Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information
Space Situational Awareness
Bernhards Blumbergs
Cyber Resilience Laboratory, Information Science Division, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
CERT.LV, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Incident Response, Information Space, Situational Awareness, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Distributed Website
Data Mining.
CSIRTs rely on processing extensive amounts of incident and threat intelligence data. While the market is satu-
rated with such solutions, they are limited to a narrow range of Internet positions for data collection, impeding
the establishment of the security context and comprehensive awareness of the monitored Internet resources. To
tackle this challenge, a novel approach is proposed for distributed content collection. Simultaneously employing
multiple Internet positions and various content access techniques, a broader representation of the content may
be obtained by combining data from all positions, followed by automated difference analysis and clustering.
The solution enables fully automated large-scale deployments across globally distributed IP networks and
seamless integration into existing toolsets. It enhances CSIRT capabilities in identifying content changes, access
restrictions, contextual intelligence on cybercrime and threat actor campaigns, as well as detecting defacement
and availability attacks, and misinformation attempts. Initial evaluation of the prototype demonstrated its
effectiveness by detecting significant and distinct changes in website content, thereby providing expanded
visibility and intelligence. Prototype code and validation datasets are released publicly for further use, research,
and validation.
In the current information age, collecting large vol-
umes of data, performing near real-time processing,
and deriving relevant and actionable information pro-
vide superiority over rivals and adversaries. Data ag-
gregation, storage, and processing demand have in-
creased, leading to competitive market saturation by
commercial and community initiatives ( Inc.,
2024). This bolsters the development of unique ap-
proaches and solutions permitting each market player
to focus on a bespoke aspect of data collection, ana-
lytics, and analysis of the information space. Incident
response team (i.e., CSIRT/CERT) establishes their
situational awareness based on the aggregated informa-
tion via automated commercial, community-provided,
or own-collected threat feeds and reports. In addi-
tion, targeted data collection from websites or other
information sources may be performed to enrich the
aggregated threat feeds. Threat intelligence collection
and web resource content monitoring solutions may
be used to accomplish this task. However, information
resource access and data collection are conducted from
a single or limited set of positions within the service
provider-controlled IP address space. Simultaneous
data collection from the same information source from
a wide and geographically distributed set of positions
is not being considered. From a broader cyber security
perspective, such an approach may present limitations
towards establishing comprehensive information space
awareness, contextual information gathering, and con-
ducting informed incident response activities.
This work proposes a hypothesis, that an infor-
mation source (e.g., a website) may yield a different
content based on how it is being accessed with the
identified changes providing contextual intelligence
information. Varying access methods may reveal the
dynamic nature of the information source and deliver
additional information to enrich the incident response
process otherwise not provided by the current informa-
tion space awareness solutions. In this work, the term
of vantage point is understood as a combination of a
connection method and the position within the Internet
from which an information source is being accessed.
By deploying a set of collectors, the content from the
same information source may be collected simultane-
Blumbergs, B.
Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information Space Situational Awareness.
DOI: 10.5220/0012709600003767
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2024), pages 605-614
ISBN: 978-989-758-709-2; ISSN: 2184-7711
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ously from multiple vantage points (Figure 1). For
example, accessing an information source from a dif-
ferent geographically assigned IP address space, using
private or well-known VPN or proxy services, routing
through anonymization network exit nodes, or chang-
ing connection parameters (e.g., user-agent) may rep-
resent differences in the retrieved content. In this work,
the information space is understood as a set of informa-
tion sources either publicly available (e.g., clear-net)
or ones with specific access requirements (e.g., deep-
net or dark-net) relevant to the entity engaged in data
collection. The information space may cover a broad
range of resources, such as, websites, news articles,
social network posts, online databases and repositories,
malicious website resources, and leaked information
dumps. Collecting and analysing retrieved multiple
vantage-point-based data may reveal the information
source’s changing behaviour and provide additional
visibility to the CSIRT team, expanding their capa-
bilities. Differences in content representation based
on the origin and position on the Internet is a com-
mercially driven and well-accepted practice by benign
services for performing geographic load-balancing,
serving regionally relevant content, or search engine
optimization. However, the broader contextual per-
spective is achieved by identifying particular vantage
points for which distinct changes may be identified in
the delivered content among all the employed vantage
This paper provides the following novel applied
contributions (released publicly on
multiple vantage-point-based information space
situational awareness concept description, its pro-
totype design and implementation details, and com-
plete source code (GPLv3 license);
multiple vantage-point-based benign and mali-
cious website content snapshot collection, initial
evaluation, and data set (MIT license).
This paper is structured as follows – Chapter 2 re-
views the identified related work; Chapter 3 describes
the proposed prototype design considerations and its
implementation; Chapter 4 provides the overview of
the prototype deployment, data set collection, and eval-
uation; and Chapter 5 concludes the paper and presents
future development directions.
Related work within open-source data gathering and
information space awareness considers academic re-
search, vendor whitepapers, solution descriptions, and
technical blogs and write-ups. Searches were con-
ducted using the Internet and academic database search
engines (e.g., IEEE Xplore, ACM DL, Springer, Else-
vier, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar). A primary
time frame since 2017 was selected to represent the
latest developments and advances in this evolving field.
The search queries consist of keyword combinations
”request origin” OR ”effect of origin”, ”impact of
location”, ”website content change”, ”website content
mining” AND ”distributed website content mining”,
”open-source intelligence” OR ”OSINT”, and ”cyber
threat intelligence” OR ”CTI”.
A. Distributed Website Data Mining. News por-
tal and social network content monitoring solutions
for information space awareness are primarily aimed
towards information space exposure assessment (Melt-
water, 2024)(SK-CERT, 2024), emerging news alert
identification (Google LLC, 2024), social media
management (Hootsuite Inc., 2024), and marketing
(Brand24 Global Inc., 2024). Open-source intelligence
and cyber threat intelligence collection services aim at
big data aggregation and analytics from clear-net (Gart-
ner Inc., 2024) and dark-net resources (Flashpoint,
2024)(KELA, 2024)(Mandiant, 2024). There is an
understandable lack of publicly available information
related to the data collection specifics of commercial
solutions. Based on the solution website descriptions
and publicly available information, it has not been ob-
served that these services provide information space
visibility from multiple vantage points and offer iden-
tification of content differences among them. Instead,
the end user accesses and queries a single stream of
data related to specific monitoring, situational aware-
ness, and data collection tasks. This may indicate that
service providers do not consider the dynamic nature
of the content based on the vantage point and will pro-
vide a limited single-faceted visibility of the content.
Wan (Wan et al., 2020) explore the impact of
location against the IPv4 network layer 3 and 4 scans
for TCP/80 HTTP, TCP/443 HTTPS, and TCP/22 SSH
ports and identified that the origin of the scan impacts
the results. The authors compared collected results
to service results and recognized that vis-
ibility is lost due to the limited scan origins of the
service. The paper proposes a multi-origin approach
with three origins giving the optimal scan results. This
paper does not consider application layer 7 data or
approaches to trigger the content changes. Pham
(Pham et al., 2016) explore web crawling strategies
to bypass the web robot detection mechanisms used
by websites. Crafted HTTP GET requests with six
well-known crawler user agents were sent directly and
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Information source interaction via multiple vantage points.
over the Tor network and observed the website’s HTTP
response header. The authors observed the differences
in HTTP response status code and content length fields
based on changed user agents and Tor network sources
used for HTTP requests. This paper limits itself to
HTTP response header analysis.
B. Website Data Mining and Analysis. The web-
site’s dynamic nature, adaptive content delivery mech-
anisms, and saturation with unrelated data (e.g., linked
external resources and paid content) pose a challenge
for identifying and extracting the main intended infor-
mation of the webpage. This area has been well re-
searched with multiple approaches being proposed for
dynamic website content mining (Pujar and Mundada,
2021)(Russell and Klassen, 2018)(Neuendorf, 2017).
More recognized approaches include webpage docu-
ment model (DOM) parsing (Nadee and Prutsachain-
immit, 2018)(Alarte et al., 2018), and natural language
processing techniques (Nadee and Prutsachainimmit,
2018)(Thorleuchter and Van den Poel, 2012)(Gibson
et al., 2007). Some researchers propose the use of
document clustering or auto-regressive moving aver-
age algorithms for data processing and information
extraction (Suganya and Vijayarani, 2020)(Calzarossa
and Tessera, 2018), graph theory for pattern discov-
ery (Leung et al., 2022), or analysis of website meta-
data (McGahagan et al., 2019a)(McGahagan et al.,
2019b)(Song et al., 2020)(Kohli et al., 2012). Alterna-
tively, the website content identification, labelling, and
extraction may be crowdsourced to human operators
(e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk) (Kiesel et al., 2020).
For dark-net data mining content specifics, the
highly dynamic flux nature of such websites, and
access restrictions (e.g., rate limiting, DDoS protec-
tion, and CAPTCHA challenges) need to be taken
into account. Dark-net information tracking has been
rising in prominence and various initiatives relevant
to CSIRT communities have been established (Shad-
owserver Foundation, 2024)(SISSDEN, 2024)(Lewis,
2024)(Expert Insights, 2024a)(Expert Insights, 2024b).
The most common approaches include dark-net forums
and marketplace crawling for the topic keyword ex-
traction (Yang et al., 2020)(Takaaki and Atsuo, 2019)
and content scraping and analysis (Lawrence et al.,
2017)(Crowder and Lansiquot, 2021)(Pantelis et al.,
2021)(Samtani et al., 2021). Measures to attempt to
surpass dark-net crawling protection mechanisms have
been evaluated, such as, a layer of SOCKS proxies,
clearing stored cookies, changing user-agent (Pantelis
et al., 2021), crawling speed limitations, and crowd-
sourcing or automating CAPTCHA solving (Samtani
et al., 2021)(Lawrence et al., 2017).
This section presents and describes the prototype’s
core operational concepts and design approaches,
based on the published technical report (Blumbergs,
2023). In this work, a complete set of simultaneously
collected information source content instances is re-
ferred to as a snapshot representing the dynamic nature
of the same information source from all vantage points.
Further automated snapshot analysis may identify any
changes at a given time between the instances within
the same snapshot. Furthermore, multiple snapshot
creation over time against the same data source and
its cross-correlation among the past snapshots may
present the nature of changes in the data source over
time. Detected changes are displayed to a human ana-
lyst in a structured and visual format for further analy-
sis and evaluation. This work limits its scope to multi-
vantage point-based data collection, basic snapshot
Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information Space Situational Awareness
analysis, and representation to the analyst. Although
machine-assisted and guided, the in-depth analysis
and deriving the meaning of the changes in most cases
will be context-driven, dependent on the information
source, and the reasons for engaging in the data collec-
The prototype aims at enhancing the following
CSIRT operational capabilities:
identification of changes within the snapshot.
Changes in the website content collected from ge-
ographically distributed vantage points may per-
mit activities, such as, the evaluation of content
changes due to geographical distribution, identifi-
cation of access restrictions, assessment of phish-
ing websites, and resources used for cybercrime
and targeted attacks. For example, the detection of
a website serving malicious content only to connec-
tions originating from specific IP address ranges
or countries may provide contextual information
on the potential targeted scope, victims, and likely
adversarial intentions;
identification of dynamic changes between a se-
quence of snapshots over time. Such changes
may permit activities, such as, observation of the
content availability, tracking and identification of
changes in the website content, which may lead to
the disclosure and tracking of misinformation and
disinformation campaigns, as well as (D)DoS and
defacement attacks;
detection of keywords in the website content.
May allow activities, such as, the identification
of leaked data and the tracking of specific trig-
ger words. For example, detection of information
disclosure linked to organization-owned or affil-
iated domain names, employee email addresses,
and user accounts.
The prototype is written in Python3 language, and
its functionality and implementation consist of the
following stages: 1) collector deployment and con-
figuration, 2) collector initialization and process man-
agement, 3) information space interaction and data
collection, 4) snapshot report assembly and storage,
and 5) snapshot processing and analysis. These stages
are represented in Figure 2 and are described further
in this chapter. The complete prototype source code
is released publicly under the GNU GPLv3 license on
GitHub as listed in the contributions.
A. Collector Implementation. The collector engine
uses Docker container technology to create a self-
contained environment, enable flexible automation via
Docker Compose, and permit scalable cloud-based
deployments. The collector handles both the underly-
ing connection establishment and data collection from
the target source. Implemented data connection types
include the implicit deployment IP range within the
cloud services assigned region, Tor anonymization net-
work, proxy services, and support for VPN connection
services. To establish a vantage point for the collector
(Figure 1), the following approaches are implemented:
1) geographically distributed IP address space deploy-
ments (e.g., cloud or virtual private server hosting
services), 2) network proxy services (e.g., public or
private HTTP(S) or SOCKS servers), 3) anonymiza-
tion networks with Internet exit nodes (e.g., local Tor
router as a SOCKS5 proxy), and 4) change of HTTP
User-Agent (i.e., a list of mobile and desktop browser
user agents). A Google Chromium headless browser
is used and automated by using Selenium. A JSON-
based configuration profile defines the required vari-
ables and settings for the collector instance, collection
process, and interaction with the information source.
B. Snapshot Data Collection. The structure of the
single interaction report holds the data related to the
target information source with all the collected data
and metadata representing the various features of that
information source, its state, and its behaviour. The
choices of the retrieved feature data are related to the
unique identification of the target information source,
its parameters, and served content. Such a single in-
teraction report structure is chosen to be ready for
unsupervised machine learning algorithms for cases,
such as, collected data feature analysis, clustering, and
pattern and outlier identification. A complete set of
all interaction reports is assembled into a single snap-
shot in Apache Parquet columnar-based file format,
which allows more efficient data storage, searching,
and result processing.
Collected resource data consists of 1) collector
metadata, 2) information source metadata, and 3) col-
lected data and its metadata. Collector metadata in-
cludes the following features – vantage point unique
identifier, specified target URL, visited URL which
may differ from the initial one in case of HTTP redi-
rection, used user-agent string, and interaction time
measurement. Information source metadata includes
the following features – HTTP header data (e.g., ses-
sion cookies, identifiers, and parameters) and the SSL
certificate fingerprint. This data may allow further col-
lection of additional information (e.g., passive-SSL or
passive-DNS lookups) helping identify and classify the
information source. Collected data and its metadata
include the following features – the retrieved HTML
content and its SHA256 hash and ppdeep fuzzy-hash,
retrieved data Shannon entropy calculation, and infor-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Collector process flow.
mation source graphical representation (i.e., screen-
shot). These retrieved content hashes are used for
similarity analysis of the extracted content between
other instances within the same snapshot. The graphi-
cal screenshot is collected via the Selenium Chromium
web driver, which permits a visual comparison, change
detection, and evaluation. To perform the similarity
comparison between the captured screenshots, the vi-
sual difference mean squared error (MSE) is calcu-
lated. Calculating the derived content fuzzy-hashes
and screenshot MSE values may permit the establish-
ment of threshold criteria to identify and present rel-
evant changes within and between snapshots when
performing automated snapshot analysis.
C. Snapshot Data Parsing. Each collector instance
produces a single file in Apache Parquet format. The
collected snapshot data is loaded in ClickHouse high-
performance column-oriented database management
system to form a single table representing the collected
data for the specified information space from the col-
lector vantage points. For the initial snapshot data
parsing and representation, a Jupyter Notebook with
IPython Widgets is developed to give the analyst basic
means for snapshot exploration and is released publicly
on GitHub under the GPLv3 licence as a part of the
prototype package. Notebook queries and loads snap-
shot table results for processing as Pandas DataFrames
for each URL representing the collected data across
all related vantage points. To permit further automatic
snapshot analysis and change identification, additional
values are calculated based on the collected SHA256,
fuzzy-hash, MSE, and Shannon entropy feature val-
ues (i.e., key feature values). Within the URL-specific
DataFrame, values from one vantage point are mea-
sured against all other vantage points to establish how
one vantage point compares to the others within the
same snapshot by calculating mean values for all key
features. Lower mean values for the key feature in-
dicate a lower content similarity against the rest of
the elements in the set, except a lower mean value for
the MSE feature indicates a higher visual similarity
against other set elements. Based on the enriched data,
an automated analysis is performed to identify clusters
of vantage points by using DBSCAN (Density-Based
Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) clus-
tering algorithm. Similar content is assumed if fuzzy-
hash and MSE mean values are within the threshold
range (91.0-100.0%) and all samples are assigned to
the same cluster. The human analyst is represented
with a smaller set of URLs and their clustering labels
for which differences among vantage points have been
The human analyst may use the analysis Notebook
to visually interact with the snapshot data and focus
attention on the URLs with changes in their content
representation instead of manually analyzing the whole
snapshot data set (Figure 3). This rudimentary way
is sufficient for the initial evaluation of the collected
snapshot data set and prototype validation. The appli-
cability and evaluation of specific machine learning
algorithms to perform a more efficient data analysis,
feature detection, and clustering are out of the scope
of the current research and will be explored in-depth
in upcoming work.
The validation aims to ensure, that the prototype code
performs according to the designed functionality, all
automation tasks are finished with no errors, com-
pleted deployment of the collector nodes across glob-
ally distributed network ranges, can process a set of
Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information Space Situational Awareness
target information space resources, and successfully
performs the data collection and storage. Additionally,
sample data sets are created to verify the collection
process and assess the snapshot. For validation pur-
poses only, the online resource selection is divided
into two main categories – benign web resources (e.g.,
news portals, social networks, forums) and malicious
web resources (e.g., phishing websites).
A. Prototype Deployment Process. The Google
Cloud Platform (GCP) is chosen for the prototype
validation due to its geographically distributed cloud
network ranges, flexible command line automation,
Python API support, native Docker engine support, and
running Docker containers as one-time jobs. Docker
specifications, configuration files, and automation
scripts are released publicly on GitHub under the
GPLv3 license as a part of the prototype package. For
validation purposes, a subset of 18 out of all 37 pub-
licly announced GCP regional networks is selected to
ensure at least one vantage point from each regional
network covering Asia, Australia, Europe, the Mid-
dle East, North America, South America, and the
United States. This ensures that data collection is
performed with a broad perspective from globally dis-
tributed vantage points. The job deployment and ex-
ecution time heavily depend on the number of URLs
to be accessed, their network distance from the collec-
tor, access method, and connection speed and latency.
Additional checks are implemented to avoid timed-
out sessions, partially loaded resources, or extended
loading times. For information space awareness, near
real-time data collection is not required and time con-
straints may be more flexible to complete collector
deployment and snapshot data collection.
All automated container deployments and GCP
Cloud Run Jobs were completed without errors and
produced a prototype validation dataset. For informa-
tive purposes, Table 1 presents the individual data set
collection metrics: 1) URL count in the specified in-
formation space and used vantage point count, 2) total
Parquet format snapshot file size and an average value
for each vantage point, 3) average GCP job execution
time per vantage point, 4) average time spent by the
collector instance to retrieve the data from a single
URL, and 5) count and ratio of identified URLs with
notable changes by the automated analysis process.
B. Data Set Collection and Evaluation. Top benign
domains. To form the benign web resource data set,
the information on top domain names is selected from
two publicly available resources: 1) Cloudflare Radar
domain rankings (top 500 domain CSV list) (Cloud-
flare, 2024), which represents domain rankings based
on the Cloudflare service visibility, and 2) Similarweb
top websites ranking (top 50 domain names) (Simi-
larweb, 2024) claiming to represent analytics for the
most visited websites for business brand and market-
ing competitive analysis. Both lists are merged with
duplicates removed to represent a combined list of 516
unique URLs. The automated analysis identifies that
most resources (75%) present the same or nearly exact
content across all vantage points. This similarity is
mostly related to the unified corporate identity and
providing equal experience to end users globally by
highly ranked entities (e.g., Microsoft, Amazon). It
has to be noted that the list of top domains is produced
by assessing the traffic volumes for the corresponding
domain name and may include domains related to con-
tent delivery networks. These networks do not serve
any content when accessed directly without request
parameters and would yield empty collection results.
The dynamic content, as anticipated, is primarily ob-
served for user-generated content resources, such as,,, and to represent
regionally-relevant material and trends.
As a first use case, it was observed that resource (Internet services and search engine plat-
form originating from the Russian Federation) dis-
plays the crawling bot detection prompt (Figure 3)
only if the request originates from European IP net-
works. While such a broader perspective gives an
additional assessment of the website’s behaviour, it
is not unusual to observe content providers placing
restrictions or content filtering based on their policies
or collected metrics. Within the current geopolitical
situation (Antoniuk, 2023), such restrictions might
be anticipated and may give additional perspective to
the human analyst towards intelligence collection and
maintaining awareness over the cyber domain.
Tor benign domains. To evaluate the implemented
Tor connectivity and proxy usage functionality, the top
50 benign domains were accessed by enabling the Tor
setting in the collector profile. It has to be noted, that
Tor-based Internet-bound connection origin, regard-
less of container deployment location, are allocated
from a larger pool of known and geolocated Tor exit
nodes (BigDataCloud Pty Ltd, 2024). This makes
such connections easily identifiable and may impose
additional content access restrictions or modifications.
Dynamic Tor exit node assignment implies a certain
level of randomness, which may add an anticipated
uncertainty to the collected results. As an example, it
was observed that displayed CAPTCHA
challenge for all Tor-based connections (Figure 4), ex-
cept for the collectors deployed in GCP europe-north1
and southamerica-west1. While this observation gives
insights that Google may not treat all Tor-based con-
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Snapshot data set overview.
Data set
URL count Vantage
size (average
per vantage)
Average job
single URL
harvest time
URL count
Top benign
516 18 2284MB
6.17 hours 20 seconds 131 (25%)
Tor benign
50 18 420MB
22 minutes 23 seconds 40 (80%)
499 18 2226MB
1.65 hours 9 seconds 175 (35%)
Tor phishing
50 18 118MB
11 minutes 10 seconds 4 (8%)
Figure 3: Top benign domain data set: Yandex on hxxps://
nections equally, the exact Tor exit nodes and their
geolocation are not known.
Phishing URLs. To form a malicious web resource
data set, publicly disclosed phishing website URL lists
were used, which may represent both ad-hoc created
or compromised resources. This data set is highly
dynamic since large volumes of phishing URLs are
reported, tracked, and taken down or blocked daily.
The data set is comprised of the following publicly
available resources: 1) OpenPhish (phishing feed list)
(OpenPhish, 2024b), and 2) Phishing domain database
(new phishing links today list) (Krog and Chababy,
2024). The final combined and deduplicated list in-
cludes 499 unique phishing URLs. The automated
analysis identifies that 65% of phishing sites serve the
same content across all vantage points. Public phish-
ing URL lists present globally identified and reported
broader mass phishing campaigns targeting brands
globally, instead of having a more narrow target group
(i.e., spear-phishing). As anticipated, it may be ob-
served that such mass phishing campaigns are primar-
ily financially motivated (e.g., gambling, cryptocur-
rency) and collection of sensitive data (e.g., email and
office authentication, streaming service accounts, and
social network and communication solution creden-
tials). The specific nature of such campaigns primar-
ily entails cloning and impersonating existing benign
resources while providing limited dynamic content.
According to the OpenPhish statistics (OpenPhish,
2024a), the most targeted brands and sectors are Face-
book (Meta), Bet365, Telegram, Office365, cryptocur-
rency services, WhatsApp, AT&T, and Outlook and
other webmail providers. The initial assessment of
the phishing data set confirms, that the majority of
collected resources fall within these categories.
As a second use case, a Microsoft scamming web-
site (Figure 5) serves maliciously looking content
(fake Microsoft Defender threat scanner (Meskauskas,
2024)) only for the connections originating from GCP
Asian networks Taiwan, Japan, and Australia except
India and Singapore. This finding provides threat in-
telligence from a global perspective indicating that the
threat actor is selective about targeting users exclu-
sively in Asia-Pacific specifically aiming at least at
Taiwan, Japan, and Australia while excluding other
countries in the same region. A dedicated targeted
collection process was launched (snapshot data bun-
dled with phishing URL data set) to observe the be-
haviour of this specific phishing website from all 37
global GCP IP networks instead of selected 18 glob-
Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information Space Situational Awareness
Figure 4: Tor benign domains data set: Google on hxxps://
Figure 5: Phishing URL data set: Microsoft scamming on hxxp://
ally spread GCP networks. The collected data showed
that the website displayed phishing content for con-
nections originating from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan,
and Australia, but excluded the following countries
– Indonesia, Singapore, India, and Hong Kong. This
intelligence may support the human analyst towards
in-depth investigation and identification of threat actor
modus operandi.
Tor phishing URLs. For data collection validation
through the Tor network, 50 phishing sites from the
phishing list were randomly selected. It was observed
that phishing sites, hosted on major cloud providers or
behind domain fronting services (e.g., Cloudflare) will
impose connection checks and CAPTCHA challenges
for Tor-based connections. Most of the collected data
represent access restrictions across all vantage points
related to the used service providers and not to the
phishing resources. Such access control is primarily
performed due to cases of Tor network abuse to per-
form malicious activities against online systems and
resources. With most of the collected data contain-
ing access restriction messages or taken-down content,
this data set does not present any significant findings
beyond the already identified ones. However, it was
observed that for the top 50 benign domains, the ratio
of CAPTCHA-restricted service access was signifi-
cantly smaller than for phishing websites for Tor-based
connections. Although this may depend on many con-
ditions, an assumption may be made that top benign
websites have higher availability and security posture
not requiring immediate potentially suspicious con-
nection restrictions. Additionally, it may lead to the
assessment, that cybercriminals are looking to max-
imise their impact, success ratio, and profit while in-
vesting the minimum required effort, being aware that
phishing sites have a short life expectancy before being
tracked and shut down.
This research paper delivers practical and applied con-
tributions towards gaining expanded situational aware-
ness of the information space (released publicly on 1) developed
prototype and related code, and 2) collected snapshot
data sets. It addresses the fundamental design limita-
tions of current information space awareness solutions
and proposes a novel approach towards expanding the
information awareness capabilities of cyber security
teams. A multiple vantage point-based approach of-
fers a comprehensive view of the dynamic nature of
the target information space. It provides contextual
information, which may be ingested into the existing
incident response tool set. Such augmented informa-
tion space visibility may span beyond the CSIRT team
requirements and apply to a wider range of sectors
dealing with information space tracking, such as, law
enforcement, combating financial fraud, intelligence
officers, identifying disinformation, and strategic com-
munications. The prototype implements a wide range
SECRYPT 2024 - 21st International Conference on Security and Cryptography
of functionality, cloud deployment scalability and geo-
graphical distribution, and solves multiple design and
operational complexities. Performed validation repre-
sents the capabilities and strengths of the developed
approach by collecting, evaluating, and identifying the
changes in the specified information sources. Initial
data set collection and evaluation supports the hypoth-
esis of this research and confirms the dynamic nature
of content representation depending on the employed
vantage point and identifying notable changes for in-
creased context and intelligence collection.
The current prototype uses HTTP(S) protocol for
content collection, one of the most widespread access
methods. However, more expanded support for diverse
information sources (e.g., messaging platforms, and
API interaction) should be implemented and validated.
Despite having already full Tor network support, the
Tor network resource interaction (i.e., .onion sites) has
been outside the scope of this research paper due to
their specific access requirements. Additionally, by
using non-public CERT-provided URL lists and data
feeds, it may be expected that the likelihood of iden-
tifying targeted attacks would increase due to a nar-
rower perspective on specific entities. To advance the
capabilities of the solution and address the identified
limitations, the future work will focus on the follow-
ing key directions: 1) automatic URL data acquisi-
tion and ingestion provided by a partner CSIRT (e.g.,
MISP API interface), 2) snapshot creation over time
for change identification, 3) machine learning-based
snapshot analysis for feature and pattern detection, and
4) improved visualization interface.
This research is conducted under the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) International
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, supported by the
KAKENHI grant, and hosted by the NAIST Prof.
Kadobayashi Cyber Resilience Laboratory.
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