An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy
Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in
André Proto
, Charles C. Miers
and Tereza C. M. B. Carvalho
Laboratory of Sustainability in ICT, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Graduate Program in Applied Computing (PPGCA), Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Brazil
Keywords: Energy Depletion Attacks, LoRaWAN, Distance Metrics, Intrusion Detection, Lightweight Architecture.
Abstract: LoRaWAN emerges as a promising technology for deploying low-power sensors to tackle industrial and urban
challenges. However, Energy Depletion Attacks (EDAs) presents a substantial threat to sensors operating
within the LoRaWAN framework. Various attacks, including jamming, replay attacks, firmware manipulation,
and application vulnerabilities in Internet of Things systems, have the potential to induce energy depletion.
Some of them are regarded as silent attacks, characterized by the absence or minimal occurrence of network
traffic, rendering their detection challenging. In response to this challenge, our research introduces an
architecture designed to detect EDAs in LoRaWAN sensors. We propose an implementation of a lightweight
and energy-efficient intrusion detection system developed for resource-constrained devices. Our solution
applies distance metrics to detect anomaly behaviours in the energy consumption patterns of sensors. In order
to assess the viability of our proposed methodology, we employ the F1 score as an evaluative metric that
demonstrates the efficiency of its intrusion detection accuracy of EDAs. Thus, our proposal diverges from the
traditional approaches relying on network traffic analysis for intrusion detection, opting instead for a focus
on the analysis of energy consumption data.
The LoRaWAN protocol, designed for Low Power
Wide Area Network (LPWAN) applications,
facilitates the wireless connectivity of battery-
operated devices within the Internet of Things (IoT)
(LoRa Alliance, 2020). It finds application in diverse
sectors such as smart cities, agriculture, and industry
(Raza et al., 2017). Employing a star topology for
communication, LPWAN enables direct
communication between sensors and gateways. The
LoRaWAN offers three classes of sensors: A, B, and
C, with class A being the most widely utilized. In this
class, communication must be initiated only by the
sensor, providing advantages such as cost-
effectiveness, minimal energy consumption,
extended communication ranges, compatibility with
heterogeneous devices, and scalability.
In the context of security, Energy Depletion
Attacks (EDAs) have proven effective in disrupting
services within LPWANs (Mikhaylov et al., 2019;
Nguyen et al., 2019). These attacks aim to deplete
sensor batteries, rendering them inoperable by
exhausting their energy reserves. EDAs have the
potential to impact many sensors, leading to severe
damage to the overall IoT system and incurring
substantial maintenance costs. Some attacks exploit
network vulnerabilities to elevate sensor transmission
activity; Furthermore, other types of attacks, which we
call silent EDAs, exploit hardware or software
vulnerabilities to increase sensor processing or
internal component activity (Kuaban et al., 2023).
Existing research on EDAs detection and mitigation
primarily concentrates on specific EDA types,
primarily analysing traffic behaviour, with a
predominant focus on IoT networks like Low-power
and Lossy Networks (LLNs) (Alsirhani et al., 2022;
Proto, A., Miers, C. and Carvalho, T.
An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN.
DOI: 10.5220/0012703400003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 268-275
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Jan et al., 2019; Pu, 2019). LLNs employ different
topologies and protocols, such as mesh topology and
the Routing Protocol for LLNs (RPL). Other
researchers just address mitigation strategies for
specific vulnerabilities in LoRaWAN (Sciancalepore
et al., 2021). Detecting zero-day and silent EDAs in
LoRaWAN poses persistent challenges, particularly in
developing a unified solution. Moreover, any
proposed solution must be lightweight to operate
efficiently on resource-constrained devices, which
face limitations in processing, energy, and network
We propose a lightweight architecture for
detecting EDAs in LoRaWAN, which we call as
LADE. This architecture has been developed to meet
the following requirements:
a) It must detect most EDAs including silent
b) It must be able to work directly on the sensors.
c) It must prioritize energy efficiency, consuming
a minimum of energy from the sensors.
To meet these requirements, the architecture we
propose employs two modules: the Detection Module
(DM) is responsible for monitoring and detecting the
EDAs; the Learning Module (LM) is responsible for
learning steps, where a learning algorithm analyses
energy data and defines the key parameter that
represents expected behaviours. Both DM and LM
are deployed directly in sensors, making our proposal
autonomous. In contrast to previous approaches
(Alsirhani et al., 2022; Jan et al., 2019; Pu, 2019), our
proposal monitors sensor energy consumption,
applying distance metrics to identify anomalies in
such consumption.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 presents a literature review of security on
LoRaWAN security and intrusion detection of EDAs.
In Section 3, we provide a detailed description of our
proposed architecture. Section 4 presents the
performance evaluation and results. Finally, Section
5 summarizes the conclusions and future work.
We provide a brief literature review of security in
LoRaWAN (Subsection 2.1) and discuss the current
intrusion detection of EDAs (Subsection 2.2).
2.1 Security of LoRaWAN
In an initial investigation, Nguyen et al. (2019)
detailed an exhaustive examination of diverse attacks
on LPWANs. This study provided a comprehensive
literature review, encapsulating research endeavours
that explored the impacts of various attacks, including
EDAs. The authors categorized these attacks based on
the network layers, which encompass physical layer
attacks like jamming, link layer attacks such as sleep
cycle manipulation, and application layer attacks such
as vulnerabilities in applications. The findings of this
study illuminate the breadth and diversity of attacks
associated with EDAs.
In a separate investigation, the researchers outlined
LoRaWAN security features in detail (Yang et al.,
2018). These features encompass channel
confidentiality, the network join protocol,
authenticity, and integrity validation. The study also
scrutinized potential attacks on these features,
including replay attacks, eavesdropping, and bit-
flipping. Additionally, Mikhaylov et al., (2019)
undertook an empirical validation of EDAs on a
LoRaWAN device, providing insights into their
potential ramifications. The experimental study
revealed that EDAs aim to augment the transmission
(TX) or reception (RX) of network data in sensors.
This objective is pursued through two primary
methods: firstly, a Denial of Service (DoS) attack,
which results in channel overload, compelling sensors
to transition to higher transmission power; secondly,
the compromise of acknowledgment packets,
compelling sensors to retransmit their packets. The
researchers conducted empirical tests to substantiate
the efficacy of these attack strategies.
In a correlated investigation, delineated by
Neshenko et al. (2019), a thorough analysis of IoT
vulnerabilities was undertaken. Certain vulnerabilities
identified in this study can be leveraged for analogous
purposes, notably in the context of "silent attacks"
aimed at evading detection by maintaining a limited
network footprint. These silent attacks include the
compromised node scenario, wherein an attacker
exploits vulnerabilities to initiate buffer overflows or
attain privileged access. This enables the execution of
malicious code, depleting sensor energy without
generating network activity. Additionally, they
encompass modified firmware attacks, where
malevolent code is employed to compromise the
sensor's lifespan. Moreover, the continuous
advancement of IoT services by both industry and
academia, exemplified by the development of
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to
provide diverse functionalities (Tzavaras et al., 2023),
introduces new dimensions to IoT systems. While
these advancements are beneficial for the industry,
they concurrently introduce potential vulnerabilities,
thereby rendering IoT systems susceptible to zero-day
attacks, including EDAs.
An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN
2.2 Intrusion Detection of EDAs
In the existing literature, predominant attention has
been directed towards the detection of EDAs in
LLNs. For instance, Alsirhani et al. (2022) introduced
the DISAM scheme, specifically tailored to mitigate
the Span DIS attack, a threat that depletes the energy
reserves of legitimate nodes in LLNs. Similarly, Pu
(2019), the authors devised a scheme targeting a
vulnerability in the Routing Protocol for LLNs
(RPL). Their approach involved monitoring the
packet reception count at a sensor. Additionally, (Jan
et al., 2019) presented a lightweight IDS
incorporating supervised machine learning, notably a
Support Vector Machine (SVM), to identify
adversaries attempting to introduce unnecessary data
into the network, thereby detecting potential DoS
attacks. It is noteworthy that these solutions primarily
centre on the analysis of network traffic.
Concurrently, several contributions have explored
the utilization of energy consumption analysis for the
detection of attacks. For instance, Lee et al. (2014)
introduced a lightweight intrusion detection scheme,
employing energy consumption analysis to identify
DoS attacks in networks employing 6LoWPAN. Han
et al. (2013) proposed a intrusion detection scheme,
relying on predictions of sensor energy consumption
to discern various attack types, including flooding
attacks and assaults on routing protocols in cluster-
based Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN).
Additionally, Proto & Carvalho (2020) delved into
the application of three statistical distance metrics
(Sibson, Hellinger, and Euclidean) to detect
anomalies in the sensor energy consumption of a
WSN. They presented a detection algorithm
implemented in the sensors and conducted
simulations, elucidating outcomes pertinent to the
identification of EDAs triggered by flooding.
Collectively, these endeavours underscore the
significance of energy consumption analysis as a
viable approach for detecting diverse attacks,
including those relevant to LoRaWAN and Internet of
Things (IoT) environments.
We propose an approach which entails deploying the
Learning and Detection Modules (LM and DM)
directly within the sensors. While it is conceivable to
situate the LM in a network server to alleviate sensor
processing, we emphasize that the network
communication between the two modules could
potentially consume more energy than maintaining
them within the sensors. This is because the energy
expenditure associated with the transmission (TX)
and reception (RX) operations in a sensor surpasses
that incurred solely during processing, as presented in
Section 4. Furthermore, we introduce a
straightforward and resource-efficient learning
algorithm, designed to minimize the demand on
processing resources. The LADE and the integration
between LM and DM are depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The LADE scheme and its modules.
Each module implements a different phase of the
system as described in subsection 3.1. We also
discuss the proposed algorithms in subsection 3.2.
3.1 Phases Description
LADE comprises two defined phases: the learning
phase (Subsection 3.1.1) and the detection phase
(Subsection 3.1.2).
3.1.1 Learning Phase
During this phase, the LM computes a key parameter
used in the detection algorithm of the DM. Upon
system initiation, it performs the first learning cycle
to establish initial parameters. Subsequently, the LM
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
defines a random interval for the periodic execution
of this task, which dynamically adjusts over time.
This strategy aims to prevent attackers from
discerning the training schedules and attempting to
manipulate the energy consumption pattern. We
define the steps of the learning phase as follows:
a) Request energy data: The LM requests energy
data from DM for a random period (T1).
b) Update parameters: The LM computes the
parameters (T2) using statistical analysis and, if
the results are different from previous ones, then
it sends the new parameters to DM (T4 and D1).
c) Update schedule time: The algorithm updates
the scheduled time of the learning phase based
on the frequency of parameter changes. The less
frequently the learning algorithm changes the
parameters, the longer the scheduled time, and
vice versa. Thus, it increments or decrements
the scheduled time by a random percentage of
the current value (T3).
Note that the learning phase is measured in
minutes, as LoRaWAN applications typically operate
with extended intervals between transmissions to
conserve energy. Besides, it is advisable that the
device stores parameter information in flash memory
whenever possible, aiming to mitigate prolonged
pauses in detection activity during restart operations.
3.1.2 Detection Phase
In this phase the DM is responsible for collecting
energy data and applying the distance metric to detect
anomalies. The steps of the detection phase are
described as follows:
a) Set a key parameter: Receive from LM and set
a key parameter of the detection algorithm (D1).
b) Run the statistical analyser: The DM analyses
energy consumption data (D3) on-the-fly.
c) Report the LM of an intrusion detection: If an
anomaly is detected, then it forwards a report
and the energy consumption data to the
administrator or some system logger. Else, it
takes no action (D4 and D5).
The detection phase only sends messages through
the network in case an intrusion is detected.
Currently, our proposal does not focus on mitigation
attacks, which should be addressed in future works.
3.2 Algorithms Description
For clarity, we describe the detection algorithm in
Subsection 3.2.1 and the learning algorithm in
Subsection 3.2.2.
3.2.1 Lightweight Detection Algorithm
We adopted the methodology proposed by Proto &
Carvalho (2020) as a baseline to meet the
requirements outlined in the Section 1, with some
enhancements. The proposal is solely an exploration
of the application of distance metrics in energy
consumption data. Its algorithm is limited by fixed
parameters, making it less scalable and confined to
WSNs. Such limitations have been addressed through
the incorporation of a learning phase, beyond
improvements on performance and autonomy.
A statistical distance metric quantifies the
distance between two probability distributions. The
algorithm proposed applies a distance metric called
Sibson (Proto & Carvalho, 2020), which is based on
Kullback-Leibler divergence and is defined in (1).
Kullback-Leibler is not symmetric, which means
D(p,q) D(q,p). Thus, Sibson combines such
divergence to resolve the asymmetry (2).
(𝑝 + 𝑞) + 𝐷𝑞,
(𝑝 + 𝑞)
We propose the Algorithm 1 to address the
detection phase. The parameter 𝛿 is the threshold that
defines an anomaly, while parameter 𝜆 denotes the
expected value of sensor energy consumption for
every two seconds, playing a crucial role in
probability distribution calculations. In this study, we
opt for the Poisson distribution, as suggested in Proto
& Carvalho (2020). Nevertheless, we transform the
energy data 𝑘 by aggregating samples for each 𝜔
Joules (J), as defined in (3). This data transformation
is essential for converting decimal energy data into
integers and maintaining a restricted range of
samples, thereby ensuring efficient distance
calculations, as empirically observed. Other variables
are defined as follows: N is the window size of an
energy sample; A, B, P
, and P
are arrays designed
to store energy consumption data and their respective
Poisson distribution.
𝑘 + 1 = 𝑥, 𝑥
We describe the Algorithm 1 steps as follows:
Collecting step: the algorithm collects samples
of energy consumption. When the collecting
phase is activated, it collects two sets of samples
with size N before going to the next step. The
system collects an energy sample for every two
seconds. When N-1 consecutive samples are
An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN
less than
, the task is interrupted, saving
processing and energy of the sensor.
Pre-processing step: the algorithm converts the
sets of samples into sets of probability
Intrusion detection step: the algorithm applies
the Sibson metric to calculate the distance
between P
and P
. If it is less than 𝛿, the
anomaly is reported.
Data: energy consumption samples
Result: to detect and report an anomaly;
while true do
read energy sample k;
convert k to x using f(k);
if x >
or analyse is true then
while slots A or B is not full do
save x in slot A or B;
if LM did not request data and
the last N-1 samples x <
break and go back to the beginning;
read energy sample k;
convert k to x using f(k);
calculate P
and P
calculate Sibson distance D(P
if D(P
) < 𝛿 then
report the anomaly;
if LM requested data then
send data or report the anomaly to LM;
Algorithm 1: Lightweight detection algorithm of DM.
3.2.2 Learning Algorithm
Initially, LM accounts for computing the best value
for the key parameter 𝜆 previously described. Thus,
we propose Algorithm 2 which implements the LM
scheme presented in Figure 1. The other variables
used by algorithm are described as follows: T
and T
are respectively the current time and the
scheduled time for the learning task; T
is the
period in minutes that energy samples must be
collected; 𝜆
and 𝜎
are respectively the median and
standard deviation of sample set with size 2N; 𝜆
𝜎 are respectively the expected value and standard
deviation calculated in the last cycle; 𝜆
is the mean of
set E with all calculated 𝜆
and; 𝜎 is the mean of set
F with all calculated 𝜎
We describe the Algorithms 2 steps as follows:
Collecting step: when the current time T
reaches the scheduled time T
, LM requests
to DM a set of size 2N of energy samples. For
each set, the algorithm calculates the median 𝜆
and standard deviation 𝜎
. This step is repeated
for T
Calculation step: the algorithm calculates 𝜆
𝜎. Thus, it changes the value of 𝜆 only if 𝜆
greater or less than 𝜆
∓𝜎 calculated previously
in the last cycle. Furthermore, 𝜆 has its value
incremented or decremented by one unit. This
technique serves to prevent unexpected
behaviours or attackers from manipulating the
learning phase by attempting to abruptly
increase the 𝜆 value, thereby avoiding any
consequential manipulation of intrusion
detection outcomes.
Final step: If 𝜆 changed after calculation, then
send the new value to DM. After that, it
calculates the new T
value randomly as
described in item c) of Subsection 3.1.1.
Data: energy consumption samples
Result: new value of 𝜆;
while true do
if T
= T
while T
is not finished do
request sensor energy data;
calculate median value 𝜆
calculate standard deviation value 𝜎
save 𝜆
in array E and 𝜎
in array F;
calculate 𝜆
as the mean of E;
calculate 𝜎 as of mean of F;
if 𝜆 is not defined then
do 𝜆
= 𝜆
, 𝜆=𝑓(𝜆
) and 𝜎 = 𝜎;
else if 𝜆
+𝜎) then
do 𝜆= 𝜆+1, 𝜆
= 𝜆
+ 𝜎 and 𝜎 = 𝜎
else if 𝜆
−𝜎) then
do 𝜆=𝜆1, 𝜆
= 𝜆
−𝜎 and 𝜎 = 𝜎;
if 𝜆 is changed then
send new parameters to DM;
decrease T
by a random value;
increase T
by a random value;
Algorithm 2: Learning algorithm of LM.
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
In our simulation we adopted the energy consumption
model presented in equation (4). The model defines
four states of energy consumption in a sensor: CPU
state, when it is processing data; SLEEP state, when
it is in low power mode; TX state, when it is sending
some data over the network; and RX state, when it is
receiving some data through the network.
Few simulators fully support LoRaWAN, as it is
a relatively recent technology up to this point. Thus,
initially we implemented the LADE in C language
and used FloRa (Slabicki et al., 2018), a framework
implemented for OMNeT++ simulator, to collect the
variables 𝐸
and 𝐸
of sensors. However, FloRa
does not supply information about 𝐸
and 𝐸
thus we calculated them based on microcontroller
datasheets used in LoRaWAN. We describe the
experimental setup, results, and discussions in
Subsections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3, respectively.
4.1 Experimental Setup
Our simulation deployed eight LoRaWAN nodes
class A, repeatedly transmitting over 500 bytes of
data at random sleep intervals ranging from 8 to 30
seconds. These nodes transmitted data to a
LoRaWAN gateway connected to the network server
via an IP network. The values for Spreading Factor
(SF), Transmission Power (TP), and bandwidth (BW)
were set to 12, 14dBm, and 125kHz, respectively.
The LoRa protocol was configured to await
acknowledgment (ACK) packages from the network
server after a transmission and to retransmit data up
to 15 times. The sensors’ battery supplied 3.3V and
we referenced the MSP430FR5969 microcontroller
datasheet (Instruments, 2018) for 𝐸
and 𝐸
calculations. The expected energy consumption for
the sensors’ states is detailed in Table 1.
In addition, we set the following variables of the
detection algorithm as fixed values: N=8, 𝜔=0.25,
and 𝛿=0.2, drawing from experiments conducted
by (Proto & Carvalho, 2020) and empirical
considerations. Furthermore, we set T
= 15 and
= 5 (minutes) for the learning algorithm.
Besides that, we proposed to simulate two distinct
types of attacks. The first one involves a jamming
attack, wherein an attacker generates noise to compel
sensors to retransmit data. The second type is a
compromised node attack, wherein an attacker
deploys malicious code to induce a continuous
processing state and to manipulate the LoRa protocol
to request the RX state whenever the sensor is idle.
In summary, we simulated two scenarios:
1) Scenario without attacks: We conducted a 30-
minute simulation without any attacks,
allocating 5 minutes for the initial learning
phase and dedicating the remaining 25 minutes
to the evaluation of intrusion detection. This
scenario aims to assess the false positive rate.
2) Scenario with attacks: We conducted a 25-
minute simulation for both proposed attacks to
evaluate detection accuracy. The simulation
used the same random transmission time
employed in Scenario 1 for consistency,
facilitating meaningful comparisons between
scenarios. Consequently, the DM could
complete the detection cycle up to 48 times,
considering the window time N.
Table 1: Values of energy consumption in Joules/sec.
Node state Expected consumption
CPU state 0.0054384
SLEEP state 0.00000231
TX state 0.14519995
RX state 0.03201
4.2 Results and Discussions
All results presented in this subsection stem from the
mean of the output data from the eight sensors.
Despite this aggregation, the simulation of multiple
sensors is crucial to enable the assessment of varying
frequencies of energy status changes, considering
sensors transmitting data at distinct intervals.
In the first learning cycle of scenario 1, the LM
returned a value of 𝜆=2, and this value was
subsequently utilized as the starting point in scenario
2. Due to the experimental setup, the LM executed
another learning phase only once. In the event of an
anomaly detection, the LM discarded the energy
samples provided by the DM for learning.
Consequently, most sensors did not complete all
instances during the 25-minute
simulation. Nevertheless, in Figure 2, we present the
mean, median, and standard deviation of simulations
with and without attacks to assess potential variations
in 𝜆 over time. Despite an increase in energy
consumption in Scenario 2, the median calculated did
not exceed the criteria established by our
methodology. Hence, the value of 𝜆 would remain
unchanged throughout the simulation, even if it
continues for a longer duration.
We evaluate intrusion detection outcomes in the
DM using the F-measure. Employing the proposed
An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN
simulations, we compute precision, recall, and the F1
score, as presented in Table 2. Thus, we define a
False-Positive (FP) event when the DM completes the
detection cycle and reports an anomaly in a scenario
without an attack. Similarly, a False-Negative
detection (FN) occurs if the DM fails to complete a
detection cycle or do not report an anomaly following
a detection cycle, despite the simulated attack.
Conversely, True-Positive (TP) and True-Negative
(TN) events denote the opposite scenarios,
respectively. Table 3 presents the mean values for
each event in the simulated attacks. The obtained
results revealed a high detection rate with minimal
false positives, underscoring the potential
effectiveness of our proposal against EDAs.
Figure 2: Statistical data of energy samples (Joules).
Table 2: F1-score of simulated attacks.
Type of attack Precision Recall
Jamming attack 0.983 0.884 0.930
Compromised node attack 0.982 0.868 0.921
Table 3: Mean of events in the simulated attacks.
Type of attack FN TP FP TN
Jamming attack
5 38 1 45
Compromised node attack
13 33 1 45
Furthermore, Figure 3 illustrates the battery
lifetime prediction in scenarios without and with
LADE within sensors. To assess energy efficiency,
we depict the battery lifetime of a sensor with LADE
in two scenarios: first, we force the execution of all
detection cycles, but without sending any reports;
second, our system executes all detection cycles and
sends reports in all cycles. Consequently, even in
challenging scenarios, the energy consumption of
LADE in the first scenario is negligible. In the second
scenario, our system consumes only 0.3% more
energy per cycle compared to other simulations,
attributed to the transmission required to report the
anomaly. This level of energy efficiency is
particularly notable, indicating the effective
performance of the system.
Figure 3: Performance comparison of energy efficiency.
Finally, we provide comparisons with LADE and
other contemporary studies in Table 4, concentrating
on diverse aspects relevant to the requirements
delineated in Section 1. It is noteworthy that some of
the works have the potential to detect multiple types
of EDAs, albeit with a predominant focus on
network-based attacks such as flooding or jamming.
However, most of these works exhibit limitations in
detecting silent EDAs. In addition, such proposals
furnish information regarding energy efficiency.
Table 4: Comparison with recent works. Label: Y – Yes, N
– No, P – Possible, NA – Not Available.
Recent works
(Alsirhani et
al., 2022)
(Pu, 2019)
(Jan et al.,
(Lee et al.,
(Han et al.,
Detect more than
one EDA
Detect silent
Deployed at
Energy efficien
We have introduced a lightweight architecture
designed for the detection of energy depletion attacks
(EDAs) in LoRaWAN networks, denoted as LADE.
Our architecture leverages distance metrics to
identify anomalies in energy consumption samples
within a sensor, incorporating two modules deployed
on the sensor. In addition, the system employs an
autonomous statistical learning algorithm to
determine the optimal parameter for the intrusion
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
detection task. In our experimental setup, we
achieved promising initial results, showcasing the
high accuracy and energy efficiency of the proposed
system. Furthermore, a comparative analysis with
current research reveals our innovative approach to
detecting both common and silent EDAs. The latter
refers to situations in which an attacker compromises
sensors through vulnerabilities, depleting sensor
energy without generating network traffic.
Despite the obtained results, this work is currently
in progress and requires further refinement.
Primarily, we aim to enhance the learning phase by
incorporating the configuration of additional
parameters such as N, 𝜔, and 𝛿. This modification is
intended to render the system more adaptive to
different scenarios. Secondly, there is a need to
improve the report-sending task of the detection
module to prevent excessive communication in cases
of consecutive anomalies. It is crucial to address the
potential misuse of our current solution by an attacker
to generate additional traffic, leading to the
unnecessary energy waste of sensors. Thus, a solution
must be devised to mitigate this risk. Lastly, we
intend to propose an autonomous mitigation
technique deployed at sensors that is not dependent
on communication with external devices.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. Thanks also to
FAPESP MCTIC/CGI (Research project
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An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN