cient way. They can be develop based on scientific re-
search, which makes them a valuable contribution to
contemporary education (Noem
ı and M
aximo, 2014).
Serious games represent another tool that can
cover a wide range of complex and under-addressed
areas, such as government, education, corporations,
and self-care. They offer an engaging and practical
approach to learning and training in diverse contexts
(Susi et al., 2007).
Serious educational games are a powerful and ef-
fective combination for learning, especially on com-
plex or less familiar topics. They allow the applica-
tion of theoretical concepts in practical scenarios, pro-
moting a deeper and lasting understanding. The in-
teractivity and immersion provided by serious games
result in dynamic and participatory learning, making
them valuable for developing knowledge in challeng-
ing areas (de Freitas, 2018).
Simulation games in higher education have gar-
nered considerable interest for their ability to actively
involve students with course content, fostering in-
creased engagement and motivation while facilitating
learning outcomes (Faisal et al., 2022).
The use of serious games to simulate experiences
such as myopia and blindness offers valuable tools for
transmitting awareness messages to the public. In-
creasing awareness among the public could help cre-
ate inclusive communities and improve the quality of
life for individuals with visual impairments (Melthis
et al., 2015).
A virtual reality serious game as a tool for
social awareness of disabilities has proven effec-
tive in tests and has the potential to assist in so-
cial awareness regarding ophthalmological symptoms
(Medeiros, 2022).
In fact, games with this focus have proven to be
highly effective in achieving their goals. For exam-
ple, the Phishy game, which aims to train a corpo-
ration’s employees on identifying phishing, demon-
strated its effectiveness in a company in which more
than eight thousand associates participated and com-
pleted the game. This program resulted in a signif-
icant improvement in employees’ ability to identify
phishing links (CJ et al., 2018).
Games like Riskio, a board game designed to
raise cybersecurity awareness among people with-
out a technical background who work in organiza-
tions. Riskio provides an active learning environment
in which players gain knowledge about cybersecurity
attacks and defense strategies by taking on the roles
of attackers and defenders of critical assets in a sim-
ulated scenario within a fictional organization (Hart
et al., 2020).
Persuasive technologies have the ability to shape
behaviors, instruct and educate people effectively.
One example is PowerHouse, a computer game
to influence energy-related behaviors and to fos-
ter an energy-conscious lifestyle, especially among
teenagers (B
ang et al., 2006).
The game Disability Racer represents a valuable ad-
dition to the field of serious games aimed at the com-
munity, introducing a topic little discussed. In addi-
tion to addressing a subject of social relevance, it dif-
ferentiates itself by offering a unique group gaming
experience. As it is a party game designed for four
players, the dynamics and immersion reach a greater
level. The interaction between participants, combined
with the context of the game, provides an engaging
and enriching experience, which goes beyond enter-
tainment and promotes a greater understanding of the
topic covered.
What makes the game truly innovative is the in-
verse approach to the concept of accessibility. Instead
of a game aimed specifically at people with disabili-
ties, the developers chose to highlight the life experi-
ence of individuals with visual impairments, placing
it as a filter on the screen for all players (Figure 1) . In
this way, a unique opportunity is provided for people
without disabilities to tangibly and interactively expe-
rience the perspective and challenges faced by those
who have visual limitations. This approach, in addi-
tion to being educational, creates empathy and pro-
motes greater awareness about the reality of living
with a visual impairment. The game is freely avail-
able from this link
The Game development followed an interactive An-
alyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (AD-
DIE) process (Molenda, 2003). The main idea of
the game is to tackle a challenging topic (ophthalmic
symptoms) and turn it into a fun experience, pro-
moting interactivity among friends with engaging and
captivating gameplay. For raising awareness about
regular visits to an ophthalmologist, the team con-
ceived an item that players would collect to temporar-
ily improve their vision. Thus, the ”glasses” item was
implemented in the game.
The game was produced using the Unity graph-
ics engine (Figure 2) in the CSharp language. All el-
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues