Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended
Wagner Aparecido de Oliveira
1 a
, Saul Emanuel Delabrida Silva
2 b
and Adrielle de Carvalho Santana
3 c
Graduate Program in Instrumentation, Control and Automation of Mining Processes (PROFICAM),
Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Vale Institute of Technology (ITV) and Vale S.A, Ouro Preto, Brazil
Department of Computing (DECOM), Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto, Brazil
Control and Automation Engineering Department (DECAT), Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Ouro Preto, Brazil
Ship Mooring Winches, Ship Mooring System, Extended Reality, Training, Maintenance.
Over the years, the interactivity between the real world and the virtual world has been increasing, making it
attractive for engineers to increasingly seek new tools for application in industrial areas Practices that recon-
cile the safety of people and assets, adds strength to investments. The focus here is a solution for working with
winches for ship mooring systems. The mooring system used to moor ships at a pier is made up of methods
characterized using combinations of hooks, bollards, and winches. Through the instrumentation on board this
equipment, information is obtained to analyze the stabilization of the mooring. The main parts of the winch
system consist of the sensing and measuring system, cable tension measurement system, electrical and the
mechanical system. This work proposes the development of an extended reality application for training main-
tenance teams. The application will enable the trained team to interact with the equipment’s functionalities
and information in a virtual and safe way, thus ensuring they have access to the operation, fault diagnosis with
simulations of problem solutions in a virtual reality environment. Is still expected to be added, in future devel-
opments, a of virtual interfaces for remote equipment operations increasing the speed of fault identification.
The mooring system is complex, made up of equip-
ment that guarantees the stability of the ship during
its mooring period. These in turn consist entirely of
winches and land hooks, responsible for the safety
of mooring ships. At TMPM (Terminal Mar
ıtimo da
Ponta da Madeira) in Vale S
ao Lu
ıs, Brazil, there is
four piers where ships are moored.
The piers I and II are protected from tidal varia-
tions due to their physical characteristics. However,
pier IV, due to its characteristics and location in the
open sea is directly affected by variations in sea cur-
rents and tide.
The complexity of pier IV is driven by the respon-
sibility of the shore winch. In turn, the analysis and
operability of this functionality is the responsibility
of the ground operations team, which analyzes the
data received throughout the loading and tide varia-
tion process and directs the operator to interact with
the equipment, whether local or remote interaction, to
apply the appropriate safety operational tension to the
ship’s mooring cable.
The load cell is the main monitoring instrument
of the mooring system, responsible for ensuring ac-
curate information to the operator about the mooring
tension. However, the cable tension of the monitor-
ing system is not the only functionality that must be
taken into consideration. It must be considered that
the winch depends on its entire operability so that
when requested, it can act effectively to tension or
loosen the cable.
The winch is exposed to marine weather and sub-
jected to impacts during its operation, which tends to
cause defects. Thus, it is subjected to regular main-
tenance stops which, in turn, can impact operational
losses and even affect ship loading and security. Prob-
lems can occur whether the winches are at rest or
when in operation. In this situation, the maintenance
team is called and has to intervene in the maintenance
Aparecido de Oliveira, W., Silva, S. and Santana, A.
Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0012703000003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 2, pages 247-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
of the equipment.
Currently, the maintenance team, when called, di-
rects a technician to go to the location and diag-
nose the problem. This treats the problem by act-
ing directly on the equipment, however, failure sit-
uations can occur between the electrical /mechani-
cal/ hydraulic areas and the professional is not trained
in all disciplines. When it comes to mooring ships,
faulty equipment can even cause a catastrophe.
For example, a stray ship can collide with other
moored ships or even with other piers, even so, there
is no way to measure the losses of an accident of this
magnitude because it involves large machines.
Electrical inspection of the winch in the field has
some disadvantages such as: the exposure to risk re-
lated to SS&MA (Health and safety & Environment);
exposure to the operational area, mainly in circum-
stances where the system may be operational; and
travel time from the workshop to the pier area (1400m
from the workshop to the bridge entrance plus 1800m
from the bridge to the pier entrance plus 1000m to the
Pier itself).
Therefore, the development of an inspection tool
with extended reality becomes interesting. Through
this tool, the maintenance team will be able to train
virtually with the aim of an intervention focused on
the likely point of equipment defect, increasing the
effectiveness in solving the problem. It can also be
highlighted that the use of a tool with extended re-
ality will bring greater security to the professional’s
training, which can be carried out in a safe environ-
ment, not needing to be carried out directly on the
The main motivation for using this tool is that
the user will be trained to inspect the equipment and,
when there is a real need for a defect in the real equip-
ment, they will gain agility in solving the problem. If
the developed tool enables online connection with the
equipment, the gains would be extraordinary, as the
user could identify the defect remotely and go to the
location with the defined solution significantly reduc-
ing the ship’s mooring risks.
In summary, the application will allow the trained
team to interact with the functionalities and informa-
tion of the equipment in a virtual and safe way, thus
ensuring access to the operation, diagnosis of failures
with simulations of problem solutions in a virtual re-
ality environment.
2.1 Ship Mooring
The Mooring System is carried out as follows: when
the ship is positioned on the pier by the tugs, the on-
board cables begin to be launched, which in turn are
hooked to the land hooks. This process takes approxi-
mately 1h30. Once completed, the laying of the earth
cables begins. These, in turn, are the cables for the
earth winches, the object of this project. The operator
begins the process of releasing the cable to be hitched
to the ship. Depending on the ship, the hitch may be
on bollards or even ship hooks. Figure 1 depicts the
land and ship equipment.
Figure 1: Ship at berth. Source: VALE (2018).
2.2 Mooring Winches Automation
The mooring winch system is integrated into a ro-
bust automation system, comprising control associ-
ated with PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers)
for equipment operation; remote monitoring and ac-
tivation system through the system supervisory; and
the PIMs system for operational and monitoring data,
and statistics.
The supervisory system, well known as the
human-machine interface, makes it possible for the
operator to remotely interact with the equipment, hav-
ing visual and operational control of the equipment.
It is worth noting that for it to be operable, a remote
release must be done on the equipment. Figure 2 il-
lustrates the print taken from the winch supervisory
system screen.
The equipment’s automation control system is
developed through a PLC application using spe-
cific software. The one used in the equipment was
RSLogix, specifically for use in Rockwell PLCs.
The equipment’s electrical panel has several con-
trol and drive components. This, in turn, is specific to
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Winch supervisory system screen.
the operational electrical control of the equipment. In
Figure 3, it is possible to check the winch electrical
Figure 3: Power and Control Panel.
There is also the Rockwell distributed I/O panel,
which is the connection point for all instrumentation
on board the winch. Figure 4 illustrates this panel.
2.3 Extended Reality
This section highlights the evolution of augmented re-
ality today and how it can be used in educational or
training processes, including ship mooring training.
2.3.1 Virtual Reality Breaking Paradigms
It appears that technology has been accompanying the
industry for around 50 years. This evolution is grow-
ing day by day. For some time now, technology added
to the increasing reality has been applied in various
segments, such as: training, maintenance support, op-
erations (Engineering 4.0), among other segments. In
the literature there are reports of the benefits related to
maintenance in augmented reality, aiming to reduce
Figure 4: Distributed I/O Panel.
risk exposure and bringing benefits to users’ health,
as in the work of Justimiano et al. (2021).
A notable advance can be seen in the graphic qual-
ity of many digital games in recent times, without los-
ing sight of the ease of use of consoles with much
more exposed quality, displaying high-performance
computing capacity, compared to the CAD programs
known on virtual platforms (de Oliveira et al., 2017).
In a simplified way, virtual reality (VR) is an
advanced interface technique between the user and
the computer, which simulates a real environment
in a virtual way, allowing the interaction, visualiza-
tion and manipulation of three-dimensional synthetic
environments generated by computers using certain
types of multisensory channels. VR enables the user
to have a high-performance experience of reality.
From the virtual environment with new versions of
interaction, using increasingly dynamic keyboards or
controls, VR enables innovative experiences that lead
to an increasingly detailed understanding of projects
or activities of their implementation in a physical en-
vironment (de Oliveira et al., 2017).
VR allows navigation in the digital world us-
ing computer graphics, giving the user a three-
dimensional view of the real world, which requires
a hardware and software structure capable of rec-
ognizing six types of movements: front/back, up
/down, left/right, right/left angle, up/down tilt, and
clockwise/counterclockwise rotation. This dynamic
of movements allows a simulation to the point of giv-
ing the user the sensation of touching objects, causing
a change with the movements established in real-time
(Valerio Netto et al., 2002).
Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality
2.3.2 Augmented Reality with Technological
Augmented reality differs from virtual reality due to
its ability to generate new multimodal interfaces with
high ease of manipulating objects in a given space,
in which the user can use their hands to interact with
a real environment. To make everything happen, the
use of augmented reality techniques can place real el-
ements, using optical tracking so that the scene has
maximum realism, without the technological appara-
tus of much connectivity. Therefore, it is possible to
create detailed and immersive environments, with in-
teractive elements to allow several innovative applica-
tions, as they allow the reliable reproduction of real-
life environments such as a house, bank, university,
or even a city, guaranteeing the user interaction with
each part of the environment and its proper purpose
(Kirner and Tori, 2006).
For Kirner and Tori (2006), augmented reality can
be defined as “the enrichment of real environment
with virtual objects, using some technological device,
working in real time”. The mechanisms for making
this combination between these realities stand out due
to the user’s sense of presence and the quality of the
images, leaving them free in the environment without
the application of as much technological equipment as
happens in virtual reality. With augmented reality, the
feeling of coexisting with the real world in the same
space can combine and align real and virtual objects
in real time.
2.3.3 Learning Methods
In recent years there has been a significant increase in
the application of mobile devices in the field of educa-
tion. The educational or training process constitutes
a purposeful interaction with technology mediated by
learning content between teachers and students where
teaching materials seek to solve educational tasks in
a systematized and updated way for the development
of students. In this sense, the learning environment is
virtually guided by information and communication
technologies combined with traditional teaching tech-
nologies providing greater understanding with virtual
environment tools (Zinonos et al., 2018).
With recent technological advances in the areas
of cyber-physical systems, actuators and sensors, the
flexibility of areas along value chains have demon-
strated increasing digitalization in both society and
industry. In this context, an ambitious technological
trend is “Augmented Reality” (AR). Its use facilitates
employees’ work by providing data in specific situa-
tions, in real time and with targeted information. As
a result, connecting data to machines results in work
without the need for a fixed work environment. How-
ever, the inclusion of new technologies also implies a
change in the way people work, leading to the restruc-
turing of work processes, particularly in the manufac-
turing industry (Sorko and Brunnhofer, 2019).
Due to this factor, augmented reality offers sev-
eral potentials for the industry, allowing, for example,
digitize process, in real time, for parallel processes.
In this regard, two types of processes can be men-
tioned: learning processes and industrial processes.
If the focus is on industrial processes, it is possible
to check which stage can be improved, the reduction
of delivery times, and activities to be carried out, ob-
serving the step by step of a work process (Sorko and
Brunnhofer, 2019).
Therefore, some industries already apply aug-
mented reality in their processes, developing environ-
ment projects and activities inherent to the develop-
ment of employees in the learning process. In the
view of authors Makransky and Klingenberg, virtual
reality improves safety training in industrial processes
(Makransky and Klingenberg, 2022). The use of these
resources can positively affect the results of safety
training, since engaging training is three times more
effective in promoting knowledge and skill acquisi-
tion, compared to non-engaging training.
AR-based simulations are more immersive as they
promote high levels of psychological presence, offer-
ing the sensation of being at the scene of the activ-
ity, which are often difficult, expensive or dangerous
to produce in real life (Makransky and Klingenberg,
2.3.4 Augmented Reality in Ship Mooring
Currently, some companies are already using aug-
mented reality to carry out safety training. This is
the case of OMS-VR, a Ukrainian company, which
carries out various maritime safety training in VR in
the same location, where it is developing its own soft-
ware and hardware solution. In this case, VR training
allows obtaining results on the professional’s physical
and psychological state in various stressful situations,
without exposing them to the risks of such activities,
including equipment for cargo handling, pump room
for the fire detection and firefighting system on the
Ship’s deck and ship mooring winches, all on board.
What is desired in this current research project is
the implementation and analysis of a methodology ap-
plicable to land winch mooring systems, where the
principles for training are like those observed in a
real world training, seeking acceptable principles for
a better condition of safety levels for maintainers.
In navigation mooring cable protection training,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the modules provide practical instructions signaling
dangers and other associated risks, as well as identi-
fying the return zone in compliance with the require-
ments of the STCW convention, Regulation 1/12.
2.4 Virtual Reality Development
This section presents the tools used to develop the
augmented reality application proposed in this work.
2.4.1 Software Unity
Unity is a set of diverse 3D modeling tools for cre-
ating interactive media optimized in simple geome-
tries, enabling detailed editing and UV unfolding, as
it has rapid prototyping. Unity is a widely used tool,
as it guarantees support for independent developers,
allowing the development of games and simulations
in a more accessible way (Haas, 2014). This software
is compatible with different platforms (PC, consoles,
mobile, VR and AR) using a visual editor and pro-
gramming through and scripting, offering users pro-
fessional tools capable of meeting the requirements
of any game.
The main idea is to bring the reality of the winch
to a virtualized reality environment integrated with
the real functionality of the equipment, providing the
user with an interface with the equipment in a graphic
image, making it possible to train the inspection.
Unity offers developers three ways to program
applications attached to the IDE: Unity JavaScript
(Commonly known as UnityScript), C#, and Boo. Re-
gardless of the choice of which language to use, they
all allow developers to implement the same content
regardless of the established language (Haas, 2014).
2.4.2 UnityScript
UnityScript is a language that resembles Javascript,
and is the best choice for beginners. Generally used
by most developers, it is easier to obtain assistance
in the IRQ forum or the Unity forum. This language
is simple to learn and quick to type. Javascript is a
prototypical language, while UnityScript is a classical
language, which grants it certain benefits. However,
even though UnityScript has dynamic typing support,
in certain cases it will be less efficient than the C# lan-
guage, as the compiler must recognize that the object
type can change (Haas, 2014).
2.4.3 Boo
The Boo language has a syntax similar to Python, and
its structure is similar to UnityScript. However, it is
little used by users, which makes it difficult to seek
assistance (Haas, 2014).
2.4.4 Virtual Reality Glasses
Virtual reality glasses is a equipment that allows you
to view images in a stereoscopic 3D effect. This can
be connected to a PC and even smartphones. This
allows the user to immerse themselves in a virtual
3D environment to practice inspecting the equipment.
Since 2012, with the creation of the so-called Rift
glasses, many possibilities have emerged with simu-
lations of real environments, being designed with a
degree closer to reality, in which high-performance
projects are presented with a level of immersion in dy-
namic visualization spaces in their direct interaction
with projects implemented based on the technologi-
cal advancement of virtual reality (de Oliveira et al.,
2.5 Use of Virtual Reality in Training
Nowadays, when it comes to economic issues, the
job market and technological advances, organizations
must adapt and look for effective and efficient ways
to develop training programs, in order to educate, in-
spire and awaken knowledge in their employees, at
the same time as they face the challenge of main-
taining employee engagement and motivation in their
training. Thus, while companies are challenged to
maintain this engagement, comes the task of provid-
ing standardized training in a variety of geographic
locations, with different groups of employees, which
can result in high financial and energy costs, and ex-
pose the employee to various risks throughout the pro-
cess (Makransky and Klingenberg, 2022).
Therefore, it was necessary to search for a way to
overcome these challenges, creating flexible learning
environments and incorporating technology to com-
plement learning, and develop trained professionals
in an effective and safe way. To verify such learning
effectiveness in augmented reality training, a study
was carried out by the Department of Psychology in
Copenhagen, involving a training program at a mar-
itime industry, on the islands of Kiribat, to investigate
whether carrying out training based on augmented re-
ality is more effective than standard safety training. It
is detailed in the work of Makransky and Klingenberg
The main issue highlighted is that the combina-
tion of augmented reality associated with a generative
learning strategy can allow students to reflect on the
topics covered even after class, which increases learn-
ing results. Most training carried out in a standard
Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality
way generally uses a single method to pass on con-
tent, without evaluating the needs of each student, or
providing the opportunity for professionals to expe-
rience the relevance of their activity, without expos-
ing themselves to risks (Makransky and Klingenberg,
In the study in question, a sample was used con-
sisting of 86 students, both men and women, between
16 and 40 years old, all of them from the maritime ed-
ucation center in Denmark, Svendborg International
Maritime Academy. The experiment was carried out
as part of safety training on the topic of “Safety Dur-
ing a Mooring Operation” (Makransky and Klingen-
berg, 2022).
To obtain a comparative study on security training
based on virtual reality, and standard training, the stu-
dents in question were exposed to two different types
of methodologies, one with a trainer and the other
with VR, where the results were obtained. following
The results of this research demonstrate that the
group included in the training with augmented real-
ity significantly accepted and appreciated this train-
ing, obtaining significantly greater intrinsic motiva-
tions and changes in behavior. It was then discovered
that professionals obtained higher levels of pleasure,
motivation and learning, but the result in self-efficacy
did not maintain many changes.
Therefore, the study in question points to several
pieces of evidence suggesting that training with im-
mersive simulations in augmented reality leads to sig-
nificantly greater pleasure in learning, highlighting
the potential that immersive technologies have with
a wide range of users in the future.
Pier 4 North was the largest project implemented at
Vale, approved in 2008 by the board and it is located
in S
ao Lu
ıs do Maranh
ao at the Ponta da Madeira
Maritime Terminal (TMPM). This project had as
its fundamental principle the capacity for 130MTPA
(Million tons per year), that is, an additional 30MTPA
more than the 100MTPA (Million tons per year) that
already had operational capacity. The project did not
only involve increasing the port’s unloading, storage
and boarding capacity; it also generated many job and
income opportunities for the entire region.
Ore shipment includes a long journey for the iron
ore to be shipped. This process begins in Caraj
PA where the ore is extracted. After the entire pro-
cess at the Caraj
as mine, it is transported by the Ra-
mal Ferrovi
ario Sudoeste do Par
a to the TMPM-SL
in Maranh
ao. In Figure 5, there is an aerial view of
Pier IV South and North, where the ship moored can
be seen in the North Berth, in its first test with cargo,
and in Figure 6 it is possible to see the location of Pier
IV on the map.
Figure 5: Offshore Project - First test with Pier IV North
Load. Source: VALE (2018).
Figure 6: Geographic Location TMPM. Source:
GOOGLE MAPS, obtained in 2023.
The boarding area at Pier IV consists of 2 load-
ing berths (South and North). The mooring system
is carried out as follows: first, the onboard cables are
launched, which will be fixed to the land hooks, af-
ter the onboard mooring is completed, the ground ca-
bles are launched, which, in turn, originate from the
winches. of land. The effectiveness of earth winches
is guaranteed through scheduled inspections to verify
the state of integrity and functionality of the equip-
ment. Based on these inspections, decisions are made
regarding the actions of the areas responsible for pre-
ventive and corrective maintenance of the equipment.
In Figure 7 it is possible to see a calibration procedure
for the winch load cell.
3.1 Data
Equipment inspection is currently carried out visu-
ally through operational testing and must be carried
out in person. All equipment history data is obtained
through PIMs. With this record, reports of failures
that occur during equipment operations can be ob-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 7: Winch Calibration.
tained and statistics and trends can be generated for
preventive maintenance and plans of reviews. In a
graphical view, the process does not present any in-
teraction with the equipment, just a database in which
spreadsheets of registered events in the operational or
idle state of the winch are processed.
All information is collected from the winch PLC
via the ETH/IP communication network. The model
developed in Unity will be used to link real and on-
line data from the PLC application and supervisory
system with the developed 3D model. This collected
data will refer to status information in the actual oper-
ating situation of the equipment. It is expected to have
inspection training in the model, which will provide a
link between the real scenario and virtual reality.
3.2 Methodology
The development of the extended reality application
takes place during the development of the project. In
this phase, an extended reality tool is used so that the
user, with the 3D equipment, has the ability to interact
with the equipment virtually.
The entire project is developed with real informa-
tion from the equipment, so that the user can, in a
virtual system, obtain data that is as close to reality as
The feasibility of obtaining virtualized images of
the winch with an interface with reality will be stud-
ied. For the development of the tool, the Unity
software is used and the Virtua VR Oculus Real-
ity Glasses are used for visualization. In the test-
ing phase, the application will be submitted to users.
After completing the training, feedback will be re-
quested through a questionnaire on the experience of
carrying out the inspection using the tool. The main
topic will be focused on results in terms of expecta-
tions with equipment.
3.2.1 Analysis Procedure
The suggested procedure is to take the tool to users
(professionals involved in winch maintenance) so that
they can give a feedback on the developed product
and, through the results of their training on the tool,
generate a spreadsheet and a technical report with in-
formation about their experience. A statistical anal-
ysis will be done on the quantitative and qualitative
data collected.
3.2.2 Requirements for Winch Inspection
In this step, the necessary requirements are presented
for the winch inspection to occur safely in a hydraulic
mooring system, and which will be taken into account
when preparing the proposed tool. Some procedures
are adopted to control machinery and mechanical
equipment. An interesting part to note is the hydraulic
power unit that is attached to the base structure of the
mooring winch. This unit has two power sources to
ensure the necessary flow for the proper functioning
of the winch. It consists of a 132kW power supply
unit and another of unit of 4.8kW, which can all be
delivered as a compact unit.
Another frequently used piece of equipment is the
L46 pump, which is a fixed flow gear pilot pump that
is used to activate the cylinder brake or change the en-
gine displacement, with a composition of directional
control valves of various shapes that are accompanied
of solenoid valves and pressure filters to prevent ex-
cessive pressure from occurring.
The pilot pump operates in a controlled manner
via the PLC in accordance with the signal from the
pressure switch installed in the pilot line, and it is rec-
ommended to keep the selector in automatic mode.
The pilot pump has a “Manual/Automatic” selector.
The selector must always be in the“Automatic” posi-
tion. The PLC controls the start/stop of the pilot pump
via a pressure switch. With “Manual Selection”, the
pilot pump starts when pressing the green ”Start pilot
pump” button. Once the pump is running, the button
remains lit. To stop the pump, press the red “Switch
off pilot pump” button. With ”Automatic Selection”,
the pilot pump is controlled via the PLC and pressure
switch PS1.
The mooring winch is assembled with the hy-
draulic unit on the same base, where hydraulic and
electrical power is supplied. This unit only needs
power supply connection and communication connec-
tion with the remote-control room.
Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality
The mooring winch is operated from the control
panel, so the site will always communicate with the
remote-control room in “Local Run” mode. In this
sense, the recommendation is to constantly provide
information about alarms, pressure, load indication.
It is worth noting that the winch cannot be con-
trolled remotely if this mode is selected. In “Oper-
ation in remote mode”, the mooring winch can be
controlled from the remote-control room based on
the hauling information. On the other hand, when
it comes to emergency operation, the mooring winch
is operated by the local control panel, noting that
in this case, the system does not communicate with
the remote-control room. Figure 8 represents the
panel and the light indications on the winch selection
Figure 8: Winch Selection Modes. Source: VALE (2018).
For winch operation, the system must have the
flow and pressure necessary to allow the hydraulic
motor to operate. The hydraulic pump in operation
enables smooth starting after 10 seconds of system
operation via joystick control. It is not recommended
to operate in joystick mode until startup is complete.
The system is signaled by the green light on the con-
trol table. Figure 9 represent the control panel, joy-
Figure 9: Hydraulic Pump Control Panel.
In this context, for the winch to function correctly,
it is necessary that all controls and equipment com-
ply with the characteristics presented above. Its op-
eration must occur in “Local Control” mode, and its
power lamp must be on, indicating that voltage is
available. The pilot pump must be activated (being
controlled through the PLC), together with the main
pump, which provides the flow and pressure of the
hydraulic motor, for the correct winch mooring. Its
control, as previously mentioned, is carried out using
the joystick, and the speed and rotation of the winch
can be controlled. To perform the operation from the
control room in remote operation, it is necessary to
activate the “Remote” selection mode.
3.2.3 Elements Considered for Inspection
Following is the roadmap of the research project’s in-
spection plan:
1. Basic knowledge of winching
2. Electric
Electrical panel
Murr I/O Board
Local control panel
3. Hydraulic System
Hydraulic elements
Hydraulic plan
4. Mechanic
Load cells
5. Fairlead
6. Technical assistance
7. Spares
In Figure 10, there is an image of the winch hy-
draulic system assembly.
Figure 10: Hydraulic System.
3.2.4 Next Steps
This project is currently in the application develop-
ment stage, where we are using the information col-
lected about winch inspection, described in 3.2.2 and
3.2.3. Volunteers to participate in the experiment have
already been contacted and, with the approval of the
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
University’s research ethics committee, it will soon be
possible to begin testing. All from applications that
enable broader learning in handling equipment.
Currently, some companies are already using aug-
mented reality to carry out safety training. VR train-
ing allows obtaining results on the professional’s
physical and psychological state in various stressful
situations, without exposing them to the risks of such
activities. The contributions generated can address
engineering in more detail. With the development of
graphic images and programming, it is possible to im-
prove the interface between man and machine with
greater precision and integrate extended reality with
automation using data from PIMs and PLC database.
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Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality