the combination of the Faster R-CNN model and a
ResNet-50-FPN can serve as a robust and effective
choice for early glaucoma detection.
In our study, we investigated how the number of
images and histogram equalization affect the accu-
racy of glaucoma detection. The first question we
addressed was, is it better to have more images with
fewer pixels or fewer images with more pixels? We
found that using fewer images with more pixels re-
sulted in higher accuracy in glaucoma detection com-
pared to using more images with fewer pixels. This
means that having a higher resolution in the images,
even with fewer total images, led to better perfor-
mance in glaucoma detection.
The second question we investigated was whether
histogram equalization affects glaucoma detection in
high-quality images. We found that leaving the high-
quality images unaltered resulted in better accuracy
than applying histogram equalization to those im-
ages. This indicates that histogram equalization did
not bring considerable benefits to glaucoma detection
in high-quality images in our study.
For future studies, we recommend conducting a
Monte Carlo analysis and applying a statistical test to
determine if there is a significant difference between
the results of the different experiments. By perform-
ing Monte Carlo simulations and appropriate statis-
tical tests, it will be possible to obtain more robust
conclusions about which experiment yields superior
results. This statistical analysis will enhance the reli-
ability and validity of the findings, contributing to the
advancement of knowledge in glaucoma detection.
The accuracy and recall achieved in the exper-
iments underscore the ability of the Faster R-CNN
model and ResNet-50-FPN backbone approach to
make accurate predictions and identify positive cases
of glaucoma. These findings highlight the potential
of the proposed approach to support healthcare pro-
fessionals in the early diagnosis.
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Glaucoma Detection Using Transfer Learning with the Faster R-CNN Model and a ResNet-50-FPN Backbone