Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of
Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Luiz A. V. Le
, Douglas C. de Souza
, Tiago J. D. Souza
, Artur G. Hauache
Eduardo W. Stival
and Carlos N. Silla Jr.
1,2 a
Digital Games Course at the Polytechnic School of the Pontif
ıcia Universidade Cat
olica do Paran
a (PUCPR), Brazil
School of Information Technology, Halmstad University, Sweden
Educational Serious Game, Ophthalmic Awareness, Ophthalmic Conditions, Party-Game,
Ophthalmic Check-Up.
This paper presents an educational serious game aimed at raising awareness about ophthalmic issues. The
game, titled ’Disability Racer, is based on the mechanics of a car battle-royale and was developed for the
computer platform. It incorporates four ophthalmic conditions, challenging players to compete against each
other while experiencing impaired vision. To mirror real-life problem-solving, the ’glasses’ item has been
included, which, when collected, temporarily improves the player’s vision. In this way, the game promotes an
understanding of the importance of regular ophthalmic check-ups.
Estimates from 2015 indicate that one in five people
in Latin America and the Caribbean has some degree
of visual impairment (de Oliveira et al., 2022). Con-
sidering this average, the other four people may not be
aware of how a visually impaired person perceives the
world around them. To raise awareness among these
people, an alternative is through digital games known
as serious games.
Serious games aim to do more than just entertain,
they seek to be a vehicle that intensifies learning in
a dynamic, interactive, motivating and engaging way,
thus facilitating the learning process. Most of them
are accessible for people with disabilities. Taking this
into consideration, it is clear that serious games can
serve as a channel for learning and raising awareness
about complex or less familiar subjects (Noem
ı and
aximo, 2014).
Raising awareness about the experiences and chal-
lenges faced by people with a disability is crucial to
promoting inclusion and empathy in our society. Un-
derstanding these experiences in a more direct and en-
gaging way through a simulated experience can have
an even more significant impact.
This article presents a serious educational game
called Disability Racer, with the aim not of providing
accessibility for individuals with limiting conditions,
but of providing an experience that allows people to
understand the vision of individuals with ophthalmo-
logical disabilities. Developed for the computer, in
which four players compete against each other while
experiencing eye problems on their screens. This way,
the game becomes more challenging for users.
Eye problems in children are often underestimated,
and parents may not be aware of these issues, which
can have serious impacts on their children’s visual
health. Early detection is crucial to avoid future com-
plications, therefore, parents should be alert to signs
of visual difficulties and seek ophthalmological eval-
uation regularly (Graziano and Leone, 2005).
Most cases of visual impairment can be corrected
by using low-cost glasses or lenses. This highlights
the importance of access to ophthalmologic eval-
uation, especially in communities with limited re-
sources. Democratizing access to glasses can signif-
icantly improve the quality of life and opportunities
for those with visual impairment (de Oliveira et al.,
Educational games are an effective tool for trans-
mitting content and values in an engaging and effi-
Leão, L., C. de Souza, D., Souza, T., Hauache, A., Stival, E. and Silla Jr., C.
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues.
DOI: 10.5220/0012706400003693
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2024) - Volume 1, pages 190-201
ISBN: 978-989-758-697-2; ISSN: 2184-5026
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cient way. They can be develop based on scientific re-
search, which makes them a valuable contribution to
contemporary education (Noem
ı and M
aximo, 2014).
Serious games represent another tool that can
cover a wide range of complex and under-addressed
areas, such as government, education, corporations,
and self-care. They offer an engaging and practical
approach to learning and training in diverse contexts
(Susi et al., 2007).
Serious educational games are a powerful and ef-
fective combination for learning, especially on com-
plex or less familiar topics. They allow the applica-
tion of theoretical concepts in practical scenarios, pro-
moting a deeper and lasting understanding. The in-
teractivity and immersion provided by serious games
result in dynamic and participatory learning, making
them valuable for developing knowledge in challeng-
ing areas (de Freitas, 2018).
Simulation games in higher education have gar-
nered considerable interest for their ability to actively
involve students with course content, fostering in-
creased engagement and motivation while facilitating
learning outcomes (Faisal et al., 2022).
The use of serious games to simulate experiences
such as myopia and blindness offers valuable tools for
transmitting awareness messages to the public. In-
creasing awareness among the public could help cre-
ate inclusive communities and improve the quality of
life for individuals with visual impairments (Melthis
et al., 2015).
A virtual reality serious game as a tool for
social awareness of disabilities has proven effec-
tive in tests and has the potential to assist in so-
cial awareness regarding ophthalmological symptoms
(Medeiros, 2022).
In fact, games with this focus have proven to be
highly effective in achieving their goals. For exam-
ple, the Phishy game, which aims to train a corpo-
ration’s employees on identifying phishing, demon-
strated its effectiveness in a company in which more
than eight thousand associates participated and com-
pleted the game. This program resulted in a signif-
icant improvement in employees’ ability to identify
phishing links (CJ et al., 2018).
Games like Riskio, a board game designed to
raise cybersecurity awareness among people with-
out a technical background who work in organiza-
tions. Riskio provides an active learning environment
in which players gain knowledge about cybersecurity
attacks and defense strategies by taking on the roles
of attackers and defenders of critical assets in a sim-
ulated scenario within a fictional organization (Hart
et al., 2020).
Persuasive technologies have the ability to shape
behaviors, instruct and educate people effectively.
One example is PowerHouse, a computer game
to influence energy-related behaviors and to fos-
ter an energy-conscious lifestyle, especially among
teenagers (B
ang et al., 2006).
The game Disability Racer represents a valuable ad-
dition to the field of serious games aimed at the com-
munity, introducing a topic little discussed. In addi-
tion to addressing a subject of social relevance, it dif-
ferentiates itself by offering a unique group gaming
experience. As it is a party game designed for four
players, the dynamics and immersion reach a greater
level. The interaction between participants, combined
with the context of the game, provides an engaging
and enriching experience, which goes beyond enter-
tainment and promotes a greater understanding of the
topic covered.
What makes the game truly innovative is the in-
verse approach to the concept of accessibility. Instead
of a game aimed specifically at people with disabili-
ties, the developers chose to highlight the life experi-
ence of individuals with visual impairments, placing
it as a filter on the screen for all players (Figure 1) . In
this way, a unique opportunity is provided for people
without disabilities to tangibly and interactively expe-
rience the perspective and challenges faced by those
who have visual limitations. This approach, in addi-
tion to being educational, creates empathy and pro-
motes greater awareness about the reality of living
with a visual impairment. The game is freely avail-
able from this link
The Game development followed an interactive An-
alyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate (AD-
DIE) process (Molenda, 2003). The main idea of
the game is to tackle a challenging topic (ophthalmic
symptoms) and turn it into a fun experience, pro-
moting interactivity among friends with engaging and
captivating gameplay. For raising awareness about
regular visits to an ophthalmologist, the team con-
ceived an item that players would collect to temporar-
ily improve their vision. Thus, the ”glasses” item was
implemented in the game.
The game was produced using the Unity graph-
ics engine (Figure 2) in the CSharp language. All el-
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Figure 1: Screen during Disability Racer game play.
Figure 2: Game on Unity.
ements of the game (visual, textual, sound, effects,
etc.) were developed by the course students them-
selves and were subsequently evaluated by their peers
and course teachers, during an internal games fair that
takes place once every semester.
During the semester, there was also monitoring by
a professional linked to the field of ophthalmological
health, who was responsible for validating the choices
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Working Game Screen.
Figure 4: Game Vision with the driver with Glaucoma.
and actions taken by the game development team and,
at the end of the semester, validating the game as a
tool that achieved its objective and could have a posi-
tive impact on society.
4.1 Main Game Mechanics
The game was developed to be played on PC with Du-
alShock 2 controllers. Players need to be gathered lo-
cally to be able to play. The game screen is divided
into 4 parts (local split) and each controller corre-
sponds to a player on the screen as shown in Figure
4.2 Ophthalmological Issues Addressed
in the Game
For greater immersion within the experience, some
specific vision problems were chosen with the aim of
emulating what the vision of a person with that prob-
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Figure 5: Game Vision with the driver with Keratoconus.
lem is like.
In addition to the difficulty of production at the
time of development, several types of eye problems
were excluded from the possibilities of choice, as they
were extremely complicated to simulate correctly.
The vision problems chosen for the original ver-
sion of the game were glaucoma, keratoconus, my-
opia and the cataract. These are the common prob-
lems that affect young people and adults. We will fur-
ther describe them in the following subsections.
4.3 Glaucoma
Glaucoma is a slow degeneration of retinal ganglion
cells, which increases eye pressure and can lead to
blindness. The quality of life of people with glau-
coma is drastically affected, even bringing psycholog-
ical limitations to patients (Queiroz and Mota, 2021).
As glaucoma is a disease of genetic origin, pre-
ventive treatment can be correlated with consultations
and treatments carried out in ophthalmological evalu-
ations (Queiroz and Mota, 2021).
Figure 4 shows what glaucoma vision is like at
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 6: Game Vision with the driver with Cataract.
Figure 7: Game Vision with the driver with Myopia.
4.4 Keratoconus
Keratoconus is characterized by a deformation in the
cornea, causing it to assume a conical shape. It typ-
ically appears during adolescence, but also in young
adults, and can appear after frequent rubbing of the
eyes (Lopes et al., 2015). Figure 5 shows what the vi-
sion of Keratoconus looks like in play. Keratoconus’
main effect on vision is irregular astigmatism, causing
a major impact on daily life (Lopes et al., 2015).
4.5 Cataract
Very common in the elderly, cataract is the opacifica-
tion of the ocular lens, in some cases it can also affect
adults and children, but it is more common in older
people due to natural aging. The disease makes it dif-
ficult for light to enter the lens hair, making it difficult
to form an image on the retina and disrupting the suf-
ferer’s vision (Lopes et al., 2021).
Figure 6 shows how the view of the Cataract is at
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Figure 8: Texture.
Figure 9: Interface.
4.6 Myopia
Being one of the most common visual abnormalities,
myopia disrupts vision, causing the image of distant
objects to form anteriorly on the retina. The appear-
ance of myopia is linked to genetic factors, but it can
also be related to the frequent use of screens. Fortu-
nately, it can be treated with the use of glasses, contact
lenses and refractive surgery depending on the case
(Gomes et al., 2020). Figure 7 shows how Myopia
vision is at play.
4.7 Game Art
The game’s art, as previously mentioned, was all de-
veloped by the team’s students. The game used as a
reference some well-known titles such as Vigilante 8:
Second Offense developed by Luxoflux in 1999 for
Playstation 1 and Nintendo 64 and Twisted Metal de-
veloped by Single Trac in 1995, also for Playstation
Some aspects were used that emulated graphic
limitations of the time, such as “dragged” textures and
low fidelity in the 3D models created, in order to con-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
vey a feeling that people were actually playing a game
made for Playstation 1, which is exemplified in Figure
8 .
For the game’s interface, a theme was used that
was very reminiscent of Rock’n Roll and Heavy
Metal, something that was very connected to young
people at the time of the Playstation 1. The game in-
tend to convey an idea of nostalgia that accompanies
the games of that time as shown in Figure 9.
4.8 Game Soundtrack
The game’s soundtrack was designed to convey the
same feeling as the games mentioned above, which
were created in the 90s, where Rock’n Roll was
widely used in games. The music and sound effects
feature heavy metal beats that also contribute greatly
to the player’s immersion.
Before the match starts, players will choose an eye
problem on the selection screen (Figure 10). On this
screen, only the name of the disability is displayed,
without any visual preview. This is done with the
purpose of surprising the player by revealing what
the vision of someone who has the selected disabil-
ity is like. This approach aims to provide an authentic
and impactful experience, allowing players to gain a
deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by indi-
viduals with this visual impairment.
After choosing a disability (Figure 10), players
have the option to select from up to six different
cars (Figure 11). This variety allows for greater cus-
tomization and the opportunity to identify each other
more easily during the game. After both selections
the game begins.
The game has competitive dynamics between four
players and challenges them to eliminate each other
until only one winner remains. Each player chooses a
simulated visual impairment before the game to play
with and experience how someone with such a vi-
sual impairment sees and, throughout the game, can
collect ”glasses” to temporarily improve their vision
(Figure 12). In addition to providing entertainment,
the game promotes awareness about the reality of liv-
ing with a visual impairment and also about the im-
portance of ophthalmological consultations and the
use of glasses.
The game was taken and tested at several events,
where the game was displayed on a table with a tele-
vision, with the developers nearby to assist if players
needed help. But one that stands out is the biannual
game showcasing event, PUCPR Game Show. It was
there that the game was exposed to around 200 peo-
ple, including children, young people, adults and even
the elderly. Through the feedback received and the
expressions visible on their faces (Figure 13), it was
possible to validate the effectiveness of the game. It
was evident not only the high level of fun provided,
but also the game’s ability to promote awareness of
the subject.
In addition to raising awareness, a lot of feed-
back was received related to representations of dis-
abilities. There were suggestions both from people
who pointed out the possibility of adjusting the con-
dition filters to make them more faithful to the techni-
cal reality, and from individuals who shared that their
own visual experiences were similar to what was pre-
sented in the game.
With the statistic that one in ve people in Latin
America and the Caribbean has some degree of vi-
sual impairment, and considering that the other four
people may not be familiar with this experience, the
game played a crucial role. In all digital game’s ex-
hibition events, the development team received posi-
tive feedback regarding the awareness principle. This
testimony highlights the game’s ability to provide a
deeper understanding of the experiences of people
with visual impairments, thus promoting greater em-
pathy and awareness in the community.
As noted by (Graziano and Leone, 2005), eye
problems in children are often underestimated, and
parents may not be fully aware of these issues. At
a digital games exhibition event, the development
team received touching feedback from a woman who
shared: ”I was able to understand how my daughter
sees...”. This statement highlights the effectiveness
of the game in raising awareness among parents and
preparing them for concerns related to their children’s
visual health. It offers a unique experience that can
help parents better understand the difficulties of chil-
dren with eye problems.
As mentioned by (Susi et al., 2007), serious games
represent a powerful tool capable of addressing com-
plex and little-treated areas. By combining a serious
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Figure 10: Ophthalmological disabilities selection screen for each player.
Figure 11: Car selection screen for each player.
topic with the dynamics of a multiplayer battle game,
it not only facilitated understanding of the subject, but
also provided a tangible validation of that understand-
ing. This was evident in feedback from players who
shared similar or identical experiences of visual im-
As well as the educational aspect highlighted by
ı and M
aximo, 2014), which proved effective
in exposing children who played the game to ophthal-
mological conditions previously unknown to them.
They reported learning and expressed that they did not
want to go through similar problems in the future.
The Disability Racer game stands out as a unique
educational tool when comparing it to games like
Phishy (Figure 14) (CJ et al., 2018), which aims to
train employees to identify phishing links in corpo-
CSEDU 2024 - 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 12: Player’s vision after collecting glasses.
Figure 13: Event: Friends having fun while playing.
rate environments. While Phishy focuses on cyber-
security, Disability Racer has the potential to prepare
parents to identify potential eye problems in their chil-
dren based on the descriptions they provide.
Similar to the game Riskio (Figure 15) (Hart et al.,
2020), which simulates the roles of attackers and de-
fenders in a fictional organizational environment, Dis-
ability Racer also presents a unique dynamic where,
players face challenges that simulate the development
of eye problems when hit by other players or when not
regularly collecting glasses scattered across the map.
This serves as an indirect reference to the importance
of regular visits to the ophthalmologist.
The PowerHouse game (Figure 16) (B
ang et al.,
2006), in turn, persuasively uses its mechanics to pro-
mote awareness and change behaviors related to en-
ergy use. In Disability Racer, players are similarly
encouraged to collect glasses and avoid attacks from
other players to preserve their vision, indirectly re-
flecting on possible elements that could harm vision.
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Figure 14: Playing image of the Phishy game (CJ et al.,
Figure 15: Playing image of the game Riskio (Hart et al.,
Figure 16: Playing image of the PowerHouse game (B
et al., 2006).
This article presented a serious educational game
called ”Disability Racer” designed to promote aware-
ness of eye problems. The game objective is to elim-
inate opponents while facing the everyday difficulties
experienced by people with visual impairments in a
simulated way. This unique approach provides an im-
mersive and educational experience, allowing play-
ers to better understand the challenges faced by those
with visual limitations. The game serves as a valu-
able tool to promote empathy and understanding the
importance of accessibility in everyday life.
During the match, players can collect a special
item: glasses. Which temporarily improves players’
vision, conveying the crucial message about the im-
portance of seeing an ophthalmologist and recogniz-
ing the vital role of glasses for those with correctable
eye problems. This game mechanic highlights the rel-
evance of visual health and encourages the search for
ophthalmological solutions when necessary.
The developed game stands out from conventional
games by adopting a unique inverse awareness ap-
proach to accessibility. It challenges people with-
out disabilities to experience first-hand the difficulties
faced by individuals with visual limitations. This dis-
tinction was proven in tests carried out at events and
in the positive feedback received from players. These
results reinforce the effectiveness of the game in pro-
moting empathy and understanding regarding the ex-
periences of people with visual impairments.
We thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable
feedback and the support from PUCPR and CNPq.
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Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues