Challenges of Trustworthy of Digital Evidence and Its Chain of
Custody on Cloud Computing Environment: A Systematic Review
Lucien Rocha Lucien
CESAR, Recife Center for Advanced Studies and Systems, Apolo Street, Recife, Brazil
Keywords: Digital Forensics, Trustworthy, Digital Evidence, Chain of Custody, Cloud Computing.
Abstract: For reliable digital evidence to be admitted in a court of law, it is important to apply scientifically proven
digital forensic investigation techniques to corroborate a suspected security incident. Mainly, traditional
digital forensics techniques focus on computer desktops and servers. However, recent advances in usage of
cloud computing environments increased the need for the application of digital forensic investigation
techniques to their infrastructure, that has some particularities, such as multi-jurisdictions storage, improper
handling by third parties, high level of volatility, etc. In this paper, we perform a systematic review about the
challenges of thustworthy of digital evidence and its chain of custody (CoC) on cloud computing environment.
The literature search yielded 32 articles that met the study criteria. It resulted in mapping the main challenges
found in the literature when applying existing approaches to increase the admissibility in courts of digital
evidence collected on cloud computing environment. Furthermore, this work aims to update the systematic
research regarding this subject covering the period of 2020 to 2023.
In the last decade, cloud computing and storage has
become the solution many companies and users seek
to solve their problems. Cloud computer solutions
offer an attractive economic benefit at a low cost,
with a pay as you go model, and the flexibility of
having a highly scalable server infrastructure;
furthermore, it prevents companies from having to
invest and maintain their services owever. However,
the use of these technologies has increased potential
threats and criminal activity, while making it hard for
a forensic investigator and law enforcement to track
and prosecute. Futhermore, criminal activity in the
cloud can often leave little evidence (Yankson and
Davis, 2019).
It is increasingly common that digital evidence
relevant to a criminal case is not located in the State
in which a crime was committed, and is dispersed in
the cloud, thus becoming accessible only through the
intervention of the service provider, services that
perform storage (Daniele, 2019).
The challenge of obtaining digital information as
evidence has become more complex with time, and
investigators must ensure the integrity of digital
evidence so that it may be used in court. The
admissibility of digital evidence can be threatened in
several ways, including improper handling, virus
infection, deliberate tampering, or even by faulty
hardware that compromises its integrity (Granja and
Rafael, 2017).
The preservation of digital evidence involves
three main factors: i) maintaining the reliability of the
data, ii) ensuring the uses of the evidence, and iii)
maintaining the security of the evidence . Care must
be taken to ensure that the digital evidence is
consistent with the data collected from a crime scene
and during investigations (Rasjid et al, 2019).
Increased adoption of the cloud also brought more
adversaries to the cloud. Forensics in a cloud
environment is not the same as traditional forensics,
because of the distinct nature of the cloud (Purnaye
and Kulkami, 2022).
The study contained herein is an effort present a
systematic literature review regarding the challenges
gathering, handling and secure store digital evidence
in cloud computing environment aiming admissibility
of its digital evidence in court.
This article is organized as follows: in Section 2,
basic concepts related to Theoretical Background in
Lucien, L.
Challenges of Trustworthy of Digital Evidence and Its Chain of Custody on Cloud Computing Environment: A Systematic Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0012702800003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 240-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cloud forensics and their issues regarding common
standards and frameworks commonly used by law
enforcements agents (LEA). In Section 3, the
methods, processes, and the protocol used in the
systematic review will be described. In Section 4 and
5, the results related to the conducted research will be
detailed. Finally, in the last session, some conclusions
and future works will be portrayed.
The cloud computing paradigm presents many
benefits both to the organisations and individuals.
One of such advantages relates to the manner in
which data is managed by the cloud infrastructure.
For instance, data is spread between various data
centres to improve performance and facilitate load-
balancing, scalability, and deduplication features.
Because of this, data requires an efficient indexing so
that retrieval and optimisation performance can take
place to evade duplication that often contributes to the
expansion of storage needs.
However, despite its many benefits, cloud
computing poses significant challenges to the Law
Enforcement Agents (LEA) and Digital Forensics
Experts (DFE) from a forensic perspective. These
include, but are not limited to, issues associated with
the absence of standardisation amongst different
CSPs, varying levels of data security and their Service
Level Agreements, multiple ownerships, tenancies,
and jurisdictions (Almulla et al, 2013). Moreover, the
distributed nature of cloud computing services
presents a variety of challenges to LEAs as data often
resides in a number of different jurisdictions. In
contrast with traditional Digital Forensic in which
data is held on a single device, within cloud
environments data is often spread over multiple
different nodes.
As a result, LEAs need to rely on local laws to be
able to conduct digital evidence acquisition ( Morioka
and Sharbaf, 2015).Therefore, the discrepancy in the
legal systems of different jurisdictions combined with
the lack of cooperation between CSPs also poses
significant challenges from a DF perspective
(Montasari and Hill, 2019).
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) recognizing the issue, has formed a cloud
forensic working group. The group has published the
working draft “NIST Cloud Computing Forensic
Science Challenges,” which identifies and classifies
cloud forensic challenges (Yankson and Davis,
2019), but due to technology disruption, there are still
difficulties in defining a standard framework to meet
all scenarios (Rasjid et al, 2019).
In this sense, the lack of regulation of a unified
standard to serve cloud service providers, led the
European Union to initiate efforts to define minimum
standards of compliance with providers of cloud
computing services, with the aim of creating
mechanisms to support the investigative process on
this environment (Daniele, 2019).
Based upon the guidelines for the development of
systematic reviews in software engineering described
by Kitchenham (2007) and the analysis of the review
model by Dyba and Dingsøyr (2008), a new
methodology for revision was created. Our review
methodology is composed of six steps: (1)
development of the protocol, (2) identification of
inclusion and exclusion criteria, (3) search for
relevant studies, (4) critical assessment, (5) extraction
of data, and (6) synthesis.
The steps applied to the study contained herein are
presented below: The primary objective of this review
is to answer the following questions:
RQ1: What are the challenges surrounding the chain
of custody of digital evidence in a cloud computing
RQ2: What solutions are being proposed to tackle this
problem by researchers?
3.1 Search Strategies
In this systematic review, the selection of studies is
guided by specific criteria intended to cover various
perspectives related to digital evidence and cloud
forensic’s chain of custody. The criteria include the
last 5 years papers about the subject in four major
reference bases: IEEE Explore, ACM Digital Library,
Science Direct and Scopus, these bases were chosen
because they concentrate the main research carried
out in this segment.
For this purpose, the following keywords were
chosen: “forensic”, “cloud computing” and
“evidence” to perform the string search on the
reference bases, after search string normalization,
considering the cut-off date on September, 22
IEEE: ("All Metadata":forensic) AND ("All
Metadata":cloud computing) AND ("All
Metadata":evidence) Filters Applied: 2019 - 2023
Challenges of Trustworthy of Digital Evidence and Its Chain of Custody on Cloud Computing Environment: A Systematic Review
SD: ("All Metadata":forensic) AND ("All
Metadata":cloud computing) AND ("All
Metadata":evidence) AND Year:2019-2023
ACM: "query": { AllField:(forensic) AND
AllField:(evidence) AND AllField:(cloud computing) }
"filter": { E-Publication Date: Past 5 years, ACM Content:
DL }
( cloud AND computing+evidence+forensic ) AND
Table 1: Amount of Studies Found on each Database.
Database Amount of Studies
IEEE Explore 64
Science Direct Elsevier 9
ital Librar
us 3.175
TOTAL 4.362
3.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Furthermore, in order to obtain the state of the art in
research, the following criteria were considered for
the selection of articles:
Inclusion Exclusion
Law Enforcement
Chain of Custody
Eletronic Evidence
Focus in IT
Review, Conference Paper
and Journals
Data forensics
Internet of Things
Mobile/Apps forensics
Digital Forensic Readiness
Forensic Tool
Anti Forensics
Network Forensics
Media forensics
Facial forensics
Artificial Inteli
The justification for the chosen criteria is because the
digital forensics segment is very broad and
encompasses other market niches outside the area of
cloud computing. For example, books were excluded
to the scope of the search due to the state of the art on
the subject against the book publication schedule.
3.3 Study Selection Process
After the initial search in the databases indicated
above, filtering by titles was carried out, based on the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The chosen articles
were imported into the Zotero reference control tool
and duplicates articles were eliminated. Next, after
analysing the Abstract and titles, the third and final
filtering of articles was carried out.
Database Filtered by
Filtered by
IEEE Explore 18 13 9
Science Direct
0 0 0
ACM Digital
17 3 2
Scopus 116 51 22
Then, after deduplication process, the total amount of
articles selected were 32.
3.4 Quality Assessment
In this stage, the studies underwent a critical
evaluation and were analysed in full, rather than just
their titles or abstracts. Subsequently, the final studies
that were not aligned with the proposal of the
systematic review were eliminated, resulting in the
final set of works.
To assist in quality assessment, seven questions
based on Kitchenham (2007) and Dyba and Dingsøyr
(2008) were used. These questions helped to evaluate
the applicability, quality, accuracy and reliability of
the work. The questions were:
Q1: Does the study present the research
methodology used?
Q2: Does the study answer the research
Q3: Does the study present aspects related to
challenges, opportunities or next steps in the
Q4: Is the study reproducible (research basis)?
As was described in the previous section, each of the
primary studies was assessed according to four
quality criteria that relate to rigor and credibility as
well as to relevance.
If considered as a whole, these four criteria
provide a trustworthiness measure to the conclusions
that a particular study can bring to the review. The
classification for each of the criteria used a scale of
positives (1 - yes) and negatives (0 - no) and is
presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Quality Criteria Analysis.
Study Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Purnaye and Kulkarni, 2022 0 1 1 0
Liu et al, 2021 0 0 1 0
Simou et al, 2019 0 0 1 0
Kumari and Mohapatra, 2022 0 1 1 0
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Quality Criteria Analysis (cont.).
Study Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Ali et al, 2023 1 0 0 0
Sree and Raja, 2022 0 1 0 0
Apirajitha and Remuka, 2021 0 0 1 0
Bai and Sudha, 2023 0 1 1 0
Manral et al, 2019 0 1 1 0
Yankson and Davis, 2019 0 1 1 0
Verma et al, 2023 0 0 1 0
Yan et al, 2020 0 1 0 0
Li et al, 2021 0 1 0 0
Huang et al, 2023 0 1 1 0
Khan et al, 2023 0 0 0 0
Dhake et al,2022 0 1 1 0
Prakash et al, 2022 0 1 1 0
Alruwaili, 2021 0 1 0 0
Tiwari et al, 2021 0 0 0 0
Syed and Anu, 2021 1 1 1 0
Daniele, 2019 0 1 1 0
Al-Dhaqm et al, 2021 1 1 1 1
Ewald, 2019 0 1 1 0
Chauhan and Basal, 2021 0 1 1 0
Srivastava and Choudhary,
0 1 1 0
Sampana, 2019 1 1 1 0
Agbedanu et al, 2019 0 1 1 0
Rasjid et al, 2019 0 1 1 0
Ramadhani and Mulyati,
0 0 1 0
Montasari and Hill, 2019 0 1 1 0
Petroni et al, 2019 0 0 0 0
Hettige and Fernando, 2022 0 1 1 0
Most of the 31 studies analysed provided
information in the context of this research and
contributed in some way to the preparation of this
paper. As seen in the above table, only Petroni et al
(2019), Tiwari et al (2021) and Khan et al (2023)
doesn’t apply the quality criteria, otherwise, only Al-
Dhaqm et al (2021) fully answered and attend all the
quality criteria, followed by Syed and Anu(2021) and
After the analysis and data extraction, steps
performed on the primary works, it was possible to
identify some aspects relating our research questions,
as followed:
RQ1: What are the Challenges Surrounding the
Chain of Custody of Digital (CoC) Evidence in a
Cloud Computing Environment?
Data in the cloud are often physically distributed
among different servers and data centers. Hence the
evidence might be distributed among thousands of
servers, data is inherently volatile, it’s almost
impossible to physically access the hardware and
acquire the evidence due to third parties’ restrictions,
so, investigators will have to depend on the CSP for
evidence gathering, and it would affect the existing
chain-of-custody rules. Investigators will not have the
power to verify the CSP’s process used for the
evidence acquisition. Evidence from multiple time
zones will contain different timestamps (Hettige and
Fernando, 2022).
Hettige and Fernando (2022) also noticed that
cloud computing environments has some
particularities regarding the traditional forensics
(such as: geo location, timezone, multi-jurisdiction,
etc), so the researches had said that traditional digital
forensic models and techniques might not be highly
suited for usage in cloud computing environments,
those information were supported by others autors
cited by them (e.g: Dykstra and Sherman, 2011;
Reilly et al., 2011; Grispos et al., 2012; Martini and
Choo, 2012; Zawoad and Hasan, 2012).
Rasjid et al(2019) also provide an important
analysis regarding the digital preservation models vs.
digital evidence admissibility policy compliance, as
well, the literature review carried out by Agbedanu et
al (2019), Sree and Raja(2022), Bai and Sudha
Li et al (2021) also maps that the challenges in
cloud forensics surrounding the CoC are loss of
control, lack of transparency from the CSPs,
jurisdictional issues, inability to turn off all servers,
multi-tenancy, lack of clear security assurance and
lack of sophisticated tools.
On this subject (Purnaye, 2021) makes a relevant
contribution regarding the Comprehensive Study of
Cloud Forensics mapping the future directions about
the subject, as illustrated in figure 1.
Figure 1: Future Directions on Cloud forensics.
Challenges of Trustworthy of Digital Evidence and Its Chain of Custody on Cloud Computing Environment: A Systematic Review
Other relevant information collected by Purnaye
(2021) evolves the directions of the studies regarding
the subject up to 2019, as represented by figure 2.
Figure 2: What the researchers written about cloud
forensics (Purnaye, 2021).
RQ2: What Solutions are Being Proposed to
Tackle this Problem by Researchers?
Al-Dhaqm et al(2021) clarify the various
methodologies and stipulated guidelines in the
subdomains of digital forensics to articulate the
convergent and divergent (where applicable) towards
a unified generally acceptable guideline for cloud
environments, as well as, Ewald (2019), Daniele
(2019) and Syed and Anu(2021), among which stands
out the ISO 27037:2013, NIST guidelines and the
new Europe Union regulation that create a channel of
direct cooperation between the judicial authorities
interested in acquiring the evidence and the providers
on the EU.
Rasjid et al (2019), Agbedanu et al (2019) and
Prakash et al (2022) had performed surveys and a
taxonomy model to evaluate cloud computing
security and related legal issue. The authors of the
studies proposed new frameworks and new issues to
evaluate during forensics in cloud environment.
Kumari and Mohapatra (2022) and Simou et
al(2019) proposed a novel framework and Agbedanu
et al (2019) performed a literature analysis about the
subject up to 2018.
The solutions to tackle the issue were surrounded
by established an uniform standard, define an
international court to due the multi-jurisdiction
issues, CSP’s forensic readiness (Yankson and Davis,
The main objective of this paper was to conduct an
updated search and analysis into the challenges
regarding performing digital forensics on cloud
environment focused on chain of custody and
patterns/standards that could be applied on courts.
To that goal a systematic review was conducted,
briefly analysing 4.362 papers and deep analysing 32
papers in order to discuss topics not only related with
cloud but also how the academy is dealing with the
major issues regarding digital evidence for judicial
During the analysis phases it was clear that cloud
is of highly importance to the technology community
and that there are areas of research to address
technology to enforce digital laws, privacy, and
security. The complexity of these subject requires
continued research and deeper analysis to develop
effective strategies to mitigate the security risks and
establish standards and patterns that fits the laws and
tools issues.
The research demonstrated that India and China
have the largest number of studies on this subject,
beyond that this work updated the systematic review
on cloud forensics in time lapse 2021 2023,
enforcing the need for standardizations and valuation
criteria for use by LEA during the forensic on these
As future works, it is intended to conduct further
studies related to digital evident on cloud
environment and how CSP’s and countries
legislations are working to address these issues.
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ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems