Improving Accessibility with Gamification Strategies: Development
of a Prototype App
Tiago André Araújo
, Joana Campos
, Marta Campos Ferreira
Carla Sílvia Fernandes
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal
Nursing School of Porto, Portugal
INESC TEC, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal
Nursing School of Porto, CINTESIS@RISE, Portugal
Keywords: Gamification, Wheelchair Users, Accessibility Barriers, Public Spaces, Accessibility Strategies.
Abstract: Objective: The study aimed to demonstrate the development of a mobile app prototype, BarrierBeGone, a
system that identifies potential barriers for individuals with mobility disabilities and promotes accessibility
using gamification strategies. The main goal is to raise awareness about mobility and accessibility difficulties,
especially for wheelchair users, and to promote more responsible behaviours. Method: The User-Centred
Design methodology was employed, going through three phases: requirements gathering, design and
development, and evaluation. Additionally, interviews with five individuals with mobility disabilities helped
define the initial system requirements. The development of the barrier identification system was followed by
usability tests with nine representative users. Results: The results of the usability tests of the "BarrierBeGone"
barrier identification system were extremely positive. Stakeholders recognized the utility and simplicity of
the platform, considering it a motivating factor for future use. Conclusion: The results support the
effectiveness of the proposed educational tool in increasing awareness about accessibility and social inclusion
in smart cities. This study makes a significant contribution to the field of urban planning and inclusive design.
Successful inclusion addresses the issue of how well
a society can prevent discrimination and ensure
access to information, products, services, and spaces
for everyone (Rebernik, Favero, & Bahillo, 2020;
Reinhardt, et al., 2020). Accessibility is a key
component of smart cities, impacting the quality of
life of its residents and should reduce the gap between
those with unrestricted movement and those who
have movement restrictions due to disabilities
(Palazzi & Bujari, 2016). The topic of accessibility
for people with motor disabilities is important and
timely (Lee, et al., 2020).
Mobility impairments can significantly affect an
individual's ability to move and participate in society,
and it is essential that our cities and communities are
designed and built to be inclusive (European
Parliament and Council of the European Union,
2019). Disability does not necessarily lead to
exclusion unless society fails to meet the needs of
people, regardless of their disability (Rebernik,
Favero, & Bahillo, 2020). A significant number of
environmental barriers are reported, most of which
are modifiable (Reinhardt, et al., 2020).
Environmental barriers are mainly reported in
relation to insufficient resources and accessibility,
and participation restrictions occurred primarily in
the use of public transport, in caring for others, and in
traveling to places (Yang, et al., 2023).
As cities become more digitally connected and
data-driven, there is an opportunity to leverage these
advancements to promote accessibility for all
individuals, including those with disabilities. Smart
Araújo, T., Campos, J., Ferreira, M. and Fernandes, C.
Improving Accessibility with Gamification Strategies: Development of a Prototype App.
DOI: 10.5220/0012702700003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 237-242
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
city initiatives can integrate assistive technologies,
accessible infrastructure, and inclusive design
principles to create an environment that meets the
diverse needs of its inhabitants (Ponciano, et al.,
2021). Technological solutions are increasingly being
used to address a variety of challenges faced by
people with motor disabilities, including technologies
around navigation and transportation, often mobile
applications, including GPS or crowd-sourced
systems, which provide real-time information on
accessible routes and transportation options with tips
and ratings (Lima, et al., 2018).
There are accessibility information apps that
provide information on the accessibility of buildings
and streets more focused on the fastest way to a
specific destination, not focusing on the accessibility
of the city or on identifying barriers, and thus
negatively affects people with disabilities (Lima, et
al., 2018; Mora, et al., 2016). The lack of solutions to
identify barriers affecting people with disabilities is a
significant problem in our society (Akter et al., 2020).
People with disabilities face numerous challenges in
their daily lives that can limit their ability to access
their destinations (Ponciano, et al., 2021). Despite
some efforts to address these issues, there is still a
significant gap in identifying and resolving the
barriers that affect people with disabilities (Yang et
al, 2023). This means that many people with
disabilities face barriers that prevent them from fully
participating in society and achieving their full
potential (Lee, Kim & Hwan Yun, 2023). It is crucial
to raise awareness about the barriers in the population
that affect people with disabilities and create and
practice effective ways to remove them to help cities
become more socially inclusive and accessible
(Santoso, 2023). The problem at hand is the lack of
effective solutions to identify and address the barriers
that prevent the full participation and inclusion of
people with motor disabilities in society, especially
within cities. Solutions must go beyond simple
navigation and provide real-time accessibility
information, route planning, and collaborative data to
create more socially inclusive and accessible urban
environments. Another important aspect is the
possibility of including gamification strategies in
these resources, such as the case of serious games.
Serious games are games specifically designed for
education or training, rather than just for
entertainment (Toukiloglou & Xinogalos, 2023).
They can be video games, board games, virtual reality
experiences, among others, and played on various
platforms. A key advantage is that they provide an
immersive and interactive learning experience, more
engaging and effective (Van Zyl-Cillié, 2023).
To address the defined problem in this article, the
development of a mobile app prototype,
BarrierBeGone, is presented. This system not only
identifies potential barriers for people with mobility
disabilities using gamification tools but also actively
promotes accessibility improvements by engaging
users in the process.
To address the problem outlined in this topic, a
mobile application named BarrierBeGone is
introduced, a system that identifies potential barriers
for people with mobility disabilities. Using a User
Centred Design, it is an iterative design process that
characterized by establishing the needs, objectives,
and general satisfaction of the users as the driving
force behind product design and development. The
steps include, based on existing research on the
relevant topics, first understanding the specific
challenges faced by people with limited mobility,
then creating and developing a barrier identifier
focused on improving accessibility and social
inclusion, and finally evaluating the developed
prototype by involving its potential users. (figure 1).
Figure 1: Methodology Diagram.
2.1 Understand the Needs
A crucial component of the design of this project is
the identification and comprehension of parameters
that affect mobility experiences when users are doing
their routes. So, we conducted a set of Interviews
sessions with people with limited mobility to
supplement all the information gathered. Each
interview was expected to have a duration of fifteen
to twenty minutes. In total, five participants were
A semi-structured interview was conducted,
addressing the following topics: perceptions of the
citizen's role in identifying accessibility and social
inclusion, opinions on the use of apps to identify
barriers for people with reduced mobility, availability
of these tools for such identification, the relevance of
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
developing such apps, identifying actions to take in
case barriers are detected, the utility of gamification
in these resources, and suggestions for improving
accessibility and social inclusion in cities.
For the purposes of this project, the selection of
participants as a research method was based on the
convenience of collecting data in the field of study
within a broad social context and within a short period
of time temporal.
After the recruitment stage, all participants were
informed about the study’s objectives, the rules and
guidelines for participation, and the limits of
confidentiality regarding their involvement. They
were required to verbally consent, indicating their
understanding and agreement to participate in the
In addition to the empirical data gathered from the
sessions, a preliminary questionnaire was also
administered to gather sociodemographic information
about the study sample. This questionnaire served as
a complementary tool to further characterize the
The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and
subsequently subjected to content analysis.
Quantitative data were analyzed using statistical
2.2 Design and Development
In this phase its was developed a high-fidelity
prototype that is completely functional and inter-
active and closely resembles the actual expected
accurate depiction of the mobile application’s user
interface was created during this prototyping stage.
Following a usability assessment, the prototype was
improved based on user input, and for the application
development, it used Android Studio using Kotlin as
the programming language.
2.3 Validation
Another crucial component of the design of this
solution is the creation of usability tests. The
interactive user experience that comes with a user
interface, such as a website or software program, is
measured by its usability.
For an overall view of the subjective usability
evaluation of the designed technological product, the
first sub phase used a sociodemographic survey to get
information about their users, using a set of questions
including their names, literary qualification, age, if
they have any disability, and their comfort level using
mobile phones using a Likert scale.
The second sub phase involves a set of tasks that
illustrates the functionalities of the application. The
third sub phase of the system evaluation stages
utilized an adaptation of the System Usability Scale
To develop the described process, authorization
was requested and obtained. Regarding the
participants in the requirements assessment and the
feature testing, both groups signed informed consent
forms. Anonymity was ensured through participant
coding, where participant names were replaced with
3.1 Requirements Definition
In this stage, the interviews were realized with 5
participants. Based on findings from interviews,
individuals with limited mobility face six primary
obstacles in their daily lives: barriers, steep ramps,
large stairs, blocked access, improperly occupied
parking lots, and the absence of necessary ramps.
The most reported issue was the misuse of parking
spaces. This was followed by issues related to the lack
of ramps, blocked access, and steep ramps, while
large stairs and barriers were less frequently
mentioned. These insights are crucial for
understanding the challenges faced by this
demographic, enabling the development of targeted
interventions to enhance accessibility and inclusivity
in urban environments.
3.2 Application BarrierBeGone
The BarrierBeGone app is an accessibility-focused
innovation developed from a comprehensive
theoretical review. It leverages advanced mobile
technologies, including GPS, network triangulation,
and wireless communications like 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi,
enabling users to identify and classify barriers in real-
time. This collaborative system not only allows users
to report obstacles encountered in their daily lives but
also actively involves them as contributors and
advocates for creating a more accessible world.
Through BarrierBeGone, user-generated data forms a
comprehensive database on accessibility challenges,
providing valuable insights for individuals with
disabilities, policymakers, and businesses.
To ensure the reliability of information,
BarrierBeGone implements a voting system that
automatically qualifies information as untrustworthy
if it receives three or more negative votes, in addition
Improving Accessibility with Gamification Strategies: Development of a Prototype App
to utilizing location-based services to provide
relevant data to users. The app also promotes spatial
data validation and disseminates information in real-
time, enhancing the organization and transmission of
data through user participation.
Furthermore, BarrierBeGone encourages user
participation through a scoring and rewards system,
including a leaderboard that gamifies the user
experience. This leaderboard highlights the
contributions and successes of users, fostering a spirit
of healthy competition and recognition. The app also
offers incentives, such as virtual rewards, exclusive
access to new features, or tangible benefits to
motivate users to actively contribute information
about barriers.
The app's architecture consists of a user-facing
frontend and a backend that includes a server and a
database managed by the Firebase SDK for
Figure 2: App Barrier BeGone.
Android. This database stores detailed information
about users and the locations of identified barriers,
using unique identifiers to ensure accuracy and
security of data. The barrier detection system's
interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly,
with an emphasis on usability and inclusion, offering
features like barrier marking and interaction with an
integrated map to facilitate navigation and barrier
identification by the user (figure 2).
3.3 Usability
The usability test session was broken up into three
sub-phases to measure the Barrier- BeGone
application’s usability and usefulness both
numerically and qualitatively:
Pre-test survey - designed to assess participants’
levels of digital literacy, determine their
mobility limitations, and characterise the
sample’s sociodemographic features.
Testing phase - Participants were required to
execute a predetermined set of tasks that
matched steps needed to be taken in the
application mobile prototype. The participants
were urged to explain your thinking while
carrying out the tasks during its performance.
Post-test survey - using the System Usability
Scale (SUS).
During the testing phase, 9 participants, who had
not participated in the previous phase, were utilized.
These potential users, involved in the assessment of
the barrier identification system, ranged in age from
18 to 52, with a majority being male.
During the testing phase, participants interacted
with the BarrierBeGone prototype through seven
tasks designed to assess their understanding and
usability of the system, with the tasks being
completed with high execution efficiency, reflected in
an average score of 4.57 out of 5. However,
identifying barriers within a 50m radius was found to
be more challenging, indicating areas for
improvement in system design or user instruction.
Despite this, the authentication process was highly
rated for ease of use. Feedback from the testing phase
led to suggestions for improving the onboarding
mechanism, such as increasing text size for better
readability and allowing users to bypass or revisit
onboarding steps via their profiles. Post-test surveys
revealed positive impacts of real-time data on users'
mobility and security, emphasizing the system's
potential to enhance urban navigation and promote
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
In a global perspective, the usability evaluation
results of the BarrierBeGone barrier identification
system are undeniably positive, reinforcing its
simplicity, speed, and consistency in promoting
accessibility and social inclusion in smart cities, as
proposed in this dissertation. The quantitative
analysis revealed high levels of ease of execution in
most interaction tasks performed by potential users in
the mobile application prototype, with average scores
exceeding four points on a five-point Likert scale
(4.57), as shown in the usability evaluation stage of
BarrierBeGone. The average execution time for
participants who used the game was approximately
146 seconds, equating to 2 minutes and 26 seconds.
These auspicious results reaffirm the perceived
ease of interaction and validate the underlying
concept of the barrier identification system.
3.4 Limitation
To enhance the value of the barrier identification
system and provide better experiences for its users,
another future work is the creation of a route planner
that allows users to proactively identify the types of
issues they may encounter during their journeys.
Although the usability evaluation of the barrier
identification system, conducted with representative
users, yielded undeniably positive results, there were
areas for improvement identified that could enhance
the quality and subsequent value of the barrier
identification system within the community. These
improvements should be considered in a subsequent
iteration of BarrierBeGone. Additionally, it is
recommended that BarrierBeGone be evaluated in a
real mobility environment in urban areas. It is
advisable to consider larger samples in future phases.
The initial phase of this project is dedicated to
identifying and understanding the challenges faced by
individuals with limited mobility. Discussion groups
were held with people who have mobility limitations,
capturing a wide range of perspectives on the barriers
that hinder accessibility in urban environments. These
barriers include bouldering, steep ramps, large stairs,
obstructed access, improperly occupied parking
spaces, and the lack or absence of ramps.
Subsequently, the project shifted focus to the
design and development of a prototype for a barrier
identification system. This system aims to meet the
accessibility and social inclusion requirements
outlined in the dissertation's primary objectives. By
leveraging the widespread use of mobile and
ubiquitous computing in everyday life,
BarrierBeGone was conceived as a platform for
identifying obstacles. Implemented as a mobile
application, it enables users to identify and validate
potential physical barriers in real-time that might be
encountered by wheelchair users. To ensure the
information provided is relevant and delivers a user-
centric service, BarrierBeGone incorporates
information from its users through a collaborative
model, offering contextual data of interest.
The usability of the BarrierBeGone barrier
identification system was evaluated to fulfill the final
objective of this dissertation. This evaluation aimed
to measure both quantitatively and qualitatively the
usability and usefulness of the obstacle identification
platform. Usability tests were conducted with
representative users to facilitate the refinement of the
final product.
The evaluation results were overwhelmingly
positive. The system's usefulness and the users'
intention to frequently use the BarrierBeGone
application received widespread acclaim, particularly
among participants with mobility impairments,
though it was less unanimous among those without
mobility impairments. Its simplicity and user-
friendliness stood out as disruptive features of the
platform, driving the primary motivation for future
use intentions and distinguishing it from other
accessible solutions available on the market.
Given these successes, enhancing user
experiences in the face of various obstacles, and
improving accessibility and social inclusion in smart
cities are deemed entirely feasible.
This work is financed by National Funds through the
Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project
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ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health