Therefore, our ontology alignment approach remains
a prospective when we use the maximum of the ontol-
ogy schema elements. In fact, we will consider other
ontology elements such as sub-classes, individuals, to
enhance our approach’s accuracy.
In this paper, we have proposed an ontology align-
ment approach based on several schema matching
techniques and machine learning models. We have
detailed the different phases and steps that compose
this alignment approach, namely the Pre-Processing
phase, the Ontology Element Extraction step, the
Similarity Value Calculation step, the Training and
Testing phase and the Quality Evaluation phase. The
pre-processing phase involves building similarity ma-
trices using individual matching tools executed on the
reference ontologies provided by the OAEI competi-
tion, in particular the Conference track and the Bench-
mark track. The training and testing phase consists of
determining the final aggregated alignment of a pair
of ontologies. The Quality Evaluation phase consists
of comparing the results obtained by our approach
with those of various OAEI participants, in order to
validate or invalidate the used machine learning mod-
els. We have validated our approach by performing
experimental results, which give better accuracy than
the approaches described in (Bulygin and Stupnikov,
2019; Huber et al., 2011; Bock et al., 2011; David,
2011; Xue and Huang, 2023; David, 2007; Eckert
et al., 2009; Straccia and Troncy, 2005; Euzenat et al.,
As future work, we propose to enrich the align-
ment approach by adding another set of ontology el-
ements, such as sub-classes and individuals. In ad-
dition, we will test other machine learning models
and select the best performing model for the ontology
alignment task.
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KEOD 2024 - 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development