On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence:
A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
Christian Daase
, Christian Haertel
, Abdulrahman Nahhas
, Alexander Zeier
Achim Ramesohl
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Google Cloud, Germany
Keywords: Generative AI, Artificial Intelligence, Conceptual Model, Systematic Literature Review.
Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is one of the most promising recent advances in digital technology.
However, research often focuses on specific application scenarios, case studies and experiments. Overarching
and comprehensive studies that consider potentials and challenges for the entire field of GenAI across domains
are rather scarce. In this paper, the four domains of text, audio, image and code generation are examined by
means of a systematic literature review. Opportunities for industry and society are discussed, with the aim of
providing a conceptual model that enables a quick assessment of the current state-of-the-art and identifies
applications for GenAI that are either not yet sufficiently researched and therefore invite further exploratory
investigations, or are well researched and therefore represent recognized yet less experimental fields.
The exponential rise in generated data, available
computational power, and more advanced statistical
techniques (Cobb 2023; Haertel et al. 2023;
Vartiainen and Tedre 2023) have significantly
increased the application of advanced machine
learning (ML) (e.g., deep neural networks (DNN)) in
various areas of the everyday life. Especially the
fields of image analytics, video analytics (Daase et al.
2023), and language models have gained attraction in
this regard (Liu et al. 2017). Recently, generative AI
(GenAI) has gained severe prominence. Generative
models pursue the objective of approximating
training data sets’ statistical distributions to generate
new data points (François-Lavet et al. 2018). In this
context, GenAI shifts the focus of AI from analytical
expert systems as decision-makers to creators of new
content that function similarly to creative human
collaborators (Turchi et al. 2023). From a conceptual
point of view, researchers see GenAI’s potential
between factual knowledge and creative thinking for
partially rule-based activities (Kanbach et al. 2023).
As integral technologies, GenAI includes inter alia
natural language processing (NLP), image
processing, and computer vision (Lv 2023), resulting
in the four main output categories examined in this
paper: text, image, audio, and programming code. To
grasp the future impact of GenAI on the business
sector, it is worth noting that Goldman Sachs
estimates that AI in general could have an impact on
up to 300 million jobs globally, while the major
consulting company Accenture estimates that 40
percent of human workload will be affected by large
language models (LLMs), one of the most prominent
examples being GPT-4 (i.e., Generative Pre-Trained
Transformer) and the chatbot ChatGPT that builds on
it (Kanbach et al. 2023).
The present paper examines explicit use cases for
GenAI from the four stated categories to provide a
comprehensive overview of potentials and challenges
in this area. Based on a systematic literature review
(SLR), applications from different subcategories are
evaluated and assessed, assuming that the future of
GenAI will focus on exploring new application
scenarios and integration with other technologies to
Daase, C., Haertel, C., Nahhas, A., Zeier, A., Ramesohl, A. and Turowski, K.
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0012707500003690
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2024) - Volume 1, pages 845-856
ISBN: 978-989-758-692-7; ISSN: 2184-4992
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
increase its impact (Lv 2023). Furthermore,
anticipated issues of GenAI such as bias,
misinterpretation, societal impact, shifting
responsibilities and roles of people in the workplace
(Jiang et al. 2023; Kanbach et al. 2023; Vartiainen
and Tedre 2023) are considered. As a result, a
conceptual model of the fields of application of
GenAI is presented to conclude the current state of
research as it is reasonable based on the literature
reviewed. The contribution of this paper is intended
to help academics and practitioners to assess
opportunities and obstacles in the highly dynamic and
equally promising field of GenAI. In short, the
research question (RQ) posed in this paper is as
RQ: Which potentials and challenges of GenAI in
industry and society can be identified in recent
scientific studies and what is their expectable impact?
Following this introduction, the methodology of the
SLR is described in Section 2. In Section 3, the
identified fields of GenAI (i.e., text, audio, image,
and code) are presented, including their very specific
subcategories, industries, and use cases. Section 4
first assesses the overarching challenges and
classifies the GenAI categories in the conceptual
model as either well researched, moderately
researched, or currently under-researched or less
promising. The paper is concluded with an outlook on
further research and limitations in Section 5.
A systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted
to answer the stated RQ. As the overall goal is to
provide a comprehensive overview of the potentials
and challenges of GenAI, the abstract and citation
database Scopus was chosen as the primary literature
source, since it refers to a large number of
interdisciplinary articles from a variety of full text
databases. For the automatic search for scientific
articles in the first phase of the review, the search
query was set to the inclusive phrase “generative AI”
AND <domain>. As described in the introduction, the
primary application domains of GenAI in the context
of this paper are text, audio, image and code. In
addition, the time frame was set to all years including
2023. A total of 228 articles were retrieved from the
individual domains, 63 of which turned out to be
duplicates. This left 165 articles after this phase.
In the second review stage, the abstracts were read
to identify the overarching areas of application of
GenAI in each article, whether the articles were
written in English and if the quality of the publication
could be considered sufficient (i.e. peer-reviewed in
a reputable research publication). In this phase, 108
articles were rejected, while 57 remained.
In the third and final review phase, the remaining
articles were read as a whole to extract the granular
information on specific GenAI use cases, potentials,
challenges, monetary value, and societal
implications. Therefore, publications that did not
provide sufficient detail on the implementation or
operation of such systems were rejected. The
industrial or societal value of GenAI's intervention
needed to be made clear without relying solely on
personal opinion or experience. Articles without
sufficient scientific backing were also rejected,
resulting in 12 articles being omitted and 45
remaining to form the final literature base. Figure 1
depicts the completed literature search process.
Figure 1: SLR search process.
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
GenAI systems are capable of generating novel and
creative content based on training data. The produced
outputs can be categorized as text, audio, or image
and video (Mannuru et al. 2023), each offering unique
potentials but also posing significant challenges.
Therefore, in the following, these aspects are
discussed based on the retrieved articles from the
SLR. The analysis is divided based on the above-
mentioned categorization on GenAI output types.
However, code is considered as a separate subsection
since its applications are fundamentally different
compared to the text category. Additionally, the use
cases of image and video are subsumed under the
same category.
3.1 Text
Almost half of the articles from the final literature
base discuss GenAI use cases for text output.
Accordingly, the opportunities are manifold. From
providing quick access to a bandwidth of information
for educational purposes to supporting and partially
replacing human involvement in various business
processes, the capabilities of GenAI seem sheer
overwhelming. However, on the same note, numerous
issues still have to be considered with GenAI usage,
leading to partially low trust levels in the technology.
Hence, complete detachment of human supervision is
not recommended for the foreseeable future.
Potentials and challenges of text-based application
scenarios in public services, industry, sustainability,
and art and media are outlined in detail below.
3.1.1 Public Services
The examined literature features numerous use cases
for text-based GenAI for the public service sector
(e.g., education, healthcare). K. Ali et al. (2023) and
Panthier and Gatinel (2023) show the ability of
ChatGPT to successfully pass exams in the healthcare
domain. While both studies point out the
predominantly high quality in the model’s answers,
ChatGPT was only able to process tasks based on text
and could not answer questions containing figurative
elements (K. Ali et al. 2023; Panthier and Gatinel
2023). Based on these findings, it can be concluded
that GenAI will have a significant impact on
assessment practices in higher education. In home
examinations, ChatGPT excelled in terms of language
and grammar, precision, completeness as well as
partially in creativity (Farazouli et al. 2023). Still, the
OpenAI chatbot still displays weaknesses in
argumentation strategy, use of references and
relevance to the topic of the course. Since these flaws
could also be found in the answers of humans,
teachers tend to more critical in grading texts of
students (Farazouli et al. 2023).
Apart from that, the application possibilities of
GenAI is assisting learners and teachers are vast.
Content generation is mentioned (Yan et al. 2023) as
a potential to create personified learning material
depending on the respective pupil’s skill level,
leading to improved learning outcomes (Jauhiainen
and Guerra 2023). GenAI can be utilized as additional
(virtual) teaching support (Ooi et al. 2023; Yan et al.
2023) to achieve learning objectives such as acquiring
proficiency in writing in a new language (Hwang and
Nurtantyana 2022). Furthermore, these models can
provide (personalized) feedback (Ooi et al. 2023; Yan
et al. 2023) to derive suggestions for enhancement.
For example, Siiman et al. (2023) use GenAI for
analysis and evaluation of conversations performed in
the context of problem-solving. Additionally, LLMs
have been utilized to support research and academic
writing (Ooi et al. 2023) by, for instance, producing
text transcriptions for video content (Amarasinghe et
al. 2023).
Despite the apparent massive potential that
GenAI offers for education, some drawbacks have to
be taken into consideration. Through the potential
processing of personal data, privacy and safety issues
arise (Ooi et al. 2023). In addition, there is concern
regarding the impacts of an increased psychological
distance between teachers and students. The
advancements in GenAI for education further spark
debate regarding the originality of submissions and
infusing the need to reevaluate forms of grading and
examination. Another obstacle constitutes the
potential bias in used data and algorithms since it
could influence an individual’s learning experience
and outcomes (Ooi et al. 2023), contradicting the
pursued aim of equality in education (Yan et al. 2023).
Moreover, several application possibilities of
GenAI for healthcare were retrieved from the
examined publications. Such models allow for the
rapid provision of answers to medical questions and
even the translation of such content (Ooi et al. 2023).
Patients can further use AI to better understand and
describe their experienced symptoms before seeing
an actual doctor which can lead to more accurate
diagnoses (Ooi et al. 2023). Furthermore, several
application possibilities of GenAI for healthcare were
retrieved from the examined publications. Such
models allow for the rapid provision of answers to
medical questions and even the translation of such
content (Ooi et al. 2023). Patients can further use AI
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
to better understand and describe their experienced
symptoms before seeing an actual doctor which can
lead to more accurate diagnoses (Ooi et al. 2023).
Similarly, Kanbach et al. (2023) describe the rise of
AI-powered chatbots to increase accessibility to
therapy, especially for mental health issues. However,
these sophisticated capabilities pose significant
requirements to the correctness and applicability of
the results (Ooi et al. 2023) and for revised regulatory
standards (responsibility of AI) (Mannuru et al. 2023).
Additionally, the adequate personalized medical
advice via GenAI necessitates multiple user
interactions and using the right text prompts, which
will pose a challenge for laypersons (Ooi et al. 2023).
Accordingly, literature suggests using GenAI only as
a supplement to traditional therapy (Kanbach et al.
Furthermore, the healthcare sector can benefit
from the predictive capabilities of GenAI models for
diagnosis and detection of diseases, for example,
from medical images and records (Mannuru et al.
2023; Ooi et al. 2023). As a consequence, progression,
monitoring, and potentially outcome of treatments
could be enhanced (Mannuru et al. 2023).
Nevertheless, ethical challenges like potential bias
and privacy concerns (Mannuru et al. 2023; Ooi et al.
2023) pose danger to patients’ acceptance and GenAI
effectiveness in healthcare. Besides, such algorithms
tend to overlook the social context in their analyses
(Mannuru et al. 2023). Finally, the study of Karinshak
et al. (2023) revealed that LLMs can also generate
more effective public health messages (e.g., pro-
vaccination messages) compared to human-initiated
communication. Despite the positive implications of
this discovery, a critical discourse with the potential
exploits such as spreading misinformation and
manipulating target groups is required (Karinshak et
al. 2023).
3.1.2 Industry
In the SLR, several use cases were found where
GenAI can offer support for various business process.
For example, based on sentiments scores calculated
by ChatGPT on corporate financial statements, the
risk management capability and stock return of a
company can be predicted (Chen et al. 2023). In
general, GenAI possesses lots of potential for the
finance sector such as the forecast of market trends,
detection of investment prospects, fraud detection,
and personalized financial advice (Kanbach et al.
2023; Ooi et al. 2023). With the LLMs’ ability to
process massive amount of demographic and browser
history data, better understanding of customer
behavior, leading to enhanced marketing strategies
and more customer touchpoints (e.g.,
hyperpersonalization), is enabled (Ooi et al. 2023).
Additionally, GenAI can be used in the product
ideation process and provide better product
descriptions. Therefore, this improved customer
experience opens up new revenue streams for firms
(Mannuru et al. 2023). Nevertheless, this new
development in marketing strategies reduces the
perceived empathy and emotion in service delivery
(“dehumanization”) (Ooi et al. 2023), which is
especially fostered with the tendency to a future
“overreliance on AI” (Mannuru et al. 2023).
Furthermore, Ooi et al. (2023) highlight
additional application scenarios in manufacturing.
GenAI is utilized for creating training programs of
employees, reducing the need for humans for this task.
Here, these models also gain attention for their
capability to enhance predictive maintenance through
sophisticated simulations and forecasts (anomaly
detection) (Ooi et al. 2023). For its effectiveness,
especially in manufacturing and finance, the
availability and quality of training data is important
but oftentimes constitutes an issue. Similarly,
infrastructure requirements, potentially impacted by
severe regulations, are significant and expensive.
Despite GenAI’s general ability to support decision-
making in various business processes, certain
considerations need to be made to ensure its actual
applicability in practice. These include ethical
concerns (e.g., bias), data privacy issues,
hallucinations, and currently missing robust
(international) regulations (Mannuru et al. 2023; Ooi
et al. 2023). Apart from that, seeing the huge
automation potential of GenAI, the fear of large-scale
losses comes as little surprise.
According to the literature, GenAI offers
capabilities to support tasks in the legal industry.
Ioannidis et al. (2023) developed an AI tool that
summarizes and categorizes regulatory information
for clients. Lam et al. (2023) assessed the usefulness
of LLMs for contract drafting to simplify the
workflow of legal professionals. While the basic
utility of the approaches could be confirmed, some
major obstacles still need to be considered. First of all,
significant testing before deployment is required
since GenAI models are not immune to creating
plausible sounding text that is wrong (Ioannidis et al.
2023). Because of the severe implications of potential
errors in the law domain where accurate information
is mandatory, this poses a massive risk. Thus, the
used prompt setting is important (Lam et al. 2023). As
a conclusion, also due to privacy and confidentiality
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
doubts (Ioannidis et al. 2023), enhancements are still
needed in this area (Lam et al. 2023).
Next, human resources (HR) profit from GenAI
in various ways. Employee training initiatives can be
improved (Mannuru et al. 2023; Ooi et al. 2023) as
already seen in the educational sector. In general,
GenAI shows potential to significantly change the job
market. While new job types for working with GenAI
are created (e.g., prompt engineering), demand for
other positions involving automatable tasks (e.g.,
customer service) and even services with human
expertise (e.g., programming) is reduced. Self-
evidently, this sparks concerns regarding
employment opportunities as well (Mannuru et al.
2023). Nevertheless, GenAI allows to support
employees by delegating repetitive tasks. For
example, Lukauskas et al. (2023) describe how LLMs
can be utilized to extract skills demand from job
profiles to improve the recruitment process.
Furthermore, Ooi et al. (2023) outline several
opportunities for using GenAI to enhance team
collaboration such as establishing reminders for
deliverables and overcoming resource allocation
challenges. Despite the summarized advantages, the
actual applicability is still hampered by obstacles in
terms of significant data requirements to avoid bias,
lack of explainability leading to low trust, and
partially inaccurate as well as inappropriate responses
(Ooi et al. 2023).
3.1.3 Sustainability
The relationship of GenAI and sustainability
constitutes a double-edged sword. While certain
techniques supporting the reduction of carbon
emissions are facilitated, the needed compute
intensity of these models pose considerable energy
demands (Mannuru et al. 2023) which are not
necessarily compatible with sustainability
requirements. Accordingly, the environmental impact
of GenAI across its entire lifecycle needs to be
evaluated (Ooi et al. 2023). On this note, amongst,
others, regulatory frameworks and developing a
competent workforce in this domain are required for
AI to make a positive impact in sustainability
The predictive capabilities of GenAI can be used
for energy savings for various sectors by forecasts
and resulting modifications to power management
and resource distribution (Mannuru et al. 2023; Ooi
et al. 2023). Moreover, AI can aid in the design
optimization of existing or new (IT) systems with
regards to efficiency, economic, and scalability
metrics (Mannuru et al. 2023; Ooi et al. 2023). This
can also include digital twin simulations that
incorporate environmental characteristic. In the next
step, necessary components can be compared
regarding their ecological impact (e.g., Echochain AI)
to achieve sustainable procurement (Ooi et al. 2023).
This is also applicable for the end of the product
lifecycle when the processing of data on (electronical)
waste and the resulting insights can lessen the
environmental impact. Finally, Villiers et al. (2023)
examine the potential of AI-powered sustainability
reporting due to high-speed analyzing abilities of
large quantities of corporate data. However, the
authors point out the risk of greenwashing, since
some information (e.g., financial) are “easier to
process” (Villiers et al. 2023).
3.1.4 Art and Media
Similar to the potential of GenAI in content
generation for educational purposes, ChatGPT can
assist journalists in writing as well, which is shown
by Pavlik (2023). As a consequence, in the long run,
this may constitute a threat to human professionals
that could fall victim to cost savings in this industry.
Despite the significant potential, reservations exist
because of possible misuse to produce information
with malicious intent or partial lack in range and
depth of knowledge in GenAI models (Pavlik 2023).
Additionally, the text generation ability of LLMs
finds use in producing new cooking recipes. In
conjunction with genetic algorithms, GenAI can be
used to create the recipe text from encoded recipe
solutions (Razzaq et al. 2023). However, the current
approach does not account for the nutritional values
of the food which is a notable limitation for being able
to compose a conscious diet.
3.2 Audio
Based on the conducted SLR, audio is the least
represented field of GenAI. Only three of the included
publications specifically discuss the application of
GenAI for audio-related use cases.
Lv (2023) discusses the role of GenAI in the
metaverse. In this context, it is mentioned that GenAI
can be utilized for speech synthesis and the
generation of music. The Wavenet model constitutes
one of the well-known examples and is allegedly able
to “produce convincing synthetic voice and music”
(Lv 2023).
Ocampo et al. (2023) also present an GenAI-
driven method for the domain of art. The authors
describe a GPT-3-powered data sonification
approach that uses the most-read Wikipedia articles
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
of a given day as data input. With this a basis, a set of
requests is given to the model to perform a semantic
mapping between the data interpretations and sound
descriptions (Ocampo et al. 2023). Therefore, the
authors show the general ability of GenAI to create
prompt-specific outputs that can be used for the music
creation process. Nevertheless, the experiments
discovered some limitations with the interpretation
capabilities of the used model. At times, the assigned
labels did not reflect the input data accurately
(Ocampo et al. 2023). The authors deduce that GPT-
3’s numerical reasoning abilities might negatively
influence the results in this regard and that the
prompting approach plays a significant factor in the
quality of the results.
Additionally, Mannuru et al. (2023) found that
accents in audio stream can be modified for better
understandability and high-quality speech for people
with disabilities related to communication skills can
be generated (Houde et al. 2020; Qadir 2022).
However, misusing GenAI for creating content with
malicious intents (e.g., deep fakes) constitutes a
specific danger in this regard (Tacheva and
Ramasubramanian 2023).
Although the literature features some great
potentials for audio content generation with GenAI,
the coverage remains sparse in comparison to the
other categories. Especially surprising is the absence
of concrete use cases related to the conservation of
voice of deceased (voice) actors in the examined
portion of the scientific body of knowledge.
3.3 Image
The creation of images with the help of GenAI
usually requires input data in the form of text or other
images, whereas the output quality largely depends
on the quality of that input (Fernberg et al. 2023).
While the capabilities to generate high-fidelity
images with appropriate descriptive prompts are
already quite sophisticated (Chang et al. 2023), the
underlying creativity cannot be expected to be taken
away from humans (Hoggenmueller et al. 2023;
Vartiainen and Tedre 2023), although the advantages
that humans have are becoming less significant with
the rapid improvements in the AI domain
(Seneviratne et al. 2022). However, the roles of
developers and prompt engineers might shift towards
reviewing, refining, and evaluating the results rather
than creating all output by themselves.
Throughout the literature reviewed, researchers
tend to view GenAI for images as a digitized
colleague in a human-machine partnership rather than
a mere tool. Especially when it comes to designing
digital content, products, sketches, fashion, or entire
story-boards (Chang et al. 2023; Hoggenmueller et al.
2023; Lv 2023), GenAI oftentimes exceeds the
expectations placed on a software tool. Consistent
with the vision of GenAI as a digital co-creator, the
technology also partially relieves humans of the
necessity to understand the underlying mechanisms
and instead lets them describe what they need before
the orders are executed (Vartiainen and Tedre 2023).
The most frequently mentioned models for generating
images include DALL-E, Stable Diffusion,
MidJourney, Parti and Imagen (Chang et al. 2023;
Hoggenmueller et al. 2023; Hong et al. 2023; Lv
2023; Turchi et al. 2023).
3.3.1 Product Design
The design and development of physical products is
one of the main application areas of AI-based image
generation. For example, fashion is a domain in
which a large number of preliminary conceptual
preparation might be necessary before a decision on
the final design of a collection is made. GenAI can
help to transfer a certain style from a manual sketch
to an aesthetic realistic clothing image in a fast
manner with a quality comparable to human designers
(Wu et al. 2023). However, as usual for sophisticated
ML models, this approach potentially requires a
substantial amount of training data, meaning
preparatory human labor. A similar use case for
GenAI in this domain is image inpainting. Existing
clothing images can be manipulated in an image-to-
image generation process, in which parts of clothes
are overwritten with new content (Muhammad et al.
2023). Newly designed outfits could be tried on
digitally as part of an existing catalog.
Although fashion companies in particular rely
heavily on creative minds to come up with
revolutionary designs while breaking away from
outdated ideas, this is not only posing a problem in
this sector. Robotics can be identified as an area in
which the issue of design fixation, meaning the
adherence to well-established conceptions, is widely
prevalent (Hoggenmueller et al. 2023). When
creating new robot designs, GenAI could help to
overcome simple notions of anthropomorphic or
zoomorphic depictions of robots by incorporating
other elements from the training phase into the
creation process.
While the visual design of physical systems might
be a secondary task in engineering, the actual
functioning of entire electrical assemblies can also be
supported by GenAI for images. In one of the most
topical branches of automotive engineering, e-
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mobility, a recent study investigated the capabilities
of generative adversarial networks (GANs) for the
preliminary design of dynamic inductive charging
stations (Curtis et al. 2023). With this technology,
cars do not need to stop for charging if the coil is
integrated into the road on which a car with
corresponding electrical systems is moving. This
approach shows that the inclusion of technical
requirements such as safety, energy consumption, and
flexibility is a possible option.
Lastly, hand crafting is identified as an area for
GenAI in the domain of product design. When
regarding crafting as a four-phase process consisting
of ideation, design, making, and reflective evaluation
(Vartiainen and Tedre 2023), artificially generated
images can especially benefit the first and partially
the second stage. As the intended design becomes
more and more complex in the course of its
finalization, the level of detail of ideas can
increasingly no longer be converted into adequate
prompts. Verheijden and Funk (2023) call this
circumstance the crooked bow tie effect, since one
side (i.e., the input) in its extent can only be
transformed into something smaller that does not
sufficiently represent the given input. However, in the
initial phases of craft product design, visualization is
seen as an important means of communication and
feedback and thus constitutes an additional use case
for GenAI for images.
3.3.2 Construction
Similar to engineering, the field of construction often
necessitates the integration of functional
requirements into design processes. For example,
urban design requires the consideration of complex
concepts such as health and safety (Seneviratne et al.
2022). When developing GANs with the goal of
generating images of meaningful urban and landscape
compositions from descriptive texts, engineers need
to be skilled in prompt engineering (Dortheimer et al.
2023), so that the model can be trained to visually link
specific terms with logical consequences. For
instance, in their study, Seneviratne et al. (2022)
associated terms like healthy with green
environments and safe with clean paint on completed
constructions. In contrast to the creation of still
images, another use case for GenAI is related to the
preparation of interactive 3D scenes in virtual reality.
Bussell et al. (2023) conducted a study in which
participants used GenAI to first create conceptual
designs of construction projects, which were then
modeled and integrated into an explorable virtual
One step further, studies in architecture view
GenAI as part of a multistep workflow from early
inspirations to the enhancement of final renderings
(Dortheimer et al. 2023). When creating vivid
representations of buildings, landscapes or
community spaces, modern approaches often use 3D
models for further inspection. In addition to direct
image generation, this also offers potential for GenAI,
as the models must be provided with textures in the
3D software and the renderings need to be post-
processed, for example by adding context, light and
weather effects (Dortheimer et al. 2023; Turchi et al.
2023). In the ideation phase, GenAI for images can
also be used to overcome the aforementioned problem
of design fixation in the field of architecture
(Dortheimer et al. 2023; Hoggenmueller et al. 2023).
Concluding the discussion of the different levels
of detail in construction, the final area of application
identified here for GenAI revolves around interior
and asset design. In general, work in this sector
consists of three phases: ideation, schematic drafting
and layout planning (He et al. 2023), with the last
phase being similar to the arrangement of elements in
landscape and urban development at a reduced scale.
Interior designers need to build up asset libraries,
including materials, textures, or even representations
of people for more realistic visualizations (Fernberg
et al. 2023). While GenAI for images (e.g., through
GANs) can drastically increase productivity when
creating images of everyday things, limitations
become clear when the integration of implicit factors
is necessary, such as certain cultural styles and
aesthetics (He et al. 2023). Thus, human intervention
for the final composition of design alternatives is still
currently essential. For the future, not only in the field
of interior design, researchers see the expansion of
image generators to include linguistic models, more
sophisticated inpainting functions and the extension
to participatory process models as possible directions
(Fernberg et al. 2023).
3.3.3 Art and Media
As a basic example of what GenAI is capable of, pure
images resembling paintings or photographs can be
generated by models that mimic the artistic style of
different artists or have been trained to create novel
stylistic compositions themselves (Chang et al. 2023).
In the literature, the connection between art and AI
has recently led to intense discussions about whether
something that is considered to be art can be created
by AI at all and, if so, who owns the copyright to it.
Jiang et al. (2023) argue that the creation of art is an
endeavor unique to humans, as it is based on
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
aesthetical and cultural experience, while ML models,
once trained, are fixed on whatever was part of the
training data. In a similar sense, Chang et al. (2023)
discuss the question of whether GenAI can be
considered an artist or merely a tool for actual artists.
This in turn leads to the important question of who
should be credited for the images produced with AI
models: the one who developed the GenAI platform
or the one who created the prompt that leads to a
particular image. Furthermore, if the model imitates
an artistic style, the question arises as to whether there
is a copyright violation against the inventor of a style
(Vartiainen and Tedre 2023; Verheijden and Funk
2023), and how a style could be patented in such a
scenario in the first place.
Enjoyable art products for recreational purposes
include goods from the fields of entertainment and
games. Applications for GenAI from the construction
domain, such as assisting in the development of 3D
assets, can also accelerate the creation of consistent
scenes from descriptive prompts by providing
structures, materials, and textures for games or the
metaverse (Lv 2023). For simple games based on
images, such as spot-the-difference, GenAI can be
used to generate the essential game content directly
and with debatable quality (Hong et al. 2023). In
contrast, for more complex and extensive games,
GenAI can support subtasks of development, such as
providing maps, character designs, and equipment
based on images or, more broadly, dialogs, emotions
of non-playable characters, behaviors, and other
gameplay elements (Lv 2023).
3.3.4 Public Services
GenAI for images can also be employed for tasks in
domains that do not have a direct monetary value but
might benefit communities in other regards. Under
the umbrella term of public services, this includes
applications in education, science, and healthcare.
In education, two directions can be identified.
First, it is argued that students need to be educated on
how GenAI works, how it can be used, and how to
distinguish content that was created by GenAI from
human-made productions (S. Ali et al. 2021).
Especially the last aspect is of topical interest, as
researchers and society are observing an increase in
so-called deep fakes, misinformation, and the use of
GenAI for malicious purposes. The second avenue in
education is the use of GenAI itself during lessons
and training programs. A study by Vartiainen and
Tedre (2023) investigated how the ideation process in
crafting education could be enhanced by means of
text-to-image generative approaches. However, the
authors remark that the lack of materiality (i.e.,
haptics) cannot be compensated by GenAI.
In archaeology, a subcategory of science, Cobb
(2023) investigated whether images can be generated
which reconstruct archaeological elements. However,
the quality was not considered sufficient, as science
requires a high level of factual knowledge, experience
and understanding, for example when depicting
ancient writings or architectural plans. Nevertheless,
the author recognizes a potential for GenAI when it
comes to 3D reconstructions of ancient artifacts and
places. On the other hand, Cobb (2023) notes that
archaeology is not a very profitable field, which
makes it questionable whether GenAI is worth an
One particular use case found in healthcare for
GenAI for images does not rely on text-to-image or
image-to-image concepts as before, but on the
reconstruction of images from neural activity
(Ozcelik and VanRullen 2023). Although the research
is still at an early stage, the authors have obtained
overall satisfactory results when using functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data as input for
image reconstruction and suggested that this idea
could be further developed to better understand, for
example, the sensory and semantic system or the
functioning of the visual cortex.
3.4 Code
GenAI for code offers multiple use cases that shift the
roles of human developers, from generating entirely
new code to translating from one language to another
and documenting its functionality in a meaningful
way (Kanbach et al. 2023). However, the extent to
which GenAI can actually improve certain KPIs such
as productivity, code quality, and program
correctness is disputed in the literature (Weisz et al.
2022). Thus, automation is still limited, and human
workers will most likely still be needed in
development processes in the near future.
While the generation of code can be driven by
developers' ideas and the general desire to create
something new, the reasons for translating existing
code can depend on external modernization pressure.
Use cases include, for example, preparing
applications for migration to cloud computing
environments or transitioning from legacy languages
to more current frameworks (Weisz et al. 2021).
Studies suggest that developers value code quality
and correctness higher than a boost in productivity,
whereby the generative capabilities of GenAI for
code are already quite advanced (Cámara et al. 2023;
Weisz et al. 2022). In contrast to natural language,
ICEIS 2024 - 26th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
code follows stricter rules, making errors more
critical, and only distinguishes the results into code
that can be compiled and code that causes errors
(Weisz et al. 2021). As a hybrid use case, GenAI can
be applied to document the semantic functionalities
of code, as was attempted by Muller et al. (2021).
In another stage of the software development
cycle, when the system is planned and designed,
GenAI can also be employed for software modeling.
Cámara et al. (2023) found that ChatGPT currently
has limited capabilities in this regard, as while the
syntax of software models is largely sound, the
semantics are sometimes not. The authors see
opportunities when interfaces for LLMs are provided
so that experts can customize the models.
Lastly, an early study by Nelson et al. (2023)
explored how ChatGPT could be used to generate 3D
models for computer-aided design (CAD) software,
bringing together the potential of GenAI for visual
creation and coding. The models are usually stored in
formats that include the positions of the vertices, the
edges or the sequential manufacturing processes. As
3D printers become more popular and 3D models in
specific formats are needed to produce results, this
could be a promising research direction.
While the presented application domains of GenAI
share general advantages, such as supporting human
decision making, requiring little technical knowledge
and being available at low cost (Kanbach et al. 2023),
serious challenges could be identified from the
literature that are prevalent in all areas. Since
generative models are dependent on the quality and
statistical distributions of the training data, the
learning process can be influenced by biases if the
data used suffers from corresponding structures. This
can be caused either by misinterpretation, when the
data unintentionally fuels stereotypes, or by under-
and over-representation, when certain phenomena are
not represented in the training data in adequate
numbers (Vartiainen and Tedre 2023).
Related to issues of ethics, challenges posed by
GenAI onto engineers and researchers reach from
trust, transparency, and explainability to fears of
misuse, deep fakes, and autonomously acting
malicious machines. In their study, S. Ali et al. (2021)
call for more education on such topics, as generative
models are becoming increasingly powerful and
produce hyper-realistic results that may become
indistinguishable to the average user. Particularly
affected domains are image, when untrue
circumstances are shown or an artist's style is imitated
for images with malicious messages (Vartiainen and
Tedre 2023), and audio, when the voices of
politicians, for example, are faked.
From a legal perspective, copyright issues are
frequently addressed in the literature, particularly in
art-related publications. One point of contention is the
question of who deserves the credit for the generated
works: the generative model and its developers or the
person who provided the prompt that leads to the
result (Chang et al. 2023). Furthermore, if GenAI is
imitating the style of an established artist, the
question arises as to whether there should be some
kind of financial compensation if it is decided that the
copying is legal at all (Jiang et al. 2023; Vartiainen
and Tedre 2023; Verheijden and Funk 2023).
Less financially attractive areas, on the other hand,
suffer from the challenge of whether an investment in
GenAI would be worthwhile. For example, a science
such as archaeology is heavily based on factual
knowledge and does not generate large profits (Cobb
2023). Similarly, in healthcare, efforts such as
reconstructing images from neural activity may not
directly lead to major financial gains, but are a hot
topic in medicine nonetheless (Ozcelik and
VanRullen 2023).
What all areas of GenAI utilization have in
common is the expectation that the roles of humans
in the workforce and society will shift, as the new
evolutionary stage of AI requires less expertise on the
fundamental usage level and still allows to easily
generate new content (Kanbach et al. 2023). The
conceptual model in Figure 2 illustrates all the use
cases discussed within the four areas of text, image,
audio, and code generation. However, it is not
claimed that the model covers all existing
applications of GenAI, as the area under investigation
is developing dynamically. The color coding is
divided into three groups of characteristics. Based on
the literature findings, green is associated with well-
researched areas for which studies with working use
cases, a comprehensible financial value and a low but
manageable level of challenges could be found. The
second variant, yellow, is intended for areas that are
considered more experimental, with working
examples and a justifiable financial impact. However,
this category includes areas where major technical
and legal challenges remain to be overcome, as
outlined in the corresponding section. Finally, areas
that have not been sufficiently researched but still
provide some conceptual ideas are highlighted in red.
In this category, the financial impact compared to the
necessary investment is lower than in the other areas,
while the challenges and requirements are higher.
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
Figure 2: Conceptual model for GenAI potentials and challenges.
GenAI applications have recently gained significant
attention because of the massive opportunities for
industry and society. Accordingly, it is expected that
GenAI will severely impact numerous areas of life in
the future. Nevertheless, the benefits of this new
phenomenon are accompanied by noteworthy
obstacles that should be taken into consideration (e.g.,
bias, accuracy of results, potential misuse). Hence, in
this work, the current state-of-the-art of GenAI in the
scientific literature is examined, focusing on
potentials and challenges. Based on the generated
types of content, the analysis is divided in the four
categories text, audio, image, and code. We derive a
conceptual model for GenAI application areas that
consolidates and assesses the findings from the
literature. One notable observation is that the view of
AI is shifting with the advance of GenAI, as AI is no
longer seen as a mere decision-making tool, but as a
kind of human-like collaborator in creative tasks
(Turchi et al. 2023). The results of the study could be
extended by considering further scientific literature
databases and including forward and backward
searches. Furthermore, specific emphasis could be
put on the potential of hybrid GenAI outputs (e.g.,
text combined with video, or generated audio in a
virtual environment created by GenAI) as additional
promising developments might become visible,
especially in the context of the metaverse (Lv 2023).
In conclusion, the full potential of GenAI for cross-
domain applications will still require considerable
research efforts in the foreseeable future.
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