Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing
via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context
Miquel Alfaras
, Claus Vogelmeier
, Nurlan Dauletbaev
2,3,4 c
and Zouhair Haddi
NVISION Systems and Technologies, Gran Via Carles III, 124, ent.1a, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Internal, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Philipps-Universität Marburg,
(Member of the German Center for Lung Research, DZL) Biegenstraße 10, Marburg, Germany
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
al-Farabi Kazakh National University, al-Farabi Avenue 71, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Keywords: Physiology, Contactless, Older Adults, Active and Assisted Living Technologies, Internet of Things,
Biosignals, Remote Digital Health, Radar, Machine Learning.
Abstract: In recent years, the use of high frequency radars to promote the contactless monitoring of physiology
parameters of cardiorespiratory nature has seen an impressive progress pushing for the creation of clinical
experiences beyond the telecommunications engineering field. In this position paper, we argue in favour of
combining the expertise of IoT and smart home research that paved the way for remote digital health in the
last decade, to foster a paradigm shift in healthy ageing an independent living promotion by means of
disruptive support technology that may overcome privacy invasiveness, discomfort, and usability issues.
The promise of contactless physiology sensing for
health has been around for years. With an interest that
was revamped by the efforts of research teams around
the world, the private sector is starting to pave the
way for a productive market niche that is called to fill
an existing gap no other technology covers smoothly.
Radio Detection and Ranging (in other words,
RADAR) has been a long understood technology,
with industrial success in areas as vast as marine and
air navigation, military/defence, law enforcement,
autonomous driving or even in civil engineering. It is
only under the research initiatives of teams such as
Dina Katabi’s and their approach to wireless signals
that use cases for physiology metrics have been
starting to see the light in the last 8-9 years (Adib et
al., 2015). In fact, due to the nature of the technology,
counting on sensors that give insight on position and
peed is clearly aligned for the development of gait
assessment studies throughout the world (Gambi et
al., 2020; Abedi et al, 2022), of interest not only to
euromotor disorders, but also to a bigger frailty
perspective. When entering cardiorespiratory metrics,
an even more disruptive perspective beyond
movement was established, since contactless
physiology by means of radar is called to offer
significant cost reductions, use case adaptation and
signal quality features which could coexist with
ubiquitous health wearables established in the last
decade. Back in 2016, and focusing on contactless
only, reviews like that of Naziyok, in Germany
(Naziyok et al., 2016), started to highlight how radar
technology began to emerge as a consistent
competitor against other technologies such as
ballistocardiography (BCG), depicting pilots and
proofs-of-concept taking place in clinical domains
out of the lab. A transition to radar-based spin-offs
and successful use cases built for pathologies such as
Parkinson’s suggest a promising landscape (Kabelac
et al., 2019), for a far more versatile technology than
its vibrational-based counterparts. Works such as
Alfaras, M., Vogelmeier, C., Dauletbaev, N. and Haddi, Z.
Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0012705500003699
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024), pages 243-249
ISBN: 978-989-758-700-9; ISSN: 2184-4984
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
millimiter wave approach of (Antolinos et al., 2020)
set a general comparison between several contactless
physiology sensing technologies, covering not only
BCG, but also video-based recording and thermal-
based technology among others. Growth experienced
by the radar business has been also notable in the in-
cabin monitoring for the automotive field,
transitioning from lab experiments (Lázaro et al.,
2021) to full datasets sponsored by key automotive
industries (Yoo et al.n 2021) such as Hyundai. For
vital signs, the link between biomedical engineering
R&D groups capable of processing the data and
clinical assessment teams at healthcare institutions
narrowing down use cases applies more than ever
before, with sleep health and pneumology offering a
productive landscape for the years to come (Yen et
al., 2022). Respiratory health, sleep health
assessment and datasets set up for palliative care use
cases (Schellenberger et al., 2020; Michler et al.,
2019) are only a few examples of the possibilities that
radar physiology will bring in the short term. Current
reviews already illustrate engineering efforts
incursion into the clinial domain, underlining the
different frequencies and operation modalities even
within the field of radiofrequency sensing for
physiology (Paterniani et al., 2023), reinforcing the
message that contactless physiology radars are now
explored hand in hand with medical specialties
experts. In this paper, we build the case for radar
physiology that could suit healthy ageing paradigms.
In this paper, we illustrate physiology metrics that are
a reality in our contactless physiology approach,
already integrated into our IoT cloud services, and
outline how contactless physiology may support
clinical supervision of relevance to the older adult
A physiology radar is a device that utilises the
transmission and detection of radio waves emitted
towards a person, inferring vital signs from the
reflected waves. Range, speed, and ultimately,
physiology waves are inferred by deploying one of
the main existing processing strategies available in
radar sensing: a) Impulse-Radio Ultra Wideband (IR-
UWB), b) Doppler Continuous Wavelength (CW)
and Frequency Modulated Continuous Wavelength
(FMCW). The recent review of Paterniani’s team
(Paterniani et al., 2023) illustrates how all these
paradigms, with their strengths and drawbacks, have
successfully started to implement use cases of interest
to the clinical domain.
The market shift experienced within electronics
since the 2000s, where chipsets, components and
electronic modules have steadily experienced
reduced mass production costs and dimensions, is no
exception to the radar domain. In practical terms, this
has meant that radar transmitters and receivers
(antennas) prepared for different operation regimes
have undergone a transformation that today feeds off-
the-shelf consumables ready for research exploration
with versatile characteristics (radar modality,
frequency of operation, bandwidth). Such a growth
has spurred lab efforts for long out of reach due to
high costs. Sensors (radars) are nowadays eligible for
customised component adaptation, use case scenario
definition, and important work on the underlying
algorithms to denoise, filter and convert demodulated
high frequency radar waves into actionable
physiology signals that can be fed into healthcare
monitoring pipelines.
In parallel, the advent of IoT cloud smart home
settings and businesses thriving in the domain of
remote health is a reality established to a point never
foreseen before the recent COVID-19 pandemic. IoT
services that are nowadays offered in the fields of
efficient energy management, domotics and smart
homes have steadily built a case for remote health that
is no longer science fiction, as seen in examples with
gait analysis, indoor position for ambulatory pattern
characterisation, sound and magnetic-based indoor
location (Guimaraes et al., 2016), gamified remote
physiotherapy, and connected telemedicine metrics
or smart home data to analyse health decline taken at
home (Alberdi Aramendi et al., 2018) , to name a few.
Undoubtedly, the ubiquitousness of mobile phones in
our society is also to blame, since the fact that
virtually any person can carry a powerful tiny
computer, anytime, within his or her pocket, has
redefined how technologies may support data
collection, data transmission, information access,
interpretation, health self-awareness and engagement
or ownership of the processes ingrained in the so
called 4P medicine (predictive, preventive,
personalised and participative). In essence, what an
IoT sensor infrastructure at home offers, is a means
of getting to monitor contextual information of
particular interest. And this is, of course, a monitoring
infrastructure that goes hand in hand with cloud
services and communication devices that enable the
storage, integration and processing of the remote
sensor’s data. Countless examples of IoT ecosystems
for Digital Health exist already in behavioural
metrics, mobile-supported health supervision and
ambient intelligence with or without the integration
of wearable sensors.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
The demographic challenge continues to be
present today in Europe and worldwide. Life
expectancy has significantly increased in recent
years, and it is a trend still observed, posing the need
to strengthen societies in which people not only live
longer, but more independently, inclusive and
prepared to cope with the health deterioration and
comorbidities that accompany the process of ageing.
The clear push obtained within projects under the
European Active and Assisted Living (AAL)
framework in the form of outcomes on tech
development has significantly interconnected the
private and public sectors, to which remote wearable
health played a key role in different implementations.
However, when it comes to technologies to support
Healthy Ageing, while the promise of gadgets
unlocking physiology monitoring insight is
remarkable, currently existing paradigms pose certain
concerns of usability, privacy-invasiveness and
activity disruption, long identified in research
2.1 Radar Principles
Conceptually speaking, any contactless radar
deployment can operate easily leveraging any
preexisting remote health sensor infrastructure
counting on an IoT cloud, communication protocols,
and a processing pipeline that can elaborate on raw
data to offer clinical insight by means of apps,
dashboards, and assessment interfaces. Figure 1
depicts a simple 3-step dataflow (RADAR
physiology, IoT cloud and Digital Health platforms
or user interfaces).
Figure 1: Radar physiology sensing (data flow depiction).
But in order for this to happen, radars need to be
understood. In general terms, radar physiology
principles, especially under the successful FMCW
approach, can be characterised in the following
1. High frequency waves are emitted from the
radar toward the targe subject, with an
intrinsic frequency and modulation pattern
defined at emission. The electromagnetic
wave is a complex signal that encodes
information in the form of an amplitude and a
2. Signals that reach the target subject are
reflected back, establishing a dependency
between original waves and any changes in the
movement of the target. In particular,
physiology research will address the
dependency between radar signals and the
thoracic (or cardiothoracic) cavity
3. Analysis of the received waves combines
Doppler effect principles to extract range
(distance) and changes (speed) with complex
radiofrequency wave demodulation of the in-
phase (I) and quadrature-phase (Q)
components to infer changes with respect to
the emitted signal
4. Advanced spectral analysis techniques and
filtering proceed to tell apart cardiac,
respiratory signals and movement or noise
Figure 2 shows a representation of such signals
where inhale/exhale breathing cycles are captured
alongside cardiac activity.
Figure 2: Depiction of radar (phase) signals encoding
physiology data along time. Own work, inspired by (Adib
et al., 2015).
While the process seems overly simplistic,
antenna design, directionality, the control of
parameters such as field of view (FOV), maximum
range, frequency modulation paradigms, signal
filtering, multiple-input multiple-output for an
improved performance and spectral analysis are
engineering science fields in themselves.
In the FMCW characterisation outlined, for
instance, multiple reflections off target come into
play, posing the challenge of filtering those that come
from the target of interest even when at rest or in the
absence of any movement.
Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context
2.2 The Need for Context: IoT
To this date, the so claimed smart radars for
contactless physiology are not smart. In this work, we
argue in favour of the use of IoT sensors to make
contactless radar-based physiology a reality. Our
rationale does not try to invalidate any of the progress
done with embedded computation within radar host
boards, since computing at the edge (close to where
the sensors are, as opposed to cloud) is called to
transform the future of remote sensing by optimising
the use of computing or networking resources while
lowering the environmental impact of cloud
computing, often overlooked. On the contrary, our
perspective is that of leveraging the vast expertise in
IoT for remote tracking to provide contextual
information which could render radiofrequency
sensors for physiology smart. If so, such a challenge
calls for the coupling of radar technology with IoT
sensors that can already inform about subject’s
activities, subject’s position, presence of other
individuals in range, behavioural metrics, or
environmental conditions at measurement time.
2.2.1 IoT Examples
IoT encompasses a range of technologies that have
been around for more than two decades now. Some
examples illustrate how sensors deployed in a remote
environment complement existing tracking
paradigms. On the one hand, IoT could be in charge
of enabling communication between sensors and
processing infrastructure. On the other hand, IoT
facilitates an interface to which engage with the
tracking, or the resulting assessment. More
interesting, though, is the use of IoT sensors to add
context. Context supports such health tracking
paradigms offering information of relevance to the
core metric clinically targeted.
This is the case, for instance, of (Pang et al., 2023)
who in the context of COVID-19 were able to
combine wearables for cough monitoring with IoT
sensors to add an environmental dimension to the
Other examples in chronic respiratory issues
exemplify how the IoT, either as seen statically in a
house or as a portable concept relying on mobile
phones and wearable devices (Escalona et al., 2023)
offer novel perspectives such as personalised asthma
symptom progression alongside individual exposure
to low air quality.
Our work in the framework of the Tecniospring
UPTAKE project, has made progress in the following
First, a protocol for the collection of a radar-based
physiology dataset alongside reference physiology
signals and a predefined set of actions measured by
IoT sensors was established. This was done in
collaboration with the Department of Computing
Engineering of a University campus, recording
sessions that lasted 20-30min each, in what we called
a smart office (contact sensors in doors, windows,
environmental metrics). Ongoing work aims at the
open access publication of the dataset and protocol
description to enable contactless physiology data
quality assessment (to be published 2024). Labelled
datasets promote the use of machine learning
techniques to improve signal filtering, detect context
or operation regimes, so that processing can be
optimised to the activity, position or movement being
performed by the subject.
Figure 3: Smart office environment for contactless
physiology acquisition and IoT activity tracking.
In turn, the usage of complementary sensors (with
data that could also be made openly accessible)
enables the understanding of how context awareness
fosters efficient radar measurement and subsequent
processing. How data from different sources (radar
and IoT) needs to be combined is not yet entirely
clear. However, the understanding of context
variables such as where the target subject is located,
whether he or she is standing or resting, and whether
there is activity with profuse movement, offers
valuable input. This input guides how different
processing algorithms should operate to optimally
retrieve the physiology data, or whether certain data
entries should be discarded altogether. IoT gateways
(i.e. devices that connect multiple IoT modules or
sensors) are capable of establishing a single access
point where data would count on synced clocks.
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Those data points can therefore be used in rules and
logic for processing dataflows, as triggers to activate
different sensors around the smart home context or
even with more in-depth analysis instructions that
would establish a link between an activity and a
monitoring regime.
The idea that multiple low-cost radar sensors can
accompany a smart environment (house, office, or
clinic) to characterise different situations and rooms
must progress in line with IoT support metrics that
will avoid noise, irrelevant data capture or even
inefficient operation regimes deployed continuously
on places without relevant target or action taking
place. From a smart office, it is easy to start
approaching protocols that would turn a doctor’s
office into a smart one equipped with intelligent
triage taking place in a seamless way, or adding
objective physiology metrics to the routine visit
acquired while in a sensor-equipped waiting room,
optimising time and resources. With validation only
seen as a first step beyond sensor manufacturer’s
claims, the potential of contactless physiology for
healthy ageing becomes only tangible when outlining
use cases tackling a specific pathology (or serving the
needs of given medical specialties).
Two of them are illustrated in the following
3.1 Medical Equipment Supporting
Physiotherapy Sessions with
Contactless Physiology
Neuromotor disorders with higher incidence in
advanced ages, fractures compromising mobility,
traumatic brain injuries (not necessarily narrowed
down to the older adult) and post-surgery procedures
leading to prolonged hospitalisation, are paradigms
where rehabilitation plays already a crucial role in
the recovery of affected patients within the clinical
Digital health has successfully demonstrated
success cases in which technology supports the
rehabilitation processes. This comes, for instance, in
the form of assessment metrics and logs throughout
the process, engaging platforms to distribute guidance
materials or even prescribe and monitor exercises,
gamification assets to spur adherence to treatment or
even visual based performance metrics on exercise
compliance. Physiology, however, is usually not
embedded in the process due to the need to allocate
extra resources to a dimension that may increase
protocol complexity and assessment. While stress
tests, exercise metrics or routine lung function
measurements or electrocardiography are resource-
consuming tests only applied upon request.
Figure 4: Smart medical equipment (bed) provided with
radar physiology sensors for hassle-free biosignal
acquisition. IoT sensors (pressure mat and contextual
metrics on the room) complement the data.
If radar physiology sensors demonstrate the
fulfilment of high data quality standards comparable
to gold standard medical equipment, the embedding
of radar sensors to medical beds (medical equipment)
offers a promising access to a physiological
dimension that takes place seamlessly for the patient.
All of a sudden, the clinician can access a range of
data that delivers cardiorespiratory insight, enabling
to establish baseline measurements and pre/post
exercise assessment that may unveil recovery
progress or underlying issues such as bad sleep health
or respiratory function concerns.
3.2 A Radar-Equipped Smart Home to
Support Independent Living
A smart home is a residence that utilises technology
(sensors, actuator and network infrastructure) to
enable a set of control and action features over house
facilities or services. For instance, energy efficiency
and consumption management, smart curtains and
blinds, surveillance technology, intelligent water
supply or consumer electronics equipped with
monitored usage (fridge, water dispenser) are market
services that have flourished under the domain of
smart homes. In turn, from a research perspective,
more disruptive IoT sensing approaches are tackling
activity recognition which could contribute to a better
understanding of behavioural metrics. When
approaching remote physiology metrics for digital
health, radiofrequency sensing technology embedded
in furniture, walls or ceiling emerges as a great step
Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context
Figure 5: Smart home IoT environment where IoT sensors
(blue) and contactless physiology radiofrequency
monitoring (orange) devices coexist to enhance context
awareness and cover a full picture of remote health tracking
at home.
This technology offers sensors that would enrich
existing behavioural monitoring paradigms,
complement wearable-based studies already tackling
biosignals or, even better, overcome some of the
limitations identified in established technologies. In
other words, the contactless hassle-free viewpoint of
physiology radars, could end up superseding
audiovisual behavioural surveillance in terms of
privacy-invasiveness, or overcoming concerns raised
by wearable usage on discomfort, daily activity
disruption and device charge/discharge routines, both
contributing to end user engagement, usability and
adherence. In Figure 5, a smart home schematic is
shown in which multiple radar physiology sensors
(orange) are deployed throughout various dwelling
spaces, while they coexist with IoT sensors offering
action context or activity metrics.
This position paper aimed to illustrate how our
current research work on contactless radars for
physiology can pave the way for healthy ageing.
Discussion within our partner healthcare networks
unveiled straightforward applications of radar
physiology that are intrinsic to the contactless nature
of the proposed sensors, e.g. for neonatal intensive
care units, burn units and wards, and first responder
emergencies. In the face of a significant range of new
businesses emerging in the radiofrequency sensing
domain, unresolved issues on measuring technique,
filtering procedures and hardware design constitute
main research topics where progress is called to set
the future of the sensing paradigm in the following
years. A trend of significant cost reduction and
promising results have helped radars secure their
share of Digital Health technology solutions research.
The fact that people are nowadays surrounded by
WiFi and 5G radiofrequency communication
antennas (2.4GHz, 5GHz frequencies respectively)
have built the case for an unexplored remote sensing
opportunity working at operating regimes that pose
no health concern to the user. Those are devices that
have made it into our homes, not necessarily posing
significant maintenance or setup concerns other than
first-time connectivity service arranged by telecom
service providers. Continuous exposure to
radiofrequency power is not to be taken lightly,
though, when a shift of paradigm is implied going
from broad internet/mobile service coverage to a
targeted remote health tracking where people are
expected to spend a considerable amount of time
under radiofrequency signal power (with frequencies
operating 1-2 orders of magnitude above
communication standards). With respect to
monitoring, unresolved issues still remain on the
hardware to be adapted for different uses (bed, chair
and low range vs high range environments),
processing issues on multi-person environments and
other agents (e.g. pets), and generalisation concerns
when moving far from quiet scenarios (bed, seated)
where great disturbances are not foreseen.
While the technology struggles to find its place
outside the telecommunications engineering labs and
signal demodulation procedures are further improved,
we advocate for a shift in perspective that
acknowledges the advances observed in IoT
ecosystems for remote health. The IoT market is
prepared to embark into the process of integrating a
contactless physiology technology while offering the
support infrastructure and context awareness that will
make radar vital signs clinically viable.
Authors would like to thank discussion and all the
feedback provided by the geriatricians within
NVISION’s healthcare network.
This research has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-
Curie grant agreement No. 801342 (Tecniospring
INDUSTRY) UPTAKE and the Government of
Catalonia’s Agency for Business Competitiveness.
Researcher Zouhair Haddi received support under
Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No.
101029808 (EARLYCARE).
ICT4AWE 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Conflict of Interest: Authors Miquel Alfaras and
Zouhair Haddi are employed by NVISION, an R&D
company developing IoT and Digital Health services.
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Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context