kinematics that is easier to implement.
This work is based on the concept of soft com-
puting. This perspective emphasizes the development
of novel solutions without the need for hard mathe-
matical modeling to solve them. Usual tools imple-
mented in soft computing appliances are neural net-
works, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary computing. In
this work, we used the latter to integrate the manipu-
lator application.
The methodology to create and validate the the-
ory that evolutionary algorithms would work for in-
verse kinematics has reasonable evidence of success,
as seen throughout the research. The results come
with limitations due to the quality of the claw, which
is imprecise. However, as we showed in the experi-
ments, the capture error rate does not give us a real
difference, even if the location of the targeted object
to be picked up is central or lateral on the checker-
board. The limitation already mentioned above is due
to the servo motors having a system that limits them
to 180 degrees of rotation and an error, both in the
camera view and the precision of the robotic claw, re-
quiring a new investment to change the claw itself.
As shown in related works, the usual way to cre-
ate inverse kinematics was with mathematical mod-
eling, but in our paper, we used evolutionary algo-
rithms. Future works include using novel elements to
integrate a more complex environment. For instance,
further steps can integrate a moving treadmill with an-
other camera to detect objects, resulting in the tread-
mill stopping to remove the object.
The authors would like to thank FAPEMIG, CAPES,
CNPq, Instituto Tecnol
ogico Vale, and the Federal
University of Ouro Preto for supporting this work.
This work was partially funded by CAPES (Finance
Code 001) and CNPq (306572/2019-2).
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Using Soft Computing and Computer Vision to Create and Control an Integrated Autonomous Robotic Manipulator Process