Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing
Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4
Carlos Juiz
1 a
, Belen Bermejo
1 b
, Alejandro Fern
2 c
and Dami
an Fern
2 d
Department of Computer Science, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, Spain
Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of Seville, Spain
Server Consolidation, Management, Energy Efficiency Metrics, ISO/IEC 30134-4.
For some years now, energy efficiency has been one of the concerns of cloud system administrators. To im-
prove energy efficiency, in recent years standards such as ISO/IEC 30134-4 and ISO/IEC 21836 have emerged.
Both standards are focused on the evaluation of physical servers, taking into account the power consumed and
the maximum peak of performance, under running a SPEC benchmark. In this way, the server consolidation
through virtualization is not considered in these standards, being the consolidation of servers as one of the
most applied techniques to improve energy efficiency in cloud data centres. This work proposes an extension
of the methodology proposed in these standards to measure energy efficiency in consolidated servers. As a
result, it has been demonstrated through real experimentation that the proposed generical methodology con-
siders the consolidation of servers in any type of virtualization environment. This methodology helps system
administrators to manage cloud data centres and servers more efficiently.
Currently, IT represents around 15% of the world-
wide emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. There
are a large number of contributors to these emissions,
but the main contributors to these emissions are cloud
data centres. Besides, the use of IT and data centres is
increasing day by day since the population is demand-
ing more services through the Internet and cloud. For
this reason, the performance demand for data centres
is increasing day by day.
Nevertheless, increasing the demand of data cen-
tres implies an increment in the power consumption
of data centres and, particularly, the servers that com-
pose them. Specifically, the physicals servers are the
most power-demanding devices, demanding 50% of
the power of the whole cloud data centre. On this
point, it is important to highlight that the reduction
in power consumption in cloud data centres can be
achieved by lowering the server’s performance. How-
ever, if users’ services or applications consume more
time to be performed due to lowering the server’s
performance, the servers will consume more energy.
Then, cloud data centres aim to maximize energy effi-
ciency without interfering with performance, finding
a trade-off between them.
1.1 Server Consolidation
To achieve better energy efficiency in cloud data cen-
tres, the Green IT techniques appeared several years
ago, the server consolidation is one of the most im-
portant techniques with this aim (Juiz and Bermejo,
2020). The server consolidation is based on allo-
cating the maximum workload possible in the mini-
mum number of physical servers. Then, by group-
ing the workload, under-used physical servers can be
switched off, saving in power consumption.
1.2 ISO/IEC 30134-4
The ISO/IEC 30134-4 is a standard that specifies data
centre energy effectiveness KPIs to help cloud data
centre operators measure and improve specific as-
pects of energy effectiveness. Specifically, this stan-
dard provides a metric, called ITEEsv, reflecting the
energy effectiveness capability of servers (ISO/IEC,
Juiz, C., Bermejo, B., Fernández-Montes, A. and Fernández-Cerero, D.
Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4.
DOI: 10.5220/0012707600003711
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2024), pages 239-247
ISBN: 978-989-758-701-6; ISSN: 2184-5042
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2017). ITEEsv defines the method to obtain average
energy efficiency for servers. Also, the scope of this
metric is reduced to physical servers. It is not consid-
ering the server consolidation. Moreover, this metric
is calculated based on a SPEC benchmark. Then, this
standard does not consider other current benchmarks
or workloads, such as CPU or micro-services-based
workloads. Besides, the consolidation is not consid-
ered in any case in this standard. Consequently, there
is no standard considering server consolidation to bal-
ance energy efficiency and performance degradation.
1.3 ISO/IEC 21836
The ISO/IEC 30134 series specifies data centre en-
ergy efficiency KPIs to help data centre operators
measure and improve specific aspects of data cen-
tre energy effectiveness. ISO/IEC 30134-4 in par-
ticular defines a method to measure the peak capac-
ity and utilization of servers operating in a data cen-
tre using operator-selected benchmarks. However, it
does not provide a method for comparing individual
server energy efficiency across data centres, as stated
in ISO/IEC 30134-4. The standard ISO/IEC 21836
provides a server energy efficiency metric (SEEM) to
measure and report the energy effectiveness of spe-
cific server designs and configurations.
Since the ISO/IEC 30134-4 does not provide a
method for comparing individual server energy effi-
ciency across data centres, the ISO/IEC 21836 ap-
pears to fill the mentioned gap (ISO/IEC, 2020). Even
though the ISO/IEC 21836 provides a methodology
to measure energy efficiency in data centres, it is not
devoted to virtualization. That is, this standard does
not consider the server consolidation server. Then, it
lacks one of the main features of current data centres.
2.1 Energy-Delay Product (EDP)
The Energy-Delay Product (EDP) considers the total
energy consumption of cores and the amount of time
for executing applications (Gonzalez and Horowitz,
1996). Then, the EDP is calculated as the product
of the energy consumption and the response time.
It is important to note that the EDP, originally, was
created for microprocessors. But it can be also ap-
plied to servers, where the energy consumption corre-
sponds to the energy consumed by the physical server
performing a workload; and the response time corre-
sponds to the needed time to execute the work.
2.2 CiS
The CiS
is a metric aiming to quantify the “good-
ness” of a consolidation configuration (Juiz and
Bermejo, 2020). That is, it measures the trade-off be-
tween the energy consumption and the performance
degradation of a physical server which is consolidat-
ing a set of virtual machines (or containers) (Juiz and
Bermejo, 2024).
Since the trade-off is based on the comparison be-
tween a physical server and the same physical server
with virtual machines consolidated, the CiS
is calcu-
lated as Eq. 1 shows.
= SP
· SP
Where the SP
is the speed-up of the performance
of consolidating a server, and the SP
is the ratio of
the energy consumption of the physical server and the
consolidated one.
Considering this definition, the CiS
metric can be
applied to any type of server, any type of workload
nature, and any virtualization platform.
2.3 ITEEsv Index
ITEEsv is a metric that describes the maximum per-
formance per kW of all servers or a group of servers in
the data centre based upon a specification or potential
performance of these servers (ISO/IEC, 2017). Then,
the server energy effectiveness is a combination of the
capacity to do work per unit energy (capability), the
amount of time the server is doing work (utilization),
and the ability of the server to reduce the energy use
when the workload is reduced (power management).
The ITTEsv metric is calculated as Eq. 2 shows.
v =
Where SMPE
is the maximum performance of
a server i, and, SMPO
is the maximum power con-
sumption of a server i. For this metric, the maximum
performance is obtained from a specific benchmark
execution, which is based on transactional workload,
being the throughput of the performance metric.
2.4 Relation Between Metrics
In this work, some statements regarding the metrics
should be considered:
The metric of ITTEsv is to provide the rela-
tionship between the maximum performance and
the maximum power consumption of a physical
server. In any case, the virtualization is not con-
sidered in this metric.
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The ITTEsv considers a transactional-based
workload. Then, if the server workload has a
different nature, the metric calculation should be
modified. For example, if the workload is CPU-
based and the maximum performance is measured
in time units, the maximum performance should
be calculated as
(time and throughput
are inverse). Besides, for this metric, the max-
imum power consumption is expressed in kilo-
As the ITEEsv shows, it does not consider en-
ergy consumption. It just considers the power
consumed by a specific scenario of the physical
servers. Considering only the maximum power
consumption (or the power consumption) is not
realistic at all. For this, considering the energy
consumption would be more suitable.
If we want to use the ITEEsv to compare the phys-
ical server and the consolidated one, it is neces-
sary to use the following algebra, where “c” cor-
responds to the consolidated server and “p” corre-
sponds to the physical one (see Eq. 3).
· power
· power
The EDP metric considers energy consumption.
Nevertheless, in the same manner, as ITEEsv, the
EDP considers the state of the energy consump-
tion and the performance of a system in a specific
time and conditions. For this reason, the EDP is
not suitable for comparing different scenarios for
server consolidation. If we would like to compare
different scenarios of server consolidation, the use
of the CIS
provides the relation with EDP (see
Eq. 4).
= S
· S
· power
· power
To evaluate the EDP, the CiS
, and the ITEEsv metrics
in a theoretical manner, we proceed to take into ac-
count the index and metrics requirements definitions
from (Potts, 2012), and then, apply them to our set of
metrics (Juiz and Bermejo, 2020).
These requirements are: quantifiability, sensitiv-
ity, linearity, reliability, efficiency, and improvement
oriented. It is important to highlight that in this pa-
per, a change in the system’s state is a variation in the
number of consolidated virtual machines/containers.
After performing this analysis, we can state that
all the metrics meet the requirements for being a suit-
able metric. Nevertheless, from the semantic point of
view, the ITEEsv and EDP metrics do not reflect the
reality of performance and energy trade-offs in server
consolidation. Consequently, the CiS
index is the
most suitable metric for this aim.
In this section, we attempt to demonstrate if the
ITEEsv is suitable for server consolidation from the
empirical point of view.
4.1 Experimental Setup
The experiment methodology is based on the compar-
ison of CPU-intensive workloads (Juiz et al., 2023),
in this case, the Sysbench benchmark (Casalicchio,
2019). Besides, the workload is distributed in a bal-
anced manner over N physical machines against the
same workload distributed over N virtual machines or
containers consolidated in a single physical machine
(see Figure 1). The comparison is done in terms of
the ITEEsv metric.
Figure 1: Workload execution comparison.
In this work, they take the system under test (SUT)
as a black box, applying benchmarking and moni-
toring as performance engineering techniques ((Jain,
1991), (Molero et al., 2004)). The SUT executes the
workload, and its performance and power consump-
tion are monitored during the execution. We selected
the response time as a performance metric. Also, the
experiment setup is as follows:
Server: Dell Power Edge T430. Number of CPUs
16, 8GB RAM size, and Ubuntu Server 16.04 as
Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4
Table 1: ITEEsv value for physical machines.
N R (s) 1/R (max perf) Power (KW) Energy (W·s) ITEEsv
1 24,2532 0,04123 0,0937 2272,6218 0,440020
2 9,2707 0,1078 0,1871 1735,4101 0,576233
3 5,2972 0,1887 0,2804 1485,7390 0,673066
4 3,5626 0,2806 0,3712 1322,5724 0,756102
5 2,6253 0,3809 0,4635 1216,8265 0,821810
6 2,0386 0,4905 0,5560 1133,6161 0,882133
7 1,5668 0,6382 0,6509 1019,9209 0,980468
8 1,3093 0,7637 0,7441 974,3433 1,026332
9 1,1296 0,8852 0,8374 945,9438 1,057145
Power meter: we measured the power consump-
tion of the SUT with a Chroma 66200 device.
Virtual Machine Monitor: Kernel-based Virtual-
ization (KVM) (Type-I), Virtual Box (Type-II),
and Docker (container-based).
Virtual Machines and containers: Ubuntu 16.04,
1GB of RAM, and the same number of physical
CPUs, in any case.
4.2 ITEEsv for Physical Machines
In Table 1 we can observe the behaviour of N
parallel physical machines executing a workload in
a distributed manner. When the number of dis-
tributed physical machines, the mean response time
decreases. Then, the performance is increasing. Be-
sides, when the number of distributed physical ma-
chines increases, the power consumption increases in
the same manner.
Since the performance is measured in time units
instead of throughput, the ITEEsv metric was calcu-
lated considering the maximum performance as the
inverse of the mean response time.
Then, when the number of physical machines in-
creases, the performance also increases, as a result,
the ITEEsv value grows among the number of physi-
cal machines.
4.3 ITEEsv for Consolidated Virtual
4.3.1 Type-I Hypervisor
In Table 2, we depict the behaviour of the mean re-
sponse time of N virtual machines consolidated in one
physical machine. In this case, the consolidation is
done by a Type-I hypervisor, achieving less overhead
than other solutions (Bermejo and Juiz, 2022). In this
case, the workload is distributed among the virtual
machines, with the portion of the load to be executed
being smaller as the number of consolidated machines
As the number of consolidated machines in-
creases, performance increases. On the other hand,
Table 2: ITTEsv for Type-1 consolidation.
N R (s) 1/R (s
) Power (KW) Energy (W·s) ITEEsv
1 25,42600 0,0393 0,1113 2831,4139 0,353180
2 19,2885 0,0518 0,1118 2156,6086 0,463691
3 15,8380 0,0631 0,1126 1784,7842 0,560292
4 13,9777 0,0715 0,1111 1554,0182 0,643493
5 12,5415 0,0797 0,1112 1395,0098 0,716841
6 5,1560 0,1939 0,1089 561,8493 1,779837
7 5,0785 0,1969 0,1048 532,6507 1,877403
8 2,8964 0,3452 0,1044 302,4701 3,3061
9 2,2928 0,4361 0,0977 224,0304 4,4636
the power consumed by the physical machine remains
stable, since there is always a single physical machine
to consolidate the virtual machines.
In the ITEEsv we can see how its value increases
as the degree of parallelism increases. However, its
behaviour is different from the ITEEsv calculated for
the physical machine (without consolidation). In this
case, practically only the value of performance varies,
with the value of the power consumed being constant.
In this way, the value of the ITEEsv increases (to a
greater extent than in the case of the physical ma-
chine) as the degree of consolidation increases.
At this point, it is important to answer the follow-
ing question: could we use the ITEEsv metric to com-
pare different consolidation configurations of virtual
Considering the ITEEsv metric definition, it
shows the relationship between the maximum per-
formance and the maximum peak power consumed.
If the aim is to compare the physical server with
the consolidated one, it is necessary to divide the
ITEEsv(type-I) by the ITEEsv(physical server).
In Figure 2 we can observe the relationship
between the ITEEsv of physical and consolidated
servers, and each one separately. For each number of
physical machines and consolidated virtual machines,
the ITEEsv value is depicted. Regarding the ITEEsv
relationship, we only see how the consolidated server
behaves concerning the physical server, for a given
When N > 6, the ITEEsv of the consolidated
server is greater than the ITEEsv of the physical
server, that is, the ITEEsv of the consolidated server
is greater than that of the physical server. This means
that, in these cases, the consolidated server consumes
less electrical power than the physical server.
In addition, when N 6 the ITEEsv of the phys-
ical server is lesser than the ITEEsv of the consoli-
dated server. This is because the performance of the
physical server is much better than the performance
of the consolidated server, for a specific case.
Regarding the ratio between the ITEEsv, from Ta-
ble 3 we can extract what relationship there is be-
tween a degree of parallelism represented in physical
or virtual machines. However, the ITEEsv does not
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
provide information on whether it is more suitable to
consolidate the workload on virtual machines or not.
This is because the ITEEsv does not consider the en-
ergy, and only takes into account the maximum peak
power and performance but does not take into account
the entire workload execution time.
Figure 2: Relationship between ITEEsv of physical and vir-
tual machines.
Table 3: ITEEsv ratio.
N ITEEsv(PM) ITEEsv(T-1) Ratio
1 0,4400 0,3531 0,8026
2 0,5762 0,4636 0,8046
3 0,6730 0,5602 0,8324
4 0,7561 0,6434 0,8510
5 0,8218 0,7168 0,8722
6 0,8821 1,7798 2,0176
7 0,9804 1,8774 1,9148
8 1,0263 3,3061 3,2212
9 1,0571 4,4636 4,2223
4.3.2 Type-II Hypervisor
Table 4 shows the behaviour of a physical machine
with N consolidated virtual machines using a Type-
II hypervisor. Also, the workload is distributed and
executed proportionally. In this way, the workload is
distributed among all the consolidated machines, with
the portion of the load to be executed being smaller as
the number of consolidated machines increases.
As the number of consolidated machines in-
creases, performance also grows. Nevertheless, the
power consumed by the physical machines remains
stable, due to there is always a single physical ma-
chine allocating all the consolidated virtual machines.
4.3.3 Type-I and Type-II Hypervisor
Once we obtain the values of the ITEEsv for Type-I
and Type-II hypervisors, it is important to determine
Table 4: ITTEsv for Type-II consolidation.
N R (s) 1/R (s-1) Power (KW) ITEEsv
1 26,2150 0,0381 0,0934 0,4082
2 10,0690 0,0993 0,0938 1,0581
3 5,8810 0,1700 0,0937 1,8134
4 3,9040 0,2561 0,0930 2,7535
5 2,8750 0,3478 0,0929 3,7407
6 2,3030 0,4342 0,0930 4,6647
7 1,7330 0,5770 0,0929 6,2108
8 1,4780 0,6765 0,0935 7,2329
9 1,2840 0,7788 0,0930 8,3661
Table 5: Comparison between ITEEsv in Type-I and Type-
II hypervisors.
Type-I Type-II
N R (s) 1/R (s
) Power(KW) ITEEsv R (s) 1/R (s
) Power (KW) ITEEsv
1 25,4260 0,0393 0,1113 0,3531 26,2150 0,0381 0,0934 0,4082
2 19,2885 0,0518 0,1118 0,4636 10,0690 0,0993 0,0938 1,0581
3 15,8380 0,0631 0,1126 0,5602 5,8810 0,1700 0,0937 1,8134
4 13,9777 0,0715 0,1111 0,6434 3,9040 0,2561 0,0930 2,7535
5 12,5415 0,0797 0,1112 0,7168 2,8750 0,3478 0,0929 3,7407
6 5,1560 0,1939 0,1089 1,7798 2,3030 0,4342 0,0930 4,6647
7 5,0785 0,1969 0,1048 1,8774 1,7330 0,5770 0,0929 6,2108
8 2,8964 0,3452 0,1044 3,3061 1,4780 0,6765 0,0935 7,2329
9 2,2928 0,4361 0,0977 4,4636 1,2840 0,7788 0,0930 8,3661
if the ITEEsv metric could be used to compare both
hypervisors. That is, to answer the following ques-
tion: Could we determine which hypervisor is more
suitable to consolidate using the ITEEsv metric?
Table 5 shows the data for Type-1 and Type-II
hypervisors: response time, maximum performance
(1/R), power consumption, and the ITEEsv, calcu-
lated from the maximum performance and power con-
Regarding the response time, we can observe that
the Type-II hypervisor is lower than that of Type-1.
Therefore, the performance of Type II is better than
the performance of Type I. From the power consump-
tion point of view, the server with a Type-I hypervisor
consumes more than the server with a Type-II hyper-
visor. Then, under these conditions, the ITEEsv of
the server with Type-II hypervisor is higher than the
ITEEsv of the server with Type-I.
If we want to compare the consolidated server
with Type-I and with Type-II, we could only use the
ITEEsv metric to compare with the given number of
consolidated virtual machines. As in the previous
case, this comparison would be made without con-
sidering energy consumption, disregarding the tem-
poral behavior of power consumption. In this way, we
could not determine the suitability of one hypervisor
or another to consolidate virtual machines.
As a conclusion, the ITEEsv metric is not suitable
for the comparison between Type-I and Type-II con-
Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4
Table 6: ITEEsv for container consolidation.
N R 1/R Power (KW) ITEEsv
1 247,6244 0,0040 0,0965 0,0418
2 95,0726 0,0105 0,0963 0,1091
3 53,7403 0,0186 0,0965 0,1927
4 32,6270 0,0306 0,0964 0,3177
5 23,9344 0,0417 0,0970 0,4306
6 18,5042 0,0540 0,0980 0,5512
7 10,6251 0,0941 0,0984 0,9561
8 8,7577 0,1141 0,0980 1,1643
9 6,5180 0,1534 0,0970 1,5812
4.3.4 Container-Based Hypervisor
In previous sections, we considered the Type-I and
Type-II hypervisors for server consolidation. How-
ever, since the containers are used as a lightweight al-
ternative to consolidate servers, it is important to con-
sider them in this paper.
In Table 6, the performance, the power consump-
tion, and the ITEEsv metric are shown in container
consolidation. As the number of containers increases,
the mean response time decreases. As a consequence,
the performance increases due to the workload being
divided among the number of containers increases. In
any case, the performance of containers is worse than
Type-I and Type-II consolidation due to the overhead
(Bermejo and Juiz, 2022).
Regarding the power consumption, we can ob-
serve that its value remains constant among the dif-
ferent numbers of containers. Moreover, considering
the maximum performance and the maximum power
consumption, the ITEEsv metric is also shown in Ta-
ble 5.
To compare the ITEEsv from the three different
ways to consolidate we can observe the results de-
picted in Figure 3. Since the containers have the worst
performance, the ITEEsv values are smaller than the
Type-I and Type-II. In addition, Type-I’s performance
is worse than the Type-II’s performance. Then, the
ITEEsv of Type-II is higher than the Type-I ITEEsv
value, for any number of consolidated virtual ma-
chines or containers.
In the same manner, if we want to compare the
consolidated server with Type-I, Type-II, and contain-
ers, we could only use the ITEEsv metric to compare
with the given number of consolidated virtual ma-
chines. As in the use of virtual machines, this com-
parison would be made without considering energy
consumption, disregarding the temporal behaviour of
power consumption. In this way, we could not de-
termine the suitability of one hypervisor or another
to consolidate virtual machines or containers. There-
Figure 3: ITEEsv of Type-I, Type-II and containers.
fore, the ITEEsv metric is not suitable for the compar-
ison between Type-I, Type-II, and container consoli-
In this section, we proposed a generic methodology to
measure the energy efficiency in server consolidation
based on the CiS
metric (Juiz and Bermejo, 2020).
As (Juiz and Bermejo, 2020) states, the CiS
quantifies the performance-energy trade-off of server
consolidation, helping system administrators to de-
cide about the servers’ efficiency through benchmark-
The general methodology is composed of the fol-
lowing phases. It is important to highlight that the
workload execution in physical and virtual machines
(or containers), was done following the architecture
depicted in Figure 1.
Phase 1: Set up the physical machines. In this
stage, the physical machine should be set up with
the corresponding workload.
Phase 2: execution in physical machines with
monitoring. After the set-up, the workload di-
vision starts with its execution. In parallel, the
monitoring system starts to recover data from the
performance and the power consumption. All of
these data should be stored to be used in the last
stage of this methodology.
Phase 3: Set up the virtual machines or contain-
ers in the same physical machine. At this point,
we will use the same physical machine as the pre-
vious one. However, deploying a set of virtual
CLOSER 2024 - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
machines or containers is necessary to execute the
Phase 4: execution in virtual machines or contain-
ers with monitoring. After the set-up, the work-
load division starts with its execution in the virtual
machines or containers. In parallel, the monitor-
ing system starts to recover data from the perfor-
mance and the power consumption. It is impor-
tant to highlight that the performance is measured
from the virtual machines or containers, but the
power consumption is monitored from the physi-
cal machine. All of these data should be stored to
be used in the last stage of this methodology.
Phase 5: C iS
calculation and compassion. After
the workload execution in the physical machines
and the consolidated one, the CiS
index is calcu-
lated as Eq. 5 shows.
In this stage, the CiS
can be calculated using the
EDP metric as Eq. 6 depicts.
For any number of consolidated machines, a CiS
dex is obtained. Moreover, the CiS
index can be rep-
resented graphically as Figure 4a shows. Also, it is
important to note that the CiS
index has a reference
diagonal aiming to represent the ideal case for consol-
idation: the linearity of performance and energy (Juiz
and Bermejo, 2020). If the value CiS
index is on the
diagonal, it means that this consolidation configura-
tion is the ideal one.
Nevertheless, the values in the green area indicate
that the consolidation is efficient. On the contrary,
the CiS
values in the red area are not efficient for
server consolidation. Also, the position in the area in-
fluences the efficiency or the inefficiency of the C iS
value. For example, in Figure 4b, there are four rep-
resented points. Considering the reference diagonal,
the point 2 is more efficient than the point 1. How-
ever, the point 4 is more inefficient than the point 3.
5.1 Application of the Methodology to
Virtual Machines
After proposing the methodology, it is important to
evaluate it using the same physical servers, virtual
machines, and containers as the previous ITEEsv
For the case of virtual machines, in Figure 5 the
values are depicted for the Type-I and Type-II
Figure 4: CiS
index graphical representation.
hypervisor. We can observe that for every number of
consolidated virtual machines, there is a correspond-
ing value of the CiS
index. For example, 6 consoli-
dated virtual machines are more efficient in terms of
performance and energy efficiency using Type-I hy-
Figure 5: CiS
index for virtual machines.
5.2 Application of the Methodology to
Moreover, it is important to consider server consoli-
dation using containers. In Figure 6 we can observe
the value of the CiS
index for any number of consol-
idated containers in a physical machine. In this case,
we can observe that the container consolidation is not
efficient, since all the CiS
values are in the inefficient
Once the evaluation of the ITEEsv metric has been
carried out and an alternative methodology has been
proposed using the existing CiS
metric, we can ob-
serve a series of phenomena to take into account.
Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4
Figure 6: CiS
index for containers.
The first is related to the advantages provided by
the proposed methodology. This is not restricted by
the use of any load (such as those of SPEC) but can
be applied to any work scenario. Even the type of
virtualization technology used is irrelevant. This is
because in this methodology the server is considered
as a black box.
The second fact is related to the application of the
methodology. Deploying virtual machines and con-
tainers has a higher cost than just working with phys-
ical machines. However, to deploy the scenario re-
quired to apply this methodology, it can be easily au-
tomated with current tools.
The last refers to the distribution of the load that
uses the proposed methodology. As has been seen,
it is necessary to use a load that can be distributed
among the N physical and virtual servers. However,
dividing the load is not a trivial task, and in this case,
it would be necessary to correctly select said load.
To conclude, we could say that although the de-
ployment of the proposed methodology requires some
investment, the truth is that by taking into account the
consolidation of virtual machines and containers, a
current need would be satisfied.
Throughout this work, the current standards (ISO/IEC
30134-4 and ISO/IEC 21836) have been evaluated
to determine their suitability for the consolidation of
servers. It has been proven through real experimen-
tation that both standards are not suitable for server
As a result, a generic methodology based on the
calculation of the CiS
metric has been proposed to
cover this knowledge gap. In this way, the generic
methodology could be applied to any server consoli-
dation scenario.
As a line of future work, the formal standardiza-
tion of the proposed methodology stands out.
This research work is part of the
TED2021-132695B-I00 project, financed by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the
European Union ”NextGenerationEU”/PRTR.
This research is part of the project PID2021-
00286 funded by
MCIN / AEI / 10.13039 / 501100011033 and by An-
dalusian Regional Government.
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