of this technology
lies in its consensus-based approach and check instru-
ment, which enables the creation of a permanent and
verifiable blockchain record. By doing so, it effec-
tively prevents issues like double-spending without
the need for intermediaries, fostering a decentralized
setup. By implementing a trustless and transparent
system, P2P ridesharing using blockchain technology
Figure 5: Driving License hash and its associated ZK Proof
entered for the verification.
Figure 6: Successful Verification when hash and ZK proof
are associated with each other.
Figure 7: Driving License hash and altered ZK Proof en-
tered for the verification.
Figure 8: Failed Verification when hash and ZK proof are
not associated with each other.
brings forth a more secure and trustworthy platform
for both riders and drivers. An essential aspect of
this technology is its ability to establish a decentral-
ized network, eliminating the need for intermediaries
and reducing costs for passengers while simultane-
ously increasing profitability for drivers. This shift
to a peer-to-peer model with the implementation of
Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof
Zero Knowledge Proofs not only streamlines the pay-
ment process but also enhances data security and pri-
vacy for all participants. As this technology contin-
ues to evolve, its impact on the ride-sharing indus-
try is expected to be transformative, reshaping the
way we commute and enhancing the overall trans-
portation ecosystem. While the tamper-resistant na-
ture of Blockchain enhances security and reduces
data revalidation time, it also comes with drawbacks.
For instance, the presence of fake requests in the
Blockchain system can disrupt communication and
burden the organization, posing challenges to main-
taining consistent security and privacy due to the
large volume of Blockchain data. To ensure the suc-
cessful implementation and widespread adoption of
Blockchain technology in ride-sharing and ITS, care-
ful consideration of its limitations and potential secu-
rity concerns is imperative.
An application can be developed that leverages the
powerful Google Maps API to display optimal routes
between two given points based on their latitude and
longitude. Additionally, the application cleverly in-
corporates the Web Geolocation API, enabling it to
determine the user’s precise location on the decen-
tralized web platform, thus enhancing user experience
and convenience. Scalability is a key consideration in
the system’s design. As the application’s popularity
grows and traffic increases, the system needs to dy-
namically adjust various parameters to ensure smooth
functioning. Market-related Trends can be shown to
the users. One such feature is the implementation of
a sophisticated price-suggesting algorithm, empower-
ing users to gain insights into price ranges and com-
pare them with the drivers’ suggestions. This fea-
ture aims to provide greater transparency and con-
venience for users during their journey-planning pro-
cess. Time-locked deposit contracts, bioinformatics
security features, etc. can be further enhancements in
this work. These additional features hold the potential
to further enhance the system’s integrity, security, and
overall efficiency.
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Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof