Table 1: ITEEsv value for physical machines.
N R (s) 1/R (max perf) Power (KW) Energy (W·s) ITEEsv
1 24,2532 0,04123 0,0937 2272,6218 0,440020
2 9,2707 0,1078 0,1871 1735,4101 0,576233
3 5,2972 0,1887 0,2804 1485,7390 0,673066
4 3,5626 0,2806 0,3712 1322,5724 0,756102
5 2,6253 0,3809 0,4635 1216,8265 0,821810
6 2,0386 0,4905 0,5560 1133,6161 0,882133
7 1,5668 0,6382 0,6509 1019,9209 0,980468
8 1,3093 0,7637 0,7441 974,3433 1,026332
9 1,1296 0,8852 0,8374 945,9438 1,057145
• Power meter: we measured the power consump-
tion of the SUT with a Chroma 66200 device.
• Virtual Machine Monitor: Kernel-based Virtual-
ization (KVM) (Type-I), Virtual Box (Type-II),
and Docker (container-based).
• Virtual Machines and containers: Ubuntu 16.04,
1GB of RAM, and the same number of physical
CPUs, in any case.
4.2 ITEEsv for Physical Machines
In Table 1 we can observe the behaviour of N
parallel physical machines executing a workload in
a distributed manner. When the number of dis-
tributed physical machines, the mean response time
decreases. Then, the performance is increasing. Be-
sides, when the number of distributed physical ma-
chines increases, the power consumption increases in
the same manner.
Since the performance is measured in time units
instead of throughput, the ITEEsv metric was calcu-
lated considering the maximum performance as the
inverse of the mean response time.
Then, when the number of physical machines in-
creases, the performance also increases, as a result,
the ITEEsv value grows among the number of physi-
cal machines.
4.3 ITEEsv for Consolidated Virtual
4.3.1 Type-I Hypervisor
In Table 2, we depict the behaviour of the mean re-
sponse time of N virtual machines consolidated in one
physical machine. In this case, the consolidation is
done by a Type-I hypervisor, achieving less overhead
than other solutions (Bermejo and Juiz, 2022). In this
case, the workload is distributed among the virtual
machines, with the portion of the load to be executed
being smaller as the number of consolidated machines
As the number of consolidated machines in-
creases, performance increases. On the other hand,
Table 2: ITTEsv for Type-1 consolidation.
N R (s) 1/R (s
) Power (KW) Energy (W·s) ITEEsv
1 25,42600 0,0393 0,1113 2831,4139 0,353180
2 19,2885 0,0518 0,1118 2156,6086 0,463691
3 15,8380 0,0631 0,1126 1784,7842 0,560292
4 13,9777 0,0715 0,1111 1554,0182 0,643493
5 12,5415 0,0797 0,1112 1395,0098 0,716841
6 5,1560 0,1939 0,1089 561,8493 1,779837
7 5,0785 0,1969 0,1048 532,6507 1,877403
8 2,8964 0,3452 0,1044 302,4701 3,3061
9 2,2928 0,4361 0,0977 224,0304 4,4636
the power consumed by the physical machine remains
stable, since there is always a single physical machine
to consolidate the virtual machines.
In the ITEEsv we can see how its value increases
as the degree of parallelism increases. However, its
behaviour is different from the ITEEsv calculated for
the physical machine (without consolidation). In this
case, practically only the value of performance varies,
with the value of the power consumed being constant.
In this way, the value of the ITEEsv increases (to a
greater extent than in the case of the physical ma-
chine) as the degree of consolidation increases.
At this point, it is important to answer the follow-
ing question: could we use the ITEEsv metric to com-
pare different consolidation configurations of virtual
Considering the ITEEsv metric definition, it
shows the relationship between the maximum per-
formance and the maximum peak power consumed.
If the aim is to compare the physical server with
the consolidated one, it is necessary to divide the
ITEEsv(type-I) by the ITEEsv(physical server).
In Figure 2 we can observe the relationship
between the ITEEsv of physical and consolidated
servers, and each one separately. For each number of
physical machines and consolidated virtual machines,
the ITEEsv value is depicted. Regarding the ITEEsv
relationship, we only see how the consolidated server
behaves concerning the physical server, for a given
When N > 6, the ITEEsv of the consolidated
server is greater than the ITEEsv of the physical
server, that is, the ITEEsv of the consolidated server
is greater than that of the physical server. This means
that, in these cases, the consolidated server consumes
less electrical power than the physical server.
In addition, when N ≤ 6 the ITEEsv of the phys-
ical server is lesser than the ITEEsv of the consoli-
dated server. This is because the performance of the
physical server is much better than the performance
of the consolidated server, for a specific case.
Regarding the ratio between the ITEEsv, from Ta-
ble 3 we can extract what relationship there is be-
tween a degree of parallelism represented in physical
or virtual machines. However, the ITEEsv does not
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