Recommendations for Designing Information
for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review
Rita Maldonado Branco
1,2 a
, Mariana Ramalhete
, Rita Oliveira
3,2 c
, Joana Quental
1,2 d
Oscar Ribeiro
4,5 e
, Oksana Tymoshchuk
3,2 f
and Soraia Teles
5,6 g
Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+), University of Aveiro,
Campus Universitário de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre (DigiMedia), Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS@RISE),
Rua Dr. Plácido da Costa, 4200-450, Porto, Portugal
Department of Behavioral Sciences, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto (ICBAS-UP),
Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: People with Dementia, Dementia-Tailored Information, Design, Recommendations, Scoping Review.
Abstract: Background: Aligned with the societal efforts for the inclusion and empowerment of people with dementia,
there is a need for targeted information for them. Despite abundant dementia-related information, it often fails
to cater directly to individuals with dementia and lacks tailoring to their needs and capabilities, frequently due
to inadequate design. Objectives: This paper presents the protocol of a study aiming to provide an overview
of recommendations for designing information for people with dementia. Method: A scoping review will be
conducted. Scientific databases and grey literature will be searched using inclusion criteria focused on
recommendations on information design and related design domains for people with dementia. Two reviewers
will perform title, abstract and full-text screening. Data collection will include citation details, source
characteristics, and key findings related to the review objective. Conclusions: The scoping review is
anticipated to deliver a thorough understanding of how to design information resources for individuals with
dementia. The synthesized recommendations are expected to be valuable resources for design practitioners,
dementia care providers, researchers, and organizations involved in interventions for people with dementia.
These contributions are expected to foster equal opportunities for individuals with dementia to access
information, ultimately enhancing their social participation and dignity.
Dementia is an umbrella term for multiple and
progressive diseases affecting cognitive abilities and
behaviour (World Health Organization, 2017), with
Alzheimer’s Disease being the most prevalent one.
Dementia affects about 10 million people in Europe,
and it is estimated that these numbers will almost
double by 2050 (Alzheimer Europe, 2019). It is
considered a public health priority due to its epidemic
scale, its impact on the person with dementia,
families, and health economies. Dementia is a main
cause of dependency among older people (World
Health Organization, 2017).
Branco, R., Ramalhete, M., Oliveira, R., Quental, J., Ribeiro, O., Tymoshchuk, O. and Teles, S.
Recommendations for Designing Information for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012702000003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 229-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The World Health Organization calls for a broad-
scale shift in how society views dementia,
encouraging initiatives that actively involve and em-
power individuals with dementia and their caregivers
(World Health Organization, 2017, 2021). To
contribute to their sense of choice, control and worth,
tailored education and information on dementia must
be provided to those who are living with the condition
(Kimzey et al., 2021). Despite the abundance of in-
formation on dementia, particularly web-based,
people with dementia and their informal caregivers
often report feeling overwhelmed and unable to
identify the most suitable and reliable sources (Allen
et al., 2020; Soong et al., 2020; Teles et al., 2021).
Moreover, the inadequacy of content, and its complex
appearance, make navigating and understanding the
information difficult (Soong et al., 2020). These
challenges present a chance for design to contribute,
given its capacity to mediate and tailor information
for diverse audiences. Although there are guidelines
on how to design websites and information for people
with dementia produced by dementia advocacy
groups and associations (The UK Network of
Dementia Voices, 2013b, 2013a; Williams, 2017), the
specific field of designing information for people
with dementia remains scarcely investigated.
This paper presents the protocol for a scoping
review to survey and synthesize recommendations for
tailored information design for people with dementia.
The scoping review method was selected for this
study to provide a comprehensive overview of a
potentially diverse body of literature on this topic.
Protocol publication increases transparency on the
review process, informs the scientific community on
ongoing research and minimizes duplication and
allows to solicit early feedback from a broader
scientific community.
No current or ongoing reviews on the topic were
found on preliminary searches. This scoping study is
part of the ongoing research project “DECOHDE:
Design for a humanised communication of dementia”
to inform the design and development of an
information platform dedicated to people with
This scoping review will follow the Arksey and
O'Malley (Arksey & O’Malley, 2005) framework as
well as the guidelines from the Manual for Evidence
Synthesis of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (Peters
et al., 2020). Findings will be presented in accordance
to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses for Scoping Reviews
Checklist (PRISMA-ScR) (Tricco et al., 2018).
The method for conducting this scoping review is
described in the following sub-sections, and com-
prises the steps outlined in Table 1. The protocol was
registered on the Open Science Framework Registries
platform (Branco et al., 2024).
Table 1: Scoping review steps.
Step 1 identify the research question
Step 2
identify relevant studies – definition of search
and search terms
Step 3
study selection – definition of eligibility
criteria and screenin
Step 4 data charting – definition of extracting entities
Step 5 collating, summarizing, and reporting results
2.1 Identify the Research Question
The main research question is: “What are the
recommendations for designing information for
people with dementia?”
Adapted from the PCC (population, concept,
context) framework, the following key elements were
defined as the focus of this study. First, it will be
specific to people with dementia, excluding studies
that refer to the design of information solely for carers
(formal and/or informal). Second, the concept of
recommendation is broadly used to refer to any kind
of guidelines, principles, best practices on how
information is designed to people with dementia.
Third, the practice of designing of information is tied
with the field of information design, concerning “(…)
the process of translating complex, disorganized, or
unstructured data into accessible, useful,
comprehensible information” (Erlhoff & Marshall,
2008, p. 213), which may require the use of research
methodologies from the social sciences in the analysis
and planning phases, as well as practical design skills.
These include skills from several design domains,
such as communication design/graphic design
(related to the configuration of text and images to
communicate messages), digital/interface design
(referring to the mediation and creation of “access
points to digital information” (Erlhoff & Marshall,
2008, p. 225), and interaction design (concerning the
use and relation between people and any type of
products) (Erlhoff & Marshall, 2008).
Due to difficulty of finding specific studies on infor-
mation design, an additional research question
encompassing the related design domains is: “What
recommendations should design practitioners consider
when designing graphic resources or digital products for
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
people with dementia?” To understand whether any
encountered recommendations during the review were
validated by people with dementia, i.e., whether partici-
pative processes were in place, a sub-question was also
raised: “How were people with dementia involved in the
formulation of design recommendations?”
2.2 Identify Relevant Studies – Search
The search strategy targets both scientific databases
and grey literature, particularly documents by
dementia associations (e.g., Alzheimer’s Society),
advocacy groups (e.g., DEEP) and international
agencies (e.g., World Health Organization). This
decision arises from exploratory searches revealing
that grey literature provides substantial and relevant
information on this topic, coupled with the observation
that academic studies on this matter are limited.
Searches will be performed on the following
academic databases: Scopus, Web of Science Core
Collection, Academic Search Complete, Web of
Science Scielo Citation Index and PubMed. Since this
study's main field of knowledge is design, but also
deals with dementia care, information and
communication technologies and human-computer
interaction, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection
and Academic Search Complete were chosen for its
broad reach and interdisciplinary scope. Being also
interdisciplinary, with a focus on regional journals
from Latin and Central America, Iberia and South
Africa, the Web of Science Scielo Citation Index was
included to diversify the geographic scope of the
studies. PubMed was selected to increase the chances
of identifying relevant studies within the healthcare
sector. The search functions of the selected databases
are similar, facilitating the adaptation of search
strategies from one to another. A complementary
search, based on the same search query (see 2.2.1),
will be conducted on key journals and conference
proceedings, that are not indexed in the databases:
Design for Health Journal, Visible Language Journal;
Design4Health Conference, and Dementia Lab
Grey literature search will consider PhD Thesis
and be performed through Web of Science ProQuest.
Only PhD thesis will be included in the search due to
their in-depth contributions (when compared to
Master thesis), and due to the feasibility of the review.
In addition, the web search engine Google (using
incognito window) will be searched using simplified
strings to potentially identify recommendations by
international agencies and dementia associations or
advocacy groups.
2.2.1 Search Terms
To define the search terms, exploratory searches were
performed on Scopus and keywords were identified
from relevant studies. A search query was then
created for all the selected databases; and adapted to
search strings to apply on Google searches.
Given the limited number of results obtained from
the exploratory searches, there was the need of broad-
ening the design domains (e.g., service design, user
experience, user interface, e-health, m-health, usabil-
ity, internet interventions, web-based interventions),
and of adding the mediums where the information is
provided (e.g., website, app, mobile, touchscreen,
brochure, pamphlet, book, information platform).
Interior and environmental design, architecture and
robotics were domains excluded from the scope of
this review. Search terms were grouped into three key
elements of the research question: people with de-
mentia, recommendations and (information-related)
design (Table 2). Query strings for all databases and
Google search are presented in Appendix 1.
Table 2: Search terms.
Key elements Search terms
People with
dement*, Alzheimer, “neurocognitive
recommendation*, guideline*,
requirement*, principle*, best practice*
+ design
(design domains)
“information design”,
“communication design”,
“graphic design”, “visual
communication”, “digital
design”, “web design”,
design”, “service
design”; “user interface”,
“user experience”,
usability; ehealth,
mhealth, “internet
intervention*”, “web-
based intervention*”
website, app,
pamphlet, book
2.3 Study Selection
2.3.1 Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined
considering the key elements from the research
question (Table 3). All study designs will be
considered for search, except if they only consist of a
design process description with no conclusions
Recommendations for Designing Information for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review
regarding recommendations or guidelines. Opinion
articles, commentaries, journal or conference
editorials, and master thesis will be excluded.
The database search will encompass studies and
documents published in English, Portuguese, and
Spanish, whereas the Google search will only be
conducted in English, due to the feasibility of the
review. There will be no constraints regarding the
publication date (inception to search date).
2.3.2 Screening Procedure
Two reviewers will independently screen the search
results, according to the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, over two rounds: title and abstract screening
followed by a full-text screening of the selected
studies. The software Rayyan (Ouzzani et al., 2016)
will be used to support the screening process in
tracking the decision-making process.
In the Google search, for each search string the
first page of results (around 60 results) will be subject
to screening following the same screening procedure
as for the database searches.
All search results will be imported into Rayyan.
Duplicates will be removed. A pilot screening of 25
sources will be undertaken to test the screening
process, the eligibility criteria and make refinements
if necessary. Titles and abstracts of all search results
will be screened based on inclusion criteria. Motives
for the exclusion of studies will be documented. The
full text of all studies/sources selected at this stage
will be retrieved, and then assessed based on
eligibility criteria. Motives for the exclusion of
sources will be recorded. Any divergences occurring
during the screening process will be solved through
consensus or a third reviewer. Studies authored by
some of the researchers in the team might be included
in the review. In those cases, other researchers in the
team will be asked to act as reviewers. Corresponding
authors of non-available articles will be contacted
during the full-text review process. The selection
process will be fully reported using the PRISMA-ScR
flow diagram (Tricco et al., 2018).
2.4 Data Charting
After selecting the documents to include in the
review, two reviewers will extract the data using a
charting table developed by the research team.
Extraction will be performed independently by one
researcher and verified by another.
The extraction entities for the data charting table
include basic citation details and source characteris-
tics, and key findings related to the research
questions, including details on the recommendations,
information to help contextualizing the recommenda-
tions, and information on whether people with
dementia were involved in processes that led to those
recommendations (Table 4). The charting table will
be subject to a pilot testing, with three selected
sources and refined if necessary. Divergences in the
extraction phase will be solved through meetings to
achieve consensus or by a third reviewer.
Corresponding authors of the included studies may be
contacted to provide information on potentially
missing data.
Table 3: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Exclusion
population Studies and documents focusing specifically
on information and/or design for people with dementia
concept Studies and documents which include
recommendations, guidelines, principles, requirements,
or best practices for designing for people with dementia
Studies and documents on information design
and adjacent design domains, as identified
in the search terms
Studies and documents on interior design,
environments/ environmental design, architecture,
and robotics
types of
Original research (peer-reviewed or not); PhD thesis;
reports, toolkits, guidelines, resources from dementia-
related organisations
Opinion articles, journal or conference editorials,
commentaries, Master thesis
language English, Portuguese, and Spanish for the database
English only for Google search
o time span limit, inception to January 2024
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Table 4: Extraction entities.
Citation details title, author(s), publication date, outlet
country, type of document, aims
Context methods, design (-related) domain,
main topics, details of recommendations
Validation with
people with
involvement of people with dementia
(Y/N), sample size, design process stage
2.5 Collating, Summarizing and
Reporting the Results
Results regarding the geographic area, date and field
of knowledge distribution and methods used in the
selected sources will be synthesized. Charts or/and
tables may be used to improve the visualization of
results. Regardless of the type of study or document,
the key findings related to the research questions will
be coded, thematically organized, and synthesized.
These will be presented in a summarised list of
recommendations for designing information for
people with dementia. Additionally, conclusions on
the involvement of people with dementia in recom-
mendations will be presented.
Design can play a crucial role in enhancing the well-
being of individuals with dementia, as advocated in the
World Alzheimer Report 2020 (Fleming et al., 2020).
There has recent growth of research on dementia-
related design (Brankaert & Kenning, 2020; Halsall et
al., 2023; Niedderer et al., 2024; Rodgers, 2022;
Tsekleves & Keady, 2021). Some reviews were found
on design considerations for individuals with
dementia, covering different aspects. While some
aimed at identifying general principles for product
design (Wesselink et al., 2022), and usability and
acceptability of technologies (Holthe et al., 2018),
others focused on barriers, design suggestions and
functionalities of mHealth applications (Engelsma et
al., 2021; Gosak et al., 2023). However, no review was
found specifically focusing on designing information
tailored for people with dementia.
The exploratory searches undertaken to support
the decision-making process in the search query
unveiled the scarcity of studies on information design
for people with dementia, which further supports the
contribution of this review to the field. This review
will identify and focus on studies that have generated
recommendations through their practical experiences
in designing for individuals with dementia within
distinct design research projects. Therefore, it aims to
consolidate and organize dispersed knowledge rele-
vant to information design for people with dementia.
This gap presents an opportunity for researchers and
designers to significantly contribute to improving the
lives of people with dementia by creating accessible,
user-friendly, and relevant information resources.
Aligned with a participatory design approach
(Branco et al., 2017) and with the societal effort of
supporting inclusion and empowerment of people
with dementia, we also seek to understand if recom-
mendations were produced based in projects and
research that involved people with dementia and the
level of their participation, although this will not be
an inclusion criterion.
This scoping review is expected to result in a
synthesis of knowledge on recommendations for
designing information resources for people with
dementia, specially focusing on digital means. By
highlighting the importance of participatory design,
we hope to encourage the involvement of people with
dementia in design processes, ensuring that end
results meet their needs and preferences.
In the short term, the findings from this review
will be utilized to inform our research project to
create an information platform specifically tailored
for people with dementia. In the long term, it is
anticipated that this platform will play a role in
fostering equal opportunities for individuals with
dementia to access information, ultimately enhancing
their social participation and dignity.
Along with the academic dissemination of the fi-
nalised scoping review through the publication of an
article, the research team will adapt the search results
for public dissemination, particularly information
providers and designers, to ensure that the considera-
tions for dementia-friendly practices are incorporated
across various information and web resources, align-
ing with the World Health Organization's vision for a
dementia-inclusive society (2017, 2021).
Recommendations for Designing Information for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review
The project DECOHDE and RMB’s work is funded
by national funds through the FCT – Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the scope of
2022.03295.PTDC, and of the Institutional CEEC
contract-program FCT-UA, Ref. Cand.
Allen, F., Cain, R., & Meyer, C. (2020). Seeking relational
information sources in the digital age: A study into
information source preferences amongst family and
friends of those with dementia. Dementia, 19(3), 766–
Alzheimer Europe. (2019). Dementia in Europe Yearbook
2019: Estimating the prevalence of dementia in Europe.
Alzheimer Europe.
Arksey, H., & O’Malley, L. (2005). Scoping studies: towards
a methodological framework. International Journal of
Social Research Methodology, 8(1), 19–32. https://
Branco, R. M., Quental, J., & Ribeiro, Ó. (2017).
Personalised participation: An approach to involve
people with dementia and their families in a participatory
design project. CoDesign, 13(2), 127–143. https://www. doi/full/10.1080/15710882.2017.131
Branco, R. M., Ramalhete, M., Oliveira, R., Quental, J.,
Ribeiro, O., Tymoshchuk, O., & Sousa, S. T. de. (2024).
Recommendations for designing information for people
with dementia: protocol for a scoping review. OSF.
Brankaert, R., & Kenning, G. (Eds.). (2020). HCI and Design
in the Context of Dementia. Springer, Cham.
Engelsma, T., Jaspers, M. W. M., & Peute, L. W. (2021).
Considerate mHealth design for older adults with
Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD): A
scoping review on usability barriers and design
suggestions. International Journal of Medical
Informatics, 152, 104494.
Erlhoff, M., & Marshall, T. (Eds.). (2008). Design
Dictionary. Perspectives on Design Terminology.
Fleming, R., Zeisel, J., & Bennett, K. (eds. ). (2020). World
Alzheimer Report 2020 – Design Dignity Dementia:
dementia-related design and the built environment
(Volume 1).
Gosak, L., Budler, L. C., Briggs, A., Trifkovič, K. Č.,
McClelland, T., Fijačko, N., & Štiglic, G. (2023). Mobile
phone apps’ support for people with mild dementia: A
systematic review. Innovative Nursing Care: Education
and Research, 73–87.
Halsall, B., Riley, M., & Hogervorst, E. (2023). Design for
Dementia: Living Well at Home. Routledge. https://
Holthe, T., Halvorsrud, L., Karterud, D., Hoel, K. A., &
Lund, A. (2018). Usability and acceptability of
technology for community-dwelling older adults with
mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a systematic
literature review. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 13,
Kimzey, M., Howe, C. J., Martin, C., McLarty, J., &
Baucham, R. (2021). Development of health literacy in
persons and caregivers living with dementia: A
qualitative directed content analysis. Dementia
. https://
Niedderer, K., Ludden, G., Dening, T., & Holthoff-Detto, V.
(Eds.). (2024). Design for Dementia: Mental Health and
Wellbeing Co-Design, Interventions and Policy.
Ouzzani, M., Hammady, H., Fedorowicz, Z., & Elmagarmid,
A. (2016). Rayyan-a web and mobile app for systematic
reviews. Systematic Reviews, 5(1), 1–10. https://
Peters, M., Godfrey, C., McInerney, P., Munn, Z., Tricco, A.,
& Khalil, H. (2020). Chapter 11: Scoping reviews. In E.
Aromataris & Z. Munn (Eds.), JBI Manual for Evidence
Synthesis. JBI.
Rayyan. (2022).
Rodgers, P. A. (Ed.). (2022). Design for People Living with
Dementia. Routledge.
Soong, A., Au, S. T., Kyaw, B. M., Theng, Y. L., & Tudor
Car, L. (2020). Information needs and information
seeking behaviour of people with dementia and their non-
professional caregivers: A scoping review. BMC
Geriatrics, 20(1), 1–17.
Teles, S., Paúl, C., Lima, P., Chilro, R., & Ferreira, A. (2021).
User feedback and usability testing of an online training
and support program for dementia carers. Internet
Interventions, 25, 100412.
The UK Network of Dementia Voices. (2013a). Creating
websites for people with dementia Content. In Dementia
Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) Guides.
The UK Network of Dementia Voices. (2013b). Writing
dementia-friendly information dementia? In Dementia
Engagement and Empowerment Project (DEEP) Guides.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O’Brien, K. K.,
Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., Moher, D., Peters, M. D. J.,
Horsley, T., Weeks, L., Hempel, S., Akl, E. A., Chang,
C., McGowan, J., Stewart, L., Hartling, L., Aldcroft, A.,
Wilson, M. G., Garritty, C., … Straus, S. E. (2018).
PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-
ScR): Checklist and Explanation. Annals of Internal
Medicine, 169(7), 467–473.
Tsekleves, E., & Keady, J. (2021). Design for People Living
with Dementia: Interactions and Innovations. Routledge.
Wesselink, R., Ludden, G., Hettinga, M., & Eggen, B. (2022,
June 16). Designing for dementia: An analysis of design
Williams, R. (2017, May 18). How to design a website for
someone affected by dementia [Blog post]. Alzheimer’s
World Health Organization. (2017). Global action plan on
the public health response to dementia. World Health
World Health Organization. (2021). Towards a dementia-
inclusive society WHO toolkit for dementia-friendly
initiatives (DFIs). World Health Organization. https://
Search strategy and query strings, for both published
and grey literature. Searches performed on 19 January
Published Literature
( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( dement* OR alzheimer OR "neurocognitive disorder*" ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY (
recommendation* OR guideline* OR requirement* OR principle* OR "best practice*" ) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY
( "information design" OR "visual communication" OR "communication design" OR "graphic design" OR
"digital design" OR "web design" OR "interaction design" OR "service design" ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ehealth
OR mhealth OR "internet intervention*" OR "web-based intervention*" ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "user
interface" OR "user experience" ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( usability ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY ( website OR
mobile OR app OR "information resource" OR "information platform" OR touchscreen ) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (
booklet OR pamphlet OR brochure ) AND NOT TITLE-ABS-KEY ( robot* OR environment* OR architectur*
OR "interior design" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE ,
"Portuguese" ) )
Web of
(TS=(dement* OR Alzheimer OR “neurocognitive disorder”) AND TS=(recommendation* OR guideline* OR
requirement* OR principle* OR "best practice*") AND TS=(“information design” OR “visual communication”
OR “communication design” OR “graphic design” OR “digital design” OR “web design” OR “interaction
design” OR “service design" OR “user interface” OR “user experience” OR usability OR ehealth OR mhealth OR
“internet intervention*” OR “web-based intervention*” OR “information resource” OR “information platform”
OR website OR app OR mobile OR touchscreen OR brochure OR pamphlet OR book) NOT TS=(robot* OR
environment* OR architectur* OR "interior design")) AND (LA==("ENGLISH" OR "PORTUGUESE") AND
AB ( dement* OR Alzheimer OR “neurocognitive disorder” ) AND AB ( recommendation* OR guideline* OR
requirement* OR principle* OR "best practice*") AND AB ( “information design” OR “visual communication”
OR “communication design” OR “graphic design” OR “digital design” OR “web design” OR “interaction
design” OR “service design" OR “user interface” OR “user experience” OR usability OR ehealth OR mhealth OR
“internet intervention*” OR “web-based intervention*” OR “information resource” OR “information platform”
OR website OR app OR mobile OR touchscreen OR brochure OR pamphlet OR book )
Web of
TS=(dement* OR Alzheimer OR “neurocognitive disorder”) AND TS=(“information design” OR “visual
communication” OR “communication design” OR “graphic design” OR “digital design” OR “web design” OR
“interaction design” OR “service design" OR “user interface” OR “user experience” OR usability OR ehealth OR
mhealth OR “internet intervention*” OR “web-based intervention*” OR “information resource” OR “information
platform” OR website OR mobile OR touchscreen OR brochure OR pamphlet OR book)
For the Web of Science Scielo Citation Index there was
the need to make adaptations to the query string, since the
exact query used in Web of Science Core Collection only
yielded 3 results. First, the recommendation-related
search terms resulted were excluded. Second, by
analysing the search results, the search term “app” yielded
results on the unrelated theme of “primary progressive
aphasia”, therefore this term was also removed for the
search on this database.
Recommendations for Designing Information for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review
("dement*"[Title/Abstract] OR "Alzheimer"[Title/Abstract] OR "neurocognitive disorder"[Title/Abstract]) AND
("recommendation*"[Title/Abstract] OR "guideline*"[Title/Abstract] OR "requirement*"[Title/Abstract] OR
"principle*"[Title/Abstract] OR "best practice*"[Title/Abstract] AND ("information design"[Title/Abstract] OR
"visual communication"[Title/Abstract] OR "communication design"[Title/Abstract] OR "graphic
design"[Title/Abstract] OR "digital design"[Title/Abstract] OR "web design"[Title/Abstract] OR "interaction
design"[Title/Abstract] OR "service design"[Title/Abstract] OR "user interface"[Title/Abstract] OR "user
experience"[Title/Abstract] OR "usability"[Title/Abstract] OR "ehealth"[Title/Abstract] OR
"mhealth"[Title/Abstract] OR "internet intervention*"[Title/Abstract] OR "web based
intervention*"[Title/Abstract] OR "information resource"[Title/Abstract] OR "information
platform"[Title/Abstract] OR "website"[Title/Abstract] OR "app"[Title/Abstract] OR "mobile"[Title/Abstract]
OR "touchscreen"[Title/Abstract] OR "brochure"[Title/Abstract] OR "pamphlet"[Title/Abstract] OR
Grey Literature
database query
Web of
(TS=(dement* OR Alzheimer OR “neurocognitive disorder”) AND TS=(recommendation* OR
guideline* OR requirement* OR principle* OR “best practice*”) AND TS=(“information design”
OR “visual communication” OR “communication design” OR “graphic design” OR “digital design”
OR “web design” OR “interaction design” OR “service design" OR “user interface” OR “user
experience” OR usability OR ehealth OR mhealth OR “internet intervention*” OR “web-based
intervention*” OR “information resource” OR “information platform” OR website OR app OR
mobile OR touchscreen OR brochure OR pamphlet OR book)) AND (DG==("DOCTORAL"))
and Doctoral (Degree Type) and English or Portuguese (Languages) and English or
Portuguese (Languages)
dementia guidelines “information design”; dementia guidelines “visual communication”; dementia guidelines
“communication design”; dementia guidelines “graphic design”; dementia guidelines “digital design”;
dementia guidelines “web design”; dementia guidelines “interaction design”; dementia guidelines “service
design"; dementia guidelines “user interface”; dementia guidelines “user experience”; dementia guidelines
usability; dementia guidelines ehealth; dementia guidelines mhealth; dementia principles “information
design”; dementia principles “visual communication”; dementia principles “communication design”;
dementia principles “graphic design”; dementia principles “digital design”; dementia principles “web
design”; dementia principles “interaction design”; dementia principles “service design"; dementia principles
“user interface”; dementia principles “user experience”; dementia principles usability; dementia principles
ehealth; dementia principles mhealth.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health