such as Twitter (TW), Facebook (FB), and
YouTube(YT) used by the DW and ETL models.
• ETL Design. It verifies if the approach proposes
ETL process model to map UGC into sentiment.
• ETL concepts. It checks whether the approach de-
fines or formalizes the ETL concepts.
• SA method. It determines if the sentiment is gen-
erated based on a valid sentiment analysis method.
Although some approaches have proposed solu-
tions to integrate opinions from text UGCs, we note
the need to model ETL processes to transform UGC
text into DW. In this context, our contribution ad-
dresses this problem at a conceptual level. The mod-
els (cf. Sections 3.2 and 4) serve as design patterns
for opinion data integration and simplify the ETL de-
signer’s task. Morover, the ETL4Social-Sentiment-
Process and operation models apply to all social me-
dia types for sentiment analysis. It provides ETL de-
signers with a standardized approach to optimizing
social ETL processes using formalized concepts.
Integrating opinion data from unstructured text
sources into a decisional system can be challenging
when designing ETL processes. A social data ware-
house can help with this. However, careful han-
dling of user-generated content is required to iden-
tify sentiment. Our research aimed to develop prac-
tical approaches for sentiment analysis on social me-
dia. We proposed design models for the ETL4Social-
Sentiment process and operations. These models
handle activities and data to match UGC text with
the SentimentDim dimension of the SDW. The mod-
els are generic and customizable based on the ETL-
formulized concepts. Big data sources require pow-
erful ETL tools that are efficient in execution cost,
transformations, and parallel data processing. To im-
prove our proposal, we must use MapReduce as a dis-
tributed execution framework to process big data in
parallel, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.
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ENASE 2024 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering