XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
Elias Seid, Oliver Popov and Fredrik Blix
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
Security Engineering, Control Theory, Adaptive Systems, Security Solution, Multiple Failure,
Cyber-Physical Systems.
Identifying potential system threats that define security requirements is vital to designing secure cyber systems.
Furthermore, the high frequency of attacks poses an enormous obstacle in analysing cyber-physical systems
(CPS). The paper argues for the idea that any security solution for cyber-physical systems (CPS) should be
adaptive and tailored to the specific types of threats and their frequency. Specifically, the solution should
consistently monitor its surroundings in order to protect itself from a cyber-attack by adjusting its defensive
measures. Understanding cyberattacks and their potential consequences on both internal and external assets
in cyberspace is essential for preserving cyber security. The importance appears in the work of the Swedish
Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), which collects IT incident reports from vital service providers required
by the NIS directive of the European Union and Swedish government agencies. The proposed solution is the
Adaptive security framework, which aims to simplify the development of analytical models for implementing
model predictive control and adaptive security solutions in the field of CPS. This study analyses security
attacks and corresponding security measures for Swedish government agencies and organisations under the
European Union’s NIS mandate. A thorough analysis of adaptive security was conducted on 254 security
incident reports provided by vital service providers. As a result, an overall total of five security measures were
The confluence of digital technology has led to sub-
stantial tangible consequences arising from mishaps
in the virtual realm. A recent study conducted by Van
den Berg et al. (2022) differentiates between the im-
mediate and indirect consequences of cyber attacks.
The direct impact on cyberinfrastructure relates to the
potential ramifications of actions that could lead to
unauthorised entry, modification, or removal of dig-
ital assets. The immediate effect is comparable to
classifiers that evaluate the operational and informa-
tional consequences (Pursiainen, C. et al., 2018). The
indirect impact refers to the consequences of an event
that takes place outside of the digital domain (Van den
Berg et al., 2022). Furthermore, the investigation un-
dertaken in citation (Wang, E.K. et al., 2010) evalu-
ated both the primary and secondary consequences of
cyber incidents.
The organisation, stakeholders, government, and
society might face significant repercussions as a re-
sult of data fraud, destruction, or compromise. When
evaluating cyberattacks on critical service providers,
it is imperative to take into account these conse-
quences (Uzunov, A.V. et al 2012). The main sec-
ondary impacts on an institution typically involve fi-
nancial consequences. Organisational risk assess-
ments employ anticipated financial and economic
damages to evaluate the probability and consequences
of certain situations. The commercial and financial
consequences are major when a loss of competitive
advantage occurs as a result of the disclosure of sen-
sitive information or a disruption. A comprehensive
investigation was carried out to determine the typi-
cal expenses associated with cyber incidents across
several industry sectors, with a specific emphasis on
identifying the most severe categories. Financial loss
is considered a factor in their cyber risk model (Gop-
stein, A. et al., 2020; Mancuso, V.F.et al., 2014 ).
Most software systems today are cyber-physical
system components. CPSs include robots, mobile de-
vices, and humans. CPS constituents are autonomous
but work together to achieve system requirements.
Healthcare, government, and financial services soft-
ware systems are often CPS (Griffor et al., 2017;
Boyes, 2018). Smart things have diverse, dynamic,
and flexible sensor networks. These networks have
distributed intelligent devices that can be easily at-
Seid, E., Popov, O. and Blix, F.
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks.
DOI: 10.5220/0012707400003705
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2024), pages 284-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-699-6; ISSN: 2184-4976
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tached to physical objects. These devices measure
temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, and motion.
They can also send data to remote software systems.
In the last ten years, different sectors in society
have undergone a rapid process of digitalization. A
notable trend is the transfer of vital information re-
sources and organisational procedures from physi-
cal to digital platforms. The introduction of inno-
vative socio-technical solutions has resulted in sev-
eral benefits by dramatically enhancing operational
efficiency in both corporate and governmental organ-
isations, thus transforming the way information and
processes are managed. Nevertheless, technology
has also introduced new and unique challenges. The
growing dependence on systems and networks has re-
sulted in heightened susceptibility for crucial service
providers, such as government agencies and health-
care institutions, to incidents that disrupt their opera-
tions (Urbach, N. et al., 2019).
CPS security breaches have cost large corpora-
tions millions of dollars in monetary losses. Fur-
thermore, these expenses are rising (Ponemon et al.,
2015). The complexity of CPS, including people, pro-
cedures, technology, and infrastructure, contributes to
the occurrence of breaches. The inclusion of diverse
components in a system might increase security con-
cerns and attack potential, unlike homogenous soft-
ware systems. Breach causes include trusted insiders,
malware, SQL injections, compromised devices, and
other factors. CPS are vulnerable to multistage at-
tacks due of the increasing frequency of attacks. At-
tackers can execute more dangerous attacks by inte-
grating atomic attack procedures with diverse compo-
nents (Shostack, 2014).
Designing a security solution for CPS is more
complex than for software systems, as it involves
considering both individual components (e.g., sens-
ing, communication, processing) and their interac-
tion with the physical environment (Banerjee,2012).
Adversaries can target vulnerable and risky CPS ele-
ments. This is because components like sensors op-
erate in an unprotected environment without adequate
security measures. Not considering various attacks
during CPS design can make them vulnerable to ex-
ploitation. This phenomena is due to the low risks
and potential for significant returns. Recent techno-
logical breakthroughs like cloud computing, AI, and
the Internet of Things have created new vulnerabili-
ties and cybersecurity challenges. Progress highlights
the need to address cyber threats to essential service
providers and the potential consequences of attacks.
Adaptive Security. Service providers that are critical
and employ CPS are required to operate in dynamic
environments and effectively accomplish many objec-
tives. Upon detecting a failure, particularly when a
goal is not accomplished due to external disruptions
like high traffic or unpredictable user actions, a new
configuration is executed. Nevertheless, devising a
strategy to alleviate the consequences of alterations
presents a major challenge (K. Angelopoulos et al.,
2014). The main challenge arises from the undesired
interference of multiple parameters in the configura-
tion space, each with its own distinct objectives. The
execution of the adaptation process may potentially
lead to the restoration of security goal satisfaction.
However, it also bears the risk of failure or exacer-
bation of security objectives.
A considerable amount of research on cyberat-
tacks relies on sources such as media reports, open-
source intelligence, and expert interviews [Ponemon,
L. et al., 2015; Shostack, et al., 2014; Markopoulou,
D. et al., 2021; Calderaro, et al., 2022; Hsieh, et
al., 200516). At the same time, the European Union
Agency of Cybersecurity (ENISA) has determined
that publicly reported incidents only account for a
small portion of the overall total. This suggests that
a considerable number of incidents go unnoticed or
unreported. The lack of research dedicated to study-
ing the nature and impact of attacks targeting impor-
tant service providers might be seen as harmful from
multiple perspectives. As stated by sources [9,18], it
has been suggested that this pattern could potentially
affect the ability of businesses to accurately evaluate
risk. This is because of a restricted comprehension of
the likelihood and attributes of possible attacks (Pa-
pakonstantinou et al., 2022; Osei-Kyei, et al., 2021).
The little investigation on the adverse effects of cy-
ber attacks impedes researchers’ understanding of the
organisational and social ramifications of these crim-
inal acts (Caldarulo, M et al., 2022;Agrafiotis et al.,
2018 ). The objective of this study is to look into the
following research question (RQ).
RQ1. How can adaptive security solutions be inte-
grated into into current critical infrastructure
systems to enhance the overall cybersecurity
The remaining parts of this paper are organised as
follows. Section 2 establishes the theoretical founda-
tion of our research, whereas Section 3 introduces the
XA4AS framework. The fourth section of the paper
presents case studies, while the fifth section is dedi-
cated to the experiment and its results. Section 6 has
discussions. Section 7 offers a conclusion and consid-
ers potential areas for further study.
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
2.1 Digitising Critical Service Providers
Digitalization linked physical and digital domains,
speeding up and connecting society. Technology has
heightened social instability, uncertainty, complex-
ity, and ambiguity (Urbach, 2019). Due to its com-
plexity, modern society has become a risk society
requiring advanced risk management (Kaiya, 2014).
Beck suggests that digitization and globalisation may
have led to transboundary disasters, impacting emer-
gency response (Boin, A, 2019). Disasters can im-
pact geography, time, and society (Boin, A, 2019).
Recent socio-technical advancements, including in-
creased system and software dependence and compli-
cated supply networks, have led to increased occur-
rences (Kaiya, 2014). Due to key infrastructure dis-
ruptions, modern society must adapt to mitigate cross-
border crisis risks (Boin, A, 2019).
Protecting critical information systems and net-
works from damage and disruption has been a policy
goal since the 21st century to avoid incidents from
worsening. To maintain IT-dependent service conti-
nuity and integrity, strategic goals such societal re-
silience and robustness enable quick recovery and en-
durance of events. According to( Harry, 2018), pre-
cise measurements are necessary as more information
and operations shift to technology. This aligns with
the need to secure cyberspace and address risks to na-
tional security (Pursiainen, 2018).
Cyberattacks on society services and infrastruc-
ture create complicated and unforeseen risks. Thus,
interdisciplinary approaches are necessary to address
these difficulties. Researchers propose a comprehen-
sive method to address all dangers, including society
safety and security (Syafrizal, 2021). Sweden nor-
mally considers all hazards in its policy. Swedish
Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) incorporates hos-
tile threats into national risk assessments (Mitnick,
K.D, 2011). As the EU highlights cyber threats to
its internal market, merging becomes more apparent
(Calderaro, 2022). (Shevchenko, 2023) found that the
EU’s cyber governance thinking is more influenced by
reality than other governing organisations. The inte-
gration of physical and digital worlds has accelerated
society’s pace and interconnectedness due to digital-
The integration of technology has led to increas-
ing social instability, uncertainty, complexity, and
ambiguity (Urbach, 2019). Today’s complex soci-
ety necessitates advanced risk management (Kaiya,
H, A, 2014). Digitalization and globalisation may
have led to trans-boundary crises, as suggested by
Beck and the impact of digitalization on emergency
management (Boin, 2019). Crisis can have repercus-
sions across time, place, and culture. Modern socio-
technical advancements, such as reliance on diverse
systems and software, and complicated supply net-
works, have led to increased occurrences (Kaiya, H,
A, 2014). Modern civilization must adapt to lessen
transboundary crisis risks due to infrastructure inter-
ruptions (Boin, 2019).
2.2 Security Attack Event Monitoring
The accelerated progress of cyber advancements has
led to a dearth of agreement about understanding of
cyberattacks and their impact on society (Simmons,
C et al.,2014). The current analysis employs the cy-
berattack definition proposed by (Derbyshire, et al.,
2018), which spans a broad spectrum of ”offensive
actions”. an influence on the digital framework of
a company. Offensive action involves both proac-
tive attacks, like DDoS attacks, and reactive attacks,
such cyber-exploitation, which entails unauthorised
acquisition of information (Wang, E.K et al., 2010).
Cyberattacks on the cyberinfrastructure might aim at
compromising processes, hardware, and users. Mul-
tiple cyberattack strategies exist, including syntactic
attacks that utilise malware and semantic attacks that
employ social engineering techniques, with the aim of
gaining unauthorised access to specific cyber systems.
This section presents the Asfalia framework that
supports the monitoring of security attack events for
CPSs, and the framework spans the three realms of a
CPS. Moreover, the framework supports cross-realm
analysis and monitoring, which spins off security
events across realms. Our models focus on realm-
specific adversaries, meaning that they span the three
realms of a CPS (cyber, physical infrastructure, and
social). We also analysed the interdependent rela-
tionships among realm-specific attack models. The
AM depends on the VM model in revealing realm-
specific vulnerabilities, and vulnerabilities captured
by (the VM ) spin off and provides inputs to the next
realm (AM). Thus, a suitable attack mechanism is se-
lected by taking advantage of the weaknesses of the
VM. More detailed information can be found in (Seid,
2.3 Model Predictive Control
We present a receding horizon model predictive con-
trol (MPC) approach (E.Camacho et al.,2004; J. Ma-
ciejowski et al., 2002) that effectively addresses the
management of multiple conflicting goals through the
use of multiple control parameters. When the con-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
troller is enhanced with a Kalman Filter (KF) (L.
Ljung et al., 2010), it has the capability to acquire
knowledge in real-time and adjust the controller ac-
cording to the behaviour of the system. This allows
the controller to overcome inherent inaccuracies aris-
ing from dynamics that are not accounted for in model
(2), as well as unknown disturbances affecting the
(MPC) is a control technique that employs an opti-
misation problem to determine a set of control param-
eters (actuators), denoted as u(·), in order to achieve
a desired set of goals, denoted as y(·), for a set of
indicators, denoted as y(·), over a prediction hori-
zon H. The control parameters u* are determined at
each control instant t by minimising a cost function
J(t), while adhering to specified constraints. The opti-
misation problem involves making predictions about
the future behaviour of the system using the dynamic
model (2).
As a result, a derived solution refers to a planned
arrangement of forthcoming control parameter values
= U
+ 1, .......U
+ H 1 across the anticipated
time horizon. Effective planning is particularly cru-
cial in situations where there is a delay in the occur-
rence of changes in control parameters.
The receding horizon principle applies only the
first computed value u
to the system, u(t)=u
. Cre-
ating perfect models for real-world systems is impos-
sible due to their dynamic behaviour. Therefore, plan
corrections are necessary at each step and the horizon
is reduced by one unit. The plan may fail due to exter-
nal disturbances such as system workload changes. In
essence, the plan would have been followed if a per-
fect model and no disturbances were present, which
is not feasible. At the next control instant, a new plan
is created based on the updated measured values of
indicators to overcome this obstacle. This accounts
for modelling uncertainties and unanticipated system
behaviours (2). The model has been incorporated into
our framework for adaptive security strategies and is
integrated within our architecture, as detailed in the
subsequent section.
The methodology we employ consists of two distinct
stages: the design time phase and the runtime phase.
In the initial stage, the necessary models for the syn-
thesis and tuning of the MPC controller are obtained.
As a result, in the subsequent stage, the controller
is implemented within our adaptation framework and
modifies the control parameters of the target system
as necessary. We developed this framework and it has
been published in our prior work (pending review, au-
thors withheld).
Developing a comprehensive behavioural model
for highly complex systems such as CPS, charac-
terised by numerous complicated and diverse states,
presents a significant challenge (Cailliau and van
Lamsweerde et al., 2017). In order to comprehend
how attackers achieve their objectives by compromis-
ing security concerns such as confidentiality, integrity,
availability, and accountability, it is necessary to anal-
yse the behaviour of the threat environment within
the system and how adversaries can exploit vulner-
abilities. Once the design phase has been finalised
and the system has been successfully implemented,
the XA4AS framework, which is focused on control-
based security goals, can be effectively deployed to
serve as the mechanism for adaptation. The figure
presented as Figure 5 illustrates the ve primary com-
ponents of XA4AS. More detailed information can be
found in (Seid,E et al., 2024)
The data source used in the present study comprises
IT-incident reports that were submitted to MSB.
Therefore, it can be regarded as an unorthodox ex-
amination of the written information, predominantly
relying on sources that rely on documents as their
primary basis of information. In addition, this study
employed a secondary dataset comprised of written
IT-incident reports that were submitted to MSB by
various Swedish government departments and organ-
isations, in accordance with the standards outlined
in the European Union’s NIS-directive. In Sweden
and other countries, organisations have the option to
retain information. The Swedish legislation govern-
ing public access to information and confidentiality,
namely the Public Access to Information and Secrecy
Act (SFS 2009:400) and the Protective Security Act
(SFS 2018:585), imposes restrictions on the sharing
of information within public administration, includ-
ing government agencies.
Private corporations have the choice to retain in-
formation regarding attacks and their implications as
a means to protect their valuable resources or uphold
favourable connections with stakeholders. An inher-
ent drawback of this strategy is that the secondary
data used as the data source were not explicitly gath-
ered for the aim of this study. This constraint restricts
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
Figure 1: XA4AS.
the analysis. The conclusions that can be drawn rely
on the attributes and excellence of the data acquired
from the specific structure of MSB’s IT-incident re-
ports. Another limitation includes the dependence on
recorded incidences as the foundation. To analyse the
cyber threat landscape, it is important to consider that
the findings drawn are heavily influenced by the re-
porting choices and methodologies employed by busi-
4.1 Classification of Security Events
The data treatment procedure had four steps. Ini-
tially, all IT incidents recorded between 1 April 2019
and 1 April 2023 were analysed, focusing on harm-
ful events. Rest were removed from the dataset. The
IT-incident reports were categorised by vulnerability,
attack mechanism, security events, and attack target
in the second stage, and the results were quantified.
Incidents lacking sufficient information for classifi-
cation were classed as unknown. The third stage of
data treatment involves summarising quantities within
each category for frequency comparison. From April
2019 until 2023, (MSB) received 1332 IT-incident re-
ports from major service providers. Only 256 reports
were filed by NIS organisations, while the rest 1076
came from government agencies. The collection in-
cluded 254 reports with detailed accounts of inten-
tional and malevolent behaviours.
The remaining instances were attributed to vari-
ous factors, such as technician and user errors, system
failures, natural events, and unknown variables. Ad-
ditionally, cyberattack frequency has remained steady
from April 2019 to 2023. The period from 1 April
2019 to 2020 had a significant rise in reported cyber-
attacks, totaling 73 occurrences. Between 2022 and
2023, 67 cyberattacks were documented. From 2020
to 2021, cyberattacks increased significantly, with 61
documented cases. From April 2021 to 2022, cyber
assaults targeting critical service providers were rare.
Only 53 instances were reported.
This section presents an analysis of security attacks
for critical service providers using the Asfalia frame-
work. The framework facilitates the monitoring of se-
curity breach incidents and encompasses all three do-
mains of a Cyber-Physical System (CPS).Moreover,
the framework facilitates evaluation and monitoring
of many domains, allowing for the detection of se-
curity incidents that occur across various domains.
Our models explicitly focus on adversaries that are
present in specific domains, which include the three
domains of a CPS (cyber, physical infrastructure, and
social). We developed this framework and it has been
published in our prior work (pending review, authors
Attack patterns are classified into two distinct cat-
egories: The initial classification of cyberattack is
domain-based, wherein specific domains or networks
are targeted. The second category is mechanism-
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
based harm, which aims to exploit flaws in differ-
ent systems or procedures. As an illustration, so-
cial engineering’ falls into the domain-based attack
category, whereas ’collect and analyse’ falls into the
mechanism-based attack category. A total of 18 cyber
security incidents have been categorised as cyber at-
tacks, depending on the manner of attack, while seven
of them have been categorised as domain-based cyber
attacks. The reports were classified into two main cat-
egories related to cybersecurity and cyberattacks. A
study was conducted on five major cyber incidents to
analyse the tendencies of cyber security attacks. The
occurrences were identified and categorised based on
a domain-specific attack. Among the 254 reported cy-
ber security incidents, Asfalia has detected 7 vulner-
abilities and 5 major incidents. Furthermore, all six
targets that were subjected to cyberattacks have been
5.1 Security Attack Analysis of DDoS
Attack-Mechanism Model (AM). This model cap-
tures design strategies, different attack pattern mech-
anisms. More importantly, it builds attack mecha-
nisms by employing goal models, domain assump-
tions, attack mechanisms, and task operationalisa-
tion artifacts. Each attack pattern captures knowledge
about how specific parts of an attack are designed
and executed, providing the adversary’s perspective
on the problem and the solution, and gives guidance
on ways to mitigate the attack’s effectiveness. AM
model depends on VM model since it prepares its at-
tacking mechanism based on the threat explored in
VM model as shown in Figure 5. However, threats
can be refined not only linearly but also iteratively.
The second sub-attack mechanism consists of three
sequential steps. Prior to initiating an attack, the at-
tacker must acquire a comprehensive understanding
of the targeted system. After that, they launch a spe-
cific operation within the system. Finally, they inves-
tigate whether the target condition reveals a deadlock
Event Model (EM). This model captures events that
are derived from behavioural models (BM). From the
perspective of the event log, these events can be cat-
egorised into observable and non-observable events.
Specifically, our focus is directed towards events that
can be directly perceived or witnessed. Security
events are generated from the behavioural model, also
referred to as the BM model. For instance, the occur-
rence of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks
has been captured, with one specific event identified
as E1: the initiation of the exploratory phase. E2: An
action was triggered and initiated”, and E3: A denial
of service occurred”
5.2 Security Attack Analysis of
Installed Malware
Attack-Mechanism Model (AM). (1) Cross zone
scripting, (2) exploit systems susceptible to the at-
tack, (3) find the insertion point for the payload, and
(4) craft and inject the payload. Tasks: (1) Lever-
age knowledge of common local zone functionality,
(2) find weakness in the functionality used by both
privileged and unprivileged users, (3) make the mali-
ciously vulnerable functionality to be used by the vic-
tim, (4) leverage cross-site scripting vulnerability to
inject payload, and domain assumption: insufficient
input validation by the system.
Event Model (EM). This model captures the security
events E1: Internet and local zone enabled, E2: en-
able functionality failed, E3: internet and local zone
disabled, E4: weakness found, E5: weakness failed,
E6: victim-injected payload, and E7: payload in-
5.3 Security Attack Analysis of
Installed Web Compromise (XSS
Through HTTP Query String)
Seven attack mechanisms were captured, namely, (1)
XSS through HTTP query string; (2) use a browser or
an automated tool; (3) attempt variations in input pa-
rameters; (4) exploit vulnerabilities; (5) steal session
IDs, credentials, page contents; (6) content spoofing;
and (7) forceful browsing. Tasks: 10 specific tasks
have been captured, namely: (1) use spidering tool
to follow and record all links, (2) use a proxy tool to
record all links visited, (3) use a browser to manu-
ally explore and analyse the website, (4) use a list of
XSS probe strings to inject in the parameter of known
URLs; (5) use a proxy tool to record the results of
the manual input of XSS probes in known URls, (6)
develop malicious JavaScript that is injected through
vectors and send information to the attacker, (7) de-
velop malicious JavaScript that is injected through
vectors and take and cause the browser to execute
it, (8) develop malicious JavaScript that is injected
through vectors and perform actions on the same web-
site, (9) develop malicious JavaScript that is injected
through vectors, and (10) cause the browser to execute
requests to other websites .
Event Model (EM). This model captures the security
events E1: links recorded, E2: website explored, E3:
visited links recorded, E4: known URLs injected, E5:
results of manual input of XSS probes recorded: E6:
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
information sent, E7: attacker’s command executed
by the browser, E8: action performed on the same
website, E9: request executed to other website, and
E8: invalid information exposed to the user.
5.4 Design-Time
Our methodology originates by extracting diverse se-
curity goals and security methods associated with the
target system. Once all goals have been clarified,
ASm are allocated to those that meet the criteria. Con-
sidered the most crucial and prone to failure. An ASM
defines a desired target, denoted as R i, for the con-
troller’s output.
The assault pattern referred to as ”Forced Dead-
lock” can be described using the following be-
havioural annotations: (G2, G3#, and G4#). The an-
notations specify that the sub-attack mechanism ”Get
familiar with system” should be accomplished first,
followed by the instances of ”Trigger an action” and
”Explore if the target condition has a deadlock condi-
Interleaving refers to the process of combining
or alternating two or more things in a specific or-
der or sequence. The formal behavioural annotation
for the action of triggering an action is represented
as (T2#DA1). This annotation signifies the simulta-
neous fulfilment of the target host providing an API
to the user and the subsequent triggering of the first
action, followed by the initiation of a second action.
The formal behavioural annotation for the sub-attack,
which investigates the presence of a deadlock state
in the target situation, is denoted as (T3#DA2). This
annotation indicates the consecutive execution of two
actions: firstly, examining the programme for a dead-
lock situation, and secondly, presuming that the target
programme does indeed have a deadlock condition.
Table 1: Reference Security Goal.
CRq Reference
ASm1 R1=80
ASm2 R2=75
ASm3 R3=100
ASm4 R4=90
ASm5 R5=90
ASm6 R6=100
In this situation, the initial EvoSm operation is
started, leading to a change in the reference objec-
tive from 80% to 70%, as can be seen in Table 4. The
second EvoSm operation is triggered when there is a
failure in T2, leading to the restoration of the thresh-
old to its prior value. T2 and T3 have the potential to
undergo multiple iterations sequentially, as they await
each other’s completion.
The reference security targets have been modi-
fied to a lower level, namely reduced from 90% to
80% and from 80% to 60%, respectively.If ASm4
and ASm5 encounter a failure lasting more than three
days, the reference security aim will be temporarily
loosened for a period of one week.
If goal G1 fails more than three times per week
in the context of ASm6, the restriction is continually
adjusted to four times per week. If ASm4 encounters
a failure lasting more than three consecutive days, the
adaptation mechanism will then ignore it for a period
of three days. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
is used to assign weights to each indication based on
their levels of relevance. Generally, security objec-
tives that are considered critical are prioritised over
those that are non-critical. The weights are associated
with the elements of matrix Q in the cost function.
The controller use the optimisation function to deter-
mine a state of balance for each aim, devoting more
resources towards achieving the goals that are more
important. The weights of the control parameters are
set through empirical elicitation, with lower weights
allocated to the parameters that require less frequent
tweaking. The values of matrix P in the cost function
represent weights.
Our security analysis for XSS throught HTTP,
DDoS, has found that Disable scripting languages
such as JavaScript in browser is a more cost-effective
solution than Regularly patch all software. Addition-
ally, the previous method also provides the benefit of
immediate efficacy. The priority for the indicators and
the weights for control parameters were determined
using elicitation, as shown in table 3 and table 4, re-
The remaining security goals to be identified per-
tain to the adaptive security mechanism (ADSM). The
attainment of these objectives imposes constraints on
the process of adaptation itself. Model Predictive
Control (MPC) uses an Adaptive Horizon Determina-
tion Strategy (ADSM) to establish the receding hori-
zon of the controller. This approach establishes the
specific time period towards which the adaptation
plan should be focused on in the future. The term
”ADSM” may also denote the degree to which con-
trol parameters are allowed to fluctuate.
In the end, it is important to construct a numeri-
cal model. In order to replicate the MERS system in
the absence of natural laws, we conducted a complete
simulation with regular modifications to control pa-
rameters, while also documenting the input and out-
put data. We employ Matlab and the System Iden-
tification toolkit to ascertain the analytical model of
the system. While it is not possible to simulate the
IoTBDS 2024 - 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
system with complete accuracy, the model can be en-
hanced upon deployment by incorporating a learning
mechanism that operates during runtime.
Table 2: EvoSm Operations.
CRq EvoSm Execution
ASm1 Relax(ASm1,ASm1’ 70),
Strengthen(ASm1,ASm1’ 80)
ASm2 Relax (ASm2, ASm2’ 60)
ASm3 Relax (ASm3, ASm3’ 90)
ASm4 Relax (ASm4, ASm4’ 80)
ASm5 Wait( 3 days)
ASm6 Replace (ASm6, ASm6’ 3)
The cyberattack is mechanism-based. There have
been 18 cyber attacks, depending on the technique
used, and seven domain-based cyber attacks. The
reports were divided into cybersecurity and cyber-
attack categories. Five major cyber incidents were
studied to determine cyber security attack trends. A
domain-specific attack recognised and categorised the
instances. From 254 reported instances, Asfalia de-
tected 7 vulnerabilities and 5 critical cyber security
events. Additionally, all five cyberattack targets were
successfully captured.
The framework also includes 24 attack mecha-
nisms, 32 tasks, 23 behavioural annotations, 10 do-
main assumptions, and 35 security events. According
to their behaviours, the experiment’s security issues
can be characterised as password recovery exploita-
tion, authentication abuse, buffer overflows, cross-
site scripting, phishing, and brute force assaults. Our
technique aids security analysts in incident analysis
and critical service provider security solution devel-
The Adaptation manager of XA4AS framework
only classified 15% of reported security incidents as
critical. Essential aspect of XA4AS is its ability to
adapt to non-linear system behaviours. The simu-
lator employs nonlinear interactions between inputs
and outputs for more realistic behaviour. In actual-
ity, most systems have nonlinear input-output interac-
tions. To be effective, the adaptation process must
address model faults. In Model Predictive Control
(MPC), the Kalman Filter (KF) enhances model cor-
rection during system operation, resulting in more
precise predictions. In the security model scenario,
a linear model predicted system behaviour. This
may not always be possible. Custom models or so-
phisticated system identification approaches can man-
age non-linear systems (L. Ljung, 2010). Non-linear
model predictive control (MPC) formulations by F.
Allgower, in 2000 are also relevant.
Our investigation shows that building the secu-
rity model bottom-up in the framework works. Based
on domain task specifications, differentiation occurs.
This identifies domain-specific attacks. We prioritise
cyber, physical infrastructure, and social aspects of
CPS for essential service providers in our models. We
also analysed attack model interconnectivity across
domains. The VM method detects domain-specific
vulnerabilities. Once vulnerabilities are found by
VM, attack (AM) uses them to identify an acceptable
attack method. This option exploits well-documented
VM vulnerabilities. XA4AS analytical models re-
quire simulations or historical data. This is a major
system defect. System designers face a hurdle be-
cause there are no methods to simulate a model that
generates data that closely reflects the actual system.
This is because CPS lacks exclusive methods. Secu-
rity engineering approaches and MPC configuration
optimisation guidelines are our future study.
This study builds on our previous research on moni-
toring security attack events and assessing attack pat-
terns, focusing on the Asfalia framework. Another
goal is to include Model Predictive Control (MPC)
into cyber-physical system adaptive security mecha-
nisms. Thus, we provide XA4AS (Extended Asfalia
(Framework) for Adaptive Security of Cyber-Physical
Systems). Facilitating the creation of analytical mod-
els for model predictive control and adaptive security
solutions in CPS is the goal of this approach.
The proposed model predicts system behaviour
with significant precision. XA4AS can quickly adapt
to environmental changes and create adaptable solu-
tions. The approach was assessed using 254 critical
service provider security incident reports. According
to our case study, Swedish service providers’ IT in-
cident reports to MSB show that denial-of-service at-
tacks and disruptions have the biggest impact on oper-
ations and information. Many of the 254 cyberattacks
analysed had no obvious direct or indirect effects. So-
cial engineering attacks often have little immediate
impact. While social engineering for initial access
and user attacks is declining, it remains widespread.
Malware infestation is rare. A few dangerous IT inci-
dents endangered critical service providers’ informa-
tion resources.
The analysis shows that control-theoretic concepts
can create effective cyber-physical system adaptabil-
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
ity strategies, often outperforming human skill. Our
approach aids security analysts in event analysis and
CPS security solution development. (VM) detects and
captures adversaries and vulnerabilities, then analy-
ses the attack’s target using a domain-specific tech-
nique. The Attack Model (AM) is created by build-
ing a model based on the adversaries provided in the
VM. The behavioural model (BM) annotates system
behaviours of the VM and AM. EM events are derived
from behavioural models. The models above help the
XA4AS Security Evolution Manager and Adaptation
Manager. Our approach needs more case studies in
order to demonstrate its efficacy.
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