Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in
Hospitality Sector
Susanna Saitta
1, 2 a
, Vito D’Amico
and Giovanni Maria Farinella
1 b
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
Triscele s.r.l, Viale Europa 69, San Gregorio di Catania, Italy
Dynamic Pricing, Hotel Revenue Management System, Machine Learning, Data Science, Decision Support
Dynamic pricing prediction is widely adopted in many different sectors. In receptive structures, the price
of services (e.g. room price) is usually set dynamically by the Revenue Manager (RM) which continuously
monitors the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) recorded over time, together with market conditions and
other external factors. The prices of services are dynamically adjusted by the RM to maximize the revenue of
the receptive structure. This manual adjustment of prices performed by the RM is costly and time-consuming.
In this work we study the problem of automatic dynamic pricing. To this aim, we collect and exploit a
dataset related to real receptive structures. The dataset is annotated by revenue management experts and takes
into account static, dynamic and engineered features. We benchmark different machine learning models to
automatically predict the price that a RM would dynamically set for an entry level room forecasting the price
in the next 90 days. The compared approaches have been tested and evaluated on three different hotels and
could be easily adapted to other room types. To the best of our knowledge, the problem addressed in this paper
is understudied and the results obtained in our study can help further research in the field.
Nowadays the use of dynamic pricing is widely ex-
ploited by different sectors, such as wireless op-
erators (Elreedy et al., 2019), sales of tickets for
sporting events (Sahin and Erol, 2017; Sahin, 2019),
houses pricing (Ragapriya et al., 2023) and advertis-
ing spaces on digital billboards (Lak et al., 2015).
Dynamic pricing in hospitality sector regards a
revenue management pricing strategy in which prices
are upgraded overtime to maximize the revenue of a
receptive structure. It therefore concerns the adop-
tion of ”flexible” rates that allow hoteliers to adapt
sales prices to seize earning opportunities arising
from changes in the market conditions. The use of
dynamic price, and consequently of systems for auto-
matic it, would therefore enable hoteliers to increase
their turnover compared to the application of static
rates. The positive effect of dynamic pricing on rev-
enue has been confirmed by the results obtained in
Alshakhsheer et al. (2017) and Abrate et al. (2019).
In literature, attention has been paid to the factors
which determine the dynamic change of prices. Some
studies have analyzed what these factors are, both in-
dependently of the reference field (Deksnyte and Ly-
deka, 2012) and specifically for the hospitality sector
(El-Nemr et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2017). To cor-
rectly set a price rate, multiple variables must be taken
into account. Among them, are to be considered the
demand, internal factors such as Key Performance In-
dicators (KPIs), and external factors such as the price
at which competitors sell. The season, events of dif-
ferent types (cultural, sports, etc.) and public holidays
in the period of pricing are also to be considered.
In this context, Machine Learning techniques
could give the possibility of taking into considera-
tion the increasingly large amount of data collected
by the receptive structures to support dynamic pricing
process. Despite Machine Learning and traditional
Data Analysis techniques have been used for many
years, the hospitality sector has proven to be slow in
its adoption. Indeed, considering the work of Pande
(2020), it seems that the use of Machine Learning in
the hospitality sector is very recent. The authors on
Mariani and Wirtz (2023) have observed a noticeable
Saitta, S., D’Amico, V. and Farinella, G.
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector.
DOI: 10.5220/0012707700003756
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2024), pages 218-228
ISBN: 978-989-758-707-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
increase in research works published in the context
of hospitality and tourism sectors related the topic of
analytics. Furthermore, from the study conducted by
Goli and Haghighinasab (2022), it seems clear that
there is a gap in the literature due to a lack of studies
related to dynamic pricing in the B2B sector and to
the absence of studies of this topic in Italy.
In this paper, we study the problem of dynamic
pricing exploiting Machine Learning techniques. To
this aim, we propose a dataset annotated by revenue
management experts which takes into account static,
dynamic and engineered features. We benchmark dif-
ferent machine learning models to automatically pre-
dict the price that a RM would dynamically set for an
entry level room forecasting the price in the next 90
days. The approaches have been tested on three hotels
and could be easily adapted to other room types.
To the best of our knowledge, the problem ad-
dressed in this paper is understudied and the results
obtained in our study can help further research in the
field. Thus, the main contributions of this work can
be summarized as follows:
we describe a method to collect a dataset for the
specific purpose of predicting dynamic pricing for
receptive structures;
we benchmark different Machine Learning mod-
els to address the problem of automatic dynamic
pricing to be incorporated into a Revenue Man-
agement System (RMS).
The paper is organized as follows. State-of-the-
art works are discussed in Section 2. Section 3 dis-
cusses the dataset, the machine learning methods and
the evaluation measures used for the proposed bench-
mark. Section 4 reports experimental settings and
results. Section 5 concludes the paper and provides
hints for future works.
Three main line of research can be distinguished for
addressing the problem of dynamic pricing. The main
differences among the works depend 1) on the con-
sidered target variable, 2) on the exploitation of the
price-elasticity coefficient in the process of determin-
ing the dynamic price and 3) on the specific market in
which dynamic prices are applied. It seems there is
not yet a standard procedure in the literature for dy-
namic pricing in the hospitality sector.
Some works address the problem of estimating
the Average Daily Rate (ADR) as the target vari-
able. Studies in this context have tried to forecast
ADR at the city level. In Shehhi and Karathana-
sopoulos (2018) is presented a method which exploits
conventional time-series and machine learning mod-
els to forecast ADR. Luxury and upscale hotels of
eight cities of the Middle East and North Africa have
been considered in the study. The results show the
usefulness of machine learning models for forecast-
ing prices. Al Shehhi and Karathanasopoulos (2020)
have employed data from five cities in the Persian
Gulf for the ADR prediction. Also in this case luxury
and upscale hotels have been considered to implement
a price forecasting using both traditional statistical
models and artificial intelligence models. Zhang et al.
(2019) have focused on ADR prediction at the ho-
tel level, proposing a dynamic pricing system which
considers three main steps: a base price is set consid-
ering competitor prices, the future occupancy is pre-
dicted with a sequence learning model which com-
bines DeepFM and the seq2seq model, and finally a
DNN is employed to predict the ADR for each hotel
and date.
A second group of works considers as funda-
mental the estimation of the coefficient of the price-
elasticity of demand in the process that leads to the
set of the dynamic price. Zhu et al. (2022) have pro-
posed a model which predicts the price elasticity co-
efficient, both at the hotel and room type level, taking
into account competitors, temporal and hotel-specific
factors. Once the coefficient is obtained, it is used
to estimate the occupancy for each eligible price via
a specific demand function. The optimal price will
be then the one that maximizes the expected revenue.
Shintani and Umeno (2022) have presented a method
that enables simulating the magnitude of changes in
demand as a result of a change in price. Specifically,
they have used a time-rescaling regression to forecast
the demand and have introduced a parametric learn-
ing model that allows the price elasticity of demand
coefficient to be estimated from historical data. Once
a new price rate has been chosen, this is used to-
gether with the previously obtained coefficient to up-
date the booking curve and to compute the new de-
manded quantity. Bayoumi et al. (2013) proposed
to study the dynamic pricing process based on four
price multipliers. The optimal parameters for the mul-
tipliers have been computed via the Covariance Ma-
trix Adaptation Evolutionary Strategy (CMA-ES) us-
ing simulated data as input together with the Monte
Carlo method. To determine how the influence of
their method on the reference price set by the RM will
affect the demand, the authors have inserted a mod-
ule that computes a demand index, which is also used
to appropriately moderate the new simulations. The
simulation and optimization loop is repeated until the
multipliers parameters that maximize the revenue are
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector
found. Vives et al. (2019) have proposed a data trans-
formation system and the application of a demand
model based on log-linear regression to estimate the
price-elasticity coefficient for each predefined season
and booking period. This approach has also been
considered in Vives and Jacob (2020). The authors
have adapted the online transient demand function to
two mathematical models (one deterministic and one
stochastic) to estimate prices and quantities that max-
imize the revenue along distinct booking horizons and
seasons using Lagrange multipliers. In Vives and Ja-
cob (2021) the aforementioned method using the de-
terministic model has been applied to several hotels
of Spain. Bandalouski et al. (2021) have proposed
to disaggregate the demand into categories and fore-
cast it using time-series methods. The result of this
step is used to estimate the two coefficients of the de-
fined demand function. They then obtain the optimal
price rates optimizing a concave quadratic objective
function with linear constraints. Once the optimal
prices are obtained, they can also be used to estimate
the optimal quantity to sell via the demand function.
Shadiqurrachman et al. (2019) have proposed a pric-
ing policy system in which multiple linear regressions
are used. Each linear regression aims to capture the
relationship between the average price existing in one
part of the planning horizon and the average price re-
lated to the other parts. The target variable of these
multiple regressors is the quantity sold in the con-
sidered part of the planning horizon. The estimated
coefficients are given as input to an integer nonlin-
ear programming method to find the optimal pricing
policy for the entire planning period. Once the opti-
mal prices have been found, these are used as input of
the demand model to compute the quantity of rooms
that would be sold by adopting the estimated prices.
The components employed for the dynamic pricing
model of the latter work have been first presented by
Shakya et al. (2012), who however used neural net-
works for the demand model and an evolutionary al-
gorithm to find the pricing policy that maximizes the
revenue along the planning horizon.
A third group of studies considers the problem of
setting prices of Airbnb listings. Rather then estimat-
ing room prices, in this case the goal is the price es-
timation for the proposed accommodation, such as an
entire house, a cabin, a boat and much more. Al-
though this problem is not a market perfectly com-
parable to the one which consider the dynamic price
estimation of hotel rooms, it is important to mention
the studies in this context. Indeed, Ye et al. (2018)
have introduced five evaluation metrics which have
been widely adopted to evaluate the goodness of the
dynamic prices predicted by machine learning mod-
els (Zhang et al., 2019; Zhu et al., 2022). In addi-
tion to the introduction of these metrics, the authors
have proposed a pricing system composed of three
steps. First, the booking probability for each listing
is predicted per night performing a binary classifica-
tion with Gradient Boosting. Secondly, this proba-
bility is used as input, together with other features,
to predict the price for each listing-night through a re-
gression model. As last step, a customised logic is ap-
plied to generate the final price to be used. Kalehbasti
et al. (2019) used features of the rentals, owner char-
acteristics and reviews with various machine learning
models to predict the prices of Airbnb listings in Am-
sterdam. Peng et al. (2020) have made use of numer-
ical, geospatial and textual data for Principal Com-
ponent Analysis. The first six principal components
have been employed as predictors together with XG-
Boost model. This last machine learning method has
been also used by Liu (2021).
In this section we introduce the logic used to build
the dataset used to perform the benchmark, together
with details about the features collected. We give also
a brief explanation of the Machine Learning models
exploited for the analysis, as well as the evaluation
measures used to assess the different approaches.
3.1 Dataset
The logic adopted for the construction of the dataset
was to replicate the structure of the data on which
a revenue manager daily looks at in order to decide
whether to increase, decrease of leave unchanged the
selling price for a specific Day Of Stay (DOS). It is a
data structure that embeds the current situation of the
accommodation facility on the DOS for which a pre-
diction is requested, as well as the changes that have
occurred for the same DOS over the n days preceding
the date in which the prediction is made. The built
dataset structure is illustrated in Figure 1.
Each record r of the dataset is a tuple
, s
, x
, y
) where the subscript d is related to
the DOS objective of the price prediction, the sub-
script t is related to the date in which the prediction
of the price is asked, whereas the subscript n is re-
lated to the number of days to subtract from the date
in which the prediction of the price is asked. The de-
scription of the mentioned variables is reported in the
next section.
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Dataset structure.
3.1.1 Dynamic, Static and Engineered Features
The nature of the features used as input to train ML
models can be distinguished into three main groups
described in the following.
Static Features (s
): these features are linked
to internal factors of the accommodation facility
recorded for a DOS. They do not change over
time. An example is the starting selling rate,
which is set, for each DOS, at the beginning of
the period that marks the new financial business
season for a hotel.
Dynamic Features (x
): these features change
over time and have been collected both as a varia-
tion from the last recorded value and as an aggre-
gate. An example is given by the number of Room
Nights (RNs) booked on a single day for a DOS
and the number of RNs booked since the financial
business season has started up to the considered
day for a DOS.
Engineered Features (e
): these features are ob-
tained through an engineering process, therefore
resulting from a data transformation process, or
built from scratch. Examples are provided by
the LeadTime column (l
), which computes the
number of days between the date on which the
prediction is asked and the DOS for which the
prediction is requested, and from the Weekend-
Day column (WD), which indicates if the DOS is
a week-end day or not, and many others.
In addition to the aforementioned features, there is the
target variable (y
) which is the price dynamically
set by the revenue manager of the receptive structure
as the market conditions, together with the Key Per-
formance Indicators (KPIs) and other factors change.
3.2 Machine Learning Methods
We have performed a benchmark for dynamic price
prediction considering five machine learning meth-
ods. Specifically, we have considered a Multiple Lin-
ear Regression (MLR), three models belonging to the
ensemble method with Decision Trees and a Multi-
layer Perceptron (MLP).
Multiple Linear Regression assumes that a lin-
ear relationship between the dependent variable
and the independent variables exists. It is defined
= β
i j
+ ε
, (1)
where the β terms are the coefficients to be es-
timated, X are the features related to the model
variables and ε is the model’s error term. The ob-
jective for the MLR is to learn the β terms exploit-
ing training data in order to minimize the residual
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector
sum of squares between the actual targets and the
ones predicted by the model.
Ensemble Method with Homogeneous
Learners. The Ensemble method is a learn-
ing technique that combines predictions from
multiple weak learners with the aim of building
a strong learner. The idea under this approach
is that more accurate predictions are obtained
combining different models than those made
by one single model. Since we employed only
decision trees as learners, the ensemble is called
homogeneous. Using decision trees, a distinction
must be made between bagging and boosting
method depending on how the training of the
models in the ensemble is performed (Figure 2).
In our experiments we have used an ensemble
model that is based on bagging, namely the Ran-
dom Forest (RF), and two models based on boost-
ing, i.e., the Gradient Boosting (GB) and the Light
Gradient Boosting (LGB). In RF trees are built
in parallel using bootstrap replicas, obtained by
sampling with replacement. In regression prob-
lems, for a new data point, the model output is
the average of the tree predictions for that point.
In GB and LGB trees are instead built sequen-
tially and additively. These algorithms owe their
name to the use of the gradient descent proce-
dure to minimize the loss function when trees are
added. In particular, after the first model is fit-
ted to the training data, the other trees are added
one at a time in order to correct the errors made
by the previous models. The prediction for a new
data point is the sum of the results of each weak
learner contained in the strong learner. What dif-
ferentiates the two models is that in GB trees
are grown level-wise, i.e. giving priority to the
nodes closest to the root, while LGB uses a leaf-
wise strategy, selecting from time to time the leaf
that leads to the most significant reduction of the
loss function (Figure 3). Furthermore, LGB em-
ploys two techniques that allows it to be faster
than other boosting models, which are: Gradient-
based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) and Exclusive
Feature Bundling (EFB). The former aims to fil-
ter out data to find a split value, by selecting all
records with large gradients and randomly sam-
pling instances with small gradients. The latter is
intended to reduce the complexity of the model
in terms of variables and to speed up the training
phase, by identifying the mutually exclusive vari-
ables, i.e. features which never take on zero value
simultaneously, and grouping them into a single
Multi-layer Perceptron is a feed-forward neural
network, where the data is propagated in only one
direction. It is composed by an input layer, one
or more hidden layers and an output layer (Figure
4). Each neuron in the hidden layers transforms
the values coming from the previous layer with
a weighted linear summation, adds the bias term,
and apply a non-linear activation function.
The model is trained using the backpropagation,
which at each iteration updates the weights of the
network so as to minimize the loss function.
3.3 Evaluation Metrics
To compare the performances of the different mod-
els we have employed the three evaluation measures
described below.
Mean Absolute Error (MAE): it measures the
average deviation between predictions and actual
values. Consequently, the lower it is the better is
the model. It is defined as
| (2)
where ˆy
is the value predicted by the model,
whereas y
is the target value. Since it uses the ab-
solute value, i.e. it does not consider the direction
of the error, it is a measure that is not sensitive to
extreme values. It is expressed in the same unit of
measure of the target variable, and for this reason
it is a very useful measure for evaluating the per-
formance of various models on a single accom-
modation facility but not for comparing perfor-
mances across hotels. In fact, similar low MAEs
do not necessarily constitute good results in each
case. The goodness of the MAE value must be
evaluated considering the range of the distribution
of the target variable, which clearly differs from
hotel to hotel.
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE): it
measures the average percentage of error between
predictions and actual values. It is defined as
, (3)
Like MAE, it is not sensitive to outliers and the
lower the better. It overcomes the highlighted dis-
advantage of MAE because, being expressed as a
percentage, it allows comparison of performances
among hotels.
Coefficient of Determination: it is also called
, and it measures the goodness of fit of a re-
gression model. It is defined as
= 1
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: Bagging (left) vs Boosting (right) technique.
Figure 3: Leaf-wise vs level-wise tree growing method.
can take on values between 0 and 1. The
higher, the better. In fact, the higher the value,
the greater the variability in the dependent vari-
able Y expressed by the independent variables X.
This measure therefore also allows us to validate
or deny the logic of the dataset we have built.
This section is dedicated to all aspects related to the
implementation of what has been described so far. We
begin from the presentation of the data collected and
used for the experiments, and then we move on to the
method used to find the optimal set of hyperparam-
eters for each machine learning model. We proceed
with the evaluation of the results achieved by the dif-
ferent methods and with the description of the ma-
trix constructed to break down the error into time and
price bands. The last part of this section reports some
consideration regarding the results obtained and the
consequent practical implications.
4.1 Data Collection, Pre-Processing and
Training Details
With the methodology detailed in Section 3, data of
three hotels have been extracted from the database of
a Revenue Management System. Experiments have
been performed for the entry level room of each ac-
commodation facility, where for entry level it is in-
tended the cheapest double room. The reason of this
choice is twofold. First, revenue managers usually set
the selling price for the entry level room and the prices
for all the other rooms are derived from it through a
set of rules. Second, to better evaluate results. In fact,
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector
Figure 4: Multi-layer Perceptron structure for regression
hotels may have multiple room types with various
prices depending on the room characteristics. Thus, a
way to compare the performance of approaches is to
assess it on “products” that are as similar as possible.
The selected hotels are different in terms of geograph-
ical location, number of available rooms and revenue
manager. Consequently, each hotel has its own dy-
namic price logic. Hotel 1 has 27 operative rooms
(OPRs) of which 17 are entry level. Hotel 2 has 78
OPRs of which 14 are entry level. Hotel 3 has 107
OPRs of which only 10 are entry level. Moreover,
Hotel 1 and Hotel 2 are located in Italy, while Ho-
tel 3 is based in Switzerland. After being collected,
data of each hotel have been pre-processed and di-
vided into training, validation and test set. The set of
data of each hotel contains a total of 59423 samples,
covering the period from 1
of January 2022 to 15
of October 2023. Table 1 reports details related to the
split for each set of data.
Table 1: Training, validation and test sets for each hotel.
Training from 2022/01/01 to 2022/12/31 33215
Validation from 2023/01/01 to 2023/05/31 13741
Test from 2023/06/01 to 2023/10/15 12467
TOT. Samples 59423
Since each hotel has its own dynamic pricing strat-
egy, the hyperparameters required by each Machine
Learning model has been set on a per-hotel basis. For
this purpose, we have picked out for every model the
hyperparameters to be optimized (shown in Table 2)
and, for each of these, we have defined a zone of in-
terest, i.e., the possible values they can took on. We
have subsequently carried out a grid search to find
the best set of hyperparameters per model per hotel,
where ”best” means that values that minimize or max-
imize our evaluation measures (i.e., MAE, MAPE and
) have been chosen. This step has been performed
by looking at the results on the validation sets.
Table 2: Hyperparameters optimized with a grid search for
the compared models.
MLR positive
RF n trees
max features
max depth
GB n trees
max features
max depth
learning rate
LGB n trees
colsample bytree
max depth
num leaves
learning rate
MLP hidden layer size
learning rate
4.2 Results
Table 3 reports the performances of the different ma-
chine learning models on the test sets of the three ho-
tels. For a better evaluation of the results, the predic-
tions and actual values related to Hotel 3 have been
converted from Swiss francs into euros considering
the currency existing at the time of the experiments,
i.e., 1.04 Swiss francs for 1 euro. Looking at the re-
sults, it can be observed that there is no model that
clearly prevails over the others: Light Gradient Boost-
ing (LGB) provides the best results for Hotel 1 while
for the other two receptive structures it seems that
Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) is better. Compar-
ing the performances across hotels, the significantly
better performance was obtained for Hotel 3, with a
MAPE of 0.3771 and an R
of 0.9662.
Since we deal with a dynamic pricing strategy,
it is important to discern the error and understand if
there is a time horizon and/or a price range in which
the model produces worse performances and detect
for possible reasons. To this end, the test data sets
have been divided into four time horizons (H
) and
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 3: Results on test sets for Hotel 1, Hotel 2 and Hotel 3.
Hotel 1
MLR 3.1820 1.9087 0.9189
RF 2.5146 1.4629 0.9232
GB 1.9479 1.1307 0.9240
LGB 1.8845 1.1000 0.9340
MLP 2.7272 1.6201 0.9182
Hotel 2
MLR 3.4445 2.0197 0.9037
RF 6.7323 3.4384 0.8423
GB 5.9982 3.2247 0.8429
LGB 5.9894 3.1863 0.8343
MLP 3.5753 2.1117 0.9080
Hotel 3
MLR 0.9380 0.3771 0.9662
RF 1.8742 0.7391 0.9112
GB 1.7649 0.7051 0.9124
LGB 1.7659 0.6711 0.8676
MLP 1.0482 0.4136 0.9650
Figure 5: Boxplot of the test set price distribution per hotel.
Table 4: Statistical indexes computed on the test set for the target variable for Hotel 1 (a), Hotel 2 (b) and Hotel 3 (c).
Max 599
75 p. 179
50 p. 169
25 p. 149
Min 119
Max 259
75 p. 189
50 p. 174
25 p. 149
Min 99
Max 458
75 p. 291
50 p. 270
25 p. 250
Min 208
four price bands (B
). To identify the ideal splits for
the prediction horizons we have consulted the domain
experts and set the following periods:
: predictions from 0 to 7 days ahead.
: predictions from 8 to 15 days ahead.
: predictions from 16 to 30 days ahead.
: predictions from 31 to 90 days ahead.
Since the distribution of prices in the test sets differs
even considerably among hotels (see boxplots in Fig-
ure 5), it would not have been possible to arbitrarily
create four price ranges. For this reason, we decided
to make use of the main statistical indices (shown in
Table 4) together with a criterion applicable regard-
less of the distribution of the prices. We used the min-
imum value, the 25
, the 50
and the 75
and the maximum value of each distribution to split
prices, obtaining the following bands:
: prices between the minimum value and the
: prices greater than the 25
percentile and less
than or equal to the 50
: prices greater than the 50
percentile and less
than or equal to the 75
: prices greater than the 75
percentile and less
than or equal to the maximum price.
By considering the time horizons and the price bands,
we have computed matrices to highlight the MAPE
for each horizon-price combination (Figure 6).
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Matrices with MAPE over the fixed temporal horizons and price bands for Hotel 1 (a), Hotel 2 (b) and Hotel 3 (c).
Figure 7: Bar chart and table with the average of MAE, MAPE and R
computed on the performances of the three hotels per
each model, MLR, RF, GB, LGB and MLP.
4.3 Discussion and Implications
Although the best performing models are LGB and
MLR as shown in Table 3, the model that allows for
an overall lower average error is the MLP, as shown in
Figure 7. From a practical point of view, this implies
that if an RMS wish to implement a single model for
all the accommodation facilities, MLP is to be pre-
ferred among the ones compared in this study.
Another consideration concerns Hotel 2. As can
be seen, looking at the results in Table 3 and Figure
6b, Hotel 2 is the receptive structure with the high-
est errors in terms of MAE and MAPE. It has also
the lowest coefficient of determination. We hypothe-
sized that this behavior could be linked to the fact that
this property has changed its revenue manager starting
from the 1
of May of 2023. This means that the pre-
dictions have been obtained based on models trained
on the pricing strategy of the previous domain expert
and tested on the pricing strategy of the new domain
expert. Despite this, the results are still satisfactory
and, in these cases, we should simply give the model
time to adapt and learn the new strategy. Our hypoth-
esis could also be confirmed by the fact that while
for the other two hotels the results on the test set are
slightly better than those obtained on the validation
set, for Hotel 2 there is instead a worsening of 1.0323
in MAE and 0.4218 in MAPE. It should be specified
that although the validation set has been used to tune
the hyperparameters, we are not surprised by the fact
that we got small improvements on the test set. We
supposed that these are linked to the period tested; in
fact, the test set covers the summer season in which
sales price changes are usually more frequent, and
therefore the model may have learned better because
it have had more relevant examples in the training set.
Lastly, observing the average percentage error matri-
ces in Figure 6 it can be noted that the highest errors
are more concentrated in the B
price band and ap-
proximately in the H
and H
time horizons. One of
the possible explanations could be that we are not tak-
ing into account some variables that are closely linked
DATA 2024 - 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
to bookings that take place between 0 and 15 days be-
fore the DOS, i.e., meteorological variables. In fact,
when the price is lower than normal, weather condi-
tions can be decisive in the choice to make a reserva-
tion or not.
In this study we have performed a benchmark of dif-
ferent machine learning methods with the aim to build
a support useful for a revenue manager working on
dynamic prices. Having a well-established dynamic
pricing strategy, the continuous monitoring and man-
ual adjustment of prices performed by a revenue man-
ager becomes costly and time-consuming. For this
purpose we built a dataset containing static, dynamic
and engineered variables and applied five machine
learning models, MLR, RF, LGB, GB and MLP to
predict the dynamic price that a revenue manager
would set every day for the next 90 days for the entry
level room of a receptive structure. The approaches
have been tested on three different hotels. Since it
emerged that the highest errors in terms of MAPE
are concentrated more in the predictions between 0-
15 days and in the lowest price range, in future works
we will try to exploit additional variables that could
influence the decision of the price in these cases.
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