to bookings that take place between 0 and 15 days be-
fore the DOS, i.e., meteorological variables. In fact,
when the price is lower than normal, weather condi-
tions can be decisive in the choice to make a reserva-
tion or not.
In this study we have performed a benchmark of dif-
ferent machine learning methods with the aim to build
a support useful for a revenue manager working on
dynamic prices. Having a well-established dynamic
pricing strategy, the continuous monitoring and man-
ual adjustment of prices performed by a revenue man-
ager becomes costly and time-consuming. For this
purpose we built a dataset containing static, dynamic
and engineered variables and applied five machine
learning models, MLR, RF, LGB, GB and MLP to
predict the dynamic price that a revenue manager
would set every day for the next 90 days for the entry
level room of a receptive structure. The approaches
have been tested on three different hotels. Since it
emerged that the highest errors in terms of MAPE
are concentrated more in the predictions between 0-
15 days and in the lowest price range, in future works
we will try to exploit additional variables that could
influence the decision of the price in these cases.
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